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Livro das frações
As criancas aprendem melhor quando podem visualizar e tocar. Este livreto de frações é um otimo recurso para apresentar o conceito e ainda aprofundar os conhecimentos sobre os numeros fracionários.
Math's working model on parallel lines and their angles diy | craftpiller
Math's working model on parallel lines and their angles diy | craftpiller - YouTube
trigonometric ratio table maths working model project for exhibition - trignometry | howtofunda
trigonometric ratio table maths working model project for exhibition - trignometry | howtofunda #trigonometricratios #table #mathsworkingmodel #howtofunda
laws of exponents - math's working model - algebraic expressions - diy | craftpiller
craftpiller - YouTube
coordinate geometry working model - maths tlm - for exhibition - diy - in easy simple | craftpiller
coordinate geometry working model - maths tlm - for exhibition - diy - in easy simple | craftpiller - YouTube
math's working model - math's tlm on measurements - diy - diypandit | DIY pandit
math's working model - math's tlm on measurements - diy - diypandit | DIY pandit #mathsworkingmodel #mathstlm #measurement #diypandit #tlm
Geometry Interactive Notebook Activity - Third Grade Math Vocabulary
Third Grade Math Interactive Notebook Activity. Use during math centers to review geometry vocabulary.
Maths Working Model | Rules Of Integers working model | Math tlm | Maths project working model