Papers by Elena Grebenshchikova
Медицинская этика, 2021
In this article, the authors review the role of bioethics in the processes of risk communication ... more In this article, the authors review the role of bioethics in the processes of risk communication and socio-humanistic support for innovative development of technoscience, and analyze its commitment to the concepts of precaution and prevention. More focus is put on certain ethical challenges of the 21st century associated with the development of artificial intelligence, deep learning in medicine, genome editing and ‘new parenthood’ practices. They have exploited the potential of bioethics in ethical and axiological reflection on the prospects of healthcare far-reaching reforms and in sociohumanistic assessment of transformed ideas about the human nature, family connections and established social order. It is shown that the experience of complex problem discussion and solving alongside with advisory mechanisms and bioethical procedures respond to pressing challenges of biotechnoscience and will be in demand in future.
Медицинская этика, 2021
The article reveals the most influential in modern bioethics approach to understanding voluntary ... more The article reveals the most influential in modern bioethics approach to understanding voluntary informed consent as a way to implement the principle of respect for patient autonomy, which is determined by both legal regulation and socio-cultural factors. The authors discuss the main elements of informed consent, its specificity in clinical trials, and criteria for autonomous choice.
Jahr : Europski časopis za bioetiku, Oct 11, 2021
JAHR, 2021
The article discusses the bioethical aspects of robotics in surgery and assesses the impact of th... more The article discusses the bioethical aspects of robotics in surgery and assesses the impact of this process on the relationship between the physician and the patient. An engineering model is gradually replacing the traditional paternalistic model of the physician-patient relationship. If paternalism implies the doctor’s attitude to the patient as his sick child, which requires compassion, help, and great responsibility on the part of the doctor, then when implementing the second model, the doctor, like a technical executor, performs only the responsibilities provided by the job description. On the one hand, the dominance of a technical-type model carries the threat of depersonalizing the patient and eliminating contact between the physician and the patient. On the other hand, this contributes to a radical change in the concept of medicine. Why people usually go to doctors? For establishing a diagnosis, prescribing a course of treatment, a prescription, and performing medical manipul...
Sovremennye issledovaniya sotsialnykh problem, 2016
Цель. Рассмотрение, сопоставление, концептуализация проектов по усовершенствованию человека мысли... more Цель. Рассмотрение, сопоставление, концептуализация проектов по усовершенствованию человека мыслителей второй половины XIX века Н. Федорова, К. Циолковского и современного британского трансгуманиста Дэвида Пирса. Выявление истоков и анализ перспектив данных проектов. Метод и методология проведения работы. Методологическую основу статьи составляют методы историко-философского анализа, предполагающие реконструкцию и систематизацию основных концептов проектов преобразования человека, их сравнительное рассмотрение и последующую интерпретацию. Прежде всего это методы дескрипции, контекстного анализа источников, метод сравнительного анализа, а также герменевтический метод. Результаты. В рассмотренных проектах Н. Федорова, К. Циолковского и Д. Пирса выявлена тенденция превращения человека в обезличенную машину. Анализ данных проектов преобразования человека позволяет заключить, что их реализация сопряжена с экзистенциальными рисками биологического, генетического, молекулярного и кибернетического произвола. Существует реальная опасность исчезновения человека в его наличном виде. Люди в их традиционном понимании, с их душевными склонностями, слабо-HUMAN ENHANCEMENT PROJECTS: ORIGINS AND PERSPECTIVES Vvedenskaya E.V., Lyaush L.B. Purpose. Consideration, comparison and conceptualizationof the human enhancement projects of such thinkers of the second half of the 19 century as N. Fedorov, K. Tsiolkovsky and contemporary British transhumanist David Pearсeis presented in this article. What is more, the revealing of the origins and analyses of the perspectives of these projects is described in the article. Methodology. Methods of the historical and philosophical analyses that suppose reconstruction and systematization of the key projects on human enhancement concepts, their comparative consideration and further interpretation involve the methodological base of the article. First of all, these are the methods of description, context analyses of the origins, the method of comparative analyses and hermeneutic analysis. Results. The tendency of the transformation of a human in an impersonalized machine is revealed in the considered projects of N. Fedorov and K. Tsiolkovsky. Data analyses of the projects on human enhancement let us make a conclusion that their realization is associated with
Революция и эволюция: модели развития в науке, культуре, обществе, 2019
Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences, 2020
The article discusses the ethical problems that arise when implementing the processes of digitiza... more The article discusses the ethical problems that arise when implementing the processes of digitization and robotization in medicine, and focuses on the relationship between the doctor and the patient. The purpose of this article is to identify the limits of the transformative impact of these processes on the medical profession. The possibilities and disadvantages of telemedicine are considered, and the role of artificial intelligence in modern medical practice is analyzed. A comparative characteristic of the traditional paternalistic model of the doctor’s attitude to the patient and the modern engineering model replacing it is given. The study identified risks of computerization for doctors and patients, which may include the lack of direct contact between the doctor and the patient, the inability to “physical examination,” the uncertainty of liability for medical errors, as well as problems of maintaining the confidentiality of personal data of patients. The dominance of a technical...
Нейрохакинг является формой биохакинга и направлен на вмешательство в структуру или функцию нейро... more Нейрохакинг является формой биохакинга и направлен на вмешательство в структуру или функцию нейронов для улучшения работы мозга. Основной целью нейрохакинга является достижение и сохранение оптимального психического здоровья. Психофармакологические средства активно используются для этой цели. Сегодня стало реальным расширять возможно-сти человека до сознательного контроля над собственными мыслительными, эмоциональными и психическими процессами с помощью использования ноотропных психофармакологических препаратов. Ноотропик является нейрометаболическим стимулятором, который восстанавлива-ет нарушенные функции памяти и ускоряет мыслительные процессы, повышает устойчивость мозга к стрессовым воздействиям. Однако, исследования ноотропиков находятся в начальной стадии и механизм их действия в целом неизвестен, как неизвестен и эффект от их долговре-менного приема. В статье рассматриваются медико-философские проблемы, возникшие в связи с бесконтрольным потреблением здоровыми людьми психофа...
Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences, 2020
The article discusses the ethical problems that arise due to the processes of digitization and ro... more The article discusses the ethical problems that arise due to the processes of digitization and robotization in medicine, and focuses on the relationship between the doctor and the patient. The purpose of this article is to identify the limits of the transformative impact of these processes on the medical profession. The possibilities and disadvantages of telemedicine are considered, and the role of artificial intelligence in modern medical practice is analyzed. The author compares the traditional paternalistic model of the doctor’s attitude to the patient and the modern engineering model replacing it. The study has identified risks of computerization for doctors and patients, which may include the lack of direct contact between the doctor and the patient, the inability to “physical examination,” the uncertainty of liability for medical errors, as well as problems of maintaining the confidentiality of personal data of patients. The dominance of a technical-type model can lead to depe...
Research Integrity and Peer Review, 2016
Conferences were established as global forums for discussion of ideas, policies and empirical fin... more Conferences were established as global forums for discussion of ideas, policies and empirical findings related to the responsible conduct of research. The Conferences aim to galvanise the global effort to strengthen the trustworthiness and reliability of research and encourage researchers worldwide to be accountable for their findings. Earlier conferences were held in Lisbon (2007), Singapore (2010) and Montréal (2010). The Rio conference attracted over 470 delegates from 42 countries, including leaders of research institutions and funding agencies, policy makers, editors and publishers, legal experts, researchers and graduate students. The theme of the conference was Research Rewards and Integrity: Improving Systems to Promote Responsible Research. These Proceedings contain the abstracts of the presentations given at the 4th World Conference in concurrent sessions, partner symposia, and poster sessions. Also included are summaries of the discussions in three focus tracks, which allowed delegates to consider and work on questions about the roles of funders, institutions, and countries in improving research systems and strengthening research integrity. Videos of the plenary presentations are available at the conference website (
Scientific and Technical Information Processing, 2016
This paper reviews the key thematic foci of the Science Studies abstracts journal published by th... more This paper reviews the key thematic foci of the Science Studies abstracts journal published by the INION RAS, the structure of abstract information, and the timeliness of publications. Suggestions on how to further improve abstracting in the short term are made.
International Journal of Technoethics, 2016
Technoethics is a new, but rapidly developing field of ethical reflection of technoscience. It ca... more Technoethics is a new, but rapidly developing field of ethical reflection of technoscience. It can claim to unite the various ethical projections of the science and technology development in a common approach. One of the starting points of understanding this role of technoethics may be NBIC-convergence. The ethical dimensions of the NBIC-projects is represented in these sub-areas of applied ethics as a nanoethics, bioethics, neuroethics and ICT ethics. In this article particular attention is paid to the biomedical field, which is a prime example of innovative high technology, as well as the interaction of different types of ethics.
Human Performance Technology, 2019
One of the key trends in the development of technoscience is associated with the NBIC-convergence... more One of the key trends in the development of technoscience is associated with the NBIC-convergence projects, which create not only unprecedented means for transformation of society and human but also raise the risks that require integrated approaches to ethical assessment and examination. Today, the foundations of the “NBIC-tetrahedron” have ethical projections in the form of nanoethics, bioethics, ICT-ethics, and neuroethics. However, their ability to discuss and resolve complex problems is limited. Technoethics can be considered a relevant way of combining different approaches to the ethical issues of converging technologies and science to discuss and solve not only actual situations but prospects as well.
The prospects for the human embryos genome editing cause intense debates both in the scientific c... more The prospects for the human embryos genome editing cause intense debates both in the scientific community and in general public. While the main attention of scientists is focused on the safety, effectiveness and clinical feasibility of the inherited genome editing, the public pays attention to the bioethical aspects of the issue - the prospects of a “baby design”, the development of new forms of social inequality and intervention in human evolution. The authors conducted an interdisciplinary analysis of medical genetics and bioethical issues of human embryo genome editing, revealed the possibilities and limitations of genome editing technology, and considered the specifics of ethical discussions. The conceptualization of the main approaches of natural and social sciences in a general theoretical framework made it possible not only to take into account the complex nature of the issues, but also to create the prerequisites for its further productive discussion.
Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya
Раскрываются социогуманитарные проблемы потребительской геномики, рассматривается ее влияние на п... more Раскрываются социогуманитарные проблемы потребительской геномики, рассматривается ее влияние на понимание идентичности, социальные связи, взаимоотношения между потребителями и поставщиками медицинских услуг. Особое внимание уделено прогностической специфике генетической информации, которая ставит под вопрос традиционные представления о рисках в медицине и об информировании граждан об этих рисках, формируя новые сферы «заботы о себе» и новые зоны ответственности. Рассмотрены два теоретических подхода к оценке перспектив развития геномной медицины: в сторону расширения возможностей пользователей и в сторону усиления дисциплинарной власти. Особое внимание уделено концепции генетизации общества, которая не смогла полностью заменить дискурс медикализации в социальных исследованиях медицины и биоэтики, но показала, что новое знание о геноме человека влияет на социальные контексты развития биомедицины, вписывается в более широкие дискуссии об управлении здоровьем, определяет повестку исследований в области биомедицины.
The digital health industry is developing rapidly: many new subjects are involved in the field of... more The digital health industry is developing rapidly: many new subjects are involved in the field of medicine; new opportunities for distant medical services, diagnostics, monitoring of patients’ health, and conducting medical research are emerging; electronic medical documentation is being developed, global medical information databases are being formed, etc. At the same time, the format of doctor-patient relationships is being transformed and new issues and challenges arise that require ethical evaluation. I identified three areas of digital medicine and analyzed issues of confidentiality, informed consent, autonomy and equity in each case. The impact of digital health technologies on the ethical contexts of medicine is uneven: telemedicine possesses the smallest revolutionary potential, which changes the mechanisms of doctor-patient interaction and actualizes issues of cultural differences. mHealth technologies significantly affect patient autonomy and change ways of sharing medical...
Siberian Journal of Philosophy
Рассматривается управленческий потенциал комплексных социогуманитарных программ, развивающихся в ... more Рассматривается управленческий потенциал комплексных социогуманитарных программ, развивающихся в качестве вспомогательных компонентов крупных научно-технических проектов. Исследование институциональных структур и функций «новых типов этики» позволяет понять, каким образом социогуманитарное знание встраивается в процессы формирования нормативных и политических дискурсов технонауки и оказывает влияние на взаимоотношения между наукой и обществом. Ключевые слова: этика, новые типы этики, институты этики, биоэтика, управление, этические, социальные и правовые проблемы технонауки, ответственные исследования и инновации.
Papers by Elena Grebenshchikova