Bistrita. Nostalgii Citadine - Partea 1

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Edilie de(Ausgabe

Tngrijitd von - edited

betreut by):Sidor
Tehnoredactare (technische
& design & Design- editing
Ausftihrung anddesign):
Limba (deutsch- translation
intoGerman): Weber
englezd - translation
(englisch intoEnglish):
Daniela Danea

WW@w @

Penesimfite,anii sescurgin angrenajullui Cronos,oferindu-nepufine satisfacfii,rare succeseqi,
mai ales, obligAndu-ne la prea multe renun![ri. Nemiloasa clepsidrd a vielii, acceptatd'
unanim, devine,la vremeainseratuluivielii, pentru cei mai mul1i dintre noi, o povarS.
Odatdcu trecereaanilor, de la o anumitdvArstS,timpul estecopleqitorde intensreceptat,zborul
iui cergindclipei eternitate.
Intrali incrizdde timp am dori, parcd,sd mai evocdm ceva, ceeace pirea cindva insignifiant,
sauchiarintim, acelceva...pdstratcaunbalsamininima fiecdruia- amintirile.
Tdrziu, constatdm efemeritateaacestora,ca de altfel qi a lucrurilor zdmislite cu pricepere,
f[cute sdddinuie.Abia cdndincep sddispar[ o cunogtin!6,un vecin, o casd,mai apoiun prieten,o stradd,
constatdmcu tofii cd, odat[ cu ei, sestingegi o partea sufletului nostru.Iatd de ce am convingereacd este
de datoriacelor mai vArstnicisd-qifacd amintirile cunoscutecelor tineri , chiar dacdpentruinii ar putea II
pdrea irelevante.Numai consemndndu-lele putem feri de desuetudinegi uitare.
Cu toatecd in viala comunitdlii noastres-audesfbquratmomentede marereverberalieistoricd 9i
social6de-alungul vremurilor, nu asupra1orvoi insistain r0ndurile asupraperioadelorde
linigte qi armonii, cAnd s-aupusbazeleunei culturi gi civilizalii citadineremarcabile,cdnd s-a edificat
mult gi s-aprosperatpemdsurd.
Multi vreme am considerat cdestedatoria altora s[ aqtearndpe hdrtie slove pline de admirafie,
despreurbea noastrd, a$a cum a fost eapdnd nu de mult, cdt gi despre realizdrrleunor concitadini
valoroqi,treculi demult in eternitate, c[rora le datordmmulte.
Cumtimpul atrecut ...qi soligtiinu auapdrut,v-a$rugasd-miingdduilimie,acest"intermezzo."
Impresionatde multe reahzdrraleinaintagilor noqtri, md simt obligat sdvi le amintescai si vi-i
reamintesc,aducdndu-leastfelun omagiu qi o pioasi recunoqtinJd.
Dup[ zecide ani de colecjionarea ilustratelor qi fotografiilor cu oameni qi locuri din Bistrila de
altddatd,vi le ofer in speranjacd ele vor vorbi mai mult decdt v[ pot spuneeu in pulinele pagini ale
acestuialbum, ce se doreqtea fi o restituire a unor drepturi patrimoniale c[tre orSgeanulde astdzi,mai
pufin informat gi doritor sdle cunoascS.Sper,deasemene a, ca elesdofere gi un prilej de duioasdaducere
amintepentrubistrilenii cu mai multe amintiri.
Totul se vrea animat de gratitudine pentru bistri{eanul de odinioarS, o m[rturisire sincerd a
dragostei ce o port urbei noastre patriarhale qi, de ce nu, civilizafiei, decenlei gi speranfei in
prosperitatea zlleide mAine.

Imperceptibly, the yearspasstogetherwith the wheels of Cronos,with little satisfaction,with
little successandmore than that with too many giving-ups. The pitiless hourglassof life, acceptedby all
of us,becomesa burden,an ephemeralinstantin the twilight of our life.
Passingthe years,from a certain agethe time is overwhelming and intenseintercepted, and its
fl ight beggsfor eternity.
Being a permanentlack of time, we seemto wish to conjure up somethingthat once seemed
insignificant ormaybe intimate, that somethitrg.. . Kept like abalm in everybody'sheart the memories.
Later, we notice their ephemerityaswell, and that of the things madewith ability, madeto last.
Only when an acquintance,a neighbor,a houseand then a friend and a streetdisappearwe notice that a
part of our soul goes together with them. That's why I am convinced that it is up to the old that the
memoriesbe Known by the young evenif for someof them this could appearirrelevant.Only by putting
I t1
them down canwe savethem from disuseand forgetfulness.
Even if in our community'slife therewere somemomentsofhistorical and socialreverberation,
I am not going to insist on them but on the momentsof peaceand harmony,when a remarkablecultural
and socialcitylife was founded.
For a long time I thought that it was other people'sduty to put down words full of admiration
aboutour town, as it was not a long time ageand aboutits people'sachievementsto whom we owe very
As thetime passed.. . andthesoloistsdidnot comeup let me bethe ,,intermezzo".
Being impressedby what our predecessorsdid I feel ,, forced" to remind then to you and bring
themall myrespects.
After tens of yearsof collecting pictures and photoswith the people from the ancientBistrila, I
want to offer them to thosewho areinterestedin, hoping that they will tell you more than I cantell you in
the few pagesofthis album, which wantsto be a restitution of somepatrimonial rights. It is dedicatedto
townsmenless informed and eagerfor details. I hope it will also be a recollection for all the people in
Bistrilawho have somememoriesleft.
I want that everything will be a sincereavowal of the love I have for our patriarchal town and
why not, for civilization decencyandhope for tomorrow's fl owering.

The author
Tout doucementles ann6ess'6coulentsousle signede Cronosavecpeu de satisfactions,avecde
raressuccdset trop de renoncements.Le cruel sablierde la vie, unanimementaccept6,devient, vers la
fin de I'existence,pour la plupart desmortels,un fardeauou un moment 6ph6mdre.
La fuite du temps, d un certain dge, est trds intens6mentressentie:son vol supplie d I'instant
1'6ternit6.Par faute de temps, nous d6sirerions revivre quelque chose, ce qui semblait nagudre
insignifiant ou intime, ce quelque-chosequ'on garde comme un baume au fond du coeur .... les
Plus tard on constateque ceux-ci sont fugitifs tout comme les objets cr66savec habilet6, faits
pour durer djamais.Petit d petit on constatela disparition d'uneconnaissance,d'un voisin, d'unemaison,
ensuited'un ami ou d'unerue et I'on sentqu'ils ont emport6notre 0me.
,ul Voild pourquoi,j'ai la conviction que c'est le devoir des personnesdg6esde pr6serverles
souvenirspour quelesjeunesles connaissent eux-aussi.Il faut lesnoterpour lesprot6gerde I'oubli et de
Bien que dans la vie de notre communaut6aient eu lieu, le long des ann6es,des moments de
grande effervescencehistorique et sociale,j'insisterai dans ce livre sur les p6riodespaisibles et
d'harmonie quand on a cofirmenc6d 6difier une culture et une civilisation citadine remarquableset
quandla soci6t6abeaucoupprosp6r6.
Un certaintempsj'ai consid6r6que ce n'estpas mon devoir de couchersur le papier desmots
pleins d'admiration pour notre bourg, tout comme il se pr6sentait il n'y a pas longtemps et sur les
r6alisationsdenos citoyensvaleureux,pass6sdevie d tr6pas,auxquelsnous sommesredevables.
Le tempss'estenvo16.... les auteursn'apparaissent pas,permettez-moidonc cet ,,intermezzo".
Puisqueje suistrdstouch6desr6alisationsde nospr6curseurs, je me sensoblig6 de vousles rappeleret
ainsi en leurrendrehommage.
Aprds une dizaine d'ann6es,ou je me suis fait une collection de cartespostalesillustr6eset des
photos repr6sentantdes gens et des endroits de la Bistrifa d'autrefois,je peux les offrir d ceux qui s'y
int6ressent,en ayant I'espoir qu'elles peuvent exprimer plus que moi-m6me, dans les pages de mon
album qui seveut une restitution desdroits patrimoniaux faite au citadin de notre ville, moins inform6
et d6sireuxde les apprendre.J'espdrequ'ellesseconstituenten un 6mouvantsouvenirpour les anciens
Tout ce que je vous propose veut 6tre un signe de gratitude pour mes concitoyens, un
t6moignage sincdre de I'amour que je porte d mon ancien bourg patnarcal et, pourquoi pas, d la
civilisation , d la d6cenpeet d I'espoirdansun prospdrelendemain.

,9r*meteu@n-Ar,g * @att"rrn^al
I BurgulBistrila(DieBistritzerBurg - Theburghof Bistrita)
8 Strizi(StraBen- Streets)
2 l Nostalgiicitadine(StiidischeNostalgie- Townmelancholy)
25 Edifrcii(Die Gebiiude - LargeBuildings )
3 1 Poqtalionul(DiePostkutsche- TheMail Coach)

q6kt mzdie*h(lfu.h/k r"A' Cy,;,k - 91fu*',a aahet)

34 CasaIoan Zidaru(Das Haus des Ioan Zidaru - The House loan Zidaru)
37 Turnul Dogarilor(Der FaBbinder-Turm - The Coopers'Tower)
43 CatedralaEvanghelicd(Die EvangelischeKirche - The Evangelical Cathedral)
52 S[rb[toare in Piala Centrald(Feiertagauf dem Hauptplatz - Festival in Central Square)
59 Complexul Sugdlete(DerKornmarlt mit Laubengiingen - The SugdleteComplex)
72 Diminelile de duminici(Sonntagmorgen - SundayMornings)

@1i""*rra di,lanu (@,w- *d @Aranolrc - @irr'a*d and a'ar.ilhxart)

77 Casade Culturi(Das Kulturhaus '' The house of Culture)
86 Petrecerilecu joc, balurile(Tanzunterhaltungen,B611e - Dancing parties, balls)
93 Tdrgurile bistrilene(Bisffitzer Miirkte - Bistrita Fairs)
101 SfAntaseari de Crdciun(Weihnachtsabend - The Holy ChristmasNight)
111 Obiceiuri de CrSciun la saqii din Ghinda
(Weihnachtsbrduchebei den Sachsenvon Ghinda/Windau)
(Christmastraditions of the Saxosof Ghinda)
le rylan eN66U"A,"y,yAu" - g*ttt t areat)
118 Schieferberg
123 Schullerwald
129 $trandul lui Bonnet(DasBonnet-Bad - Bonnet's Swimming Place)
133 La scdldat(BeimBaden - Bathing)
139 Promenada(DiePromenade - The Promenade)
144 Corso(DerKorso Corso)
149 Rdmasbun, toamni!(Herbst leb wohl! Farewell, autumn!)

Oa,menltr, ,t utfr,lta,r,t O/6)uot"roooul (8),gl"nlriten, - (/i'Vt *,1nrutfeaaaont)

152 Familii bigtinage de romdni(Einheimischerumiinische Familien - Native Romanian families)

158 Bardul de la Hordou - oaspete(DerBarde von Hordou ein Gast - The Hordou bard - as a guest)
16I Reuniuneainvilitorilor romdni de confesiunegreco-catolici
(Versammlungder rumiinischengriech.-kathol. Lehrer aus dem Bezirk Nasaud)
(Greek Catholic Romanian TeachersReunion in the district of Nisiud)
165 ReuniunearomAndde cdntiri din Bistrila
(Rumiinischer SdngervereinBistritz - Romanian Singers'Associationof Bistrija)
169 Reuniuneameseriaqilorrom6ni
(Verein der rumiinischenHandwerker - The Romanian Craftsmen'sAssociation)
174 Comitetul Bisericei Greco-CatoliceRom6ne din Bistrila an 1929
(Das rumiinische griech.-kathol. Kirchenkomitee von Bistritz imJahre 1924)
(The Romanian Greek-Catholic Church Committee of Bistrita 1924)
L78 Organizatlile tineretului gcolar din Bistrila la inceput de secol
(Schulorganisationender Bistritzer Jugendam Anfang des Jahrhunderts)
(Bistrila School studentsorganisationat the begining of the century)
185 Societatea"Dacia"(Studentenverbindung,,DACIA" - The
190 Liceul "Alexandru Odobescu"
(Das Lyzeum ,,Alexandru Odobescu" - Alexandru OdobescuHigh School)
195 $coala de agriculturd(Die Landwirtschaftsschule - The Agriculture School)
199 Muzicanlii bistrileni(Die Bistritzer Musikanten - Bistrila Musicians)
206 Lutierii(Die Geisenbauer - Violin makers)
210 Ateliereie de fot6grafie(Fotoateliersder Stadt - Photographer'sStudios in town)
220 Evreii(Die Juden - The Jews)
225 Asocialia tineretului cregtin maghiar
(Der christliche Verein der ungarischenJugend - The Association of Christian Hungarian Youth)
228 Copii ai strizii(StraBenkinder - Streetchildren)
234 Dr. Alexandru Moldovan
240 Dr. Licinius Grapini
243 Dr. Iulian Chitul
252 Fotografii, martori la evenimente
(Fotografien als ZeugnisseBistritzer Begebenheiten - Photos - witnessing events)
257 Bishila, ieri qi azi(Bistritz gesternund heute - Bistrita - past and present)
Dovezi arheologice, care sd ateste existenfa unor aqezdminteomeneqtipe arealul actual al
oraguluiBistrifa, suntmultiple qi dateazd.din comunaprimitivd qi perioadadaco-romand.Burgul a fost
insd intemeiat de coloniqtii sagi,cirora regeleUngariei Bela al IV-lea le-a oferit ca privilegii gi intinse
teritorii. Colonizareamasivd a teritoriului Bistrifei s-arealizatabia in secolul al XIII-lea, cdnd au sosit
aici mareamajoritate a coloniqtilor germani,venili din Ducatul Luxemburg, de pe ValeaMoselei, dar gi
din Flandra qi Saxonia,aqadupdcum s-aputut deducepebazacercetlrilor lingvistice gi dialectologice
Primele rzvoare scrise legate de prezenlacoloniqtilor germani qi secui pe acestemeleaguri
aldturi de populalia bdqtinagdde origine valahd,pecenegdgi chiar slavddateazddin secolul aI XII-lea.
Informalii din aceastbultimd perioadd sunt numeroase.Ele se intind de-a lungul a peste 800 de ani,
incepdnd cu anul 1191. Cu toate acestea,istoricii au opinii diferite cu privire la prima atestare
documentarda Bistrilei, deoareceunii fac abstracfiede numeleinilial al burgului, cel deNossa,agacum
numeauprimii colonigti sagii,reqedinfafinutului Nosnergau,in prima perioadda existenleisale.
Dintre numeroaselevariante ce doresc sd stabileasci prima atestaredocumentarda oraqului
nostru, cea mai verosimild mi se pare cea suslinutd de bistrileanul Dr JOST LINKNER, din Wels
(Austria) care, in articolul "Numele Bistrilei de-a lungul vremurilor", din cartea "BISTNTZ IN lr
SIEBENBURGEITI",vol.I, apdrutd la Wehrheim/Taunus(Germania), in anul 1980, ardtd cd oraqul
Bistrila a fost menlionat, de-alungul istoriei sale,in peste36 de variantetoponimice, dintre care 10 au
ca formd debazdcuvAntulNOSA, intre anii I24l qi 166I,24 de varianteslavulBISTRICHE,din anul
1264qipe"ndastdzi,precumqitoponimiculromdnescfARGflROs,St/,menfionatla1839 deJ.LENKV
Ori, tocmai aceastdvarietatetoponimicd a generatincertitudini in stabilirea primei menliondri
Mulli istorici, care auvenit in contact cu documenteale vremii in care aparetoponimicul de
NOSA,nu au fbcut legdturacu actualadenumirede Bistrifa, de undeqi firegtile semnede intrebare.

pfi r i+. t&*
r::i &*,'

CetateaBistrila, fn anul 1602; gravurd de H.J. Schollemberger

Die Bistritzer Burg im Jahre 1602, Gravur von H.J. Schollemberger
Bistrila Fortress in 1602, engraving by H.J. Schollemberger
Aceastdideeestesuslinutdqi in articolul ,,Bistrifain vechilecronici gi rapoarte",al regretatului,
Prof. Dr ERNST WAGNER,unul dintre cei mai competenficercetbtoriai istoriei oragului, care
confirma ci ceamai veche atestaredocumentarda oragului Bistri{a, in careel aparesub denumireade
LUXEMBURG ", documentin caresedescriernvaziatdtarilorin Transilvania inanul I24l .
Textul original, scris in limba latind de cdtre PREASFINTIA SA DIONISOS, unul dintre cei
patrusprezecescriitori salvatori,estereluat in detaliu qiin "MONUMENTA GERMANIAEHISTOzuCA
SCRIPTORES", Tabloul l4,pagina 65,ca gi in lucrarea "IZVOAHEASUPRAISTONEI SASILORDIN
TRANSILVANIAINTRE ANII 1191-1975", Edilia II, K)LN-\IENA,IgBI, in care puginu 20, are
urmdtorul conlinut: "iN ANUL I24I DE LA INTRU?AREA D)MNULUI, CHIAR iu-puutNtcz
PASTELOR (31 martie), PESTE CODNI CARPATILORAU ur{rt{ur r,{TARII iu nOoU,q, UN
sAprAuAwtQ apritie)AU Fosr zM)RATIiu rAncut NosAoritqcnnSTrNno A DouA
H)ARDA r,{rln { ,q uArirrr iw TRANSILVANIAiw pnorrruu,q BURZAzMzRAND
AU c..[zur iu s.trut KzKELBURGH (KUMELBURGH) MAr MULT DE 30.000DE oAMENr. DE
De altfel, intr-un documentde la curteaimpdratului FerdinandI, intocmit laViena la 31 august
l559,sepomeneqtepentruprimaoard"deBistrilaintr-untextreferitorlaComitele EmerichdeSalzburg,
Cu prilejul unor comemordrirecente,organizatede notabilitdfile locale, se sublinia c5 prima
atestaredocumentarda oragului ar fi datatdin anul 1264, menli.onatfiind Documentul emis dePapa
U{an al IV-lea, prin care acestacereaDucelui $tefan al Transilvaniei sd restituie Ungariei, linutul
Bistrilei gi al Rodnei. Denumirea sub care apareoragul in textul original, scris in lirnba latind, era
sx ,g*ss{{&idsqq{&
j6{l&ge!*s &d@r
. Slrvx*y,x

Proiect urbanistic secolul XWI - StadtbildXVII. Jh. - Townplan, 1736


il,Ltytual rA TREBUIE
s,4sz rznzlsc,4 cu GRIJIDE Tor cE
YAT,{MEPE UNALTRErLEA, TU suB cu.rANTUL ]NEI iNrtomt )ARE,p,4n4 coNstuT,4-
uANrut REGINEI, s-l r,(cur iurnz nINEgI NUMITUL rurAt rlu, AI
itrc.[ iuporrutu onzer,{ya $I TI, spREpr,cua,{$rNEAJUNSUL
NrgrE]ATEStp,{uAtmtntmtutrE iu uua,l on6mnr,{ BrsrRrcHE, RzDNA, nELNA SI
Cn,q,TI,nkL{T PECAruELE-Ausr,{pAruriN NUWf$T P,q,Cz.IrAT,
T)ATE il.uNrlgzm ]ALE,DIN YREMUN,1.c,{non AMINTIREs-A zrilRDUT.................",
semnatdla I 6 iulie I 264.
Agadar,avdndin vedereci existdo menlionaredocumentard de epocd,ce estelegatdde anul
I24l,inanul 2001, seimplinesc 760deani dec0ndnumeleoraguluinostruestemenlionatin scris.
' Au fost la modd,in ultima weme, aniversdriintempestive,menites5 alimentezevanitSligi
orgolii conjuncturalesaupoliticianiste,ale primarilor autohtoni,careau intinerit urbeanoastr5, cu
cdlivazecideani,in daunaadeviruluiistoric.

YheMrge af &tswi{a
There are numerous archeological testimonies to assert the existence of some human
settlementson the presentsettingof the town ofBistri{a andthey all dateback to the primitive commune
andthe Dacian and Romanperiod. But the burgh was foundedby the Saxoncoloniststo whom the King
of Hungary Bela the fourth offered (as privileges) vast territories. The massive colonization of the
territory of Bistrifa was achievedonly in the 13{h century when most of the German settlersarrived
here coming from the duchy of Luxemburg, the Mosela valley coming from Flandersand Saxony,as
one caninferfrom linguistic and dialectalresearch.
The first written sourcesconnectedto the Germanand Saxoncolonistson this land by the native
populations of Wallachian, Petchenegianand even Slavic origin date back to the 12th century. The
information from this last period is very abundant.It spansalong over 800 years starting from 1191.
However, historianshave different opinions aboutthe first documentaryattestationof Bistrila, because
some do not take into accountthe initial name of the burgh, that of Nossa,as the first Saxoncolonists
usedto call the capital ofNosnergancounty during the first period of its existence.
Among the numerousvariantstrying to establishthe first documentaryattestationof our town,
6l the most reliable seemsto be that of the late Dr. JostLinker from Wels (Austria) who, in his article "The
name of Bistrifa along the centuries" in the book "Bistritz in Siebenburgen", vol I, edited at
Wehrheim/Taunus(Germany) in 1980showedthat Bistrila had beenmentionedthroughoutits history
variants had the Slavic BISTRICHE starting from 1264up to now and the Romaniantoponymical of
TARGU ROSSU, mentioned in 1839 by J Lenk V. Trenenfeld in the geographical lexicon of
But this very toponymical variety has caused uncertainty in establishing the first written
Many historians,who had accsssto the documentsof the time when the toponymical term of
NOSA appeared,failed to make the connectionwith the actualnameof Bistrila, hencesomeconfusion
This idea is also upheld by the article "Bistrifa in the old chronicles and reports'by prof. dr.
Ernst Wagner,one of the most learnedresearchersof the history of the town of Bistrifa, who confirmed
that: the oldest document attestationof the town Bistrila, where it appearedas NOSA was in "The
Original manuscriptof the Monasteryof the Benedictinesin Luxembourg", documentwhere the Tatar
invasion in Transylvaniaof 1240is described.
The original text, written in Latin by His Holiness Dionysus, one of the 14 militant writers, is
detailed in "Monumenta GermaniaeHistorica Scriptores" picture 14 page65, as well as in the work
"sources aboutthe history of the Saxonsof Transylvaniabetween ll9I-197 5", Secondedition , Koln-
Vienna, 1981,where,on page20, it is stated:" In the year l24l Anno Domini, on the very EasterDay
(March 31st ), upon the Carpathianswoods there rushed the Tatarshorde in Rodna, a burgh of the
Hungarians,killing"4000, if not more. On Tuesdaythe sameweek (April 2nd) 6014 Christianswere
killed in NOSAburgh! The secondTatarhorderushedat Transylvania Burza Province,killing the ruler
of the army of Transylvaniaand allhis people.OnApril4th over 30000peopledied in the village of
Kokenburgh (Kumelburgh). On Thursdaybefore Mercy Sunday(April 1lth) over 100000inhabitants
died in the town ofHermannsdorf (Vila Herman)".
Anyway, the first referenceto Bistrifa is madein a documentof the court of EmperorFerdinand,
written in Vienna on April 3 1st, 1559 and also mentionedin a text referring to Emerich of Salzburgin
1222.Onthe occasionof somerecentcommemorations, organizedbylocal officials,they emphasized
that the first documentarytestimony of the town would dale 1264and mentionedthe Document issued
by Pope Urban 4thby which he had asked to Duke Stefan of Transylvania to yield to Hungary the
countiesof Bistri{a andRodna.The nameof the town in the original text, written in Latin, was Bistriche.
Hereis its content:"BishopUrban,ourbelovedChristfollower,the firstborn of ourbelovedson
Bela, King of Hungary beware of everything unfair and unsuitable and especially of all deed
apparentlycovering someunfair offence addressedto our beloved Maria, the greatqueenof Hungary ,
your father and queenMaria's, without the queen'sconsent,therehad beenoncedonebetweenyou and
the said Krg, your father you had violated the law and, therefore you had invaded some lands and
saidqueenandher forerunnersback to times immemorial . . . " signedin July I6th,1264.
Therefore,keeping in mind that there is a documentarymentioning of the time, referring to the
yearl24l , in 2001it is 760yearssinceour town wasmentionedin writing.
There have been fashionablelately to have flabbergastingcelebrationsmade to increasethe
political and circumstantial vanities of native mayors who have made our town appeartens of years
younger,in spiteofthe historical truth.

Oragul Bistrifa a fost edificat de cltre coloniqtii sagi,pe prima teras6a Rdului Bistrifa, intr-o
zond de mare interes strategic, cu resurse in imediata vecindtate. Planul inilial a respectat
caracteristicile arhitectonice ale epocii gi ale specificului german, vizibile in cetdlile medievale
enropeneale acelor wemuri, aqezareafiind ulterior inconjuratd cu zi&ti de apdraregi bastioanecu
por,tide accesfortificate.
Refeauastradalda avut o geometrieparaleli
gi parlial convergentd Pielei Centrale, de form6
secundare ale arhitecturii iniliale, ele apdrdnd
ulterior, din rafionamentestrategiceqi funcfionale.
Strddulele inguste ce aveau forma unor pasaje
pietonale asigurau cdi de acces spre sistemul de
apdrareal ceti1ii. In oragmai pot fi intdlnite qi azi 15
8l Vechiul centru al
urbanistic"se inscrie in Forti/icalii - Die Befestigungen - Forffications
categoriaburgurilor germaneale inceputului de mileniu, avind gi specificul
oraqelorsdsegtidin Transilvaniasecoleloral XII lea gi al Xl[-lea.
Numeroaseeraup6raielece drenaustrizile principale pini in secolul al
XIX-lea, ele av6nd atdt un caracterigienic, din lipsa canalizdrii, cdt gi unul
funcfional, pundndin miqcaremorile din oraq,dar asigurdndgi apanecesard
atelierelor manufacturieregi gospoddriilor or[genilor. In anul 1550 apareIa
Viena, cartea"ChorographiaTransilvaniei", a lui Reicherstorffer,care gi face
o pr ezentarea oraqului B istrif a:
"Oragul Bistrila, aqezattnqesuluneivdi larg deschise,are de oparte
gi de alta dealuri cu podgorii. Prin mijlocul orasului carge rAil cu acelasi
nume ce seindreaptdspre laturade miazdzia suburbieidejos gitndutd dupd
doud mile se uneStecu rAil Someqqi estetmbelqagatmai ales tn pegti. La
patru mile de oraqul Bistrila sunt minele d.eaur din Rodna, na mai pulin
vestite ca minele de aur de lu Baiu-Mare, la cupdtul celdlalt al
PasaiSI - Passage.ilI* TransilvanieL"
In anul I 564 la Viena, Giovan AndreeaGramo publicd o scurtddescrierea Transilvanieiin care
esteprezentatin detaliu oraqulBistrifa.'
"Oruqul cdpetenie Si dl dintdi dintre toate oragele este Sibiul, urmeazd apoi Bragovul gi
Bistrilu.. La o depdrtare de 7 mile de Beclean segdseqtefrumosul, bogatul, popalatul Siputernicul
oras Bistrila ugeiat pe un loc qes,tntr-o vale veseld, tnconjuratd de izvoure, care udd tntreaga vale
spre vest pdnd la dealul foarte inult, depdrtat ca vreo mie cinci sute paqi qi mai bine, de zidurile
oragului, celelulte trei laturi ale orasalui, in parte scdldate de apele unor usemene&izvoare, in partea
de miazdzi un pul'lat care se umple de rdu,fac cu acest orag sdJie de necucerit. Forms sa este ovald;
Celedoud latari mai mici sunttndreptate una spre sud Sicealaltd spre nord, isr celelultedoud una
spre est qi alta spre vest, Strdzile drepte sunt tdiste de la un capdt lu celdlalt de pAraie formate din
acele izvoare Si cure curg prin tot orasul spre murelefolos al locuitorilor qi totodatd spre desJfrtarea
ochilor privitorilor.
$i pe Jiecure din luturile aceleu este o poartd principald ca foarte multe mori de-a lungul
Eanlurilor puse tn miqcarede upa izvoarelor ce ldgnescacolo, qi elepot sd mucine mai mult decfrtcer
nevoile oraqului. Are o bisericdfrumoasd reJrtcutdde un meSterdin Bergamo,pe cheltuisla proprie a
orasului Si care este tnchinatd Sfdntei Fecioare, dar ucam se slujegte tn ea dupd tnvdldtura lui
Luther ca giin toate celelalte oragesdseqtidin aceastdlard. Phraiele umintite care curg prin oraq se
tmpreund la ieSireulor tn suburbia dinspre miazdziqi sevarsd upoi la paisprezecemile spre nord. "


Poarta Lemnelor 1830 - DasHoltztor1830 - Woods'Gate


Strada Lemnelor cu poarta ddrdmatd in 1850 Poarta Rodnei

Die Holtzgasse
mit dem 1850abgetragenenTor DasRodnaerTor
Woods'Gate andthe 1850Gate Rodnagate
Pasaj XIV
Sistrita --. Res*t*rcze
Spil*tgne*e -- Kdrhda'ttr?fl'

Strada Spitalului I 904
Spitalgasee 1904
Hospital Street1904

Strada Spitalului 1901


nr: rfi.:
1'ttr: :
r l il, iaiq,: :
a*,*d 1,.,
t ii :i t i
1 : 1:l- .t,,s .rl'r!,r;

BisericaRomano-CatolicdsiRestaurantulFritsch,l92l Rdm.kath.KirchemitRestaurantFrischlg2l
The Roman-Catholic Church and Fritsch Restaurant l92I



Strada Ungureascd,19I 7 - [Jngargasse

1917 - TheHungarianStreet,1917

StradaLemnelof 1916 - Holtzsasse 1916 - Woods'Street,l9l6

Strada Lemnelor 1902
se observd Sanlurile de suprafald

Holtzgasse 1902
man kann die Wassergrtiben erkennen

WoodsStreet, 1902
one could see the surface ditches

€.i ;r{- 1. t {4./ }{.-{

". ,. i{^ -, i. F, i
:' #t l' " '.' , ' *tui"&./:"-
+L^^'4 1.4

It t
*r , ar. rtr 1.r.)F i
r .*

Piala Centrald, latura de sud-est, 1905 - Hauptplatz,siid1stl.Seite,1905 - Central Square, the south-eastside, 1905

PoStaqi Casa Molitoris, 1901 - PostundMolitoris-Haus,1901 - Thepost-ffice undMolitorisHouse,l90l

Vedereaeriand dinspre nord 1916 - LtlftansichtgegenNorden1916 - North air view 1916
Ilustratd cu Strada Lemnelor in 1903 - Holtzsasse,tg1j-


&i*triix- i}**si*rer*

. . :
Consilierii orasului si muncitorii, la inceputul pavdiii strditlot lgi5 - GemeinderatundArbeiter
E'egtn d7\*alJenpflastfiffig, tiSs
Tbwn Councillors and the workers before starting to pave the streets, 1935

Biserica Evanghelicd;i Strada Lemnelor lg70

Strada Pungarilor 1903
Evang. Kirche und Holtzgasse, 1g70
The Evangelical Church and Woods'Street,I gZ0 "Pungarilor" Street,I 903

Piala Centrald latura de sud, 1928 - si)dlicheseitedesHauptplatzes

1928- central square,thesouthside,I92g

{Sistritx} Sesc**r*p* Spii;rlqrssr


1 906.The Posr-oflice und Hospitol Street


lSisirilxr $ir*:** liu*g* rli*r,. ilr;r'lkr1r*$i: - l:fl.,itillt{,t;isril

Beseterc:e &lsd kiilv{ros

Bletrlta Untere V&rstadl

Amenajarea stradald a zonei dejos a oraqului, 1912 - Stra/Senbau

im unterenTeilder Stadt,1912
in thewestsideofthe town,l9l 2
In anul 1763 Nicolaus Olahus publicd la Viena lucrarea "Despre Dacia", unde in capitolul
"DespreTransilvania"facereferire laplaiurile bistrilene :
t'$ieul izvordste din
lara Secuilor spre nord qi unindu-se mai intdi cu rAil Bistrila, care
scaldd oraqal BistrQu, destul deinsemnatprin bogdlia sa gi namdrul ordgenilor, se varsd mai susde
In anul 1885E. Albert Bielz publici la Viena "Siebenburgen Ein Handbuch fiir Reisende"
(Transilvania Diclionar de cilitorie) in care se insistd asupramai multor itinerarii din judeful Bistrila
Nds[ud, a oraqului ca gi descrierii drumurilor sale de la Reghin la Bistrifa,Ydli Someqului,Munfilor
Rodnei qi a traseuluiBistrila - Dej.
Din secolulal XV-lea, bistrifenilor li seingdduie sdedifice gi construcfii din piatrd gi sd-giridice
zidui de apirare gi fortificafii, pentru a putea face fafd,ndvdlirii hoardelor migratoare din Rdsdritul
La sfdrgitul secolului al XV[-lea, cdnd puterea economicd gi politici a oragului a crescut,
manifestdrile de independenfi gi autoguvernarelocal[ nu au mai fost pe placul diriguitorilor cur,tilor
Europei Centrale,motiv pentru care au ordonat ddrdmareazidurilor de apdraregi a fortificaliilor, mai
alescd migrafiile din rdsdritauincetatsd mai fie un pericol.
Cdtinaintagiinogtri au statde veghela hotarelede rlsdrit ale civilizaliei europene,jertfindu-se,
Europaa putut prospera,in mareparte datoriti 1or,careaici, la riscruce de civlliza\ii qi imperii, au fost
un scut ce a asiguratpaceaqi linigtea atdtde necesardprosperdriiEuropei Centralegi Occidentale,atdt
depufin recunoscdtoar e astdzi,pentrutot ce s-afEcutatuncipentru ea.
Ba mai mult, locuitorii acestor meleaguri au pdstrat cu sfinlenie elemente de culturd qi
civilizalie europeandpecareapuseniiinqiqile-aupierdutde-alungul wemurilor.
La sfhrgitul secolului aI XIX-lea, existenlaunor ora$e-cetd[itransilvdnene,puternic fortificate,
era greu de a fi acceptatd,de aristocrafia europeand.Aceasta era pu{in dispusd sd acorde sprijin
tendinlelor de independenf[ a burgurilor transilv[nene. Pentru a le putea supune, frrdrezewe, gi u le
aservitotal, Curteade la Viena d[ ordin expresde ddrAmarea fortifica{iilor, bastioanelorqi a porfilor de
,al accesaletuturor cet[filor ardelene,ceeace a dusla o sdrdcirearhitectonicdmedievaHireparabila.
Odat[ cu demolareazidurilor de apdrareale Cetdfii gi extindereaperimetrului construibil, aparc
gi o noud sistematizarea refelelor stradale,aceastaprimind, ulterior,txtcaracter rectangulargi o lniime
considerabild,ceea ce a permis oragului sd se extindl concentric in jurul vechiului plan urbanistic.
Acest faptafrcutcaparteaveche aburgului medieval si sepdstrezeinceamai mareparte,pdnd astdzi,
fbrd intervenlii modernistesevere.
Aga se face cd au mai rdmas cAteva vestigii medievale dintre care a$ aminti fragmentele
zidurilor de apirare, Turnul Dogarilor, Mdndstirea Dominican6, Biserica Minorililor, CJmplexul
arhitectonic Sugdleteqi Biserica evanghelicd-luteran[,ce pot fr vizitate qi admirate qi astdzi.Aici,
goticul tirziu, barocul gi neoclasiculpot fi intAlnite pretutindeni. De asemenease poate constatacu
ugurinldin arhitectonicaedificiilor bistrilene din secoleleal XV[-lea 9i al XV[I-lea qi o interferenfda
stilurilor clasice cu elementeautohtone, ceea ce oferd burgului medieval, o varietate arhitectonicd
aparte,de interesturistic.
The town of Bistrila was foundedby the SaxonColonistson the first terraceof the River Bistrifa,
in a highly strategicareawith resourcesnearby.The initial plan obeyedthe architecturalcharacteristics
of the age and to the German features,visible in the mediaevalEuropeanfortress of those times, the
settlementbeinglatersurroundedbydefensewalls andbastionswith fortified accessgates.
The streetnetwork had a parallel and partially convergentto the Central Squaregeometryin a
rectangular shape. The transverse streets are secondary elements of the initial architecture; they
appearedlater out of functional and strategicalreasons.The narrow streetsin the shapeof pedestrian
passages wereaccesswaysto the defensesystemof the fortress.Thereare 15 suchpassages in our town
The old centre of the town of Bistrifa, as town - planning aspect,enlists in the category of
Germanburghsfrom the beginning of the millennium, alsohaving the typical trait ofthe SaxonTowns
in Transylvaniaofthe l2thand 13thcenturies.
There were numerousrinrlets draining the main streetsup to the 19th century; they had both
hvgienic character,as the seweragesystemwas missing, and a functional one, setting into motion the
mills in the town but ensuringthe necessarywater for the manufactureworkshopsand people'shouses II rg
in town. In 1550the book "The Chorographyof Transylvania"by Reicherstorffer,appearedin Vienna,
presentingthe town ofBistrila:
"The town of Bistrifa, situatedon the plain of a wide-open valley has, on both sideshills and
r-ineyards.The river with the samename flows in the middle of the town towards the Southempart of
the lower suburb and after 2 miles away from Bistrila it flows into the Somesriver. Four miles away
there arethe gold mines of Rodna,not lessfamousthan the gold mines in Baia Mare, at the other end of
ln 1564,at Vienna, GiovanAndreeaGramopublisheda shortdescriptionof Transylvaniawhere
the town of Bistrila is given a detailedaccount:
"The capitalcity andthe first oneof all is Sibiu,then comesBrasovandBistrifa...7 miles away
from Beclean there is the beautiful, rich, crowded and strong town of Bistrifa situatedin a plain, on a
merry valley surroundedby springswhich water the whole valley westwardsto the very high hill, over
one thousand and five hundred stepsaway the town walls; the other three sides of the town, partly
$ atered by such springs and southwards a wide well which the river fiIls, make this town
unconquerable.It is oval shaped.The two smaller sidesgo one southwardsand the other northwards
and the othertwo go onewestwardsandthe other eastwards.The straightstreetsarecut from one endto
the other by rivulets formed from thesespringsand they flow all over the town for the inhabitants'use
andby passers'delight.
And every side has amain gate with very many mills along ditches,propelled by the springs
or-erthere,andthey grind more than the local needs.It hasa beautiful church,restoredby a worker from
Ber-eamo,at the town's expensededicatedto the Holy Mother, but now the serviceis doneafter Luther's
tgaghing,the sameas in all the Saxontowns of this country The rivulets flowing through the townjoin
u'hile getting out in the southernsuburbsandthen flow fourteenmiles northwards."
In 1763 Nicolaus Olahus published in Vienna his book "On Dacia" where, he refers to the
county of Bistrila in the chapter"On Transylvania":
" The $ieu springsfrom the Szecklercounty to the north andmeetsfirst the river Bistrifa, which
bathesthe town of Bistrila highly important due to its wealth and to the number of its inhabitants,then
flows up from thetown ofDej."
In 1885 E. Albert Bielz published in Vienna "siebenburgenEin Handguch frir Reisende"
(Transylvania.ATravelling dictionary) where he insists on more itinerariesin BistrilaNasaud district,
on the town and also describinghis travels from Reghin to Bistrifa, The Valley of the Someg,the Rodna
Mountains andthe roadBistriJa Dej.
Beginning with the 15th century the inhabitants of Bistrila were allowed to build stone
buildings, and to raise fortifications and defensewalls in order to cope with the invasions of the
migratory hordesfrom easternEurope.
At the end of the 17th century when the economicalandpolitical power of the town had grown,
the manifestationsof independenceand local self-governingwere no longer toleratedby the leadersof
Austria Imperial Court. That is why they orderedthe fortifications and the defensewalls to be pulled
down, moreoverdueto easterninvasionswhich were no longer a threat.
As long as our forefathers had watched the Eastern frontiers of the European civilization,
Europecould thrive, greatly dueto thosewho, at the crossroadsof civilizations and empires,were like a
peace-ensuringshield so necessaryfor the welfare of Europe,yet ungrateful for all that hasbeen done
for its actualwell-being.
Moreover, the people of theseplaceshave piously preservedelementsof Europeanculture and
civilizationwhich theWesternEuropeans themselveshavelostthroughoutthecenturies.
At the end of the 19th century the existenceof someTransylvanianfortresses,well-protected,
was difficult to acceptby the Europeanaristocracy,unwilling to supportthe independencetendencyof
Transylvanianburghs. In order to subject them unconditionally and to fully enslavethem, the Royal
Court of Vienna orderedthe fortifications, the bastionsand the accessgatesofArdeal fortressesto be
pulled down, which led to an irretrievablewasteofmedieval architecture.
Along with demolishingthe defensewalls ofthe Fortressandthe expansionofthe buildin garea,
,ol there appearsa new systematizationof the streetnetwork. The streetsgofa rectangularcharact6rand
they were considerablywidened,which affordedthe town to expandconientrically iround the old town
plan. But this fact allowed the old part of the medieval burgh to-bepreservedup tothis day,without any
Therefore, some medieval vestiges have been preservedamong which the fragments of the
defensewalls, The Coopers' Tower, The Dominican Monastery The Church of the Minorites, the
Sugdlete architectural complex, and the Lutheran-Evangelicai Church, which can be visited and
admired evennowadays.Here, late Gothic, BaroqueandNeoclassicismmay be seeneverywhere.One
caneasily notice in the architectureof Bistrila buildings of the ITthand 18thcenturies,the interference
of classicalandnativeelementswhich offerto the medievalburgha specialarchitecturalvarietywhich
touristsaremost interested in.

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