Drop Shape Birthstone Ring - A Ring as Unique as Your Birth Month It is a stunning piece of jewelry that combines gorgeous design with a personal touch. The ring features a beautifully crafted drop-shaped gemstone that represents the month of a person's birth. This gemstone adds a unique touch to the ring, symbolizing the wearer's connection to a specific time of the year. The Drop Shape Birthstone Ring not only has a striking appearance but also holds significant sentimental value. Whether it's Ruby Ring With Bezel Setting For Gift, Teardrop Diamond Ring With Gemstone For Gifts, Teardrop Diamond Ring With Gemstone As Gift, Fine Jewelry Teardrop Sapphire Ring Gift, Teardrop Sapphire Ring Fine Jewelry Gift, Modern Pear-shaped Jewelry For Gifts, Gold Teardrop Rings For Proposal, Modern Bezel-set Birthstone Ring Gift, Teardrop Sapphire Birthstone Ring Gift