
70 Pins
Bathroom Vanity Light Makeover DIY
Easy and Amazing Bathroom Vanity Light Makeover DIY on a Budget - Chas' Crazy Creations
Bathroom Vanity Light Makeover DIY
Have you ever wanted to makeover a bathroom vanity light? We had a dated light in our bathroom that needed an update. This is my DIY and you could easily do this in a rental home.
DIY Anthropologie Mirror Dupe
DIY Anthropologie mirror on wall
DIY Anthropologie Mirror Dupe
Looking to create a DIY anthropology mirror dupe? Not to brag, but I made this is a beautiful dupe on a budget! It's no surprise the Anthro mirrors have become so popular. But given that
DIY Anthropologie Mirror Dupe
DIY Anthropologie mirror 8
DIY Anthropologie Mirror Dupe
DIY Anthropologie mirror corner trim
DIY Anthropologie Mirror Dupe
DIY Anthropologie mirror 3
DIY Anthropologie Mirror Dupe
DIY Anthropologie Mirror Dupe - Hana's Happy Home