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Strange exception thrown while debugging in Win10, but not Win7

I am disassembling a legacy 32-bit (x86) application using IDA Home (7.6) (for x86 disassembly) in a 64-bit Windows 10 environment running in a virtual machine (VMWare Fusion for Mac). The application ...
Dannon's user avatar
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IDA PRO Hex-Rays try-catch

I've been working in IDA Pro with a project but there is an issue. Try-Catch statements don't look nice. I've been searching and it seems like IDA does not support them so I was wondering if there is ...
Ricardo's user avatar
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IDA Unknown Exception Code 6F4

So basically I had set a breakpoint on a WINAPI function call. When I tried to run the program and step over the breakpoint, the program exits with the popup window: unknown exception code 6F4 (exc....
kayanon's user avatar
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Is there a way to show exceptions handlers in Hex-Rays decompiler output?

Is there a way to show these exception handlers in the decompiled code? I can't tell that a block is in a __try block without looking into the disassembly. __int64 __fastcall ...
user6026299's user avatar
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how to bypass exception to debug EXE

i am trying to debug and find the encryption password algorithm in a Windows Application. Whenever i try to debug, setting a breakpoint or not, the application gives a exception: is it some kind of ...
Lucca Zenobio's user avatar
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Adding exception range to IDA

I encountered a problem while trying to debug an application that raises an exception to stop the debugger. How can I add an exception range, such as (00000000 - FFFFFFFF), in IDA as in Olly ?
Yaser Alnajjar's user avatar