Peter E Sutherland
Peter E. Sutherland received the B.S at University of Maine at Orono, the M.Sc.E. at the University of New Brunswick (UNB), Canada and the PhD at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). For over twenty years, Dr. Sutherland has specialized in electrical power system studies, teaching and research. After joining GE in 1987, he led a wide variety of power system studies. He worked in GE’s Industrial Power Systems Engineering Operation (1987-89), the GE Training and Development Center (1989-92), the Albany office of Installation and Service Engineering (1993-96), Power Systems Energy Consulting (1996-2001), GE Renewables (2013-14), GE Industrial Solutions (2014-present). The author of many papers, winner of an IEEE IAS Prize Paper Award and active in the IEEE for many years, he has held many positions including Chair of the IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Department. He is a Life Fellow of the IEEE and a PE in NY and three other states.
Supervisors: S.J.Salon at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, E.F.Hill at the University of New Brunswick, Conrad R. St.Pierre at General Electric, Louie J. Powell at General Electric, Tom Short at EPRI, Pradeep Haldar at Superpower, and David Loy at General Electric
Phone: 5186942762
Address: ABB
180 Rotterdam Industrial Park
Rotterdam, NY 12306
Supervisors: S.J.Salon at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, E.F.Hill at the University of New Brunswick, Conrad R. St.Pierre at General Electric, Louie J. Powell at General Electric, Tom Short at EPRI, Pradeep Haldar at Superpower, and David Loy at General Electric
Phone: 5186942762
Address: ABB
180 Rotterdam Industrial Park
Rotterdam, NY 12306
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Papers by Peter E Sutherland
Electrical safety is an often-neglected area of electrical power engineering, and electrical safety measures in industry are not always applied in electrical engineering laboratories of educational institutions. Since the industry is in need of electrical engineers who have been properly trained in safety engineering education, Sutherland has presented several up-to-date topics in the field.
Provides a high-level introduction to the educated electrical engineer in any field who needs to know about electrical safety.
Presents the subject of electrical safety to a wider audience
Includes an introduction to theory followed by a series of practical applications.
Examines the electrical fundamentals of resistance, inductance and capacitance as applied to the human body.
With an in-depth evaluation of electrical engineering safety measures, this book is designed to become part of the preparation of every current and future engineer. Principles of Electrical Safety will also be a suitable guide for lab setting in academic institutions.