Friday, October 09, 2009


When I found out Sugar was sick with cancer, I found this little frame because I knew that I wanted to have a picture of her nearby so I could see her every day after she left us. So this sits on my desk. I miss that little girl!

This is where Herbie likes to sit..under my desk as I work. I also can find him on the bed or on the living room couch when he's not in here with me.

Aunt Sue and I went to the annual tables event at my SIL's church. So I'll put up lots of pictures this weekend. I love seeing all the table settings and centerpieces that the ladies come up with. It just amazes me how talented they are. My sister in law ... honestly, I don't think there's anything she can't do. She made the centerpiece at the table we sat at and it looked like it came from the florist.

I hope the bloggers that are going to the meetup in Willimasburg, Virginia, this weekend have a great time and nice weather.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

The crew and 7 things about me

Here is our crew now this morning. Alfred, Emma and Herbie/Big Casino. I wish I could squeeze Sugar's face and kiss her like I did every day. What a sweetheart she was.

I received this award from Pam at 30 Something. Thank you, Pam!

Here are the rules.
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.

2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.

3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.

4. Name 7 things about yourself that people may not know.

5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.

6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.

7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they've been nominated.

Here are 7 things about me you may or may not know. I might have mentioned one or two before.

1. I like Coach purses. It's the only brand of purse that I buy now. I can't find anything else that I like. I do like the solid colors of Vera Bradley purses.

2. I am attracted to shiny glass and jewelry. I love glass lampwork beads and have been buying some beads to maybe use if I ever learn how to make jewelry. I have bought some beads and had jewelry made by a girl that lives in Connecticut.

3. I wanted to try lampwork glass bead making as a craft/hobby but it required space in the house that I don't have. It needed a ventilation system to be able to use the gas torch inside. While some people don't have a ventilation system, I'd be too scared not to do the right thing.

4. I have spent too much money on my papercrafting items. It's an addiction. If I actually would make more cards, it would make more sense that I have all this paper and embellishments and stamps.

5. I love to just get in the car and drive and go places that I've never been. But with gas prices like they are over the past couple of years, I don't do that.

6. I really love being back in a church family. I am learning so much by going to Bible study on Sunday mornings before church services and on Sunday night and Wednesday nights. It's amazing that the Bible contains all we need to know about how God wants us to live our lives.

7. While I cannot imagine not having a pug in my life, the husband says he wants to have a Siamese cat one day. And I love cats, so I think we will have cats but I want the cats to get a long with a pug! And I know they do because I see some pug friends that have cats.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Thank you for your comments

I want to thank you all for your sweet comments about our little's been a true blessing for us to take care of these little pugs for the short time that the Lord gives us to care for them. She will be missed and just knowing that we were able to give the attention and care that she needed makes us feel better. Emma seems a bit troubled by Sugar not being here. Emma and Sugar spent a lot of time together. Alfred spends some time with them but he likes to do his own thing or be in his own spot a lot of time, so I don't see him being as confused as Emma. I sure miss Sugar being in here while I'm working. It's so hard to lose these little pugs because they are such a huge presence in your life because they want to be with you and want your attention all the time. We are so lucky to be pug owners...or that the pugs own us!

I have some news!!!

Here is our newest family member...we have joint custody of Herbie aka Big Casino. He spends a lot of time here at Camp Chichi. His human brother and sister both went off to out-of-state schools this fall. Herbie was home alone too much and was bored...his parents asked us if we would "adopt" him while the kids are away. So we did! WE LOVE HIM. So he goes back to his other home when his human siblings are home on visits and then stays with us all the other times. So this works out well and Herbie gets the best of both worlds. He is such a sweet boy. He and Alfred really like each other. They are both BIG boys! I don't know yet if he will be with us Thanksgiving or Christmas. His other family travels a lot so it's a possibility he may be with us at the I think he may get in the Christmas picture this year!

Here is Alfred and Sugar. I took these pictures last week. Alfred is doing well. He is truly a special boy. He is all about the husband here. Those two love each other! His other mom, Alfredsmom, our friend in Korea, knows how special he is. We are so blessed to have him in our life, too. Thank you C for letting us take him in and love him! I sure do miss Holly, too. She was a special little girl....a true sweetheart of pug with a huge passion to keep going with the handicaps that she had.

I need to get a picture of Emma to put here next.

Aunt Sue and I had lunch over at Magnolia Sun's house on Friday. It was so good. She made enchiladas...oh my goodness they were good. And she made the best WW recipe of a pecan tart that tasted like pecan pie. So good.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Sugar is a true angel

Our little Sugar's wing grew full size overnight and she has gone to be with her sisters Chichi, Tiny, Holly and brother Baxterman.

She was doing well with the medication she was taking and I knew in my head that we had to take it one day at a time with her. Last night she started getting sick. This morning she was even sicker. It was time to let her go. The husband took her to the vet to see if there was hope to keep going with medication but she did suggest that we had done a lot and it would just be trying to fight a losing battle now. I knew when he left with her this morning that I might not see her again. I held her and talked to her about what a good girl she had been for me. That I loved her so much. The husband put her in his truck in the front seat. She did not see me looking at her from the other side, but she was sitting there looking out the front window so sweet and I was wondering if I would see her again. I will always remember that peaceful look she had on her face looking up at the sky and the outside from that front seat.

She is the fifth loss we have had in two years. It never ever gets easier...but I know now that the wonderful memories live on in your heart and mind and they will always bring a smile and a sweet memory that we can talk about years from now.

I remember the day we got her. I had had a really bad day at work in 2001. The husband saw an ad in the paper for a pug for sale for $100. We went over to the house where she was after work. She was living in a yucky little house full of cigarette smoke and birds and teenagers. It was noisy and smokey. We were going to write a check for her but the lady made us go get cash and bring it back. I was so afraid she would change her mind about selling her if we left...but she was still there when we got back with the cash. The lady was not even sad to see her go. She did not have anything to give us to take with Sugar. We had to stop at Wal-Mart on the way home to get her a harness and leash.

She was always a sweet, timid little girl....but she LOVED stuffed toys. She always ran to get the stuffed toy when you came home from being gone for a while. She would just shake it and shake it. She would always want her hands on her. If you took your hand away, she would paw at your until you put your hand back on her. She never barked for food, but she was always right there to get her share if you were handing some out. She was always accepting of any other doggies we would baby-sit or any others that came to live here. At one time she was the only pug we had after Chichi and Tiny and Baxterman passed away. That's when our sweet friend MeiMei and Miko gave us a stroller. Sugar absolutely LOVED the stroller. And Emma loves it, too. So I'll be looking forward to riding Emma in the stroller soon when it cools down.

I sure am going to miss Sugar. She was always there with me during the the loss of the other pugs. She is how I got the name of this blog. My daddy called her Ragus because that was Sugar spelled I named the blog that. She made me happy and will always make me smile when I think of her. My heart and sadness will heal with time. There is always and older pug out there that needs us...and I'm sure there are more angels in our midst.