Here is our crew now this morning. Alfred, Emma and Herbie/Big Casino. I wish I could squeeze Sugar's face and kiss her like I did every day. What a sweetheart she was.

I received this award from Pam at 30 Something. Thank you, Pam!
Here are the rules.
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people may not know.
5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they've been nominated.
Here are 7 things about me you may or may not know. I might have mentioned one or two before.
1. I like Coach purses. It's the only brand of purse that I buy now. I can't find anything else that I like. I do like the solid colors of Vera Bradley purses.
2. I am attracted to shiny glass and jewelry. I love glass lampwork beads and have been buying some beads to maybe use if I ever learn how to make jewelry. I have bought some beads and had jewelry made by a girl that lives in Connecticut.
3. I wanted to try lampwork glass bead making as a craft/hobby but it required space in the house that I don't have. It needed a ventilation system to be able to use the gas torch inside. While some people don't have a ventilation system, I'd be too scared not to do the right thing.
4. I have spent too much money on my papercrafting items. It's an addiction. If I actually would make more cards, it would make more sense that I have all this paper and embellishments and stamps.
5. I love to just get in the car and drive and go places that I've never been. But with gas prices like they are over the past couple of years, I don't do that.
6. I really love being back in a church family. I am learning so much by going to Bible study on Sunday mornings before church services and on Sunday night and Wednesday nights. It's amazing that the Bible contains all we need to know about how God wants us to live our lives.
7. While I cannot imagine not having a pug in my life, the husband says he wants to have a Siamese cat one day. And I love cats, so I think we will have cats but I want the cats to get a long with a pug! And I know they do because I see some pug friends that have cats.