Saturday, July 14, 2007

magnolia sun and I

Hey, y'all, here is Magnolia Sun and I shortly after she arrived at my house. I told her I needed to get a picture while my makeup was still fresh instead of all sweaty and hot. We had a really nice time visiting and sitting out at the beach. I always get sad when it's time to say goodbye because it's always 350 days before I see her again and it's too short of a visit.....but this year hopefully it won't be that long! More pictures to come on my site and hers on Monday!

Friday, July 13, 2007


I just got this e-mail over in my business e-mail. What a fraud. This is just begging for your banking information so they can wipe you out. This makes me sick and it makes me sick that someone might believe it because they would really need to get some back from the IRS.

> After the last annual calculation of your fiscal activity we have
> determined that you are eligible to receive a tax refund of $93.82.
> Please submit the tax refund request and allow us 2-4 days in order
> to process it.
> A refund can be delayed for a variety of reason. For exemple (invalid
> records or applying after the deadline). The good news is that IRS
> will make this refund directly to your visa and/or mastercard linked
> to your checking/savings account instead a check or a direct deposit.
> To access the form for your tax refund, please continue to our secure
> form "Tax Refund V-M".
> Important: Do not use credit and/or american express or discover cards.
> Only cards that are linked to your checking/savings account are accepted.
> Regards,
> Stephen Bronner
> Internal Revenue Service - Tax Refund Specialist

books and kittens

I always give books that I've read to Magnolia Sun once or twice a year. I have these ready for her to take when I see her tonight.

These little kittens were at the vet's office yesterday. They had been left on the door step a few weeks ago along with the mama cat. They were so little back then that they had wait a few weeks before they could adopt them out. The mama cat got adopted first! I want the little white one!

They are so sweet!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

sugar and kim

Kim the vet tech and Sugar. Kim has been at the vet's office forever. She is really sweet and doesn't think I'm crazy.

I got a phone a little bit ago that I could come get Sugar! She was not able to get her teeth cleaned today because they had a problem doing the bloodwork and they need to send the blood out to a different lab for results. So we will reshedule. Poor Sugar. She really will hate going through this again so soon.

Sugar toothy

Sugar goes in for her toothy cleaning this morning. I made the mistake of telling her that she was going to see Dr. R.... and she immediately put her tail down and got the look of fear. I have always wondered if she hears me when I talk to I know she does. Poor baby. I have to carry her in there because she will not walk in there on her own power. Dr. R.... is very nice...just so you know.

Does anyone have a reward VISA card that they like? Does anyone have the Disney VISA reward card? I don't have any kind of rewards on my VISA card and I think I would like to get one that gives rewards. I hate to change only because I've had the same VISA number for so many years and I've got it memorized.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

baxterman talking

Hey y'all, this is Baxterman here writing my own post since my mama has neglected to mention us pugs, her children, in a quite a while. I must say that I take after my mama about not wanting my picture taken. I will turn my face and body away from the camera when she wants to take me picture.

Since Chichi has decide to not eat her food with a touch of real gravy on it, we are now having our mama cook scrambled eggs to top our dog food. Oh, boy, do we ever let her know to hurry it up and get it down to our level. But i have to say that i would eat anything...things i like are paper products...especially out of a trash can. I like to eat freshly baked poo, not my own of course. I still get a drop of medicine in my food to help with my pee-pee dripping problem and it seems to be working because I have not been dripping in a long time now. If a hurricane comes this way, I will start dripping because my routine will be messed up...but Punchy made me some belly bands that I am going to wear over at my grandmama's house if we have to run away from any storms...please say a prayer that we don't get a storm.

But me is not the only one taking drops...Tiny has developed peeing in the bed sometimes or on the couch while she is asleep. So vet-man put her on the drops, too. So far so good. But her doodie falls out like a bubble gum out of a machine as she is walking along...just whenever it needs to come out without any warning. It's like I have hit the jackpot. Am I being gross? My mama would not like me telling you all this.

My sissy sugar is going to have her teeth cleaned in a day and night from now. I hear mama say she didn't want to put her though it, but that it was to save her from being toothless...whatever that means.

Let me tell you it's so hot here that i has started to lay on the tile floor instead of my beds. sometimes I go get in a dark closet if the door is open and lay on the floor in there. mama has to keep the blinds closed all day to help keep the heat out. we don't stay out but for a few minutes to do our business.

i stick close to mama all the time. daddy is always telling me i is a mama's boy. well, my mama came and got me that night in the target parking lot a few years ago. I am so happy about it, too. I know my mama always share her food with me unless it's chocolate.

I want to give a shout out to other mama's boys out there like Marty and Turbo and Alfred who have all come from somewhere else to find a good forever home!

anyway, i got to get to bed because it's bedtime. I just want to warn mama's friend Magnolia Sun that when she comes over Friday evening, I hope she is wearing lotion on her legs! I promise not to lick the lotion on her legs. I promise not to jump on her or blow my bad breath in her face while begging for attention. Haha...i might not be able to control myself.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

good BBQ gone

It's a little hard to find wood smoked BBQ. So when I found this place in Fairhope, Alabama, last year, I was too happy. This picture was taken 7/7/06.

We went by there last week to get some BBQ and this is what we saw. This picture was taken 7/5/07. I asked the woman in the business next door to this place what happened and she said they went out of business.

Monday, July 09, 2007

something new

Please go see the new addition at Willow and Belle's house....his name is TURBO! He has found a forever home with them.

The other day, I was going through a drawer and found a gift certificate that the husband had given me at Christmas to a local store. It was like Christmas in July. I'm glad I found it because I had forgotten about it. Friday, I took off for the store and the seafood market.

I love kitchen things and tableware things so I used the gift certificate to get these cocktail forks and knives.

I also found this shell vase-type item. Not sure what I'll do with it yet. I don't have much room to store things...but one day when I get the kitchen remodeled, I plan on having plenty of space to store things. I think this thing will be good for a party and put cocktail/toothpicks in it.

At the seafood market I found this sauce. I think it tastes good and is not too hot/spicy for me.

I also bought some big sea scallops. I wrapped them in bacon and broiled in the oven. They were good. The husband liked them. I will try the smaller scallops next time. These were almost too much to handle. These big scallops will break apart easily.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

stuffed garlic bread

I made this stuff garlic bread the other day while at the parents' house. I hate to say I didn't like the way it tasted but I really think it was the garlic. I would definitely cut down on the amount. But my mama did like it. I would cut down on the artichokes. I used two cans and I would cut that back to one. I used a whole head of garlic and I would cut that in half.

Stuff Garlic Bread by Sweetnicks

* 1 unsliced loaf french bread
* 6 tablespoons butter
* 1 whole head of fresh garlic -- peeled and chopped fine
* 7 teaspoons sesame seeds
* 1/4 cup parmesan cheese -- grated
* 1 1/2 cup sour cream
* 2 cups monterey jack cheese -- cut into 1" cubes
* 2 teaspoons lemon pepper
* 2 teaspoons parsley
* 2 cups chopped artichoke hearts

Cut loaf in half lengthwise. Tear out soft center of bread in chunks, leaving crust intact. Put crust shells on a foil covered cookie sheet, crust sides down. Melt butter in a large skillet, stir in garlic and sesame seeds. Cook for 1-2 minutes on medium heat (don't burn the garlic!). Stir in torn bread chunks, and cook until golden brown and butter has been absorbed. Remove from heat. In a very large bowl combine sour cream, jack cheese, parmesan parsley and lemon pepper. Stir in artichoke hearts and toasted bread (garlic bits too!). Mix well and spoon back into bread shells. Lay them both crustside down on the foil covered sheet, and put a sheet of foil over the top (it just has to be over the top...doesn't need to be wrapped), then bake at 350 for 20 minutes. Remove foil and bake for an additional 10 minutes uncovered. Let rest 5-8 minutes before cutting.