Saturday, October 14, 2006

Smell good products

I got these plug-ins at Bath and Body Works a couple of weeks ago. They smell so good. I worry about leaving them plugged in at night and when I'm not home, so I try to remember to unplug them at those times.

This is a 3 in 1 soap, bubble bath, shampoo. It smells GOOD. I do use it as a shampoo, too. It makes my hair feel a little dryer than I like. It came from Bath and Body Works, too.

I got this shampoo at Wally-World. It smells pretty good. It makes my hair real soft.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Front Door Friday: Rake Man

Today's front door Friday picture is of a door on the street we live on. If you click on the picture you can see the Rake Man! At first I thought it was a headless scarecrow-type decoration but then I saw the face!

I finished a good book this past week: Home By Another Way: Notes from the Caribbean. I found this book by reading Lisa's blog. I have bought several books that she has suggested.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

I gave all but one of the glitter pumpkins to my mama and she mixed them with some natural gourds. This is the arrangement on her dining room table. I think it turned out very well. She bought me more pumpkins and gourds and I'm going to do more glittering!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

They all get sleepy out in the sun. I think it will cool down a little this week and they can sit outside longer. I took these pictures a couple of weeks ago on a nice day.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The other day

Aunt Sue and I like to eat sushi sometimes. We like a couple of different kinds at the grocery store near my house. The lady that makes the sushi has her own company and does not work for the grocery store. She doesn't speak very good English but she is very, very nice. She likes my sister and I and always speaks and has given us seaweed salad on the house (neither of us would try but she didn't know it.) So the other day we were in there and spoke to her as she was making the sushi rolls. We kept going because we were not going to have any sushi this day. She caught up with us in the bakery section and said "Here's your breakfast." It was still early. We said thank you and she went back to her work station.

We went to pay for our things and that's when the smell hit. It was H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E. The roll felt like it had been heated or either the rice was still warm from having been cooked. It made the seaweed wrap stink worse than anything I ever smelled. I think it was worse than the fish market. I was gagging. Aunt Sue had to hold it. We got out in the parking lot and Aunt Sue opened it and took it apart and saw the avocado in the middle and she actually tasted the rice and advocado without the seaweed wrap. I told her not to. She said that part was okay but the smell kept her from eating any more of it. So we drove around to a garbage can outside the sandwich shop. I wonder how many flies were attracted to that can that day? I wonder if the smell spread around the area there. It was so GROSS.

Angels getting his wings make for a sad day

Kara and Alan over at flatnosepugs need our thoughts and prayers now. Their little Gizmo has taken a turn for the worst with his fight with cancer. They did everything they could to help him get rid of the cancer. They gave him a wonderful home for the time he spent with them. That's the best thing we can do for our doggie children is love them and keep them safe and let them cheer us up and make us happy and help them all we can when they're sick. I know that Gizmo will be missed by his companion Kritter.

Monday, October 09, 2006


My mama and daddy came over today. The first time they have been able to come over since May! We went to eat at *Aegean Breeze* and it was good as usual. But I didn't take any pictures.

Yesterday Aunt Sue and I went for a walk around here and saw this guy. He was happy looking for whatever it is he was looking for. I wonder if he knows he different or special? I wonder if other squirrels are prejudiced because of his color? I hope not.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Ratatouille bread pudding

I made ratalouille bread pudding today. The recipe is from this month's Cooking Light Magazine. This are all the ingredients I used plus one cup of milk.

This is the vegetable mixture cooking. I ended up having to use a cup to get some of the liquid out before I mixed it with the bread

This is the bread, egg, milk, cheese mixed together. I mistakenly put the vegetable mixture in when it was too hot, so I had to get it back out. That's why you see some of the vegetable pieces in there. If I had left it in it would have made it too soggy. I needed to let the vegetables cool off.

Out of the oven.

This tasted pretty good. It might be something I fix for Thanksgiving dinner.