About 2 weeks ago, I had the urge to use my ice cream maker and I had strawberries. One would think that, if you had those two, automatically, oh... strawberry ice cream... yeah, not so much. The thing with ice cream is you have to use heavy whipping cream which can get quite pricey, and in some recipes you actually have to cook it some or deal with raw eggs. As much as I love the stuff, I wasn't really looking forward to doing all of that. So, I did the next best thing... Strawberry Sorbet.
I googled it, and came up with this recipe
It's simple doesn't take too long and it's delicious. Plus, one can argue that it's actually healthy.... -ier. ;-)
Anyway, since the post I found suggests that it's from a book, I don't really want to repost it due to copyright stuff... so instead, check out the link... and here are my pictures.

I did put the Kirshwasser in, and you hardly taste it, so I don't know if it's necessary, tho, I'm sure if you wanted you can put more.
So visit your local strawberry patch and buy some fresh strawberries for jam, and sorbet.