Papers by W. George Lovell
Latin American Research Review
Little by little heavy shadows and black night enveloped our fathers and grandfathers and us also... more Little by little heavy shadows and black night enveloped our fathers and grandfathers and us also, oh, my sons …!All of us were thus. We were born to die!The Annals of the Cakchiquels (ca. 1550–1600)The Maya of Guatemala are today, as they have been in the past, a dominated and beleaguered group. Few have expressed this enduring reality more poignantly than the late Oliver La Farge. Commenting forty years ago on why Kanjobal Indians take to drink, La Farge observed that “while these people undoubtedly suffer from drunkenness, one would hesitate to remove the bottle from them until the entire pattern of their lives is changed. They are an introverted people, consumed by internal fires which they cannot or dare not express, eternally chafing under the yoke of conquest, and never for a moment forgetting that they are a conquered people.”
URL del artículo en la web de la Revista: more URL del artículo en la web de la Revista: muerte de Eduardo Galeano el 13 de abril de 2015 nos arrebató no sólo a uno de los más eminentes escritores de América Latina, sino a un ciudadano global de inmensa estatura, a un maestro inimitablemente versado en documentar los fatigados trillos del mundo, y sin rival en celebrar su miríada de maravillosas dichas. La participación en un foro de homenaje a Galeano, organizado por la Fundación Vivian Trías en su Montevideo natal en octubre de 2016, me brindó la oportunidad de revisar y adentrarme en su legado, parte del cual tiene, decididamente, resonancias geográficas, especialmente en relación a la región del mundo que más le importó: América Latina. Un país en particular, Guatemala, evoca una pasión compartida por el autor y el célebre escritor, un entorno que influye cómo aprender y enseñar la geografía en el aula universitaria.The death of Eduardo Galeano on April 13,...
Journal of Latin American Geography, 2020
A favela in Rio de Janeiro, which has now been replaced by buildings serving the money economy (p... more A favela in Rio de Janeiro, which has now been replaced by buildings serving the money economy (photo by Rick Bein, 1964). Brasilia constructed in the middle of the Campo Cerrado. In the years since, the surrounding area has been completely urbanized. The Campo Cerrado savanna vegetation has nearly disappeared from the Brazilian landscape, largely replaced by soybean farming (photo by Rick Bein, 1971).
Journal of Latin American Geography, 2019
Hispanic American Historical Review, 2019
Canadian Journal of History, 1997
health sciences, history THE CANADIAN HISTORICAL REVIEW Offering a comprehe... more health sciences, history THE CANADIAN HISTORICAL REVIEW Offering a comprehensive analysis on the events that have shaped Canada, CHR publishes articles that examine Canadian history from both a multicultural and multidisciplinary perspective.
Mesoamerica, 1981
Colonial en los AItos Cuchumatanes de Guatemala-W. George Lovell Entre la idea y la realidad entr... more Colonial en los AItos Cuchumatanes de Guatemala-W. George Lovell Entre la idea y la realidad entre el movimiento y el acto. .. Entre la concepción y la creacion entre la emoción y la respuesta cae la sombra. . .-T. S. Eliot "Los hombres huecos"l Durante años, estudiosos de varios campos de investigación han hecho contribuciones de importancia a nuestro entendimiento de la experiencia colonial en América Latina. Sin embargo, a pesar de los muchos adelantos importantes, quedan considerables lagunas. Hay, por ejemplo, mucho que todavía no sabemos de los acontecimientos y circunstancias de vida bajo el dominio español en aquellas regiones que, por ser demasiado pobres o aisladas, quedaron fuera del interés primario de las autoridades colonialey. Como tal región se puede considerar los Altos Cuchumatanes de Guatemala. Dada esta situación, hemos tratado, en nuestra recién teminada tesis de doctorado, de reconstruir, principalmente por medio de fiientes archivísticas inéditas, aquellas características que se pueden calificar como aspectos de la exper~encia colonial en los Altos Cuchumatanes. l. El principal objeto de la tesis fue determinar qué cambios experimentaron la tierra y el pueblo de este remoto rincón noroccidental de Guatemala a lo largo de los tres siglos del dominio El Dr. W. George Lovell, de nacionalidad inglesa, sacó su doctorado en Getgrafia en la University of Albeita. Actualmente es catedrático en Queen's University, Canadá.
Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 1994
Justo Rufino Barrios, president of Guatemala, closes his eyes and hears a din of railroads and st... more Justo Rufino Barrios, president of Guatemala, closes his eyes and hears a din of railroads and steam engines violating the silence of the monasteries. There is no stopping synthetic dyes in the world's markets, and no one buys the cochineal and indigo Guatemala sells. It's time for coffee. The market demands coffee and coffee demands lands and hands, trains and ports. To modernize the country, Barrios expels the parasitic monks, seizes from the church its immense properties and gives them to his closest friends. He also expropriates the lands of Indian communities. Collective property is abolished by decree and compulsory peonage is imposed. To integrate the Indian into the nation , the Liberal government makes him a serf of the new coffee plantations. The colonial system of forced labour returns. Soldiers tour the plantations distributing Indians. Eduardo Galeano, Faces and Masks (1987)
Journal of Historical Geography, 2015
The Americas, 1984
The tasaciones de tributos compiled between 1548 and 1554 under the supervision of Alonso López d... more The tasaciones de tributos compiled between 1548 and 1554 under the supervision of Alonso López de Cerrato have long been recognized as the most important tribute documentation extant for mid sixteenth-century Central America, being of particular interest to all those whose inquiries have focussed on various aspects of the economy and demography of regions stretching from Chiapas and Yucatán in the north to Honduras and Nicaragua in the south. For the purpose of this paper, we wish to concentrate simply on one spatial component of the Libro de tasaciones forming part of the celebrated legajo 128, a rich set of documents housed in the Archivo General de Indias in the section of the archive classified as the Audiencia de Guatemala: that spatial component referred to by contemporary Spanish officials as “los términos y jurisdictión de la ciudad de Santiago de Guatemala,” that is, the territory which in early colonial times fell under the administrative authority of the city of Santiago.
Journal of Historical Geography, 2011
Geographical Review, 2001
I n the heart of Seville, squarely set between the ramparts of a Moorish citadel and the flying b... more I n the heart of Seville, squarely set between the ramparts of a Moorish citadel and the flying buttresses of a Gothic cathedral, lies the Archivo General de Indias-the Archive of the Indies (Figure 1). Many archives elsewhere in the world house im-portant imperial collections, ...
Geographical Review, 1996
ABSTRACT. Between 5 and 6 million Maya Indians today constitute roughly half of Guate-mala's... more ABSTRACT. Between 5 and 6 million Maya Indians today constitute roughly half of Guate-mala's total population. From the eve of conquest to the present, the collapse, recovery, and growth of the Maya population reveals a trajectory of survival few Native American groups have ...
American Ethnologist, 1987
Papers by W. George Lovell