Papers by Mário Cesaretti
Todo o conhecimento acumulado sobre o processo de ensino e aprendizagem, considerando as melhores... more Todo o conhecimento acumulado sobre o processo de ensino e aprendizagem, considerando as melhores práticas docentes e os conceitos sobre aprendizado de adultos, aprendizagem significativa e aprendizado centrado no estudante devem ser continuamente exercitados e revisitados, independente do formato: presencial, ensino remoto (ER) ou ensino a distância (EaD). A necessidade de ampliação da utilização do ER emergencial, determinada pela crise pandêmica de 2020, trouxe novos desafios para professores e estudantes em todo o mundo. Dentre os desafios se apresenta areinterpretação dos conceitos presentes no processo de ensino e aprendizagem sob a lente do mundo digital. Esta revisão busca apresentar as melhores práticas sob o prisma do novo contexto da vida digital no ensino para as profissões da saúde, incluindo aqui as oportunidades oferecidas pela pandemiaAll accumulated knowledge about the teaching and learning process, considering the best teaching practices and the concepts of adult l...
BV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertaçõe
Medicina (Ribeirão Preto), 2021
Este artigo traz uma reflexão sobre transformações possíveis e necessárias, a partir das experiên... more Este artigo traz uma reflexão sobre transformações possíveis e necessárias, a partir das experiências vividas por docentes, estudantes e instituições de ensino ao longo do ano de 2020, na medida em que sobreviviam, aprendiam e se adaptavam à pandemia da COVID-19. Não resta dúvidas de que a maneira de ensinar deverá estar alicerçada em conhecimentos pedagógicos, práticas colaborativas, na tecnologia educacional, infraestrutura de informática e práticas avaliativas que favoreçam a aprendizagem, através do feedback e da interação mais próxima entre aprendiz e professor. O futuro aponta para o ensino híbrido que deve auxiliar os estudantes a alcançarem a competência para a prática profissional. O desenvolvimento de habilidades interpessoais será fundamental, em especial na formação de profissionais da área da saúde. A oferta de oportunidades para o desenvolvimento docente e a estruturação de comunidades de prática para a aprendizagem colaborativa também serão essenciais. A maior flexibi...
Revista Eletrônica de Farmácia, 2017
As diretrizes curriculares dos cursos de graduação da área da saúde recomendam a utilização de es... more As diretrizes curriculares dos cursos de graduação da área da saúde recomendam a utilização de estratégias de ensino e aprendizagem centradas no estudante, colaborativas e que valorizem o reconhecimento e a resolução de problemas relevantes e relacionados à prática profissional. O objetivo deste artigo é descrever os aspectos essenciais sobre a “sala de aula invertida”, com intuito de auxiliar aqueles que tiverem interesse de utilizá-la. Trata-se de breve revisão sobre uma estratégia educacional que tem sido utilizado cada vez mais no ensino superior, em especial nos cursos de graduação da área da saúde. Os autores apresentam uma breve revisão sobre as origens, caracterizando e descrevendo como funciona a sala de aula invertida, além de discutir algumas razões para que o professor considere utilizá-la no ensino de graduação dos cursos da área da saúde. Finalmente, são apresentadas as limitações e os desafios da estratégia. A proposta da sala de aula invertida entrelaça diversos conc...
Rev Soc Cardiol Estado De Sao Paulo, 1994
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology, 1995
Intense physical training through isotonic exercises has controversial effects in individuals wit... more Intense physical training through isotonic exercises has controversial effects in individuals with moderate to severe hypertension. In this study, normotensive Wistar rats and rats with renovascular hypertension (Goldblatt II) were subjected to intense physical exercise involving two SO-min swimming sessions per day for a period of 12 weeks. At the end of the study, we evaluated the effect of training on arterial pressure, the capacity for aerobic work and cardiac function. Our results demonstrate that intense physical training has no effect on the arterial blood pressure of normotensive rats or of animals with moderate renovascular hypertension. Hypertensive animals with cardiac hypertrophy require a greater period of training in order to attain the same capacity for aerobic work as normotensive rats. This difference may result from an inability of the former animals to increase cardiac compliance, thereby impeding more extensive usage of the Frank-Starling mechanism to subsequently increase the systolic cardiac performance. Cardiac hypertrophy induced by exercise did not summate with that induced by arterial hypertension. Physical exercise normalized the end-diastolic left ventricular pressure in hypertensive animals without any corresponding increase in the compliance of the chamber. The first derivative of left ventricular pulse pressure (& dP/dt) was greater in the hypertensive trained group than in the hypertensive sedentary rats. These observations suggest that a systolic dysfunction of the left ventricle involving an elevated residual volume secondary to arterial hypertension may be corrected by physical exercise such as swimming.
Jornal Brasileiro de Nefrologia, 2011
O referido estudo foi realizado na UNIFESP. Os autores declaram a inexistência de confl itos de i... more O referido estudo foi realizado na UNIFESP. Os autores declaram a inexistência de confl itos de interesses. during which biweekly measurements of body weight (BW) and tail-cuff blood pressure (TCBP) were obtained. Microalbuminuria was analyzed at weeks 0, 4, 8 and 12. At the end of the follow-up period, blood was obtained for fasting glucose, plasma creatinine, and lipid profile determinations. The kidneys were removed, stained, and the glomerular sclerosis index was calculated. Results: The administration of MSG produced higher percentage body weight gain, higher fasting blood glucose and a higher degree of glomerular injury in WST-MSG and MSG-SHR rats, compared to their controls. Greater urinary albumin excretion was observed in SHR + MSG rats, when compared to SHR. There was no statistical difference in the TCBP, creatinine, and lipid profile. Conclusions: The association of neuroendocrine obesity and arterial hypertension promoted morphological and functional changes in the glomerulus. These changes were more severe than those observed in hypertensive-only rats.
Journal of Hypertension, 1989
In view of the possibility that cardiac hypertrophy may be reversed by isradipine, we studied the... more In view of the possibility that cardiac hypertrophy may be reversed by isradipine, we studied the effect of two different doses of isradipine (1.0 and 7.0 mg/kg per day) on relative cardiac weight in the rat. These doses have proved equipotent in lowering the blood pressure of the two-kidney, one clip model of hypertension. Untreated hypertensive rats had significantly greater cardiac weights than the untreated controls (3.16 +/- 0.06 versus 2.31 +/- 0.05 mg/g, P less than 0.001). Hypertrophy was still present in the group treated with isradipine at 1.0 mg/kg per day (3.17 +/- 0.07 versus 2.30 +/- 0.03 mg/g; P less than 0.001) but not with 7.0 mg/kg per day (2.55 +/- 0.17 versus 2.37 +/- 0.11 mg/g; NS). Functional studies revealed that reversal of cardiac hypertrophy did not affect cardiac performance compared with the ventricles with increased mass. These results suggest that reversal of left ventricular hypertrophy with isradipine is dependent on complex mechanisms, possibly unrelated to the unloading of the heart.
Journal of Hypertension, 2004
Both group reduced MA, but differences in prevalence of positive MA between MS and non-MS patient... more Both group reduced MA, but differences in prevalence of positive MA between MS and non-MS patients remained significant (24.5% vs. 10.1%,respectively). Prescription of ACEi and ARBs was similar in both groups (74.9% in SM, vs. 70.1% in non-MS, PϭNS). In conclusion, our usual hypertension care allowed to reach similar BP and LDL-cholesterol goals, both in MS and non-MS patients. However, it seem that global cardiovascular risk could remain higher in treated hypertensive with MS as suggested by 3 fold higher incidence of new onset diabetes and double prevalence of positive MA. The convenience of lower therapeutical goals in hypertensive patients with MS should be forward evaluated.
Hypertension, 1995
The neurotransmitter substance P acts also as a potent vasodilator. Its participation in the path... more The neurotransmitter substance P acts also as a potent vasodilator. Its participation in the pathogenesis of deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)–salt hypertension was evaluated by an acute infusion of a newly synthesized, potent, specific nonpeptide antagonist of substance P at the NK-1 receptor, the agent CP 96 345. In conscious unrestrained rats, CP 96 345 induced significant and sustained increases in mean arterial pressure of DOCA-salt rats but only small, transient, and nonsignificant rises in blood pressure of sham-treated control rats. The rise in blood pressure was not accompanied by changes in heart rate. Maximal blood pressure increase in DOCA-salt rats was 31.7±14.8 mm Hg. In a second series of experiments, the hemodynamic effects of this antagonist were evaluated under anesthesia in both DOCA-salt and sham-treated control rats by the thermodilution method. During CP 96 345 infusion, sustained increases in cardiac index and stroke volume and decreases in total peripheral r...
Hypertension, 1995
The purpose of these experiments was to determine in normotensive rats the role of endogenous bra... more The purpose of these experiments was to determine in normotensive rats the role of endogenous bradykinin, prostaglandins, and nitric oxide in glucose metabolism and blood pressure response to hyperinsulinemia. Normotensive Wistar rats were treated with two different bradykinin antagonists, indomethacin or N ω -nitro- l -arginine methyl ester, concurrently with a euglycemic clamp with insulin infusion rates of 3 or 6 mU/kg per minute. Glucose uptake, steady-state plasma insulin levels, and insulin sensitivity index were determined over 2 hours. Bradykinin inhibition dramatically reduced glucose uptake and insulin sensitivity index during both the lower and higher insulin infusion rates to 30% and 32%, respectively, of values observed in control rats. Inhibition of prostaglandins or nitric oxide did not alter glucose metabolism in these rats. Blood pressure remained unchanged in the control group throughout the clamp but increased significantly in rats submitted to inhibition of brady...
Medicina (Ribeirão Preto), 2021
Todo o conhecimento acumulado sobre o processo de ensino e aprendizagem, considerando as melhores... more Todo o conhecimento acumulado sobre o processo de ensino e aprendizagem, considerando as melhores práticas docentes e os conceitos sobre aprendizado de adultos, aprendizagem significativa e aprendizado centrado no estudante devem ser continuamente exercitados e revisitados, independente do formato: presencial, ensino remoto (ER) ou ensino a distância (EaD). A necessidade de ampliação da utilização do ER emergencial, determinada pela crise pandêmica de 2020, trouxe novos desafios para professores e estudantes em todo o mundo. Dentre os desafios se apresenta areinterpretação dos conceitos presentes no processo de ensino e aprendizagem sob a lente do mundo digital. Esta revisão busca apresentar as melhores práticas sob o prisma do novo contexto da vida digital no ensino para as profissões da saúde, incluindo aqui as oportunidades oferecidas pela pandemia
American Journal of Hypertension, 2001
Background) Hypertension is a risk factor for left ventricular hypertrophy and heart failure, and... more Background) Hypertension is a risk factor for left ventricular hypertrophy and heart failure, and hypertensive patients are clinically more susceptible to heart failure when accompanied with diabetes mellitus. (Objective) To examine the style of left ventricular structural and functional change in diabetic hypertensive patients. (Methods) We performed 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) and echocardiography in uncomplicated patients with diabetic and/or hypertensive patients (mean age 66.3 years). Patients were divided into 3 groups, hypertension alone (HT, nϭ64), diabetes alone (DM, nϭ30), and diabetic hypertension (DHT, nϭ91). (Results) The office BP was highest in HT, but there was no difference in the left ventricular mass index among the 3 groups. In DHT, left ventricular internal diastolic dimension and left ventricular relative wall thickness were highest followed by DM and HT, but the left ventricular ejection fraction was lowest in DHT. Though the 24 hr BP and the daytime BP were higher in HT than in DHT, there was no difference in the nocturnal BP. Pulse rate (PR) measured by ABPM was highest in DHT, followed by DM and HT. (Conclusion) These results suggested that concentric hypertrophy, decreased contractility and increased sympathetic nerve activity may be factors in heart failure susceptibility in patients of diabetes mellitus.
This article reflects on possible and necessary transformations, based on the experiences lived b... more This article reflects on possible and necessary transformations, based on the experiences lived by teachers, students, and educational institutions throughout the year 2020, as they survived, learned and adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic. Teaching should be based on pedagogical evidence, collaborative practices, educational technology, supported by computer infrastructure and evaluative practices that foster learning, through feedback and a closer interaction between learner and teacher. The direction pointed in the future includes and is based on blended education to help students to achieve competence for professional practice. The development of interpersonal skills will be fundamental, especially in the training of health professionals. Offering opportunities for faculty development and creating communities of practice for collaborative learning will also be essential. The greater flexibility of curricula and the technological mediation of the teaching and learning process should...
American Journal of …, 2003
The American Journal of Hypertension, a peer reviewed journal, provides a forum for scientific in... more The American Journal of Hypertension, a peer reviewed journal, provides a forum for scientific inquiry of the highest standard in the fields of hypertension and related cardiovascular disease. AJH publishes articles on basic sciences, molecular biology, clinical and experimental ...
Flipped classroom in undergraduate health professions education: key concepts to the practice La ... more Flipped classroom in undergraduate health professions education: key concepts to the practice La clase al revés en la educación para las profesiones de salud: conceptos clave para la práctica Resumo As diretrizes curriculares dos cursos de graduação da área da saúde recomendam a utilização de estratégias de ensino e aprendizagem centradas no estudante, colaborativas e que valorizem o reconhecimento e a resolução de problemas relevantes e relacionados à prática profissional. O objetivo deste artigo é descrever os aspectos essenciais sobre a " sala de aula invertida " , com o intuito de auxiliar aqueles que tiverem interesse de utilizá-la. Trata-se de breve revisão sobre uma estratégia educacional que tem sido empregada cada vez mais no ensino superior, em especial nos cursos de graduação da área da saúde. Os autores apresentam uma breve revisão sobre as origens, caracterizando e descrevendo como funciona a sala de aula invertida, além de discutir algumas razões para que o professor considere utilizá-la no ensino de graduação dos cursos da área da saúde. Finalmente, são apresentadas as limitações e os desafios da estratégia. A proposta da sala de aula invertida entrelaça diversos conceitos, dentre eles o da aprendizagem ativa e colaborativa, da autonomia do estudante, da aprendizagem significativa e do ensino à distância. Palavras-chave: Educação em saúde, Educação à distância, Aprendizagem ativa. Abstract Brazilian curriculum guidelines for undergraduate health professions education recommend the use of student-centered, collaborative teaching and learning strategies that value the recognition and resolution of relevant problems related to professional practice. This article describes the essential aspects of flipped classroom in order to serve as a guide for those who want to try it. It is a brief review on a topic that has been gaining momentum and usage in graduate education, especially in the health professions where it might really fit for purpose. The authors present a brief review of the flipped classroom roots, showing how it works and the reasons that may lead a teacher to consider using it in health professions undergraduate courses. Finally, the limitations and challenges are presented. Flipped classroom connects several educational concepts, including the active, meaningful and collaborative learning, and fosters students' autonomy mixing in site and distance learning.
American Journal of Hypertension, 2000
Objective: To evaluate the effects of Omapatrilat (Oma) upon blood pressure (BP), systemic hemody... more Objective: To evaluate the effects of Omapatrilat (Oma) upon blood pressure (BP), systemic hemodynamics (Hemo) and insulin sensitivity (IS) in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHR). Rationale: Oma inhibits simultaneously two enzymes involved in the formation/degradation of various vasoactive peptides: ACE and NEP.Material and Methods: Male SHRs were treated with Oma (100 μmol/kg/day) for 12 weeks (SHR + OMA, n = 17).
Arquivos brasileiros de endocrinologia e metabologia, 2006
For better understanding the role of each element involved in the physiopathology of obesity and ... more For better understanding the role of each element involved in the physiopathology of obesity and insulin resistance, researchers can use experimental models, which may in controlled manner evaluate the participation of each element on the obesity and insulin resistance and provide information for better understanding the physiopathology and treatment of obesity and insulin resistance. Experimental obesity and insulin resistance can be due to a deficient response to leptin, secondary to hypoleptinemia and/or mutations on leptin receptor, by modifications on insulin receptor, deletion or diminished insulin signal transduction, enhancement of the effects of orexigen peptides and/or diminution of anorexigen peptides actions on hypothalamus, as well as secondary to arterial hypertension, as in the spontaneously hypertension. Obesity and insulin resistance can also be induced by glucocorticoid excess, frutose enriched and cafeteria diet and due to hypothalamus lesions induced by neonatal ...
Arquivos brasileiros de endocrinologia e metabologia, 2010
To analyze the effects of type-1 diabetes mellitus (DM1) induction on systemic hemodynamic and ve... more To analyze the effects of type-1 diabetes mellitus (DM1) induction on systemic hemodynamic and ventricular function of normotensive and hypertensive rats. DM1 was induced by streptozotocin in Wistar rats (WST), borderline hypertensive rats (BHR) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). The systemic hemodynamic was evaluated by thermodilution and ventricular function by Langendorff preparation. DM1-induction increased tail arterial pressure of WST and BHR. DM1 also increased total peripheral resistance in WST and decrease in cardiac output stroke volume in WST and BHR. Systolic function indexes were reduced and ventricular stiffness increased in all WST-diabetic rats. All of these effects were more prominent on diabetic WST rats. The DM1 in rats was accompanied by important changes in both systolic and diastolic heart function leading to significant changes in the systemic hemodynamics that were not significantly enhanced by hypertension.
Papers by Mário Cesaretti