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Can You Make A Survey? (Parte 2) : 8º ANO Aula 2 - 4º Bimestre

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Etapa Ensino Fundamental Língua

Anos Finais Inglesa

Can you make a

(Parte 2)
8º ANO
Aula 2 – 4º Bimestre
Conteúdo Objetivos
● Lexical: vocabulário ● Revisar os usos de many,
relacionado ao tema da much, some e any;
aula; ● Compartilhar com os colegas o
● Gramatical: resultado da pesquisa realizada
quantificadores many, na aula anterior.
much, some e any.
Para começar

Discuss the questions below with your teacher and classmates.

Last class, you read a survey that showed the number of hours that
british citizens spend on social media.
a. Do you believe that brazilians use social media as much as the
British population?
b. What activities involving technology do you spend your time on?

5 minutos
Para começar
Discuss the questions below with your teacher and classmates.
Personal answers.
Last class, you read a survey that showed the number of hours that
british citizens spend on social media.
a. Do you believe that brazilians use social media as much as the
British population?
b. What activities involving technology do you spend your time on?
Foco no conteúdo
Vamos revisar os usos e significados das expressões much, many,
some e any.
Os quantificadores much, many, some e any são expressões
utilizadas para indicar a quantidade de objetos, pessoas ou animais
em uma frase.

20 minutos
Foco no conteúdo
Pode significar muito/grande/porção de algo.
Utiliza-se o much geralmente com substantivos incontáveis (
uncountable nouns) em frases negativas e perguntas.
Exemplo: I don't have much money to spend.

Significa muitas/muitos.
Utiliza-se o many para indicar substantivos contáveis (countable
Exemplo: There are many old houses on that street.
Foco no conteúdo
Pode significar algum ou um pouco de.
Utiliza-se some com substantivos incontáveis. Mas também é possível
usar some com substantivos contáveis, por exemplo quando não
queremos especificar a quantidade envolvida.
Some também é usado em questões interrogativas, como quando
oferecemos algo a alguém.
I have some flowers for you.
Can you spread some butter on my bread, please?
Foco no conteúdo
Em sentenças positivas, any tem o significado de qualquer. Em frases
negativas, assume o significado de nenhum/nenhuma.
Nas interrogativas, assume o significado de algum/alguma.
I like any mexican food.
I don’t have any milk left. I need to buy more.
Na prática
In pairs, do following activities with a focus on the use of quantifiers:

1. Choose the correct answer.

There is ______ pizza in the fridge.
a. Some
b. Any

2. I need to go to the supermarket. My mom didn’t buy ____ food.

c. Some
d. Any
Na prática

3. Do you have ____ brothers or sisters?

a. Some
b. Any

4. Would you like ____ cheese?

c. Some
d. Any
Na prática

5. I don’t have ___________ time to do it!

a. Many
b. Much

6. How __________ hours did you spend there?

c. Many
d. Much
Na prática

7. How __________ cups of coffee do you drink every day?

a. Many
b. Much

8. I have ___________ homework to do.

a. Many
b. Much
Na prática
In pairs, do following activities with a focus on the use of quantifiers:

1. Choose the correct answer.

There is ______ pizza in the fridge.
a. Some
b. Any

2. I need to go to the supermarket. My mom didn’t buy ____ food.

c. Some
d. Any
Na prática

3. Do you have ____ brothers or sisters?

a. Some
b. Any

4. Would you like ____ cheese?

c. Some
d. Any
Na prática

5. I don’t have ___________ time to do it!

a. Many
b. Much

6. How __________ hours did you spend there?

c. Many
d. Much
Na prática

7. How __________ cups of coffee do you drink every day?

a. Many
b. Much

8. I have ___________ homework to do.

a. Many
b. Much
Aplicando Time for a
A survey activity!
a. Last class, you chose some habits
related to technology use.
b. Your group wrote six questions to create
a survey on the use of technologies and
social media.
c. You asked classmates from other
classes, family members, teachers, school
staff and friends, and took notes of the

20 minutos
Aplicando Time for a
d. Now, you will share the result of your
survey with the other groups.
e. Use the board or some media to show
some information related to your survey.
O que aprendemos hoje?

● Revisar os usos de many, much, some e any;

● Compartilhar com os colegas o resultado da pesquisa
realizada na aula anterior.
Tarefa SP
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Professor, para visualizar a tarefa da aula, acesse com seu login:
1. Clique em “Atividades” e, em seguida, em “Modelos”.
2. Em “Buscar por”, selecione a opção “Localizador”.
3. Copie o localizador acima e cole no campo de busca.
4. Clique em “Procurar”.

Videotutorial: http://tarefasp.educacao.sp.gov.br/.
Slides 1, 3, 13, 17 e 18 –
. Acesso em: 01 ago. 2023.
Slides 5, 6, 7 e 8 –
Acesso em: 01 ago. 2023.

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