PORT 3031 Ponto Do Encontro Licao 4
PORT 3031 Ponto Do Encontro Licao 4
PORT 3031 Ponto Do Encontro Licao 4
• Li~ao 4 • A familia
4-1 Auoda~oes. Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.
• Lir;ao 4 A familia 83
4-2 A familia de Tomas e de Margarlda. Fill in the blanks expressing the relationships among the
people in the family tree. Do not forget to use the articles when necessary.
4-3 Funda~ao Solidariedade Social. Read the following article about a Brazilian couple who started a
non-profit organization (organiza-;ao sem fins lucrativos) in Maringa, in the state of Parana. Then
complete the summary below,
o (3) dela e a escritor e jomalista Migul?l Figueiredo Borges. Sua mae, que se chama
(4) , trabalha tambem para a fundat;i'io. Marcos e Sueli tern dois
Lir;:ao 4 A familia 8S
4-4 Minha familia. You are being interviewed about your family. Answer these questions.
1. Como e sua familia: grande ou pequena?
Sintese gramatical
2. Adverbs
FEMININE FORM: rapido/a rapidamente
Li~ao 4 A famBia 87
Present tense of stem-<:banging verbs
4-5 0 que voces pedem? preferem? sugerem? You and several members of your family are ordering
dinner in a restaurant. Write down what different people order and what others prefer or suggest. Use the
following verbs: pedir, preferir, and sugerir.
MODELO: Minha tia pede frango, mas eu pero [life.
Eu sugirofdloada, mas meu primo prefere ma,,:;a.
1. Eu . mas meu irmao
2. Minha prima ,maseu
4-6 Podem ou nao podem? Write what these people can or can't do. Choose items from the list aT think
of your own to make your sentences.
comer manteiga e~tudar no cafe comprar urna casa
heber cerveja passar as h~rias em... pedir urn empn~stimo (loan) no banco
donnir 12 haras escrever uma carta em porhtgues vestir urn biquini na praia
4. Minhamae _
5. Meu amigo e eu
6. Meu pai _
4-7 Quanlas horas eslas pessoas dormem? Write how many hours you and other people you know
sleep in each of the following situations.
1. Eu nu fim de semana.
4-8 0 que voce faz? Explain what you do in the following situations. Use the verbs in the list to answer
the questions. (There are more verbs than you will need.)
repetir pedir dormir perder
seguir reagir ouw servir
1. 0 que voce faz quando convida seus amigos para urn jantar muito especial em casa?
5. 0 que voce faz quando alguem nao ouve a que voce pergunta?
4-9 Meu mundo. Complete the following statements with the choice that best describes your personal
experience. If none of the choices fit, supply your own adverb.
1. Gosto de comer _
a) regularmente b) depressa
Li~ao 4 A familia 89
4·10 Na universidade. Describe your daily life as a student by completing the following statements.
Choose an adjective from the list and make it an adverb ending in ·mente before giving your answer. You
may also think of your own adverbs and use any verb of your choice.
relativo rapido fadl rapido real frequente
basico raro calmo regular geral normal
Eu janto fora raramente. or
Eu raramente janto fora.
1. De manha _
2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a noite.
3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ atarde.
4. Meus amigos _
5. Gostode _
6. Vou para _
4-11 Os habitos de minha familia. You are writing a composition about your family for your
Portuguese class. Make a list of each of your family members' habits, using adverbs.
MODELO: Meu pai usa 0 computador diariamente.
De manha:
Ze Luis e meu pai (1) de casa as 7:30 da manha. Meu pai sempre (2) que eles
estao atrasados (late). Eles chegam a universidade as 8:00. Meu pai vai para 0 escrit6rio e 0 Ze Luis vai a
biblioteca e la (3) as tarefas. Eu-(4) de casa as 9:30 e chego a universidade
as 10:00. Primeiro vou a aula de biologia e (5) ~experiencias no laborat6rio. Depais de terminar,
(6) os resultados da experiencia sabre a mesa do professor e vou as minhas outras aulas.
De noite:
Quando chego em casa (7) "Oi!" para as meus pais, que geralmente ja estao na
cozinha preparando a jantar. Meu pai sempre (8) pao fresco para 0 jantar e minha mae (9)
______ um vaso com flores na mesa. a ze Luis e eu (10) a mesa e todos comemos
juntos e falamos sobre as atividades do dia.
4-13 A semana. What activities do you associate with the days of the week? Use the verbs indicated for
your answers to say what you do.
1. domingo/fazer
2. segunda/sair
3. quinta/por
4. sexta/trazer
5. sabado/sair
4~14 Um piquenique. A group of friends is planning a picnic. Complete their conversation using the
correct fonns of the verbs fazer, dizer, and trazer.
RUt: Quem vai fazer os sanduiches e a salada?
AUCE: Eu (1) _ as sanduiches. Joao, voce (2) a salada?
JoAo: Legal. (3) _ _ _ _ a salada,
RUI: Eu sempre (6) _ _ _ _ _ urn harario e depois esque~o. Mas, que tal as aita?
CARLOS: E eu nunca esque~o a que (7) ' Que tal as nove? Gita emuito ceda!
SUSANA: 'Ta born, as nove, entao.
Li'tao 4 A familia 91
H6./Faz with expressions of time
4-15 DB. quanto tempo... ? Your cousin wants to know how long you have been doing (or not doing)
these activities. Write your answer in two different ways. Start one sentence with Hoi••• que... or Faz...
que... and the other with the verb in the present tense. Throughout the exercise, alternate the use of ha
and faz.
MODELO: jogar terns
Hd dois anos que jogo tenis/niio jogo lenis.
logo tenis/Niio jogo tenis ha dois anos. or
logo tenis/Niio jogo tenis faz dois anos.
Faz dois anos que jogo/niio jogo tenis.
1. fazer gimlstica
6. (nao) ouvir...
4-11 E voce, 0 que fez ontem? Answer the following questions according to what you did yesterday.
1. Quantas horas voce dormiu ontem d noite?
Para Jer
4·18 Descrit;:oes. The term a terceira idade (literally, third age) is used in Portuguese to refer to senior
citizens. Think of one senior citizen you know and answer the following questions.
1. Quantos anas esta pessoa tern?
Li~ao 4 A familia 93
4·19 A terceira hlade. First read the text below for its general meaning. Then read it again dnd answer
the following questions.
2. Quantos anos devem ter as pessoas que querem partidpar dos programas para a terceira idade?
4. Como sao as pessoas que participam das atividades do Clube da Terceira Idade?
6. Como e 0 nome da agenda de turismo que tt'm programas especiais para pessoas acima de 60 anos?
4-20 Associa~oes. Look at the reading again and write the adjectives that are associated with the
following verbs.
1. interessar 4. acompanhar
2. reduzir 5. alimentar
3. dl)minar 6. aposentar
Para escrever
4-21 Primeiro passo. You are happy because your friend from Brazil is going to stay with you this
summer. He Of she wants 10 know about your family. Make a lisl of at least three family members you
want to write about and what you want your friend to know about them. lndude information such as
name, age, what they arc like, and what they like to do. You may use what you wrote about your family
in exercise 4-4.
Minha famnia
4-22 Passo final. Write a letter describing your family to your Brazilian friend.. Use the information
gathered in the previous exercise. Finally, let your friend know how you feel about his or her upcoming
visit (for example: Estou muHo contente com a sua visita). Use the verbs from the list or any other you
chamar-se tocar prt'ferir falar
trabalhar pdr ter... anas estar
poder sair estudar ,e'
viver come~ar corn"r jogar
Ul;ao 4 A famOia 95
4-23 0 Norte do Brasil e 0 Amazonas. Circle the answer that best completes each of the following
statements according to the information given in Horizontes on pages 176-177 of your textbook.
4-24 0 que mals voc~ sabe sobre a. Amazonia? Fill in the blanks with the correct information.
Urn dos grupos indigenas que habitam esta regiao chama-se (3) _____.. No Rio Amazonas podem
encontrar botos ou (4) . A pomroea atrai muitos (5) porque as ondas sao muil
(6) _ ,com ate (7) metros de altura. 0 Rio Amazonas e 0 (8) rio do mundo, em
4-2S A familia de Irene. Look at Irene's family tree. You will hear a number followed by a word
identifying each person's relation to Irene. Write the number next to that person's name. Pause the
recording at the beep to work at your own pace.
MODEtO: You hear: O. avo
You write: anext to the name Sr. Afonso
Pedro Sandra
4-26 Os familiares dos mens colegas. Repeat each statement after the speaker. Then write the number
of relatives mentioned and their relationship to the person named. Pause the recording at the beep to write
at your own pace.
MODELO: Vou hear: Roberto tern dais irma-os.
You write: dois irmilos
1. Claudia _ 5. Ritinha _
2. Raquel _ 6. Carla _
3. Paulo . _ 7. 20 _
4. Miguel _ 8. Tomas _
4-27 A familia de Amelia. You will hear Amelia Pinto Soares describing her family. Identify each
family member's relationship to Amelia by writjng it next to the appropriate name.
L Carlos Soares
2. Artvr
3. Gabriel
4. Pedro Luis
5. Marisa
6. Elvira
Li~ao 4 A familia 97
4-28 0 batizado. Baptism is an important event in most Brazilian families. Read the statements below
before listening to the description of the christening ceremony of a new member of the Rodrigues family.
Then, indicate whether each statement is true or false by marking the appropriate response. Don't worry if
you don't understand every word.
I pai
em urn banco
, muito inteligente
28 anas
Conrado Schlosser
The Bi'azilian Portuguese s at the beginning of a word and the double 8 (IS) in the middle of a word are
pronounced similarly to the , in the English word second, Replta .. segulntes palo.,••.
s4, segundo passado agressivo assinatura -assunto
~ Brazilian Portuguese s and. zbetween voweis, and the z at the beginning ofa word or syllable,
~ like the,s in theEnglish word disea.se or the z in the Eng}i$h word.~. Repita.u Beguintes
"','~ mesa sobremesa museu mtlsica J~resunto
cc,' ~, zool6glco faur organi«m ,_ ca/eoinho
~tne,"8:isat the end of a syllable or a word
or is followed. by b, d, g, 1, m, n, 1, or v, its
',~. is ~ to that of the s in the English word measure. Repita as seguittteB palavraa.
, '.. 'I·",'. ';''"-~,.
0'..,· ..'·
"-",,,~v ...... "
mesmo turismo casas tomates
~_!:~~Wed by c. £, p, or t, its sound is similar to that of the s in the English word see.
ll~iIiI /!lIg1IIIII1fll palavras. . ..
~, ,:eteritOriO esierogr8fica revtsta estilo isto
In ..",.. anw.m
Brazi111\io de Janeiro, paris of Santa Catarina, and the Northe..t), the pronunciation
01 the. 'tntne:two cUes outlined above is similar to that of English sh in the name Ishmael. You will
findfWther ittformation lU\d. practice of the pronundahort of 8 and z at the end of words in the
Ligacio de palavraa segment of the PronUnda section in U~ S of your workbook.
Present tense of stem-changing verbs
4-30 Quaulas horas estas pessoas dormem? According to the times given, say how many hours these
people sleep on different days of the week. Pause the recording at the beep to answer at your own pace.
MODELO: Vou see: eu/ter~a/8
Vou say: Na ter{u, ell dllrmo ado haras.
1. Helena/sabado/l0 4. eu/domingo/9
2. Paulo e Carlos/quartaj7 5. voce/quinta/8
3. n6s/segunda/6
4-31 Bebidas. Your friends have a wide range of preferences when it comes to their choice of drinks. Vou
are preparing for;) party at your place and answering your roommate who wants to know what you win
serve to each of your guests. Pause the recording at the beep to answer at your own pace.
MODELO; You hear: 0 que voce serve para Tiago?
You see: Tiago/agua
Vou say: Tiago pre/ere agua. Siruo agllu para ele.
1. Joao/cerveja 4. Marcelo e eu/ cm
2. Camila e Helena/coca-coJa 5. Regina/vinho
3. Laura/suca de laranja 6. voce/agua mineral
4-32 Mab prefeftocias. You and your roommate Flavia get along fine in spite of your very different
preferences with regard to food and drink. State your divergences as illustrated below. Pause the recording
at the beep to answer at your own pace.
MODELO: You hear: Flavia prefere cafe.
You see: cm
You say: Mas eu prefiro chao
You hear: Eu prefiro batata.
Vou see: arroz
You say: Mas Flavia pre[ere arroz.
1. agua com gas
2. bite
3. refrigerante
4. torradas
5. massa
6. sopa de legumes
4-33 Aqui servem uma comida multo boaT Listen to this conversation between Paula and Marco and
to the questions that follow. Circle the best answer to each question based on what you hear.
1. a) em casa b) num restaurante c) numa festa
2. a) fcango b) bife com batata frita oj feijoada
3. a) bife b) fcijoada 0) peixe com salada
4. a) bite b) frango frito com batata 0) peixe
5. a) cerveja b) vmho branco c) vinho tinto
Liga~o de palavras (lJnkf.ng)
Linking occurs when a word ends in r, s, or z and is immediately followed by another word beginning
with a vowel. The normal tendency is for the letters at the end of the word to form a syllable with the
initial vowel in the next word. As you repeat the following expressions and sentences, avoid pausing
between the words. Repita as seguintes frases.
1. Limpar a casa. 5. A mae faz as torradas.
2, Par exemplo. 6. A fIlha traz os pratos.
3. Estudar em casa. 7. Paulinho diz "obrigado".
4. Vamos usar a imaginac;ao. 8. Ele faz exerdcios ffsicos, como correr e nadar.
4-34 Mario conversa ('om 0 tio. Listen to this conversation between Mario and his uncle. Then choose
the best answers to the statements that will follow according to the information you have heard.
4-35 Uma tarde no parque. You will hear some sentences describing family activities at a park. Each
sentence will be followed by a cue. Incorporate the cue into the sentence using the ending -mente. Pause
the recording at the beep to answer at your own pace.
MODELQ: Os avos caminham./lentll
AS avos caminham lentamente.
4-37 Eu tambem. Your mother wants you to help out more at home and is pointing out the chores that
your brothers and sisters do. Tell her that you also do those chores. Pause the recording at the beep to
answer at your own pace.
MODELO: You hear: Ell'S pOem a mesa.
You say: Eu tambem ponho a mesa.
4-38 Quem diz 0 que? You know that the Portuguese word for "thank you" changes depending on who
is saying it (male or female). Explain how the following people will say "thank rOll." Pause the recording
( at the beep to answer at your own pace.
MODELO: You ht'ar: Teresa e Isabel
You say: Teresa e Isabel dium "obrigada".
4-41 PIanos para 0 Miguel. Listen to the plans of Miguel and his uncle and to the statements that
follow. Indicate whether each statement is true or false by checking the appropriate response. Don't worry
if you don't understand every word.
4-42 0 que eles querem fazer? Paulo and his sister Silvia are discussing their family's plans for the
weekend. Complete the chart with the information you hear about each family member's preferences.
as avos
Vocabulario util
antigamente formerly, in the past , to_Ie
aposentadola , retired ~a.iIi' ,. ,>1..
o bob6 de camario· , dish mMe w'ith shriiitp, 'yuka: . , .p~i<a" ~lc
coconut milk, manioc, and palm oil o retuamehto ........,;age
carmie destitute o sobrlnh01leto g'..""'l'hew
conviver to be familiar/sociable with o timbre tone
enfrentar to face o vatapa dish made oj
hoje em dia nowadays piimuts or
a ovelha negra black sheep Ct/$herDs,dried
o padrio model 'hrilt!/', fleh,
coconut milk. and
palm oil
IV" ,.. ooU:e
4-43 Membros da familia. Primeiro passo. In the video, the following people describe their families.
Write down the information each person gives about his or her family members.
1. Dona SOnia ~ _
2. Rogerio
3. Mariana _
Segundo passo. Now view this segment again, as many times as needed, and answer the following ques
tions based on the information given by each person. Write complete sentences.
1. Dona SOnia
a) 0 marido da Dona Sonia trabalha? ~ _
b) 0 que 0 fiTho dela faz? ~ _
Ten:eiro passo. How does your own family compare to the families of Dona Sonia, Rogerio, and
Mariana? Use the vocabulary and structures from Primeiro pas60 and Segundo passo above, and any
other words you like, to describe your family.
4-44 Com quem des se part!cem1 Prlmelro passo. The follOWing people comment on their
resemblance to other members of their family. Write down V (verdadeiro) or F (fal90) to indicate whether
the following statements are true or false.
1. A Sandra se parece com a mae, em termos geneticos. _
2. Todas as pessoas na familia da Sandra sao morenas. _
3. Sandra e a ovelha negra da familia, como ela costuma dizer. _
4. Mariana e paredda com a mae, mas so fisicamente. _
5. As atitudes da Mariana e da mae sao muito pareddas. _
6. Caio e a copia da mae. _
7. Psicologicamente, Caio se parece muito com a pai. _
8. 0 timbre de voz do Caio e pareddo com 0 do pai dele. _
Segundo passo. How do you compare to other members of your family, both physically and emotionally?
Complete the statements below, giving as much information as you can.
( Eu sou parecido/a com ~ __
4-45 Familias tipicas no Brasil. The following people comment on what a typical Brazilian family is
like. Listen to their statements and fill in the blanks in the paragraphs below.
1. Manuela
Eu acho que no Brasil nao existe uma familia . Acho que tern uma
_________ muito grande, em todas as ' 0 numero de _
tern aumentado, entao a familia pais e ja nao existe mais de uma forma tao
________ em lodos as niveis da sociedade ou de urna forma tao certinha. Os casos de
_______ e 5.30 muito irequentes. Entaa, 0 padrao de familia acho que
naD existe no Brasil, nao.
2. Rogerio
A tipica familia brasileira e a familia . Acho que isso e que e _
para ° brasileiro, e a "Apesar de todos as atropelos, todas as ~
todos as que a Brasil enfrenta e sempre enfrentou, porque nao e novo, acho que a
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ sempre foi uma _ da familia brasileira. E prindpalmente se for
uma familia de - - ' pais tudo e motivo para comemorar, tudo e motivo para fazer
_________ J para fazer vatapa, para fazer bob6 de camarao. Tudo e motivo para celebrM.
3. Dona SOnia
mulheres; a grande maioria delas, essa e a familia brasileira, e a mullier tomando conta da
4. E voce? Is there a typical family in your country? Relying on the comments made by the interviewees,
write three complete sentences addressing this question.
em dia, (c) ~ _
(c) _
3. E voce? Have roles within the family changed in your country? Identify hva changes within the family
structure that you ha ve noticed or experienced"