Alarm - Test

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21/06/2024, 11:10 SIS 2.

Alarme - Teste (M0081162-17)

SMCS -7406, 7429 i10193491

Informações geraisPSP
202 -000A
O alarme é uma saída do Módulo de Controle Eletrônico (ECM). O alarme alerta o operador
sobre uma condição de falha (alarme de falha). O alarme também alerta as pessoas na área

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geral da máquina (alarme de backup).

1 0 1 C
A tabela ou tabelas a seguir são uma lista de códigos de problemas de diagnóstico (DTCs)

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associados aos circuitos de alarme da máquina. Cada DTC é composto por dois números. O

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primeiro número é o Identificador do Componente (CID). O segundo número é o Identificador do
Modo de Falha (FMI). Cada ECM em uma máquina possui um identificador de módulo (MID)

024 2
atribuído. Para obter informações adicionais, consulte a Instrução Especial, REHS0126 ,
"Informações de código de diagnóstico para controle eletrônico Caterpillar ® ".
O diagrama ou diagramas abaixo são esquemas simplificados. Os esquemas estão

eletricamente corretos. Entretanto, nem todos os conectores de chicote possíveis são

r In
mostrados. Consulte a última revisão do Esquema Elétrico para uma representação completa
de todas as conexões.

Máquina ECM 1
A seguir está uma lista de códigos de problemas de diagnóstico (DTCs) associados aos
circuitos de alarme da máquina.

tabela 1

Máquina ECM 1 (MID J1939 299 - CDL 39)

Descrição do código de
J1939 CDL Resposta do sistema
problema de diagnóstico
Alarme de viagem: tensão acima O ECM impedirá que o operador engate a
- 376-3
do normal máquina na direção reversa.
Alarme de viagem: corrente O ECM impedirá que o operador engate a
- 376-5
abaixo do normal máquina na direção reversa.
Alarme de viagem: Corrente O ECM impedirá que o operador engate a
- 376-6
acima do normal máquina na direção reversa.
376- Alarme de viagem: Modo de falha O ECM impedirá que o operador engate a
11 não identificável máquina na direção reversa. 1/8
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Ilustração 1 g06183416
Circuito de alarme de viagem

Procedimento de código de problema de diagnóstico

mesa 2
Ferramentas necessárias
Ferramenta Número da Descrição Quantidade
237-5130 Grupo de Multímetros Digitais 1
8T-3224 Grupo de ponta de agulha 1
T1 7X-1710 Grupo de sondas multímetro 1
Conjunto de cabos (três pinos) (disrupção de 3
8T-8726 1
JERD2129 Eletrônico Cat® (ET) 1
T2 PC baseado em Windows 1
538-5051 GP do adaptador de comunicação 1
T3 6V-4148 Kit de reparo do conector (Sure Seal) 1
T4 190-8900 Kit de reparo de campo do conector (Deutsch) 1
T5 175-3700 Kit de reparo de conector Deutsch DT 1

Antes de iniciar este procedimento, inspecione os conectores do chicote envolvidos neste

circuito. Muitas vezes, conexões ruins podem ser a causa de um problema em um circuito
elétrico. Verifique se todas as conexões no circuito estão limpas, seguras e em boas condições.
Se for encontrado um problema com uma conexão, corrija o problema e verifique se o código de
diagnóstico de problemas está ativo antes de executar um procedimento de solução de

1. Identifique o FMI ativo associado ao DTC.

2. Determine qual FMI está presente e use a lista abaixo para determinar qual procedimento

FMI 3, prossiga para "FMI 3".

FMI 5, prossiga para "FMI 5".

FMI 6, prossiga para "FMI 6". 2/8
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FMI 11, prossiga para "FMI 11".

Tabela 3

Verifique se há um curto-circuito no circuito de alimentação

Troubleshooting Test Steps Values Results
Result: Each value is greater than 5000

1. Turn the start switch and Proceed to "Check If The Diagnostic

disconnect switch to the OFF Trouble Code Remains", Table 4.
Result: Resistance is less than 5 ohms, a
2. Disconnect the harness short exists in signal circuit.
connectors from the ECM. Each value
is greater Repair: Repair or replace machine
3. Disconnect the travel alarm from than 5000 harness.
the machine harness. ohms.
Note: A resistance greater than 5 ohms but
4. At the connector for the ECM, less than 5000 ohms indicates a loose or a
measure the resistance between corroded connection in the circuit. A
the travel alarm contact and all resistance value greater than 5000 ohms
sources for +battery. indicates an open in the circuit.

Proceed to "Check If The Diagnostic

Trouble Code Remains", Table 4.

Table 4
Check If The Diagnostic Trouble Code Remains
Troubleshooting Test Steps Values Results
1. Reconnect all harness The DTC is Result: The DTC does not exist currently. The
connectors. Return machine no longer initial DTC may have been caused by poor
to normal operating condition. present. electrical connection or short at one of the
harness connections. Resume machine
2. Turn the start switch and operation.
the disconnect switch ON.
3. Clear all DTCs.
Result: The DTC has not been corrected. If the
4. Operate the machine. DTC has not been corrected after performing
the procedure a second time, the ECM may
5. Stop the machine and require replacement.
engage the safety lock lever.
Prior to replacing the ECM, always contact the
6. Check if the DTC is active. Technical Communicator at your dealership for
possible consultation with Caterpillar. This
consultation may effect repair time.

Follow the steps in Troubleshooting, "ECM -

Replace" if the ECM needs to be replaced. 3/8
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Table 5

Check The Alarm

Troubleshooting Test Steps Values Results
Result: The harness is correct.
1. Turn the start switch and the
The FMI 5 DTC changes to an FMI
disconnect switch to the OFF
6 when the jumper wire is
installed. The alarm has failed.
2. Disconnect the alarm from the
Repair: Replace the alarm.
machine harness. The FMI 5 DTC
changes to an FMI 6
Proceed to "Check If The
3. Place a jumper wire between after the jumper wire
Diagnostic Trouble Code
contact 1 and contact 2, at the is installed.
Remains", Table 7.
harness connector for the alarm.
Result: The DTC remains active.
4. Turn the start switch and the
disconnect switch ON. Do not
Proceed to "Check The Harness
start the engine.
For An Open", Table6 .

Table 6

Check The Harness For An Open

Troubleshooting Test Steps Values Results
Result: The reading is less than 5 ohms.
The harness is correct.

Proceed to "Check If The Diagnostic

1. Turn the start switch and the
Trouble Code Remains", Table 7.
disconnect switch to the OFF
Result: The reading is greater than 5000
ohms. The circuit is open in the machine
2. Disconnect the harness
connectors from the ECM.
reading is Repair: The open is in the signal wire or
3. The jumper wire remains that
less than 5 the return wire. Repair or replace the
was installed in the previous test
ohms. machine harness.
step remains in place.
Note: A resistance greater than 5 ohms but
4. At the machine harness
less than 5000 ohms indicates a loose or a
connector for the ECM, measure
corroded connection in the circuit. A
the resistance between the signal
resistance value greater than 5000 ohms
contact and ground contact.
indicates an open in the circuit.

Proceed to "Check If The Diagnostic

Trouble Code Remains", Table 7.

Table 7 4/8
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Check If The Diagnostic Trouble Code Remains

Troubleshooting Test Steps Values Results
Result: The DTC does not exist currently. The
initial DTC may have been caused by poor
electrical connection or short at one of the
1. Reconnect all harness harness connections. Resume machine
connectors. Return machine operation.
to normal operating condition.
2. Turn the start switch and
the disconnect switch to the Result: The DTC has not been corrected. If the
ON position. DTC has not been corrected after performing
The DTC is
the procedure a second time, the ECM may
no longer
3. Clear all DTCs. require replacement.
4. Operate the machine. Prior to replacing the ECM, always contact the
Technical Communicator at your dealership for
5. Stop the machine and possible consultation with Caterpillar. This
engage the safety lock lever. consultation may effect repair time.

6. Check if the DTC is active. Follow the steps in Troubleshooting, "ECM -

Replace" if the ECM needs to be replaced.


Table 8

Check The Travel Alarm

Troubleshooting Test Steps Values Results
Result: The FMI 6 changes to an
FMI 5 when the alarm is
disconnected. The alarm has
1. Turn the start switch and
disconnect switch to the ON Repair: Replace the travel alarm.
position. Do NOT start the engine.
Proceed to "Check If The
The FMI 6 changes to
2. Check that DTC is active. Diagnostic Trouble Code
an FMI 5 when the
Remains", Table 10.
alarm is removed.
3. Disconnect the travel alarm from
machine harness. Result: The DTC does not
change when the alarm is
4. Observe the status of the DTC. disconnected from the harness.

Proceed to "Check The Signal

Circuit For A Short To Ground",
Table 9.

Table 9
Check The Signal Circuit For A Short To Ground 5/8
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Troubleshooting Test Steps Values Results

Result: All resistance greater than 5000

Proceed to "Check If The Diagnostic

Trouble Code Remains", Table 10.
1. Turn the start switch and
disconnect switch to the OFF
Result: One or more readings less than 5
ohms. The short is between the signal
contact and the circuit with the low-
2. The travel alarm remains
resistance value.
disconnected from the harness. All readings
are greater
Repair: Repair or replace the machine
3. Disconnect all harness than 5000
connections at the ECM. ohms.
Note: A resistance greater than 5 ohms
4. At the ECM harness connector,
but less than 5000 ohms indicates a
measure the resistance between
loose or a corroded connection in the
the travel alarm contact and all
circuit. A resistance value greater than
possible sources of ground.
5000 ohms indicates an open in the

Proceed to "Check If The Diagnostic

Trouble Code Remains", Table 10.

Table 10

Check If The Diagnostic Trouble Code Remains

Troubleshooting Test Steps Values Results
Result: The DTC does not exist currently. The
initial DTC may have been caused by poor
electrical connection or short at one of the
1. Reconnect all harness harness connections. Resume machine
connectors. Return machine operation.
to normal operating condition.
2. Turn the start switch and
the disconnect switch to the Result: The DTC code has not been corrected.
ON position. If the DTC has not been corrected after
The DTC is
performing the procedure a second time, the
no longer
3. Clear all DTCs. ECM may require replacement.
4. Operate the machine. Prior to replacing the ECM, always contact the
Technical Communicator at your dealership for
5. Stop the machine and possible consultation with Caterpillar. This
engage the safety lock lever. consultation may effect repair time.

6. Check if the DTC is active. Follow the steps in Troubleshooting, "ECM -

Replace" if the ECM needs to be replaced.


FMI 11 6/8
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Table 11

Check The Travel Alarm

Troubleshooting Test Steps Values Results
Result: The FMI 6 changes to
1. Turn the start switch and the an FMI 5 when the alarm is
disconnect switch OFF. disconnected. The alarm has
2. Disconnect the solenoid from the
machine harness. Repair: Replace the travel
3. Place a jumper wire between
contact 1 and contact 2, at the The FMI 6 changes to Proceed to "Check If The
harness connector for the solenoid. an FMI 5 when the Diagnostic Trouble Code
alarm is removed. Remains", Table 13.
4. Turn the start switch and the
disconnect switch ON. Do not start Result: The DTC does not
the engine. change when the alarm is
disconnected from the harness.
5. As the jumper is removed and
connected to the contacts, observe Proceed to "Check The Machine
any code change. Harness For An Open", Table

Table 12

Check The Machine Harness For An Open

Troubleshooting Test Steps Values Results
Result: All resistance less than 5000 ohms.

Proceed to "Check If The Diagnostic Trouble

Code Remains", Table 13.
1. Turn the start switch and the
disconnect switch OFF.
Result: The reading is greater than 5 ohms.
The circuit is open in the machine harness.
2. Disconnect the harness
connectors from the ECM (or
Repair: The open is in the wire for the solenoid
switch panel).
signal or the return wire for the solenoid.
All readings
Repair or replace the machine harness
3. The jumper wire remains are less than
installed. 5000 ohms.
Note: A resistance that is greater than 5 ohms
but less than 5000 ohms would indicate a
4. At the machine harness
loose connection or a corroded connection in
connector for the ECM,
the circuit. A resistance measurement that is
measure the resistance at the
greater than 5000 ohms would indicate an
ECM contacts for the solenoid.
open in the circuit.

Proceed to "Check If The Diagnostic Trouble

Code Remains", Table 13.

Table 13
Check If The Diagnostic Trouble Code Remains 7/8
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Troubleshooting Test Steps Values Results

Result: The DTC does not exist currently. The
initial DTC may have been caused by poor
electrical connection or short at one of the
1. Reconnect all harness harness connections. Resume machine
connectors. Return machine operation.
to normal operating condition.
2. Turn the start switch and
the disconnect switch to the Result: The DTC has not been corrected. If the
ON position. DTC has not been corrected after performing
The DTC is
the procedure a second time, the ECM may
no longer
3. Clear all DTCs. require replacement.
4. Operate the machine. Prior to replacing the ECM, always contact the
Technical Communicator at your dealership for
5. Stop the machine and possible consultation with Caterpillar. This
engage the safety lock lever. consultation may effect repair time.

6. Check if the DTC is active. Follow the steps in Troubleshooting, "ECM -

Replace" if the ECM needs to be replaced.


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