Gramática Da Lingua Inglesa Fev 2023

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18/03/2023, 01:47 [AV] Avaliação Final: Revisão da tentativa

Página inicial Meus cursos GLIII2LLPI [AV] AVALIAÇÃO FINAL [AV] Avaliação Final

Iniciado em Saturday, 18 Mar 2023, 01:19

Estado Finalizada
Concluída em Saturday, 18 Mar 2023, 01:45
Tempo 26 minutos 3 segundos
Avaliar 4,00 de um máximo de 10,00(40%)

Questão 1


Atingiu 1,00 de 1,00

Assinale a alternativa que melhor responde à questão: "What did he do last night?

a. He's gone to the mall.

b. He went to the mall.

c. He wents to the mall.

d. He did the mall.

e. He did go to the mall.

Questão 2

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Escolha a alternativa que apresenta o significado correto dos sufixos abaixo: Ideo – mut – lingu – sed

a. Correto, mudar, língua, parte

b. Ideia, mudar, língua, parte

c. Ideia, silêncio, língua, parte 

d. Correto, silêncio, língua, sentar

e. Ideia, mudar, língua, sentar 1/4
18/03/2023, 01:47 [AV] Avaliação Final: Revisão da tentativa

Questão 3

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Escolha a alternativa que contém a frase escrita corretamente:

a. This episode is boringer than the last one.

b. Jordan is more tall than Kathy.

c. Advertising pressures women to be more thin. 

d. This book is more boring than the last one.

e. This game is excitinger than ever.

Questão 4

Atingiu 1,00 de 1,00

Escolha a alternativa que preenche corretamente a frase: “If I had your number, I _____ call you tomorrow.”

a. Would

b. Should

c. Can

d. May

e. Can’t

Questão 5

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Escolha a alternativa que representa o número de morfemas nas seguintes palavras, nesta ordem:
Autobiography – boy – ducks – motive – password

a. 6, 1, 1, 2, 2

b. 2, 1, 2, 1, 2

c. 3, 1, 2, 2, 2

d. 4, 1, 2, 2, 2 

e. 4, 1, 2, 1, 2 2/4
18/03/2023, 01:47 [AV] Avaliação Final: Revisão da tentativa

Questão 6

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Identifique os tipos de morfemas derivacionais abaixo:

1- Doable 2- Atypical 3- Hopeless 4- Untie 5- Darken 6- Neighborhood

a. Verbo verbo, adjetivo adjetivo, substantivo adjetivo, verbo adjetivo, adjetivo verbo e substantivo

b. Verbo adjetivo, adjetivo adjetivo, substantivo adjetivo, verbo verbo, substantivo substantivo, adjetivo verbo.

c. Substantivo substantivo, adjetivo verbo, verbo verbo, subatantivo adjetivo, adjetivo adjetivo, verbo

d. Adjetivo adjetivo, substantivo adjetivo, verbo verbo, verbo adjetivo, substantivo substantivo, adjetivo verbo.

e. Verbo adjetivo, adjetivo adjetivo, substantivo adjetivo, verbo verbo, adjetivo verbo, substantivo 

Questão 7

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In which sentence is the Present Continuous Tense used incorrectly?

a. I cannot talk to you right now because I’m finishing my assignment.

b. Listen! The teacher’s coming. Let’s keep quiet. 

c. I can’t understand why Paul is being so stubborn. He’s not usually like that.

d. I want to live in Rome next year, so I’m learning Italian.

e. I’m not understanding what she’s trying to tell me.

Questão 8

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Preencha as frases abaixo corretamente:

I. We _______ in Norway for nearly 25 years until we moved to Scotland two years ago. II. Jason _______ in
Moscow since he was born. III. I love here so much that I believe _______ here till the end of my life. IV. By the time
I graduate from school next year, _______ here for five years. V. My friend, Darren _______ in Amsterdam now,
but he says he’ll move soon.

a. Has been living, will live, I will have been living, had been living, is living.

b. Had been living, has been living, is living, I will have been living, will live.

c. Will live, had been living, I will have been living, is living, has been living.

d. Will live, has been living, I will have been living, Had been living, is living.

e. Had been living, has been living, will live, I will have been living, is living. 3/4
18/03/2023, 01:47 [AV] Avaliação Final: Revisão da tentativa

Questão 9

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Qual alternativa melhor descreve a derivação da palavra simplify?

a. Noun + –ify ➔ Adjective.

b. Verb + –ify ➔ Verb. 

c. Adjective + –ify ➔ Noun.

d. Adjective + –ify ➔ Verb.

e. Verb + –ify ➔ Noun.

Questão 10

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Qual das sentenças abaixo apresenta uma conjunção?

a. The dog loved running really fast on the field.

b. It's been raining all day long. 

c. See how high you can jump in the air.

d. That cat is always eating because it's always hungry.

e. You will need to be prepared; your monster might try to escape.

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