Tese Compostos Bioativos Manipueira
Tese Compostos Bioativos Manipueira
Tese Compostos Bioativos Manipueira
João Pessoa - PB
João Pessoa - PB
João Pessoa - PB
Catalogação na publicação
Seção de Catalogação e Classificação
A Deus.
A minha mãe, Maria José Ribeiro da Silva e o meu pai Antonio Carlos Santana por todo
apoio, compreensão, amor e atenção nas horas em que mais precisei podendo contar sempre
com sua amizade, amor e cuidado;
Agradeço também aos meus orientadores, o professor Flávio Luiz Honorato da Silva
que mesmo sem me conhecer direito, aceitou me orientar e dividiu comigo o seu
companheirismo, sua paciência, sua amizade e estive comigo esses quatro anos sempre com
muita atenção e cuidado, a professora Andrea Ferreira e o professor Giovanilton de Oliveira
por terem me dado essa chance de trabalharmos juntos nesse doutorado, por terem confiado em
mim mais uma vez e por ter me dado todo apoio que precisei, não mediram esforços para me
ajudar, que Deus possa recompensá-los;
Aos meus Amigos que fiz durante esses quatro anos na UFPB: Josevan, José
Evangelista, Valdenice, Renata, Tatiana, Debora, Rian, Lorena, Leanderson, Bruno, sem me
esquecer da Fernanda (secretária do PPGCTA) e da sua simpatia;
A professora Drª Rita de Cassia Queiroga (in memoriam) que no início do meu
doutorado me ajudou e me deu muita força para que eu pudesse estudar.
A minha amiga Ana Flávia que juntos formamos a dupla Pink e Cérebro, fizemos o
mestrado juntos na UFBA e agora encontra-se mais perto de Deus.
Os nutracêuticos são moléculas bioativas que podem ser utilizadas para suprir as necessidades
nutricionais do organismo, ao passo que auxiliam na saúde como um todo. Muitos esforços têm
sido empregados com objetivo de desenvolver tecnologias que otimizem a produção destas
biomoléculas por microrganismos, e neste sentido, várias metodologias são inteligentemente
empregadas como é o caso do uso dos biorreatores integrados. Atualmente, têm-se concedido
especial atenção aos processos biotecnológicos como alternativa às rotas químicas devido aos
baixos custos de produção. O uso de resíduos é bastante conveniente tanto do ponto de vista da
sustentabilidade quanto econômico quando são utilizados como substrato para o
desenvolvimento de microrganismos e, consequentemente, na produção de um composto de
alto valor agregado como exemplo as biomoléculas. O trabalho teve por objetivo estudar a
produção de carotenoides, lipídeos e biomassa em Biorreator integrado utilizando as leveduras
Rhodothorula glutinis e Paffia rhodozyma como agentes produtores e avaliar a viabilidade do
uso da manipueira, como substrato para essa produção. Foram feitas análises da biomassa,
lipídeos e carotenoides produzidos. As análises físico-químicas da manipueira foram realizadas
e foram encontrados 93,54% de umidade, 32,24 g/L de açúcares redutores, 47,18 g/L de
açúcares totais, 1,58% de proteínas, 1% de cinzas, 7,3 °Brix de sólidos solúveis totais e pH de
5,3. Os melhores resultados encontrados durante os cultivos individuais das leveduras em
biorreator: 8,57 g/L e 9,85 g/L de biomassa, 0,81 g/L e 4,19 g/L de lipídeos e 1,3 mg/L e 1,1
mg/L de carotenoides totais para R. glutinis e P. rhodozyma, respectivamente. Ao passo que
durante o cultivo misto foram produzidos 7,15 g/L de biomassa e as maiores quantidades de
lipídeos (6,04 g/L) e de carotenoides totais (1,51mg/L) quando comparados com os cultivos
individuais. Os microrganismos utilizados neste estudo apresentaram crescimento importante
quando cultivados em biorreator em meio contendo manipueira como fonte de carbono e,
portanto, estes resultados apoiam a viabilidade da utilização da manipueira como substrato a
ser utilizado em um processo biotecnológico com o objetivo de produção de carotenoides e
lipídeos e biomassa microbiana.
Nutraceuticals are bioactive molecules that can be used to meet the nutritional needs of the
body, while helping with health as a whole. Many efforts have been used to develop
technologies that optimize the production of these biomolecules by microorganisms, and in this
sense, several methodologies are intelligently employed, such as the use of integrated
bioreactors. Currently, special attention has been given to biotechnological processes as an
alternative to chemical routes due to low production costs. The use of residues is quite
convenient both from the point of view of sustainability and economics when they are used as
a substrate for the development of microorganisms and, consequently, in the production of a
compound of high added value such as biomolecules. The objective of this work was to study
the production of carotenoids, lipids and biomass in an integrated Bioreactor using the yeasts
Rhodothorula glutinis and Paffia rhodozyma as producing agents and to evaluate the feasibility
of using cassava as a substrate for this production. Biomass, lipids and carotenoids produced
were analyzed. The physicochemical analyzes of the manipueira were carried out and found
93.54% of moisture, 32.24 g/L of reducing sugars, 47.18 g/L of total sugars, 1.58% of proteins,
1% of ash, 7.3 °Brix of total soluble solids and pH of 5.3. The best results found during
individual yeast cultures in bioreactor: 8.57 g/L and 9.85 g/L of biomass, 0.81 g/L and 4.19 g/L
of lipids and 1.3 mg/L and 1.1 mg/L of total carotenoids for R. glutinis and P. rhodozyma,
respectively. Whereas during the mixed culture, 7.15 g/L of biomass and the highest amounts
of lipids (6.04 g/L) and total carotenoids (1.51 mg/L) were produced when compared to the
individual cultures. The microorganisms used in this study showed significant growth when
cultivated in a bioreactor in a medium containing manipueira as a carbon source and, therefore,
these results support the feasibility of using manipueira as a substrate to be used in a
biotechnological process with the objective of producing carotenoids and lipids and microbial
Figura 1. Número de publicações nos últimos dez anos para o termo agroindustrial waste. .. 25
Figura 2. Estrutura molecular dos carotenoides ...................................................................... 28
Figura 3. Estimativa de participação de carotenoides no mercado mundial em 2021 ............ 29
Figura 4. Produção, coleta e envase da manipueira................................................................. 37
Figura 5. Preparo do inóculo em meio YM ............................................................................. 41
Figura 6. Biorreator utilizado nos ensaios de produção de carotenoides. ............................... 42
Figura 7. Cultivo misto com os mocrorganismos Rhodotorula glutinis e Paffia rhodozyma após
cultivo em biorreator, com aumento de 100×. .......................................................................... 45
Figure 1: Growth curve for R. glutinis in the described bioreactor over 84 hours. Bars
represent the deviation for triplicates……………………………………………………… 62
Figure 2: Values of reducing sugar over 84 hours of cultivation………………………… 63
Figure 3: Production of carotenoids by R. glutinis over 84 hours of cultivation…………. 64
Figure 1: Biomass concentration throughout the process of single and mixed culture…... 77
Figure 2: Values of reducing sugars throughout the fermentation process (84 h) ………. 81
Figure 3: Production of carotenoids by mixed culture of Rhodotorula glutinis and Paffia
rhodozyma throughout the cultivation period. Data are expressed as duplicate means and
standard deviation................................................................................................................. 82
Table 1: Composition of cassava wastewater used in this work........................................... 61
Table 2: Composition of fatty acids produced during each fermentation............................. 66
Table 3: Productivity of experiments in bioreactor using cassava water as a carbon source. 66
Table 1: Composition of cassava wastewater used in this work…………………………… 77
Table 2: Composição dos ácidos graxos produzidos durante cada fermentação................... 77
Table 3: Productivity of experiments in bioreactor using cassava water as a carbon source.. 78
1. INTRODUÇÃO ..................................................................................................... 19
2. OBJETIVOS........................................................................................................... 22
3.4 CAROTENOIDES.................................................................................................... 28
3.4.1 β-caroteno................................................................................................ 29
3.4.2 Astaxantina.............................................................................................. 30
4. METODOLOGIA .................................................................................................. 37
REFERÊNCIAS............................................................................................................ 46
TSOLCHA et al., 2018), produção de hidrogênio (ARANTES et al., 2017; PACHIEGA et al.,
2019; TORQUATO et al., 2017), biosurfactantes (YAÑEZ-OCAMPO et al., 2017), produção
de biomoléculas (RIBEIRO et al., 2019; SILVA et al., 2020) entre outras aplicações.
Petrik et al. (2014) observaram que 6 milhões de toneladas de borra de café são
produzidas no mundo todos os anos. Portanto foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa onde o subproduto
foi pré-tratado com ácido e, em seguida, submetido a hidrólise enzimática. O meio preparado
continha 150 g/L de subprodutos e alguns sais ((NH4) 2SO4; KH2PO4; MgSO4) ao final da
fermentação pode-se obter 3,68 mg/L de carotenoides e 4,28 g/L de biomassa para a levedura
R. Mucilaginosa.
Kot et al. (2015) constataram que, além de utilizar subprodutos para produção biológica,
as leveduras do gênero Rhodotorula também podem reduzir sua carga orgânica. Eles usaram a
levedura R. glutinis para verificar a biodegradabilidade de água residuária de batata
desproteinizada (fonte de nitrogênio) com glicerol (fonte de carbono), e obtiveram 77% de
redução da DQO (demanda química de oxigênio) e assimilação de 70% de glicerol e 20,34 g/L
de biomassa, quando usando 50 g/L de glicerol e 5% da água residual.
Resíduos líquidos agroindustriais geralmente não possuem valor econômico
significativo, por isso são considerados inconvenientes pela fonte de geração (BHARATHI;
RAMESH, 2013). A destinação correta e a destinação final desses resíduos representam
atualmente apenas o custo da indústria em que são produzidos. Aproximadamente 5 bilhões de
toneladas de resíduos agrícolas são gerados globalmente todos os anos (KUNG; KONG; CHOI,
2015). A maioria deles não é reaproveitada ou beneficiada, apenas é destinado à decomposição
natural, levando ao seu acúmulo, gerando problemas ambientais (DE MORAES et al., 2017).
A possibilidade de aproveitamento desses excedentes da agroindústria tem grande
importância ambiental e econômica. Eles representam a fonte de matérias-primas utilizadas
para criar novos produtos, (REBECCHI et al., 2013). Nos últimos anos, o tema tem crescido
nas pesquisas científicas, e opções viáveis de reutilização estão sendo estudadas para minimizar
o impacto ambiental de resíduos agrícolas e industriais. Ao buscar o termo “resíduos
agroindustriais” nos campos de Título, Resumo e Palavra-chave na base de dados de literatura
da Scopus, tem havido cada vez mais trabalhos sobre o tema nos últimos anos, conforme
mostrado na Figura 1.
Figura 1. Número de publicações nos últimos dez anos para o termo agroindustrial waste.
1400 1357
1200 1148
Número de publicações
1005 1006
1000 907
800 754
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Os carotenoides (Figura 2), são os responsáveis pelas cores amarelo, laranja e vermelho
em vegetais, possuem cadeias de 40 carbonos e sua principal característica química é a presença
de um polieno de cadeia longa (onde a presença de duplas ligações varia de três até quinze) que
é responsável pela cor percebida pelo olho humano (KRINSKY; JOHNSON, 2005). Para as
indústrias farmacêutica, cosmética, química e de alimentos, os carotenoides representam um
grupo de moléculas valiosas, não só por agirem como percussores da vitamina A, mas também
por suas ações como antioxidantes, corantes e melhoradores da resposta imune, levando a
prevenção de doenças e a proteção contra infecções por bactérias e fungos (AKSU; EREN,
do mercado global foi de US $ 223,9 milhões, e estima-se que, em 2027, a taxa composta de
crescimento anual de β-caroteno será de 3,5% (MARKET, 2018). Já em 2019, a receita geral
de β-caroteno chegou a US $ 532 milhões (HU, 2019). A perspectiva para 2021 da participação
de carotenoides, separados por cada tipo, no mercado global está na Figura 3 onde existe uma
importante estimativa de participação do betacaroteno e da astaxantina segundo Rammuni et
al. (2019). Portanto, existe um interesse no desenvolvimento de processos visando uma
produção eficiente destes compostos (MANNAZZU et al., 2015).
20% 18%
Assim, diversas alternativas têm sido estudadas para a obtenção de carotenoides com
custos mais reduzidos, podendo-se destacar a produção por via microbiana utilizando-se
microalgas, bactérias e fungos (VALDUGA et al., 2009).
3.4.1 β-caroteno
3.4.2 Astaxantina
Por um longo período extratos de plantas estiveram sendo utilizados como fontes de
pigmentos carotenoides, particularmente β-caroteno e xantofilas (WICHUK;
BRYNJÓLFSSON; FU, 2014). Embora plantas ainda sejam importantes fontes de carotenoides
naturais, vários processos microbiológicos têm sido comercialmente explorados para a
obtenção de tais compostos (CAMPENNI et al., 2013). O controle de processos
microbiológicos em reatores é mais fácil e mais eficiente, enquanto a produção de culturas
vegetais é mais propensa a intempéries do ambiente (clima) e de grandes espaços de plantio,
ficando mais difícil de se controlar.
A função mais importante dos carotenoides nas leveduras é a proteção contra a
combinação prejudicial do oxigênio singleto (1O2) com a luz visível ou UV (BERERA et al.,
2010). Sua síntese e armazenamento é intracelular e a ação destas moléculas está em desativar
os radicais livres produzidos durante o metabolismo normal das células, tais como o 1O2, o
radical hidroxila (OH-), peróxidos e outros oxidantes por meio de um processo no qual a energia
é transferida de altos níveis de excitação para uma molécula de carotenoide, a qual pode retornar
ao estado fundamental liberando calor (BERERA et al., 2010). Moliné et al. (2009) estudaram
o papel fotoprotetor dos carotenoides em leveduras através da comparação das respostas à
radiação UV-B de células pigmentadas e albinas naturais. O estudo foi realizado com diferentes
tempos de exposição à radiação UV-B, em vários estágios do crescimento da levedura. Da
mesma forma avaliaram a produção de carotenoides por fotoindução e o efeito da radiação UV-
B na sobrevivência das leveduras. Estes autores observaram que as cepas pigmentadas são mais
tolerantes a radiação do que as cepas albinas e que o aumento no teor de carotenoides durante
a fase de crescimento estacionário beneficiou a sobrevivência das leveduras.
A produção de carotenoides pela levedura R. glutinis cultivada em diferentes
subprodutos agroindustriais vem sendo estudada. Malisorn e Suntornsuk (2009), aplicaram um
planejamento composto central rotacional para otimizar as condições de cultivo para a levedura
R. glutinis DM28, tendo como resposta a produção de β-caroteno. Neste trabalho, os
experimentos foram conduzidos em um tanque reator com agitação e a salmoura de rabanete
fermentado foi utilizada como substrato. Os autores observaram que as condições ótimas para
a produção de β-caroteno (201 μg/L) foi de 30 °C, pH 6 e 80% de oxigênio dissolvido.
O desenvolvimento e otimização dos processos fermentativos para produção de
carotenoides tem a finalidade de aumentar o rendimento e, assim diminuir os custos de
potencial para ser utilizada na indústria de alimentos por ser uma fonte de moléculas de alto
valor comercial, como: proteínas presentes em sua massa celular, pigmentos naturais e ácidos
graxos insaturados como os ácidos oleico, linoleico e linolênico (SAENGE et al., 2011). Devido
à capacidade natural de produção deste gênero, além da produção de lipídeos, ele também tem
a capacidade de produzir diversos compostos industriais-alvo e, portanto, há pesquisas
aprofundadas sobre este gênero. Não obstante, o gênero Rhodotorula também produz
carotenoides, enzimas e terpenos (Park et al., 2017). O emprego deste microrganismo em
processos biotecnológicos voltados para a obtenção destes compostos tem sido amplamente
estudado e resultados atrativos têm sido obtidos a partir destas investigações. Cutzu et al. (2013)
avaliaram a produção de carotenoides por R. glutinis em meio de cultura contendo glicerol e
obtiveram uma produção máxima de carotenoides 14 mg/L.
Esta espécie pertence ao filo Basidiomycota, classe Urediniomycetes e ordem
esporídica. As células possuem um diâmetro de três a cinco micrômetros, com formato elíptico,
brotação multipolar, produzindo pseudo-hifas e apresentam reprodução sexual com conexão
micelial da braçadeira e teliosporos. Leveduras do gênero Rhodotorula são encontradas no ar,
no solo e em frutas e folhas, podendo ser encontradas também em leite e derivados
(HERNÁNDEZ-ALMANZA et al., 2014b).
Esse microrganismo foi isolado no início do ano de 1970 a partir de material expelido
de árvores em regiões montanhosas do Japão e Alaska. Foi originalmente designada
“Rhodozyma montanae”, mas suas características incomuns e a falta de uma descrição em latim
levou a uma mudança deste gênero para Phaffia, em homenagem a Herman Jan Phaff. Desde
então basidiósporos e conjugações foram observados na P. rhodozyma, o novo nome
Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous foi recentemente proposto (JOHNSON, 2003).
Pertence à classe dos basidiomicetos, possui células isoladas de forma elíptica, podendo
estar isoladas ou aos pares. A composição da sua parede celular é multicamada sendo formada
por polissacarídeos (Miller et al., 1976). A cor da célula intacta da levedura Phaffia rhodozyma
é laranja para vermelho alaranjado devido à presença de carotenoides, principalmente
astaxantina no citoplasma (MACÍAS-SÁNCHEZ et al., 2010). Entre os organismos produtores
de astaxantina, somente a alga verde Haematococcus pluvialis e a levedura Xanthophyllomyces
dendrorhous são atualmente consideradas de interesse industrial.
mistura de acetona: metanol (7:3 v/v), etanol: diclorometano (1:3 v/v) e etanol: acetato de etila
(1:3 v/v), obtendo melhores resultados nos experimentos com acetona: metanol, com um
conteúdo de carotenoides de 2875,23 μg/L.
Para determinação dos açúcares redutores e não redutores, utilizou-se uma modificação
do método do DNS, que foi proposto por Miller (1959).
Para a solução de NaOH 2 mol/L foi utilizado um Bécker de 250 mL e foram pesados 8
g de NaOH PA e dissolvidos com 50 mL de água destilada em banho com água fria. A solução
foi transferida para balão volumétrico de 100 mL e aferida com água destilada.
Para o preparo da solução de DNS, foram pesados 5 g de DNS (ácido 3,5 – dinitro-
salicílico) e adicionados 100 mL de NaOH 2 mol/L, em Becker de 250 mL. Em um Bécker de
500 mL foram pesados 150 g de tartarato duplo de sódio e potássio e dissolvidos em 250 mL
de água destilada. A solução foi levada para aquecimento até dissolver completamente e a ela
foi adicionado à solução de DNS sob aquecimento até dissolver completamente. Deixou-se
esfriar, e aferiu-se em balão de 500 mL com água destilada. A solução foi armazenada em frasco
escuro sob condições mínimas de luz.
Para confecção da curva padrão do reagente foram pesados 100 mg (0,1 g) de glicose e
dissolvidos em 100 mL de água destilada em balão volumétrico. Após agitação vigorosa para
homogeneizar, transferiu-se 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 mL da solução-mãe para tubos de ensaio e o
volume foi completado para 10 mL com água destilada. Os tubos foram homogeneizados e de
cada tubo transferiu-se 1 mL para tubos com 1 mL de DNS (em duplicata). Os tubos foram
aquecidos a 100 °C por 5 min, tendo-se o cuidado de não colocar os tubos antes de aquecimento
vigoroso do banho e então resfriados em banho com água à temperatura ambiente por 3 min. A
cada tubo foram adicionados 8 mL de água destilada, e após homogeneizado, a absorbância foi
lida a 540 nm. Com os valores de absorbância, foi construída a curva de absorbância versus
Durante a análise das amostras, inicialmente transferiu-se 1 mL para tubos de ensaio
contendo 1 mL de solução DNS. A seguir, os tubos foram levados para banho de água fervente
por exatos 5 min. Após este intervalo, os tubos foram retirados do banho de água quente e
colocados em banho de água fria por 3 min, até completo resfriamento. Em cada tubo foi
adicionado 8 mL de água destilada e feita a leitura imediatamente a 540 nm. A curva padrão foi
usada para transformar a leitura de absorbância em miligramas de açúcares redutores por
mililitro de solução. Efetuaram-se os cálculos para expressar os resultados em gramas de
açúcares redutores por litro de amostra inicial. Quando a amostra tem sacarose em sua
composição é necessário fazer a inversão da sacarose, para análise dos Açúcares Totais. Para
tal, foram misturados 1 mL da amostra com 1 mL de solução de ácido clorídrico 2 mol/L (16,8
mL de ácido concentrado por 100 mL), em seguida os tubos foram colocados em banho com
água fervente por 5 min e resfriados em banho de água gelada. Depois de esfriar foram
adicionados 2 mL de hidróxido de sódio 2 mol/L. Homogeneizou-se bem e seguiu-se o
procedimento idêntico à determinação de açúcares redutores a partir do item 5 da curva padrão.
Neste caso multiplicou-se o resultado por 4 (diluição) para obter o valor de açúcares redutores
totais (g/L). As análises foram feitas em triplicata.
4.2.3 CINZAS
Cadinhos de porcelana vazios foram colocados em mufla e deixados a 550 °C, durante
15 min, em seguida foram deixados em dessecador até atingir a temperatura ambiente. Foram
pesados vazios e com 5 g da amostra, anotando-se ambas as leituras. Logo após a pesagem, os
cadinhos foram levados à mufla durante aproximadamente 6 h, a 550 ºC, ou até o clareamento
da cinza. Logo após os cadinhos foram retirados da mufla e colocados diretamente no
dessecador para que atingissem a temperatura ambiente, novamente pesados, anotando-se as
leituras finais para efetivação do percentual de cinzas na amostra (AOAC, 1990) e as análises
foram feitas em triplicata.
𝜌= (eq: 1)
𝑚 = massa (g);
𝑉 = volume (mL);
Paraíba (UFPB).
As leveduras foram obtidas na forma liofilizada, hidratadas por 10 dias, a uma
temperatura de 30 °C, em meio YM, contendo: 3 g/L de extrato de levedura, 3 g/L de extrato
de malte, 5 g/L de peptona e 10,0 g/L de glicose. Depois deste período as células foram
transferidas com uma alça esterilizada para placas de Petri contendo o meio YM com 2% de
ágar bacteriológico (meio YMA). As placas foram incubadas de forma invertida a 30 °C por 48
horas e armazenadas em refrigeração a 5 °C até o momento dos experimentos (RIBEIRO,
Os lipídeos totais foram analisados após o termino do cultivo (84 h após o inóculo) e
para isso utilizou-se o método de Bligh; Dyer (1959), as células passaram por centrifugação a
1182 g por 5 min, foram secas em estufa a 105 ºC por 24 h sendo na sequência maceradas em
um almofariz para se obter um pó fino. A ruptura celular foi realizada por meio de hidrólise
ácida e, portanto 5 mL de HCl 2 N foram adicionados à 200 mg da amostra seca e incubados
em um banho-maria a 80 ºC (modelo 105 Di-F, Dellta) pelo tempo de 1 h. Os lipídios foram
extraídos com 11,6 mL de uma mistura com a proporção 1:1:0,9 de clorofórmio: metanol: água
A transesterificação dos lipídeos em FAME (ésteres metílicos de ácidos graxos) foi realizada
de acordo com a metodologia proposta por por Hartman e Lago (1973). Os FAMEs foram analisados
usando um GC-FID (Trace™ 1310, Thermo Fisher Scientific, EUA) equipado com uma coluna capilar
SP™-2380 (60 m x 0,25 mm de diâmetro interno e 0,25 μm de espessura de filme). Diferentes picos
foram identificados por comparação com um padrão FAME (Supelco® Component FAME Mix, EUA),
quantificados e normalizados de acordo com suas respectivas áreas de pico.
As determinações dos carotenoides totais foram feitas a cada 12 h após o inóculo através
da análise de 5 mL da amostra, coletada e transferida em seguida para um tubo Falcon de 50
mL. Logo após realizou-se a centrifugação, foi descartado o sobrenadante. A Figura 7 mostra
as células após o cultivo misto onde pode ser observado os metabolitos em forma de um ponto
brilhante no meio intracelular. Com a finalidade de romper a membrana celular foram
adicionados 2 mL de dimetilsulfóxido a 60 °C e 0,5 g de pérolas de vidro. Posteriormente, o
conjunto foi agitado em vórtex por 2 min. Em seguida, foi realizado a incubação do sistema a
60 °C por 15 min. Após esse momento de incubação, foram adicionados 2 mL de éter de
petróleo e mais uma agitação de 2 min foi realizada. Para finalizar, foram adicionados 2 mL de
solução de NaCl 20% (m/v) e agitado em vórtex por 1 min. O conjunto foi então centrifugado
a 1452 g por 10 min e então foram retiradas 3 ml do sobrenadante e procedeu-se à leitura em
espectrofotômetro (450 nm). Neste momento a absorbância foi então convertida em
concentração através da Equação 2.
Em que:
[Carotenoides totais]: concentração de carotenoides totais em μg/g de célula;
A: absorbância a 450 nm;
V: volume de extrato da amostra (L);
m: massa de amostra (kg);
a: absortividade molar da espécie química (carotenoides em geral = 2592
(RODRIGUEZ-AMAYA; KIMURA, 2004) e astaxantina = 2100 (SEDMAK,
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Cassava wastewater is the residue from the production of cassava flour, improperly discarded
it causes damage to the environment. Despite its toxicity, cassava wastewater has interesting
physicochemical properties for the cultivation of microorganisms and production of different
bioproducts such as betacarotene, which has antioxidant activities in addition to serving as a
natural colorant. The biotechnological production of carotenoids is interesting due to the current
concern with use of chemical additives in foods and cosmetics. Among betacarotene-producing
microorganisms, the yeast Rhodotorula glutinis has advantages of having a high growth rate
and producing significant amounts of carotenoids. The aim of this work was to evaluate the
viability of using the cassava wastewater as substrate for the production of carotenoids, lipids
and biomass in an integrated bioreactor. R. glutinis cells were initially cultivated in YMA
medium and inoculated in a bioreactor containing 3 L of cassava wastewater diluted in
autoclaved distilled water with 5 g/L of ammonium sulfate. The cultures were carried out in an
integrated bioreactor programmed to maintain temperature at 25 °C under constant agitation of
for 84 h; samples were collected for analysis of biomass, lipids and carotenoids. Regarding the
results of cultivation in bioreactor, the maximum biomass produced was 8.81 g/L, 72 h after
the inoculum, 0.81 g/L of lipids and 1.41 mg/L of carotenoids. The yeast Rhodothorula glutinis
showed important growth when cultivated in a bioreactor in medium containing cassava
wastewater as carbon source, producing important intracellular metabolites. These results
support the feasibility of cassava wastewater as substrate used in biotechnological process with
the aim of producing carotenoids and lipids.
Industrial waste disposal has become one of the reasons of environmental pollution and,
as a result it has been one of the largest problems in the modern world, promoted by huge
formation of waste. The management of that waste after its production has been a common
problem that industry must deal with (Mazurczak et al., 2017). Biotechnology has presented
many advances that offer several possibilities of use, including economic reasons, for agro-
industrial residues, thus avoiding their accumulation and, therefore, helping to preservation of
rivers, groundwater and soils (Stroparo, Beitel, Resende & Knob, 2012).
One way to solve this problem is to use these residues as a carbon source for
biotechnological production, since they are generally rich in their composition. An example of
this type of waste is the water from cassava pressing during the flour production (Suman et al.
Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) has a tuberous root system responsible for storing
its starch reserves. It is grown and consumed mainly on Africa, Asia and South America.
Cassava production in Brazil in 2020 was estimated at around 19 million tons (IBGE 2021).
The North and Northeast regions of Brazil are the main producers of cassava. These regions
have thousands of flour houses destined to small productions (EMBRAPA, 2019). Considering
the cassava has an average of 300 liters of cassava wastewater per ton of root (Chuzel, 2001),
this residue cannot be neglected. Silva et al. (2018) used this residue as carbon source for
microbial cultivation and interesting results were observed, such as the biosynthesis of lipids
and carotenoids by the genus Rhodotorula.
Rhodotorula is a genus of unicellular yeasts, part of the phylum Basidiomycota, family
Cryptococcaceae, subfamily Rhodotorulodae and has reddish pigmentation (Tang et al., 2019).
It can be found in different sources, such as fruits, soil and in the sea (Kurtzmanet al., 2011).
Nowadays, due to natural production capacity of this genus, in addition to the production of
lipids, it also has ability to produce several industrial target components and, therefore, there
are many researches on this genus. Nevertheless, the genus Rhodotorula also produces
carotenoids, enzymes and terpenes (Park et al., 2017). Several yeasts of Rhodotorula genus
have been classified as oilseeds, as they can accumulate between 40-70% (w/w) of intracellular
lipids (Viñarta et al., 2016). There are many factors that have effect on the amount of lipids and
carotenoids produced during fermentation, such as: composition of the medium, environmental
factors including aeration, pH, temperature, size of the inoculum and incubation period. The
most determining factor in production of biomolecules is the used microorganism
2.2. Microrganism
The yeast Rhodotorula glutinis (CCT 2182), was obtained from culture collection of the
André Tosello Foundation (Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil) and was stored in the
Biotechnological Processes Laboratory of the Technology Center (CT) of the Federal
University of Paraíba (UFPB). The cells of R. glutinis, obtained in lyophilized form, were
hydrated for 10 days at 30 °C, in YM medium, containing: 3 g/L of yeast extract, 3 g/L of malt
extract, 5 g/L of peptone and 10.0 g/L of glucose. After, cells were transferred with a sterile
loop to Petri dishes containing YM medium with 2% bacteriological agar (YMA medium). The
plates were incubated upside down at 30 °C for 48 hours and stored in refrigeration at 5 °C
(RIBEIRO et al., 2019).
2.3. Inoculum
Pre-cultures were transferred to 300 mL Erlenmeyer flasks containing 100 mL of culture
medium (YM medium): glucose (10 g/L), peptone (5 g/L), yeast extract (3 g/L) and malt extract
(3 g/L). The cells were incubated at 30 °C on an orbital shaker at 3 g for 24h. Subsequently,
yeast cells were collected by centrifugation at 1182 g for 5 min. Cells were suspended in sterile
distilled water until cell concentration of 10 9 cells/ml. The cell quantitation was determined
using a Neubauer with 1% mm deep counting chamber under the light microscope field.
A modification of DNS method (Miller, 1959) was used. 0.5 mL of the sample and 0.5
ml of 3,5-dinitrosallylic acid (DNS) solution were used, and it was incubated for 5 minutes at
100 ºC. The reaction was cooled with an ice bath and concentration was determined
spectrophotometrically at 540 nm.
A × V × 104
Total Carotenoids = ____________ (Eq1)
[Total Carotenoids]: concentration of total carotenoids in μg/g of cell;
A: absorbance at 450 nm;
Total Lipids
Determination of total lipids was performed according to the Bligh method; Dyer
(1959). The cells were centrifuged 1182 g for 5 min, dried in an oven at 105 ºC for 24 h, and
then crushed and ground in a mortar to obtain a fine powder. Cell disruption was performed by
acid hydrolysis and, therefore, 5 mL of 2N HCl was added to 200 mg of the dry sample and
incubated in a water bath at 80 ºC (model 105 Di-F, Dellta) for 1 h. The lipids were extracted
with 11.6 ml of a mixture of chloroform: methanol: distilled water (1:1:0.9). Transesterification
into FAMEs (fatty acid methyl esters) was performed according to the methodology proposed
by Hartman and Lago (1973). FAMEs were analyzed using a GC-FID (Trace™ 1310, Thermo
Fisher Scientific, USA) equipped with a SP™-2380 capillary column (60 m x 0.25 mm inner
diameter and 0.25 μm film thickness). Different peaks were identified by comparison with a
FAME standard (Supelco® 37 Component FAME Mix, USA), quantified and normalized
according to their respective peak areas.
concentrations of reducing sugars, in addition to 1.58% of protein, which is important for the
development of microorganisms (Table 1). The value of total sugar found (47.18 g/L) is 18.80%
lower than those found by Ribeiro et al. (2019), which was 58.11 g/L, however it was very close
to the value found by Silva et. al. (2018) who found 50.60 g/L and achieved excellent results in
production of carotenoids, lipids and biomass through the yeasts Rhodothorula glutinis and R.
mucilaginosa, respectively. This difference in total sugars was due to the difference in harvest
between cassava and, consequently, in the content of reducing sugars in cassava.
The value found for free cyanide (3.0 mg/L) was low when compared to those
previously reported in literature (Leonel and Cereda, 1995). Furthermore, Souza et al. (2014)
also found considerably low values of free cyanide, ranging from 5.30 to 16.60 mg/L. These
values differ, as the cassava plant used by the authors was collected in cassava flour houses
located in the semiarid region of the state of Alagoas (Northeast, Brazil), a region with a more
arid climate than the climate of the cassava grown and used in our samples. The concentration
of free cyanide in CW depends on the plant genotype, cultivation and processing, storage
conditions and time (Leonel and Cereda, 1995). All values found are far below the limit values
considered for human consumption, of 50 mg/kg of cassava (Bolhuis, 1954) or 36 mg/L of
cassava wastewater (Araújo et al. 2014). Therefore, all our runs were carried out with innocuous
levels of cyanide concentration. Another interesting factor of cassava wastewater was the pH
value of the medium. The pH of the cassava wastewater used in all assays was 7.0, a condition
previously studied by our research group and reported by Zhang et al., 2019. This is an optimal
value for a culture medium intended for the cultivation of yeasts (Aksu and Eren, 2007). The
pH value (5.3) found in cassava wastewater is interesting to keep it in stock, as it inhibits
microbial growth. The pH adjustment (to 7.0) was only carried out later, at the time of
cultivation. This factor is important for future scale-up of the process, since the storage and
transport of the cassava wastewater can be carried out more easily at the initial pH value.
wastewater from ethanol production and achieved a maximum biomass production of 11.31 g/L
and Zhiping et al. (2014) increased biomass production and achieved 10.3 g/L. It is important
to emphasize that all these studies mentioned were carried out using R. glutinis cultivated in a
bioreactor, and therefore, the biomass production found in this work can be considered
satisfactory. Another point to emphasize is the versatility of this yeast in being cultivated using
alternative substrates.
Figure 1: Growth curve for R. glutinis in the described bioreactor over 84 hours.
concentration and ensure that sugar inhibition effects could be neglected. It can be observed
that 24 hours after the beginning of the fermentation process, the reducing sugars suffered a
significant decrease to 4.25 g/L, thus explaining the high growth rate in this period. It was
observed that 85% of the RS was consumed at the end of cultivation
per unit of biomass and unit of cassava wastewater are shown in Figure 3A highest production
of carotenoids (1.41 mg/L) was achieved at the end of the fermentation process (84 h). It can
also be observed that after 72 hours the concentration of carotenoids remains almost constant.
This production of carotenoids shows the yield of carotenoids for each liter of used cassava
wastewater. Figure 3B, on the other hand, shows an indication of yield of carotenoids in relation
to biomass production achieved in the assays.
other oxidants (Berera et al., 2010). When fermentation takes place in unfavorable media, as in
this study, the stress suffered by R. glutinis is greater, thus causing a response, increasing the
activity of its enzymes and, therefore, carotenegenesis.
The analysis of biomass production per unit of mass of consumed substrate (Yx/s) achieved
0.94 g/g; on the other hand, carotenoid produced per unit of dry mass of cells (Yp/x) was 0.16
mg/g and carotenoid produced per unit of mass of consumed substrate (Yp/s) was 0.15 mg/g.
The carbon source consumption rate (QS) was 0.15 g/L/h; cell productivity (QX) was 0.14 g/L/h
and carotenoid productivity (QP) 0.02 g/L/h. These results proved to be promising when
compared to the values found by Ribeiro et al. (2019), who found values of QS 0.09; QX 0.048
and QP 0.008 g/L/h, respectively. Our values showed the versatility of this yeast when adapting
to the growing conditions with the cassava wastewater inside a bioreactor.
carotenoids produced per unit weight of substrate consumed; (QS) rate of consumption of carbon source; (QX) cell productivity; (QP) productivity of carotenoids.
4 Conclusion
R. glutinis showed important growth when cultivated in bioreactor in a medium containing
cassava wastewater as carbon source, producing important intracellular metabolites such as
carotenoids (1.41 mg/L and 181,6 ug/g) and lipids (0.81 g/L and 9.56 g/100g). The operating
conditions of T 25 ºC, and stirring speed of 3 g tested in the bioreactor were confirmed and
showed results even better to those found in bench assays. These results support the feasibility
of using cassava wastewater as a substrate to be used in biotechnological process with the
aiming of producing carotenoids and lipids in bioreactor.
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Many efforts have been made to develop technologies that optimize the production of
biomolecules by microorganisms, and thus, the use of integrated bioreactors and the use of
waste is also quite convenient. In this study, microorganisms Paffia rhodozyma and
Rhodotorula glutinis were used because they have a high growth rate, producing significant
amounts of intracellular carotenoids. Therefore, this work aimed to compare three fermentation
conditions (two individual cultures and another culture using two yeasts concomitantly) in a
bioreactor, to evaluate the viability of cassava wastewater as a substrate for production of
carotenoids, lipids and biomass. In addition to comparing and determining the effect of stress
caused by mixed fermentation on production of biomolecules. Biomass, lipids and carotenoids
produced were analyzed. The physicochemical analysis of cassava wastewater were carried out
and it were found: 93.54% of moisture; 32.24 g/L of reducing sugars; 47.18 g/L of total sugars;
1.58% protein; 1% ash; total soluble solids of 7.3° Brix and pH 5.3. The best results were found
during consortium cultivation, where 7.74 g/L of biomass, 6.04 g/L of lipids and 1.68 mg/L of
carotenoids were produced. Yeasts showed remarkable growth when cultivated in bioreactor in
medium using cassava wastewater. Therefore, the use of cassava wastewater as substrate in
biotechnological process with purpose of producing carotenoids and lipids proved to be
Regarding use of microorganisms as bioproducing agents, the main problem is the use of
substrates that have minimum conditions that allow their growth and can thus be used by the
industry (SUMAN et al., 2011). A promising substrate, cassava wastewater is a residue from
the production of flour from processing of cassava wastewater. Often cassava wastewater is
illegally discarded by the flour house in open-air lakes, making it impossible to legalize
production, since the cost of proper disposal of this waste is high for these small producers.
Therefore, cassava wastewater has been studied as a culture medium for production of
biomolecules on a small scale, and thus, enable a profitable destination for these producing
communities (RIBEIRO et al., 2019).
The North and Northeast regions in Brazil are the main producers of cassava (Manihot
esculenta Crantz), with thousands of flour houses used for small productions (EMBRAPA,
2018). Cassava has a tuberous root system responsible for the storage of its starch reserves, it
is cultivated and consumed mainly in the continents of Africa, Asia and South America.
Cassava production in Brazil was estimated at around 19 million tons in 2020 (IBGE, 2021).
The greatest economic part in the plant is its root, where starch accumulates, which can be
transformed into flour. These processes, however, generate an average of 300 liters of cassava
wastewater per ton of cassava (CHUZEL, 2001). Thus, several researches investigate the reuse
of this residue as a carbon source for microbial cultivation. Interesting results have already been
obtained, such as the biosynthesis of lipids and carotenoids by red yeasts. Among these yeasts,
there are two that stand out: Rhodotorula glutinis and Paffia rhodozyma (Silva et al. 2018).
Both inoculum size and operational factors including temperature, pH, aeration, and
medium composition can interfere with lipid and carotenoid content at the time of fermentation,
however the most determining factor in production of biocompounds is the microorganism
(SUBRAMANIAM et al., 2010). Therefore, yeasts R. glutinis and P. rhodozyma have been
extensively studied because of their great ability to produce betacarotene and astaxanthin, thus
demonstrating great potential for industrial applications.
It is important to develop studies involving yeasts able of consuming the same substrate,
thus competing for the same carbon source in order to improve bioproduction. Therefore, other
possibility for production of carotenoids and lipids is the cultivation in integrated bioreactor,
mainly due to its ability to optimize the process, its power to control variables and its safety.
Thus, the aim of this work was to compare isolated fermentations with R. glutinis and P.
rhodozyma with the microbial consortium fermentation carried out in an integrated bioreactor,
using cassava wastewater as a carbon source.
Cassava wastewater was collected during the processing of cassava flour production,
right after pressing the triturated cassava. The cassava wastewater used in the assays was
provided by flour house “Folha Verde”, located in Sobrado (07º 08' 43" S, 35º 14' 11" W), state
of Paraíba, Brazil. It was stored in a refrigerated environment and transported to the laboratory.
All experiments were carried out in the Bioengineering Laboratory of the Federal University of
Paraíba (UFPB).
Pre-treatment was carried out in the cassava wastewater before being used in the assays.
It was heated at 100°C for 20 min, cooled and centrifuged at 1182g for 5 min, collecting the
supernatant and discarding the remaining solid residue. The pre-treated cassava wastewater was
then diluted with distilled water until reaching the value of reducing sugars of 10 g/L, according
to the methodology described by Ribeiro et al. (2019).
2.2 Microorganism
Rhodotorula glutinis and Paffia rhodozyma were acquired from the collection of André
Tosello Foundation (Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil) and were stored in Laboratory of
Biotechnological Processes of Technology Center (CT) from Federal University of Paraíba
(UFPB). They were obtained in lyophilized form, hydrated for 10 days, at temperature of 30°C,
in YM medium, containing: 3.0 g/L of yeast extract, 3.0 g/L of malt extract, 5.0 g/L of peptone
and 10.0 g/L glucose. After this, they were transferred to Petri dishes containing YM medium
with 2% bacteriological agar (YMA medium). The culture plates were incubated at 30°C for
48 hours and stored at 5°C (RIBEIRO et al., 2019).
2.3 Pre-inoculum
The microorganisms were transferred to 300 mL Erlenmeyer flasks containing 100 mL
of culture medium (YM medium): glucose (10 g/L), peptone (5 g/L), yeast extract (3 g/L) and
malt (3 g/L). Thereafter, incubated at 30°C, shaken at 150 rpm for 24 h. Then, yeast cells were
collected by centrifugation at 1182g for 5 min. In order to make a final cell concentration of
approximately 109 cells/mL, the cells were suspended in sterile distilled water and the
determination was performed using a Neubauer chamber.
concentration, a standard curve was used with optical density values as function of dry biomass
concentration and all samples were analyzed in triplicate.
A × V × 104
Total Carotenoids = ____________ (Eq1)
m: sample weight
Total lipids
After assays, the determination of total lipids was performed and, for this, the method
described in Bligh & Dyer (1959) was used. The cells were centrifuged at 1182g for 5 min,
then, they were dried in an oven at 105ºC for 24 h and after ground in a mortar to obtain a fine
powder. Cell wall breakage was performed by acid hydrolysis and therefore 5 mL of 2N HCl
was added to 200 mg of dry sample and placed in a water bath at 80ºC (model 105 Di-F, Dellta)
for 1 h. Afterwards, lipids were extracted with 11.6 ml of a mixture of chloroform: methanol:
distilled water (1:1:0.9).
Each conversion factor was calculated according to carotenoids produced per unit
weight of substrate consumed (Yp/s), biomass produced per unit weight of substrate consumed
(Yx/s) and carotenoids produced by cell dry mass unit (Yp/x) as well as the carbon source (TC),
substrate consumption rate (QS) and cell productivity (QX) and carotenoids (QP) were
determined in the different runs. The total production of lipids (g/L) was found at the end of
pH 5.3 ± 0.03
It can be seen in Figure 1 that biomass growth of individual cultivations was much higher
than that observed in mixed fermentation. The competition for the same substrate made each
microorganism directs its efforts in the maintenance and not in the growth of its biomass. Petti
et al. (2011) demonstrated that yeast survival during starvation showed to be dependent on
nature of the insufficient nutrient and that in general, the search for "natural" nutrients such as
carbon, phosphate, nitrogen or sulfate sources results in low mortality rates.
Biomass production in consortium cultivation showed the lowest growth, possibly due to
the adaptation to the medium and the presence of two microorganisms competing in the same
system for the availability of sugar throughout the entire cultivation period (Fig. 2). It is also
important to note that the behavior of profiles in the growth of biomass occurs after a period of
stability, which confirms the period of adaptation of microorganism to the mixed culture. The
growth of red yeasts such as R. glutinis and P. rhodozyma can be influenced by several factors,
such as the quality and quantity of carbon and nitrogen sources, stress, agitation, temperature,
minerals, and vitamins (HERNÁNDEZ-ALMANZA et al., 2014; YEN; YANG; YU, 2012).
Figure 1: Biomass concentration throughout the process of single and mixed cultivation.
Figure 2 presents the results of reducing sugars converted during the three fermentation
conditions. The profile of reducing sugars during fermentation with cassava wastewater showed
that this residue is efficient, as it was able to provide a carbon source (energy source) in order
to improve yeast growth. The sugar profile of cassava wastewater is widely reported in
literature, it has approximately 2.6% of dextrin, 1.4% of maltose, 32.1% of sucrose, 38.3% of
glucose and 25.6% of fructose (Damasceno et al., 2003). The values of reducing sugars were
adjusted to 10 g/L (RIBEIRO et al., 2019) and at the end of the three fermentation processes it
was found 95% (9.5 g/L), 93.1% (9.31 g/L) and 87% (8.7 g/L) of RS available in fermentations
with Rhodotorula glutinis, Paffia rhodozyma and consortium cultivation, respectively.
Figure 2: Values of reducing sugars throughout the fermentation process (84 h).
analyzed. The amount of carotenoids extracted and their relationship to production are shown
in Figure 3A and 3B respectively. 1.6 mg/L (181.6 µg/g) were produced in fermentation using
R. glutinis; 1.0 mg/L (102.7 µg/g) when the microorganism used was P. rhodozyma and 1.68
mg/L (232 µg/g) in mixed fermentation. This production of 232 µg of carotenoids per gram of
cells with 60 hours of cultivation is a very promising result, as it confirms the strategy of
consortium cultivation as important in optimizing the production of this bioproduct. Another
noteworthy point is that even with a lower biomass production in the consortium cultivation
compared to the individual cultivation, the production of carotenoids was more effective in the
fermentation with microorganisms in consortium. Han et al. (2005) studied the response of
microorganisms to stress caused by the shortage of essential amino acids and concluded that
the lack of nutrients was the main reason that led to increase in concentration of carotenoids
produced. In yeast, the most important role of carotenoids is inactivate free radicals that are
normally produced by cells in their metabolism, for example oxygen singlets (¹O2), hydroxyl
radicals (-OH) peroxides and other oxidants (BERERA et al., 2010).
The composition of the main fatty acids analyzed is described in Table 2. With values of
68.85% in the fermentation with R glutinis, 67.79% in the fermentation with Paffia and 68.08%
when the strategy used was the consortium between the two microorganisms, oleic acid (C 18:1
n9 cis) was the main fatty acid found, followed by palmitic acid (C 16:0) where 16.6%, 17.94%
and 18.3% were found and stearic acid (C 18:0) 5.75%, 5.75% and 6.28% in fermentations with
R glutinis, Paffia rhodozyma and in the Consortium respectively.
According to the literature (Yen et al., 2012; Kot et al., 2019b), palmitic acid (C16:0),
stearic acid (C18:0), oleic acid (C18:1), linoleic acid (C18 :2) and linolenic acid (C18:3) are
responsible for more than 80% of the total fatty acids in R. glutinis lipids. According to
Kikukawa Hiroshi et al., palmitic acid (C16:0), palmitoleic acid (C16:1), stearic acid (C18:0),
oleic acid (C18:1), linoleic acid (C18:2) represent the majority the composition of fatty acids
produced by the red yeast Paffia rhodozyma.
Another important product in order to analyze is the lipids. The amount of lipids shows
the ability of microorganism to generate an energy source from a residue. The amount of lipids
obtained after cultivation in bioreactor under the three experimental conditions was 0.81 g/L
(9.56 g/100 g) with R. glutinis; 4.19 g/L (44.04 g/100 g) with P. rhodozyma and 6.04 g/L (84.29
g/100g) in consortium cultivation. The bioproduction of lipids in the mixed fermentation was
quite significant, demonstrating the importance of this experimental condition for greater
efficiency during fermentation. To confirm this result, the productivity of three cultivation
conditions was calculated and is shown in Table 2. It can be observed that results of consortium
cultivation presented the best values when compared to the other assays. Biomass produced per
unit of substrate (Yx/s) was 0.82 g/g; carotenoids produced per unit of dry cell (Yp/x) was 0.21
mg/g and carotenoids produced per substrate (Yp/s) was 0.17 mg/g. The consumption of carbon
source (QS) was 0.17 g/L/h; cell productivity (QX) was 0.14 g/L/h and carotenoid productivity
(QP) 0.03 g/L/h. These values are highly promising when the aim is scale production of these
biomolecules. It is known that lipid profile of microbial metabolites is directly influenced by
carbon source (YEN; YANG; YU, 2012). In this work, the yeasts were cultivated in cassava
wastewater and it showed its efficient ability as substrate in cultivation of microorganisms.
Where: (Yx/s) biomass produced per unit weight of substrate consumed; (Yp/x) carotenoids produced per unit dry weight of cells; (Yp/s) carotenoids produced per
unit weight of substrate consumed; (QS) rate of consumption of carbon source; (QX) cell productivity and (QP) carotenoid productivity.
The study of the yeasts Rhodothorula glutinis and Paffia rhodozyma showed greater
efficiency when cultivated in consortium compared to their individual cultivation. Bioreactor
cultivation in medium containing cassava wastewater as carbon source produced a remarkable
amount of important intracellular metabolites such as carotenoids (1.68 mg/L) and lipids (6.04
g/L) in addition to supporting the feasibility of using cassava wastewater as substrate to be used
in biotechnological process.
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