QSB Auditoria Portugues
QSB Auditoria Portugues
QSB Auditoria Portugues
Fast R
1) Quadro do FR é usado para rastrear os problemas, sendo atualizado antes da reunião (quadro pode ser
um cartaz, quadro branco, folha de Excel projetada, etc.) "- Antes da auditoria verifique as últimas reclamações de clientes com foco
2) Método para comunicar problemas para todas as partes interessadas é definido (por exemplo, Alerta para as abertas (pendentes).
Qualidade, Instruções de Trabalho Temporário, Desvios, etc.) - Antes da reunião FR perguntar se existem problemas internos significativos.
Quadro de Resposta Rápida monitora todos
3) Os critérios de saída representam as 6 principais etapas da resolução do problemas (1. Definir 2. Conter - Verifique se o quadro contém os problemas internos e externo descritos.
os itens significativos (internos e externos)
FR2 com prazos e critérios de tempo e saída
3. Causa raiz 4. Corrigir 5. Validar 6. Institucionalizar), incluindo prazos para cada um dos critérios de - Siga um problema do FR rastreando as ações no quadro através dos critérios
saída. de saída, confirmando se todos os documentos relevantes foram atualizados.
4) Todos os critérios de saída estão com status definido (vermelho, amarelo, verde), itens vermelhos tem - Confira o status de alguns problemas, se eles estão bem classificados com
uma data prevista para ir para verde com os próximos passos. Os problemas não são encerrados até que base no prazo, avalie alguns itens N/A se eles não são necessários para fechar
todos os critérios sejam cumpridos. Estado geral representa a pior condição ou se o prazo geral previsto o problema.
foi excedido.
1) Acompanhamento de métricas relacionadas à segurança (por exemplo: acidente sem dias de afastamentos,
"-. Antes de auditar, cheque o numero de PRRs dos últimos 12 meses. Se for
distinguindo acidente com perda de tempo e nenhum tempo perdido, etc). Lead time para resolver problemas de
superior a 24 ou a tendência é significativamente negativa, uma equipe
especial para redução de PRR´s tem de ser estabelecida.
2) Q de Qualidade ou outro método para rastrear desempenho do FR é publicado e atualizado.
- Verifique nas últimas reclamações dos clientes se os prazos estão atendidos
Metas são definidas e seguidas para garantir 3) Acompanhamento da quantidade total de reclamações dos clientes internos e significativas com base em sua
(sem vencimentos). Caso haja ações em atraso (sem justificativa), ações
FRE a eficácia da reação rápida para os tendência e status (não respondeu, aberto, ou em atraso e fechada no tempo) e tempo médio de fechamento.
precisam ser endereçadas.
problemas externos e internos. 4) Acompanhamento de todas os problemas que reincidiram após a ação corretiva implementada.
- Verifique percentual de itens vermelhos e avalie as ações propostas para
5) Dados da melhoria contínua dos Andon, relacionada com parada de linha.
eliminar atrasos.
6) Local com um alto nível de reclamações de clientes (> 24 reclamações nos últimos 12 meses) deve ter
- Evidência de revisão periódica do tempo médio de fechamento para cada
uma equipe especial criada para trabalhar na redução das reclamações - O desempenho deve ser
critério de saída e definir plano de ação para qualquer desvio ".
monitorado na reunião FR na lista de questões em aberto
Total Score: NR
Status NR
1) Procedimento consistente para Etiquetagem & Gestão Visual (marcação no chão, etiquetas, etc) esta Veririque no chão de fábrica que um sistema de etiqueta de identificaçãio é
definido e mantido em toda a organização para garantir que a identificação e manuseio de manterial NC ou usado em todas as áreas (verifique no recebimento, estações de trabalho,
suspeito esta implantado para evitar a mistura com peças normais. estações de controle, retrabalho , etc) e gestão visual (por exemplo marcação
2) Se controle aleatórios (por exemplo: verificação por amostragem, auditoria de produto) identificarem no chão, um código de cores, etiquetas, etc) é aplicada.
peças NC, é assegurado que todas as peças produzidas a partir das últimas peças conforme (boas) - Dados de sucata (scrap) são documentados e verificados.
Material não conforme e suspeitos
conhecidas são tratadas como suspeitas. - Pergunte aos operadores se cada um no chão de fábrica esta entendendo a
CNC2 identificados e segregados, afim de impedir
3) Se etiquetas vermelhas são usadas tanto para sucata quanto para material suspeito, a etiqueta deve ter codificação de cores utilizados dentro da organização. 4
o uso não intencional.
a disposição. - Tamanho das caixas de sucata devem estar adequadas com tamanho da
4) AS peças NC são segregadas, registradas e seu armazenamento é gerenciado, incluindo á área de peça.
quarentena que tenha controle de acesso e quantidades em quarentena controlados. - Verificar na área de quarentena: o acesso é definido, a quantidade é
5) Regras e responsabilidade de decisão estão definidas, processo de escalonamento esta estabelecido. controlada. Verifique se a prevenção de mistura de peças NC é garantida por
6) Risco de misturas de peças NC com Ok é analisado e ações são endereçadas. meio do lay out do local, manuseio e armazenagem de peças NC.
1) Processo de Alerta é definido em função da gravidade da não conformidade e aplicado tanto para os
problemas internos quanto externos. Uma vez ocorrido o problema, pelo menos para problemas contidos Analise o quadro de FR é verifique se os problemas em aberto (em análise) tem
Alerta é emitido para problemas significativos no quadro FR. Alerta da Qualidade dispostos no processo.
CNC3 para garantir a comunicação e ação das 2) O Alerta inclui no mínimo a definição do problema, o padrão e desvio do padrão, tarefas e prazos. - Verifique se o alerta é claro, entendido pela equipe e publicado nas estações
partes envolvidas. 3) Processo de escalonamento é posto em prática com distribuição e notificação interna /externa (existe envolvidas.
uma lista de contatos para cliente e cadeia de fornecedores). - Lista de contatos de clientes e cadeia de fornecedores estão disponíveis.
4) O procedimento define os critérios para retirada do Alerta.
1) Planilha de contenção ou equivalente, contem todas as localizações potenciais e as quantidades, Verifique se a planilha de contenção é utilizada antes de iniciar qualquer
incluindo quantidade físicas e status (OK NOK). contenção.
Materiais para contenção são segregados e a 2) Área de contenção é separada da linha de produção, o Trabalho Padronizado é aplicado. - Verifique se a planilha de contenção contém todos os locais potenciais.
contenção padronizada: São identificadas 3) Processo de contenção sistematicamente inclui a proteção do material em estoque e em transito, afim - Verifique se as contramedidas são postas em prática para cada Alerta.
CNC4 todos os locais e quantidades potenciais de de garantir o ponto de corte (breakpoint). - Pergunte a um membro da equipe sobre a contenção e a suas regras.
materiais suspeitos. 4) Ações de contenção são definidos para cada problema do cliente e verificadas afim de prevenir defeitos futuros, - Pergunte a um membro da equipe que tenha realizado uma contenção em
pontos de corte são documentados a todos os envolvidos. algum problema do FR. como ele fez a contenção e como ele preencheu a
5) Critérios de saída são definidos para encerrar as contramedidas. Planilha de Contenção.
1) Todas as peças sob desvios são manuseadas como peças suspeitas. Histórico da empresa de pedido de desvios.
2) Desvios são aprovados de acordo com os requisitos do cliente; os desvios são concedidos por um - Procedimentos e formulários utilizados pela empresa.
Peças que tem desvios, mas aprovadas pelo
período limitado ou uma quantidade definida de peças. - Para a GM - verifique PPAP WS (GM1411).
CNC6 cliente são gerenciadas; rastreabilidade dos
3) A rastreabilidade das peças entregues sob desvio é garantida. Lotes de manufatura são identificados. - Para PSA - verifique "Pedido para Entregar Produto Não Conforme" para PSA
produtos relacionados é garantida.
4) Impactos dos desvios de processo e produto são analisados e baseado no resultado, todas as partes responsáveis tem e amostras iníciais estejam disponíveis para os desvios.
de ser comunicadas e envolvidas na tomada de decisão sobre o uso das peças sob desvios. - Abordagem multidiciplinar para a decisão de iniciar a solicitação de desvio.
1) Cálculo de diluição: tamaho do lote afetado vs planilha de contenção, nos casos de reclamações internas do cliente.
2) Métricas de desempenho, tais como taxa de sucatagem (ppm interno), percentual de retrabalho, FTG,
As metas são definidas e seguidas para VOC, etc. Estão estabelecidos e seguidos em todos os níveis da operação. Antes da auditoria verifique o Embarque Controlado e as reclamações de
reduzir sucatas (scrap) e aumentar o "First 3) Acompanhamento das reclamações dos clientes causados por problemas de Controle de Produto Não clientes associado(s) ao controle de produtos não conformes.
CNCE Time Quality" (fazer certo na primeira vez) Conforme (por exemplo: retrabalho, violação de Break Point, peças NOK conhecidos que foram - Verifique se a contenção realimenta a fonte do erro.
em todos os níveis da operação. embarcadas, etc.). - Verificação das ações de contramedidas.
4) Custos da má qualidade (incluindo custos indiretos: seleção,...)
6) Rastreamento do período em contenção (por exemplo: Embarque Controlado de longa duração).
Total Score: NR
Status NR
1) Atividades de solução de problemas são baseadas em Análise de Pareto dos defeitos detectados nas EV
Processo de Solução de Problemas é aplicado ´s.
e as ações corretivas implementadas como 2) Líder do grupo analisa diariamente (caminhada diária da gerência) as atividades e os resultados da EV Verifique se a solução de problemas foi aplicada, as ações corretivas foram
VS3 resultado das atividades das EV´s. Liderança ´s e acompanha o plano de ação. definidas para eliminar a causa raiz (não re-treinamento dos operadores).
analisa criticamente as atividades da EV e os 3) Liderança /Pessoal de apoio analisam semanalmente o andamento das atividades de solução de - EV é de responsabilidade da gerência.
resultados. problemas.
4) Em caso de falha na detecção de peças não conformes, os controles da EV devem ser reavaliados e melhorados.
1) Todas as falhas de EP devem ser documentadas e plano de reação inclui quem é notificado e ações a
serem tomadas. Pergunte às pessoas que fazem a verificação do EP sobre a sua reponsabilidade
Em caso de mal funcionamento de
2) Todas as peças produzidas, desde a última "verificação Ok" devem ser tratadas como material suspeito em caso de falha do EP e no processo de escalonamento.
dispositivos à prova de erro, os produtos
e contenção deve ser aplicada. - Verifique registros de contenções que tenham sido feitas devido a falha no
EP2 suspeitos são gerenciados.
3) As ações corretivas para corrigir a falha do dispositivo à prova de erro são documentadas. EP.
Reações para falhas, ações corretivas e
4) Em caso de mal funcionamento ou indisponibilidade dos dispositivo à prova de erro , a produção é - Mal funcionamento de EP é registrado no diário do turno, incluindo na reunião
reverificações são documentadas.
interrompida até que a substituição por um processo/controle capaz seja identificada e tratada como um de FR.
desvio de processo.
Total Score: NR
Status NR
1) Um padrão que defina o layout que inclua estoque interno e buffers necessários.
- Verifique organização do local de trabalho em vários lugares diferentes ( área
2) Organização dos locais de trabalho são adequados para garantir a conformidade com o FIFO, incluindo
de entrada / armazenamento, estações de trabalho, áreas de manutenção ).
operações de reembalagem.
Os ambientes de trabalho são limpos e - Registros de auditoria 5S e verifique as medidas implementadas para os
3) Abordagem sistemática para a organização de todos os locais de trabalho ( como 5S ) está
SW2 ordenados, a fim de contribuir para melhor
implementada e mantida.
apontamentos da auditoria.
qualidade e otimização. - Layout é coerente com a estação de trabalho.
4) A visualização é usada no chão de fábrica.
- Método para a eliminação de desperdício é aplicado ( VSM, " 7 Desperdícios "
5) Processo de melhoria contínua e otimização / eliminação de desperdício está implantado para a organização do local
etc. ) e registros de revisões periódicas estão disponíveis.
de trabalho.
1) Instruções de "Start up" estão disponíveis (pode ser atendido com uma instrução de trabalho
padronizado ou checklist) para operação de manufatura e de troca de ferramenta / set up.
2) Um processo de "Start up" é aplicado no início do turno, mudança de part number, após uma parada - Analise algumas intruções de "start up" de equipamento automático e
significativa de produção (planejada ou não planeja) e documentado. verifique o conteúdo.
3) Instução de Start up include uma lista de tarefas de verificação a serem realizadas e registradas. - Pergunte ao "operador de set up" sobre a atividade de "set up".
- A disponibilidade e funcionalidade de todos os equipamentos de produção e controle, Prova de Erros e - Evidência de rastreabilidade entre pelas produzidas e a 1ª peça produzida
As operações para validar o início da EPI, (após set up).
SW4 produção estão descritas e são aplicadas. - Parâmetros do processo / produto com limites de tolerância, - Analise os registros das atividades de "start up" e verifique:
- Disponibilidade de componetes e materiais, - data exata documentada do "start up",
- Condições ambientais na estação de trabalho (limpeza, iluminação, etc.). - parametros de "set up" registrados e dentro da tolerância,
4)Todas as atividades / operações a serem realizadas antes da instalação de ferramentas são definidos (ex: pré- - resultado da primeira peça produzida,
aquecimento de ferramenta). - em caso de qualquer desvio, ação iniciada e resultado verificado.
5) Instuções de "start up" definen a avaliação das primeiras peças produzidas. A rastreabilidade deve ser
assegurada até a validação ser concluída, o resultado é documentado.
1) Rastreamento de problemas externos e internos gerados devido a instrução de trabalho mal definidas.
2) Resultado da Auditoria Escalonada relacionado com a não conformidades em Trabalho Padronizado.
3) Eficiência direta do trabalho (relação entre numero real de peças produzidas vs nº teórico a ser produzido durante o
Antes da auditoria, verifique as reclamações dos clientes, onde a causa raiz
Meta definida e seguida para otimizar os período).
SWE processos. 4) Nivelamento do tempo de ciclo.
esteja ligada ao Trabalho Padronizado (instrução de trabalho não detalhado,
"set up" errado, etc.).
5) Indicadores de acompanhamento da capabilidade e calibração (ex.: nº de calibrações atrasadas).
6) Acompanhamento do tempo de parada de linha e/ou taxa de sucata causada por "set up".
7) Situação de avaliação de Ergonomia.
Total Score: NR
Status NR
1) O processo de treinamento abrange todo o pessoal da produção, logística e as funções de suporte
incluindo os trabalhadores temporários. - Verifique, em diferentes locais de trabalho se os operadores receberam o
2) Instrutores internos são identificados e qualificados para garantir que apenas treinadores certificados, treinamento de instrutor certificado.
Processo de treinamento está definido.
treinem. - Registro de Instrutores Internos Qualificados.
Organização, métodos, habilidades e
TR1 instalações estão disponíveis para a atividade
3) Uma abordagem de graduação por etapas é desenvolvida e aplicada para cada atividade de - Pergunte aos operadores como eles foram treinados ( ex.: de acordo com os
treinamento, tais como processo 4 passos ( Treinamento na Instrução de Trabalho ) - 1 Preparar, 2 4 passos ).
de treinamento.
Demonstrar, 3 Executar a operação, 4 Acompanhar. - As regras para o processo de graduação são descritas no Procedimento de
4) Infraestrutura dedicada ( fora do processo ) para o treinamento prático simulando as condições de produção, se Treinamento.
1) A política de segurança é definida e comunicada a todos os funcionários. Um Manual de Segurança é - Manual e Política de Segurança.
estabelecido e atualizado regularmente em coerência com a política. - Treinamento de novos empregados abrange os requisitos de segurança.
2) Uma " organização " ( Ex. brigada ) é definida conforme a política e legislação local, com equipamentos adequados e - Com os operadores que trabalham em estações onde existam requisitos de
pessoal qualificado. segurança, investigue a conscientização sobre as regras de segurança.
Necessidades de treinamento sobre 3) As necessidades de treinamento para a segurança são definidos, com base na avaliação dos riscos associada com a " - Organograma: a responsabilidade pela segurança é definida.
TR2 segurança são identificados e treinamentos capacidade de influenciar " da indústria e com a estação de trabalho específica. - As instalações do site: enfermaria,...
realizados para todas as pessoas envolvidas. 4) Com base nas necessidades do treinamento sobre segurança, todo o pessoal envolvido é treinado em - as normas de segurança são mantidas: por exemplo: EPI, a circulação no
dois níveis: 1. treinamento básico sobre as regras gerais de segurança, 2. treinamento para o trabalho chão de fábrica, o risco relacionado com o processo ( estamparia, fundição, etc
individual, se aplicável. )
5) A segurança dos visitantes é gerenciada; normas e equipamentos estão disponíveis ( treinamento rápido, - Sinais, cartazes no chão de fábrica, linha de marcação, comportamento dos
equipamentos de segurança adequados estão à disposição ). funcionários de logística.
1) Meta de flexibilidade (nº de qualificações por funcionários & nº de funcionários qualificados por estação
Durante a auditoria, verifique como os membros da equipe seguem os
de trabalho).
procedimentos gerais (Ex.: manuseio de material NC), como confirmação da
2) Resultados da auditoria escalonada relacionado a conscientização das pessoas com os procedimentos
eficácia do treinamento.
As métricas são definidas e seguidas para (por exemplo: trabalho padronizado, requisitos de segurança, manuseio de materiais, organização do local
- Verifique todas as evidências encontradas durante a auditoria, que possam
TRE garantir a eficácia do processo de de trabalho etc.).
estar ligadas à falta de treinamento (causa raiz do desvio é a falta de
treinamento. 3) Número de retreinamentos necessários no mesmo assunto (falha do primeiro treinamento).
conhecimento). Ela afeta a eficácia do treinamento?
4) Avaliação de treinamento pelo funcionário treinamento.
- O fornecedor mede a rotatividade (turnover) em seus departamentos
5) Problemas internos e externos, devido à falta de treinamento.
(flutuação)? Se existe alta rotatividade, uma ação especial e estabelecida?
6) Pesquisa de satisfação dos funcionários.
Total Score: NR
Status NR
1) Cada estação de trabalho é auditada e a frequência planejada está definido para assegurar que: - No chão de fábrica, selecione uma estação de trabalho e verifique como a
- está abrangendo todos os turnos, estação de trabalho é auditada pela LPA:
- cada operação é auditada no mínimo uma vez por mês, - Frequência está de acordo com o plano,
- atividades de contenção ( por exemplo: seleção, Embarque Controlado, GP12, etc. ) são avaliadas na LPA. - Quando um problema é identificado, como o membro da equipe é
2) Planejamento da LPA para Todos os Níveis: mostrando a participação de Todos os Níveis ( desde o Líder informado,
da equipe até Alta Direção ) com frequências estabelecidas para todas as áreas de manufatura. - Verificar se as questões de segurança são detectadas pelo LPA,
LPA que abrange todas as atividades 3) Planejamento LPA é monitorado pela manufatura. - Verifique se o " nível superior " está realizando as auditorias.
LPA2 operacionais é executada e liderada ( de - Avalie os registros de LPA, verifique que as auditorias foram realmente
propriedade ) pela manufatura. realizadas de acordo com o planejamento e todas as atividades operacionais
foram auditadas ( não apenas as operações de fabricação, mas o manuseio de
materiais, armazanamento, expedição, etc.)
- Verificar se as atividades de contenção/retrabalho estão incluídas no Plano de
- Realize uma auditoria escalonada junto com o líder da equipe. Compare seus
resultados com os do líder da equipe. Em caso de diferenças, identificar
1) Monitoramento dos resultados das auditorias com visualização para compartilhar o status na área
A eficácia da LPA é continuamente motivos de avaliação diferentes.
afetada ( número de não conformidades por Departamento, Pareto de não conformidades, % do
monitorada e analisada através de resultados - No chão de fábrica, verifique no quadro de gestão visual (área ou planta):
LPAE de LPA a fim de garantir a manutenção dos
conformidade ).
- Plano de LPA
2) Monitoramento da programação de auditorias e implementação do plano de ação ( problemas em
procedimentos. - Monitoramento das LPA
aberto versus problemas resolvidos ).
- Resultados LPA
- Plano de Ação da LPA/Eficácia
Total Score: NR
Status NR
Risk R
1) Para pontuação de alta severidade ou itens de alto risco, a equipe de FMEA assegura que o risco é
Rever o plano de ação de redução de risco; avaliar que ações estão definidas
abordado por meio de c ontroles de projeto existentes ou ações recomendadas.
contra a causa raiz ou para melhorar a detecção; prazos são mantidos.
2) Priorização baseada em uma abordagem definida 9ex.: combinação de Severidade, Ocorrência e
- Avaliar se as ferramentas da Qualidade implementadas são eficientes para
Abordagem proativa para reduzir os itens de Detecção ou Número de Prioridade de Risco, etc...)
RR2 Maior Risco esta implementada. 3) Ações recomendadas documentadas com responsáveis e prazo para conclusão.
manter o risco sob controle.
- Rever a pontuação após a ação recomendada ser implementada.
4) Ferramentas de qualidade (por exemplo: Auditoria escalonada,, Estação de verificação, etc...) são
- Onde Severidade é 9 ou 10, a detecção é baixa (somente inspeção visual não
aplicadas até que as ações recomendadas sejam implementadas, afim de manter o risco sob controle.
é aceitável).
5) Ações recomendadas reavalidas após a sua verificação.
1) PFMEA é revisado e atualizado para todo problema de qualidade do passado e ações corretivas foram
Data de revisão do PFMEA ligada a falhas passadas.
implementadas dentro do prazo de conclusão previsto.
- Verifique a última reclamação do cliente ou problemas de qualidade e sua
2) Após cada problema, uma análise dos "5 porquês" é realizada para entender por que o PFMEA não previu a falha.
atualização no PFMEA.
Ação implementada para evitar essa falha no futuro.
- Revisar check lists, agendas ou equivalente que assegurem uma revisão
PFMEA é revisado periódicamente como 3) Avaliações periódicas do PFMEA são planejadas com base na capabilidade do processo, mudança do
RR3 atividades proativas e reativas. processo /produto, ect... que cubram:
adequada do PFMEA.
- Verifique algumas operações /processos (manipulação de materiais,
- todos os processos e os seus controles estão incluídos;
etiquetagem, retrabalho /reparo, etc) estão incluídos e precisos.
- pontuação de detecção são precisos;
- Comparar os dados mais elevados de sucata interna, com a pontuação de
- pontuações de ocorrências são analisadas usando dados (CEP, FTQ, PPM, os dados de sucata, resultados
de EV, etc).
1) A equipe multifuncional conduz revisões nos postos de trabalho. Verificar atualizações após realização de PFMEA reverso.
Existe um processo de PFMEA reverso
2) Um cronograma de PFMEA reverson esta implementado e é atualizado regularmente (tempo para - Escolha uma estação e execute um PFMEA reverso rápido para confirmar se
implantado (abordagem pró ativa) para
RR4 identificar novos modos de falha potenciais
revisão com a priorização de operações e seus status /planejado realizado). todos os controles atuais foram pontuados corretamente e todos os potenciais
3) Todos os resultados são realimentados no fluxo de processo, PFMEA, Plano de Controle, Instrução de modos de falha cobertos (tente criar novos modos de falha).
no chão de fábrica.
Trabalho, conforme aplicácel. - Pontuação atuais de Ocorrências /Detecções foram revisadas.
1) Existe um processo formalizado de avaliação e controle dos riscos relacionados com recursos,
Plano Mestre de Garantia contendo os principais riscos, procedimentos e donos
instalações, ferramentas, transporte, etc...
responsáveis em casos de, por exemplo: inundação, incêndio, etc.
2) As reponsabilidades pela avaliação e gestão de riscos estão claramente estabalecidas, coerente com a tipologia de
- Verifique se o Plano Mestre de Garantia abrange os principais riscos
Uma avaliação geral é realizada para riscos.
identificar os riscos potenciais que poderiam 3) Uma ferramenta estruturada para identificar, avaliar e priorizar riscos com base em uma abordagem
RR5 impactar a planta (processos /atividades multidisciplinar é utilizada (por exemplo: uma abordagem utilizando o FMEA).
- Quem é responsável por todo o processo, quem é responsável por um
determinado risco.
normais). 4) Os planos de prevenção e reação são estabelecidos e implantados para cada risco elementar
- Um exemplo de risco: o fogo. Analise o plano de ação (preventiva: extintor,
identificado. Quando apropriado, os planos são auditados e simulações são realizadas.
treinamento /corretiva: plano de evacuação da planta: sprinker (chuveiro de
5) Os riscos e os planos associados são revisados periodicamente com base nas lições apreendidas da planta, da
incêndio), bombeiros na planta, etc...)
corporação e externamente.
1) Rastreamento do número de itens de alto risco (gráfico de tendência). Gráfico dos maiores NPR ou equivalente (baseados na priorização utlizada): por
Metas são definidas e seguidas para garantir
2) Rastreamento pela liderança, de ações recomendadas atrasadas; ações necessárias implantadas em caso de atraso. exemplo: GM 1927-21.
RRE a eficácia das atividades de redução contínua
3) Verificar se as revisões do PFMEA e o PFMEA Reverso estão sendo realizadas, conforme programação. - Revisar ações /datas de implementação /atrasos.
de riscos.
4) Números de novos modos de falha e causas raizes cobertos após reclamação (externa e interna). - Porcentagem de prova de erros /detecção de erros.
Total Score: NR
Status NR
1) Resultado de sedimento monitorado, plano de redução definido. Revise os resultados de sedimentos e verifique as atividades de redução de
Metas são definidas e seguidas para garantir
2) Resultado e auditoria escalonada e da auditoria específica do processo. sedimentos.
CCE as atividades de redução contínua de
3) Problemas internos ou de clientes relacionados com a limpeza. - Evidências de avaliações da liderança do site.
4) Pareto de defeitos para processo chave sensíveis (pintura, metalização,...) - Auditorias realizadas focando o controle de contaminação.
Total Score: NR
Status NR
1) Um plano de controle de inspeção de recebimento e normas de controle relacionadas bem como regras Verifique a identificação de material liberado para produção após o
de amostragem estão estabelecidos para todo produto chave /crítico fornecido. recebimento.
2) Apenas componentes /materiais aprovados (PPAP /EI e inspeção de recebimento liberado) são - Verifique se o recebimento abrange as características chave e pass through,
Processo de inspeção de recebimento utilizados para peças montadas. as frequências são razoáveis.
SCM4 implementado. 3) No recebimento do produto fornecido, os primeiros controles levam em conta a verificação da quantidade, a - Veja uma não conformidade encontrada durante o recebimento.
integridade da embalagem e a identificação do produto. - Verifique a ligação entre a frequência de recebimento e desempenho do
4) Requisitos de inspeção de peças, incluindo pass through estão estabelecidos e implementados para fornecedor (fornecedor com PPM alto).
cada fornecimento desde a fase de projeto e atualizado em caso de não conformidade. - Verifique os registros de recebimento de um componente.
Total Score: NR
Status NR
1) Um procedimento para gerenciar mudanças em produtos /processos /fontes é definido e aplicado, Verifique a documentação por meio de um exemplo: uma mudança de projeto
tanto para mudanças planejadas quanto emergenciais (não planejadas). e uma mudança no processo.
2) Um formulário de mudança é utilizado para documentar todas as alterações e controlado através de um - Organização (equipe de projeto) e marcos importantes.
processo de controle de documentos (por exemplo, tracking log sheet, o sistema de numeração de revisão, - Evidências da aprovação do cliente.
Todas as mudanças em produtos, processos
MC1 ou fontes são monitoradas e controladas
o processo de aprovação, etc.) - Planejamento e evidência de revisão.
3) Todas as mudanças são gerenciadas como um projeto; resposnsabilidades e marcos importantes são definidos, - Ferramenta para garantir a rastreabilidade das modificações.
planajemento, atividades e entregas são estabelecidos em concordância com cliente. - Evolução do sistema de dados, tais como o sistema MRP, software de gestão
4) Todas as mudanças precisam ser revisadas e aprovadas pelo cliente (PPAP /EI). Cliente é informado na do estoque, servidor de EDI deve ser considerado como uma mudança
fase inicial para obter a aprovação antes de iniciar a mudança. importante.
1) Para qualquer mudança no produto /processo /fonte, uma análise de viabilidade é realizada. O estudo
leva em conta os impactos em termos de custos, técnica, performance, qualidade, prazos, capacidade.
2) Riscos potenciais de mudanças são considerados através de uma abordagem FMEA e documentado no DFMEA e Confira uma das últimas modificações e verifique:
PFMEA. - A análise de viabilidade, incluindo análise de lead time.
Uma análise de risco é aplicada para
MC2 qualquer mudança no produto /processo.
3) Com base na análise de risco, o planejamento e implementação da mudança são realizadas, um plano de validação do - Avaliação de impacto formalizado e gestão de risco.
produto e processo é definido. - PFMEA e DFMEA (se aplicável).
4) Ponto de corte é definido quando a mudança se tornar irreversível e, é comunicado so cliente. - Ação implementada para cobrir o risco identificado.
5) De acordo com a análise de risco, uma abordagem segura é implantada na fase de lançamento (ex.: mistura de
projeto anterior e novo).
1) Numero de problemas gerados por uma mudança. Antes da auditoria, verificar alguma reclamação do cliente emitida devido a:
Os indicadores são definidos e monitorados 2) Acompanhamento das datas de vencimento do PPAP. - Mudança não autotizada,
MCE para garantir que as mudanças não tenham 3) Custo inesperado de modificação. - Processo sob desvio.
qualquer impacto negativo para o cliente. 4) Mudança implementada no prazo de vencimento (acompanhamento de datas importantes). - Problemas / atrasos no PAPP devido a mudanças.
5) Nenhum impacto na taxa de entrega. - Total de mudanças por mês - monitoradas e rastreadas.
Total Score: NR
Status NR
1) Uma lista de peças de reposição críticas é determinada, gerenciada e atualizada regularmente. Lista de peças de reposição críticas.
2) Um estoque de peças de reposição esta disponível com o nível de estoque mínimo. Sistema de - Estoque de peças de reposição: recebemento /organização /consumo.
As peças de reposição e seu armazenamento
rastreamento de peças de reposição é combinado com o sistema de manutenção, afim de controlar o - Condição de armazenamento.
MAI4 são gerenciados.
inventário físico. - Sistema assistido por computador (software de gerenciamento).
As peças críticas estão identificados.
3) As peças de reposição estão armazenadas em condições adequadas e inspeções físicas periódicas são - Inventário (escolha um exemplo de uma peça crítica e verifique a robustez do
realizadas para os itens armazenados a longo prazo. inventário.
1) Cada ferramenta específica do cliente (CST), inclundo aquelas de propriedade do cliente, é identificada
de maneira única e inalterável de acordo com os requisitos do cliente (marcação do cliente). Identificação
inclui nível de revisão de ferramenta.
2) Tempo de vida das ferramentas são rigorosamente seguidos e documentados em "diário de bordo", que inclui tempo Confira algumas ferramentas para verificar:
de vida da ferramenta, nº de batidas, atividades de manutenção. - Condições gerais das ferramentas (vazamento, oxidação,...).
Ferramentas específicas de produtos do
3) Em caso de subcontratação, uma lista com a localização da CST é estabelecida e comunicada ao cliente. - Identificação e gestão visual das ferramentas.
cliente são gerenciadas para preservar a
MAI5 condição da ferramenta até o final de sua
4) O armazenamento da CST é organizado e gerenciado. Atividades a serem realizadas antes do - Um diário de bordo e registros: vida últil monitorada.
armazenamento são definidos. Condições de armazenamento garantem a proteção da CST durante a vida - Comunicação e aprovação do cliente para cada mudança (em um exemplo).
útil. - Condições de armazenamento.
5) Processo de liberação da ferramenta após o armazenamento é estabelecido. Processo de startup - Operação de manutenção padronizada.
aplicado (SW4).
6) A requalificação de produto /processo é realizada para cada ferramenta substituída de acordo com a
exigência do cliente.
1) As metas de desempenho e confiabilidade são definidas com base em dados históricos e indicadores
relacionados são rastreados.
- Taxa de falha, MTBF, MTTR, parada de linhas.
Os indicadores são definidos e monitorados Reclamações de clientes causadas por máquina ou ferramenta com problema
2) Rastreamento da manutenção realizada vs planejada (incluindo a atividade prestadora de serviço).
MAIE para garantir a eficácia de todas as
3) Pareto de quebras.
(ex.: problema com rebarbas...).
atividades de manutenção. - Verifique a quantidade de algumas peças de reposição em estoque.
4) Giro de estoque de peças de reposição.
5) Desvios encontrados durante a auditoria do estoque de peça de reposição.
6) Taxa de manutenção corretiva vs manutenção preventiva.
Total Score: NR
Status NR
1) Planejamento estratégico de longo prazo é gerenciado através de um Planejamento de Vendas e Operações (S&OP),
Verifique a programação de longo (S&OP) e curto (MPS) prazo para um
que inclui uma completa previsão da demanda do cliente.
produto. Verifique:
2) O S&OP é revisado periódicamente e é utilizado para definir a capacidade de manufatura, nível de
- Capacidade atende a demanda do cliente a longo prazo;
estoque e planos de investimento.
Um processo estruturado de programação de - Tempo alocado para outro produto faz parte da análise;
MMF 3) Um Plano Mestre de Produção (MPS), coerente com as saídas de S&OP, é gerenciado na planta. Ele
manufatura é implementado e revisado - S&OP revisado regularmente com base do dados do EDI;
M1 sistematicamente.
fornece uma previsão completa da demanda dos clientes no nível de part number em curto prazo.
- A demanda de longo prazo desdobrada para o planejamento de curto prazo.
4) O MPS é revisado regularmente pela equipe de logística e manufatura (apoiado pela manutenção) e é
- Plano MP leva em conta a alocação de tempo para manutenção.
usada para definir as necessidades de recursos (alocação de tempo de equipamentos, recursos humanos,
- Verificar se a demanda de subfornecedores está em conformidade com
materiais, etc).
cronograma de fabricação.
5) S&OP e MPS são compartilhados com a equipe de produção e com subfornecedores.
1) Todas as áreas de armazenamento estão identificadas e organizadas por tipo de produto (recebimento,
Verique a área de armazenagem e as condições em vários lugares
estoque de almoxarifado, estoque em processo, final, etc). Fluxogramas de processo estão em
(recebimento, estoque em processo, produto final).
concordância efetiva com processos.
- Pergunte aos operadores e ao processo e ao pessoal de manuseio de
2) Modos de falhas potenciais relacionadas ao armazenamento e manuseio de materiais são considerados
materiais, se estão conscientes e seguindo instruções.
no PFMEA (ex.: danos causados por equipamentos de manuseio, ferrugem causada pelas condições de
- Verifique que proteções adequadas estão implantadas, para proteger as
armazenagem, mistura de produtos , etc.)
peças de danos e de misturas.
Condições de manuseio e armazenagem do 3) Quando necessário, as condições de armazenamento são controladas por meio de dispositivo em tempo
- Condições de armazenagem (temperatura, proteção de umidade, etc.)
MMF produto (final, intermediário e insumos) são real (ex.: temperatura, umidade, etc). Registros da condição de estoque são mantidos. Procedimentos de
- Gestão visual implantada (níveis mín. /máx.).
M5 respeitados afim de proteger as peças de alerta e contramedidas são definidos.
- Verifique datas de vencimento lendo rótulos.
danos e efeitos ambientais. 4) Trabalho Padronizado (SW) é aplicado, abordagem estruturada para organização de armazenamento esta definido e
- FIFO: sistuação de risco para examinar estoques intermediários, fluxos
aplicado. Sistema implantado permite visualizar facilmente as operações de armazenamento e níveis de estoque para
paralelos (linhas duplas). Como é gerenciada esta situação?
cada referência.
- Gestão específica para os ítens de alto giro.
5) O sistema de gestão de estoque leva em conta: Datas de validade do produto, o nível da revisão do
- Resultados da auditoria de inventário.
produto e o respeito ao FIFO.
- Equipamento associado é adequado paera estocagem e manuseio (leitor de
6) Nível de estoque é verificado em auditorias regulares de qualidade e quantidade (ex.: auditoria
código de barras, sistemas de informática, empilhadeiras, estantes, etc.)
Total Score: NR
Status NR
1) Um processo para acompanhar as entregas é formalizado e aplicado. As operações são padronizados. Organização do recebimento (área da doca, área de descarregamento, a
Os recursos estão disponíveis e devidamente geridos. transferência de estoque de entrada).
2) Um plano-mestre de entregas é definido e acompanhado. Um sistema de gerenciamento visual, mostrando a - Plano-mestre de entregas (estabilidade através de semanas).
suavização das entregas (nivelamento), permite segui-lás. Um processo de escalonamento é implementada em caso de - Intruções de trabalho.
Processo de recebimento é gerenciado,
ELG1 organizado e monitorado.
desvio. - Um exemplo de protocolo com tier X
3) Um protocolo de logística é definido e atualizado regularmente para cada nível de fornecedor (tier x). Organização do - Métricas de taxa de serviço.
transporte é otimizada em direção àos fornecedores tier X. - Um exemplo de alerta em caso de desvio.
4) A taxa dos serviços dos fornecedores tier X é seguido; São estabelecidos planos de açõeas para tierX - Recursos disponíveis correspondente ao volume de recebimentos e
mais crítico despachos.
1) Comunicação EDI está instalado e é validado com o cliente. Pessoas qualificadas estão
permanentemente disponíveis no site para gerenciar EDI.
2) (Contingências) Back-up estão definidos, validado com o cliente e são periodicamente testados.
A fim de garantir que processo de transporte Registro de treinamento do EDI.
3) Qualquer atualização de comunicações EDI deve ser considerada como uma mudança significativa (Veja
é realizada de acordo as necessidades dos - Verificar protocolos logísticos críticos e seu status.
ELG4 clientes, a rede de Electronic Data Exchange
4) Um protocolo de logística é estabelecido em conjunto com o veículo (transportador) e o cliente. Ele é continuamente
- Coerência entre os diferentes protocolos de Logística e horários de embarque.
(EDI) está operacional e um Protocolo de - Verificar back-up de soluções para falha no sistema EDI.
atualizado para levar em conta alterações durante a produção atual (mudança de local do cliente, a mudança de horário,
Logística é gerenciado. - Lista de contatos local do Cliente.
etc.) São identificados recursos responsáveis pela gestão do protocolo no local.
5) Qualquer desvio na aplicação do protocolo é tratada e gerida por plano de ação (modo de transporte alternativo,
embalagens alternativas, etc.)
1) The QSB+ is a questionnaire used to provide objective evidence that satisfies both General Motor's and PSA's Supplier Quality Expectations.
2) Supplier is required to read through QSB+ presentation before filling Audit form in, to understand QSB+ expectation. If needed Supplier can contact approved
3rd party providers for QSB+ training or workshop.
3) Suppliers are required to keep completed copies of the QSB+, and accompanying corrective action plans, covering the prior 12 months.
4) Supplier is required to forward an updated self- assessment with associated action plan every 12 months after initial certification or 60 days after any key
management change (Plant manager, Quality Manager or Operation Manager) or repeat Quality issue.
If self-assessment is missed to submit, certification can be revoked.
5) Self-assessment audits can not and will not be certified without verification by customer SQD or customer representative.
6) Overall scoring of 85% or greater without any Red key elements will be certified.
9) Any questions about audit or audit procedure should be addressed to responsible GM SQE or PSA SD Site.
10) The results of the audit in no way absolve the supplier of its responsibility in relation with its commitments toward local regulation and its customers
GM Specific Clauses
1) Quality expectations are addressed in the Global Supplier Quality Manual (GM 1927).
5) GM SQD can input a forecast date by sending self assessment to SQ Cert mailbox with Self Assessment in subject line.
6) High number of customer claims DUNS location will be required to put customer claims reduction activities in place - certification will only occur after 60 day
review period of customer claims, reduction activities ( see question FRE ) min 15% improvement.
7) The certification status will be made available for viewing in the 'Certification' module in GQTS.
1) Quality expectations are addressed in the document Manuel de la Relation Fournisseur (MRF).
3) Latest audit shall be forwarded to PSA SD Site responsible for the plant.
Quality and Industrial Performance (QIP) audit sheet is a common questionnaire includes 3 types of audit:
1) NSA New Supplier Assessment
Complete system assessment to evaluate potential supplier's manufacturing system.
Need to assess supplier readiness for each 'Requirement'. Basic criteria are a guideline, no need to consider additional criteria.
Result is a risk assessment, affects to sourcing decision.
With clicking of button of audit type on Header Sheet audit questionnaire will be created automatically with 'Requirements' which are applicable.
Audit fields
General definition of the intent of requirement.
Criteria of Requirement
Detailed deployment of 'Requirement' in bullet points.
Basic criteria/metrics are identified with Bold type, cover basic key requirements (must have).
Additional criteria/metrics are identified with unbold type, cover additional requirements (recommended best practice).
Description and examples can be found in presentation and QSB+ tool box.
Look for
Auditor hints and techniques how and what need to be checked besides 'Criteria of Requirement'.
Notes for evidences and non-conformances.
Not Applicable: Question does not apply and not calculated to overall result. Note to explain why question is not applicable is needed in Comment
4 All basic criteria and additional criteria which may have impact to the customer are in place and followed
Not Reviewed: Requirement is not audited at this time (Not part of audit scope, Training Required, Follow-Up Required). Plan to review in future.
Give future review date in Comment box.
Not Applicable: Question does not apply and not calculated to overall result. Note to explain why question is not applicable is needed in Comment
1 Some metrics are in place but basic metrics are not defined
2 Basic metrics are in place and followed with targets however deviations from targets are not managed
3 Basic metrics are followed and deviations are managed by action plans, but additional metrics are not defined
4 Continuous improvement for basic metrics are in place and most of additional metrics are managed
Not necessarily need to apply all the metrics listed in ’Criteria of Requirement’, but need to check that proper metrics established to follow performance of
key activities.
Action Plan
Red scores require action plan.
Yellow scores may require action.
Quality & Industrial Performance
Supplier Location
Supplier Contact
Auditor Name
Key Elements Potential Total % Status Potential Total % Status Potential Total % Status Comment
1 Fast Response FR 0 0 NR NR 0 0 NR NR 0 0 NR NR
5 Training TR 0 0 NR NR 0 0 NR NR 0 0 NR NR
7 Risk Reduction RR 0 0 NR NR 0 0 NR NR 0 0 NR NR
8 Contamination Control CC 0 0 NR NR 0 0 NR NR 0 0 NR NR
10 Managing Change MC 0 0 NR NR 0 0 NR NR 0 0 NR NR
11 Maintenance MAI 0 0 NR NR 0 0 NR NR 0 0 NR NR
Green - Pass
1 Audit Result Fail Fail Fail Yellow - Conditional Pass - Follow up needed
Red - Fail - Workshop/training needed
General Comment
BIF Code:
Fast R
1) There is a daily Fast Response (FR) meeting with cross-functional attendees and led
by manufacturing.
2) The FR meeting is a communication meeting and timing is respected. Attend on FR meeting. Observe:
3) All the significant external and internal issues are addressed. - led by manufacturing with cross -functional attendees,
Daily leadership meeting held with cross- 4) Natural owners are assigned to problems, next report out date is assigned. - how leader controls the FR meeting (keep timing max 10-20 minutes, focus on
5) Meeting takes into account the production forecast and the quantity produced. subject, not going to the details...),
FR1 functional, multilevel attendees to address
6) Safety and near miss accident issues are reported out. - environment is suitable (everyone can hear and see the meeting),
significant external and internal concerns. - how issues reported out,
- problem solving report format is used for report out and document the status of the
1) Fast Response board is used for tracking of issues, being updated before FR
meeting (board could be a dry erase board, laminated poster, Excel sheet projected by
beamer etc.).
2) Method of communicating problems to all Key Stake holders is defined (e.g. Quality
Alert, Temporary Work Instructions, By-Pass Procedure etc.). - Prior to the audit check the last customer complaints focusing to the open ones.
3) Exit criteria represent the core 6 Steps of problem solving (1. Define 2. Contain 3. - Prior to the FR meeting ask if there are any significant internal issues.
Fast Response Board tracks all major Root cause 4. Correct 5. Validate 6. Institutionalize) including timing for each of the exit - Check the board if it contains above described external and internal issues.
FR2 concerns with appropriate timing and exit criteria. - Follow an issue from FR Tracking Board through the exit criteria confirming actions
criteria. 4) All the exit criteria are statused (Red, Yellow, Green), red items have a planned date are in place & all the relevant documents have been updated.
- Check few statuses if they are rated well based on their timing, judge few N/A items
to go green with next steps. Problems are not closed until all criteria is met. Overall
whether they do not need to close the issue.
status represents the worst condition or overall planned timing has been exceeded.
1) Standard process (PPSR, 8D or equivalent) used with a format that follows the core
"6 Steps" of problem solving (1.Define, 2.Contain, 3.Root Cause, 4.Correct, 5.Validate,
2) Analysis process is developed and applied for all the customer returned parts. - Prior to the audit check last customer complaints focusing to the issues where root
A defined process for Problem Solving 3) Problem Solving forms used across the plant for internal, customer and supplier cause found and corrective action implemented.
issues. - Verify that problem solving used efficiently, all the core "6 steps" applied, specially
FR4 including a standard for documenting the
4) Evidence of cross-functional team approach for solving problems. that real main root cause found and action implemented against the root cause.
tools used for root cause identification. - If no customer complaint issued verify via an internal or sub-supplier issue.
5) Tools for identifying root cause are applied (7 diamonds, 3X5 why to correct
systemic issues, Fishbone Diagram etc.). - Check a Drill Deep (5 whys), main systematic root causes found.
1) Tracking of safety related metrics (e.g.: accident without lost working days, distinguishing
lost time accident & no lost time accident etc.). Lead time to solve safety issues.
2) Quality Q or other method to track FR performance is posted and up to date.
3) Tracking of total amount of significant internal and customer complaints based on their
trend and statuses (not responded, open, or in delay and closed in time) and average closing - Prior to audit check number of last 12 month PRRs. If higher than 24 (do not count
timing. line accumulation ones) or trend is significantly negative, special PRR reduction team
Targets are defined and followed to ensure 4) Tracking of all issues that reoccurred after corrective action has been implemented. has to be established.
- Check last customer complaints whether due dates kept. If not reasons for delay,
FRE effectiveness of fast reaction for external and 5) Continuous improvement data for line stoppage/downtime from Andon. actions need to be addressed.
internal issues. 6) Location with a high level of customer complaints (>24 complaints in last 12 months) - Check red items percentage, evaluate actions addressed to eliminate roadblocks.
shall have a special team created to work on complaints reductions - performance shall - Evidence of periodical review of average closing time for each exit criteria and set
be tracked at FR meeting on open issues list. action plan for any deviation.
Total Score: NR NR NR
Status NR NR NR
1) Consistent tagging & visual management (foot print , labels etc.) procedure is - Check in shop floor that identification tagging system is used in all areas
defined and kept in entire organization to ensure that identification and handling of (check at incoming, working stations, control stations, rework) and visual
NOK or suspected material is in place to avoid mixing with normal parts. management (e.g.: foot print, colour coding, labels etc.) is applied.
2) If sample checks (e.g.:, hourly sample product audit) find NOK part, it is ensured that - Scrap data are documented and verified.
all the parts produced from last known good parts are handled as suspected. - Ask operators that every one in shop floor is understanding colour coding
3) If red tags are used for both scrap and suspect material, tag must have disposition. used inside the organization.
4) NOK parts are segregated, recorded and their storage is managed including - Scrap boxes size should match with part size.
Nonconforming (NOK) and suspect material Quarantine area which has authorized access and quantities in quarantine are - Verify quarantine, access is defined, quantity is controlled Verify that
CNC2 are identified and segregated in order to controlled. avoidance of mixing NOK part ensure via layout of workplace, handling and
prevent them from unintended use. 5) Decision rules and responsibilities are defined, escalation process is established. storing of NC parts.
6) Risk of mixture NOK parts with conforming parts is analysed and action addressed.
1) Alert process is defined on the basis of the severity level of non-conformity and - Review FR board and check open issues whether quality alert posted.
applied for both external and internal issues once problem occurred at least as per FR - Check that Alert is clear, understood by team and posted in stations needed.
issues. - Customer and tier supplier contact list are available.
2) Alert includes minimum problem definition, the standard and deviation from
Alert is issued for significant issues to ensure standard, tasks, time line.
CNC3 communication and action for stakeholders. 3) Escalation process is put in place with internal/external distribution and notification
(Contact list for customer and tier suppliers exits).
4) The standard defines the criteria of withdrawal of posting.
1) Containment worksheet or equivalent contains all the potential locations and - Check that Containment Worksheet is used before initiating any containment.
quantities including physical quantities and status (OK/NOK). - Verify Containment Worksheet contains all the potential locations.
2) Containment area is separated from production line, standardized work is applied. - Check that countermeasures are put in place for each Alerts.
3) Containment process systematically includes securing of stock and pipeline in order - Ask team member about containment and its rules.
Containment is segregated and standardized, to guarantee breakpoint. - Ask one team member perform who containment in any FR issue, how he did
CNC4 all the potential quantity and location of 4) Containment actions are defined for each customer issues and verified in order to prevent the containment and how he filled the Containment Worksheet.
suspected material are identified. further defects, breakpoint are documented and communicated to all involved parties.
5) Exit criteria are defined to stop countermeasures.
1) Prohibited or authorized rework operation clearly defined. Authorized rework - Rework is part of Process Flow.
operations have to be part of part/process approval. Parts waiting for rework have to be - Potential failure modes of rework are detailed in PFMEA.
handled as suspected parts. - Check rework station, standardized work is applied.
2) Failure modes of rework are considered in PFMEA, identified in Process Flow with its - Check if team members understand rework identification process and follow
reintroduction at or prior of removal point. one reworked part, how it is handled, identified and reintroduced back to line.
3) Reintroduction of reworked part includes all downstream checks and colour coding
Rework or repair is standardized, performed in order to ensure that all control plan inspections & tests to be performed.
CNC5 only with necessary authorization and 4) If a not approved rework operation is needed, the authorization and release process
process of reintroducing parts back to line . are defined (including customer if required).
5) Re-use of components is considered as a rework operation. The component re-used must
be traced on the finished product.
6) Each reworked part is traceable via an identifier, documented serial number etc.
1) All the parts which have deviations are handled as suspect parts. - Site history of requests for deviations.
2) Deviation is approved according to customer requirement, deviations are granted for - Procedures and forms used on site.
a limited period or a defined quantity of parts. - Check PPAP WS for GM.
Parts which have deviations, but approved by 3) Traceability of the parts delivered under deviation is guaranteed. Manufacturing - Check 'Request to deliver non-conform product' for PSA and initial samples
CNC6 customer are managed; traceability of batches are identified. are available for deviations.
concerned products are guaranteed. 4) Impact of deviation on process and product is analysed and based on its result all the - Multi-disciplinary approach for the decision for initiate deviation request.
responsible parties have to be included to communication and decision about usability of - Evidence of traceability.
deviated parts.
1) Dilution calculation: affected batch size vs. containment worksheet in case of internal or - Prior to audit check Controlled Shipping and customer complaints link to
customer complaint. control of nonconforming product.
2) Performance metrics such as scrap rate (internal ppm), rework percentage, FTQ, - Verify that containment driven back to the source of error.
VOC, etc. are established and followed at all levels of the operation. - Verification of countermeasure action.
Targets are defined and followed to reduce 3) Tracking of customer complaints caused by CNC issues (e.g.: rework, B/P violation,
CNCE scrap and increase First Time Quality at all known NOK parts shipped, etc.).
levels of operation. 4) Costs of poor quality (including indirect costs: sorts,...).
5) Tracking of number of containment at customer and in-house.
6) Tracking time in containment (e.g.: long lasting CS).
Total Score: NR NR NR
Status NR NR NR
1) Verification Station strategy is defined on procedure/instruction level which contains - Ask for set up a Verification Station for a theoretical problem and check that
selection of VS place, temporary/permanent VS, guideline for alarm limit and definition conditions are defined to establish VS in short time.
of escalation process. - Check a verification station, is clearly identified, developed acc. to
2) Characteristics checked 100% are defined and Verification Station is developed standardized work: instruction developed, layout defined to avoid bypass and
according to Standardized Work requirements. mixing of parts, training and necessary certification done.
3) Customer complaints have to be always covered in verification station. - GP12 is implemented in Launch phase.
A system in place focuses on Building Quality
4) All the temporary and permanent verification stations which are required by - C.A.R.E is implemented for GM Powertrain suppliers.
VS1 in Station through prevention, detection and
customer are implemented. - For PSA suppliers final inspection implemented as Verification Station.
containment of abnormalities.
5) Exit criteria is defined to remove non permanent Verification Station and approved by - If needed, VS capacity confirmation via "limited" R@R.
6) Impact of VS on capacity of the line is verified.
1) Alarm limits are set based on type and number of defect found. Escalation procedure - Tally Sheet posted at or near the Verification Station, filled in properly.
is defined and followed when alarm limit is reached. - Ask VS operator about escalation. When and who to call,
2) Results of controls are recorded (records the number of each type of problem by the who responded and when.
Alarm and immediate reaction system hour) and posted at or near to Verification Station. A real-time follow up of results is - Check results back, proper escalation was done when alarm limit reached.
defined; escalation process and records applied. - Alarm limits are reasonable: e.g.: 1 for customer complaint, GP12, Controlled
VS2 established for defects entering in the 3) Immediate reaction is applied and recorded (issues, immediate fix, corrective action Shipping.
Verification Station. taken and breakpoint). Upstream reaction process is defined.
4) The decision criteria to stop production is established and written on the escalation
1) Problem solving activities is conducted based on Verification Station Pareto - Check problem solving was applied, corrective actions were defined against
analysis. main root cause (not re-training of operators).
2) Group leader reviews in a daily basis (daily management walk through or meetings) - Verification station is owned by management.
Problem solving process is applied and Verification Station activities and results and follow up the action plan.
corrective actions implemented as result of 3) Leadership/support staff reviews in a weekly basis the status of problem solving
VS3 Verification Station Activities; Leadership activities.
reviews Verification Station activities and 4) In case of lack of detection of non-conformance part, verification station controls have to be
results. re-evaluated and improved.
1) A master list of error-proofing devices is available including description of - Participate at an Error Proofing verification, check process kept and
verification (self or with master samples). documented well.
2) Each error-proofing device/system and its master samples are clearly identified and - Identification of EP devices on shop floor & coherence with the list.
managed. - Records of verification (control plan, start-up work instructions).
3) Error-proofing devices are verified regularly with master sample at least once per - Check identification, conservation, easy access, calibration of master
The Error Proofing devices are identified, day, but at all part number change and start-up (including after significant production samples.
EP1 managed and regularly verified. stop). - Work Instructions for verification.
4) Verification documented with sign off. - Is Gage R&R result less than 10%?
5) When it is applicable, Gage R&R are been conducted to confirm EP efficiency.
1) All the EP failures have to be documented and reaction plan includes who is notified - Ask people who make EP verification about his/her responsibility in case of
and actions to be taken. EP failure and escalation process.
In the event of Error Proofing devices 2) All the parts produced since the last OK verification have to be handle as suspected - Check back records that containment were done for all the EP failures.
malfunction, the suspect products are material and apply containment. - Error Proofing malfunction is escalated to shift book, FR meeting etc.
EP2 managed. 3) Corrective actions to fix Error Proofing device failure is documented.
Reaction to failures, corrective actions and 4) In the event of error proofing devices malfunctioning or unavailability, production is
re-verification are documented. stopped until capable substitution processes/control are identified and handled as by-
pass process.
1) Performance Graphic, Q chart or report card (i.e. calendar days-red/green, I-chart - Prior to audit check customer complaints caused by failed error proofing or no
etc.) showing feedback from downstream processes. detection on verification station.
2) FTQ or internal scrap metrics showing improvement trend, reduction of - Any long lasting CS, GP12 or temporally verification station. Actions to close
events/defects over time. them.
3) Verification station applied flexible, alarm limits are reviewed continuously. - Review charts, verify action brought expected result.
4) Tracking of error proofing failures. - Check how often the alarm limit reach: no alarm=no improvement.
VSE& Targets are defined and followed to evaluate - Check that verification station(s) selected efficiently:
1. review data: customer complaints (any major or repetitive issue), CS, GP12,
EPE Verification Station & EP effectiveness.
FTQ results, high RPN items from PFMEA, process capability data.
2. Based on data reviewed, evaluate if Verification Station(s) implemented to
right place or there is a need to implement a new one(s).
- Verify that Error Proofing verification frequencies are reasonable.
Total Score: NR NR NR
Status NR NR NR
1) Relevant safety standard are applied for each workplace. - Check on shop floor potential safety issues e.g.: hidden corners, potential
2) Design of general and workstation layout considers safety aspects to avoid potential accidents, pedestrian way, colour coding on floor, noise, temperature etc.
safety risks. - On the shop floor, appreciate the level of light, the temperature (cold/hot), the
3) Rules related to ergonomics of workstations are defined and applied for each level of noise, the loads carried by operators, the level of work (hands up...).
The workplace environments are safe and workstation design. They take into account the environmental conditions. - Look for result of ergonomics evaluation.
SW1 ergonomic. 4) Operators are involved in workstation design (ergonomic workstream) and major player in - Look at a "painful" workstation. Verify its action plan for the improvement.
the qualification process which always includes safety and ergonomic aspects.
1) Standardized Work Instruction (SWI) are available for each operation. - Work instructions at different workplaces (manufacturing, quality control,
2) SWI covers the whole of the produced references and line balancing means levelling of material handling/logistic), check:
the workload across all workstations. 1. Easy availability,
3) Revision history is traced back for process/product changes. 2. Compare instructions to work performed by operators. Observe 3 full cycles
4) SWI are developed by cross-functional team and includes at minimum: of the job in station & verify that the Major Steps, Key Points are followed
- Work elements including quality controls and their sequence, Reason is understood,
- Operator movement with sketch of work flow, 3. Controls listed in Control Plan is added to SWI, efficient time allocated for
- Takt time and overall cycle time, quality checks.
- Standard in-process stock, - Try to perform an manual operation based on SWI, check all necessary
Working instructions are standardized and - Required PPE and safety requirement if applicable, information, hint, key points... described to perform operation.
SW3 available for each workstation. - Support description with pictures, sketches and images, - Ask few operators to explain SWI. Does operator understand it?
- Reference to product/process/control standards. - Various balances are managed for different planned production outputs and
5) For each work element, instruction describes: product mix (e.g.: modification of line speed).
- Major Steps (What),
- Key Points (How)
- Reason (Why) and critical key points requires 'Why'.
6) SWI is posted near or at the operation.
1) Start-up instructions are available (can be covered in SWI or checklist) for - Take few start-up instructions for automatic equipment and verify content.
manufacturing operation and tool change/set up. - Ask a set-up person about roles of set up.
2) A Start up process is applied at beginning of shift, part number change, after - Evidence of traceability between parts produced & 1st off part.
significant production stop (planned or unplanned) and documented. - Check back records for start up activities and verify:
3) Start up instruction includes a list of the checking tasks to be carried out and - exact date of start-up documented,
recorded: - set-up parameters recorded and within tolerance,
- availability and functionality of all the manufacturing and - first-off parts result,
control equipment, error proofing and PPE, - in case of any deviation action initiated and result verified.
The operations to validate the start of - process/product parameters with tolerance limits,
SW4 production are described and applied. - availability of components and materials,
- environmental conditions at the workstation (cleanliness, lighting, etc.).
4) All activities/operations to be carried out prior to tool installation are defined (e.g.: pre-
heating of tool).
5) Start up instruction defines first-off parts validation. Traceability to be ensured till
validation completed, result is documented.
1) Responsibilities for definition of samples are established (including customer if - Verify that boundary samples are available for operators
required). At boundary samples tolerances for each characteristic and decision criteria - Check that samples represent typical failures
are clearly established. - If samples are physical parts, they should be painted/coloured
2) Samples (some cases they can be replaced by photos) are clearly identified and in - Ask operator when they using samples.
Reference parts and boundary samples accordance with latest design and approval status. - Verify sample storage condition.
SW5 (called samples) are available and managed 3) Usage of samples are described/referred in instructions, used in training process. - Evidence that samples used for training.
in order to confirm inspections. 4) Samples are periodically reviewed and its result is documented based on acceptance - They have easy access in area where they are used, storage preserves
criteria and customer feedback/complaint. original condition.
1) All the gages are periodically calibrated and recorded according to procedures, - Check several gages in different area (production, lab, incoming, storage) for:
ensured that only calibrated gages are in use. 1. identification,
2) If calibration performed in-house, necessary skilled staff, equipment and facility are 2. calibration status and their record,
available, if outsourced external laboratory accreditation is verified. 3. proper usage and storage (ask operators about usage and handling of
3) The capability of the measurement systems/equipment (Gage R&R) is periodically reviewed gages, are aware about risks of damaged gage).
The capability of the control devices is according to procedures. - List of gages contains identification and calibration period.
SW6 checked prior to using them in production 4) The acceptance criteria are defined for calibration and capability. - Check schedule for calibration.
process and it is periodically verified. 5) For each deviation/non-conformity or equipment exceeding calibration due date, - Verify a work instruction for a gage (see the acceptance criteria).
containment and corrective actions are defined and validated and followed by Quality - Gage R&R are been conducted to calibrate operators from shift to shift / line
Manager (apply handling of non-conformance). to line.
6) Standardized Work is applied for gage instructions.
1) Tracking of external and internal issues created by not well defined working - Prior to audit check customer complaints where root cause is linked to
instruction. Standardized Work (working instruction not detailed, wrong set up etc.).
2) Layered Audit result related to non compliance of Standardized Work.
3) Direct labour efficiency (ratio of real number of parts produced against the theoretical
number to be produced during the opening time).
4) Cycle times levelling.
Target defined and followed to optimize 5) Capability & calibration follow up indicators (e.g.: number of late calibration).
SWE processes. 6) Tracking of downtime and/or scrap rate caused by set up.
7) Ergonomics evaluation rate.
Total Score: NR NR NR
Status NR NR NR
1) The training process covers the entire staff of manufacturing, logistics and the - Verify at different workplaces whether their operators got the training from
support functions including temporary employees. certified trainer.
2) Internal trainers are identified and qualified to ensure that only certified trainers train. - Record of Internal Qualified Trainers.
3) A graduating step approach is developed and applied for each training activity, such - Ask operators how they were trained (e.g.: according to 4 Step).
Training process is defined. Organization, as the 4 Step (Job Instruction Training) process: 1.Prepare, 2.Demonstrate, 3.Try-out - Rules for Graduation Process is described at Training Procedure.
TR1 methods, skills and facilities are available for performance, 4.Follow-Up.
training activity. 4) Dedicated infrastructure (outside of the process) for hands-on training simulating production
conditions, if possible.
1) A safety policy is defined and communicated to all staff. A Safety handbook is - Safety manual & policy.
established and regularly updated in coherence with the policy. - New employee training covers safety requirements.
2) An organization is defined according with policy and local legislation with suitable equipment - Ask operators, who works on station where safety requirement established,
and qualified people. about awareness of safety rules.
3) Training needs for safety are defined based on the risk assessment linked to the industrial - Organization chart: responsibility for the safety is defined.
Training needs for safety are identified and domain and specific work station. - Facilities on site: infirmary,…
TR2 trainings performed for all the relevant 4) Based on safety training needs all the relevant staff are trained in two levels: 1.basic - Safety standards are kept e.g.: PPE, circulation on the shop floor, risk related
people. training about general safety rules, 2. individual job training, if applicable. to process (stamping, melting etc.).
5) Visitors safety is managed; standards & equipment are available (quick training, suitable - Signs, posters on the shop floor, line marking, behaviour of logistic
safety devices are at disposal). employees.
1) Basic training is given to each new employee which minimum includes: - Check if the Individual Job Training has all training content need to perform
- New hire orientation, the task.
- Knowledge & respect of the product (including management of key - Check Individual Job Training records for different job elements (operator at a
characteristics), working station, quality controller, team leader, a support function)
- Perform proper record keeping (production/quality), - Ask to team member to explain the documentation regarding quality,
- Understand work place organization responsibility, workplace organization, escalation process.
- Quality requirements (containment, red-bins, Andon, etc.), - Verify few operators whether following Standardized Work Instructions & know
- Escalation procedure (are the right people notified during a problem). the quality and productivity requirements.
2) Individual job training is documented for each employee showing training needs, - Check few working stations and verify that training records are available to
Basic and individual job training needs are skill or knowledge level of the job, who trained them, timing of operator sign off. the latest working instruction level.
TR3 identified, their content are formalized and all 3) Individual job training is held in case of change in training content or need (e.g.: - Verify if there's employee that go back to the operation after specific period
the trainings are recorded. Working Instruction change). Traceability for latest change is ensured. out of operation without refresh training.
4) Documentation, scheduling and tracking forms for employee refresher training if they have
not performed that job within a specific duration.
5) All the training activities are documented, records are available and easily retrieved.
1) Qualification levels are established. For each one of them, measurable criteria are - Chart showing cross training/certification level in a cell or work area such as a
defined. flexibility chart.
2) A calibration process is in place for all the people making check operations where results - Look for a job rotation plan or log. How often does team rotate?
depend on subjective decision. - The number of Team Members certified per station should support the Job
3) Flexibility Chart or equivalent posted at all operations or work area which: Rotation Plan.
- contains numbers of qualified people per each workstation as well as workstation per - Check if the training procedure describe the Re-Qualification process
Operator qualification process for each job person are targeted; associated action plans are implemented, - Check if a Re-Qualification Process (Employee Performance Review) is in
position and workplace is applied, including - indicates the steps in training & skill qualification level achieved for each job, place. Evaluate if an action plan was generated in case of Low Performance.
TR4 re-qualification if needed to ensure that only - has been updated. - Check several operations where result depends on subjective decision. Check
qualified people performs the job. 4) Criteria to revise qualification level are defined; they take into account the the record of calibration process, frequency, results and action plan
operational results at the specific workstation, the result of the layered audit, time off
job etc.
5) If re-qualification failed actions are implemented to reach required qualification level again
including re-assessment or degrade qualification level.
1) Process in place to recognize employees achievements. - Check how the leadership is promoting the recognition (e.g.: 7 Recognition
2) Individual objectives are in line with the site targets and are regularly reviewed, evaluated Success Factors).
A process of motivation (individual with feed back to the employees. Individual interviews are systematic for the whole of staff. - What kind of system does the supplier use to receive feedback from the
3) Process in place to collect and address employee suggestions with short and medium term employees?
TR5 recognition /reward) is implemented. The
improvement actions established. - Check if the actions plan regarding employee grievances are "on track".
policy is defined and managed.
- Ask team leaders how they can recognize their team member achievements.
1) Flexibility target (number of qualifications per employees & number of employees - During audit check how team members follow general procedures (e.g.:
qualified per workstation). handling of non-conforming material), as a confirmation about training
2) Layered audit results related to people awareness of procedures (e.g.: standardized effectiveness.
work, safety requirements, material handling, workplace organization etc.). - Check all the findings found during audit which can be linked to lack of
3) Number of re-training needed in same subject (failure of first training). training. (root cause of deviation is lack of knowledge). It affects to
Metrics are defined and followed to ensure
TRE effectiveness of training process.
4) Training assessment by trainee. effectiveness of training.
5) Internal and external issues due to the lack of training. - Does supplier measure the turnover in their departments (fluctuation)? If there
6) Employees satisfaction survey. is high turnover, special action addressed?
Total Score: NR NR NR
Status NR NR NR
1) Each workstation is audited and schedule frequency is defined to ensure: - In the shop floor, select a workstation and verify how the workstation is
- covering all the shifts, audited by LPA:
- each operation audited minimum once per month, - frequency is according to the plan,
- containment activities (e.g.: sorting, Controlled Shipping, GP12 etc.) are covered by - once a problem is identified, how the team member is informed,
LPA. - check if safety issues are detected by LPA,
2) LPA Schedule for All Levels: showing participation of All Levels (from Team Leader - verify if "top level" is conducting the audit.
LPA which covers the whole operational to Top Management) with established frequency for all manufacturing areas. - Check back LPA records, verify that audits were really performed according to
LPA2 activities is carried out and owned by 3) LPA schedule is tracked by manufacturing. schedule and all the operational activities were audited (not only manufacturing
manufacturing. operations, but material handling, storage, shipping etc.).
- Verify if containment/rework activities are included in the LPA Plan.
1) LPA records: All the LPA results are documented including - How organization apply the problem solving methodology for issues detected
- no deviation found (Y), during the LPA and how the organization record the countermeasure (for
- deviation found / not corrected during audit (N), example in the countermeasure sheet) and how they do the follow up of actions
- deviation corrected during audit (NC), - actions defined against root cause (e.g.: not only re-training)
- not applicable (NA). - due dates kept
2) Problem solving is applied directly at the workstation to treat deviations, actions are - implemented actions were verified.
defined and recorded with responsibility and target closing date. - Check the involvement of the management (knowledge of the result, of the
A follow-up of the LPA and associated action 3) Countermeasure Sheet on-going action plan)
plans are in place. Deviations are treated - Deviation found / not corrected during audit (non-conformances or operator claims as Continuous Improvement
LPA3 well as safety/ergonomic issue) must be addressed on Countermeasure Sheet. - Flexibility Chart revised using the results of the LPA
- Corrective action implementation is followed up. - Problem Solving Methodology revised using the results of LPA
- Countermeasure Sheet is used for Continues Improvement too. (e.g.: if a best - Workstation Organization performed
practice is discovered during the LPA it should be used as a driver to improve the - LPA used to capture a more efficient way to work and lead the standard work
current Standard Work). revision
4) LPA results are used to Continuous Improvement.
1) Tracking of audit results with visualization to share status on affected area (nb of - Perform a Layered Audit together with team leader. Compare your results with
non conformances per Department, pareto of non conformances,% of compliance). team leader. In case of gap, identify reasons of different evaluation.
2) Tracking of audit schedule & action plan implementation (open issues versus closed - At shop floor, verify in the visual management board (area or plant):
LPA effectiveness are continuously issues). - LPA Plan
LPAE monitored and analysed via LPA results in - LPA Tracking
order to ensure keeping procedures. - LPA Results
- LPA Action Plan/Effectiveness
Total Score: NR NR NR
Status NR NR NR
Risk Re
1) PFMEA is developed by cross-functional team. - Check member of PFMEA team and verify that necessary trainings are
2) PFMEA available for all part numbers and all operations. provided.
3) Scoring of Severity/Occurrence/Detection are according to customer's guideline, - Evidences that PFMEA prepared for all the P/Ns and all operations even the
ratings are consistent. base was a generic PFMEA.
4) Content of PFMEA fields are defined properly in accordance with customer guideline. - Scoring is according to predefined standards: PSA: Q242110_EX_EN / GM:
PFMEA’s shall be developed and maintained
5) If supplier is design responsible, DFMEA has to be used to develop the PFMEA. AIAG PFMEA Reference Manual
by cross-functional teams for all
RR1 manufacturing processes and support
- Verify content: Effects evaluated from both customer and manufacturing point
of view, Potential cause of failure defined specifically, ambiguous phrases (e.g.,
operator error or machine malfunction, etc.) should not be used. Real
preventive actions are listed.
1) PFMEA is reviewed and updated for each past quality issue and corrective action - Revision date of PFMEA linked to past failures.
that have been implemented within target completion date. - Check last customer complaint or quality issues and their update in PFMEA.
2) After each issue, 5 whys analysis is performed to understand why PFMEA did not predict - Review checklists, agendas or equivalent that assure adequate PFMEA
failure. Action implemented to avoid in future. review.
3) Periodic PFMEA reviews are scheduled based on process capability, - Check some operations/processes (material handling, labelling, rework/repair,
PFMEA is reviewed periodically as proactive process/product changes, etc… which cover: etc…) are included and accurate.
RR3 and reactive activities. - all processes and their controls are included, - Compare top internal scrap data with Occurrence scoring.
- detection ratings are accurate,
- occurrence ratings are analysed using data (SPC, FTQ, ppm, scrap data, Verification
Station results etc.).
1) A Cross-functional team conducts on-station review . - Check updates after reverse PFMEA performed.
There is a Reverse PFMEA (pro-active 2) A schedule of reverse PFMEA is implemented and regularly updated (timing for - Chose one station and perform a quick reverse PFMEA to confirm all current
RR4 approach) process in place to identify new review with prioritization of operation and its status /planned-done/). controls rated properly and all potential failure mode cover (try to create new
potential failure modes in shop floor. 3) All the findings are driven back into Process Flow, PFMEA, Control Plan, Work ones).
Instructions as applicable. - Have the current Occurrence/Detection numbers been revised.
1) There is a formalized process of evaluation and control of the risks concerning - Master securing plan which contains major risks, procedures and owners in
resources, facilities, tooling, shipping. case of e.g.: flood, fire etc.
2) The responsibilities of evaluation and management of risks are clearly established, coherent - Verify that master security plan covers the relevant major risks.
with the typology of the risks - How risks are evaluate (which criteria, is there a tool like FMEA, etc.).
3) A structured tool to identify, evaluate and prioritize risk based on a multidisciplinary - Who is responsible of the whole process, who is responsible for a precise risk.
General assessment is conducted to identify approach is used (e.g.: FMEA approach). - An example of risk: fire. Look at the action plan (preventive: extinguisher,
RR5 potential risks which could impact to plant 4) Prevention and reaction plans are established and deployed for each identified training / corrective: site evacuation plan, sprinkler, firemen on site, etc.).
(normal processes/activities). elementary risk. When appropriate, plans are audited and simulations are carried out.
5) The risks and the associated plans are periodically reviewed based on the plant, corporate
and external lessons learnt.
1) Tracking the number of high risk items (trend chart). - Top RPN chart or equivalent (based on prioritizing applied), e.g.:GM1927-21.
2) Tracking of delayed recommended actions by leadership necessary actions done in case of - Review actions/implementation dates/delays.
delay. - Percentage of error proofing/error detection.
Targets are defined and followed to ensure
3) Track that PFMEA reviews and reverse PFMEA are performed based on their schedule.
RRE effectiveness continuous risk reduction
4) Number of new failure modes and root causes covered after complaint (both external
and internal).
Total Score: NR NR NR
Status NR NR NR
1) Identify all areas/operations that could be affected by contamination and failure - Verify if the organization had mapped all areas/operations that could be
modes related to contamination are considered in PFMEA affected by contamination and identify the type of contamination in each area.
2) Procedure developed which includes method defining sediment collection and system to Also, if these information were used during the PFMEA and Process Control
measure cleanliness. Plan development.
3) Cleanliness results are documented and plotted on control chart. - Check if the cleanliness controls are being done according to frequency
4) Control limits are utilized to trigger reaction plans. established at PCP. Frequencies are reasonable.
Sediment is controlled with identification of - Check sediment measurement in lab (instruction and process).
possible risk areas for contamination as well - Application using statistical method to monitor and control (include individual
CC1 as continuous measurement and monitoring parts, sub-assemblies, full assemblies).
of sediment level. - Verify if there is a documented reaction plan for cases where the limit control
or unstable condition is reached.
- Ask to team member and/or inspector what they should do when an out of
control condition is reached.
1) Procedure/instruction to define and maintain method and frequency of checks to - Check work stations cleanliness, daily verification to be established (Layered
ensure quality and cleanliness of: Audit, Tape test etc.).
- Metal Working Fluid System, - Written procedure for inspection and maintenance of returnable dunnage.
- Fluid/Air Probes, - Parts are covered / properly protected.
Sediment reduction strategy is followed to - Work Station Cleanliness, - Parts on the assembly lines handled with lint free gloves / towels.
ensure proper functionality of equipment and - Dunnage and Part Storage,
CC2 processes designed to remove/prevent
- All wash/debur machine parameters captured and monitored/ documented.
- Purchased parts, - Wash solution and process parameters monitored and analysed on an on-
sediment contamination. - Washer, going basis.
- Debur.
1) Sources of dirt and foreign material as potential failure mode is considered in - Check if foreign material/extra part (screw, pin, washer, any small
PFMEA. components, etc.) effect (like noise, function issue, etc.) are considered in the
2) Methods developed to prevent extra parts or materials that may fall into or stick to PFMEA.
products and verified through error proof verification and/or Layered Process Audits - Verify that dunnage, fixtures, conveyors, washers and pre-assemblies are
(e.g.: sensor for masking used). protected to prevent falling material.
3) Procedure or instruction describes dirt control and prevention for key areas: People, - Check possibility to assemble part without masking.
Process, Facility and Material. - Verify if all stations in the Paint area are clean up and operators do a self
Maintaining the processes to control and
4) Application of statistical method to monitor and control painting process such us dirt count inspection of the area.
prevent dirt in paint/part and foreign material
CC4 contamination.
(SPC, U-chart), dirt identification (Pareto) etc. - Ask to team member to explain what are the main sources of dirt - key issues
5) Ensure proper functionality of equipment and processes designed to remove/prevent dirt in in the people, process, facility and material area and how he works to avoid
paint or part. them.
6) Behaviour Instructions are defined and respected. - See if the sources related to Process (paint spatter, overspray, towels, etc.)
are checked by PM and there's a reaction plan established.
- Check if general housekeeping process is established for facility and it is
1) Sediment result monitored, reduction plan defined. - Review sediment results and verify sediment reduction activities.
Targets are defined and followed to ensure 2) Layered audit and Process Specific audits results. - Evidence of site leadership reviews.
CCE continuous contamination reduction activity 3) Internal or Customer issues related with cleanliness. - Audits performed focusing contamination control.
4) Pareto of defects for key sensible process (painting, metallization,...).
Total Score: NR NR NR
Status NR NR NR
1) Procedures that require supplier audits to support sourcing decisions, evaluation of their - If supplier selection is done at manufacturing location check documentation of
systems. a tier supplier selection process.
2) Criteria to become sourceable supplier is defined. - If selection is done centrally, check tier X status is known by manufacturing
3) Contractual documents (such as SOR) contains all tier1 requirements, expectations, and location.
Procedures or work instructions to select and
SCM1 evaluate suppliers are implemented.
processes, signed by tier supplier. - Evidence of SQ responsibility (SQ organization chart or SQ training records).
4) Supplier Quality Department or organization is fully involved in the sourcing process. - Affect of manufacturing location to tier supplier's performance evaluation.
1) Customer specific requirements are implemented at tier suppliers: - An example of Request For Quotation. Does it contain customer specific
- technical specification of product, requirements?
- product and process specific standards, - Technical specifications forwarded to Tier X including list of critical
- procedures need to be applied (e.g.: PPAP/EI, PFMEA...), characteristic (PCP).
- traceability, FIFO and labelling requirements. - Supplier quotation file including technical/process feasibility.
2) Tiered suppliers comply to product and process validation requirements. Approval is - Check critical components product/process qualification files (PPAP).
available for all the components needed for assembled part. - Check customer drawing whether it contains any Key or Pass Through
Customer specific requirements are 3) Final product Key and Pass Through characteristics are identified on component (or characteristics which are produced and controlled by tier X supplier. If yes,
cascaded to all tier supply chain and material) level as well as shared and controlled (if required with SPC) with tier supplier. verify that tier X supplier drawing, PPAP/EI, Control Plan cover them as well as
SCM2 deliverables of the tier X are 4) All the design and process changes are communicated, Managing Change tier1 incoming control includes them.
validated/approved by tier 1. requirements are applied. Tier X supplier production transfer needs to be managed with - Example of management on a tier X process change.
specific procedures similar like BTAB. - Check capacity confirmation for critical components.
5) Tier suppliers capacity are confirmed for all the materials/components needed for
assembled part.
1) For any delivery of parts with deviation, tier 1 validates the formal deviation request - Prior to audit check whether there was any customer complaint caused by tier
of the tier X complaint. supplier.
2) For single issues, a systematic and disciplined approach to problem solving is - Example of supplier complaints towards its tier 2, verify contents of the
implemented, an action plan is set up by the tier X and verified by the tier 1, due dates complaints
expected by customer are kept. - Is there a timely management with milestones?
3) Approved supplier list to track tier suppliers performance (e.g.: Bidlist six panel - Verify content of 5 whys prepared for customer complaint with problem
etc.). Performance indicators are defined with threshold. resolution report ( 8D; 5P; Red-X etc.)
4) In the event of non-respect of a target, an actions plan to reach it is systematically defined - Example of action plans given by tier X. How is it validated and verified?
An escalation process is applied in case of
SCM3 tier supplier issues.
and followed by the tier X supplier. - Example of supplier audit, evidence of audits at key suppliers
5) When a tier supplier moved from Green ranking, escalation process take into account the - Escalation criteria (e.g.: Controlled Shipping, Top Focus, New Business Hold
tier 1 support of the tier X supplier to improve. Exit criteria are defined. etc.)
6) Regular audits are performed at suppliers plants. In case of complaint to verify action - Critical suppliers identified and tracked via such as Top Focus process, exit
implemented, and regular audits at key suppliers to improve their system (CQI audits, process criteria defined.
specific audits, PCPA...). - Review Tier x Performance Matrix with Tier x corrective action plan approved
by Tier 1.
1)Tier X performance result (ppm, rate of complaints, IpB, delivery...). - Check customer complaints, ratio of tier X supplier issues
2) Average time to respond to complaints and close Problem Resolution. - Red suppliers on Bidlist, actions for improvement.
Tier supplier targets are defined and their 3) PPAP curve (planned full PPAP date vs. achieved). - If any significant concern about Tier x Issues had been addressed in FR
SCME performance are tracked via indicators 4) Metrics on Bidlist (number of red supplier, ...). meeting.
5) Tracking results of the audit result at tier X.
Total Score: NR NR NR
Status NR NR NR
1) A procedure to manage product/process /source changes are defined and applied- - Check documentation via example: a design change and a process change:
both planned and emergency changes. - organization (project team) & milestones,
2) A change form is utilized to document all changes and controlled through a - evidence of customer approvals,
Document Control Process (e.g. tracking log sheet, revision numbering system, - planning and evidence of reviews,
approval process, etc.). - tool to ensure traceability of modifications.
All product, process or source changes are 3) All changes are managed like a project; responsibilities and milestones are defined, - Evolution of data system such as MRP system, storage management
MC1 monitored and controlled. planning, activities and the deliverables are established in agreement with the customer. software, EDI server must be consider as major changes.
4) All changes need to be reviewed and approved by customer (PPAP/EI). Customer is
informed in early phase to get approval before kick off.
1) For any product/process/source change, a feasibility analysis is carried out. The Check one of last of modification and verify:
study takes into account the impacts in terms of costs, technical, performance, quality, - A feasibility analysis including lead time analysis,
timing, capacity. - Formalized impact evaluation & risk management,
2) Potential risks of change are considered via FMEA approach and document in DFMEA and - PFMEA and DFMEA (if applicable),
PFMEA. - Action in place to cover risk identified.
3) Based on risk analysis planning and implementation of the change are carried out, a
A risks analysis is applied for any product and process validation plan is defined.
MC2 product/process change. 4) Break point is defined when change become irreversible, it is communicated to
5) According to risk analysis, a securing approach is put in work in the launch phase (e.g.:
mixing of old and new design).
1) A standardized communication procedure and form to control and monitor all - Example of a trial run.
Production Trial Runs that documents each step of the process & records all approvals - Trial run validation criteria & results (records).
A Production Trial Run (PTR) process is and results.
MC3 implemented. 2) Traceability of trial run batch is ensured.
3) Quality reviews documented to release product for PTR shipment and verification process
has returned to normal production.
1) At planning phase, banking strategy takes account of process capacity, customer - Example of modification.
need, lead time of change and safety margin. If needed Customer approval for safety - Banking planning and follow-up.
stock level. - Evidence of reviews.
2) Stock level has to be managed in real time at phases of build up and implementation of - Follow up of stock level.
change. In case of deviation customer should be alerted. - Long term storage specific measures including packaging.
A parts banking strategy/procedure is 3) Established guidelines for execution of long term storage including protective - Verify that FIFO is respected.
implemented. It takes into account the packaging for parts and material.
MC4 constraint for long term storage of parts or 4) Quality reviews to established inspection criteria for the authorized release of banked parts
materials. and material prior to internal usage or shipment.
5) Except special agreements with customer, the supplier guarantees the complete
exhaustion of the products to the old change level before delivering new change level,
FIFO is kept.
1) During planning phase potential by-pass processes have to be identified and - Is there a specific procedure?
minimum most critical ones to be considered as part of approved process. - Examine situation of bottleneck operations, equipment associated risk of
2) When alternative by-pass process is used, process should be temporally and return to capacity.
normal process as soon as possible. - Example of by-pass process.
By-pass processes are defined and 3) By-pass process approved by Operations, Engineering and Quality manager,
MC5 managed. A procedure is in place to Standardized Work and training applied.
authorize by-passing processes. 4) When alternative or by-pass process is used traceability has to be ensured.
5) Specific countermeasures (e.g.: verification station) and Layered Audit are in place when
alternative or by-pass process are running.
1) Number of issues generated by a change. - Prior to audit check that any customer complaint issued due to:
2) Tracking of PPAP due dates. - unauthorized change,
Indicators are defined and tracked to ensure
3) Unexpected cost of modification. - by-pass process.
MCE that changes have no any negative impact to
4) Change implemented by due date (milestone follow up). - PPAP issues/delays due to changes.
5) No impact on service rate. - total changes for per month - monitored and tracked.
Total Score: NR NR NR
Status NR NR NR
1) Maintenance process is formalized and covers all the machines, tools, devices, - Preventive maintenance for safety equipment has to be performed on time
equipment and facilities on the site. It includes preventive and corrective maintenance. without exception.
2) A system for managing, planning, organizing and monitoring maintenance - Check that a maintenance system in place to manage all maintenance
operations is set. activity, supported by IT tools like CMMS (Computer Maintenance Management
3) Resources are available during all production period and outside production period to System), Excel Sheets, etc.
ensure non critical maintenance operations (e.g.: preventive maintenance). - Available resources by technology including outsourced experts (flexibility
4) Suitable maintenance facilities and equipment are available. chart).
5) Fast communication between production and maintenance is assured. - Implementation of resources near the manufacturing activities.
Maintenance organization and strategy are
MAI1 established and deployed.
6) A process is in place to improve production output. It is based on analysis of - Are there free resources to manage the corrective maintenance?
operational availabilities, operators suggestions, 6sigma technics etc. - Facilities available (areas well defined, conditions, 5S level, etc.)
7) Approach to standardize equipment (e.g.: using same filter, same interfaces to tools etc.). - Management improvement strategy and periodical reviews.
- Review major brand types of major equipment - ask about process to
purchase new machines.
- A generic plan to improvement of a type of equipment (e.g.: electrical screw
1) The Preventive Maintenance planning takes into account risk classification of the - Choose machines (constraint/complex one) and a tool to verify:
equipment (safety, constrain and bottleneck equipment, unique process with no - maintenance planning: identification of the equipment, task to do, when,
substitution process etc.). - follow up of the maintenance schedule and its visual management,
2) The planning is regularly followed, updated (including outsourced maintenance). - maintenance work instruction (including changes due to lesson learned),
3) Corrective maintenance is carried out for any deviation from the nominal (according - technical documentation for a precise equipment including document
to manufacturing priorities). The Preventive Maintenance activity is periodically management,
reviewed on the basis of the corrective maintenance activities. - records of corrective maintenance activity (type of equipment, is there
4) Maintenance activities are considered as Standardized Work. Technical documentation is repetitive breakdown, etc.),
The activities of maintenance are planned, available and managed for all equipment. - records of preventive maintenance on an equipment with a recent
MAI2 performed and tracked. 5) Records of all maintenance activity and results are formalized and filled in. breakdown.
6) Necessary re-qualification is done after maintenance activity, its result recorded to ensure - Verify that maintenance activities are fully deployed and covers all equipment
traceability. Start-up process applied (SW4). (machines, facilities, tools)
- Different type of preventive maintenance depending on the type of equipment
(pure preventive approach & conditional maintenance).
1) Level 1 (L1) maintenance operations take into account equipment identification, - Ask operators about Level 1 maintenance responsibilities.
cleaning, self-maintenance and safety devices verification. - Verify few L1 maintenance working instruction and record.
2) L1 maintenance is performed under manufacturing responsibility at operator's - Look at the equipment status on the shop floor (is there an identification
workstation. L1 operations are integrated in the workstation's work instructions. (number), cleanliness, protection in good condition, leakage, etc.).
Level 1 maintenance is systematically applied 3) Any deviation, anomaly or improvement suggestion is recorded and, if necessary, - LPA records.
MAI3 and integrated to workstation instructions. escalated to a higher level maintenance activity. - Evidences of activities transfer from preventive maintenance to L1.
4) Records are analysed and used as lessons learned to improve maintenance operations.
1) A list of critical spare parts is determined, managed and regularly updated. - List of critical spare parts.
2) A spare parts stock is available with minimum stock level. Spare parts tracking - Stock of spare parts: reception / organization / consumption.
The spare parts and their storage are system is combined with maintenance system in order to control physical inventory. - Conditions of storage.
MAI4 managed. 3) The spare parts are stored in suitable conditions and periodic physical inspections - Computer aided system.
The critical parts are identified. are performed for long term stored items. - Inventory (take an example of a critical part and verify the robustness of the
1) Each Customer Specific Tool (CST), including customer owned one, is identified in a Check few tools to verify:
single and inalterable way according to customer requirements (customer marking). - General conditions of the tools (leakage, rust, ...).
Identification includes tool change level. - Identification and visual management of the tools.
2) Lifetime of tools are strictly followed and documented in 'diary sheet' which includes lifetime - A diary sheet and records, lifetime followed.
of tool, shoot number, maintenance activities. - Communication & Customer approval for each change on a example.
3) In case of sub-contracting, a list with the localization of the CST is established and - Storage conditions.
communicated to the customer. - Standardized maintenance operations.
The customer's product specific tools are 4) The storage of the CST is organized and managed. Activities to be carried out prior
MAI5 managed to preserve tool condition till end of to storage are defined. Storage conditions guarantee the safeguarding of the CST until
their lifetime. its end-of-life.
5) Tool release process after storage is established. Start-up process applied (SW5).
6) Product/process re-qualification is carried out for each replacement tool according to
customer requirement.
1) Performance & Reliability targets are defined on the basis of historical data and - Customer complaints caused by machine or tool problem (e.g.: burrs issue…).
related indicators are tracked - Verify quantity of few Spare Parts in stock.
- Failure Rate, MTBF, MTTR, stop of lines.
2) Tracking maintenance performed vs. planning (including service provider activity).
Indicators are defined and tracked to ensure 3) Paretos of breakdown.
MAIE effectiveness of all the maintenance 4) Average rotation of spare parts.
activities. 5) Deviations found during spare parts inventory audit.
6) Ratio of corrective maintenance against preventive maintenance.
Total Score: NR NR NR
Status NR NR NR
1) A process is in place led by manufacturing to generate manufacturing detailed - Check product chosen in MMFM1 section and check daily deployment:
program on daily basis coherent with MPS outputs. - Manufacturing detailed program,
2) The program takes into account the preparation time (batch change, tool change, set- - Complete preparation time for a batch,
up, start-up process, etc.) and up to date OEE rates. - Different programs from a week to another (is it stable or not,
The daily manufacturing activity is planned in 3) Deviations between forecast and real production are followed and controlled on daily level of flexibility).
MMFM2 detail and followed up at site level. basis at production line level. An escalation process is defined. - The real production level vs. scheduling.
4) A process to improve the setup time is in place. Organization should establish a goal, - Planning & Minutes of optimization workshops.
measure the setup time and define the action plan once the setup time goal is not reach. - Hourly Board Control for continuous monitoring of production
- A strategy is in place to improve the setup time (e.g.: SMED strategy).
1) Based on customer demand all the bottleneck operations are identified. - List of bottleneck equipment.
2) Constraint operation identified among bottlenecks and prioritized in regard to - Check via record that:
qualified operators, training, maintenance, scrap, setup and fast reaction in case of any - constraint running continuously,
deviation. - number of qualified people via Flexibility Chart
Constraint operation is identified and 3) Manufacturing detailed program is optimized taking into account constraint - breakdowns and actions against them.
MMFM3 specifically managed. operation. - Check buffers size, ask operators how often they run out.
4) Constraint shall be managed identifying problems, establishing action plans and - Constraint output is considered in production schedule (MPS).
verifying effectiveness of action plans in a regular basis.
5) A back up plan for each bottleneck operations are defined.
1) The loops and flows of full/empty packaging are organized and managed. Number of - Examine the flow of empty packaging. Try to see the loops are respected.
the available empty packaging is enough to keep the production running. - Verify the procedure to initiate the supply of additional packaging (threshold
2) A process to check quality of the packaging is applied; it takes into account the definition, alert process, timely response).
requirements of the customer and the standard definition of the packaging . All - Check empty packaging storage area.
activities are considered as Standardized Work (SW). - Verify a Work instructions for checking and cleaning.
Product packaging (final product, 3) Packaging control work instructions are established and applied which include decision - What happens if there are no more Empty packaging?
intermediate and supplies) availability and criteria for the use of packaging, the associated countermeasures and corrective actions (e.g.: - Look at the conditions of the packaging particularly the label support.
MMFM4 conditions are managed to ensure product alternative packaging, cleaning, maintaining, special transportation of empty packaging etc.). - Check actions for critical packaging from availability point of view (e.g.:
quality. 4) Supplier responsibilities are clearly defined. Deviations are systematically communicated to alternative packaging is defined, for final product it is approved by customer).
the customer.
1) All storage areas are identified and organized by type of product (incoming, - Check storage area and condition at several places (incoming, Work in
intermediate, Work In Process, final etc.). Process Flow charts are effectively matching Process, final product).
with processes. - Ask operators and material handling personnel whether they are aware of and
2) Potential failure modes related to material storage and handling are considered in following instructions.
PFMEA (e.g.: damage by handling equipment, rust caused by storage condition, mixing - Verify that adequate protection in place to protect parts from damage and
up of products etc.). mixing.
3) When needed, storage conditions are controlled by devices in real time (e.g.: - Condition of storage (temperature, waterproof, etc.)
Handling and storage conditions of product temperature, humidity etc.). Records of stock condition are kept. Alert procedures and - Visual management in place (level mini & maxi are visible).
(final, intermediate and supplies) are countermeasures are defined. - Check expiring dates by reading labels.
MMFM5 respected in order to protect parts from 4) Standardized Work (SW) is applied, structured approach for organization of storage are - FIFO: risky situation to examine: intermediate stocks, double flows/lines (e.g.:
damage and environmental effects. defined and applied. System in place allows to visualize easily storage operations and level of 2 paint lines): how do they manage these type of situation (specific rules &
stock for each reference. procedures).
5) The stock management system take into account: product expiring dates, product - Specific management for the high runner references.
change level and the respect of the FIFO. - Results of audit or inventory.
6) Stock level is checked via regular quality and quantity audits (E.g.: LPA). - Associated equipment is suitable for stocking and handling (barcode reader,
informatics systems, forklift, racks etc.).
1) Feeding plan is established and tracked. Suitable feeding equipment adapted to - Check if a standardize feed route plan is defined and followed
layout, flows configuration and available space. - Check few workstations and check:
2) The feeding process is based on a structured methodology (e.g.: pull system) which: - Respect of the "pull system" principles,
- minimizes overflows & non value-added operations (repacking), - Alerts from the lines and their management: management of the risk of
- guarantees the availability of materials at the workstation during all stock out?,
production period. - Work instructions (line feeding operations, loading, repackaging operations,
A system is in place which ensures that 3) All the feeding activities are considered as Standardized Work (SW) and guarantee etc.),
materials needed for production are the respect of FIFO. - FIFO kept (organization of the rack).
MMFM6 organized and available at place of their 4) At the workstation, materials are used in manageable size and material flows are - Organization of "supermarket" areas (visual management) if existing.
application. organized and managed following the standard work/in-stock process. - Organization of the material flow at the workstation (entry & exit point for each
5) Material flow optimization is in place based on the use of tools such as MIFA or VSM. components, packaging, useless movement).
- Optimization activities (minutes of meetings, action plans, etc.).
Total Score: NR NR NR
Status NR NR NR
1) A process to follow deliveries is formalized and applied. Related operations are - Organization of the incoming (truck reception, unloading area, transfer to
standardized. Resources are available and properly managed. incoming stock).
2) A master schedule of deliveries is defined and follow up. A visual management - Master schedule of deliveries (stability through weeks).
system, showing the smoothing of the deliveries (levelling), allow to follow them. An escalation - Working instructions.
Supply process (incoming) is managed, process is implemented in case of deviation. - An example of protocol with a tier X.
ELG1 organized & tracked. 3) A logistic protocol is defined and regularly updated for each tier X supplier. Transportation - Service rate metrics.
organization toward the tier X suppliers is optimized. - An example of alert in case of deviation.
4) The service rate of the tier X suppliers is followed; actions plans are established for - Resources available matches incoming and outbound deliveries.
most critical tier X.
1) Components/materials which are risky to supply are identified and addressed to daily - Identify a "risky" supply (ex: far supplier or failing supplier).
supply operations/logistic meeting. Countermeasures and Corrective plans are - Examine the securing plan associated.
established and followed with Tier X. - Emergency procedures with alternate supply process.
2) Medium/Long Term securing plans for Key Critical Suppliers/Parts are periodically - In case of safety stocks, check tier1 strategy defined for that (contractual
A process to secure supplies (incoming) is
ELG2 applied on a basis of risks analysis.
reviewed by leadership. definition, increased demand etc.)
3) Safety Stock, advance warehouses are contractually defined and managed for the "far" tier
X (more than 48h of transportation) and when applicable for the "risky" tier X.
4)The management of the site is strongly involved and validates the whole process.
1) Shipping process is described and timely managed. All the operations are - Shipping management board.
standardized. - Verify that the shipping process includes at least the following milestone:
2) Shipping process integrates milestone operations (e.g.: verification of availability of - verification of finished products availability,
finished products, truck loading completed (AVIEXP/ASN)) allowing to alert customer in - start of preparation,
relevant time in case of any issue. - end of preparation. Ready to ship,
3) Shipping planning is visually managed (Timing Table of the preparations of shipping - truck loading completed (EDI message sent to customer).
orders). - Identification of deviations on the board (late supply…).
4) A preparation list is available for operators. Operations done are recorded. Loading is - Organization of bogus truck areas.
prepared on "bogus truck" areas. - Preparation lists.
Shipping process (outgoing) is organized and 5) All the packaging are labelled properly and where is applicable label error proofing - Labels correctly fulfilled (with the right routing code).
ELG3 tracked. Packaging is properly labelled. strategy is applied in order to prevent part from mislabelling. PFMEA covers potential - Equipment and work instructions to check the product and pallet labelling.
failure mode of labelling. - Check hooping of the pallets (e.g.: safety aspect: metallic one can be danger
6) Specifically for synchronous (sequenced) deliveries, a constant monitoring/ follow up of the for operators).
process is carried out in real time; all deviations/issues are recorded and analysed and start - Verify that the AVIEXP/ASN message sent when truck loading is completed.
immediate countermeasures and corrective actions to eradicate issues.
1) EDI communication is installed and is validated with the customer. Qualified people - Training records for EDI training.
are permanently available on the site to manage EDI. - Several Logistic Protocols and verify their status.
2) Back-up solutions are defined, validated with the customer and are periodically tested. - Coherence between different Logistic Protocols and shipping schedules.
3) Any upgrade of EDI communications must be considered as significant change (See - Verify back-up solutions for EDI system failed.
MC). - Customer site contact list .
In order to guarantee that shipping process is 4) A Logistic protocol is established together with the carrier (transporter) and the customer. It
carried out according customer needs, the is continuously updated to take into account changes during current production (change of
ELG4 Electronic Data Exchange (EDI) network is customer site, change of schedule, etc.). Resources responsible for the protocol management
operational and a Logistic Protocol is on site are identified.
managed. 5) Any deviation in the protocol application is treated and managed by action plan (alternative
transportation mode, alternative packaging, etc.).
1) Indicators concerning the supply process: - Prior to audit check any customer complaint issued related to logistic problem,
- Fill rate of the trucks, stock out
- Service rate of tier X Suppliers, - Visual management (indicators are followed on boards at the shop floor).
- Tracking of Logistic issues with tier X Suppliers. - How supplier determines safety stock level - is risk analysis performed?
2) Indicators concerning the shipping process:
- Shipping lead time,
- Customer service rate,
Indicators are defined and tracked to ensure - Tracking of customer Log issues,
ELGE effectiveness of external logistic - Pareto of failures (customer line stops / stock out),
management. - Rate of mislabelling.
3) Indicators concerning the safety stock (applicable only if a safety stock has been
contractually defined with customer)
- Stock level,
- Rotation index of the safety stock.
Total Score: NR NR NR
Status NR NR NR
Standardized Work
Risk Reduction
Contamination Control
Managing Changes
External Logistic
Key Element
Item / Criteria of Requirement
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Item / Criteria of Requirement
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