Livro Eng Mod 2

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I S H 2
e Qualidade
Contéudo Revisado por Professor com
Certificado de Ensino dos Estados Unidos

Apostila Inglês – Book 2

Todos os direitos reservados

Coordenação editorial:
Prof. Nikolas Gebrim Rodrigues

Apostila Inglês – Book 2

Versão 1.0

Para intermediário no estudo da língua inglesa. Apostila para ser usada com o professor em
sala de aula, tempo recomendado 6 meses.
1. Book 1- Iniciante
2. Book 2 – Intermediário
3. Book 3 – Avançado

* Algumas imagens e gráficos foram adaptados de outros autores com as devidas citações na figura.
* Capa, Transcrição e design gráfico, por Explore Design
* Revisão de Texto e Preparação por Prof. Claudio Aaron e Prof. Yasmin Gebrim .

Mensagem aos alunos,

Sabe porque muitos abandonam o curso de inglês? Porque eles se negam a olhar uma
verdade que está bem na sua frente.
Ser imediatista faz com que você se enfraqueça e sempre morra na praia. Aqueles que entram
no ''jogo'' com uma mentalidade de gratificações instantâneas acabam por negando o caminho da
fluência e excelência.
Supervalorizam o que podem fazer em algumas semanas. Mas menospreza o que se pode
fazer em um, dois, cinco anos.
A fluência é formada pela paciência, é movida pela a força de vontade e perseverança da
mente dos vencedores. Você constrói algo grandioso através do tédio, do tempo de estudo e dos erros.
São os tropeços que te ensinam por onde andar.
A questão é que pessoas fracas desistem em frente a dificuldade da leitura, pronuncia e
escrita. Elas dispensam o melhor professor de inglês. Espero que vocês não façam isso. Saiba que
nada de grande se constrói do dia para o outro. Tenham paciência. Sejam perseverantes.
Study English!

Prof. Nikolas Gebrim


Chapter 1 – Would you like to go? …………………………………….......….. Pag. 01
Chapter 2 – Job Interview …………………………….......................…............ Pag. 05
Chapter 3 – Job Interview part 2 ……………………………………..…........... Pag. 09
Chapter 4 – Simples Present and Present Continuous …………….......…… Pag. 12
Chapter 5 – What's the time? …………………………………………..….......... Pag. 16
Chapter 6 – He lived in Brazil( Simple Past) …………………………..........….. Pag. 20
Chapter 7 – I was on vacation (Simple Past of Verb to Be) ………….....…. Pag. 26
Chapter 8 – Comparative and Superlative ……….…………………….....…. Pag. 30
Chapter 9 – Present Perfect ……………………………………….…….........…. Pag. 35
Chapter 10 – Past Continuous or Past Progressive …………………...........… Pag. 40
Chapter 11 – Present Perfect Vs. Simple Past …………………...................... Pag. 43
Chapter 12 – What are you going to do? ......................…………………...... Pag. 47
Chapter 13 – Simple Future ………...……………………………………........…. Pag. 51
Chapter 14 – Learn about Holidays ...…………………………..………........... Pag. 55
Chapter 15 – Future perfect and continuous …………………………….....… Pag.58
Chapter 16 – Past, Present and Future ……………….…………….........…….. Pag. 63
Chapter 17 – TOEFL Reading Skills ….…………………………..…….............… Pag. 67
Chapter 18 – TOEFL Listening Skills ………………………………….................... Pag. 71
Chapter 19 – TOEFL Speaking Skills ………………………………..................… Pag. 75
Chapter 20 – TOEFL Writing Skills ……………………………………............…... Pag. 78

Chapter One – Would you like to go?

Listening & Speaking

1– Can you tell me something about 9 – I always have lunch with my wife.
yourself? Eu sempre almoço com minha esposa.
Você pode me dizer algo sobre você?
10 –I usually eat bread with butter
2- Your resume suggests that you may be Eu usualmente como pão com manteiga.
over-qualied or too experienced for this
position. What's your opinion? 11 – You normally go out on weekends to
Seu currículo sugere que você pode ser muito eat pizza
qualicado ou experiente demais para essa Você normalmente sai nos ns de semanas para
posição. Qual sua opinião? comer pizza

3- Go straight ahead. 12- They often have dinner at 8'o clock

Siga em frente. Eles frequentemente jantam as 20 em ponto.

4– Pass the church and turn left in the 13- Sometimes I eat cookies with milk.
trafc light As vezes eu como biscoitos com leite.
Passe pela igreja e vire para esquerda no
semáforo 14- Occasionally we eat vegetables.
Ocasionalmente nós comemos vegetais.
5- Is there an ATM near here?
Tem um caixa eletrônico perto daqui? 15- Do you often have fried chicken for
Yes, It`s at the end of the street. Você costuma comer frango frito no jantar?
Sim, ca no nal da rua. 16- Do you like airplane food?
Você gosta da comida do avião?
6- Is there a restaurant near here?
Tem um restaurante perto daqui? I love it, I usually choose their chicken
Yes there is. Pass the pet shop and turn Eu adoro, eu usualmente escolho o sanduiche
right. de frango
Sim tem. Passe pelo Pet Shop e vire a direita.

7– Is there a library in the town?

Tem uma biblioteca na cidade?

Yes, it`s on Lincoln Avenue between the

supermarket and the museum.
Sim, é na Avenida Lincoln entre o supermercado
e o museu.

Yes, It`s across the street.

Sim, é do outro lado da rua.

8-What important trends do you see in

our industry?
Quais tendências importantes você vê em nossa


English Tips- Invitation

1- Would you like to go to an art festival? – Você gostaria de ir a um festival de

Yes, I`d love to go – Sim eu adoraria ir.
I`d like to go, but I need to study – Eu gostaria de ir, mas eu preciso estudar.
2- Do you want to see a movie with me tonight? – Voce quer ver um lme comigo
hoje à noite?
Sure I`d really like to see a good comedy. – Claro eu realmente gostaria de ver um
bom lme de comedia.
I`d like to see a movie, but I have to work till late. – Eu gostaria de ver um lme,
mas eu tenho que trabalhar até tarde.
3- I`d like = I would like – Eu gostaria
1. Would you _like to_ go to a park this weekend? _d_
2. Do you ______________ go to a basketball game tomorrow night?____
3. Would you ____________ see a play tonight? ____
4. Do you ___________ go swimming on Saturday? ____
5. Do you ___________ play soccer after school today? ___
6. Would you ____________ go to a hip-hop concert on Saturday night? ____
a. I`d like to but I Don`t have a swimsuit!
b. I`m sorry, but I have to talk to the teacher after school.
c. I don`t really like basketball. Do you want to do something else?
d. I`d like to, but I can`t. I`m going on a trip this weekend.
e. Yes, I`d love to. It`s my favorite kind of music.
f. Tonight? I can`t. I need to help my parents.

1. Você utiliza alguma dessas “Excuses” (Desculpas)
quando não quer sair?
Often Somentimes Never
I have to babysit
I need to study for a test
I have to work late
I need to go to bed early
I want to visit my family
I have a class
I have a headache
I´m not feeling well
I need to do laundry
I already have plans


2. Write down three things you want to do this weekend.

Ex: I want to go to the soccer game on Sunday.

3. Class Activity:
Go around the class and invite your classmates to do the things
from Exercise 2. Your classmates respond with excuses.
Often Somentimes Never
I have to babysit
I need to study for a test
I have to work late
I need to go to bed early
I want to visit my family
I have a class
I have a headache
I´m not feeling well
I need to do laundry
I already have plans

Write down three things you want to do this weekend

I want to go to the baseball game on Saturday.

English Tips -Pronouns

Subjects Objects
I me
You you
He him
She got John message. John left her a message.
We us
They them

1. A: Can _______ speak with Ms. Shu, please?
B:___________`s not here. But maybe _________ can help you.
A: Please give ________ my new phone number. It`s 555-2981.

2. A: Hi, this is David. Is Mr. Roberts there?

B: _________ `m sorry, but _________`s not here right now.
A: Yes. Please tell ______ to call me at work.

3. A:Hello, this is Carol`s Shop. Are Kate and Joe in?

B:No, _______`re not. Can ______ help you?
A:__________ found Kate and Joe`s keys. ______ left ______ on the table.
B: Just bring __________ the keys. I can give ________ to kate and Joe.
A: I`m sorry, but ________ can`t. Can Kate and Joe call ______?
B: Ok.

Conversation – Groups of two

Finja uma ligação telefônica com seu colega.
A: Call your friend Calvin. He needs your new phone number
B: Answer the phone. Calbin is not in. Take a Message.

Agora troque os papeis.

But this time give an email address



Chapter Two – Job Interview

Listening & Speaking
1 –Hello, how are you? 6- What are three of your best
Olá, como você está? accomplishments?
Quais são três das suas melhores
2 –Speak about yourself. realizações?
Fale sobre você.
7- Tell me about your education
3-Which Job position do you aim? background.
Qual cargo você almeja? Conte-me sobre suas formações
I'm aiming for the analyst position
Eu estou alemjando o cargo de analista 8- Why do you think you're suited
for this position?
4-What are your weaknesses? Por que você acha que é adequado
Quais são suas fraquezas? para esse cargo(posição)?

I'm still improving my computer 9-What do you do in your free

skills time?
Eu ainda estou melhorando minhas O que você faz nos tempo livres?
habilidades com computador
10-Describe your work style.
5-What are your strengths? Descreve seu estilo de trabalho
Quais são seus pontos fortes?
Time to Speak! Groups of Two

Simule uma entrevista de trabalho em inglês com seu colega de classe, utilize as
perguntas acima.

São 3 vagas de empregos (Escolha 1):

1. Administrador. Função: Dirigir e manter o controle sobre os recursos de uma
organização, tudo para produzir os melhores resultados.

2. Comercial. Função: Desenvolve as atividades em parcerias com as áreas de

Marketing e Comunicação, atuando na elaboração de planejamentos de
vendas, a m de atingir as metas estabelecidas pela organização.

3. Recursos Humano. Função: selecionar, contratar, desenvolver, treinar, motivar,

engajar, reconhecer, atrair e reter colaboradores
Antes prepare a suas repostas abaixo em inglês:
1- _______________________________________________________________________
2- _______________________________________________________________________
3- _______________________________________________________________________
4- _______________________________________________________________________
5- _______________________________________________________________________
6- _______________________________________________________________________
7- _______________________________________________________________________
8- _______________________________________________________________________
9- _______________________________________________________________________
10- _______________________________________________________________________

Listening & Speaking

1 –You are studying English. 10- She is putting the folders in the
Você está estudando inglês. drawer.
Ela está colocando as pastas na gaveta.
2 –Are you still working for the same
company? 11-She is riding a bike now.
Você ainda está trabalhando na mesma Ela está andando de bicicleta agora.
12-Is Mariane talking to Bob?
3-They are cooking a meal. Mariane está falando com o Bob?
Eles estão cozinhando uma refeição
13- He is not playing the electric guitar
4-Are they visiting you next winter? at this moment.
Eles estão visitando você no próximo inverno? Ele não está tocando sua guitarra no
5- He usually plays the drums, but he's
playing bass guitar tonight. 14- Is Susan watching the soap opera?
Ele usualmente toca a bateria, mas ele está Susan está assistindo novela?
tocando o baixo esta noite.
15- Are they waiting for us?
6- I'm not crying. Eles estão esperando por nós?
Eu não estou chorando.
16- The weather forecast was good, but
7-- She isn't helping me with my it's raining at the moment.
homework. A previsão do tempo era boa, mas está
Ela não está me ajudando com meu dever de chovendo no momento.
15- Harry and Sally are always arguing!
8- Are they cleaning the house? Harry e Sally estão sempre discutindo!
Eles estão limpando a casa?
16-We are reading a book.
9- He is swimming on the lake. Nós estamos lendo um livro.
Ele está nadando no lago.

English Tips - Present Continuous

Armative Negativa Question

I am going I am not going Am I going?

You are going You are not/aren’t Are you going?


He is going He is not/isn’t going Is he going?

She is going She isn’t going Is she going?

It is going? It isn’t going Is it going?

We are going We aren’t going Are we going?

They are going They aren’t going Are they going?


1. Quando o verbo principal termina em –e e antes tem um consoante, retira-se o
–e e acrescenta-se o –ing
To dance (dançar) - dancing
To take (pegar, tomar) - taking
To make (fazer) - making
To come (vir, chegar) – coming
Exceção: verbo to be – being

2. Quando o verbo termine com –ie, troca-se por –y e acrescente o –ing.

Die (morrer) – dying
Lie (mentir) – lying

3. Verbos monossílabos ou dissílabos que em suas terminações seguem o padrão

de consoante+vogal+consoante (CVC), duplica-se a última consoante.
To swim (nadar) – swimming
To travel (viajar) – travelling
To cut (cortar) – cutting
To run (correr) – running
To sit (sentar) – sitting
Exceção 1: quando a última consoante é -w ou -x, ela não é dobrada.
Exceção 2: se a sílaba tônica for a primeira, não se dobra a letra nal.
Acrescenta-se somente o –ing.

1. Escreva na forma interrogativa e negativa as seguintes frases:
a) We are reading a book.

b) He is swimming on the lake.


c) I'm crying.

d) You are studying English.


e) They are cooking a meal.


f) We are dancing all night long.


g) They are playing the guitar.

h) I am going home.


2. Conjugue o verbo no Simple Present e no Present Continuous:

a) Lie(mentir)
Simples Present: Presente Continuous:

b) Work (trabalhar)

Simples Present: Presente Continuous:

b) Go (ir)

Simples Present: Presente Continuous:


Chapter Three– Job Interview part 2

Listening & Speaking

1 –Hello, how do you feel today? 9- How long would you stay with
Olá, como você está se sentindo hoje? us?
Quanto tempo você caria conosco?
2 –Can you tell me something
about yourself? 10- Your resume suggests that you
Você pode me dizer algo sobre voce? may be over-qualied or too
experienced for this position.
3-What do you know about our What's your opinion?
organization? Seu currículo sugere que você pode ser
O que você sabe sobre a nossa muito qualicado ou experiente demais
empresa? para essa posição. Qual sua opinião?

4- Why do you want to work for us? 11-What is your management

Por que você quer trabalhar para nós? style?
Qual é o seu estilo de gestão?
5- What can you do for us that
someone else can't? 12-What do you look for when you
O que você pode fazer por nós que outra hire people?
pessoa não pode? O que você procura quando você
contrata pessoas?
6- What do you nd most
attractive in this position? 13-What important trends do you
O que você acha mais atraente nessa see in our industry?
posição? Quais tendências importantes você vê
em nossa indústria?
7- Why should we hire you?
Por que devemos] contratar você? 14-What do you think of your boss?
O que você acha do seu chefe?
8- What do you search in a good
job? 15-Which school did you attend?
O que você procura em um bom Qual escola você frequentou?

Time to Speak! Groups of two

Simule uma entrevista de trabalho em inglês, sem roteiro, com seu colega de
classe, utilize as perguntas acima.
Não precisa seguir a ordem das perguntas e nem perguntar todas.
A vaga é para Gerente do Wallmart (Rede de supermercado)


Pronunciation – Linked Sound

Quando pronunciados, os sons vocálicos e consonantais no início e m de algumas palavras em inglês
costumam conectar-se, dando a impressão de serem uma palavra só. Ou seja, na oralidade,
geralmente, não há pausas perceptíveis entre

Palavra terminada em consoante + palavra iniciada por vogal:

"Stop it!" / "I need it"

Palavra terminada em consoante + palavra iniciada por consoante de som semelhante:

"Said that" / "stop playing"

Palavra terminada em vogal + palavra iniciada por vogal:

“Go over" / "She is"
English Tips – Present Continuous

No último capítulo aprendemos sobre o Present Continuous, agora

vamos aprender quando e como utiliza-lo:
1 – Algo que está ocorrendo no momento;
The kids are doing their homework.
As crianças estão fazendo seu dever de casa.
My mother is sweeping the house.
Minha mãe está varrendo a casa.
2 – Uma atividade que está em andamento;
He is working on a special project at work.
Ele está trabalhando em um projeto especial no serviço.
My parents are travelling a lot these days.
Meus pais estão viajando muito esses dias.
3 – Algo que irá ocorrer em breve;
He is visiting his parents next weekend.
Ele visitará os pais dele no próximo m de semana.
My boyfriend is having dinner with my family tonight.
Meu namorado jantará com minha família hoje à noite.
4 – Uma situação que está se alterando;
The sky is getting cloudy.
O céu está cando nublado.
Your daughter is growing up so fast!
Sua lha está crescendo tão rápido!
5 – Ações com "always, forever, constantly" para descrever e reforçar uma
sucessão de ações repetidas.
She is always coming to class late.
Ela está sempre chegando atrasada na aula.
They are constantly complaining about their jobs.
Eles estão sempre reclamando do emprego deles.

Listening & Speaking

1 – I am watching TV with my 3- I am studying to become a
brother. doctor.
Eu estou assistindo TV com meu irmão. Eu estou estudando para me tornar um
2 – Be quiet, the baby is sleeping.
Fique quieto, o bebê está dormindo.

4- I'm reading a very interesting 10- The world is becoming a very
book about a murder dangerous place.
investigation. O mundo está se tornando um lugar
Eu estou lendo um livro muito muito perigoso.
interessante sobre uma investigação de
assassinato. 11- The price of food is going up
5- My parents are travelling a lot O preço da comida está aumentando
these days. de novo.
Meus pais estão viajando muito esses
dias. 12- She is always coming to class
6- I am meeting some friends Ela está sempre chegando atrasada na
after work. aula.
Eu irei encontrar alguns amigos depois
do trabalho. 13- He is constantly talking about
the past.
7- I am traveling to Europe next Ele está constantemente falando sobre
year. o passado.
Eu viajarei para a Europa no ano que
vem. 14- More and more people are
becoming vegetarian.
8- She is starting a new job next Mais e mais pessoas estão se tornando
week. vegetarianos.
Ela está começando num novo
emprego próxima semana. 15- Are they visiting you next
9- The sky is getting cloudy. Eles vão visitar você no próximo
O céu está cando nublado. inverno?

1. Volte no Listining&Speaking anterior e classique as frases com os
números entre paracenteses: (1) Algo que está ocorrendo no momento
(2) Uma atividade que está em andamento (3) Algo que irá ocorrer em
breve (4) Uma situação que está se alterando (5) Descrever e reforçar
uma sucessão de ações repetidas.
2.Translate to Portuguese.
To Ask: ____________ To know: __________ To start: ____________
To be: _____________ To leave: __________ To take: ___________
To become: _______ To like: _____________ To talk: ____________
To begin: __________ To live: ____________ To tell: _____________
To call: ____________ To look: ___________ To think: ___________
can: ______________ To make: __________ To try: _____________
To come: __________ may: ______________ To turn: ____________
To do: _____________ To move: __________ To use: ____________
To feel: ____________ need: _____________ To want: ___________
To nd: ____________ To play: ___________ will: _______________
To give: ___________ To put: ____________ To work: ___________
To go: ____________ To run: _____________
To have: __________ To say: ____________
To help: ___________ To see: ____________
To keep: __________ To show: ___________


Chapter four – Simple Present and

Present Continuous
English Tips

Simple present: afrmative, negative and interrogative.

There are some ways of using the simple present statements; we are going to see
the afrmative, negative and interrogative way.

Present simple
Affrimative Question Negative

I work do I work? I do not work

you work do you work? you do not work

he / she / it works does he / she / it work? he / she / it does not work

we work do we work? we do not work

they work do they work? they do not work

Afrmative Interrogative
1. They usually have lunch at the 10. Don't you have to go?
mall. 11. Doesn't he eat vegetables?
2. I never work on Sundays. 12. Don't they care?
3. I always study on Fridays. 13. Doesn't it work?
4. Cats don`t like dogs 14. Do they have a job?
5. Babies cry. 15. Does she like to dance?
6. I don't have to work today.
7. She doesn't go to school.
8. We don't go to that restaurant.
9. They don't want to go to there.

Na terceira pessoa do singular, o verbo sempre termina em -s:

he wants, she needs, he gives, she thinks.
As formas negativas e interrogativas utilizam DOES
He wants ice cream. Does he want strawberry? He does not want vanilla.
Verbos terminados em -y: na terceira pessoa do singular (He, She e It) , troca-se o -
y por -ies:
y --> ies, cry --> cries
Lembre-se quando houver uma vogal antes do –y, apenas acrescente o -s:
play --> plays, pray --> prays
Adicione -es aos verbos terminados em: -ss, -x, -sh, -ch:
he passes, she catches, he xes, it pushes


Present continuous
Affrimative Negative Question

I am going I am not going Am I going?

You are going You are not/aren’t going Are you going?
He is going He is not/isn’t going Is he going?
She is going She isn’t going Is she going?
It is going? It isn’t going Is it going?
We are going We aren’t going Are we going?
They are going They aren’t going Are they going?


1. Quando o verbo principal termina em –e e antes tem um consoante, retira-

se o –e e acrescenta-se o –ing
To dance (dançar) - dancing
To take (pegar, tomar) - taking
To make (fazer) - making
To come (vir, chegar) – coming
Exceção: verbo to be – being

2. Quando o verbo termine com –ie, troca-se por –y e acrescente o –ing.

Die (morrer) – dying
Lie (mentir) – lying

3. Verbos monossílabos ou dissílabos que em suas terminações seguem o

padrão de consoante+vogal+consoante (CVC), duplica-se a última
To swim (nadar) – swimming
To travel (viajar) – travelling
To cut (cortar) – cutting
To run (correr) – running
To sit (sentar) – sitting
Exceção 1: quando a última consoante é -w ou -x, ela não é dobrada.
Exceção 2: se a sílaba tônica for a primeira, não se dobra a letra nal.
Acrescenta-se somente o –ing.

Listening & Speaking
1 – I always have lunch with my 11 –Kids you should always eat
wife. vegetables.

2 – I usually eat bread with butter 12 - He usually likes salt and pepper
on his food
3 – You normally go out on
weekends to eat pizza 13 – I normally have cerial for
4 - They often have dinner at 8'o
clock 14 - Do you often eat chicken or
5- Sometimes I eat cookies with
milk 15 – You will hardly ever see me
eating lettuce.
6- Occasionally we eat
vegetables 16 - I occasionally eat hamburger
at lunch
7 – You seldom eat french fries
with cheese 17- He never has dinner with me.

8 – She hardly ever goes out to 18 – I always eat rice, beans and
eat with her boyfriend. steak for lunch

9 – I never have dairy products 19 - They seldom have barbecue

for dinner.
10 – Sometimes you have lunch
with your sister and mother 20 - You can see him often at the

English Tips - Adverbs

Frequency Word Tradução

100% Always Sempre

90% Usually Usualmente

80% Normally Normalmente

70% Often/frequently Frequentemente

50% Sometimes As vezes

30% Occasionaly Ocasionalmente

10% Seldom Raramente

5% Hardly rarely / ever Raramente/raramente

0% Never Nunca

Listening & Speaking

1- He likes to eat rice and beans at lunch.

2 - Do you always have cereal for breakfast?

No, I always eat bread with butter for breakfast.

3 - What do you usually drink at dinner?

I like to drink soda and juice with dinner.

4 - What do you prefer having for lunch?

My favorite food is rice, beans and eggs.

5 - Do you often have fried chicken for dinner?

No, I always have fried chicken for lunch.

6 - Do you like food served in airplane?

I love it, I usually choose their chicken sandwich.

1. Conjugue o verbo no Simple Present e no Present Continuous:

a) Lie
Simple Present: Present Continuous:

b) Work
Simple Present: Present Continuous:

b) Cry
Simple Present: Present Continuous:


Chapter Five – What`s the time?

Listening & Speaking
1 - What time is it? 4 - What time is it?
It's nine o'clock in the evening. It's nine forty at night
It's 9:00 P.M. It's 9:40 P.M.

2 - What is the time? 5 - Could you tell me the time?

It's eight o'clock in the morning It's ten twenty in the morning
It's 08:00 A.M. It's 10:20 A.M.

3 - Do you know what time it is? 6 - Sorry, I don't have my watch on

It's four ten in the afternoon According to my watch, it's...
It's 4:10 P.M.
ve to ve past

ten to ten past

to TO PAST quarter

twenty twenty
to past

twenty-ve twenty-ve
to half past
English Tips - Questions whit W and H

Why is there evil in the I don’t know why, but there’s

(por que) world? something I don’t like about her.

We may nd ourselves in a situation

Where Where are they going?
(onde) where we can’t pay our debts.

Which of you is They’re all so pretty – I don’t know

Which responsible for this which one to choose.

I want to speak to the person who

Who / deals with my account.
Who is going to drive?
Whom His strongest criticism is reserved for
Whom do you like
(quem) his father, whom he disliked

He wouldn’t say whose names were

Whose Whose is this jacket? on the list.
de quem)

How do you like your I don`t know how you like to eat
How salad? your dinner.


1.Translate the phareses in the table above to portugues:
(o que,


(por que)



Who /

(de quem)


The alphabet
Say the letters – Fale as letras

A(ei) B(bi) C(ci) D(di) E(i) F(éf) G(dji) H(eitch) I(ai) J(djei) K(kei) L(el)
M(em) N(en) O(ou) P(pi) Q(quiu) R(ar) S(es) T(ti) U(iu) V(vi) W(dãbliu)
X(écs) Y(uai) Z(zi)

Listening & Speaking

1 – I'm Here 14 – We're rich.

2 – He's hungry. 15 – Douglas is sick and he is not
3 – The students are smart. at work.
4 – They are interested. 16 – Mary is interested in yellow
5 – She's pretty cars
6 – It is black and red 17 – The students are hungry and
7 – The car is small and yellow. they are sad.
8 – We're hungry 18 – Her car is fast and his car is
9 – You're smart slow.
10 – I'm a student. 19 – My dog is my best friend.
11 – I'm tired 20 – They are our work friends
12 – I'm a good professional 21 – You are in my classroom.
13 – You're my best friend 22 – He is tired.

1. Complete with 'm , 're or 's
1.3 A- What__ his name ?
1.1 A - I___ Tomas. B – He___ name is Silva
B-It__ nice to meet you. A – We__ smart

1.2 A - Hello. I____ John Rock 1.4 A - She__ a pretty girl

B- I ____ in your English class. B – What__ her name?
A- Yes, and you___ my friend A – It_ Mary Jane. We__ best friends

2. Complete the conversation

am he´s i´m not it´s you

are I´m is x me you´re

1. Debra: Excuse___________ . Are______________
James Lawson?
Kevin: No, _____________ . _______________ over there.
Debra: Oh, ____________ sorry.
2. Debra: Excuse me. ______________you James Lawson?
James: Yes, I _________________.
Debra Marks. Hi, James. My name ______________
Debra Marks.
James: Oh, ______________ in my English class.
Debra: That´s right. ________________ nice to meet you.
James: Nice to meet you, too.

Time to Speak! Groups of two

Ask your partner “What time is it” he must answer in two different ways,
write down his answers:




Chapter Six – He lived in Brazil

(Simple Past)
Listening & Speaking
1. The taxi arrived at the girl's house. 6. They called a taxi.

2. They looked out of the window. 7. The taxi driver typed their
destination into his GPS.
3. They chatted and listened to
music. 8. They lived in Brazil a long time
4. The girls wanted to go to a
match. 9. He sailed the seven seas.

5. The taxi stopped in a street with 10. The mayor died last year.
pretty houses.


Fill in the blanks
Simple Present Simple Past
They want to go to the match. They ______ to go to the match.

They talk to the taxi driver. They ______to the taxi driver.

I want to eat cake. I ______ to eat cake

You listen to music. You ______ to music

They live in Brazil. They ______ in Brazil.

English Tips – Simple Past

Como visto no “Chapter four” o “Simple Past” é utilizado para se referir a uma
ação concluída em um período de tempo anterior. O fato pode ter ocorrido em
um passado recente ou distante.
Normalmente representado pelo o “Verb + ED”, quando o verbo é regular.
Veja abaixo exemplo de expressões temporais no “simple past”

Exemplos Words Examples

Frequência often, sometimes, always. I sometimes walked home
Período de tempo Last week, when I was a We saw a good lm yesterday
determinado child, yesterday, six days
ago When I was a child, I liked to play video
I went to the movie last night

Periodo de tempo The other day, ages ago, She played the piano a long time ago.
indeterminado sometime ago, a while
ago, a long time ago. The species lived in caves ages ago.

Verbos comuns no simple past: to be, to have e to do

Verb to Be , to Have e to Do
Subject To Be To Have To Do

I was had did

He was had did

She was had did

It was had did

You were had did

We were had did

They were had did

Simples Past na forma Negativa e

O verbo “do” é utilizado como
“did” na sua forma auxiliar.
Exemplo: We didn't do our
homework last night. / Did you
wash your hair?
A forma negative do “have” é
formado com uso do verbo auxiliar
Exemplo: We didn't have money. /
Did you have a bicycle when you
were a boy?

Quick Exercise1. Preencham os

espaços em branco com a forma
mais adequada.

A. Yesterday, Julian ______ to

school by car. (go, goes, went)
B. Did you _____ a movie last
night?. (see, saw, seen)
C. I _____ the horror movie
yesterday. (watched, watches,
D. He _____ mobile game when he
was a kid. (plays, play, played)
E. We didn't _____ our exercises this
morning. (did, do, done)
F. Jane believes they___sleeping
when it happened. (were, was)


English Tips – Irregular Verbs

Innitivo Passado simples Signicado

to be was / were ser, estar, car
to begin began começar, iniciar
to blow blew soprar, assobiar, fazer soar
to break broke quebrar, romper, violar
to bring brought trazer, servir, causar, executar, induzir
to build built construir, edicar, fabricar
to burn burnt queimar, incendiar, carbonizar
to buy bought comprar
to come came vir
to do did fazer
to drink drank beber
to drive drove dirigir, guiar
to eat ate comer
to feel felt sentir
to ght fought lutar, brigar
to nd found achar, encontrar
to y ew voar
to forget forgot esquecer(-se)
to forgive forgave perdoar
to get got obter, conseguir
to give gave dar
to go went ir
to grow grew crescer, orescer, germinar
to hang hung pendurar, suspender
to have had ter
to hear heard ouvir, escutar, ter notícias
to hold held segurar, agarrar
to hurt hurt ferir(-se), machucar
to keep kept manter, conservar, preservar
to know knew saber, conhecer
to lay laid pôr, colocar, derrubar, deitar
to learn learnt aprender, car sabendo
to leave left partir, deixar, sair
to lie lay deitar, jazer
to lose lost perder
to make made fazer, criar, elaborar
to meet met encontrar(-se), reunir(-se)
to pay paid pagar
to put put pôr, colocar
to quit quit desistir, abandonar
to read read ler, interpretar
to ring rang soar, tocar (campainha, telefone)
to rise rose erguer-se, levantar-se


Innitivo Passado simples Signicado

to run ran correr, apressar-se
to saw sawed serrar
to say said dizer, armar, declarar
to see saw ver, perceber
to seek sought procurar, pedir, almejar
to sell sold vender
to send sent enviar, mandar
to sing sang cantar
to sink sank afundar
to sit sat sentar(-se)
to sleep slept dormir
to speak spoke falar
to stand stood car ou pôr-se de pé
to steal stole roubar, furtar
to sweep swept varrer
to swim swam nadar
to swing swung balançar
to take took tomar, pegar, levar
to teach taught ensinar

Time to Speak! – around the class

Stand up and move around the class. Ask Did you… yesterday? Questions with the verb
phrases below. When answers Yes, I did, write his or her name.

Find a person who…

-used a GPS___________________________ -listened to the radio ___________________
-watched a soccer match ____________ -started a new book ____________________
- played an online game ______________ -worked/studied until late _______________
-studied for an exam __________________ -stayed up late at night
-texted a friend _______________________ using the cellphone ____________________
-arrived at work/school late

English Tips – Simple Past

1. Os verbos terminados em e recebem apenas a letra -d ao innitivo

do verbo. Veja alguns exemplos abaixo:
hope - hoped live - lived
change - changed love - loved
like - liked arrive - arrived
behave - behaved invite - invited
lie - lied snore - snored

2. Se o verbo tiver uma única sílaba ou terminar em sílaba tônica formada por
consoante/vogal/consoante, dobra-se a última consoante e acrescenta-se -ed:
stop - stopped omit - omitted
permit - permitted control - controlled
occur - occurred drop - dropped
rob - robbed plan - planned
admit - admitted shop - shopped

prefer - preferred
ATENÇÃO: No Inglês Britânico, se o verbo termina com a letra "L", dobra-se essa
consoante mesmo que a última sílaba não seja tônica.

travel - travelled rival – rivaled

3. Os verbos terminados em y precedido de consoante trocam o y por -ied:

study - studied try - tried
carry - carried hurry - hurried
worry - worried cry - cried

ATENÇÃO: Quando o y for precedido de vogal, não há mudança ortográca,

bastando apenas acrescentar -ed ao verbo:
pray – prayed obey - obeyed
enjoy - enjoyed play - played


1. Qual a pergunta a anteceder a 2. She did not tell me the truth. She
resposta “yes, I did”? __________ to me.
a) Did you buy a car? a) lie
b) Will you buy a car? b) lain
c) Didn't you have a nice car? c) laid
d) Have you bought it? d) lay
e) You didn't. e) lied


3. Brazil __________ last year's world 5. Assinale a alternativa que

soccer championship. corretamente preenche as lacunas I, II
a) win e III das frases a seguir:

b) won He __________(I) me a favor 2 months

c) wins
They __________(II) an attempt to
d) to win escape.
e) winning I __________(III) an important decision
4. John __________ me some money last last night.
week. a) did –made – made
a) sends b) made – did – made
b) send c) did – made – did
c) sent d) made – made – made
d) sending e) made – did – did
e) to send


Chapter Seven – I was on vacation

(Simple Past of Verb to Be)
Look at a photo that is in the National
Portrait Gallery. Practice the dialogue
and listen.

Who are the two people in the


A: I Love that photo. Who are they?

B: I think it's President Ronald Reagan
and his wife Nancy.
A: When was he president?
B: He was president from 1981 to 1989.
He was an actor, too.
A: Really? What movies was he in?
B: He was in Dark Victory with Bette
Davis, a very famous actress in the
1930s and 1940s. He was also in
movies with stars like Errol, Flynn,
Ginger Rogers and Clark Gable.
A: Was Nancy an actress too?
B: Yes, she was. They were in a movie
together in 1957.
A: Were Ronald and Nancy happy?
B: I think they were very happy. They
were together all their lives.

Fill in the blanks.

Simple Present Simple Past

He is the president. He _______ the president.

She is an actress. She ______ an actress.

They are happy They ______ happy.

Is she and actress, too? _____ she and actress, too?

Are they married? _____ they married?

Is he the president? _____ he the president?

They are all happy They ______ all happy.


(New) Reading
Look at the three other pictures from 2
the National Portrait Gallery. Do you
know who they are
or anything about them?


1. Marilyn Monroe was born in Los 2. Mary Wilson, Diana Ross, and
Angeles, California in 1926. When she Florence Ballard were born in the 1940s
was a child, her life was very hard. Her in Detroit, Michigan. Together they
mother was sick, and her father wasn't were The Supremes, a pop and soul
there very much. Marilyn was a factory singing group during the 1960s. All
worker and a model before she was an three women were very talented
actress. Marilyn's three husbands were singers. In 1965, the Supremes were the
very important to her during her life. Her rst all-female singing group to have a
rst husband was a sailor, the second number one album in the US. Their
was a famous baseball player, Joe music was popular with everyone –
DiMaggio, and the last was a famous men and women, teens and adults –
writer, Arthur Miller. and it is still popular today.

3. Thomas Edison, an inventor and businessman, was born in Ohio in 1847. At 13, he
was an excellent salesperson selling candy and newspapers to train passengers.
Later, he was the inventor of the incandescent light bulb, a movie canara, and
the phonograph. Edison was also the owner of many companies, and some of
them are in business today, like General Electric. He was the loving husband of two
wives- Mary Stillwell (1855-1884) and Mina Miller(1865-1947) – and the father of six
Read the texts again and answer the questions.
1. Why was Marilyn's life hard when she was a child?
2. Who were Joe Dimaggio and Arthur Miller?


3. Were there any men in The Supremes?

4. Why is The Supreme's music still popular today?
5. What was Thomas Edison good at when he was a boy?
6. Who was Thomas's second wife?
English Tips – word formation: Professions

We often add –er or –or to a verb (Ex: 6. Teach_________

writer, actor). 7. Design_________
1. 1. Act _________ (or actor) 8. Invent_________
2. Sail_________ 9. Dance_________
3. Play_________ 10. Compose_______
4. Write_________ 11. Direct movie _____________
5. Sing_________ 12. Paint_______________We often

add –ian, -ist or –man/woman to a noun (Ex: Musician).

1. Politics______________ 5. Sports______________
2. Business_____________ 6. Art_________________
3. Science_____________ 7. Music______________
4. Novel_______________

English Tips – was not and were not

Verb to Be – Simple Past

Subject Afrmative form Negative form

I was was not / wasn’t

He was was not/ wasn’t

She was was not/ wasn’t

It was was not/ wasn’t

You were were not/ weren’t

We were were not/ weren’t

They were were not/ weren’t


1. Preencham os espaços em branco com a forma mais adequada do
verbo "to be" no passado.

A. Jane___helping her mother when I arrived there. (was, were)

B. You___the most important person at that time. (was, were)
C. I____speaking badly of you. (wasn't, weren't)
D. We____really worried about her. (was, were)
E. I think it___like I expected it to be. (wasn't, weren't)
F. Jane believes they___sleeping when it happened. (were, was)

2. Passem as sentenças a seguir para o inglês.

A. Eu estava de férias:__________________________________________________________
B. Você estava doente:_________________________________________________________
C. Ela estava aqui:______________________________________________________________
D. Elas eram dos EUA:___________________________________________________________
E. Eu não era ruim:______________________________________________________________
F. Você não era casada:________________________________________________________


Chapter Eight – Comparative and

Listening & Speaking – Technology Phrasal Verbs
1. Turn on your cellphone, please! 7. I'm booting up my computer.
(Ligar) – Turn On (Ligar ou Reniciar) – Boot up

2. Time to set up your laptop/ Did 8. I'm logging in to Youtube/ I'm

you set your laptop up? signing on to Facebook.
(Congurou)- Set Up (Acessar)- Log in or Sign in

3. Hook up your computer on the 9. You can use my link to sign up for
internet/ I have to hook my the app.
computer up to the internet (Se inscrever) - Sign up)
(Conectar à internet)- Hook Up
10. I do a backup on my laptop
4. Katie hooked up with John last once a month/ I'm going to back
night at the party. my computer up.
(Ficar com alguém) – Hook Up (Salvar) - Backup

5. I plugged in my computer/ My 11. I will turn up the volume/ You

Iphone is charging because I need to turn down that music.
plugged it in/ My headphones (Aumentar/Dimunuir) - Turn up
are already plugged in the /Turn down
(Colocar pra 12. After browsing the internet I wil
recarregar/Conectar)- Plug in log out/sign out the Youtube.
(Sair) - Log out / Sign out
6. All of these random windows just
popped up on my computer 13. Shut down your laptop. / Turn off
(Quando algo surge) – Pop up the computer we are leaving.
(Desligar) - Shut down or Turn off
English Tips – Comparative and Superlative
Adjetivos comparativos são utilizados para comparar diferenças entre dois objetos
e suas variações (Larger, smaller, faster, higher). São utilizados em frases em que
dois substantivos são comparados, na seguinte estrutura:
Noun (subject) + verb + comparative adjective + than + noun (object).
§ My house is larger than hers.
§ This box is smaller than the one I lost.
§ Your dog runs faster than Jim's dog.
§ The rock ew higher than the roof.
Adjetivos Superlativos são utilizado para descrever um objeto (Tallest, Smallest,
Fastest, Highest). Eles são utilizados em sentenças quando um sujeito é
comparado a um grupo
Noun (subject) + verb + the + superlative adjective + noun (object).
§ My house is the largest one in our neighborhood.
§ This is the smallest box I've ever seen.
§ Your dog ran the fastest of any dog in the race.


Adjetivos monossilábicos
Adicione –er para comparativos e –est para superlativos. Se o adjetivo terminar
em consoante + vogal + consoante, a consoante nal e duplicada.

Adjective Superlative Comparative

Tall The Tallest Taller
Fat The Fattest Fatter
Big The Biggest Bigger
Sad The Saddest Sadder

Adjetivos dissilábicos
Adjetivos com duas silabas pode ser utilizados na forma comparativa
adicionando –er no nal ou utilizando o “more” antes do adjetivo. No caso do
superlativo pode se adicionar o –est ou utilizar o “most” antes do adjetivo.
Para adjetivos terminando em –y troque o –y por –i antes de adicionar a

Adjective Superlative Comparative

Expensive Most expensive More expensive
Important Most importante More importante
Formas Irregulares

Adjective Comparative Superlative

Good Better The Best
Bad Worse The Worst
Little Less The Least
Much More The Most
Far Further/farther The Furthest/farthest


1. Fill in the blanks with the comparative form of the adjectives given.
1. A rock is________than a leaf. (heavy)
2. Our house is________than yours. (big)
3. The princess is________than the witch. (beautiful)
4. Tom is a________student than Mary. (good)
5. Bicycles are________than motorbikes. (safe)
6. July is________than January. (hot)
7. A lion is________ than a cat. (dangerous)
8. Helen is________ than Mary. (happy)
9. Computers are________ than telephones. (expensive)
10. I think golf is ________than football. (boring)

2. Fill in the blanks with the superlative form of the adjectives given.
1. It is the________shop in town. (large)
2. Monday is the________ day of the week. (bad)
3. Ben was the________person in his family. (noisy)
4. Sam is the________class. (popular)
5. Which is the ________subject at school? (difcult)
6. Jim is the ________player in the football team. (good)
7. Elephants are the ________animals. (heavy)
8. Let's pick the ________apple in the tree. (big)
9. Mary is the ________girl in the class. (thin)
10. That is the ________sofa in our house. (comfortable)

3. Fill in the blanks with the comparative or the superlative form of the
adjectives given.
1. This armchair is________than the old one. (comfortable)
2. Trains are________than airplanes. (slow)
3. I bought the________ souvenir I could afford. (expensive)
4. In this classroom there are ________girls than boys. (much)
5. Ann is the ________child in the family. (young)
6. That TV set is the________ of all. (cheap)
7. You are ________here than there. (safe)
8. Fi is ________than Kate. (pretty)
9. This is the ________lm I have ever seen. (exciting)
10. Tim is ________ than Peter. (talented)
11. My father is __________ than my mother. (tall)
12. I'm seven years _________ than my wife. (old)
13. I have four brothers and I'm the _________ (young)
14. She's the _______ student in the classroom. ( good)
15. They own _________ house in the neighborhood. (expensive)
16. Today is the _______ day I've had in a long time. (bad)
17. You play tennis______ than I do. (good)
18. This is the ______ expensive sweater in the store. (little)
19. This sweater is ______ expensive than that one. (little)
20. I ran pretty far yesterday, but I ran even ______ today. (far)
Conversation – Informal Contraction
Essas contrações informais são muito utilizadas em lmes e seriados e são mais
utilizadas na língua falada e não na escrita.
1. I ain't sad / We ain't happy. 5. I'm gona talk to him / You're
Am+not ou Are+not ( Eu não sou/ gonna like it.
eu não estou/ nós não somos) Going + To (vai, vou)

2. C'mon son, say what you feel. 6. I've gotta go / You've gotta help
Come+On (Vamos/Venha) me.
Got + To ou Have+ Got+ To (Ter
3. I dunno what to do here/ We que)
dunno about the accident.
Don't + Know (Eu não sei) 7. I'mma talk to him in the morning.
I'm+going+to (eu vou/ eu estou)
4. Gimme that book please.
Give + Me (Dei-me)


8. I'm kinda out of luck.

Kind + Of (uma espécie de/ 10. I wanna talk / I wanna marry her /
meio) He wanna see you today
Want + To (querer)
9. Lemme go now! / Lemme help
Let + Me (deixe-me)
Riding a bike on the most
dangerous road in the world
High in the Andes, the North Yungas
Road goes from La Paz, the highest
capital city in the world, to Coroico
in the Yungas region of Bolivia. The
road is only about ten feet wide
and the Coroico Rive lies 656 feet
below. Bolibians call it “ El Camino
de la Muerte”(Death Road)
because of the number of
accidents, and 1995 it was ofcially
declared “the most dangerous road
in the world.”
“One mistake and you are
Since a new road opened in 2006
there are fewer buses and trucks on
the old road. But now thousands of
mountain bikers come from all over
the world to take the most exciting
ride of their lives. They start at La
Cumbre, 15.400 feet above sea
level, and go down to 5.000 feet,
traveling at nearly 50 miles and hour
down the narrow road. During the rainy season, from December to March, only
experienced bike rides can take part, but some die every year on the road. So, why do
people do it?
Andre Jagoo, 26, From Melbourne, said after nishing the ride, “if you go to London, you
have to see London Bridge, and if you go to Sydney, you have to see the Opera House,
and if you go to Bolivia, you have to do the most dangerous road”.
Marte Solberg, 22, from Norway said, “ A lot of people said it was fun, but I was scared of
failing down and dying. I was worried because I had no experience with mountain biking.
One mistake and you are dead. I asked myself a thousand times, 'Why am I doing this?'”

1. Read the article again. Then cover the text and answer the questions.
1. Where is the North Yungas Road?
2. Why is it called “Death Road”?


4. Why is it popular among bike riders?

5. When is the most dangerous time of the year to go?

6. Why is the road similar to London Bridge and the Sydney Opera House?

7. Why didn't Marte enjoy riding a bike on the Yungas Road?


2. Transalete the marked words in the text.



Chapter Nine – Present Perfect

Conversation – Movies
Alan: Hi, Lucy. Have you nished your report?
Lucy: Yes, Alan, I have, nally!
Alan: What do you want to do tonight? Do
you want to go out?
Lucy: No, I'm a little tired.
Alan: Would you like to come here? I can
order pizza and
we can watch a movie.
Lucy: Good idea. What movies do you have?
Alan: How about Avengers? Have you seen
Lucy: No, I Haven't seen it, but I've read the
Alan: Is it good?
Lucy: I love it! Heroes and Villans – perfect for
a winter night!
Alan: Great. What pizza topping do you
Lucy: Cheese and tomato.

Pronunciation – Sentence stress

A: Have you seen the Hobbit?
B: No, I haven't
A: Have you read the book?
B: Yes, I have. I've read it twice.

Time to Speak! Groups of two

Write down the names of three other movies from books. Ask and answer with a

Have you seen ……? Yes, I Have/ No, I haven't

Have you read the book?

English Tips – Present perfect

O Presente Perfect é um tempo verbal no inglês, você não deve buscar um

correspondente deste tempo verbal no nosso idioma porque não existe e isso
pode confundir sua cabeça.
O presente Perfect é um tempo do presente, é importante entender que as ações
desse tempo verbal se encontram em um ponto entre o passado e o presente.

Subject To Have Past Participle

I Have Played

You Have Seen

He Has Arrived

She Has Looked

It Has Wanted

We Have Visited

They Have Walked

O “present perfect” é composto por dois elementos: o verbo auxiliar “to have” (no
presente) e o “past participle” do verbo principal. O verbo “to have” muda para
“has” no “He, She, It” e o “past participle” de um verbo regular inclui a
terminação –ed

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I have played I havent played Have I played?

You have played You haven’t played Have you played?

He/She/It has played He/she/It hasn’t played Has he/she/it played?

We have played We haven’t played Have we played?

They have played They haven’t played Have they play?

Funções do "present perfect"

Utilizado para indicar um vincula entre o presente e o passado.
§ Uma ação cujo período de ocorrência não seja importante.
He has read 'War and Peace'. (= o resultado da leitura é importante.)
Have you seen 'Gone with the Wind'?
She's studied Japanese, Russian, and English.

§ Uma ação ou situação iniciada no passado e que permanece no presente.

I have lived in Bristol since 1984. (= e continuo morando.)
They haven't lived here for years.
She has worked in the bank for ve years.

§ Uma ação realizada durante um período e que ainda não tenha sido
She has been to the cinema twice this week. (= e a semana ainda não
I have worked hard this week.
It has rained a lot this year.

§ Uma ação repetida em um período não especicado entre o passado e o

We have visited Portugal several times.
They have seen that lm six times
It has happened several times already.

§ Uma ação concluída no passado recente, indicada pelo termo 'just'.

I have just nished my work.
Have you just nished work?
I have just eaten.
1. Make phrases in the present perfect.
1. (I / go / to the library today) 12. (he / study Latin)
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
2. (you / keep a pet for three years) 13. (I / know him for three months)
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
3. (you / eat Thai food before?) 14. (where / you / study Arabic?)
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
4. (it / rain all day?) 15. (what countries / they / visit in
______________________________________ Europe?)
______________________________________ ______________________________________
5. (who / we / forget to invite?) ______________________________________
______________________________________ 16. (he / hurt his leg)
______________________________________ ______________________________________
6. (we / not / hear that song already) ______________________________________
______________________________________ 17. (she / leave her phone in a taxi)
______________________________________ ______________________________________
7. (he / not / forget his books)
18. (we / not / lose our tickets)
8. (she / steal all the chocolate!)
______________________________________ 19. (she / call her mother?)
9. (I / explain it well?) ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
______________________________________ 20. (he / take a taxi?)
10. (who / he / meet recently?) ______________________________________
______________________________________ ______________________________________
11. (how / we / nish already?)

English Tips – Irregular verbs Past Participle

Present Past form Past participle Tradução

be was, were been ser, estar

become became become tornar-se

begin began Begun começar

bend bent Bent curvar

bite bit bitten morder

bleed bled bled sangrar

blow blew blown assoprar

break broke broken quebrar

bring brought brought trazer

build built built construir

buy bought bought comprar

come came come vir

cost cost cost custar

cut cut cut cortar

deal dealt dealt negociar, tratar

dig dug dug cavar

do did done fazer

drink drank Drunk Beber

drive drove driven dirigir, ir de carro

eat ate eaten comer

fall fell fallen cair

ght fought fought lutar

nd found found achar, encontrar

ee ed ed fugir, escapar

y ew own voar, pilotar

forbid forbade forbidden proibir

forget forgot forgot, forgotten esquecer

forgive forgave forgiven perdoar

freeze froze frozen congelar, paralisar

et got gotten, got obter

give gave given dar

o went gone ir

have had had ter, beber, comer

hold held held segurar


1.Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verb.
1. Julie wasn't home, she had _____________ (go) to the shops.
2. We've already __________ (have) lunch.
3. This was the rst time she had ____________ (do) her homework
4. They have _________ (begin) painting the living room.
5. We have __________ (keep) this secret for three years.
6. He has never __________ (drive) a motorbike before.
7. I have ___________ (be) sick all week.
8. By the time we arrived, the children had _____________ (eat) all the
9. The books had _____________ (fall) off the table, and were all over the
10. “Are you okay?” “ I've ______________ (feel) better.”
11. I 'd ______________ (lend) my umbrella to John, so I got wet.
12. I've been looking for ages, but I haven't _____________ (nd) my keys yet.
13. The birds have _______________ (y) south for the winter.
14. She has nally _____________ (come).
15. Don't worry, we haven't ______________ (forget) about the meeting.
16. It had ____________ (become) very cold, so we went inside.
17. You have _____________ (buy) a lot of new clothes recently.
18. I'd _____________ (get) a lovely new bike for my birthday, so I was keen to
try it.
19. She'd _____________ (bring) a cake to the party, but we didn't eat it.
20. Have you ____________ (choose) your university yet?
21. Have you ever ____________ (drink) Turkish coffee?
22. I've __________ (give) some money to Julia.
23. Had you ____________ (hear) of this band before you came to the USA?
24. She has _____________ (know) about the problem for three months.
25. Why has John _____________ (leave) already?


Chapter Ten – Past Continuous or Past

Listening & Speaking
1 – I was watching television.
2 – Ben was nishing his homework.
3 – She was putting her books into her backpack.
4 – Jenny and I were playing in the classroom.
5 – We were all dancing at the party.
6 – You weren't listening to the teacher.
7 – Some boys were looking out of the window.
8 – Sam was doing his math homework when the phone rang.
9 – Dad was cooking our dinner when I got home.
10 – When I saw Joe, he was looking for his dog.
11 – We were all enjoying the movie when the power went out.
12 – What were they doing when the bell rang?
English Tips
O “Past Continuous” ou “Past Progressive”, é um tempo verbal utilizado para
indicar ações contínuas que ocorreram no passado. Com a seguinte estrutura:

I/He/She/It was reading

You/We/They were watching

I/He/She/It wasn’t playing

You/We/They weren’t running

Was I/he/she/it doing?

Were you/we/they looking?

Esse tempo pode ser utilizado para:

1. Para descrever uma ação incompleta que foi interrompida por outra ação ou
"I was having a beautiful dream when the alarm clock rang".

2. Para indicar uma mudança de opinião.

"I was going to spend the day at the beach but I've decided to get my homework
done instead".

3. Junto ao termo "wonder", quando se deseja fazer um pedido muito educado.

"I was wondering if you could baby-sit for me tonight".


4. Com frequência, para descrever o contexto de uma história escrita no

"The sun was shining and the birds were singing as the elephant came out of the
jungle. The other animals were relaxing in the shade of the trees, but the elephant
moved very quickly. She was looking for her baby, and she didn't notice the hunter
who was watching her through his binoculars. When the shot rang out, she was
running towards the river...".

1. Complete the sentences with Past Continuous
1. At the block party lots of people____________ (dance) in the street.
2. I ____________ (sit) in my bedroom reading a book.
3. Someone____________ (make) a very loud noise in the street.
4. Why you all ____________ (laugh) when I came in?
5. Mike and John ____________ (wash) their paintbrushes.
6. Sally ____________ (practice) the piano.
7. I ran so fast that my heart ____________ (beat) really hard.
8. Our neighbors ____________ (have) a barbecue.
9. I ____________ (sleep) when you called me.
10. They____________ (eat)dinner when you arrived.
11. Rita____________ (walk) when it started to rain.
12. Rick and Sue____________ (take) their dog for a walk when it started to snow.
13. While you____________ (clean), I was watching television.
14. The children____________ (laugh) through the movie.
15. It____________ (rain) all day yesterday.
16. He____________ (run) while she was riding her bicycle.
17. They____________ (jog) while I was sleeping.
18. The people____________ (work) when the re alarm rang.

2. Complete the sentences with the the correct form of either the past
continuous or the simple past.
1. I____________ (work) when she called me.
2. She was cooking when we ____________ (arrive).
3. Gregory____________ (swim) when it started to rain.
4. The children____________ (play) outside when it started to snow.
5. Heather was listening to music when the power____________ (go) out.
6. The dogs ____________ (be) born in 2004.
7. My laptop ____________ (stop) when the battery ran out.
8. She ____________ (sing) after the music started.
9. Dina and Lisa____________ (talk) while the movie was playing.
10. The telephone was ringing when she____________ (begin) to speak.

My Last Adventure by Paolo Johnson
I visited my mother and studied French. I didn't have many problems and I made a lot of
friends. I went to the USA and learned English a lot too. I saw different places and had
time to take pictures. I didn't drink beer, I drank only soda. I ate barbecue and slept late
on weekends. I started a business and worked a lot. My business helped me learn and
understand things. I didn't want to live in the USA because I love Brazil. My life changed
and I had many things to do every day. I also nished what I started in 2003: an English
course. I didn't lose anything, I only won. This was the best year of my life. Everything went


1. Answer the questions

A. Who did Paolo Johnson visit last year?


B. What languages did he learn?


C. Where did he go last year?


2. True or False

A. Paolo had a lot of problems. (__)

B. Paolo didn't make many friends. (__)
C. Paolo worked a lot last year. (__)
D. Last year was the best year of Paolo's life. (__)

Second mission
Just like Paolo Johnson write a text about your last adventure:
Be prepared to speak in front of the class next week!
Write down your adventure!


Chapter Eleven– Present Perfect Vs.

Simple Past
English Tips Present perfect
1. He lived in Fiji in 1976. I have lived in Lyon.
2. I have lost my purse.
They have eaten Thai food.
3. We have seen this movie already.
4. He has broken his leg. Have you seen 'Othello'?
5. There has been an accident.
6. John Cabot sailed to America in 1498.
We have been to Ireland.
7. My father died last year.
8. We crossed the Channel yesterday. Simple past
9. Where have I left my sandals? lived in Lyon in 1989.
10. Have you visited England?
They ate Thai food last night.
11. Has she met John?
12. We didn't have time to visit the Eiffel Tower. Where did you see 'Othello'?
13. We didn't do our exercises this morning.
When did you go to Ireland?
14. Were they in Iceland last January?

English Tips


SIMPLE PAST In (a): I nished my work at a specic
time in the past (two hours ago)
(a) I nished my work two hours ago.
PRESENT PERFECT In (b) I nished my work at an
(b) I have already* nished my work unspecied time in the past
SIMPLE PAST (sometime before now)
(c) I was in Europe last year/three THE SIMPLE PAST: Expresses an activity
years ago/in 1999/in 1995 and that occurred at a specic time (or
1999/when I was ten year old. times) in the past as in (a) and (d)
(d) I have been to Europe many THE PRESENT PERFECT express an
times/several times/a couple of activity that occurred at and
times/once (no mention of time) unspecied time (opr times) in the
past, as in (b) and (d)

SIMPLE PAST In (e): In sentences where for is used

in a time expression, the simple past
(e) Ann was in Miami for two weeks.
expresses an activity that began and
ended in the past.
(f) Bob has been in Miami for two
In (f): In sentences with for or since,
weeks/since May rst.
the present perfect expresses and
activity that began in the past and
continues to the present.

1. Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the
appropriate tenses.
1. A: Did you like the movie "Star Wars?"
B: I don't know. I (see, never) __________________ that movie.

2. Sam (arrive) __________________ in San Diego a week ago.

3. My best friend and I (know) __________________each other for over fteen years.
We still get together once a week.

4. Stinson is a fantastic writer. He (write) __________________ ten very creative short

stories in the last year. One day, he'll be as famous as Hemingway.

5. I (have, not) __________________ this much fun since I (be) __________________ a


6. Things (change) __________________ a great deal at Coltech, Inc. When we rst

(start) __________________ working here three years ago, the company (have, only)
__________________six employees. Since then, we (expand) __________________to
include more than 2000 full-time workers.

7. I (tell) __________________ him to stay on the path while he was hiking, but he
(wander) __________________ off into the forest and (be) __________________bitten
by a snake.

8. Listen Donna, I don't care if you (miss) __________________ the bus this morning.
You (be) __________________late to work too many times. You are red!

9. Sam is from Colorado, which is hundreds of miles from the coast, so he (see,
never) __________________ the ocean. He should come with us to Miami.

10. How sad! George (dream) __________________of going to California before he

died, but he didn't make it. He (see, never) __________________the ocean.

11. In the last hundred years, traveling (become) __________________ much easier
and very comfortable. In the 19th century, it (take) __________________two or three
months to cross North America by covered wagon. The trip (be)
__________________very rough and often dangerous. Things (change)
__________________a great deal in the last hundred and fty years. Now you can y
from New York to Los Angeles in a matter of hours.

12. Jonny, I can't believe how much you (change) __________________since the last
time I (see) __________________ you. You (grow) __________________ at least a foot!

13. This tree (be) __________________ planted by the settlers who (come)
__________________ our city over four hundred years ago.

14. This mountain (be, never) __________________ climbed by anyone. Several

mountaineers (try) __________________ to reach the top, but nobody (succeed,
ever) ________________ . The climb is extremely difcult and many people (die)
__________________ trying to reach the summit.

15. I (visit, never) __________________ Africa, but I (travel) __________________ to
South America several times. The last time I (go) __________________ to South
America, I (visit) __________________ Brazil and Peru. I (spend) __________________
two weeks in the Amazon, (hike) __________________ for a week near Machu
Picchu, and (y) __________________ over the Nazca Lines.

16. Since computers were rst introduced to the public in the early 1980's, technology
(change) __________________ a great deal. The rst computers (be)
__________________ simple machines designed for basic tasks. They (have, not)
__________________ much memory and they (be, not) __________________ very
powerful. Early computers were often quite expensive and customers often (pay)
__________________ thousands of dollars for machines which actually (do)
__________________ very little. Most computers (be) __________________ separate,
individual machines used mostly as expensive typewriters or for playing games.
Times (change) __________________ . Computers (become) __________________
powerful machines with very practical applications. Programmers (create)
_______________a large selection of useful programs which do everything from
teaching foreign languages to bookkeeping. We are still playing video games, but
today's games (become) __________faster, more exciting interactive adventures.
Many computer users (get, also) __________________ on the Internet and (begin)
__________________ communicating with other computer users around the world. We
(start) __________________ to create international communities online. In short, the
simple, individual machines of the past (evolve) __________________
into an international World Wide Web of knowledge.
Time to Speak! Groups of two
Do you know these verbs? Whrite the past participles.
Be: _______ do: _______ drive: _______
y: _______ make: _______ play: _______
send: _______ sleep: _______ tell: _______
break: _______ drink : _______ eat: _______
give: _______ meet: _______ see: _______
sing: _______ study: _______ write: _______
Yes, I have. I ew to America last
Have you ever own in an airplane?
Yes, I’ve own many times.

No, I haven’t.

Atenção: Leia apenas suas perguntas, busque entender as perguntas do seu parceiro
apenas escutando.

You are A.
1. Have you ever met a movie star? _____________________________________________
2. Have you ever broken a bone? _______________________________________________
3. Have you ever written a love letter? ___________________________________________
4. Have you ever made dinner for your family?___________________________________
5. Have you ever been to Kyoto? _______________________________________________
6. Have you ever slept for twelve hours? _________________________________________
7. Have you seen Toy Story 2? ___________________________________________________


8. Have you done your homework for today?____________________________________

9. Have you ever done the dishes for your family?________________________________
10. Have you ever played badminton?__________________________________________
11. Have you ever sent a Christmas card?________________________________________
12. Have you ever told a joke to your father?_____________________________________
13. Have you ever given a present to a friend?___________________________________
14. Have you ever sung in a karaoke box?_______________________________________
15. Have you studied today?____________________________________________________
16. Have you ever drunk wine?__________________________________________________
17. Have you ever own?_______________________________________________________
18. Have you ever driven a car in a game center?_______________________________

You are B.
1. Have you ever made a cake?________________________________________________
2. Have you ever own in an airplane?___________________________________________
3. Have you ever given blood?__________________________________________________
4. Have you ever met a famous singer?__________________________________________
5. Have you ever seen a U.F.O?__________________________________________________
6. Have you ever drunk tomato juice?___________________________________________
7. Have you ever told a lie to a teacher?_________________________________________
8. Have you ever broken a window?_____________________________________________
9. Have you ever sung in front of many people?__________________________________
10. Have you ever sent a birthday card?_________________________________________
11. Have you ever eaten turkey?________________________________________________
12. Have you studied hard today?_______________________________________________
13. Have you ever driven a car?_________________________________________________
14. Have you ever played golf?_________________________________________________
15. Have you eaten lunch today?_______________________________________________
16. Have you ever slept in a tent?_______________________________________________
17. Have you ever been in love?________________________________________________
18. Have you ever written a letter to your parents?_______________________________


Chapter Twelve– What are you going to

Debra: Are you going to do anything exciting this weekend?
Jason: Well, I'm going to celebrate my birthday.
Debra: Oh, happy birthday! When is it, exactly?
Jason: It's August ninth – Sunday.
Debra: So what are your plans?
Jason: I'm going to my friend Kayla's house. She's going to cook a special
dinner for me.
Debra: Nice! Is she going to make a cake, too?
Jason: Make a cake? Oh, I don't know.

Months and Dates


January February March April May June

July August September October November December

Ordinal Numbers

1 St – First 11th – Eleventh 21 st – Twenty-rst

2nd – Second 12th – Twelfth 22nd – Twenty-second

3rd – Third 13th – Thirteenth 23rd – Twenty-third

4th – Fourth 14th – Fourteenth 24th – Twenty-fourth

5th – Fifth 15th – Fifteenth 25th – Twenty-fth

6th – Sixth 16th – Sixteenth 26th – Twenty-sixth

7th – Seventh 17th – Seventeenth 27th – Twenty-seventh

8th – Eighth 18th – Eighteenth 28th – Twenty-eighth

9th – Ninth 19th – Nineteenth 29th – Twenty-ninth

10th – Tenth 20th – Twentieth 30th -Thirtieth

31 st – Thirty-rst

Time to Speak! Groups of two

A: When is your birthday?
B: It's November twenty-seventh. When is your birthday?
Ask four classmates their birthdays and write down their answers.
1.________________________________________ 3.__________________________________
2.________________________________________ 4.__________________________________

Listening & Speaking
1 – Are you going to do anything Yes, they are going to stop by after
this weekend? dinner.
Você vai fazer alguma coisa neste Sim, eles vão passar lá depois do
m de semana? jantar.
No, they aren't. They're going to
Yes, I'm going to celebrate my be away all weekend.
birthday. Não, eles não vão. Eles vão estar
Sim, eu vou comemorar meu fora toda o m de semana.
No, I'm going to stay home.
Não, eu vou car em casa.

2 – Is Kayla going to cook dinner

for you?
A Kayla vai fazer um jantar para

Yes, she is going to cook a special

Sim, ela vai fazer um jantar
No, she isn't. She is going to order
Não, ela não vai. Ele vai pedir
comida em casa.

3 – Are your friends going to be

Os seus amigos vão estar la?

English Tips

Utilizamos o “Going to” para falar de planos ou interações futuras.

Afrmative Negative Interrogative

I am going to I am not going to Am I going to?

You are going to You are not going to Are you going to?

He is going to He is not going to Is he going to?

She is going to She is not going to Is she going to?

It is going to It is not going to Is it going to?

We are going to We are not going to Are we going to?

You are going to You are not going to Are you going to?

They are going to They are not going to Are they going to?

Time to Speak! Groups of three
Ask your group what they are going to do this weekend. Write down the answers.

Holidays in the United States

Do you celebrate any of these holidays?

What are some holidays in Brazil? Which is your favorite?

Kayla: So, Tyler, do you have any plans for Valentine's Day?
Richard: I do. I'm going to take my girlfriend out for dinner.
Kayla: Oh, really? Where are you going to eat?
Richard: At Luigi's Pizza Place. It's her favorite restaurant.
Kayla: That place is great! She's going to like that.
Richard: How about you? What are you going to do?
Kayla: Well, I'm not going to a restaurant. I'm going
to night club.
Richard: Sound like fun. Well, have a good Valentine's Day.
Kayla: Thanks. You too.
Listening & Speaking
1 – What are you going to do for Valentine's Day?
I'm going to a dance
I'm not going to a restaurant.

2 – How is Kayla going to get to the dance?

She's driving.
She isn't going to take the bus.

3 – Where are Richard and his girlfriend going to eat?

They're going to eat at Luigi's Pizza Place.
They're not going to eat at McDonalds

Complete these conversations with the correct form of be going to.

1. A: Where _____ you ____________(spend) summer vacation?

B:My parents and I ______________(visit) my grandparents.
2. B: Who _____ you _______________(invite) to Thanksgiving dinner?
A: I _____________________(ask) my family and some good friends.
3. A: What _____ you _______________(do) for Halloween?
B: I don't know. I _____________________(not do) anything special.
4. B: How _____ your parents _______________(celebrate) New year's Eve?
A: They _____________________(have) dinner with their neighbors.
5. A: What _____ your sister _______________(do) for her birthday?
B: Her boyfriend _____________________(take) her out to dinner.
Time to Speak! Groups of two

Now practice the conversation of the quick exercise with a classmate.

Time to Speak! With the Class

Choose any holiday or festival in the world. Then answer these questions.
What is the holiday or festival?
When is it?
What are you going to do?
Where are you going to?
Who's going to be there?
When are you going to?
How are you going to get there?
Tell the class about your plan


Chapter Thirteen – Simple Future

Listening & Speaking
1. Your children will be the future of this 15. She won't do the ironing.
country. 16. Will it be windy tomorrow morning?
2. We will paint our house next week. 17. He will love her forever.
3. You are going to cry. 18. She will cry.
4. They will write the letter to their best 19. You will miss me in the future.
friends. 20. They will come here tomorrow.
5. He will close the shop. 21. I will miss you when you move to
6. She will see her friend on the another country.
weekend. 22. Mark will x my car.
7. I will read the newspaper when I get 23. I won't go to the theater.
to the bus station. 24. Tomorrow, My father will apply for a
8. Tomorrow, the sun will rise at 6:00 am. new job.
9. They will be here in two hours. 25. We won't go to the theater.
10. He will help you tomorrow. 26. I won't go to the cemetery.
11. I will see you tomorrow, please wait 27. We are going to eat.
for me. 28. We think we will be back for dinner.
12. They are going to dance. 29. I will stay at home on the weekend.
13. I will go to London next week. 30. He will call me tomorrow.
14. I will be twenty seven in April.

English Tips

O tempo do futuro na língua inglesa tem duas formas: o futuro com o verbo
auxiliar "will" e com a expressão "going to".
O “Simple Future” – Futuro Simples com o will é utilizado da seguinte forma:


I / we will /*shall go

He/She/It/You/They will go


I/He/She/It will not / won’t see

You/We/They will not / won’t see


Will I/he/she/it ask?

Will you/we/they ask?

Negative Question

Won’t I/he/she/it/you/we/they Try?

*O “Shall” é utilizado em situações mais formais.
Contractions: I will = I'll / We will = we'll / You will = you'll / He will = he'll / She will =
she'll / They will = they'll / Will not = won't
Structure: Pronome + Modal auxiliary “will” + verbo na forma básica(sem o “To”)
Com ele, nós podemos expressar:
1) Noção de futuro:
It will rain tomorrow.
Our teacher will be absent next week.
Juan will travel this month.

2) Previsão, como por exemplo: eu penso que, eu espero que, eu acredito que,
através dos termos em inglês I think, I expect, I believe:
We will probably have to wait for my parents
I think Victoria Beckham will come to Brazil for Carnival.

3) Decisão repentina:
Someone is shouting. I will see.
I'll pay for the tickets with credit card.

4) Promessa:
I will help you with your homework, don't worry.
I will always love you.

5) Pedido:
Will you close the door, please?
Will you go there with me? I don't want to go alone.

6) Na negativa, para expressar recusa:

I won't be able to help you.
She won't leave you alone. Calm down!

O “Simple Future” – Futuro Simples com o ”going to” é utilizado da seguinte forma
(revisão Cap 11)


I am going to travel I am not going to travel Am I going to travel?

You are going to travel You are not going to Are you going to travel?

He/She/It is going to He/She/It is not going to Is he/she/it going to

travel travel travel?

We are going to travel We are not going to travel Are we going to travel?

You are going to travel You are not going to Are you going to travel?

They are going to travel They are not going to Are they going to travel?

1. (UFRR)
Mary: "I am about to fall asleep. I need to wake up!"
Clare: "I ______ you some coffee."a) 'll go
b) am going to get
c) will get
d) am going to get to
e) will go to get

2. (Unesp)
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna da frase adiante:
I'll __________ soccer this afternoon.a) playing
b) played
c) to play
d) play
e) plays

3. (UFSC)
Select the propositions which indicate future.a) Paul and Mary are going to travel
to Africa in July.
b) The children will not be hungry anymore.
c) David is going to study in a good school.
d) Gregory is working in Africa now.
e) David will be eleven years old next year.
f) David and his family need help

4. (Unimar-PR)
Converta para o inglês:
"Amanhã voltarei aqui de novo".a) May I was back again here.
b) Tomorrow I'll be back here again.
c) Today I would again be back.
d) May I'll be back again here.
e) Tomorrow I shall be back again.

5. Put the verbs into the correct form (future I simple). Use will.
Jim asked a fortune teller about his future. Here is what she told him:

A) You (earn) will earn a lot of money.

B) You (travel) ___________ around the world.
C) You (meet) ___________ lots of interesting people.
D) Everybody (adore) ___________ you.
E) You (not / have) ___________ any problems.
F) Many people (serve) ___________ you.
G) They (anticipate) ___________ your wishes.
H) There (not / be) ___________ anything left to wish for.
I) Everything (be) ___________ perfect.
J) But all these things (happen / only) ___________ if you marry me.

6. Change the sentences below to the negative:

1. Am I going to travel? _________________________________________________________
2. Are you going to travel? _____________________________________________________
3. I will help you with your homework, don't worry. ________________________________
4. I will always love you. _________________________________________________________
5. It will rain tomorrow. __________________________________________________________
6. We are going to travel________________________________________________________
7. You are going to ravel________________________________________________________

My future plans and expectations
I often wonder about my future as I am
about to nish Secondary School. The
number one question on my mind is
which professions should I choose? I
want a profession that will satisfy me,
challenge me, and bring me joy. I
believe that a job should be like a
hobby. I want to love my work.
First of all, as soon as I nish Secondary
School, I will take the rst important
exam of my life – the nal graduation
exam. I will be tested in four different
subjects: the English and German
languages, biology, and chemistry. After
my graduation, I will study at the
Medical University to become a doctor.
But now, I am focusing my attention on
nishing my studies. Also, before I have a
family, I would like to travel overseas. I
want to see countries like Japan, Finland
and travel through the African
continent. After I nish my education
and travels, I plan to get married and
have a family. I would like to live with my
future family in a quiet, natural
countryside setting.

1. Answer the questions

A. Will the student in the text above be tested in French language?

B. What will he do after his graduation?


C. Does he want to travel and visit other countries? With yes, which ones?

2. True or False
A. The student is always thinking about his future job. (__)
B. He wants a well paid job. (__)
C. He would like to live with his future family downtown. (__)
D. He doesn't love his work. (__)

English tips
Using “would” to make wishes about the future, example:
It is raining. I wish it would stop (I want it to stop raining.)
I'm expecting a call. I wish the phone would ring. (I want the phone to ring.)
It's going to be a good party. I wish you would come.
We're going to be late. I wish you would hurry.


Chapter Fourteen – Learn about Holidays

Halloween is a great day for parties.
Children dress up as witches, ghosts or
vampires, and they go from house to house
playing TRICK OR TREAT. But what's the origin
of this custom?
Halloween means Hallows' Evening. It is
the evening before All Hallows' Day (now
called All Saints Day), a Christian holiday,
celebrated on the 1st of November. But that
day was important already in ancient times.
On the 1st of November, Celtic peoples*
celebrated the festival of Shamhuinn, which
marked the beginning of winter and the Celtic
New Year.

“How come a Christian and a pagan holiday are celebrated on the same day?”
you might ask, “Is it just a coincident?” – No, it isn't. When Christianity spread, the
Church tried to disturb the pagan customs as little as possible, and so they merged
their festivals with pagan ones.
Trick or Treat. It was widely believed that on Hallows' Evening the dead
would rise from their graves to roam the earth. Afraid of evil spirits, people
therefore either wore ugly masks to frighten those spirits away, or they stayed at
home saying prayers. Some would also go from house to house, begging for 'soul
cakes', square pieces of bread with currants. In return they promised to pray for
dead members of the donors' families.
Going from house to house, begging for sweets – doesn't that sound
familiar? Indeed, that's the origin of TRICK OR TREAT. Be aware, however, as the
custom has changed! Nobody is going to pray for you nowadays. Instead, if you
don't have a TREAT for the children in front of your door (some sweets for
example), they will most likely play a TRICK on you – that's what TRICK OR TREAT is
all about.
*Celtic Peoples = Povos Celticos

1. True or False
A. The word Halloween means Hallows' Day. (__)
B. Shamhuinn is a pagan festival. (__)

2. What is not on the 1st of November?


3. Why did people wear masks on Halloween?


4.What do children mean when they say TRICK OR TREAT?



St. Patrick's Day

Every 17 March, Irish people
all over the world celebrate St.
Patrick's Day in honor of Saint
Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland.
Let's nd out what was so special
about that person.
When St. Patrick was born,
his name actually was not Patrick
but Maewyn. He grew up in
Wales, but when he was 16,
people kidnapped him and sold
him into slavery in Ireland.
Maewyn spent six years as a
slave in Ireland, but then he
escaped and went to Gaul in
France where he studied in a
monastery for 12 years. Finally,
Maewyn became a bishop and
adopted the Christian name
Patricius (in English: Patrick).
Later Patrick decided to go
back to Ireland. Unlike many other
missionaries before him, Patrick
successfully converted Irish
pagans to Christianity because he
knew a lot about Irish life and their
gods. So Patrick for example did
not simply introduce the Christian
cross – he put a sun behind .
it because he knew that the sun was an important symbol for the Irish. The so
called Celtic Cross therefore is a cross with a circle symbolising the sun.
Furthermore, Patrick explained the holy Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) with
the help of a shamrock, which grows everywhere in Ireland. The shamrock has
three equally sized leaves and Patrick used this to show how the Father, the Son
and the Holy Spirit could exist as separate elements of the same entity.
There are several legends about St. Patrick, for example that he banned all
snakes from Ireland (still now there are no snakes in Ireland). People also say that
Patrick met some Irish legends such as the Children of Lir.
Patrick died on 17 March 461. That day now is a national holiday in Ireland
and there are parades in the streets and music everywhere. Not only in Ireland –
Irish emigrants took this tradition all over the world. So there will most probably be a
St. Patrick's Day party in an Irish pub near you. Why not go there and get a little St.
Patrick's Day feeling? Have a good time and sing along. Here are two traditional
Irish songs that will surely be sung in every Irish pub that night: Whiskey in the Jar
and The Wild Rover

1. True or False
A. St. Patrick spent his childhood in Ireland. (__)
B. St. Patrick knew the Irish very well. (__)
C. March 17 is the day when St. Patrick's was born. (__)
D. St. Patrick's Day is celebrated in many countries. (__)

Third Mission – Groups of Two
Using the comparative and superlative with Halloween and St. Patrick's Day write a
minimum six-line text with a partner and present in front of the class.
Remember (Chapter 8):

Adjective Superlative Comparative

Expensive Most expensive More expensive
Important Most importante More importante
Happy Happiest Happier
Simple Simplest Simpler
Busy Busiest Busier
Fat Fattest Fatter
Big Biggest Bigger
Sad Saddest Sadder

Example: We believe that St. Patrick's Days is the happier Holiday because of the
origin but Halloween is the funniest because we get to dress up in our favorite
Now write down with your partner use solid argument.

Read the text in loud voice with your partner. Each student will read three lines


Chapter Fifteen– Future perfect and

Listening & Speaking
1. Michael will be running a marathon this Saturday.
2. Eric will be competing against Michael in the race.
3. I will be watching Michael and Eric race.
4. We will not have eaten breakfast before we get to the airport tomorrow
5. They will not have nished decorating the oat before the parade.
6. At eight o'clock Linda will have left.
7. Will you have eaten lunch already when we arrive?

English Tips - Future Continuous

The future continuous, sometimes also referred to as the future progressive, is a

verb tense that indicates that something will occur in the future and continue for
an expected length of time.
Example: I will arrive at ve o'clock./ Structure: Subject + will + be + verb past
Attention: The Future Continuous Tense Is for Action Verbs Only
I will be being stressed tomorrow during my science test. (Incorrect)
I will be stressed tomorrow during my science test. (Correct)

When the sun comes out tomorrow, winter will be seeming like a distant memory.
When the sun comes out tomorrow, winter will seem like a distant memory.

Complete the phrases using future continuous
At three o'clock tomorrow…
1. I ________________________ (work) in my ofce.
2. You ________________________ (lie) on the beach.
3. He ________________________ (wait) for the train.
4. She ________________________ (shop) in New York.
5. It ________________________ (rain).
6. We ________________________ (get) ready to go out.
7. They ________________________ (meet) their parents.
8. He ________________________ (study) in the library.
9. She ________________________ (exercise) at the gym.
10. I ________________________ (sleep).

English Tips - Future Perfect
The future perfect is a verb used for actions that will be completed before some
other point in the future.

Afrmative Negative Question Negative Question
I will have arrived I won't have Will I have Won't I have
arrived arrived? arrived?

You will have You won't have Will you have Won't you have
arrived arrived arrived? arrived?

He will have He won't have Will he have Won't he have

arrived arrived arrived? arrived?

We will have We won't have Will we have Won't we have

arrived arrived arrived? arrived?

They will have They won't have Will they have Won't they have
arrived arrived arrived? arrived?

Structure: Subject + will have + verb in the past participle

Make the future perfect. Choose positive, negative or question.
1. (I / leave by six)
2. (you / nish the report by the deadline?)
3. (when / we / do everything?)
4. (she / nish her exams by then, so we can go out for dinner)
5. (you / read the book before the next class)
6. (she / not / nish work by seven)
7. (when / you / complete the work?
8. (they / arrive by dinnertime)
9. (we / be in London for three years next week)
10. (she / get home by lunchtime?)


Life's ambitions
What will the future bring and when?
We never know what will happen in the future but
we can have plans. We can imagine ourselves in
the future looking back at our achievements.
This is how teenager Susan imagines her life:
“By the time I'm 21 I'll have graduated from university.
I'll have got married and had two children by the time
I'm 30 and by 50 I'll have made my fortune from
writing. By age 60 I'll have retired to a comfortable
cottage in the countryside."

How do you imagine your life?


Michal's journey
Susan has written about her friend Michal.
Read what she has written and answer this
Why doesn't she know where Michal is?
“Michal is a traveller, not a tourist. He loves
exploring new places and getting to know
the locals. By the time he gets back in three
months' time he will have been away for
nearly a year. He doesn't really do social
media: he prefers old-fashioned postcards
and letters and what he calls 'proper'
photographs. He's terrible at keeping in
touch, so I don't know where he is at the
moment, but he did let me know his travel
plans before he left and he usually sticks to
them. By now he'll have visited at least a
dozen countries. He'll have crossed deserts
and mountains and if he is following his
schedule he'll have own into Borneo last

Future for the past?
There are four examples of the future perfect in the passage:
· three months' time he will have been away for nearly a year.
· By now he'll have visited at least a dozen countries.
· He'll have crossed deserts and mountains...
· ...he'll have own into Borneo last week.
How many of these examples of the future perfect refer to future time? Only one:
· three months' time he will have been away for nearly a year.
We know this is about a future time because of the time phrase: in three months' time.
In the other examples the time expressions refer to the present and past:
· By now he'll have visited at least a dozen countries. (This refers to present time.)
· ...he'll have own into Borneo last week. (This refers to past time.)
Attention: So, using the future perfect does not always mean we are talking about
future time. We also use it to make a good guess about an activity we assume, but
don't know for sure, happened in the past, at or before a particular time. We can
make a good guess about it because we know the people and/or their plans.

Jake and Anna Blind Date
Tim: Here is your drink and some french fries.
Jake: Thank you.
Tim: So come on then… your blind date last night. How did it go? Was she amazing?
Jake: Err, well actually it was a disaster. I never want to see her again.
Tim: Oh! What went wrong?
Jake: She talked about her ex-boyfriend all night and she smelt like grease. (Phone
Tim: Urgh!
Jake: Oh hold on. I'd better get this – oh no number – Yeah, I should get this… Hello?
Anna: Hi – is that Jake?
Jake: (whispering) Oh no – it's her – it's Anna! (Speaking to Anna) Err yes, this is Jake
and that must be Anna?
Anna: Yes, that's right. You remembered. I really enjoyed last night. Sorry if I spoke
about my ex- boyfriend a lot – he was hard to forget. But anyway, I do hope we will be
able to meet up again sometime and perhaps go out for dinner?
Jake: Oh yes. Yes, it would be lovely to meet up again… sometime.
Anna: Great! How about tomorrow night… are you free?
Jake: (Sounding surprised) Errr… It'll be difcult… ermm… I'll be watching that big
football match on TV.
Tim: (whispering) Good excuse, good excuse– well done!
Anna: Oh, that's a shame. How about on Friday night? Will you be watching football

Jake: Oh, well… I'll probably be working late – there's an important project I've got to
Anna: I see. Will you be free after that? It'll be the weekend then, so no work the next
Jake: (To Tim) What shall I say?
Tim: Tell her… tell her you'll be running a marathon the next day.
Jake: OK! good one! (To Anna) Really sorry, I'll be running a marathon on Saturday. I'll
need an early night.
Anna: Oh, you didn't mention that last night. Ah well, perhaps after your marathon
you'll need a drink – we could meet at a pub somewhere?
Jake: A nice idea but… but… but… my dad will be waiting for me at the nish line. He
wants to buy me a meal to celebrate and stuff…
Anna: [Getting the hint] Oh well, and I suppose you'll be busy on Sunday night too?
Jake: Yes. I'll be washing my hair on Sunday night.
Anna: That's a shame. Oh well. I'll be thinking of you when I'm watching the Taylor Swift
gig that I've got a spare tickets for.
Jake: (To Tim) She's got tickets for Taylor Swift – I love her!
Tim: Come on, give me the phone, give me the phone. Hi, is that Anna?
Anna: Yes…?
Tim: Hi it's Tim here – you haven't met me, but I'll be happy to come with you to the gig
on Sunday - if you'll let me?
Jake: Ugh?!
(Henrique se der espaço colocar um foto de dois amigos no bar um falando no
Answer the Questions:
1. Why did Jake think his rst date with Anna was a disaster?
2. Why can't Jake meet Anna after he has nished running a marathon?
3. Who is Anna going to see perform on Sunday night?


Chapter Sixteen– Past, Present and Future

Listening & Speaking
1. The taxi arrived at the girl's house. 20. The girls wanted to go to a
2. Hello, how do you feel today? match.
3. I have just nished my work. 21. They will not have nished
4. Have you just nished work? decorating the oat before the
5. I have just eaten. parade.
6. Can you tell me something about 22. At eight o'clock Linda will have
yourself? left.
7. What do you know about our 23. Will you have eaten lunch
organization? already when we arrive?
8. Why do you want to work for us? 24. Are you going to do anything this
9. What can you do for us that weekend?
someone else can't? 25. Yes, I'm going to celebrate my
10. I have worked hard this week. birthday.
11. It has rained a lot this year. 26. You children will be the future of
12. They looked out of the window. this country.
13. I was watching television. 27. We will paint our house next
14. Ben was nishing his homework. week.
15. She was putting her books into 28. You are going to cry.
her backpack. 29. They will write the letter to their
16. Jenny and I were playing in the best friend.
classroom. 30. He will close the shop.
17. What are you going to do for 31. She will see her friend at the
Valentine's Day? weekend.
18. We were all dancing at the party. 32. I will read the newspaper when I
19. They chatted and listened to go to bus station.

English Tips

The past is used to refer to something that happened in the past. Sometimes, past
tense is also called as 'simple past'. Example: We stayed in a hotel.
· Past continuous: This type of past tense is used to describe an event or
occurrence that is ongoing or continuing in the past. Example: We were
playing tennis at the club.
· Past Perfect: This type of tense is used to describe an event in the past that
has been completed. Example: We had completed our match before she
had come.


· Past Perfect Continuous: This type of past tense verb is used to indicate an
event, action or occurrence that started before another event, action or
occurrence in the past. We can say that one action or event interrupted
another. Example: I had been playing the drums since school time.
The Present is used to refer or indicate to something that occurs in the present. The
simple present is used to describe an action, event, or condition that is occurring in
the present while being spoken about or written. Example: The dogs' bark.
· Present Continuous: This tense indicates the continuous nature of an act or
event in the present and has not been completed. The activity has begun in
the past and will be completed in the future. Example: She is preparing
chicken sandwiches for breakfast.
· Present Perfect: This tense is used to describe an action that had begun in
the past, continues into the present and has just been completed. The time
of occurrence of the action is generally not mentioned. This tense is also
used to describe an action happened in the past before another action
took place. Example: I have just completed my dinner.
· Present Perfect Continuous: This tense is used to describe an action, event or
occurrence that has begun in the past and continues into the present. It is
also used for an action that began and just nished in the past or in cases
where there is no mention of time. Example: They have been trying to
contact her.
The Future is used to refer to or indicate something that hasn't happened at the
time of speaking or writing. 'Simple Future' commonly formed with the use of words
'will' and 'shall'. Example: We shall be there by noon.
· Future Continuous: This tense is used to describe actions that are ongoing or
continuing in the future. It is commonly used in sentences by using the simple
future tense of the verb with the present participle '-ing'. Example: His
parents will be attending the convocation.
· Future Perfect: Is used to refer or describe an event that will be completed
sometime in the future before another action takes place. It is written by
using the past participle of the verb with the simple future tense of the verb.
Example: I will have completed 10 years of work in August this year.
· Future Perfect Continuous : This tense is used to describe an action that is
continuing into the future and will be completed at a specied time in the
future. This tense is written using the future perfect tense of the verb with the
present participle. Example: I shall have been living in Mumbai for ve years
by May 2019.

Understanding the three tenses: past, present and future you will be ready to
advance to the next chapter, this is one of the most important chapter in book 2 so
be prepared to come back and study this chapter often.

Simple Present Simple Past Simple Future

I read nearly every day. Last night, I read an I will read as much as I
entire novel. can this year.

Present Continuous Past Continuous Future Continuous

I am I was reading Edgar I will be reading Nathaniel
reading Shakespeare at Allan Poe last night. Hawthorne soon.
the moment.

Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Perfect

I have read so many I had read at least 100 I will have read at least
books I can’t keep books by the time I was 500 books by the end of
count. twelve. the year.

Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Perfect

Continuous Continuous Continuous
I have been I had been reading for I will have been
reading since I was four at least a year before reading for at least two
years old. my sister learned to hours before dinner
read. tonight.

1. Complete the phrases using the tenses.
1. I _____________(to go) to the movies yesterday.
2. Peter_____________(to be) 13 tomorrow.
3. My friend _____________(to listen) to music every evening.
4. They _____________(to clean) their car. It looks new again.
5. Listen! Mr Jones is_____________(to play) the piano.
6. She_____________(to break) her left arm two weeks ago.
7. We _____________(to write) a test now.
8. Danny_____________(to read) a book this evening.
9. Ken and Emily often_____________( to have) lunch at school.
10. He _____________ (to lose) his money. So he can't buy this hamburger.

2. Follow the instructions in each item:

Convert this sentence from a simple tense to a continuous tense: Ivone wrote a
collection of short stories entitled Vidas Vividas.

Convert this sentence from a simple tense to a perfect tense: As a pilot, Sara will
y a lot of cross-country ights.


Convert this sentence from a simple tense to a perfect continuous tenses: Zachi
reads all of the latest articles on archeology.

Simple Continuous Perfect Perfect

Present She studies



Fourth Mission! Pair up!

It's Your Turn: To Present a Class!

In groups of two your teacher will assign
each group with a topic, in the next
class be prepared to present the topic
and build an exercise about your topic
to give to your collegues, next class.
The teacher will decide the time you will
have to present your topic. Good Luck!
Use the rest of the time to discuss with
your partner.
Tip: Remember a good class is
composed of vocabulary, speaking,
listening, reading, grammar and


Chapter Seventeen
TOEFL part 1 (Reading Skills)
Academic Reading Skills
The Reading section measures your ability to understand university-level academic
texts and passages. In academic settings around the world, students are expected to
read and understand information from textbooks and other academic materials
written in English. The following are three purposes for academic reading:
Reading to Find Information
Effectively scanning text for key facts and important information
Basic Comprehension
Understanding the general topic or main idea, major points, important facts and
details, vocabulary in context, and pronoun usage
Making inferences about what is implied in a passage
Reading to Learn
Recognizing the organization and purpose of a passage
Understanding relationships between ideas
Organizing information into a category chart or a summary in order to recall major
points and important details

Reading Section Description

The TOEFL iBT® Reading section includes three or four reading passages. There
are 12 to 14 questions per passage. You have 60 to 80 minutes to answer all the
questions in the section.
TOEFL iBT® Reading passages are excerpts from university-level textbooks that
would be used in introductions to a discipline or topic. The excerpts are changed as
little as possible because the goal of the test is to assess how well you can read the
kind of writing that is used in an academic environment.
The passages will cover a variety of different subjects. You don't need to be
familiar with the topic of a passage. All the information you need to answer the
questions will be in the passage itself.
Often passages present information about the topic from more than one
perspective or point of view. This is something you should note as you read because
you'll usually be asked at least one question that allows you to show that you have
understood the general organization of the passage.
You must read through or scroll to the end of a passage before receiving
questions on that passage. Once the questions appear, the passage is shown on the
right side of the computer screen. The questions are on the left.

Reading Question Formats

There are three question formats in the Reading section:
Questions with four choices and a single answer in traditional multiple-choice format
Questions with four choices and a single answer that ask you to “insert a sentence”
where it ts best in a passage
“Reading to learn” questions with more than four choices and more than one correct
Each passage is accompanied by a “reading to learn” question. These
questions test your ability to recognize how the passage is organized and to
understand the relationships among facts and ideas in different parts of the passage.


For these questions, you're asked to sort information and place the text options
provided into a category chart or summary. The summary questions are worth up to
two points each. The chart questions are worth up to three points if there are fve
options presented, and up to four points if there are seven options presented.

Reading to Find Information

Try these activities to practice for “Reading to Find Information” questions:
Scan passages to nd and highlight key facts (dates, numbers, terms) and
Look for words in a passage that have the same meaning.
Highlight each one with the same color marker. Then look at the way the writer used
these words with similar meanings.
Source: TOEFL Test Prep Planner
Reading –

Baseball has been
dubbed “America's favorite
sport”, and many fans
contend that there is no
greater thrill than watching a
good pitcher throw the ball
skillfully in a series of expertly
delivered “fast” and “curve”
balls. Two such pitches, the
“rising fastball” and the 5
“breaking curveball” are
particularly exasperating to
batters because these balls
tend to veer in one direction
or the other just as they reach
home plate. The “rising
fastball” zooms forward only to jump up and over the bat as the batter swings. The
“breaking curveball” curves toward home plate, but plunges downward
unexpectedly at the 10 last moment. Batters attempt to anticipate these pitches, and
respond accordingly, while pitchers work at perfecting their “fast” and “curve” ball
But, according to studies conducted by a team of engineers and
psychologists, 15 the “rising fastball” and the “breaking curveball” do not actually
exist; they are merely optical illusions. The studies revealed that batters perceive the
ball as approaching more slowly or falling more quickly than it actually is, and it is this
misperception that produces the visual illusion. Batters tend to have difculty tracking
a ball 20 continuously as it approaches and will briey divert their eyes to the spot
where they think the ball will cross the plate. When a batter has misjudged the speed
or angle of a pitch, and shifts his or her gaze in this way, the ball will appear to
suddenly rise or dip, and the batter will often miss.
How will this nding affect “America's favorite pastime”? No doubt some will
vehemently reject the notion that the “rising fastball” and the “breaking curveball”
are mere illusions. But for others, the ndings may imbue the game with a new level of
intrigue as batters 30 attempt to respond to pitches that don't exist.

Answers the question according to the passage above.
Question 1 - What does this passage mainly discuss?
a) The difference between fastballs and curveballs
b) America`s favorite pastime
c) Illusions about the movements of pitched balls
d) Perceptional problems among baseball players

Question 2 – An used in line 1, the word “contend” could best be replaced by which
of the following?
a) Maintain
b) Operate
c) Propose
d) Suppose

Question 3 – In line 4, the word “exasperating” could best be replaced by which of the
a) Challenging
b) Exhausting
c) Exciting
d) Frustrating

Question 4 – As used in line 7, the word “zooms” is closet in meaning to which of the
a) Falls
b) Rolls
c) Speeds
d) Bounces

Question 5 – Which of the following words could best replace the word “plunges” as
used in line 7?
a) Drops
b) Withdraws
c) Emerges
d) Tips

Question 6 – According to the author, why is it difcult for the batter to hit the “rising
fastball” and the “breaking curveball”?
a) Because the ball approaches too quickly
b) Because the ball veers just before reaching home plate
c) Because the batter misjudges the pitcher`s intention
d) Because the batter misjudges the speed and angle of the ball

Question 7 – Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “gaze” as used in
line 16?
a) To glance rapidly
b) To blink rapidly
c) To look steadily
d) To peek briey

Question 8 – In line 11, what does the word “they” refer to?
a) The “rising fastball” and the “breaking curveball”
b) The engineers and psychologists
c) The research studies
d) The optical illusions

Question 9 – According to the passage, how is the illusion of the “rising fastball” and
the “breaking curveball” produced?
a) By the pitcher`s delivery
b) By the batter`s failing to track the ball accurately
c) By the speed and angle of the ball
By the studies of engineers and psychologists
Time to Speak! Groups of two

Personality Interview

Answer Example (if yes)


1. Are you friendly?

2. Are you outgoing?

3. Are you forgetful?

4. Are you creative?

5. Are you a patient


6. Are you sometimes


7. Are you hardworking?

8. Are you condent?

9. Are you shy?

10. Are you talkative?

Write a short report about the student you interviewed.

I think a good job my friend would be ______________________________
For three reasons.


Chapter Eighteen
TOEFL part 2 (Listening Skills)
The Listening section measures your ability to understand spoken English. In
academic settings, you must be able to listen to lectures and conversations.
Academic listening is typically done for one of the three following purposes:

Listening for Basic Comprehension

· Understand the main idea, major points and important details related to the
main idea

Listening for Pragmatic Understanding

· Recognize a speaker's attitude and degree of certainty
· Recognize the function or purpose of what a speaker says

Connecting and Synthesizing Information

· Recognize the organization of information presented
· Understand the relationships between ideas presented (for example:
compare/contrast, cause/effect or steps in a process)
· Make inferences and draw conclusions based on what is implied
· Make connections among pieces of information in a conversation or lecture
· Recognize topic changes in lectures and conversations, and recognize
introductions and conclusions in lectures

Listening Section Description

Listening material in the test includes academic lectures and conversations in
which the speech sounds very natural. You can take notes on any listening material
throughout the entire test. Most of the questions that follow the lectures and
conversations are traditional multiple-choice questions with four answer choices and
a single correct answer. There are, however, some other types of questions:
· Multiple-choice questions with more than one answer (for example: two
answers out of four or more choices)
· Questions that require you to put in order events or steps in a process
· Questions that require you to match objects or text to categories in a table

Listening Material Number of Questions Timing

4-6 lectures, 3-5 6 questions per lecture
minutes long
2-3 conversations, 5 questions per 60-90 minutes total
about 3 minutes loing conversations

Academic Lectures
The lectures in the TOEFL iBT® test reect the kind of listening and
speaking that occurs in the classroom. In some of the lectures, the professor does all or
almost all of the talking, with an occasional comment by a student. In other lectures,
the professor may engage the students in discussion by asking questions that are
answered by the students. The photos that accompany the lectures indicate
whether one person or several people will be speaking.

Conversations in an Academic Setting
The conversations in the TOEFL iBT test may take place during an ofce
meeting with a professor or teaching assistant, or during a service encounter with
university staff. The contents of the ofce conversations are generally academic in
nature or related to course requirements. Service encounters could involve
conversations about a housing payment, registering for a class or requesting
information at the library. The photos that accompany the conversations help you
imagine the setting and the roles of the speakers.

Listening Skills Practice

Listening to English frequently and reading a wide variety of academic
materials is a good way to increase vocabulary and improve listening skills.
Watching movies and television shows and listening to the radio provide
excellent opportunities to build listening skills. You are typically more engaged when
you listen to entertaining material. Movies, television shows and live interviews are
especially useful because they also provide visual reinforcement and cues.
Recorded books, lectures and presentations are equally valuable. Many public
libraries and most universities have their public lectures available online. Lectures with
transcripts are particularly helpful. The internet is a great resource for listening
material—visit websites such as,
w w w . y o u t h r a d i o . o r g , w w w . b b c . c o . u k / r a d i o a n d
Source: TOEFL Test Prep Planner

(New) Listening

Listening Activities
Choose one of the sites above with the help of your teacher or a video from
YouTube and practice the following:

1. Take notes as you listen for main ideas and important details. Write down key
words only, not every word.

2. Keep a log of the new words and expressions you hear.


3. Check the spelling and meaning in a dictionary.


4. Ask yourself about the basic information presented in the recording (Who?
What? When? Where? Why? How?).



5. Use your notes to summarize what you've heard.

Time to Speak! Groups of four

Each member will chooses two topics to ask the

group, try to have a conversation in English and
have fun!

1. Hobbies
· What are your hobbies?
· Why do you like your hobbies so much?
· How often do you do these hobbies?
· How long have you been doing these
hobbies, and how did you get started?
· What other hobbies did you use to
· Is it important to have hobbies? Why?
2. Time
· How much free time do you usually
· How important is time for you?
· If you had more free time, what would
you do?
· “Time is money”. Do you agree or
disagree? Why?
· How do you feel about time that is

3. Sleep
· How much sleep do you usually get?
· Why do some people sleep well when
others don't?
· What do you do when you have trouble
· What time do you usually go to sleep?
What time do you usually get up?
· Have you ever slept in a strange place
that was not a bed?

4. Music
· What kind of music do
you like? or dislike?
· How do certain kinds of
music make you feel?
· What types of music
come from your country?
· What is your favorite
· What music is popular in
your country right now?
5. First Dates
· How many rst dates
have you had?
· How do you feel about
rst dates?
· What is a normal rst
date like in your country?
· What is the best/worst
rst date experience
you've ever had?
· What makes a good rst
date in your opinion?
6. Work
· What work do/did you
· How do/did you like the
· What is your dream job?
· What is your general view
about work? Why?

7. Risk
· What is your denition of
· Do you take risks? Why?
· What are the
ges of taking risks?
· What risks do you come
across in your work/life?
· What risks have you
taken in your life?
8. Food
· What is your favorite
food? Why?
· What food is typical in
your country/city?
· How do you feel when
you eat food?
· What food do you
dislike? Why?
· Where do you usually
buy your food?


Chapter Nineteen
TOEFL part 3 (Speaking Skills)
Academic Speaking Skills
The Speaking section measures your ability to speak English effectively in academic
settings, during class as well as outside the classroom. The tasks in this section resemble
the real-life situations that students encounter:
· During a class, students are expected to respond to questions, participate in
academic discussions, summarize what they read and hear, and express their
views on topics under discussion.
· Outside the classroom, students participate in casual conversations, express
their opinions and communicate with people in such places as the bookstore,
the library, the cafeteria and the housing ofce.

Speaking Section Description

In the Speaking section, you will be asked to speak on a variety of topics that draw on
personal experience, campus-based situations and academic content. The
Speaking section is approximately 20 minutes long and includes six questions.
The rst two questions are called Independent Speaking Tasks because they
require you to draw entirely on your own ideas, opinions and experiences when you
The other four questions are called Integrated Speaking Tasks because they
require you to integrate your English-language skills—listening and speaking, or
listening, reading and speaking—just as you must during class and outside the

Speaking Task Types

Independent Task

1. Personal This question asks you to Preparation time:

Preference express and defend a
15 seconds
personal choice from a
given category—for
example, important
Response time:
people, places, events or
activities that you enjoy. 45 seconds

2. Choice This question asks you to Preparation time:

make and defend a
15 seconds
personal choice between
two contrasting behaviors
or courses of action.
Response time:

45 seconds


Integrated Tasks

3. Campus Situation - A reading passage (75– Preparation time:

100 words) presents a
30 seconds
Topic: Fit and campus-related issue.
- A listening passage (60–80
seconds; 150–180 words) Response time:
comments on the issue in
60 seconds
the reading passage.
- The question asks you to
summarize the speaker’s
opinion within the context
of the reading passage.

4. Academic - A reading passage (75– Preparation time:

Course 100 words) broadly defines
30 seconds
a term, process or idea
Topic: from an academic subject.
General/Specic - An excerpt from a lecture Response time:
(60–90 seconds; 150–220
60 seconds
words) provides examples
and specic information to
illustrate the term, process

Speaking Responses
Like all the other sections of the TOEFL iBT® test, the Speaking section is
delivered via computer. For all Speaking tasks, you'll use a headset with a
For Speaking questions that involve listening, you'll hear short spoken
passages or conversations. For Speaking questions that involve reading, you'll read
short written passages on your computer screen. You can take notes throughout
the Speaking section and use your notes when you respond to the questions.
Your responses will be recorded and sent to the ETS Online Scoring Network
where they will be scored by experienced raters.
Speaking Skills Practice
Try the following activities to build the skills you'll need for the Independent
Speaking tasks:
· Make a list of topics that are familiar to you and practice speaking about
them. The topics can be academic or nonacademic (sports, hobbies, travel,
· Think for 20 seconds about what you did yesterday, then recount your
experiences in one minute. Remember to use the past tense of verbs and
use connecting words and phrases, such as “frst,” “then” and “while I was.”
· Think for 20 seconds about what you plan to do tomorrow, then talk about it
for one minute.


· Think of a story with which you are familiar. Tell the story to several different
people. Try to tell the story faster each time.
· Collect a number of pictures from magazines and newspapers. Look at
each picture, then describe it in one minute. Describe the same thing more
than once, using different adjectives and adding details

Source: TOEFL Test Prep Planner

Time to Speak! Groups of two

Choose one with your partner or let your teacher decide.

Technical service call

Useful vocabulary: technical service, technician, brand new, work as a charm,
power up, refund, recover
Student A: The user
Not even a week ago you bought a brand-new computer. Compared to the old
one, it works as a charm and you're very happy with it. You were just using it a
moment ago when suddenly it has gone off. When you power it up again, nothing
works. Programs do not open, you can't write, screen looks very dark... Eventually,
you decide to call the technical service. They either help you x the problem or
you're going to ask for a refund.
Student B: The technician
You work as a computer technician for a computer company. Your task is to deal
with customers by phone and try to solve their problems. One costumer calls. Listen
to his problem and try to help him. Ask what is wrong, how it happened, whether
the computer got hit, if he has visited websites with viruses... whatever you can
think of. Finally, try to give him a solution.
Let's go further: After following the technician's advice, the computer works ne
again, however... all your documents have been deleted! The user has to deliver a
project tomorrow so he asks the technician how to recover his les
Now role-play this scenario in front of the class. Good Luck!

Meeting with parents

Useful vocabulary: devil, breaking point, behavior, improvement, to expel,
exemplary, household chores, to have it in for somebody
Student A: The teacher There's a child in your class who is the devil himself. He
doesn't work, he talks all the time, he bothers other classmates, he ghts... a
disaster. The situation has reached a breaking point and you have decided to talk
to his parents. Tell them about their child's behavior in class and that if there is no
improvement you'll have to expel him from school for a while.
Student B: The father/mother Your child's teacher has called you to a meeting.
According to what he told you on the phone, it seems that does your son doesn't
behave appropriately. But that's just impossible. At home, your son is an exemplary
child. He helps with the household chores, he is very polite and he always does his
homework. May it not be that the teacher has it in for him? In any case, it is clear
that this teacher doesn't know how to deal with children. Listen to what he has to
say and tell him what you think.
Let's go further: The teacher reviews his notebook and realizes that... he has called
the wrong parents!
Now role-play this scenario in front of the class. Good Luck!


Chapter Twenty
TOEFL part 4 (Writing Skills)
Academic Writing Skills
The Writing section measures your ability to write in English in an academic setting. In
all academic situations where writing in English is required, you must be able to
present your ideas in a clear, well-organized manner.
Often you'll need to write a paper or an essay response on an exam about what
you've been learning in class. This requires combining information you've heard in
lectures with what you've read in textbooks or other materials. For this type of
writing—often referred to as integrated writing—you must be able to:
Take notes on what you hear and read, and use your notes to organize information
before writing
Summarize, paraphrase and cite information accurately from source material
Write about the ways the information you heard relates to the information you read
You also must be able to write essays that express and support your opinions. In this
type of writing—known as independent writing—you express an opinion and support
it based on your own knowledge and experience.
For example, you may be asked to write an essay about a controversial issue. You
would use past personal experience to support your position.

Writing Section Description

The total time for the Writing section is 50 minutes. You'll write responses to two writing
tasks: an Integrated Writing Task and an Independent Writing Task.
The Integrated Writing Task comes rst because it requires some listening and you'll be
wearing headphones. When you nish the Integrated Writing Task, which takes about
20 minutes, you may take the headphones off to work on the Independent Writing
Task. You'll then have 30 minutes to complete the Independent Writing Task.

Task 1
Integrated • You read a short text of about 230 –300 words (reading
Writing Task time: three minutes) on an academic topic.

• You may take notes on the reading passage.

• The reading passage disappears from the screen during

the lecture that follows. It reappears when you begin
writing so you can refer to it as you work.

• You listen to a speaker discuss the same topic from a

different perspective. The listening passage is about 230 –
300 words long (listening time: two minutes).

• The listening passage pro vides additional information

that relates to points made in the reading passage. You
may take notes on the listening passage.

• You write a summary in connected English prose of

important points made in the listening passage and
explain how these relate to the key points of the reading
passage. Suggested response length is 150 –225 words;
however, there is no penalty for writing more as long as it is
in response to the task presented.


Task 2
Independent • You write an essay that states, explains and supports your
Writing opinion on an issue. An effective essay will usually contain
a minimum of 300 words; however, you may write more if
you wish.

• You must support your opinions or choices rather than

Writing from simply list personal preferences or choices.
Experience and
• Typical essay questions begin with statements such as:
– Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Use reasons and specic details to support your answer.

– Some people believe [X]. Other people believe [Y].

Which of these two positions do you prefer/agree with?
Give reasons and specic details.

Writing Skills Practice

Be sure you have developed fundamental writing skills before you progress
to more targeted practice. Check to see if you can do the following:
Learn the conventions of spelling, punctuation and paragraph creation.
Study the organization of good paragraphs and essays. A good paragraph
discusses one main idea. This idea is usually written in the rst sentence, which is
called the topic sentence. In essay writing, each paragraph should discuss one
aspect of the main idea of the essay.
Before you write, think about verb tenses that logically t your topic. Are you
writing about something in the past? Then you might use the simple past, present
and past perfect, past continuous—tenses that naturally t together.
Read your writing three or four times; each time, check for a different thing. Make
a checklist of errors you commonly make (for example: verb tenses, run-on
sentences, subject-verb agreement).
Reread your writing and circle common, uninteresting expressions (for example:
get, nice, things, stuff). In your second draft, replace these with stronger words and
phrases (for example: obtain, pleasant, objects, possessions). See how many
alternate words you can come up with.
Practice using transitions to show the relationship between ideas. Use words and
phrases such as “on the one hand” or “in conclusion” to create a clear structure
for your response.
Source: TOEFL Test Prep Planner


1. Picture Story
Describe it in as much detail as you can. Don't just write what
you see. Imagine you're in the picture. Think about what you
would smell, feel or even taste.

Picture #1

Picture #2

1. Story of my life
Think of something that you did in the past, like playing the piano or going to
school. Write about your experience with this activity. Your writing should start in
the past and end in the future.
For example, you can write:
“I started playing the piano when I was ve, but I stopped only two years later.
Right now I can't play anything, but I hope to start learning again in the future.”

2. How to breathe
A “how-to” is a type of writing that describes how to do something step-by-step.
Most “how-to” teach something new, like how to bake a chocolate cake, or how
to use a certain feature on your phone.

For this exercise, write a how-to for something a bit…different. Think of something
you do every day without thinking, and write a how-to about that. Write about
something like tying your shoelaces, checking your email on your phone or even
breathing. Try to explain it in four steps.



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