Menu Digital AB Restaurante Room Cidade Baixa 25.07.2023

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Intercity Cidade Baixa

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nosso menu e a bon appetit!

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SALADAS & CALDOS / Salads & Soups

Salada Intercity................................................................................ R$35

Mix de folhas com tomate cereja e cebola roxa. Finalizada com tirinhas de frango
empanadas com gergelim e croûtons.

Fresh mixed greens with cherry tomatoes and purple onion served with chicken fingers
with sesame seed and croûtons.

Salada Mista....................................................................................R$26
Mix de folhas com cenoura ralada, tomate cereja e palmito finalizada com queijo
parmesão ralado.

Fresh mixed greens with carrot, cherry tomatoes, palm heart and parmesan cheese.

Canja de Galinha...................24H.................................................... R$30

Chicken broth with vegetables and rice served with toasts and parmesan cheese.

Caldo do dia..................................................................................... R$35

Consulte nossas opções / Check our options

Sopa de Capeletti............................................................................ R$40

Capeletti soup
MASSAS / Pastas
Penne à bolonhesa.........................................................................R$45
Massa Penne ao molho de tomate com carne moída.

Penne with minced meat in tomato sauce.

Fettuccine com filé mignon ao funghi.................................................R$60

Massa fettuccine com tirinhas de filé mignon grelhado ao molho funghi.

Fettuccine with filet strips in funghi sauce

Espaguete ao Pomodoro com Almôndegas......................................R$54

Spaghetti pomodoro with meatballs

Penne integral gratinado ao pomodoro..............................................R$42

Massa penne integral ao molho de tomate e manjericão fresco, gratinado com

Whole penne with tomato sauce with basil and cheese gratin.

CARNES / Meats

Entrecot Grelhado ...................24H..................................................R$62

Acompanha Risoto de Alho Poró
Grilled with tenderloin with garlic risotto

Filé Mignon Grelhado ao Molho de Nata........................................R$82

Filé mignon grelhado, acompanha Batata ao Murro e Aspargos Frescos
Grilled filet with cream sauce served with mashed potatoes and fresh asparagus

Brasileirinho de carne .......................................................................R$64

Alcatra grelhada, arroz, feijão preto, fritas e farofa na manteiga de alho.

Grilled rump served with white rice, bean sauce, french fries and garlic farofa (roasted
manioc flavor).
Strogonoff de Carne ……………………………………………………………….R$58
Acompanha Arroz Branco e Batata Palha
Beef strogonoff served with white rice and straw potatoes

Costela Suína ...................................................................................R$48

Acompanha Pure de Batata Doce e Cenoura Baby

Pork ribs sauce servid with mashed sweet potatoes and baby carrot
AVES / Poultry

Peito de Frango Grelhado Ao Molho de Requeijão..............................R$52

Acompanha purê de Couve -Flor e Arroz Integral
Grilled breast chicken with cattage cheese sauce,served with mashed
cauliflower and brown rice

Filé de Frango ao Corndon Bleu..............................................................R$65

Filé de frango recheado com presunto magro e queijo
Breaded chicken filet stuffed with ham and cheese with white rice and leaf mix

Brasileirinho de frango ......................................................................R$48

Peito de frango grelhado acompanhado de arroz, feijão preto, fritas e farofa na
manteiga de alho.
Grilled chicken breast served with white rice, bean sauce, french fries and garlic
farofa (roasted manioc flavor).

Parmeggiana de frango..............24H...................................................R$60
Acompanha arroz branco e batata frita
Breaded chicken with cheese in tomato sauce. Served with white rice and French fries.

Salmão grelhado em Crosta de Parmesão...........................................R$74
Acompanha Purê de batata Mandioquinha e legumes

Roasted salmon in crust,served with baroa potato puree and vegetables

Tilápia grelhada ao molho de Limão Siciliano, arroz integral e


Grilled tilapia served with sicilian lemon sauce, served brown rice and vegetables

Risoto de Camarão com Ervilhas.........................................................R$85

Shrimp risotto with peas

SANDUÍCHES & OMELETES/Sandwichs & Omelets

Baguete de Filé Mignon............................................................................R$38

Sanduíche de Filé na pasta de gorgonzola com alface americana, rodelas de
tomate e cebola caramelizada. Acompanha batata frita ou mix de folhas

Filet Sandwich with gorgonzola dressing, lettuce, tomato, caramelized onion.

Served with frensh fries or mixed greens.

Suculento hambúrguer grelhado,servido com alface,tomate e maionese intercity
no pão de hambúguer ,servido com batata frita

Grilled handmade hamburguer servid with house sauce,lettuce,tomato on

hamburguer bun,servid french fries

Omelete misto ou legumes......24H................................................... R$30

Omelete de queijo e presunto ou legumes. Acompanha mix de folhas.

Ham and cheese or vegetables omelete. Served with mixed greens.

Pizza de 4 Queijos.....................24H................................................. R$48

Four cheese pizza

Pizza de Portuguesa................. 24H................................................. R$48

Portuguese pizza

Pizza Calabresa ......................24H................................................... R$48

Pepperoni Pizza

Pizza de Pepperoni ...................24H..................................................R$48

Pepperoni pizza

Pizza de Marguerita..................24H..................................................R$48
Margherita pizza

Pizza de chocolate Branco com Frutas Vermelhas..............................R$48

White chocolate pizza with berries24H

Brownie com sorvete de Creme………………….............R$21

Brownie with cream ice cream

Sobremesas do dia ……………………..………...............R$18

Consulte nossas opções / Check our Options

Pudim de leite........................................................R$16
milk pudding

BEBIDAS / Beverage

Água mineral com e sem gás.... 24H..........................R$10

Still or sparkling mineral water.

Refrigerantes ..........................24H.............................R$8
Soft drinks

Água de Coco ............................24H...........................R$10

Coconut water

Suco de frutas ...........................24H...........................R$12


Energético Red Bull...................24H...........................R$20

Energy drink

Cerveja/ consulte as opções.......24H...........................R$13

Beer/ Check our options

Whisky Johnnie Walker Red Label…………….………….R$26

Whisky Johnnie Walker Black Label……………..………R$ 35

Whisky Jack Daniels………………………………………….R$28

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