CNPJ/ME nº 24.410.913/0001-44
Companhia Estrangeira
participantes do Programa de Clientes NuSócios receberão seus BDRs Nível I
Não Patrocinados por meio do Comissário Mercantil, nos mesmos termos e
condições atualmente aplicados à propriedade dos BDR Nível III (“Recebimento
de BDRs Nível I Não Patrocinados); ou
iii.caso não seja feita qualquer manifestação durante o Período de Definição, será
realizada a venda, na NYSE, da totalidade das ações que servem de lastro de
seus BDRs Nível III, sendo que os valores em Dólares resultantes dessas vendas
serão convertidos para Reais pela instituição depositária do Programa de BDRs
Nível III (convertidos a taxa de câmbio de USD/BRL corrente), e os antigos
detentores de tais BDRs Nível III receberão, por cada BDR Nível III, o valor
equivalente ao preço médio por ação praticado na venda das ações, deduzidos
todos os tributos eventualmente devidos na forma da legislação aplicável
(“Procedimento de Venda” ou “Sale Facility”).
O Novo Plano, portanto, prevê a possibilidade de entrega de BDRs Nível I Não Patrocinados
como uma das alternativas que os atuais detentores de BDR Nível III poderão,
voluntariamente, optar no âmbito da Descontinuidade do Programa de BDRs Nível III. A
Companhia entende que este ajuste na estrutura da Descontinuidade de Programa de BDRs
Nível III não traz qualquer prejuízo aos atuais e futuros detentores de BDRs da Companhia,
incluindo os participantes do Programa de Clientes NuSócios, e ao mesmo tempo,
possibilitará à Companhia aprofundar na otimização de processos e custos, e continuará a
oferecer aos investidores brasileiros uma forma direta e simplificada de se expor aos valores
mobiliários de emissão da Companhia.
Por fim, a Companhia informa que o Banco Bradesco S.A. (“Bradesco”) solicitará o registro
do Programa de BDRs Nível I Não Patrocinados tão logo a Companhia apresente o Novo
Plano à B3.
Jörg Friedemann
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, April 5, 2023 – Nu Holdings Ltd. (NYSE: NU, B3: NUBR33)
("Nu" or the "Company"), in continuity with the Material Fact disclosed on September 15,
2022 and the Notice to the Market disclosed on December 22, 2022, in relation to the
procedures for the Discontinuance of the Level III BDRs Program, communicates to its
shareholders and the market in general that the Board of Directors of the Company has
decided, on this date, to resubmit the plan for the Discontinuity of its Level III BDRs Program,
having approved the following for implementation of such process:
a. presentation of a new plan for the voluntary discontinuance of the Level III BDR
Program ("New Plan"), with its consequent cancellation with the CVM; and
b. after the conclusion of the Discontinuance of the Level III BDRs Program, the
cancellation of the Company's registration with the CVM as a foreign public
issuer of category "A" securities.
The New Plan will be submitted to B3 for approval, and then to CVM. If approved in the
proposed format, the New Plan provides that, during a 30-day period ("Settlement Period"),
all holders of Level III BDRs, including participants in the NuSócios Client Program, will be
given a choice to:
ii. remain as holders of the Company's BDRs through the receipt of Unsponsored
Level I BDRs, in the proportion of 1:1 for the Level III BDRs held by each holder,
with both having the same composition and NuSócios Client Program participants
receiving their Unsponsored Level I BDRs through the Comissário Mercantil, under
the same terms and conditions currently applied to the ownership Level III BDRs
(“Receipt of Unsponsored Level I BDRs"); or
iii. if no declaration during the Settlement Period is made, the Company will sell on
NYSE all the underlying shares of its Level III BDRs, and the resulting dollar amount
will be converted into Brazilian Reais by the depositary institution of the Level III
BDR Program (converted at the current USD/BRL exchange rate) and the former
holders of such Level III BDRs will receive, for each Level III BDR, an amount
equivalent to the average price per share at which the shares were sold, after
deduction of all taxes which may be due in accordance with applicable legislation
("Sales Facility").
The New Plan, therefore, provides for the possibility of delivering Unsponsored Level I BDRs
as one of the alternatives that current Level III BDR holders may voluntarily opt for in the
context of the Discontinuance of the Level III BDRs Program. The Company understands that
this adjustment in the structure of Discontinuance of the Level III BDRs Program does not
bring any harm to current and future holders of the Company's BDRs, including participants
of the NuSócios Client Program, and at the same time, will allow the Company to further
optimize processes and costs, and continue to offer Brazilian investors a direct and simplified
way to be exposed to the Company's securities.
Finally, the Company informs that Banco Bradesco S.A. ("Bradesco") will request the
registration of the Unsponsored Level I BDR Program as soon as the Company presents the
New Plan to B3.
The Company will keep the market, its shareholders and the NuSócios Client Program
informed about the subject of this material fact, and will disclose to BDR holders, after
approval by B3 and CVM, the details of the procedures for the Discontinuance of the Level
III BDR Program.
Investor Relations
Jörg Friedemann
[email protected]
Media Relations
Leila Suwwan
[email protected]