Especialidade Felinos
Especialidade Felinos
Especialidade Felinos
Nome Científico da família dos gatos
Guepardo Leão
3 4 Rei dos animais,
Felino mais veloz
conhecido por sua
do mundo, 72km/h
imponência, força e
< 114km/h
Tigre Siberiano
This can be the part of the
presentation where you
introduce yourself, write
your email…
Davi mata um leão I Samuel 17:34
What you
should know
about your cat
Big differences
Sansão mata umbetween cats14:1-20
leão Juízes and dogs
Jupiter is a gas giant and the biggest Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun
planet in the Solar System. It's the and the smallest one in the Solar
fourth-brightest object in the night sky. System. This planet's name has nothing
It was named after the Roman god of to do with the liquid metal, since
the skies and lightning Mercury was named after a Roman god
A cat’s basic
Profeta mortoroutine
pelo leão I Reis 13:24
Venus has a beautiful name and is the
1 2
second planet from the Sun. It’s terribly hot,
even hotter than Mercury, and its
atmosphere is extremely poisonous. It’s the
second-brightest natural object in the night
sky after the Moon
3 4
1 Mercury 2 Venus
3 Mars 4 Jupiter
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