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Clonagem: Cloning - National Geographic Society

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Aproximadamente 254.000.000 resultados (1,04 segundos) 

https://www.nationalgeographic.org › ... Traduzir esta página

Cloning | National Geographic Society

19 de mai. de 2022 — Cloning is a technique scientists use to make exact genetic
copies of living things. Genes, cells, tissues, and even whole animals can all ...

https://www.genome.gov › Cloning... Traduzir esta página

Cloning Fact Sheet Mais imagen

15 de ago. de 2020 — The term cloning describes a number of different processes that
can be used to produce genetically identical copies of a biological entity. Clonagem
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Cl... Traduzir esta página Clonagem é a produção de indivíduos geneticamente
Cloning - Wikipedia iguais. É um processo de reprodução assexuada que
resulta na obtenção de cópias geneticamente
Cloning is the process of producing individual organisms with identical or virtually
idênticas de um mesmo ser vivo – micro-organismo,
identical DNA, either by natural or artificial means.
vegetal ou animal. Wikipédia
Human cloning · M
‎ olecular cloning · C
‎ loning vector · E
‎ thics of cloning

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Di... Traduzir esta página Vantagens

Disk cloning - Wikipedia
Disk cloning is the process of creating a 1-to-1 copy of a hard disk drive (HDD) or solid-state Importancia
drive (SSD), not just its files. Disk cloning may be used ...

https://www.britannica.com › science Traduzir esta página

cloning | Definition, Process, & Types - Britannica
cloning, the process of generating a genetically identical copy of a cell or an organism.
Itens também pesquisados Ver mais 5
Cloning happens often in nature—for example, ...

Biotecnol… Engenharia Replicação Genética
Modern Cloning Techniques | Genetics | Biology | FuseSchool genética do ADN

YouTube · FuseSchool - Global Education Feedback

30 de abr. de 2019

Ver resultados relacionados

4 momentos importantes neste vídeo

Clonagem molecular
De 01:05 De 01:23 De 01:38 De 03:24 A clonagem molecular ou clonagem de
Tissue culture Animals Embryo Ethical issues genes é um ...

Why We Still Haven't Cloned Humans — It's Not Just Ethics

YouTube · Tech Insider
2 de jul. de 2020

8 momentos importantes neste vídeo

Animal cloning : Story of Dolly the sheep | The world of animal ...
YouTube · Animated biology With arpan
28 de ago. de 2020

7 momentos importantes neste vídeo

How does cloning work? - explained in 2 mins!

YouTube · Dr Matt & Dr Mike
7 de set. de 2021
Ver tudo

https://dictionary.cambridge.org › dicionario › ingles

Significado de cloning em inglês - Cambridge Dictionary

há 8 dias — cloning significado, definição cloning: 1. the process of creating an exact copy of a
plant or animal by using its cells: 2. used for or…

https://learn.genetics.utah.edu › wh... Traduzir esta página

What is Cloning - Learn Genetics @ Utah

What is Cloning ... Clones are organisms that are exact genetic copies. Every single bit
of their DNA is identical. Clones can happen naturally—identical twins ...

https://www.bbc.com › article › 20... Traduzir esta página

The people cloning their pets - BBC Future

22 de mar. de 2022 — From duplicate dogs to modern mammoths, cloning has come a
long way since Dolly the sheep took her first tentative steps.

https://www.livescience.com › how... Traduzir esta página

How does cloning work? | Live Science

17 de nov. de 2021 — The most basic definition of cloning is the creation of an exact
genetic copy of an organism, tissue, cell or gene, according to the U.S. ...

https://medlineplus.gov › cloning Traduzir esta página

Cloning - MedlinePlus
8 de mai. de 2018 — Cloning describes the processes used to create an exact genetic
replica of another cell, tissue or organism. The copied material, which has ...

https://www.thermofisher.com › clo... Traduzir esta página

Cloning | Thermo Fisher Scientific - BR

Get Invitrogen cloning and expression vectors, GeneArt gene synthesis and assembly tools,
and molecular biology essentials offer reliable cloning solutions.

https://www.pnas.org › doi › pnas.1... · Traduzir esta página

Cloning humans? Biological, ethical, and social considerations

de FJ Ayala · 2015 · Citado por 48 — Individual human cloning occurs naturally in the case of
identical twins, when two individuals develop from a single fertilized egg. These twins are…

https://www.efsa.europa.eu › topics › topic › cloning

Cloning | EFSA - European Union

Cloning is a form of reproduction. The most common technique used is known as Somatic Cell
Nucleus Transfer (SCNT). A genetic copy of an animal is produced by ...

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › NB... Traduzir esta página

Cloning: Definitions And Applications - NCBI Bookshelf - NCBI

2-1. Reproductive cloning involves the creation of individuals that contain identical sets of
nuclear genetic material (DNA). To have complete genetic identity, ...

https://www.sciencedirect.com › clo... · Traduzir esta página

Cloning - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

The term cloning was originally used to describe the production of genetically identical copies of
an organism by asexual means, for example, the propagation of ...

https://www.linguee.com.br › ingles-portugues › traducao

cloning - Tradução em português - Linguee

[...] at human reproductive cloning, modification of the genetic [...].

https://docs.github.com › articles Traduzir esta página

Cloning a repository - GitHub Docs

About cloning a repository. You can clone a repository from GitHub.com to your local computer
to make it easier to fix merge conflicts, add or remove files, ...

https://www.khanacademy.org › ov... Traduzir esta página

Overview: DNA cloning (article) - Khan Academy

In a molecular biology lab, what's most often cloned is a gene or other small piece of
DNA. If your friend the molecular biologist says that her “cloning” isn't ...

https://www.dpz.eu › knowledge Traduzir esta página

Cloning - Deutsches Primatenzentrum

The creation of several individuals with identical genetic material is known as cloning.
Individual cells, tissues or entire organisms can be created.

https://www.xbox.com › pt-BR › games › store › clonin...

Comprar o Cloning Clyde - Xbox

Querido Clyde, você já conseguiu suas vinte pratas? Eu estava pensando que se você
conseguiu, poderia comprar este jogo muito legal e ainda sobraria ...
Publicado por: Microsoft Studios Desenvolvido por: NinjaBee in Associat…

https://www.vatican.va › documents Traduzir esta página

Reflections on cloning - Vatican.va

Table of Contents. Historical background. The biological facts. Ethical problems connected with
human cloning. Human rights and freedom of research ...

https://www.legislation.gov.au › De... Traduzir esta página

Prohibition of Human Cloning for Reproduction Act 2002

Items 1 - 8 — This is a compilation of the Prohibition of Human Cloning for Reproduction Act
2002 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 20 ...
Provision(s): Commencement Column 1: Column 2
2. Sections 3 to 26 and Schedule 1: The 28th …

https://www.theguardian.com › clo... Traduzir esta página

Cloning | Science - The Guardian

Cloning. The science, politics and ethics of cloning technology. August 2022 ...

https://www.promega.com.br › clo... Traduzir esta página

Cloning Vectors and Kits - Promega Corporation

The cloning of a specific fragment of DNA into a vector such as a plasmid is one of the
foundational steps that enables additional characterization of that ...

https://www.magazineluiza.com.br › otli

Basic Cloning Procedures - Springer Nature - Outros Livros

Basic Cloning Procedures - Springer Nature com as melhores condições você encontra
no site do Magalu. Confira!
R$ 862,68 · E
‎ m estoque

https://www.amazon.com.br › Human-Cloning-Acie-Ca...

Human Cloning | Amazon.com.br

Then how it works with the sperm and the egg in normal reproduction but with cloning
how the embryo is prepared. It will be then carried by a surrogate in ...

https://www.statnews.com › human... Traduzir esta página

Human reproductive cloning: The curious incident of ...

21 de fev. de 2020 — Creating Dolly meant taking an egg from one sheep, removing its
DNA-carrying nucleus, fusing into the egg a cell from another sheep (in this ...

https://www.newscientist.com › clo... Traduzir esta página

Cloning | New Scientist

Cloning is the process of creating organisms that are genetically identical. These
organisms are identical twins and are to some extent copies of each …

https://www.fsai.ie › faq › animal_c... Traduzir esta página

Animal Cloning | FAQ | The Food Safety Authority of Ireland

The most common animal cloning technique is referred to as somatic cell nuclear transfer
(SCNT) where the nucleus of an immature egg cell is replaced with that ...

https://www.forbes.com › billfrist Traduzir esta página

Twenty-Five Years After My House Call To Dolly - Forbes

2 de ago. de 2022 — Genetic cloning was also made possible thanks to Dolly. This is a
type of cloning where scientists create copies of genes within DNA segments to ...

https://www.sigmaaldrich.com › clo... Traduzir esta página

Cloning & Expression - Sigma-Aldrich

Once the gene or genetic sequence is identified, researchers must choose the best
molecular cloning strategy and cell-based protein expression system based on ...

https://www.carrefour.com.br › genetic-engineering-clo...

Genetic Engineering Cloning DNA - Carrefour

Compre Genetic Engineering Cloning DNA no Carrefour! Confira nossas ofertas!

https://www.webmd.com › features Traduzir esta página

The Facts and Fiction of Cloning - WebMD

Understanding the real science of cloning behind the headlines and the hubbub. ... For the first
time, researchers have successfully cloned a human embryo ...

https://www.fda.gov › safety-health Traduzir esta página

Animal Cloning - FDA

20 de mai. de 2021 — FDA has concluded that meat and milk from cow, pig, and goat clones
and the offspring of any animal clones are as safe as food we eat every ...

https://www.cell.com › fulltext · Traduzir esta página

Cloning of Macaque Monkeys by Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer

de Z Liu · 2018 · Citado por 297 — Thus, cloning macaque monkeys by SCNT is feasible using
fetal fibroblasts. Graphical Abstract. Figure thumbnail fx1.

https://www.ed.ac.uk › dolly › facts Traduzir esta página

Cloning FAQs | The University of Edinburgh

25 de jun. de 2021 — A cloned animal shares the same DNA as another animal, while a
genetically modified animal has had a change made to its DNA , but does not ...

https://www.addgene.org › cloning Traduzir esta página

Molecular Cloning Techniques - Addgene

The following guide will highlight several of the most popular cloning methods used to create
recombinant DNA. Restriction Enzyme Cloning. Restriction enzyme ( ...

https://www.eurostemcell.org › wha... Traduzir esta página

What is cloning, and what does it have to do with stem cell ...
Cloning, or somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), is the technique used to produce Dolly the
sheep, the first animal to be produced as a genetic copy of ...

https://www.merriam-webster.com › ... · Traduzir esta página

Cloning Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

Cloning is the production of a population of genetically identical cells or of organisms asexually
produced by a single cell or organism.

https://www.coe.int › ... › Full list Traduzir esta página

Details of Treaty No.168 - Full list

... Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and
Medicine, on the Prohibition of Cloning Human Beings (ETS No.
https://www.bio.org › articles › val... Traduzir esta página

The Value of Therapeutic Cloning for Patients - BIO

Therapeutic cloning (SCNT) is integral to production of treatments for many diseases. Read
BIOs article on the value of SCNT in medicine.

https://www.scielo.br › rbef › abstract

A remark on quantum cloning - SciELO

de C de Ronde · 2019 — Similarly, physical entities are not truly cloned in so-called quantum
cloning, only their states are. The celebrated no-cloning theorem tells us that a ...

https://www.nature.com › subjects · Traduzir esta página

Cloning - Latest research and news - Nature

Cloning is a method that is used to produce genetically identical copies of pieces of DNA, cells
or organisms. Cloning methods include: molecular cloning, ...

https://funginstitute.berkeley.edu › ... Traduzir esta página

Op-ed: The dangers of cloning

11 de mai. de 2020 — Dolly was the first mammal cloned from an adult somatic cell, using the
process of nuclear transfer. “Sometime, somewhere, someone will generate ...

https://international.neb.com › clon... Traduzir esta página

Cloning & Synthetic Biology - NEB

Molecular cloning refers to the process by which recombinant DNA molecules are produced and
transformed into a host organism, where they are replicated.

https://knowgenetics.org › cloning Traduzir esta página

Cloning - Genetics Generation

Modern genetic technology can also be used to create clones. There are three types of cloning:
gene cloning, reproductive cloning, and therapeutic cloning. Gene ...

https://www.congress.gov › house-r... Traduzir esta página


In addition, human cells are routinely cloned to study cancer or genetic diseases. The cloning
technique that could possibly allow for the production of ...
Report Type: House Report

https://www.jove.com › reproducti... Traduzir esta página

Reproductive Cloning and Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer - JoVE

Reproductive cloning is the process of producing a genetically identical copy—a clone—of an
entire organism. While clones can be produced by splitting an ...

https://www.sciencefocus.com › ris... Traduzir esta página

Rise of the Clones: 7 ways cloning is already happening

19 de fev. de 2021 — Animals are being cloned for a variety of purposes. But copying animals
from their genetic material is creating problems as quickly as it's ...

https://starwars.fandom.com › wiki › Cloning

Cloning | Wookieepedia - Fandom

Cloning was a science in which clones were grown from the template of a genetic donor.
Cloning was the scientific procedure of growing a clone from the ...
Locations: ExegolKamino; Type: Bioengineering
Model: Jango Fett template:: Alpha ("Boba Fe… Purpose: Genetic replication of an organis…

https://www.genscript.com › gene-c... Traduzir esta página

Highly Customizable Cloning & Subcloning Services - GenScript

GenScript's gene cloning,dna cloning and subcloning services provide custom-made gene
clones. Save time and money with GenScript's gene cloning services!

https://www.amnh.org › genetics Traduzir esta página

Why Clone? | AMNH
Why Clone? Scientists have explored cloning technology for several reasons. Some use cloned
animals to study and fight deadly diseases.

https://www.uncp.edu › sites › default › files › ar... DOC

Handout 2 - Human Cloning Process - UNCP

Analyze the reasons supporting and opposing therapeutic cloning of human cells. Identify areas
of agreement and disagreement with other students. Decide, ...

https://www.news-medical.net › Th... Traduzir esta página

The Biochemistry of Cloning - News Medical

8 de mar. de 2022 — Molecular cloning is a technique that involves inserting a fragment of
foreign DNA into a vector that is capable of replicating autonomously in ...

https://www.macrium.com › reflect... Traduzir esta página

Macrium Software | Reflect Free Edition

Are you looking for free backup, free cloning, or free disk imaging software? Reflect 8 Free is
the best no-cost solution on the market.

https://dna-cloning.com Traduzir esta página

DNA Cloning Service

We are experts in DNA cloning, with thousands of projects and more than 20 years of
experience in DNA cloning.

https://www.sciencedaily.com › news Traduzir esta página

Cloning News - ScienceDaily

Cloning articles. Uncover cloned animal abnormalities, discover cloned pigs with benefits such
as omega-3 fatty acids and much more in our current research ...

https://www.healthdirect.gov.au › c... Traduzir esta página

Cloning - Healthdirect
Cloning makes use of technology to create an exact genetic copy of a living cell, tissue or
organism. In cloning, both sets of genes come from one parent.

https://www.pbs.org › fertility › etc Traduzir esta página

Human Cloning | Making Babies | FRONTLINE - PBS

Cloning is certainly going to emerge from the fertility clinics that exist in this country and
elsewhere around the world, because it's only in the fertility ...

https://www.washington.edu › doit Traduzir esta página

Cloning - Do It, or Don't Do It? - University of Washington

Career Mentors are typically practicing engineers and scientists or college students. Many
Mentors have disabilities themselves. DO-IT Ambassadors (Scholars who ...

https://sc1.checkpoint.com › Clonin... Traduzir esta página

Cloning Group - Check Point

You are here: System Management > Cloning Group. Cloning Group. A Cloning Group is a
collection of Gaia Closed Check Point security operating system that ...

https://news.gallup.com › poll › clo... · Traduzir esta página

Cloning | Gallup Historical Trends

Please tell me whether you personally believe that in general, cloning animals is morally
acceptable or morally wrong. How about cloning humans?

https://dnalc.cshl.edu › animations Traduzir esta página

"Cloning 101" Biology Animation Library - DNA Learning Center

Since then the debate on applying the technique to clone human beings has been ongoing.
Based on all the discussion, it may sound like cloning, human or ...

https://passel2.unl.edu › lesson Traduzir esta página

Gene cloning is the process in which a gene of interest is located and copied (cloned) out of all
the DNA extracted from an organism.

https://context.reverso.net › traducao › ingles-portugues

cloning - Tradução em português - exemplos inglês

Traduções em contexto de "cloning" en inglês-português da Reverso Context : human cloning,
therapeutic cloning, cloning of human.

https://docs.oracle.com › cloningFS Traduzir esta página

Cloning File Systems - Oracle Help Center

Cloning Concepts. PARENT FILE SYSTEM. A parent file system is a file system that contains
data referenced by one or many clones. When you create a clone, ...

https://www.acronis.com › en-us › blog › posts › cloning-...

Hard Drive Cloning Software – Why You Need It - Acronis

25 de mar. de 2022 — A clone is a duplicate copy. Sheep have been cloned and maybe
someday even people will be cloned, but disk cloning (performed by the hard ...

http://www.genomequebec-education-formations.com › ... Traduzir esta página

Cloning - Genetics Basic Concepts

Cloning means creating genetically identical copies of a living being or of one of its parts. In
other words, clones share the same genetic material.

https://plato.stanford.edu › entries Traduzir esta página

Cloning - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

de K Devolder · 2008 · Citado por 8 — I will focus on human cloning (as opposed to animal
cloning), since human cloning has been the focus of the cloning debate. 1. What is Cloning?

https://www.smithsonianmag.com › ... Traduzir esta página

The Real Reasons You Shouldn't Clone Your Dog | Science

22 de mar. de 2018 — Their ongoing research hopes to “study the health and longevity of
cloned animals compared with their cell donors.” The science of dog cloning ...

https://animalbiotech.ucdavis.edu › ... Traduzir esta página

Cloning | animalbiotech - UC Davis

8 de jul. de 2019 — Animal Cloning. A clone is an organism that is descended from, and
genetically identical to, a single common ancestor. Animals can be cloned by ...

https://www.insightsonindia.com › ... Traduzir esta página


Cloning : Cloning is a technique scientists use to make exact genetic copies of living things.
Genes, cells, tissues,

https://www.understandinganimalresearch.org.uk › ... Traduzir esta página

Animal cloning - Understanding Animal Research

Dolly the sheep was the world's most famous clone. Many other animals have been cloned
before and since and the technology is the basis of stem cell ...

https://iep.utm.edu › cloning Traduzir esta página

Cloning | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

c. Reproductive Cloning. SCNT can also be used for reproductive purposes. Unlike therapeutic
cloning, the cloned embryo is transferred into a uterus of a female ...

https://git-scm.com › docs › git-clone Traduzir esta página

git-clone Documentation - Git

Force the cloning process from a repository on a local filesystem to copy the ... running git
repack without the --local option in a repository cloned with ...

https://legislation.nsw.gov.au › html Traduzir esta página

Human Cloning
Human Cloning for Reproduction
for Reproduction and Other
and Other Prohibited Prohibited
Practices Act 2003 No 20. Current
version for 29 July 2018 to date (accessed 12 September 2022 at 17:00).

https://www.drze.de › in-focus › re... Traduzir esta página

Research Cloning - DRZE

Research Cloning. Last update: May 2022. Contact: Aurélie Halsband · Authors. I. Medical and
Scientific Aspects. The sexual reproduction for many living ...

https://www.science.org › article › e... · Traduzir esta página

E.U. parliament votes to ban cloning of farm animals - Science

The European Parliament today voted to ban the cloning of all farm animals as well as the sale
of cloned livestock, their offspring, and products derived ...

https://www.nytimes.com › subject Traduzir esta página

Cloning - The New York Times

Cloning Is Used to Create Embryonic Stem Cells ... Researchers fused skin cells with donated
human eggs to create human embryos that were genetically identical to ...

https://hub.jhu.edu › gazette › ask-... Traduzir esta página

Ask an expert: How close are we to cloning humans? - JHU Hub

On one side, cloning is moving up the evolutionary scale; on the other, researchers are ...
Oregon Health & Science University has cloned nonhuman primates.

https://www.collinsdictionary.com › dictionary › english

Multiple cloning site definição e significado - Collins Dictionary

Definição de multiple cloning site: the product of a given number or polynomial and any other
one [...] | Significado, pronúncia, traduções e exemplos.

https://openoregon.pressbooks.pub › ... Traduzir esta página

Cloning – Principles of Biology

In general, cloning means the creation of a perfect replica. Typically, the word is used to
describe the creation of a genetically identical copy.

https://www.bbvaopenmind.com › ... Traduzir esta página

Human Therapeutic Cloning, the Pending Revolution

3 de dez. de 2021 — The technique, called somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), involves
replacing the nucleus of an egg cell, which contains the DNA, with that of ...

https://www.biologyonline.com › cl... Traduzir esta página

Cloning - Definition and Examples - Biology Online Dictionary

15 de jun. de 2022 — In biology, cloning is the process of producing similar populations of
genetically identical individuals that occurs in nature when ...

https://www.govinfo.gov › html Traduzir esta página


Most scientists agree that human cloning poses a serious risk of ... This bill does not ban animal
cloning, or cloning of DNA cells or other human embryos.

https://epthinktank.eu › 2014/12/10 Traduzir esta página

Cloning of animals | Epthinktank | European Parliament

10 de dez. de 2014 — Written by Ana Martinez Juan Cloning animals means creating animals
by using the genetic material from a cell from another animal.

https://www.scientificamerican.com › ... Traduzir esta página

Will Cloning Ever Save Endangered Animals?

11 de mar. de 2013 — Compared with cloning domestic species—particularly cattle, which have
been successfully cloned for years to duplicate desirable traits—cloning ...

https://www.centerforfoodsafety.org › ... Traduzir esta página

Animal Cloning & Human Health - Center for Food Safety

FDA justified its rush to approve cloned animals in food by claiming that advances in animal
cloning have resolved issues related to poor animal health, ...

https://bioethics.georgetown.edu › ... Traduzir esta página

Frequently Asked Questions about Human Cloning and the ...

1. What is cloning? Cloning is a form of reproduction in which offspring result not from the
chance union of egg and sperm (sexual reproduction) but from ...

https://www.ama-assn.org › ethics Traduzir esta página

Cloning for Reproduction | American Medical Association

Reproductive cloning has the potential to be used in a eugenic or discriminatory fashion—
practices that are incompatible with the ethical norms of medicine.

https://www.thelancet.com › fulltext · Traduzir esta página

The cloning debate and the cycle of evolution - The Lancet

de SC Toal · 2002 — Cloning seems to provide the answer. For critics who say that this
approach can cause increased genetic defects, let it not be forgotten ...

https://www.nebiolabs.com.au › fo... Traduzir esta página

Foundations of Molecular Cloning - Past, Present and Future

de R Tirabassi · Citado por 6 — Molecular cloning, a term that has come to mean the creation
of recombinant DNA molecules, has spurred progress throughout the life sciences.

https://www.dovepress.com › stem-... Traduzir esta página

Stem Cells and Cloning: Advances and Applications

This is an international, peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes: Original Research;
Reviews; Hypothesis Formation; Commentaries; ...

https://academic.oup.com › article · Traduzir esta página

Biology of Cloning: History and Rationale | BioScience

de RG McKinnell · 1999 · Citado por 36 — We believe that because Dolly was the first animal
cloned from an adult cell, she stimulated scientists, theologians, ethicists, journalists, ...

https://www.php.net › manual › lan... Traduzir esta página

Object Cloning - Manual - PHP

When an object is cloned, PHP will perform a shallow copy of all of the object's properties. Any
properties that are references to other variables will ...

https://reviverestore.org › projects Traduzir esta página

About Cloning - Revive & Restore

Today, cloning is achieved through somatic cell nuclear transfer. In this process, the nucleus of
a donor cell (a cell from the individual to be cloned) is ...

https://www.qiagen.com › products Traduzir esta página

QIAGEN PCR Cloning Kits

PCR products are efficiently cloned into the pDrive Cloning Vector in less time than is required
for TA-based cloning vectors (see figure "Highly specific ...

Pesquisas relacionadas

human cloning benefits of cloning

dna cloning how is cloning done

cloning process molecular cloning

cloning types cloning methods

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