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I Et 3926.01 1200 831 TVC 009
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I Et 3926.01 1200 831 TVC 009
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TecHICAL sPEciFICATION | [-ET-3926 01-1200-881-TVC-000 Te Fo CMB COMPANHIA MEXILHAO DO BRASIL ep Tat *_MEXILHAO FIELD DEVELOPMENT. PLATFORM OF MEXILHAO 1 (PMXL-1) PAINTING PROCEDURE. Cassio) To © PAINT 23267 (08007. TET 9250-1200 €01-1V6 Bo B_POODT TERM-3926.01-1200-891-MJU-005 TREE RM 023267708 tyco ranvese covmmotsarasn FRE ete INS 08 (ON OFF PNEUMATICALLY ACTUATED VALVES THOT TERT RV 415251 1 XV $415252/ XV 5415254) XV 5415286 / XV 5413S REVISION INDEX DESCRIPTION AND / OR REVISED SHEETS, FOR APPROVAL. REVISED AS ADF-PMXL1-INS-0672_0 ~ CERTIFIED DOCUMENT INCLUDED ITEM 5.2.4 - CERTIFIED DOCUMENT a = eels [Tie Rewew or tris bocUMeENT DOS NOT RELEASE THE SUPPLIER OF RESPONSIBLITY FOR [THE DESIGN, FABRICATION AND PERFORNACE OF [Iie SuPPLIED EQUIPMENT OR ANY CONTRACTUAL Jor orHeR obuiGATIONS. 1a OSORRERTS Son ce ais Pred JWaTH CONMENTS. Reve andor oe B |ccmmerte. Proceed wn fbrcaon IWATH COMMENTS, Send cared drawings © Poca win treater D [REIECTED. Rest tx conor. Sop aban E [SERTIED DOCIWENT Resales Ff [FORINFORATION Name ‘Signature loate REV0 | REVA | reve | ReVC | REVO | REVE | REV] REVO ‘DATE Zernsiz008 | 210772008 | —Taroar2005 DESIGN VC TNC Tv EXECUTION Re ac Re ‘CHECK om ‘APPROVAL NTECHNICAL SPECIFICATION _Ler-3926 01-1200-831-rve-000 | CMB PLATFORM OF MEXILHAO 4 (PMXL-1) per aor PAINTING PROCEDURE INDEX 4. OBJETIVE 2. REFERENCE 3. GENERAL CONDITIONS: 3.4 Paints. 3.2 Delivery and Storage of Paints and Solvents 3.3 Paints Applicator 3.4 Application Process 4. APPLICATION CONTROL, 5. PAINTING SCHEMES 5.1. Scheme A - For Carbon Steel, Operating Temperature up to 90°C. 5.2. Scheme B - For Stainless Steel Surfaces. 6. PAINTING INSPECTION 6-4 Paints 6.2 Surface Preparation 6.3 Profile of roughness 6.4 Ambient and Surface Temperatures 6.5 Film 6.6 Adhesion 6.7 Dry Film Thickness 6.8 Discontinuities 7. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 7.4 Paints, 7.2 Surface Preparation 7.3 Profile of roughness 7.4 Ambient and Surface Temperatures 75 Film 7.6 Adhesion 7.7 Dry Film Thickness 78 Discontinuities 8 RETOUCHING IN THE PAINTING SCHEME. 9 PRINTED FORMS OF RECORDING RESULTS OF INSPECTION. TO SEE ANNEX 410 - ANNEX eT. 3606 0-1200-89-1Ve-009_8TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION ver sees o1-i200esrtve-o08 | 8 CMB PLATFORM OF MEXILHAO 4 (PMXL-1) Port PAINTING PROCEDURE 4. OBJETIVE This Procedure is to establish the requirements to be followed to obtain a high protective coating on exposed surfaces subject to offshore conditions. It is applicable to the bodies of the valves to be supplied by Tyco for Petrobras Platform of Mexihéo PMXL-1, Santos Basin, Sao Paulo, Brazil Itis applicable in the painting of the valves tag’s XV-5415251, XV-5415252, XV-5415253, XV-5415254 and XV-5415256, operation temperature between 25 and 87 °C, all components stainless steel. 2. REFERENCE |.€T.3000.00-1000-956-PPC-001 REV A — General Painting LET 3000,00-1200-956-PPC-001 REV A — Painting Color Identification for Piping and Equipment -ET-3010-00-1300-140-PPC-002 REV B — Surface Tolerant Solvent Free Epoxy Paint. }ET-2926.01-1300-140-PPC-001 - Painting 3. GENERAL CONDITIONS 3.1 Paints 3.1.1 Surface Tolerant Solvent Free Epoxy Paint ( Spec item 7.1.) Paint manufacturer shall assure qualification of their products according the TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION |- ET-3010-00-1300-140-PPC.002 EURO-basic 301 K Paint, manufactured by Euronavy, Interbond 998PB, manufactured by Akzo Nobel (International); Calacare FS 911, manufactured by Calamar or Lackpoxi 76 Wet and lackpoxi 77 Wet, manufactured by Weg Characteristic of paint ready for application shall be as below. = Flash Point: 85°C (min.) (ASTM D-56) ~ Consistency: 110 UK (max.) Pot life, at 25°C: 2 hours (min.) - Drying time to touch at 250C: 6 hours (max.) - Drying time to tack free at 250C: 16 hours (max.) ~ Total cure time: 7 days (max.) = Specific Weight: 1.4 g / cm3 (max.) Characteristics of dry fim shall be as follows: = Thickness per one coat: 150 micra (min.) - Resistance to salt spray: 2000 hours (min.) ~ Resistance to 100% humidity: 2000 hours (min.) - Resistance to immersion in distilled water at 40°C: 1500 hours (min.) ~ Resistance to immersion in sat water (3.5% NaCl -40°C): 2000 hours (min.) - Resistance to immersion in NaOH at 30%: 720 hours (min.) ~ Bright at 60°: 70 UB (min.) - Adherence to tension: 12 MPa (min.) Adhesive Failure A/B ASTM D-4541-95A 4 using Mechanical Treatment CSt3 (wet) from ISO-8501-1 ‘This coating shall be able to be applied on either a dry or wet surface under severe conditions of humidity (up to 100% relative humidity) 3.1.2 Aliphatic Polyurethane Acrylic Finish Paint ( Spec item 7.3 ) or Petrobras Std N-2677 EURO-thane 3 PU16 Paint, manufactured by Euronavy; Interthane 582 Paint, manufactured by Akzo Nobel (International ): ‘Sumatane 2677 Paint, manufactured by Sherwin Willians ( Sumaré ) Rethane FLV 653 Paint, manufactured by Renner Herrmann or Calathane 677, manufactured by Tintas CalamarTECHNIGAL SPEGIICATION CMB PLATFORM OF MEXILHAO 4 (PMXL-1) oft 26.01-1200-831-TV0-009 PAINTING PROCEDURE Characteristic of paint ready for application shall be as below. ~ Solids by Volume: 60 9% (min ) ~ Drying time to touch: + hour (max. = Drying time to tack free: 4 hours (max.) Characteristics of dry film shall be as follows: ~ Thickness per one coat 50 micra (min.) = Resistance to salt spray: 480 hours (min,) ~ Resistance to 100% humidity: 480 hours (min.) = Resistance to immersion in salt water (3.5% NaCl - 40°C): 480 hours (min.) = Bright: 70 UB (min.) 3.4.3 Epoxy Isocyanate Iron Oxide Paint ( Spec item 7.5 ) or Petrobras Std N-2198 EURO-shop WP 04 Paint, manufactured by Euronavy; Interplate 341 Paint, manufactured by Akzo Nobel (International ) ‘Sumadur SP 530 Paint, manufactured by Sherwin Willians ( Sumaré ); Revran PAA 540 Paint, manufactured by Renner Herrmann or Calacron-iso, manufactured by Tintas Calamer Characteristic of paint ready for application shall be as below: - Specific mass: 1.0 g/cm? - Solids by mass: 32 % (min.) ~ Solids by volume: 17 % (min) = Pigment: 20.5% mass (min.) - Time to complete dryness: 20 minutes (min.) ~ Time to ready for repainting: 6 hours (min.) 72 hours (max) = Pot life of mix at 25°C: 5 hours (min) - Viscosity, n® 4 Ford cup: 14 seconds (min.) 25 seconds (max.) = Theoretical yield per application (20 micra): 11.3 m/L (min.) - Fineness of grain: 35 micra (max.) Characteristics of dry film shall be as follows. - Thickness per coat: 18 micra (min.) = Resistance to salt spray: 48 hours (min.) Resistance to 100% relative humidity: 4 hours (min.) ~ Adhesion: 4 B (min.) - ASTM D-3359 the test shall be done on a galvanized carbon steel specimen 3.2 Delivery and Storage of Paints and Solvents. Points where paints, varnishes are stored must be roofed over, well aired, not exposed to excessive heat, Protected against sparks, atmospheric discharges and the direc rays of the sun Maximum stacking height of paint must be twenty (20) one-gallons cans. Paints must be stored in a manner as to permit withdrawal first of all of the oldest material in stock (FIFO=firstinffirst-out), with stocks being handled so as to avoid damage 3.3 Paints Applicator The paint applicator contracted for this work has qualified staff and operators with ability and knowledge of pertinent items of this procedure.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION [* _.27-3926.01-1200-831-TV0.008 CMB PLATFORM OF MEXILHAO 4 (PMXL-1) Soft PAINTING PROCEDURE 3.4 Application Process 3.4.1 Brush ‘The paintbrush shall be of natural vegetal or animal fibers, in order to avoid the releasing of fiber during the paint work. They shall be kept clean and free from any residues, ‘They shall be used for painting welded areas, regular surfaces, sharp corners and cavities. ‘The paintbrush shall be 125 mm (5") wide at most. The application shall be carried out in such a manner that the film of paint does not show any brush marks after drying Runs or ways streaks shall be corrected at once with the paintbrush, ‘On weld filets paint shall always be applied by paintbrush, 3.4.2 Roller Roller shall be used for painting extensive fat, cylindrical and spherical areas of considerable radius of curvature Paint shall be applied in parallel runs, starting from the upper part ofthe structure, and with the next stroke being given crosswise to the previous one Irregular portions of the surface or those that cannot be reached with the roller, shall be painted by paintbrush or by spray gun. Two adjacent strips of the same coat of paint shall be overlapped a minimum of 5 cm Paint shall be applied in all cases so that the film does not display blisters, tearing the previous coat or impregnation with hairs falling of the role. 3.4.3 Conventional Spray Gun This system shall be used for painting extensive areas or where high productivity is desired. The compressed air used in the spray gun shall be free from water or oil. The equipment shall be provided with separator, containing silica gel and activated carbon, so as to remove water and oil respectively. ‘Separator shall be of suitable size and type and shall be periodically drained during the painting operation. Painting equipment shall have air and paint regulators and gauges. ‘Compressed air hoods, nozzles and needle valves shall be the ones recommended by the manufactures of the equipment for the particular type of paint to be sprayed on. Pressure on the paint in the tank and the pressure of the air on the spray gun shall be adjusted in accordance with the kind of paint that is being sprayed. ‘The pressure on the paint in the tank shall be adjusted whenever necessary so as to offset variations in the height at which the spray gun is raised above the tank. Air pressure in the spray gun shall be high enough to atomize the paint but not so high as to cause excessive misting, excessive evaporation of solvent or losses due to excessive pulverization During application the spray gun shall be held perpendicular to the surface and at a constant distance such aas ensures the depositing of a damp coat of paint, and the paint shall impinge on the surface stip the form of a spray. eri ues ers026 011200891TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION * _14£7-3926 o-1200-831-TVC-008 8 PLATFORM OF MEXILHAO 4 (PMX sont | PAINTING PROCEDURE This method of application shall not be used in places subject to strong wind or on extremely thin structures, which would lead to a great wastage of paint 3.4.4 Air Less Spray Gun ‘The airless spray gun should always be used where practicable; being the preferred method of application. Painting equipment shall have air and paint regulators and gauges. The pressure of the pneumatic pump in the painting equipment shall be adjusted in accordance with the particular type of paint being sprayed on. ‘During application, the spray gun shall be held perpendicular to the surface and at a constant distance that ensures the depositing of a damp film of the paint, and the paint shall impinge on the surface stil form of a spray. ‘On weld fillets paint shall always be applied by paintbrush, 4, APPLICATION CONTROL 4.4 Paints with two or more components, it shall be homogenized separately and then the latter mixed in precise agreement with the methods and in the exact proportions recommended by the manufactures. To see the Technical Data Sheet of the paint. 4.2 Mixing, homogenization and dilution must be done only at time application 4.3 Paints whose pot life has been exceeded must not be used 4.4 Drying compounds must not be added to paints. 4.8 Crevices, corners and low portions hard to paint must be evened up by welding or with epoxy paste. 4.6 No paint must be applied when the ambient temperature is bellow 5 °C. 4.7 No paint must be applied if there are expectations that the ambient temperature is going to fall to 0 °C before the paint has time to dry 4.8 Paint must not be applied to metallic surfaces when surface temperature is lower than § °C or higher than 50°C, 4.9 No paint must be applied in rainy, misty or foggy weather, when the relative humidity of the air exceeds ‘85%, or when there are expectations that the latter condition will be attained. The exception is the Surface Tolerant Solvent Free Epoxy Pair 4.10 On edges, comers, lowered areas, crevices, bol holes and welds primer must always be applied by paintbrush, 4.11 Each coat of paint must be of uniform thickness, free from flaws such as runs, pocking, sagging, swelling, wrinkling, cracking, blistering, cratering, impregnation with abrasive andlor foreign matter, peeling off, oxidation andior corrosion, inclusion of hairs and pores, 4.12 Equipment painted before assembly must not be handled until all used paints has died. Handling of these equipment shali be performance in order to minimize damage to the paint job. This procedure shall include the use of stee! cables suitably protected or leather belting inthe case of small partsTECHNICAL SPECIFICATION £72026.01 1200 8BNV CMB PLATFORM OF MEXILHAO 4 (PMXL-1) Tot I PAINTING PROCEDURE 5. PAINTING SCHEMES 5.1. Scheme A - For Carbon Steel, Operating Temperature up to 90°C. PAINTING -Acc I-ET-3000.00-1000-956-PPC-001_A item 6.1.1. and CT-PMXL1-MJU-EST-0026 5.1.1. Surface Preparation Machined surfaces, threads, bolts, etc shall be protected from abrasive blasting by means of wood or plastic covers, Before preparing the surface to be painted, a visual inspection of the entire surface shall be done to note points displaying vestiges of oil, grease, surface (A, B, C of D) in accordance with Standard ISO B50%-1 (SIS 05 5900 1967) For the painting scheme stipulated in this procedure, itis required that the surface to be painted is solvent cleaned only in those areas in which, during inspection, vestiges of oll, grease or fat are observed to be present Finish: Apply dry abrasive blasting to grade ISO 8501-1 Sa 2%, (illustration in standard SIS 05 59 00 — 1967). ‘The profile roughness shall be in the range of the 30 to 70 micrometers. 5.1.2 Stripe coat On edges, comers, lowered areas, crevices, bolt holes and welds apply one Coat of the “Surface Tolerant Solvent Free Epoxy Paint Cured, by means of paintbrush. 5.4.3 Epoxy Paint Immediately after applying dry abrasive blasting, apply three coats of Surface Tolerant Solvent Free Epoxy Paint, in minimum dry film thickness of 150 micrometers per coat, by means of airless spray gun and brush. Interval from one coat to the next shall be at least 16 hours or at most 48 hours. The final color shall be Safety yellow 5 ¥ 8/12 Holliday Detector Test shall be applicable after this coating ‘Adhesion test according ASTM D-4541 A4 5.2. Scheme B - For Stainless Steel Surfaces. PAINTING -Acc I-ET-3010,00-1000-956-PPC-001 item 6.2, 5.2.1. Surface preparation Clean with solvents the regions contaminated with ol, grease or fat. Clean with manual brush and sanding to remove oxide and other impurities. ‘The abrasive blasting can be used to improve the conditions of adherence or to remove oxides ‘The blasting use is allowed to improve the conditions of adherence since it used abrasive new, fine and of neutral material, without contamination The material to be painted in agreement with this item shall be 100% free from contamination. 5.2.2. Adherence Paint Apply one coat of Epoxy Isocyanate Iron Oxide Paint, in minimum dry film thickness of 20 microns, by means of conventional spray gun 17-302601-120083TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION |" .£7-3928 01-1200-851-TVC-009 8 C_M_B PLATFORM OF MEXILHAO 1 (PMXL-4) eetrail PAINTING PROCEDURE 5.23. Finish Coat ‘Six (6) {© twenty-four hours after applying adherence paint, apply one coat of Polyurethane Acrylic Paint, in minimum dry film thickness of 50 microns, by means of conventional spray gun. eae Additional painting for correction of the color The pieces shall be sanded manually mn way the improve conditions of adherence of the paint. To apply one coat of Polyurethane Acrylic Paint, in minimum dry film thickness of 50 microns, by means of conventional spray gun The final color shall be light gray N-6,5 for valves and mounted supports. Safety Blue 2,5 PB 4/10 for actuators, adapters and free supports a ae al The Holliday Detector Test is not applicable. Adhesion test according ABNT NBR 11003 Method B “grade” 6, PAINTING INSPECTION Al the painting works shall be witness by qualified inspector N-l (SEQUI - PETROBRAS) or N-lI (NACE) ‘Al the inspections shall be registered in the form of Recording Results of Painting Inspection, signed and stamped by the inspector 6-4 Paints. For each batch of paint received compare the results of the quality certificate issued by manufacturer with the items 3.1.1, 3.1.2 or 3.1.3 this procedure Paint Certificate Inspector N-li (SEQUI - PETROBRAS) or N-IIl (NACE) shall sign procedure 6.2 Surface Preparation ‘A visual examination shall be made to assure that surface is free from dust, rusted areas, oil, grease or fat, oxide and other impurities. ‘The surface shall be compared with the degree of cleanliness specified in the painting scheme 6.3 Profile of roughness The roughness profile shall be determined by a needle instrument with a level of precision of § micrometer. Frequency of measurement will be one :eading per hour of blasting and/or after change in nozzle pressure, abrasive type or abrasive size. 6.4 Ambient and Surface Temperatures. ‘The ambient and surface temperatures shall be measured and recorded before starting paintwork. The Theasurements will be repeated during the course of the day, whenever enviranmental changes such as wind, tog and temperature drops occur. 6.5 Film Each film of paint shall be examined to make sure the work is free of the defects showed in the item 4.11 this procedure. ‘Wet film thickness measurements shall be taken at frequent intervals during the application process 6.6 Adhesion agus ‘The norm and the method for execution of the test are specified in the painting schemes. worsen ver-g928 01200-0014TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION LeT.a92601-1200-8%-Tc-009 | “YB CMB PLATFORN OF MENLHRO 1 (PHN) arm — One test plate shall make during coating application for adhesion test according to ASTM D-4541 The adhesion test shall be made in samples by lot of painted after total cure of the one of the painting, The ‘samples shall have the approximate dimensions of 6 X 100 X 200 mm, For the equipments covered by this procedure, a number of tests corresponding, in absolute value, to 1% of the total painted area shall be performed, For test, for a painted area of 25 m2 (1 % of 25 is equal to 0.25) at least one adhesion tests shalt be performed, distributed uniformly throughout the entire painted area; for a 300 m2 area (1 % of 300 is equal to 3), at least three tests shall be performed, Notes: 1) The criterion mentioned above is valid when the area is painted using the same batch of paint and the painting is made at the same day, not being allowed to add the areas in order to quantify the number of tests 2) When the painting is made using different batches of the same paint and it doesn’t be made at the same day, the painted areas shall be identified, demarcated and inspectioned separately Buyer's Inspector shall witness the adhesion tests 6.7 Dry Film Thickness ‘Dry film thickness will be measured after each coat using Mikrotest, Elcometer or similar. Measure the thickness on every 10 m?, of fraction of surface of the equipment. Dry film thickness gauge shall be calibrated daly using certified calibration plates. Surfaces to be tested shall be dry, clean and free of dry spray before measurements are made. The thickness tests shall be witnessed by Buyer's Inspector. Dry film thickness gauge shall be calibrated daily using certified calibration plate. Surfaces to be tested shall be dry, clean and free of dry spray before measurements are made. Client inspectar shall witness the thickness tests, continuities ‘After the application ofthe last anticorrosive coat, wet sponge 67 % volts holiday detector shall be used. 7. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA TA Paints The paints shall be in conformity withthe items 3.1.1, 3.1.2 or 31.3 this procedure. 7.2 Surface Preparation The examined surface cannot exhibit vestiges ofthe oil, grease or fat, oxide and other impurities, ‘The surface shall display an appearance identical to the photographic standard sample appearing in the ISO 8501-4 (SIS-05-5900-1967), standard specified in the item 6.1 this procedure. 7.3 Profile of roughness. The profile roughness shall le in the range of 30 to 70 micrometers, 7.4 Ambient and Surface Temperatures. ‘Shall be followed the criteria showed in the items 4.6, 4.7, 4.8 and 4.9 this procedure.“TECHNIGAL SPEGIFICATION PF ver-sezsor-ra00-earveoo | 8 CMB PLATFORM OF MEXILHAO 4 (PMXL-4) PT owt PAINTING PROCEDURE 7.8 Film Will not be accepted defects mentioned in 4.11 7.6 Adhosion ‘The adhesion test shell be made in sample For the Surface Tolerant Solvent Free Paint, ine minimum acceptable is 15 Mpa - adhesive failure A/B, according ASTM 0-4541 - A4. This test shall be done on the cured anticarrosive painting system. Lack of adherence between coatings or cohesion lack below the specified traction is not reasons reproof of the test. In these cases it stall be awaited more some days and to repeat the tests. If the test to accuse lack of adhesion between the substratum and the first coating (A/B) it shall be awaited ‘some days and the test shall be repeated in one of the pieces. If to accuse lack of adhesion, the painting of the piece is rejected and the whole lot shall be tested. Every piece that to accuse lack of adherence shail be rejected. ‘The results of the adhesion test in accordance with ABNT NBR 11003 method 8, the maximum grade for acceptance shall be GR1. 7.7 Dry Film Thickness No thickness measurement shall present a value below the minimum dry film thickness specified in the paint system Whenever the minimum thickness is found to be smaller than that specified, the area shall be mapped by means of new measurements and an additional coat shall then be applied ‘Areas with an increase of up to 40 % in the thickness per coat specified in the paint system are accepted 7.8 Discontinuities A surface examined shall not display discontinuities, and the region displaying defects shall be repaired. 8 RETOUCHING IN THE PAINTING SCHEME. 8.1 All areas with insulficient thickness of paint or other application defects must be repaired. The next coat ‘must be applied just a complete drying of paints in the repaired areas, 8.2 In case of retouching on damaged paintwork, the original scheme must be repeated. In case of localized repairs, retouch shall be applied after sanding, only in the affected layer. 10 PRINTED FORMS OF RECORDING RESULTS OF INSPECTION. TO SEE ANNEX Forms should consist in the coating inspection report: ‘The number and revision ofthis specification; The name and tag ofthe piace coated: The coated area ofthe piece, Painting Scheme Date and hour at the beginning arid end of each coating activity; The degree of observed biasting and obtained roughness profi; The environmental conditions observed during each phase of the services, as: Relative humidity of the air ambient, surface and dew point temperatures; Adhesion test results Dry fim thickness results Discontinuities test results Products used, as: Paints, color, manufacturers and commercial references, lot of production and date of validity and Instruments used in the coating inspection.CMB ‘TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION = versozsor-t200-ea1-Tvcc0e | PLATFORM OF MEXILHAO 4 (PMX em PAINTING PROCEDURE 410 ANNEX a ARPEX RELATORIO DE INSPEGAO DE PINTURA eras inate a Pa Sear PRA Same ie Pe — fos REGISTRO DE RESULTADOS DE SATEAMENTO. x |< | « | «© | reco = =| 0 REGISTRO DE RESULTADOS DE PINTURA Co im ae Rpeao | OATES] Fa Demi {sal Rao Ta TRPA-Ce) ts TR} TR UR] eT | EPS ERIN] Tae FRR ra] e[<[*|< = = a = =F Tiras Foe oa S Fa Dom |acesaa re cr TPAC we TATRA TTT STRSTR | TS RS | — FSS < | “ = = a > Ter TES Fa Demi |asamreroeE — TPA tot TAPER oR ERSTE | ERRATA a « « [om ium =e = aca eS ES Demo Lama CSRTET = TRPA- tt tn TARR ToT] EPS STNG] TSE RESTA 1 Ta ra TAPA-0s®) cs TR] TERRES RT] STR] TT RISO co <|<|[*[m tom ae a RST ae a | Da Irtrurentos Gear, obseragsen [FA= To peratira Aerie TP = Teriperalra da Pega TRO= Torpeotur do Porto Ge Ovaro [URK= Unidas Roatva ts A EPS = Eapessura Ge Plea Seca Visual Baprovado eats de Desconiraniaaee Tauas FT RNG TAReprovado [INA DAprovado BReprovade | 0 Aprovado © Reprovado Pranedimentos Apicogos rape irapegae Gere Trapegio hiked
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Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
No Everand
Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
James Clear
Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
4/5 (1056)
Where the Crawdads Sing: Reese's Book Club
No Everand
Where the Crawdads Sing: Reese's Book Club
Delia Owens
Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
4/5 (4110)
The Hobbit
No Everand
The Hobbit
J. R. R. Tolkien
Nota: 4.5 de 5 estrelas
4.5/5 (26283)
American Gods: The Tenth Anniversary Edition
No Everand
American Gods: The Tenth Anniversary Edition
Neil Gaiman
Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
4/5 (13054)
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
No Everand
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Stephen R. Covey
Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
4/5 (2583)
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking
No Everand
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking
Susan Cain
Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
4/5 (3043)
Pride and Prejudice: Classic Tales Edition
No Everand
Pride and Prejudice: Classic Tales Edition
Jane Austen
Nota: 4.5 de 5 estrelas
4.5/5 (20435)
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
No Everand
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
Carol S. Dweck
Nota: 4 de 5 estrelas
4/5 (543)