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PET VOLUME: 01/2021



Direitos Humanos.

• Reconhecer, nos novos gêneros digitais (blogs, mensagens instantâneas, tweets, entre outros), novas
formas de escrita (abreviação de palavras, palavras com combinação de letras e números,
pictogramas, símbolos gráficos, entre outros) na constituição das mensagens.
• Inferir informações e relações que não aparecem de modo explícito no texto para construção de sentidos.
• Identificar o assunto um texto, reconhecendo sua organização textual e palavras cognatas.

Simple Past. Notícias, manchetes de jornais e revistas, anúncios com muita informação não verbal,
imagens, textos e sites da internet.

TEMA: Direitos Humanos

Caro (a) Estudante, nessa semana você irá conhecer ou relembrar o tema Direitos
Humanos. De onde e como surgiu a Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos? Como esse
documento influi em nossa vida? O que precisamos fazer para assegurar nossos direitos?

Você irá também relembrar a estrutura dos verbos no Simple Past (passado simples):
Verbos geralmente terminados em ED (regulares) e os verbos irregulares, como became (tornou-
se), was (estava, era) e outros que você pode encontrar em livros de Inglês e na internet.

Estrutura do Simple Past:
(+) Afirmativas: Sujeito + verbo ED (regular verbs) +
complementos. (-) Negativas: sujeito + didn’t + verbo +
(?) Interrogativas: Did + sujeito + verbo principal + complementos.
Ex: Did you finish the homework? (Você terminou o Para Casa?)
Yes, I completed my homework yesterday. (Sim, terminei meu Para Casa ontem.)
No, I didn’t finish yet, but I’m working on it. ( Não, ainda não terminei mas estou trabalhando


Assista aos vídeo e conheça mais alguns verbos no Simple Past:
Disponível em: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-uW_KheiEc>. Acesso em: 21 jan.
Disponível em: <https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/grammar/beginner-
-simple-regular-verbs>. Acesso em: 21 jan. 2021.

Leia o texto e responda as questões abaixo:

Celebrate Diversity!

One of the most fascinating aspects about the world is the great diversity that exists among
people. So, we need to understand that human beings are indeed very different. And we need to
understand exactly what these differences are, so that we can see how such diversity can be
Our neighborhood may be composed of people from different backgrounds with different
traditions, beliefs and lifestyles. Our classmates may represent a variety of nationalities. When we
learn about diversity, we can broaden our horizons, open ourselves up to new possibilities and find
there are many choices and opportunities in life.

Adapted from <www.nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-0110/msg00131.html>.


among: entre (mais de duas coisas ou pessoas)

need: necessitar, ter que fazer algo (precisar)
understand: entender, compreender
human beings: seres humanos
neighborhood: bairro, vizinhança
background: classe social, contexto, origem
belief: crença
lifestyles: estilos de vida
classmates: colegas de classe
learn about: aprender sobre
broaden: ampliar
find (out): descobrir, encontrar, achar, procurar
01 - Write T for true or F for false
a) There is great diversity among people around the world. ( )
b) The diversity among people is one of the most boring aspects about the world. ( )
c) We don't need to understand that human beings are very different. ( )
d) When we don't understand the differences, we can see that the diversity is enriching.( )
e) Our neighborhood may be composed of people from different nationalities.( )
f) Our classmates may represent a variety of traditions, beliefs and lifestyles.( )
g) When we learn about diversity, we open ourselves up to new possibilities.( )
h) When we learn about diversity, we find there aren't many opportunities in life.( )

02 – Escreva os verbos do texto no quadro abaixo e coloque – os no passado.


Infinitive form Simple Past Free Translation

To spark Sparked Provocou, iniciou

Lara Croft

You may know of Lara Croft from the movie Tomb Raider. But the character Lara Croft was
popular before the 2001 movie. In fact, Lara Croft is the main character in a video game.
Introduced in 1996, Tomb Raider the video game was an instant hit. People liked this new
character. She was strong, smart, and female - quite different from all the other male action
heroes around at that time. Besides now appearing in movies, Lara Croft also has her own comic
books series.

1. O texto é sobre
a) a famous movie star.
b) an adventure series.
c) a famous female hero.
d) a new video game.
2. De acordo com o texto, por que Tomb Raider foi um sucesso instantâneo?
a) The main character was different from heroes before.
b) There was a lot of action in the game.
c) The main hero was very smart.
d) There were many interesting heroes in the game.

3. Marque verdadeiro ou falso.

a) Lara Croft is very popular.
b) She is a real woman.
c) She has had a lot of success.
d) She has appeared in many different kinds of things.
4. Escreva abaixo os verbos que estão no passado simples.


Leia o texto e responda as questões abaixo:

Mr. Jones's shop

Mr. Jones's shop sold food. Mr. Jones and a young man worked there. The young man's
name was George.
A man came into the shop on Monday. He was a funny man. Mr. Jones was in the office. It was
behind the shop. The funny man looked at George and said, "I want a small table, please."
George said, "We don't sell tables in this shop. We sell food."
The man smiled and answered, "A small, brown table." He took a picture out of his bag and
showed it to George. It was a picture of a small, brown table.
George put his mouth near the man's ear and said, "We do not have tables in this shop!
Food! Not tables!"
The man smiled and answered, "That's good. Thank you."
Then he sat down on a chair and waited.
George was not happy. He went into the office and spoke to Mr. Jones. Then he and Mr.
Jones came out again.
Mr. Jones was angry. He looked at the man and said, "What do you want?"
The man smiled and answered, "I want a loaf of brown bread, please. Haven't you got any
bread in your shop?"
Mr. Jones said, "Yes, we have." He looked at George, and then he went and got a loaf of
brown bread from a big box and gave it to the man.

Read these questions and find the right answers.

1. Did Mr. Jones work in George's shop?

a) No, he didn't.
b) Yes, he did.

2. Who worked in Mr. Jones's shop?

a) A funny man did.
b) George did.

3. Did the shop sell tables or food?

a) It sold food.
b) It sold tables.

4. Did the funny man ask George for some food?

a) No, he didn't.
b) Yes, he did.
5. Did the funny man ask George for a table?
a) No, he didn't.
b) Yes, he did.

6. Did George show him a table?

a) No, he didn't.
b) Yes, he did.

7. Whose office did George go into then?

a) Mr. Jones's.
b) The funny man's.

8. Did Mr. Jones speak to the funny man?

a) No, he didn't.
b) Yes, he did.

9. Was Mr. Jones happy, or angry?

a) He was angry.
b) He was happy.

10. Did the funny man ask Mr. Jones for a table or some food?
a) A table.
b) Some food

Leitura / Oralidade.

Leitura e Produção oral.

• Localizar informações específicas em texto.
• Identificar o assunto um texto, reconhecendo sua organização textual e palavras cognatas.
• Interessar-se pelo texto lido, compartilhando suas ideias sobre o que o texto informa/comunica.
• Produzir textos (infográficos, fóruns de discussão on-line, fotorreportagens, campanhas publicitárias,
memes, entre outros) sobre temas de interesse coletivo local ou global, que revelem posicionamento crítico.

Textos de gêneros variados, voto feminino no Brasil.

TEMA: Leitura


Para conhecer mais sobre Bertha Lutz acesse:
Acesso em: 11 jan. 2021.

Leia o texto e responda as questões abaixo:

Violation of Human Rights

Violence against women and girls is a grave violation of human rights. Its impact ranges
from immediate to long-term multiple physical, sexual and mental consequences for women and
girls, including death. It negatively affects women's general well-being and prevents women from
fully participating in society. Violence not only has negative consequences for women but also
their families, the community and the country at large. It has tremendous costs, from greater
health care and legal expenses and losses in productivity, impacting national budgets and overall
Decades of mobilizing by civil society and women's movements have put ending gender-
based violence high on national and international agendas. An unprecedented number of
countries have laws against domestic violence, sexual assault and other forms of violence.
Challenges remain however in implementing these laws, limiting women and girls' access to safety
and justice. Not enough is done to prevent violence, and when it does occur, it often goes


a. ( ) Violence against women has strong consequences in their lives, and it can lead them to
b. ( ) Violence against women strikes their families, the community, and the country.
c. ( ) All countries have laws against domestic violence.

1 - Encontre no texto as palavras: violation, physical, immediate, occur, death, however,

justice, safety, prevent, tremendous, also, family, health, women, unpunished acima e
circule - as. Releia o texto com atenção e depois pesquise o significado.

2 - Complete as frases abaixo, com uma das palavras do texto acima.

a) Decades of mobilizing by civil society and__________ have put ending.
b) Violence against________________is a grave violation of human rights.
c) Violence not only has negative consequences for women but also their______.
d) Challenges remain however in __________ these laws, __________ and girls' access
to safety and justice.

3 - Reescreva as frases acima com suas palavras, em Português. Dica: volte ao texto para

a) _________________________________________________________________
b) _________________________________________________________________
c) _________________________________________________________________
d) _________________________________________________________________

4 - Ainda a respeito do texto sobre a Violation of Human rights, converse com familiares ou
pesquisa na internet e escreva um pequeno parágrafo, diálogo ou história em quadrinhos em
Inglês, contando sobre o dia internacional da mulher.
05 – Leia a responda:

A machine that is used for stitching cloth or

other material together. The first sewing
machine was invented in 1830 by Barthélemy
Thimonnier , a tailor, in France. In the United
States, Walter Hunt also invented a sewing
machine in 1834, but did not patent it. Later, in
1846, the device was improved by another
American, Elias Howe, whose business was not
successful at first. Isaac M. Singer made small
modifications in the machine and patented his
improvements in 1851. His business became a
success: his company sold 2,564 machines in 1856, and 13,000 in 1860.
1.Qual é o assunto tratado no texto “ Sewing Machine”?
2.Complete a tabela com as informações que estão faltando, baseia-se no

Quem? Quando? Onde? Teve sucesso?

Walter Hunt EUA não
Isaac M. Singer -

3.Qual é esse tipo de texto?

a.( )um anúncio publicitário.
b.( )um texto informativo- descritivo.
c.( )um verbete de enciclopédia.
d.( )um manual de instruções.
e.( )uma página da internet.

4. Qual frase descreve a função da máquina de costura?

a) It´s compact and durable.
b) It´s used for sewing clothes.
c) It´s used for carrying water.
d) It´s an invention.
e) It was invented by Barthélemy Thimonnier.
5. Leia as frases a seguir.
(I) The electric iron was invented by Henry W. Seeley.
(II) It is important to patent your invention.
(III) His business became a success.

Escolha a alternativa correta.

a)Todas as frases referem-se a eventos no passado.
b)Todas as frases referem-se a eventos no presente.
c) Apenas a frase(II) refere-se a eventos no passado.
d) Apenas as frases (I) e (II) referem-se a eventos no presente.
Apenas as frases (I) e (III) referem-se a eventos no passado.

Leitura / Oralidade.

• Identificar o assunto um texto, reconhecendo sua organização textual e palavras cognatas.
• Inferir informações e relações que não aparecem de modo explícito no texto para construção de
• Construir o sentido global de textos orais, relacionando suas partes, o assunto principal e
informações relevantes;
• Compartilhar, com os colegas, a leitura dos textos escritos pelo grupo, valorizando os diferentes
pontos de vista defendidos, com ética e respeito.

Quadrinhos, textos de gêneros variados

TEMA: Importância de todo trabalhador na sociedade.


Women who inspire: 5 must-know leaders in medicine, science and tech. Disponível em:
<https:// www.nbcnews.com/know-your-value/feature/women-who-inspire-5-must-
know-leaders-me-dicine-science-tech-ncna1242750>. Acesso em: 13 jan. 2021.

Heart disease and stroke are the world's biggest killers. Millions of people in Britain
take cholesterol-lowering drugs to reduce their risk. Now scientists from the
Netherlands Organisation of Applied Scientific Research believe they may have found
an alternative treatment. It's a vaccine that helps the body's immune system get rid
of bad cholesterol from the blood. The first human trials are now under way, but
researchers say it will take six years before they know if the jab is safe and effective
enough to get regulatory approval.
01.De acordo com o texto:
a. Doenças do coração e derrames são os maiores assassinos do mundo.
b.Milhões de pessoas no mundo sofrem de doenças do coração.
c.Apenas os derrames são os maiores assassinos do mundo.
d.Apenas as doenças do coração são os maiores assassinos do mundo.

02.” It's a vaccine that helps the body's immune system get rid of bad
cholesterol from the blood....” uma possível tradução para a frase acima é:
a. A vacina vai ajudar o colesterol a se livrar do sangue ruim.
b. É uma vacina que ajuda o sistema imunológico do corpo a se livrar do mau
colesterol no sangue.
c. A vacina vai tratar o sistema imunológico do colesterol ruim.
d. A vacina vai tratar o colesterol ruim através do corpo que vai se livrar do mau
funcionamento do sistema imunológico.

03.De acordo com o texto:

a. Os primeiros testes em ratos de laboratórios ainda estão em andamento.
b. Pesquisadores dizem que vai levar oito anos até saberem se a vacina é segura e
c. Cientistas holandeses acreditam ter encontrado um tratamento paliativo para
auxiliar o sistema imunológico.
d. Milhões de pessoas na Grã-Bretanha tomam remédios para baixar o colesterol.
Texto para às questões de 04 a 06

The vampire brothers Damon and Stefan Salvatore, eternal adolescents,
having been leading "normal" lives, hiding their bloodthirsty condition, for centuries,
moving on before their non-aging is noticed. They are back in the Virginia town
where they became vampires. Stefan is noble, denying himself blood to avoid killing,
and tries to control his evil brother Damon, who promised to Stefan an eternity of
misery. Stefan falls in love with schoolgirl Elena, who has an uncanny resemblance to
the Salvatore brothers old love, Katherine; and whose best friend Bonnie is a witch.
Written by KGF Vissers
04.O texto acima:
a. Apresenta o enredo da série The Vampire Diaries.
b. Relata sobre o primeiro capítulo da série The Vampire Diaries.
c. Relata apenas sobre a história da estudante Elena da série The Vampire Diaries.
d. Apresenta o episódio final da série The Vampire Diaries.

05.De acordo com o texto ‘Storyline’ Damon e Stefan Salvatore:

a. São adolescentes eternos que levam vidas normais, escondendo a
condição sanguinária, durante séculos.
b. São adolescentes que levam a vida escondendo-se durante séculos.
c. São adolescentes eternos que levam vidas paralelas, escondendo suas formas
reais, durante séculos.
d. São adolescentes que levam suas vidas em uma profunda escuridão, escondendo
a condição sanguinária, durante séculos.
06. Write True (T) or False (F).

a. ( )Stefan is noble.( Stefan é nobre.)

b. ( ) Damon, who promised to Stefan an eternity of misery.(Damon que prometeu
para Stefan uma eternidade de mistérios)
c. ( ) Stefan falls in love with schoolgirl Elena.( Stefan se apaixona pela estudante
d. ( ) Elena, who has an uncanny resemblance to the Salvatore brothers old love,
Katherine. ( Elena, que tem uma estranha semelhança com o velho amor dos
irmãos Salvatore, Katherine.)
e.( ) Bonnie is a witch.(Bonnie é uma guardiã.)


Each year the Brazilian city of Sao Paulo chooses its "most handsome elderly
man" in a beauty contest where charisma is as important as looks.
This year's winner, seventy six year old Jose dos Santos Neves, said: "When you're as
old as me, it's an achievement". The competition is a city initiative to promote self-
esteem among senior citizens.

07. Uma possível tradução para o título do texto seria:

a. São Paulo escolhe seu avô mais bonito.
b. São Paulo tem o avô mais bonito.
c. São Paulo tem o bisavô mais bonito.
d. São Paulo escolhe o bisavô mais bonito.
08.De acordo com o texto:
a. A competição é uma iniciativa da cidade para promover a autoestima entre
b. A cada ano um bisavô é escolhido em uma competição promovida pela cidade de
São Paulo.
c .O vencedor desse ano foi José dos Santos Neves de oitenta e seis anos.
d. O vencedor disse que quando se tem jovialidade fica fácil conquistar o prêmio.
Leitura e Escrita.

Construção da persuasão. Estratégias de Leitura.

 Distinguir fatos de opiniões em textos argumentativos da esfera jornalística.
 Explorar ambientes virtuais de informação e socialização, analisando a qualidade e a validade das
informa-ções veiculadas.
 Escolher, em ambientes virtuais, textos em língua inglesa, de fontes confiáveis, para
estudos/pesquisas escolares.
 Utilizar recursos verbais e não verbais para construção da persuasão em textos da esfera
publicitária, de forma adequada ao contexto de circulação (produção e compreensão).

 Notícias, fake news, manchetes de jornais e revistas, anúncios com muita informação não verbal,
imagens, textos e sites da internet.

01 – Faça a tradução do texto acima:


02 – Leia o texto a baixo e Responda as questões


Rap is a type of music that is spoken, not sung, in rhyme to the rhythm of a music beat.
The word rap comes from a 1960s slang word for conversation. Often, rap music uses bits
of other songs, a habit known as "sampling". Most rap songs center around daily life, often
focusing on the hardships and violence that are often a big part of life in big cities. For this
reason, many consider rap "street poetry". As rap emerged, so did hip-hop. Hip-hop is not just a
type of music, but a way to describe the fashion and lifestyle of people who enjoy, and identify
with, rap music, especially when rap is combined with R&B.

is spoken: é falado
not sung: não cantado
beat: batida
comes from: vem de
a 1960s slang word for conversation: uma gíria dos anos 60 para a palavra conversa
a habit known as "sampling": um hábito conhecido como "amostragem" - usar bits de outras músicas
to provide a beat: para criar uma batida
rap songs: músicas de Rap
center around daily life: gira em torno da vida cotidiana
hardships and violence: dificuldades e violência
street poetry: poesia de rua
Hip-hop is not just a type of music: Hip-hop não é apenas um estilo de música
a fashion and a lifestyle: uma moda e um estilo de vida

Rhythm and blues ou R&B foi um termo comercial introduzido no Estados Unidos no final de
1940 pela revista Billboard. O termo substituiu race music, que era, em língua inglesa um tanto
ofensivo. De certo modo, hoje o rótulo do gênero aplica-se nos EUA a qualquer forma de música hip
hop e pop com artistas negros.

1. Quando e como surgiu a palavra Rap?

2. Quais são os temas principais desse tipo de música?
3. O Rap não é apenas um estilo de música. O que mais ele é?
4. De acordo com o texto, podemos afirmar que o Rap é considerado poesia de rua?
5.Faça a tradução do texto acima para o português.
The biggest Country
There are a lot of countries in the world. There are almost two hundred. Some
countries are big. Others are small. Some countries have a lot of people. Others have
only a few people.
What is the biggest country? The biggest country is Russia. No other country in the
world is as big as Russia. What country has the most people? China has the most
people. Russia is bigger. Almost two Chinas could fit in Russia. Why don't more people
live in Russia? Not all land is good to live on. Many parts of Russia are very cold.
People need to live where they can get enough food. They need to find work. They need
to be able to make a living.
1. Faça a tradução do texto “The biggest Country” no seu caderno

2. Marque a alternativa verdadeira, de acordo com o texto.

a) More people live in China than Russia.
b) More people live in Russia than China.
c) There is less land in Russia than China.
d) There is more land in China than Russia.

2. De acordo com o texto, as pessoas na Russia must

a) be warm.
b) have lots of lands.
c) not live where it is cold.
d) be able to get enough food.

1. Check the best alternatives to answer the questions about the comic strip.

a) Which part of the sentence from the comic strip makes us believe that Jon is
going to read a fairy tale aloud?
[ ] "This sounds familiar"
[ ] "Once upon a time there was... "

b) Which house do you think Jon refers to?

[ ] His own house.
[ ] The house from the story he is reading.
c) Who are the real fat cat and the happy dog?
[ ] Garfield and Oddie.
[ ] Characters from the story.

d) Why is Jon angry?

[ ] Because he is tired of reading stories aloud.
[ ] Because Garfield and Oddie have ruined his morning.

e) Look at Jon's facial expressions in the first and second panels and compare them
to the one in the last panel. What can you notice?
[ ] In the first and second panels, Jon is focused. In the third one, he is much more
[ ] In the first and second panels, Jon's face doesn't show any emotion at all. In. the third
one, it's crystal clear that he is very upset.

2. Read the comic strips and answer the questions.

a) Why is Jon upset?

b) What will Jon do about it?

c) Why does Jon use 'll in his sentence?

d) According to Garfield, is Jon's plan good or bad?

e) Why does Jon say he is afraid?

f) Is Garfield ironic? Explain.

g) Which word shows Garfield's irony? How do you know that?

g) Which word shows Garfield's irony? How do you know that?

h) Why does Jon want to be good enough for Liz?

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