Simulado de Inglês - 9° Ano

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“The baby pulled the cat’s tail.” Analisando esta
sentença, podemos afirmar que o bebê

TEXT 1 a) empurrou o gato.

b) puxou o rabo do gato.
Leia atentamente o texto a seguir: c) pisou no gato.
A Baby and a Sock d) sentou sobre o gato.
The mother gave her baby a red apple. The baby tried to
eat the apple. His mouth was too small. And he didn't QUESTÃO 05
have any teeth. His brother took the apple. His brother
ate the apple. The baby cried. His brother gave the baby Quando nos referimos a ações ocorridas no passado
a blue ball to play with. The baby smiled. His brother (Past Tense), os Verbos Regulares são conjugados com
took the ball from the baby. He rolled the ball on the a terminação “ed”. Sendo assim, podemos afirmar que a
floor. The brown and white dog picked up the ball. The alternativa que contém um verbo regular é:
dog chewed on the ball. The baby cried again. His
brother picked up the cat. He put the cat on the bed with a) His brother took the Ball from the baby.
the baby. The baby pulled the cat's tail. The cat jumped b) And he didn’t have any teeth.
off the bed. The dog chased the cat. The baby cried c) The baby played with the sock.
again. His brother let the baby hold a sock. The baby d) His brother ate the apple.
played with the sock. The baby was happy.
Disponível em:
“His mouth was too small”. As palavras em destaque
são, respectivamente,
Segundo o texto, o bebê esteve chorando, porque
a) pronome possessivo e verbo To Be.
b) preposição e falso cognato.
a) o gato mordeu seu pé.
c) verbo To Be e adjetivo.
b) seu irmão comeu a maçã.
d) artigo e adjetivo.
c) caiu do berço.
d) quebrou o seu brinquedo.

QUESTÃO 02 Falsos Cognatos são palavras que têm grafia

semelhante ao nosso idioma, no entanto possuem
O texto foi construído usando o significados diferentes. Leia atentamente as
questões 7, 8 e 9 e identifique o significado correto
a) Simple Present. de cada falso cognato em destaque.
b) Simple Past.
c) Simple Future.
d) Present Continuous. QUESTÃO 07

QUESTÃO 03 The boy pushed the door.

O irmão do bebê tentou de várias formas distraí- lo, a) puxou.

inclusive usando um animal para brincar na cama. Que b) empurrou.
animal era este? c) pintou.
d) quebrou.
a) A dog.
b) A White mouse.
c) A cat.
d) A frog.

The baby pulled the cat’s tail. O personagem do texto tem um emprego como
a) pulou.
b) mordeu. a) engenheiro.
c) pisou. b) professor.
d) puxou. c) advogado.
d) garçom.
She pretends to be an actress.
a) pretende. Em: “ He wanted to kick those customers”, a palavra
b) finge. destacada pode ser traduzida para o Português como
c) adora.
d) come. a) aqueles.
b) estas.
TEXT 2 c) isto.
d) aquela.
Life Will Be Better
He was poor. He needed more money. He needed a QUESTÃO 13
good job. He had a job. But it wasn't a good job. It was
a bad job. He was a waiter. He worked in a restaurant. As lacunas a seguir devem ser preenchidas com o
It was a cheap restaurant. The meals were cheap. The Pronome Relativo. Identifique qual alternativa preenche
customers were cheap. They usually gave him quarters adequadamente as lacunas.
for tips. Sometimes they gave him a dollar. Sometimes
they gave him nothing. That made him angry. Why “She is the girl danced with me”. “
did they give him nothing? He was polite. He was car you painted last week?”
helpful. Yet they gave him nothing. He wanted to a) who – Who.
kick those customers. But then he would go to jail. He b) wich – Who.
didn't want to go to jail. So he went to school. c) this – These.
School was free. He wanted to be a mechanic. He liked d) who – Wich.
to fix things. He wanted to fix cars. He wanted to own a
car shop. He would make money. He would hire other QUESTÃO 14
mechanics. They would work for him. He would buy a
house. He would get married. He would have a No trecho: “He would buy a house. He would get
family. Life would be good. Right now life was bad. married. He would have a family”, as palavras em
But he would make it better. destaque são, respectivamente,
Disponível em:
a) Personal Pronoun, Modal Verb.
b) Genitive Case, Preposition.
c) Relative Pronoun, Adjective.
d) Article, Adjective.
O texto nos faz concluir que a vida do
a) será melhor.
Qual a melhor pergunta para a resposta: “Because his
b) tende a piorar.
brother took the apple from him!”?
c) é uma alegria.
d) está no fim.
a) Where is your brother?
b) Who is your friend?
c) Why is the baby crying?
d) When is your birthday?
Qual a melhor resposta para a pergunta: “How are you?” Use a preposição adequada para preencher a lacuna da
frase a seguir.
a) My name is Max!
b) I am fine, thanks! “The cat is the street!”
c) He is Pedro.
d) She is my sister. a) at
b) on
c) in
Em Inglês, o Gerúndio é representado pela terminação d) into
“ing”. Essa terminação indica que a ação está
acontecendo no momento em que se fala. Analise a
questão a seguir sobre o uso correto do Gerúndio.


Qual alternativa apresenta o Present Continuous

empregado corretamente?
a) Alex is playing guitar yesterday.
b) Rebecca was dancing tango tomorrow.
c) You are talking to James now.
d) They are traveling to Miami last night.


Assinale a alternativa onde o Future Tense está

usado de modo errado.

a) He will travel to Spain last year.

b) We will visit you next year.
c) Will Robbin and Ted finish school next year?
d) They will not come to visit us next month.


Ao estabelecer uma relação de posse, também podemos

usar o verbo “To Have” e, para tal, é preciso seguir
algumas regras. Leia atentamente as sentenças a seguir
e identifique qual delas foi formada corretamente.

a) Do you have brothers?

b) I no have new books.
c) Sandy don’t have sister.
d) We doesn’t have much time.

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