Matéria Médica Dos Principais Medicamentos Homeopáticos Ii
Matéria Médica Dos Principais Medicamentos Homeopáticos Ii
Matéria Médica Dos Principais Medicamentos Homeopáticos Ii
No primeiro volume, procedemos a uma criteriosa selecção de
medicamentos, plenamente conscientes de que nenhuma das muitas
possíveis estaria isenta de críticas. Restringimos os medicamentos aos
policrestos, semi-policrestos e pequenos medicamentos mais utilizados em
clínica, tendo em vista a sua probabilidade de aparecimento numa
repertorização, que não se restrinja ao domínio das patologias agudas.
Neste segundo volume é nossa intenção aumentar o seu número, de
molde a fornecer ao homeopata um instrumento mais eficaz de trabalho.
As patogenesias sintéticas dos medicamentos expostos neste segundo
volume, constam dos Artigos de Homeopatia deste site –
003 – ALOE – ALOE
The most effective point of attack of Agnus upon the organism is the
sexual organism. It lowers sexual vitality, with corresponding mental
depression and loss of nervous energy. It shows this distinctive
influence in both sexes, but is more pronounced in men. Premature
old age from abuse of sexual power. History of repeated gonorrhœa.
A prominent remedy for sprains and strains. Gnawing itching in all
parts, especially eyes. Tachycardia caused by tobacco in neurotic
young men.
Causation.─Sexual excesses. Repeated attacks of gonorrhœa or
gleet. Sprains or over-lifting.
flatulence during sleep.─Fear as if entrails were sinking down;
constantly wants to support bowels with hands.
25. Skin.─Corrosive itching on different parts of the body, > by
scratching, but it soon returns.─Itching around the ulcers, in the
winds; discharge burns and corrodes nose and upper lip. Hay fever;
in August every year; violent sneezing on rising from bed; from
handling peaches. Nasal polypus (Mar. v., Sang., Sang. nit., Psor.).
Catarrhal laryngitis; cough compels patient to grasp the larynx;
seems as if cough would tear it. Colic: from cold by getting feet wet;
over eating; from cucumbers; salads; haemorrhoidal; of children;
<sitting, > moving about. Neuralgic pains like a long thread; in face,
head, neck, chest. Traumatic chronic neuritis; neuralgia of stump
after amputation; burning and stinging pains. Panaritia: with red
streaks up the arm; pains drive to despair; in child-bed. Sore and raw
spots on feet, especially heel, from friction. Efficacious when feet are
rubbed sore - Dioscorides. Phlebitis, puerperal; after forceps
Head.--Catarrhal headache, mostly in forehead; worse in warm room
towards evening. Thread-like pains in face. Headache ceases during
menses; returns when flow disappears.
Complementary: Phosphor; Thuja; Puls.
Dose.--Third potency.
it would split and tear the larynx, causing watering of eyes. Cough
from inhaling cold air. Cepa has yawning and drowsiness. A raw
onion eaten just before going to bed is a popular remedy for
sleeplessness. Cepa is a left-side medicine primarily. Symptoms go
from left to right. Left eye; left facial paralysis; left inguinal ring.
Rest <; motion >. < Afternoon and evening; when lying down. Damp
cold wind and weather = colds and toothache. But cold water and
open air >; warm room < Picking or sucking teeth > toothache. Eyes
sensitive to touch.
5. Nose.─Profuse watery discharge from the nose, with sneezing,
acrid burning, excoriating the nose and upper lip.─Fluent coryza,
with running of water from the eyes, headache, heat, thirst, cough,
trembling of the hands; < in evening and in a room; > in the open
air.─Ichor oozing out of nose; second stage of scarlatina.─Bleeding
of the nose.─A sort of hay-fever every August, morning coryza,
violent sneezing, sensitive to the odour of flowers and skin of
peaches.─Nasal polypi.
17. Respiratory Organs.─Oppressed breathing, from pressure in the
middle of the chest; worse in the evening.─Cough when inhaling
cold air.─Catarrhal hoarseness.─Acute bronchitis going from l. to
r.─Tickling in throat, with aching in larynx.─Constant inclination to
hack.─Hacking cough from inhaling cold air.─Violent catarrhal
laryngitis; the hoarse cough seemed to split and tear the
larynx.─Much sneezing; he inflates the lungs, raises himself on his
toes, then gives a hearty sneeze.
thirst.─Coldness alternates with heat during catarrh.─Sweats easily
and copiously.
003 – ALOE
passage of flatus. Solid stool and masses of mucus pass
involuntarily; hungry during diarrhoea. Before stool: rumbling,
violent sudden urging; heaviness in rectum; during stool, tenesmus
and much flatus; after stool faintness. Haemorrhoids: blue, like a
bunch of grapes (Mur. ac.); constant bearing down in rectum;
bleeding, sore, tender, hot, relieved by cold water; intense itching.
Itching and burning in anus, preventing sleep (Ind.).
forehead, with heaviness in eyes, must partially close them.
Headache after stool. Dull, pressive pain; worse from heat.
Urinary.--Incontinence in aged, bearing-down sensation and
enlarged prostate. Scanty and high colored.
Characteristics.─Aloe is one of the oldest and most famous drugs. It
is in worldwide use as a purgative at the present day, and forms a
leading ingredient in a large number of patent medicines for
regulating the bowels and menstrual functions. The habitual use of
these medicines leads to all kinds of pelvic ailments, and the fact that
Sulphur antidotes Aloe accounts for the success of Sul. as a medicine
to commence with in many chronic cases where purgatives have
been used. Aloe resembles All. s. somewhat closely. It causes
congestion of various parts, especially abdomen, pelvic organs, and
head. A periodicity enters into many of its complaints. There is a
periodic headache which alternates with lumbago. As winter
approaches each year itch manifests itself. Aloe has the antipsoric
property of throwing out internal complaints to the skin. Among the
leading mental symptoms are: Bad humour, especially in cloudy
weather. Dissatisfied and angry with himself < when constipated.
Aversion to labour. Lassitude alternating with great mental activity.
Among the other head symptoms are: Darting pains in left temple <
every step. Carroll Dunham cured a heavy frontal incapacitating
headache in an old man occurring in winter and alternating with a
diarrhœa which occurred in summer when he was free from
headache. A peculiar dull, heavy, pressing pain in forehead, but
which indisposes to, or incapacitates for, all exertion, especially
intellectual. Heaviness in the eyes as with All. s. Pressure in vertex
and forehead as from a weight. Compelled to make the eyes small
during pain in forehead. There are yellow rings moving before eyes.
As there are illusions of sight, so there are cracklings in the ears. One
symptom is very peculiar: just after getting into bed, sudden
explosion and clashing in left ear, as from breaking of glass; the
clink of the glass was heard at the bottom of the head and extended
thence toward the right ear. Aloe exerts its most marked influence on
the abdominal and pelvic organs. It causes uneasiness and pains in
liver region. Fulness, heaviness, heat and inflammation. The whole
abdomen is painfully sensitive to touch. Rumbling. Feeling as of a
plug wedged in between pelvis and coccyx. Sudden and continued
desire to go to stool. Desire for stool after each meal (Ars., Chin.,
Lyc., Pod., Trombid.; while eating, Fer.). Rumbling and cramp in
abdomen before and during stool. The hard stool falls out without
being noticed, urging to stool whilst passing water; every time on
passing water feeling as if stool would pass. A hard stool may be
passed involuntarily. A child, constipated from birth, screams all the
time he is being held to stool, cannot pass it, even after enema; yet
when not trying passes solid pieces in bed without knowing. Cured
with Alo. 200 (Nash). Involuntary soft stool while passing wind.
With the diarrhœa, flatulency, pinching in abdomen, pain in back and
rectum and chilliness. Flatus offensive, burning, copious; much
flatus with small stool. Burning in anus with passing of flatus. Stools
like mush, bright yellow, grey, hot, undigested. Mucus and blood in
fæces. Profuse with jelly-like lumps. Watery stools < standing or
walking. Watery stool containing lumps "like frog-spawn." Bilious
yellow fæcal, bright yellow diarrhœa, great rumbling in bowels and
escape of much wind, < morning; evening; in damp weather; from
overheating; after cold taken in damp room; after chagrin. Diarrhœa
driving one out of bed very early in morning (Sul). Diarrhœa with
sense of insecurity (Phos.) Faintness after stool; with cold sweat.
Griping may (Nux v.) or may not (Merc.) cease after stool.
Heaviness, heat, pressing, burning in rectum. Itching, burning in
rectum. Itching, burning, pulsating as from fissures at anus. After
stool: cutting feeling as if more would come protruding piles.
Hæmorrhoids: protrude like a bunch of grapes constant bearing-
down in rectum bleeding; sore; tender, hot; > by cold water. Carroll
Dunham has cured incontinence of urine in an old man with enlarged
prostate with the Aloe diarrhœa. Increased sexual desire in males,
with erections. Penis shrunk and testicles cold. In females pain in
hypogastrium as if menses coming on. Labour-like pains drawing
into legs. Menses too early and too profuse. During menstruation:
headache > by application of cold water; earache; pain in small of
back; pressing down in rectum. Fulness in pelvis. Leucorrhœa of
bloody mucus preceded by colic. Pain in small of back, < sitting or
awaking at night, > moving about. Lumbago alternating with
headache. There is < in afternoon, especially of symptoms of mucous
membranes. Many symptoms, again, appear in the evening <
yawning, or masticating. There is a diarrhœa < in the early morning
(like Sulph). Diarrhœa < immediately after eating; < walking (Æsc.,
Thuj.), or standing (Sul.). Like Phos., it has feeling of insecurity on
passing wind or before stool. Symptoms are < from heat; in hot,
damp weather; > from cold applications; in cold weather. > From
passing flatus. It is suited to: old people; to women of relaxed
phlegmatic habit; to persons of lymphatic or hypochondriac
Relations.─Aloe is related to: All. cep., All. s., Agave, Scilla, Colch.
It is antidoted by: Sul., Mustard, Camph. relieves for a while, Lyc.,
and Nux v. relieve the earache. It resembles: Sul. in many symptoms,
and is of equal importance with Sul. in chronic diseases with
abdominal plethora; Ailanth. (dull, frontal headache); Gambog.
(diarrhœa); Ammon. mur. (abdominal and diarrhœic symptoms);
Nux v. (gastric, abdominal and uterine troubles: bad effects of
sedentary habits); Æsc. (hæmorrhoids); Merc. (dysentery); Pod.
(alternations between head symptoms and abdominal symptoms).
Causation.─Sedentary habits.
4. Ears.─Hates musical sounds and noises, they set her all in a
tremor.─Earache.─Stitches in the ears; first in the l. ear, afterwards
in the r.─Internal and external heat of the ears.─Cracking in the ears
when reading aloud or moving jaws.─Just after getting into bed,
sudden explosion and clashing in l. ear, as from breaking of glass;
the clink of the glass was heard at the bottom of the head and
extended thence towards r. ear.
12. Abdomen.─Tension in the region of the liver.─Uneasiness, heat,
pressure, and tension in the region of the liver.─Pain in the liver, <
on standing, so that he bends forward.─Stitches in the liver, when
drawing a long breath.─Congestion to the abdomen.─Sensation of
fulness, heaviness, heat and inflammation.─The whole abdomen is
painfully sensitive to the touch.─Abdominal muscles pain when
touched, when pressing at stool, or on rising from a recumbent
position.─Bloated abdomen, more on the left side, or along the
colon, worse after eating.─Distension of the abdomen, esp. the
epigastrium; with flatus moving about.─Pulsation in the region of
the navel.─Pain around the navel, worse from pressure.─Rumbling
in the abdomen.─Discharge of much flatulency, burning, smelling
offensive, relieving the pain in the abdomen; after each meal, in the
evening and morning, before stools.─Much soreness in the whole
abdominal cavity, so that a false step hurts clear to the pit of the
stomach.─Cutting in the abdomen with disinclination to go into the
open air, which relieves the pain.─Heaviness, fulness, and pressing
down in the pelvis.─Sensation of a plug wedged in between
symphysis pubis and coccyx; with urging.
15. Male Sexual Organs.─Sexual desire increased; < after awaking;
after eating; in the evening.─Erections in the morning, and after
passing water.─Involuntary emissions during the siesta; towards
morning; followed by sexual excitement, micturition, and stool, and
restless sleep.─Penis shrunk, and testicles cold.
26. Sleep.─Cannot get to sleep for a long time, thoughts crowd upon
him and keep him awake.
For children, especially young girls who are excitable, nervous and
weak; nervous affections of old people, nerves "worn out.". Lean,
thin, emaciated persons who take cold easily. Great sadness, sits for
days, weeping. After business embarrassments, unable to sleep, must
get up (Act., Sep.). Ranula with fetid breath (Thuja). Sensation of
coldness in abdomen (Cal.). The presence of others, even the
nurse, is unbearable during stool; frequent, ineffectual desire,
which makes her anxious. Discharge of blood between periods, at
every little accident - a long walk, after very hard stool, etc.
Leucorrhoea; thick, bluish-white mucus, especially or only at night
(Caust., Mer., Nit. ac.). Violent cough in spasmodic paroxysyms,
with eructations and hoarseness; worse talking or reading aloud
(Dros., Phos.); evening without, morning with expectoration (Hyos.);
whooping cough, but without crowing inspiration.
Amelioration. - After eating; cold air; cold food and drinks; rising
form bed.
Male.--Voluptuous itching of scrotum. Parts externally numb; burn
internally. Violent erections without voluptuous sensations.
Sep. (< from overlifting); Coff., Chi., Ign., Sul., Puls., Staph.; Sec.
(scrawny women). Antidoted by: Camph., Coff., Nux v., Puls.,
Staph. Antidote to: Staph. (especially the voluptuous itching of
scrotum); Nux v.
4. Ears.─Acute sensation of drawing in the ears.─Tension in the
ears.─Crawling and tickling in the interior of the ears.─Tinkling and
buzzing before the ears.─Increasing deafness; deaf in one ear,
roaring and whistling in the ear.
taken.─Hiccough after having smoked tobacco.─Pyrosis principally
in the evening, or on walking in the open air.─Nausea and
vomiting.─Pressure and cramp-like pain in the stomach.─Sensation
of burning in the stomach and in the precordial region.─Heartburn
from drinking milk.
the legs.─Leucorrhœa thick, slimy, preceded by shooting pains in the
vagina.─Running of white-bluish matter from the vagina.─The
leucorrhœa more abundant at night.─Burning, pain of excoriation,
and itching, in the sexual parts.─Violent itching, with swelling of the
external parts.
20. Neck and Back.─Pressive drawing pain in the nape of the neck,
and in the back.─Shooting pain in the loins.─Stiffness in the loins
after sitting long.─Heaviness in the back, with pain in the belly, as if
the intestines were compressed.
wrinkled.─Nocturnal weakness of the fingers.─Itchy tetter between
the fingers.─Itching in the palms of the hands.
limbs.─Sleep, with anxious dreams and reveries.─On sleeping,
startings with fright.
Especially adapted to those who are fat and sluggish; or body large
and fat, but legs too thin. Watery, acrid coryza, corroding the lip
(All. c.). During menses: diarrhoea and vomiting; bloody discharge
from the bowels (Phos.); neuralgic pains in the feet; flow more
profuse at night (Bov. - on lying down, Kreos.). Obstinate
constipation accompanied by much flatus. Hard, crumbling stools
require great effort in expulsion; crumble from the verge of anus.
(Mag. m.); vary in color, no two stools alike (Puls.). Haemorrhoids:
sore and smarting; with burning and stinging in the rectum for hours
after stool (Aesc., Sulph.); especially after suppressed leucorrhoea.
Leucorrhoea; like white of egg, preceded by griping pain about the
navel; brown, slimy, painless, after every urination. Sensation of
coldness in the back, between scapulae (Lach.). Hamstrings feel
painfully short when walking; tension in joints as from shortening of
the muscles (Caust., Cimex). Offensive sweat of the feet (Alum.,
Graph., Psor., Sanic., Sil.).
external swelling of throat with viscid phlegm. So touch, it cannot be
hawked up. Tonsillitis. Stricture of œsophagus.
Fever.--Chilliness evenings after lying down and on awakening,
without thirst. Heat in palms and soles. Sub acute, low fevers due to
unhealthy climate. Lowest potencies.
hypochondria. Stitches and burning in liver region, stitches in spleen
< sitting. Tension in either groin. Shootings in scapula and ice-cold
sensation between scapulæ, unrelieved by external wraps. In the
fever chilliness predominates. Choudhury cured with it a case of
intermittent characterised by absence of thirst in all stages.
Constipation and piles with bleeding at stool. Sore, smarting
hæmorrhoids. Hard stool covered with mucus; mucous secretions
generally increased. Menses too early and too copious (Am. c.), with
pains in loins. Vomiting, diarrhœa, and neuralgic pains in feet during
period. Coryza, acrid, watery; scalding hot; with cold feeling
between shoulders. Loss of smell. Cough and asthmatic symptom <
evening and at night and < in open air. Pain as from ulceration at tips
of fingers. Neuralgic pains in stumps of amputated limbs (Al. cep.).
Ulcerative pains in heels (ulcers from friction Al. cep.). (Panaris.)
Sciatic pain as if tendons were too short. < Sitting or walking.
Tension in legs on lying. Large buttocks. Fatty tumours. Obesity.
Body fat; legs thin (Am. c., fat all over). There is > walking crooked,
< on walking erect. Most symptoms are < at night and from two to
four a.m.
3. Eyes.─Burning in the eyes, and in the corners of the eyes, in the
evening, in the twilight, or in the morning, with
photophobia.─Palpitation in the eyelids.─Confused sight, as from a
mist.─Fluttering spots and points before the eyes, in the day, and in
the evening by candle-light.─Yellow spots before the eyes on
looking steadfastly at any object; while sewing.
11. Stomach.─Eructations, mostly bitter or
imperfect.─Regurgitation of what has been taken, or of a bitter and
acid water.─Frequent violent hiccough, often with shootings in the
chest.─Water-brash.─Drawing or gnawing pains in the stomach, as
if from worms.─Sensation of burning in the stomach and in the
precordial region.
16. Female Sexual Organs.─Menses too early and too copious, with
pain in the abdomen, loins, and pains, compressive or drawing, in the
back; continuing during the night, when the menstrual discharge is
more profuse.─During the menses, vomiting and diarrhœa, drawing
in the feet, or discharge of blood on going to stool.─Leucorrhœa,
with inflation of the belly; or like the white of an egg, preceded by
pinchings round the navel; or slimy and brown, discharged after
making water.
17. Respiratory Organs.─Hoarseness, with sensation of burning in
the larynx.─Violent cough, chiefly in the evening and at night, when
lying on the back.─Frequent hawking, with expectoration of
mucus.─Dry cough in the morning (with tickling of the throat), with
expectoration of whitish and thick matter.─The cough is aggravated
after a meal, as well as after a cold drink, and when lying with the
head low.─Cough on breathing deeply, esp. when lying on the r.
side.─When coughing, shootings in the chest and in the
hypochondria.─Spitting of blood, preceded by tickling in the
throat.─When breathing, stitches in the shoulder-blades.
20. Neck and Back.─Acute drawings in the sides of the neck and in
the collar-bone.─A fatty swelling on nape of neck, extending from
ear to ear.─Stiffness of the neck, with pain on moving it, from the
nape of the neck to the shoulders.─Coldness in the back, esp.
between the shoulders (which nothing warms).─Pain in small of
back as if beaten and shattered.─Pain in coccyx, when sitting, <
when sleeping.─Pains, as from fatigue in the loins, principally at
night, when lying down, when walking, or after stooping.─Painful
stiffness in the loins, which forces one to stoop in
walking.─Shootings in the shoulder-blades, esp. on breathing.
23. Lower Limbs.─Tension in the hips and the hams.─Shootings,
pain of dislocation (l. hip is painful, as if the tendons were too short,
causing limping), and pulling in the hip.─When sitting, gnawing
pain in the bone.─Contraction of the tendons of the hams (the
muscles under the knee feel too short when walking), and stiffness in
the joint of the knee.─At night, acute pulling in the legs, as if in the
bone.─Shooting pain in the calves of the legs, after having walked
long.─Legs dead and insensible.─Pain of ulceration and pulling in
the heels.─Cold feet, esp. in evening, in bed.─Fetid sweat in the
feet.─Sudden jerks, pullings, or shootings, throbbing and tingling in
the extremity of the toes.─Ebullitions, with anxiety and weakness, as
if paralysed.─Tension in the joints, as from shortening of the
muscles.─Burning, stinging, throbbing, as from a boil.─Sensation of
soreness in different parts of the body.─Very severe ulcerative pain
in the heel, > by rubbing.─The feet get very cold in the evening in
27. Fever.─Cold shivering, most frequently in the evening, about six
o'clock; without thirst.─All stages of fever without thirst.─Shivering
after lying down in bed, evening, and as often as she wakes.─Cold
feeling between shoulders.─Heat with thirst, and face
bloated.─Nocturnal sweat, after midnight.─Sweat increased by every
Back.--Itching along back. Pain in cervical vertebræ. Drawing in the
neck. Pain in spine, at nape of neck and sacrum, worse on pressure.
Twitching and jerking along back. Bends backward.
Dose.--Sixth potency.
constant desire to drink. Irresistible desire to drink coffee. Hiccough
after cough. Belching with cough (Ambra). Every evacuation
followed by shivering, crawling sensation over face. Tenesmus with
soft stool. Hæmorrhoids protrude with hard, knotty stool. Seminal
emissions. Itching of tip of glans penis (when walking in open air).
Violent itching on scrotum. Dry, hacking cough from scratching in
throat or irritation behind sternum. Irritation behind sternum through
to back. Palpitation < sitting bent and > sitting up. Cutting pain from
point of right scapula to breast, near nipple (Chel.). Pain in cervical
vertebræ < moving arms. Tearing as if in the bones, < at rest; > cold
applications; > extension; < exertion and pressure. Spinal cord and
extensor muscles principally affected; cracking in all joints. Caries of
long bones. I have verified the power of Angust. over long bones in a
case of acute periostitis of the tibia in a scrofulous boy. The 5x trit.
speedily arrested inflammation, after the failure of Merc. viv.
Symptoms < from exertion; from stooping; sitting bent over
(palpitation) moving or lifting arms; drinking warm milk; 3 p.m.
(loose cough); > application of cold fingers (toothache); cold
application; extension; lying on left side.
brain.─Cramp-like pains in the head.─Piercing in the temples.─The
headaches appear mostly at sunset, and continue until the patient
goes to sleep.─Sensation of torpor in the temporal muscles, with
tension on opening the mouth.
12. Abdomen.─Bruise-like pain in the abdomen.─Cramp-like
colic.─Severe pain, extending in a line from navel to
sternum.─Cutting pains, chiefly after having taken milk
(hot).─Shooting pain in the abdomen.─Borborygmi and
fermentation in the abdomen, as preceding diarrhœa.
swollen, with great fear of dying, > by lying on l. side.─Sensation of
painful contraction of the heart.
20. Neck and Back.─Painful heaviness in the nape of the neck, and
between the shoulder-blades, in bed, in the
morning.─Opisthotonos.─Violent itching along the back.─Pain in
the loins, as if bruised, mostly at night, and particularly towards four
o'clock in the morning.
26. Sleep.─In the evening, great drowsiness, followed by
sleeplessness before midnight.─Sleep disturbed by frequent dreams.
For children and young people inclined to grow fat (Cal.); for the
extremes of life. Old people with morning diarrhoea, suddenly
become constipated, or alternate diarrhoea and constipation; pulse
hard and rapid. Sensitive to the cold. < after taking cold. Child is
fretful, peevish, cannot bear to be touched or looked at; sulky,
does not wish to speak or be spoken to (Ant. t., Iod., Sil.); angry at
every little attention. Great sadness, with weeping. Loathing life.
Anxious lachrymose mood, the slightest thing affects her (Puls.);
abject despair, suicide by drowning. Irresistible desire to talk in
rhymes or repeat verses. Sentimental mood in the moonlight,
especially ecstatic love; bad effects of disappointed affection (Cal.
p.). Nostrils and labial commissures sore, cracked and crusty.
Headache: after river bathing; from taking cold; alcoholic drinks;
deranged digestion, acids, fat, fruit; suppressed eruption. Gastric
complaints from over-eating; stomach weak, digestion easily
disturbed; a thick milky-white coating on the tongue, which is the
red strand of the remedy; very subject to canker sores in the mouth
(Arg. n., Sulph.). Longing for acids and pickles. Gastric and
intestinal affections: from bread and pastry; acids, especially vinegar;
sour or bad wine; after cold bathing; over-heating; hot weather.
Constant discharge of flatus, up and down, for years; belching,
tasting of ingesta. Mucus: in large quantities from posterior nares by
hawking; from anus, ichorous, oozing, staining yellow; mucous piles.
Disposition to abnormal growths of the skin; fingernail do not grow
rapidly; crushed nails grow is splits like warts and with horny spots.
Large horny corns on soles of feet (Ran. b.); very sensitive when
walking, especially on stone pavements. Loss of voice from
becoming over-heated. Cannot bear the heat of the sun; worse from
over-exertion in the sun. (Lach., Nat. m.); < from over-heating near
the fire; exhausted in warm weather; ailments from sunburn.
Whooping cough: < by being over-heated in the sun or in a warm
room; from cold washing. When symptoms reappear they change
locality or go from one side of the body to the other. Aversion to
cold bathing; child cries when washed or bathed with cold water;
cold bathing causes violent headache; causes suppressed menses;
colds from swimming or falling into the water (Rhus).
All the conditions are aggravated by heat and cold bathing. Cannot
bear heat of sun. Tendency to grow fat. An absence of pain, where it
could be expected, is noticeable. Gout with gastric symptoms.
Stool.--Anal itching (Sulpho-calc. Alum). diarrhœa alternates with
constipation, especially in old people. Diarrhœa after acids, sour
wine, baths, overeating; slimy, flatulent stools. Mucous piles,
continued oozing of mucus. Hard lumps mixed with watery
discharge. Catarrhal proctitis. Stools composed entirely of mucus.
Relationship.--Compare: Antimonium Chloridum. Butter of
Antimony (A remedy for cancer. Mucous membranes destroyed.
Abrasions. Skin cold and clammy. Great prostration of strength.
Dose-third trituration).
Complementary: Sulph.
Antidote: Hepar.
warts, and Ant c. has cured many cases of these. A student, 17, had
twenty-three on right hand and thirty four on left, mainly on backs
and fingers, but a few on interior surface of fingers. In addition
redness and inflammation of eyelids. Cured in seven weeks with Ant.
c. 200x. In the same category may be mentioned the tendency of the
nails to grow in splits. Ant. crud. is specially suited to infants and
children (with coated moist white tongues) and also to elderly
persons. Tendency to grow fat. When symptoms recur they change
their locality or go from one side of the body to the other. Left side
predominates, especially lower left and upper right. Among special
symptoms are: Itching of scalp and falling out of hair. Tendency to
take cold about head. Scrofulous ophthalmia, canthi especially
affected (Graph. the whole margin). Otorrhœa. Moist eruption
behind ears (Graph.). Slight noises startle. Nose-bleed with vertigo;
after headache; after rush of blood to head. Children are peevish,
won't bear to be touched or looked at. Adults are sulky or sad.
Weeping and impressionable. Sentimental mood by moonlight.
Amativeness. Suicidal. Gastric and remittent fevers, and fevers of
children, with great thirst and the characteristic white tongue. The
fever runs higher at night. The child is cross, but unlike the Cham.
patient, who wants to be carried, this will scream and show temper at
every little attention. There is a form of diarrhœa which alternates
with constipation, often found in old people, to which Ant. crud.
corresponds. "Stomach weak, digestion easily disturbed, in old
people." It cures many cases of mucous piles: continuous oozing,
staining linen. In connection with the intolerance of wine of the
remedy, it may be mentioned that in one case it produced a feeling of
intoxication like that of alcohol, so that the patient refused to take
any more of it. A number of nervous symptoms appear in the
provings─restlessness, jerking of muscles, &c. Dr. M. Jousset has
recorded a severe case of chorea which resisted all the usual
remedies and was cured with Ant. crud. prescribed on the digestive
symptoms, particularly the characteristic white tongue. A notable
characteristic of Ant. crud. is the thickly coated tongue. Generally it
is thick and white; milky-white; or like whitewash evenly laid. The
edges may be red and sore. Sore, cracked and crusty nostrils and
corners of mouth. Abnormal hunger; not relieved by eating;
emptiness at epigastrium and want of animal heat. Disgust for all
foods. Nursing children throw up a little sour milk as soon as they
take the breast or bottle (Æthus c., after vomiting the child sleeps and
wakes hungry; Ant. c. the child refuses to nurse again). The sulphur
element in Ant. crud. is strongly pronounced in the provings as in the
constipation and other intestinal disorders of the drug. < By heat is a
marked characteristic (Apis, Puls., Cham., Secale, Camph.); also <
from cold washing (less severe after warm washing), from cold water
and cold food. In spite of the < from heat there is great sensitiveness
to cold, hence it is suitable to the hydrogenoid constitutions.
Moonlight < mental symptoms. Many symptoms are < at night. < By
touch. < From wine, especially sour wine; from vinegar and acids
(though tamarind water does not disagree); from fruits. < From pork,
bread, and pastry. > By rest, by lying down; < rising up; < ascending
1. Mind.─Ecstasy and exalted love, with great anxiety about his fate
and inclination to shoot himself; worse when walking in the
moonlight, and then his conduct is like than of an insane
person.─Desponding reflections upon one's condition.─Disgust of
life, with an inclination to blow one's brains out, or to drown
oneself.─Tendency to be frightened.─Peevish humour, ill-
humour.─To be looked at and to be touched are unbearable (in the
case of a child).─Dull intellect, imbecility.─Madness.
3. Eyes.─Shooting in the eyes.─Red, inflamed
eyelids.─Inflammation of the eyes, with itching and nocturnal
agglutination of the eyelids.─Slight oozing of the skin near the
external angle of the eye.─Humour in the corners of the
eyes.─Enlargement of the eyes.─Sensibility of the eyes to the light
of day.─Blindness.─Chronic sore eyes of children.
9. Throat.─Soreness of the throat, as if there were a plug in
it.─Inability to swallow.─Dryness and scraping, or an accumulation
of viscid mucus in the throat.
(during stool as if an ulcer had been torn open) and the
anus.─Burning furunculus in the perineum.
22. Upper Limbs.─Rheumatic pains in the arms.─Red vesicles on
the arms, with itching.─Painful inflammation of the tendons of the
elbow, with great redness and curvature of the arm.─Hot and red
swelling of the forearm, with shooting tension.─Sensation of
drawing in the forearm, the fingers, and the joints of the
fingers.─Arthritic pains in the joints of the fingers.─Painful
sensibility of the skin under the nails, and slow growth of the nails
themselves.─A horny growth under the nail.─Crushed finger-nails
grow in splits, with horny spots.
in the heat of the bed, and prevent sleep.─Miliary eruptions and
nettle-rash.─Tumours and blisters, as if from the stings of
insects.─Measles-like eruption.─Eruptions, similar to chicken-pox,
with shooting pain on pressure.─Thick, hard scabs, often honey-
yellow, here and there a crack oozing a green sanious fluid, burning
as if immersed in hot embers.─Urticaria white, with red areolæ,
which itch fearfully.─Pustules with yellowish or brown
scurf.─Freckles.─Hepatic spots.─Deep spongy ulcers with gastric
ulcers.─Fistulous ulcers.─Horn-like excrescences and disposition to
abnormal organisations of the skin.─Corns and callous excrescences
on the feet.─Nails discoloured and deformed.─Red and hot
swellings.─Degeneration of the skin.─Fungus of the joints.
fails and Silicea is not indicated. Before Silicea in dyspnoea from
foreign bodies in the larynx or trachea; Puls. in suppressed
gonorrhoea; Tereb. from damp basements. Children not easily
impressed when Ant. tart. seems indicated in coughs, require Hepar.
In spring and autumn, when damp weather commences, coughs of
children get worse.
forehead. Face pale and sunken. Child will not be touched without
whining. Headache as from a band compressing (Nit ac).
Tongue.--Coated, pasty, thick white, with red edges. Red and dry,
especially in the center. Brown.
Fever.--Coldness, trembling, and chilliness. Intense heat. Copious
perspiration. Cold, clammy sweat, with great faintness. Intermittent
fever with lethargic condition.
indications being "nausea, vomiting, loose stools, prostration, cold
sweat, stupor, or drowsiness." In chest affections of all kinds it is
indicated where there is great accumulation of mucus with coarse
rattling and inability to raise it. Drowsiness and even coma may
accompany cases of all kinds in which Ant. t. is called for. The face
is pale or cyanotic and the breathing stertorous. There is heat about
heart and warmth rising up from it. A sensation of coldness in the
blood-vessels. A correspondent of the Chemist and Druggist (May
21, 1892) related the case of an apprentice who had been employed
for a week making up "cough-balls" and diuretic balls for horses,
both containing powdered antimony. He had been cautioned not to
inhale the powder, but his employer believes he did. At the end of
the week he was seized with an illness, due, his employer thinks, and
no doubt correctly, to the antimony. The symptoms are very
characteristic. First, there was nausea, lassitude, and a desire for
sleep. He was sent to bed, and during the night his fellow apprentice
said he got up and struggled to relieve himself of an imaginary load
on the chest. On being put to bed again, a profuse perspiration broke
out, and also a peculiar rash on his face and chest; after that he
vomited freely and felt better. Temperature 104, pulse 120. A fever-
mixture of liq. ammon. acet. and Sp. æther. nit. was given. A doctor
who was called in found undoubted symptoms of pneumonia of left
lung, but confessed he had never seen the rash before and would not
venture an opinion regarding it. For two days the temperature kept at
104, then both temperature and the pulse became normal, the rash
disappeared, and with it the pneumonic cough; in six days the boy
was perfectly well. "A child coughs when angry" is characteristic.
Heath cured a case of whooping-cough in a child who was very
fretful before the cough. The mother said that if the child got angry
she immediately had a fit of coughing. "Cough at 4 a.m." is another
indication which I have found true. Further leading indications for
this remedy are: attacks of fainting, internal trembling. It causes
relaxation of sphincters and muscles, with nausea or without. Os
uteri dry, tender, undilatable, with distress, moaning, and restlessness
with every pain (Aco.), feeling of sickness. Convulsive twitching.
Convulsions. Great heaviness in all the limbs and great debility.
Rheumatic pains (fever), with perspiration, which does not relieve.
Inflammation of internal organs. Gastric and bilious complaints.
Constant nausea─nausea felt in chest (Puls.). Sensation of weight or
heaviness in many parts; head, occiput, coccyx, limbs. Pulsations in
all the blood-vessels. The child wants to be carried and cries if any
one touches it. Peevishness, whining, and crying. Inquietude,
apprehension, agitation. Dulness and bewilderment of head as if
benumbed. Chronic trembling of head; of head and hands (as in
paralysis agitans). The tongue has a thick, white, pasty coat with red
papillæ showing through. Intense nausea and vomiting with great
effort; with perspiration on forehead. Fulness and sensation of stones
in abdomen especially when sitting bent forward. The skin is notably
affected. The typical eruption is like that of small-pox, the symptoms
of which disease are so closely reproduced in the proving that it has
been used instead of vaccine for inoculation purposes, and
prophylactic power has been claimed for it. (Compare Variolinum.)
The terrible backache of small-pox is paralleled by the back-pains of
Ant. t., which I have found to correspond to more cases of lumbago
than any other remedy. Ant. t. is also a "sycotic," and I have verified
a symptom given in Hering, "warts at the back of the glans penis."
Antim. tart. has < by warmth, but not the excessive sensitiveness to
heat and sun of Ant. c., and some of the rheumatic symptoms are >
by warmth. Warm drink < cough, also lying in bed, especially
becoming warm there. There is also < from cold and damp, but not
the ill effects of cold washing found in Ant. crud. Also cold washing
> the rheumatic toothache of Ant. t. Both have < from touch and
even from being looked at. Ant. t. has < on sitting down; when
seated; and on rising from a seat; < sitting bent forward; > sitting
erect. < Lying on side affected. < Motion, on every effort to move. A
characteristic of Ant. t. in lung affections is "lies with head back."
There is not the > from rest which is apparent in many symptoms of
Ant. c. The Ant. t. headache is < by rest; also earache and respiration.
< At night is more marked with Ant. t. than Ant. c. Cough is < 4 a.m.
> from eructations.
gonorrhœal suppressions); Tereb. (symptoms from damp cellars);
Variolinum. Antidoted by: Asaf., Chi., Coccul., Con. (pustules on
genitals), Ipec., Lauro., Op. (Opium in large doses is the best
antidote in poisoning), Puls., Sep. It antidotes: Baryt. c., Bry.
(dyspepsia), Camph., Caust. (dyspepsia), Puls. Ant. t. differs from
Mercury in producing a purely local action on the mouth similar to
its action on the skin. The action of Merc. on the mouth is indirect.
3. Eyes.─Eyes fatigued, requiring sleep, and to be firmly
closed.─Pain, as of a bruise in the eyeball, on touching it.─Aching of
the eyes.─Shootings, burning sensation, and smarting in the internal
canthi, with redness of the conjunctiva.─Eyes confused, swimming
in tears; sunken, surrounded by dark circles.─In pneumonia when the
edges of the lids are covered with mucus.─Rheumatic ophthalmia or
from gonorrhœa.─Incipient amaurosis.─Confused sight, with
sparkling before the eyes, especially on rising from a seat.
and downwards.─Violent retching, with copious flow of saliva,
sweat on the forehead, and lassitude in the legs, or else with
diarrhœa, and excessive debility.─Much vomiting, with violent
efforts, pain in the stomach and abdomen, trembling of the body,
necessity to bend double, shiverings, and strong inclination to
sleep.─Vomiting of mucus, with mucous diarrhœa.─Acid vomiting,
containing food.─Vomiting of sour and bitter substances, esp. at
night.─Excessive sensibility of the stomach; the smallest mouthful
causes a painful sensation.─Pain in the stomach, as if it were
overloaded.─Uneasiness and emptiness in the stomach.─Pressure in
the stomach and scrobiculus, esp. after a meal.─Violent throbbings
and pulsations in the region of the stomach.─Shootings in the pit of
the stomach.
and tension on the bladder.─Shootings in the urethra and lower part
of the bladder.
and small; or weak, quick, and trembling; small, threadlike:
imperceptible.─Twisting, digging, and blows in the region of the
heart, at night, which do not cease till perspiration breaks out.
forms of pneumonia so great is the prostration that the patient is
constantly slipping down in bed.─Heaviness in all the limbs, and
great indolence.─Violent pulsations throughout the body.─Great
debility, weakness, and excessive lassitude; feels best when sitting
still doing nothing.─A child continually wishes to be
carried.─Syncope.─Excessive tenderness of the whole body.─A
child, when touched, utters piercing cries.
Male.--Crushed pain in testicles. Seminal emissions, without sexual
excitement. Frequent micturation with burning.
though painless twitchings in whole heart muscle, < lying on back;
fears apoplexy. Sensation as if heart stood still followed by
trembling, then irregular violent throbbing. Palpitation, at night;
during pregnancy. Systemic convulsions. Epileptic attacks followed
by delirious rage, jumping about, striking those near. In society
disinclined to talk; discouraged. (Reaction from this: great
inclination to talk, mind very clear.) Vertigo on entering a room after
a walk. Vertigo on looking at running water. As if drunk. Frontal
headache of business men. Headache increasing gradually and
ceasing suddenly, at acme as if a nerve being torn, usually l. side.
Viscidity of saliva and mucous expectoration, which is easy. From
the mucous membranes generally there is secretion like boiled
starch; or there may be thin and at the same time a thick yellow or
greenish discharge. Great hunger even after a full meal. Extreme
dryness of mouth, tongue sticks to palate. (This symptom with the
polyuria points to diabetes, in which Arg. is particularly indicated if
there is swelling of the ankles.) Spasmodic enuresis nocturna. Effects
of onanism: impotence; atrophy of penis; bruised pains in testicles.
Pains in left ovary; feels enormously swollen; with this, prolapse of
uterus (scirrhus). Metrorrhagia, large lumps with violent pains, < by
every motion. Arg. met. acts more on the left side than the right; left
ovary is affected: "Prolapsus uteri with pains in left ovary." It
corresponds to deep-seated insidious disease. In the mental sphere it
affects the intellect more than the affections. Headache of business
men. Left-sided headache as if in brain substance. Headache and
dyspepsia induced by mental agitation, nursing the sick, mental
exertion. Suited to thin patients with hollow eyes, pale skin,
tendency to tubercle, caries, cancer, deep ulcers, imbecility. The
more deeply seated the troubles are the more likely are they to be
painless. Tenderness is prominent in Arg. met. Tearing pressure and
pains in the bones. Articular rheumatism without swelling. Parts feel
bruised when pressed on. Hoarseness of singers and speakers, <
speaking or singing. Laughing causes cough. Restless sleep; electric
shock through body wakens her. Symptoms < in sleep; nausea in
dreams; seminal emissions. On waking, limbs powerless. Paralytic
weakness. < By touch; pressure riding in carriage; lying on back;
sitting; stooping. At noon at night (profuse urine). Uncovering (chills
before midnight). Entering warm room. Sun.
occasional dose of Puls. favours action of Arg. nit. in ophthalmia).
Teste classes Arg. met. with Merc., and with Arsen.
Causation.─Onanism. Sunstroke.
6. Face.─Redness of the face.─Pale and earthy face.─Gnawing,
cramp-like, and pressive pains in the bones of the face (in the r.
zygoma, sometimes in the L; a violent pain in the bone of the r.
lower jaw).─Swelling of the upper lip, immediately under the nose.
13. Stool and Anus.─Frequent inclination to go to stool, with scanty
evacuation of soft matter.─Dry, sandy stool after dinner.─Vomitings
during the stool.─Pain of contraction in the abdomen, after a stool in
the morning.
18. Chest.─Stitches in the (r.) side of the chest, when inhaling and
exhaling.─Pressure in the chest.─Pressure and shooting in the
sternum and in the sides of the chest.─Pain in the lower (l.) rib
cartilages.─Incisive pain in the sides of the chest, on breathing and
on stooping forward.─Cramp-like pain in the muscles of the chest
and in the sides.
the bones, and in the joints of the hands and fingers.─Contraction of
the fingers.
Nose.--Thin, watery, irritating, excoriating discharge from anterior
and posterior nares; sneezing. Hay-fever. Irritation and tingling of
nose constant desire to sneeze (Pollanin). Chronic nasal catarrh;
swollen nose; profuse, thick, yellow discharge; ulcers; membrane
sore and excoriated. Aggravation by sneezing.
tinea, impetigo, pityriasis. The consumption-diathesis is in itself a
strong indication for the remedy.
During the influenza epidemic in this country Ars. iod. was specific
for "pink-eye," the form it took among horses, but it was not found
of such general utility among human patients.
Ars. iod. has a marked action on the stomach, and when given low
needs to be given after food, if unpleasant symptoms are to be
avoided. In one patient there was nausea immediately after each
dose. In another there was aggravation of a pain he had in the
epigastrium, and vomiting one hour after food. An observer reported
in the Lancet the following: "At first appetite is increased but after
taking it ten or twelve days pain is felt at epigastrium, with thirst, dry
throat, slight fever, sometimes diarrhœa and tenesmus; skin becomes
dry, and the quantity of urine increased. If continued the nervous
system becomes extremely irritable and wakefulness supervenes." In
several persons taking low attenuations I have observed headaches
confirming those of the provers. From the 3x a woman experienced
this: "Violent, dull, heavy pain above root of nose, as if she would go
silly." She never had anything of the kind before. From the 1x a man
had "a heavy headache, across forehead, as if he would like to go to
sleep; so weak he could hardly move about." All ceased when he had
finished the medicine. Wandering rheumatic pains were felt by one
prover. Great vital prostration. Paralysis.
Causation.─Study (headache).
1. Mind.─Irritability.─Unable to study.
she would go silly.─Head seemed enormously large and heavy with
the pain.─Scalp covered with inflammatory scaly eruptions.
4. Ears.─Very sharp pain in forehead and ears (< l.), when riding in
a sharp, cold wind.
breathe.─Expectoration heavy night and morning.─Frequent cough
with muco-purulent and occasionally stringy
expectoration.─Greenish-yellow pus-like expectoration; hæmorrhage
(chronic induration of the lungs).─Chronic bronchitis with difficult
expectoration and short breath.─Pneumonias that fail to clear up.
Stomach.--Great difficulty in bringing up wind. Flatulence and
regurgitation of liquid. Hysterical flatulence. Great distention.
Sensation of emptiness and weakness, with distention and beating in
stomach and abdomen. Forcible eructation of gas. Pulsation in pit of
stomach. Violent gastralgia; cutting and burning in stomach and
region of diaphragm. Gurgling and rolling of wind, which escapes
afterwards with loud and difficult eructation.
Neuralgia. Obesity. Orbital neuralgia. Ozæna. Syphilis. Tympanitis.
Ulcers. Whitlow.
Causation.─Checked skin affections.
throat, obliging frequent swallowing to keep it down, and causing at
times difficult breathing; globus hystericus.─Sensation in the
œsophagus as if the peristaltic motions were from below upward.
contraction of thorax and accumulation of stringy mucus.─Cough on
gaping.─Greasy-tasting sputa.
27. Fever.─Pulse small, rapid, and unequal.─Heat in the face after
dinner, with anxiety or drowsiness, without thirst.─Chills run over
body from time to time.
Eyes.--Feel stiff; burn; feel cold. Better, in cold air or water; worse,
sunlight and wind. Darting pains in eyes after operations.
Modalities.--Worse, in cold dry weather; penetrating sounds. Better,
from washing; in damp and wet weather.
sensations are leading features of Asar. Accumulation of cold watery
saliva in mouth. Hunger in early morning. Constant nausea.
Vomiting, with diarrhœa and violent colic. Stool of jelly-like mucus.
Menstrual colic. Headache before and after menses. Violent pain in
small of back, which scarcely permits her to breathe, at beginning of
menses. Deschere reports a case of dysmenorrhœa in a nervous,
fidgety woman of twenty-seven, who had intense backache during
first two days, so severe that she could not move It often rose to the
dorsal region, when it would take away her breath. Cured with Asar.
50, one dose every evening. Heat especially of face, and in palms of
hands. When retching all symptoms < except stupidity of the head,
which is >.
wind are intolerable.─Painful dryness of the interior of the
eyes.─Asthenopia with congestive headache; eyes < morning and
evening; > middle day, and by bathing them in cold water.─Sharp
pain over l. eye, running of tears, and sensitive to light.
15. Male Sexual Organs.─Violent pains in l. groin, darting through
urethra to glans.
excited perspiration, esp. on the upper part of the body.─Slow
This remedy has a most pronounced effect on the female organs, and
most of its clinical application has been based thereon. Has more
power over uterine tumors than any other remedy (Burnett). Psoriasis
syphilitica. Periosteal swelling on lower jaw. Swelling of testicle.
High blood pressure due to disturbed function of nervous
mechanism. Arterio-sclerosis Syphilitic ataxia.
Eczema. Fistula. Gonorrhœa. Hæmorrhage. Hair falling out. Heart,
affections of. Indurations. Liver, affections of. Morvan's disease.
Ophthalmia. Ozæna. Periostitis. Phthisis. Pudenda, over-
sensitiveness of. Spinal sclerosis. Spleen, enlarged. Sterility.
Syphilis. Uterus, tumours of; hæmorrhage from. Vagina, heat,
burning and itching of. Voice, hoarse. Warts.
3. Eyes.─Sudden blindness in childbed.─Neuralgic pains in l.
eye.─Scrofulous phlyctenular ophthalmia.─Chronic inflammation of
margins of lids.─Fistula lachrymalis.
13. Stool and Anus.─Diarrhœa; < night; after eating; with pain in
bowels.─Hæmorrhoids, bleeding during stool.─Condylomata.─Anal
and inter-crural excoriation.─Fistula.
16. Female Sexual Organs.─Constant running from
vulva.─Burning stitching of vulva.─Heat and itching in
vagina.─Hæmorrhage at and subsequent to the
climacteric.─Leucorrhœa, light yellow, esp. mornings.─Leucorrhœa
acrid, excoriating thighs, with itching of genitals.─Gonorrhœal
discharge with swellings in each groin.
Relation. - Similar: to, Arn., Ars., Bry., Gels., in the early stages of
fever with malaise, nervousness, flushed face, drowsiness, and
muscular soreness. When Ars. has been properly given or too often
repeated in typhoid or typhus. After Baptisia: Crot., Ham., Nit. ac.
and Tereb. act well in haemorrhage of typhoid and typhus.
solid food. Painless sore throat, and offensive discharge. Contraction
at cardiac orifice.
Skin.--Livid spots all over body and limbs. Burning and heat in skin
(Arsenic). Putrid ulcers with stupor, low delirium and prostration.
Fever.--Chill, with rheumatic pains and soreness all over body. Heat
all over, with occasional chills. Chill about 11 am.Adynamic fevers.
Typhus fever. Shipboard fever.
Baptisia confusia (Pain in right jaw and oppression in left
hypochondrium, producing dyspnœa and necessity to assume erect
Among the chief symptoms of the remedy are the following: Stupor,
falls asleep whilst being spoken to, confused as if drunk. Cannot
keep his mind together, a wild wandering feeling. This scattered
feeling is further exemplified in the illusion that the body is double;
limbs separated and conversing with each other; can't sleep because
body seems scattered about and cannot collect pieces. There is a dull
heavy sensation in head with drowsiness and heavy eyelids. The
head feels large, with a numb feeling of head and face. Bruised
headache; soreness as if in brain; bruised feeling in occiput; heavy
feeling at base of brain with drawing in cervical muscles. Frontal
headache with pressure at root of nose. The neck is tired, cannot hold
head easy in any position. The eyes cannot bear light; burn; are
weak; painful on reading. Weight on eyes; eyeballs sore, lame on
moving. Blear-eyed. Lids partially paralysed. An illusion of smell
"as of burnt feathers" has been caused and cured by it. Pain in left
parotid gland. Flat, bitter taste. Tongue swollen; feels numb; speech
difficult. Is coated whitish yellow, and feels burnt or scalded. Dry,
parched, brown centre; cracked and ulcerated. Canker sores in
mouth. Ulcerations. The sore-mouth of sucklings. Painlessness is a
feature in the sore throat; putrid, painless, dark ulcers. Œsophagus
feels constricted down to stomach; can only swallow liquids; cases
of convulsive contraction of œsophagus and cardiac orifice, with
regurgitation of food, have been cured by it. In one case, that of an
old man, food could be swallowed and retained some days, but not
on others. He had always liked very hot food. The œsophagus was
red and granular. Bapt. 12 cured. Nausea, retching and vomiting.
Sinking, gone feeling. Pain in liver; and especially in gall-bladder; in
spleen; in right iliac region; in groins; glands swollen. Soreness of
abdominal muscles and right iliac region. Fetid exhausting diarrhœa;
dysentery in autumn or hot weather. Worms. The urine is high-
coloured, scanty, alkaline, fetid. Orchitis, squeezed pain in testes.
Hale considers it specific in threatened miscarriage from mental
depression, shock of bad news, watching, fasting, or low fever.
Patients in these conditions often complain of "dreadful sinking at
the stomach," fetid breath and other symptoms of Baptisia. Many
cases of phthisis are relieved by this remedy when the symptom and
type of fever correspond. Lumbar backache. Feels as if lying on a
board. Pain in sacrum. Weakness of lower limbs. Left foot much
prickling and numbness. Numbness and soreness are very general in
Baptisia patients. It has cured hysteria with prostration, numbness
and fear of paralysis, wanted to die, rubbed hands continually,
restlessness. The bed feels hard. There is excessive drowsiness. < On
waking; < walking; < open air; < cold wind; < autumn or hot
6. Face.─Face flushed, dusky, hot; dark-red, with a besotted
expression.─Muscles of jaw rigid.
13. Stool and Anus.─Frequent small, thin, dark, offensive, and acrid
stools.─Very fetid, exhausting diarrhœa; excoriating.─Stool
papescent, with large quantities of mucus; no pain.─Dark-brown
mucous and bloody stools, with tenesmus and typhoid
tendency.─Dysentery: rigors, pains in limbs and small of back;
stools small, all blood, not very dark but thick; tenesmus; great
prostration, brown tongue, low fever; in autumn or in hot weather,
constipation; severe, with hæmorrhoids; in afternoon.─Stricture from
22. Upper Limbs.─Constant twitching in l. deltoid.─Pain in l.
shoulder, extending down arm.─Pains in bones of arms and
hands.─Numbness of l. hand and forearm, with prickling.
27. Fever.─Chilly going into the open air; chills over the back and
lower limbs.─Chilly, with soreness of body.─Whole surface hot and
dry, with occasional chills, mostly up and down the back.─On
awaking, 3 a.m., flashes of heat; feeling as if sweat would break
out.─An uncomfortable burning all over surface, esp. face; moves to
cool part of bed; finally rises, opens window and washes.─Typhoid
and cerebral forms of fever.─Beginning of typhus when the so-called
nervous symptoms predominate; causes sweat to break out and
relieve; typhus; critical sweat on forehead and face.─Fever
originating from confinement on shipboard, without good care or
food.─Fetid sweat.
The most marked characteristic pertains to the odor and color of the
urine. It has a marked action on metabolism. It produces and cures
symptoms of a uric acid diathesis, with urine highly colored and very
offensive, and gouty symptoms. Renal insufficiency. Child wants to
be nursed in the arms, will not be laid down. Pains suddenly change
their locality. Anti-sycotic. Gouty and asthmatic.
Respiratory.--Hoarse in morning. Asthmatic cough; worse at night;
lying on right side. Chest very tender. Pain in region of heart.
Expectoration, green mucus.
Antidote: Copaiva.
Incompatible: Wine.
Characteristics.─The leading note of Benzoic acid is the
occurrence, as a concomitant of any morbid condition, of strong-
smelling urine, generally also dark. Benzoic acid is a chilly
medicine, the symptoms being < in open air; by uncovering; > by
heat. Pains suddenly change their locality, but are mostly felt in
region of heart. Joints crack when moving. Symptoms appear left
side first, then right. Asthma has been cured by it, especially in
rheumatic persons. Inflammation of bronchi and lungs, with great
tenderness of chest, cough < night, lying on right side. Some of the
chief symptoms are: Inclined to dwell on unpleasant subjects; if he
saw any one deformed it made him shudder. Tongue spongy on
surface with deep cracks and spreading ulcers. Sensation of lump (as
of food) in pit of throat; of swelling and constriction. Throat
symptoms are > by eating. Watery, light, very, offensive stools (in
children), stools like soapsuds, with usually strong-smelling urine.
Enuresis nocturna; urine dark, strong-smelling; heavy, hot; smelling
like horse's urine. Shivering before stool. Long-continued, dry cough
after suppressed gonorrhœa. Ganglion of wrist and bunion of great
toe I have frequently cured with Benz. ac. In these cases an ointment
(one ounce of the 3x to cetacean ointment one ounce) is a useful
external adjunct. Tearing and stitches in great toe, especially right
(gout). Swelling and pain of right knee. Gouty concretions. "Most of
the symptoms appear on the left side, but may subsequently come on
the right" (Guernsey). Motion < most symptoms, but headache is < at
rest, and toothache is < lying down.
cold hands.─Fearful pain in occiput or cerebellum.─Cold
perspiration on the head.
13. Stool and Anus.─Watery, light-coloured; copious; very
offensive stools (in children), with unusually strong-smelling
urine.─Frothy stool.─Stitching in rectum.─Sense of constriction at
lower end of rectum.─Wart-like elevations round anus; with
smarting soreness; strong-scented, high-coloured urine (after
previous use of Copaiva for chancre.).─Formication at
anus.─Diarrhœa of children during dentition.
mostly, but suddenly change locality.─Awakens after midnight with
violent palpitation of the heart, and hard beating of the temporal
Relation. - Similar: to, Canth., Lyc., Sars., Tab., in renal colic. Acts
well after, Arn., Bry., Kali bi., Rhus, Sulph., in rheumatic affections.
Stool.--Constant urging to stool. Diarrhœa painless, clay-colored,
burning, and smarting in anus and perineum. Tearing around anus.
Fistula in ano.
Fever.--Cold sensation in various parts, as if spattered with cold
water. Warmth in lower part of back, hips, and thighs.
of liver and kidneys are strongly marked; but Berb. is a medicine of
wide range. Movement < its complaints. Stitches are frequent, and a
"bubbling sensation" or "bubbling stitches" are characteristic. A
bubbling feeling as if water were coming up through the skin.
Tearing, burning pains or bubbling sensation in joints. The mental
condition is one of indifference, apathy. Melancholy, with inclination
to weep. There is aversion to darkness, terrifying apparitions in the
twilight. In the head there is vertigo and heaviness. Darting and
shooting pains often changing their localities; < movement, > open
air. Heat of head after dinner or in afternoon. Puffy feeling in head;
as if it were becoming larger. Scalp tense. The face is pale, with
dingy grey tinge, sunken cheeks, deep-set eyes, surrounded with
bluish and blackish grey border. Mouth dry and sticky; painful white
blisters on tip of tongue. The pit of the stomach is puffed up.
Sticking pain in region of liver and gall-bladder shooting up to left
shoulder, < by pressure. Gall-stone colic, followed by jaundice.
Gnawing pain in right hypochondrium, shooting up to left scapula.
Pains shoot down from tenth rib to navel. Burning in either inguinal
region (especially right). Berberis produces both constipation (sheep-
dung stools) and diarrhœa, and a number of symptoms about the
anus. Hæmorrhoids, with itching or burning, particularly after stool,
which frequently is hard and covered with blood. Fistula in ano with
painful pressure in perinæum, extending deep into pelvis (left side).
The urinary organs are markedly affected. The emission of urine is
frequently accompanied by pains in thighs and loins. Lancinating, or
tearing, bubbling pains in region of kidneys; < stooping and rising
again, sitting or lying; > standing. Violent sticking pains in bladder,
extending from kidneys into urethra, with urging to urinate. Many
cases of (especially right) renal colic have been cured by it. Frequent
urging to urinate. Urine dark yellow, red, becoming turbid, copious;
mucous sediment, or transparent, jelly-like or reddish, bran-like
sediment. Urine slimy when passed, depositing copious loamy
yellowish sediment. Greenish urine depositing mucus. During
urination burning in urethra, or bladder, pressure in bladder, cutting,
burning, or stitches in urethra. Dragging or lancinating pains in
spermatic cord, extending into testes. Cold feeling in prepuce, glans,
testes, and scrotum. In the female a marked symptom is absence of
pleasurable sensation during coition. Uterine symptoms and
leucorrhœa associated with painful urinary symptoms.
Dysmenorrhœa, pains radiating in all directions down thighs, &c.
Vagina intensely painful; reddened. Violent pain in back, with
menses which are too scanty. It is a leading remedy in lumbago;
pains extend from back, round body, down leg; with red sediment in
urine. Numbness, stiffness, and lameness in kidney region. Many old
troubles in the back. Sufferings < by fatigue. Aching in small of
back; < sitting; or lying; in the morning on awakening. Neuralgia
under finger-nails. B. Simmons has verified a symptom of Berb.
which may be regarded as characteristic. A gentleman of 52
complained of rheumatic pains in his legs and loss of walking power.
After he had walked a short distance he was compelled to stop from
a feeling of intense weariness, heaviness, lameness, and stiffness of
the legs, which fell sore as if bruised. A single dose effected a
complete cure, improvement commencing on the fourth day. Stuart
Close (H. P. xix. 218) records the cure with Berb. 200 of a woman
who had cutting, burning pains in the balls of the feet on stepping.
On, standing with most of the weight on the heels she had no pain.
On rising in morning sensation in soles as if stepping on needles.
There is great weakness, like fainting, after a walk, with perspiration
and heat on the upper part of the body; cold, pale, sunken face and
oppression of breathing. Great relaxation, with disinclination to do
anything. On the indication "tumours and sessile growths," Ozanam
cured a case of polypus of vocal cords, red, with a sessile base. Thuja
had failed. Berb. 200 was given at first with good effect, the
attenuation being gradually reduced with increasingly good effect
until the growth disappeared entirely under the 1x, Guernsey
admirably sums up the remedy as follows: "Affects particularly the
lumbar region; kidneys; uterus. The patient is sometimes unable to
tell the exact locality, but the pain is somewhere in the back and
shoots up the back; or into the spermatic cord, or testes, bladder,
buttocks or legs. The pain may shoot up or down, or both ways.
Pains may be felt all over the body, emanating from the back; the
pains are of a sticking, pricking, lancinating, or jerking character,
flying about now here and now there. There is often a bubbling
sensation in the region of the kidneys; this sensation may occur
elsewhere, but it is usually found here." Great sleepiness during day
and after dinner. After riding much, great sense of weakness in
kidney region. Suited to: Bilious diathesis. Cases where renal or
vesical symptoms are prominent.
Antidoted by: Camph., Bell. Antidote to: Aco. An occasional dose of
Lyc. helped action of Berb. Follows well: Bry., Kali bi., Rhus, Sul.
of the eyes to the brightness of the sun.─Sharp pains in the ball of
the eye, and in the eyelids.─Heaviness in the eyelids during
motion.─Burning or gnawing pains in the eyelids.─Convulsive
movement of the eyelids when reading by candle-light.
side of the throat; expectoration of a quantity of thick, yellow, jelly-
like mucus.─White, sticky tongue, viscid saliva resembling soap-
suds.─Tonsillitis, with sensation of something rough there; stiff-
neck; feeling of a plug in the throat.
13. Stool and Anus.─Hard stools like sheep dung; or soft, easy
stools, with burning in anus.
aggravates the pains in the urethra.─Burning pains in the urethra
when making water, and afterwards, but esp. at other times.─Stitches
and burning in the urethra.─Shooting pains in the urethra, extending
to the bladder.─Aching pains in the region of the bladder, even when
it is empty, and after making water.─Contractive, drawing, acute,
incisive, and cramp-like pains in the bladder.─Shooting, violent
pains in the loins, extending to the bladder.─Sensation of burning in
the bladder.─Pressure on making water.─Urgent inclination to make
water, esp. in the morning after rising.─Increased secretion of urine,
which is as clear as water.─Urine pale yellowish, with slimy,
gelatinous, mealy sediment, white, greyish white, or reddish.─Urine
thick, yellowish, like whey, or clay-coloured water.─Urine of a deep
yellow, with abundant sediment.─Urine dark yellow, red, becoming
turbid, copious; mucous sediment, or transparent, jelly-like reddish,
bran-like sediment (which is easily crushed and dissolved between
the fingers).─Greenish urine, depositing mucus.─Urine reddish, as if
inflamed, with abundant sediment.─Urine reddish, sanguineous, with
slimy, mealy, and abundant sediment, of a bright red colour.─The
emission of urine is often accompanied by pains in the thighs and in
the loins.
the loins, or violent pains in the head, with sensation of
fainting.─Catamenia insufficient, with acute drawing pains in the
whole body, painful inflation of the abdomen, pain in the loins,
shootings in the chest, dejected aspect, with violent pains in the head;
or with ill-humour, disgust of life, dejection, smarting pains in the
vagina, sensation of burning and excoriation in the anus, and pains in
the arms, as far as the shoulders and the nape of the neck.
wrist.─Lymphatic swelling of the forearm, with spots like petechiæ
and burning pains in the skin.─Drawing, acute pains in the joints of
the hand and of the fingers.─Aching, digging, violent pains in the
back of the hand, with sensation of heaviness.─Urticarial spot on the
back of the hand.─Small warts in the fleshy part of the hand, under
the thumb.─Sensation in the extremity of the finger, as if caused by
subcutaneous ulceration.─Flat wart on the finger.─Redness of the
hands, with itching, as if from chilblains.─Neuralgic pain under
nails; tender to touch.
and heat of the upper part of the body, paleness of face, hollow
cheeks, and oppression of the chest before going to rest.─Fainting,
after having been in a carriage.─Sessile growths.
Mind.--Solitude is unbearable. Desire for company. Complains
about his condition. Anguish. Discontented.
Dose.--First to sixth potency.
some headaches. > Bending backward (pressure in spine). The
patient is restless, moving about; anxiety.
Causation.─Abdominal operations.
piercing in the forehead, which extends to the eyes and point of the
nose.─Headache attended by, or alternating with, gastralgia. Burning
contraction in the head, esp. in the forehead and in the eyes.─Aching
of the eyeballs.─Secretion of humour in the corner of the eyes.
13. Stool and Anus.─In the evening, ineffectual efforts to go to
stool.─Aqueous diarrhœa of a putrid smell.─Stools: cadaverous
smell.─Cholera; cholerine; fluids vomited as soon as taken.
27. Fever.─Coldness of the whole body, externally.─Great
heat.─Flushes of heat, esp. on head and chest.─Intermittent, small
019 - BORAX
salivation, especially during dentition. Aphthous sore mouth; is
worse from touch; eating salty or sour food; of old people, often
from plate of teeth (Alumen). Child has frequent urination and
screams before urine passes (Lyc., Sanic., Sars.). Leucorrhoea:
profuse, albuminous, starchy, with sensation as if warm water were
flowing down; for two weeks between the catamenia (compare,
Bov., Con.). Skin: unhealthy, slight injuries suppurate (Calend.,
Hep., Mer., Sil.).
Violent fright from report of a gun, even at a distance. Fear of
Respiratory.--Hacking and violent cough; expectoration, moldy
taste and smell. Stitches in chest, with inspiration and cough. Cough
with moldy taste-breath smells moldy. Pleurodynia; worse upper part
of right chest. Arrest of breathing when lying; is obliged to jump and
catch breath, which causes pain in right side. Out of breath on going
up stairs.
contented, and cheerful. Another mental symptom is: Idles through
the afternoon does not really get to work; changes from one business
to another from one room to another. It is suited to the period of
dentition; to persons with light hair; lax skins and muscles; wrinkled
skin consequences of getting cold in cold and wet weather; riding
eating fruit. Symptoms are < in warm weather, < after menstruation.
Parts usually red turn white. Many Natrum symptoms appear in the
proving. Stitching pains predominate.
weather.─Hair entangled, as in plica polonica; is rough and frowsy,
splits; sticks together.
8. Mouth.─Aphthæ in the mouth and on the tongue, which bleed
easily.─Spasmodic stiffness and torpor of the tongue.─Skin of the
palate hard and wrinkled.
15. Male Sexual Organs.─Absence of sexual desire.─Erections,
with painful tension, on waking in the
morning.─Gonorrhœa.─Chancres studding
prepuce.─Stitches.─Sticking, sore pain, < when touched.
19. Heart.─Sensation as if the heart were on the r. side, and were
going to be crushed.─Infants cyanotic from birth.
26. Sleep.─Sleepiness during the day, and sleeplessness at
night.─Inclination to sleep long before the usual hour, and too long
sleep in the morning.─Restless sleep, in consequence of ebullition of
the blood, of colic, and of diarrhœa.─Waking too early, with
difficulty in going to sleep again, from heat and too great a flow of
ideas.─Anxious cries of children, during sleep, with convulsive
movements of the hands.
(Kali bi.). Usually deep impression on finger, from using blunt
instruments, scissors, knife, etc. Intolerence of tight clothing around
the waist (Calc., Lach., Sulph.). Sweat in axilla, smells like onions.
Haemorrhage: after extraction of teeth (Ham.); from wounds,
epistaxis. Great weakness of joints and weariness of hands and feet.
Awkwardness, inclined to drop things from hand (Apis); objects fall
from powerless hands. Menses: flow only at night; not in the daytime
(Mag. c. - only in the day, ceases lying, Cac., Caust., Lil.); every two
weeks, dark and clotted; with painful bearing down (Sep.).
Intolerable itching at tip of coccyx; must scratch til parts become raw
and sore.
Stomach.--Sensation as of a lump of ice. Intolerant of tight clothing
around waist.
Joints, affections of. Menstruation, disordered. Metrorrhagia.
Ovaries, affections of. Rheumatic affections. Stammering. Tongue,
ulcerated. Tumours. Urticaria. Warts. Whitlow. Wounds.
had an eruption on left foot, which discharged much water, and was
"cured" by the use of a salve. A few months later the left knee
became affected and the limb was amputated above the joint. The
present eruption was fiery red, covered with yellowish-brown scales,
thick as an old-fashioned wafer. There were also rheumatic pains in
the leg. After Rhus had been given without benefit, Dr. Gee elicited
these additional symptoms: "Occasional spells of short breathing,
especially from working with the hands. Sleep disturbed by burning
and itching, and also by anxious, frightful dreams; headache when
waking from sleep. Frequent desire to urinate, even immediately
after urinating." These symptoms being found under Bovist. in
addition to "moist vesicular eruptions, with formation of thick
crusts," the latter put in heavy type by Lilienthal, this medicine was
given with steady improvement and eventual cure. Great weakness
of the joints. Sensitive to touch, cannot bear clothing. Sensitive to
draught, chilliness predominates. Early morning sweat < on chest.
Many symptoms are < in early morning; the diarrhœa occurs then.
Sweat of axilla smells like onions. Symptoms generally are <
morning; < cold food; > hot food. < Hot weather; < at full moon.
Effects of over-exertion. Bending double > colic; straightening up >
shooting pains between shoulders. Bovista antidotes effects of
charcoal fumes. Easily intoxicated; < from wine. < From coffee.
2. Head.─Intoxication after having drunk but very little
wine.─Vertigo as if everything turned round in a circle.─Stunning
dizziness, with loss of sense.─Sudden attacks of vertigo and feeling
of stupidity in bed; on rising, loses consciousness for a moment
preceding and following a headache in morning.─Pains in the centre
of the brain, with a sensation as if the head were enlarged.─Pains in
the head pressing inward; pains from side to side pressing outward;
as if both sides were pressed towards each other.─Headache on
waking, as after too long a sleep.─Stunning headache with heat in
the eyes.─Nocturnal cephalalgia, with insupportable pain on raising
the head.─Aching pains in the head, with throbbing, as in an
abscess.─Compressive cephalalgia.─Sharp pains in the head, with
heaviness and a bruise-like sensation.─Excessive sensibility in the
scalp to the touch.─Falling off of the hair.─Excoriated spots on the
evening and at night, mitigated by heat and walking in the open
air.─Piercing and digging in the teeth.─The gums bleed easily at
night, or on sucking them.
(diabetes mellitus).─In the urethra, stinging, itching, burning; the
orifice is inflamed, and feels as if glued up.─Pain of ulceration in the
urethra on making water.
heart and oppressive anxiety.─Blunt instruments (scissors) make
deep impressions in the skin of the fingers.─Cramp-like drawing in
the joints of the hands.─Shooting pains in the joints of the hands on
laying hold of anything.─Want of strength in the hands, so that they
allow the lightest objects to fall from them.─Humid tetters on the
back of the hand.─Perspiration in the arm-pits, smelling like onions.
It acts best, but not exclusively, on persons with light blue eyes,
flaxen hair, light eyebrows, fair, delicate skin; blonde, red-cheeked,
scrofulous girls. Sensation of cobweb on the face (Bar., Bor.,
Graph.). Fan-like motion of the alae nasi (Ant. t., Lyc.). Sailors
suffer with asthma "on shore.". Stony, hard, scrofulous or
tuberculous swelling of glands, especially on lower jaw and throat
(thyroid, submaxillary, parotid, testes). Diphtheria: where the
membrane forms in pharynx; beginning in bronchi, trachea or larynx,
and extending upwards; chest pains running upwards. Membranous
and diphtheritic croup; much rattling of mucus during cough, but no
choking (as in Hepar.); sounds loose, but no expectoration (Ant. t.).
Croupy symptoms with hoarseness during whooping cough; gasping
for breath. Dyspnoea: cannot inspire deep enough; as if breathing
through a sponge or the air passages were full of smoke or vapor of
sulphur; rattling, sawing; voice inaudible; danger of suffocation from
mucous in larynx (in bronchi, Ant. t.). Hypertrophy of heart from
gymnastics in growing boys (from calisthenics in young girls,
Caust.). Physometra; loud emission of flatus from the vagina (Lyc.);
membranous dysmenorrhoea (Lac. c.). Cold sensation in larynx on
inspiration (Rhus, Sulph.); > after shaving (< after shaving, Carbo
former cures the blue-eyed and the latter the black-eyed patients." -
Hoarseness. Croup after febrile symptoms have subsided. Difficult
and painful breathing. Violent cramping of chest. Chest pains run
upward. Cold sensation when inspiring. Every inspiration provokes
cough. Laryngeal diphtheria, membrane begins in larynx and
spreads upward. Spasmodic constriction. Asthma; difficulty in
getting air into lung (Chlorum, in expelling). Better at sea, of
seafaring men when they come on land. Hypertrophy of heart from
gymnastics (Rhus). Fibrinous bronchitis, great dyspnœa. Bronchial
tubes feel filled with smoke.
Compare: Conium; Spongia; Iod; Aster; Arg nit. Avoid milk when
taking Brom. Hydrobromic acid (Throat dry and puckering;
constriction in pharynx and chest; waves of heat over face and neck;
pulsating tinnitus with great nervous irritability (Houghton); vertigo,
palpitation; arms heavy; seemed as if parts did not belong to him.
Seems to have a specific effect on the inferior cervical ganglion,
increasing the tonic action of the sympathetic, thus promoting vaso-
constriction. Relieves headache, tinnitus and vertigo, especially in
vaso-motor stomach disturbance. Dose, 20 minims).
evening till midnight; when at rest; > riding on horseback. After
dinner feels he will have an attack of apoplexy. Exertion =
oppression at heart.
Relations.─Compare: Iod. (but Iod. has < morning; dark hair and
eyes); Chlorum, Lach., Spong., Fluor. ac., Hep., Apis, Arg. n., Chi.,
Con., Coff., Cin., Cup., Lyc., Merc., Pho., Rhus (cardiac
hypertrophy, also Spo.; Arn.─from over-exertion); Sep., Sul., Ant. t.;
Pul. (blondes. Fear of ghosts or visions; also, Aco., Ars., Carb. v.,
Pho., Sul.). Antidoted by: Camph., Am. c., Mag. c., Op. Useful after:
Iod., Pho., Spo. Compatible: Arg. n. (generally after Bro.); Kali c.
6. Face.─Greyish, earthy complexion; old appearance.─Pale.─Heat
in cheek, first r., later l.─Sensation of cobweb.─Strong, hard
swelling of glands, esp. on lower jaw and throat.
13. Stool and Anus.─Diarrhœa, stools yellow, green, black; < after
every meal.─Hæmorrhoids, blind, painful, during and after stool <
from application of cold or warm water; > wetting with saliva; (with
black diarrhœic stools).─Intensely painful hæmorrhoids.
17. Respiratory Organs.─Hoarseness and aphonia <
evening.─Soreness and roughness in throat.─Cold sensation in
larynx, with cold feeling when inspiring, after breakfast; > after
shaving.─Constriction in the larynx; tickling, causing
cough.─Tickling in trachea during inspiration causing cough.─Stitch
in posterior portion of larynx, with feeling of constriction when
swallowing saliva.─Scraping and rawness in larynx, provoking
cough, as if pit of throat were pressed against
trachea.─Diphtheria.─When the diphtheria begins in the larynx and
runs up.─Croup.─When with all the croupy sound there is a good
deal loose rattling in the larynx with the breathing and coughing, but
no choking in the cough.─Dry, spasmodic, wheezing cough, with
rattling breathing.─Cough rough, barking, from tickling in
throat.─Inspiration very difficult; cannot inspire deep
enough.─Cough with sudden paroxysms of suffocation on
swallowing; respiration very short; obliged to catch for
breath.─Sensation as if the air passages were full of
smoke.─Spasmodic closure of the glottis.
repeated every other day, as a chilliness and cold
feet.─Tremulousness all over.
022 – BUFO
Female.--Menses too early and copious, clots and bloody discharge
at other times; watery leucorrhœa. Excitement, with epileptic attacks.
Epilepsy at time of menses. Induration in mammary glands.
Palliative in cancer of the mammæ. Burning in ovaries and uterus.
Ulceration of cervix. Offensive bloody discharge. Pains run into legs.
Bloody milk. Milk-leg. Veins swollen. Tumors and polypi of womb.
Complementary: Salamandra.
Characteristics.─In spite of modern scepticism regarding the
poisonous properties of the toad, Shakspere, who seems to have
known everything, was absolutely correct in speaking of the toad as
having "sweltered venom." The poison is excreted by glands in the
skin of the back. L. Guthrie (H. W., xxviii. 484) tells a story of an
Italian peasant, apparently dying of dropsy, whose wife, weary of the
interminable length of his illness, thought to hasten his end by
putting a toad into his wine. The result was the man was completely
cured. "Quintessence of toads" figured largely in the therapy of
Salmon's Doron Medicon (1583), where it is commended as a
"Specifick in the Dropsy." Homœopathic experiments and
poisonings have shown that this reputation is founded on fact. But
the chief laurels of Bufo have been won in the treatment of epilepsy.
Bojanus has cured many cases; and no medicine has served me better
in the treatment of this disease. Few people who have witnessed a
characteristic epileptic seizure can have failed to notice the curiously
toad-like aspect assumed by the subject. The epileptic seizure and the
status-epilepticus give the clearest correspondence to the Bufo range
of action. Again, epilepsy is often found among the effects of self-
abuse in the young, and Bufo provokes the tendency to the practice,
and even causes impotence. The Indian women of Brazil are aware
of this last property, and administer the venom to their husbands in
food or drink when they wish to free themselves from their marital
attentions. Bufo causes low grades of inflammatory action, fetid
exhalations and discharges. (I have removed the fetor in hopeless
cases of cancer with this remedy.) Guernsey commends it in
panaritium where the pain runs in streaks, all the way up the arm.
Also when the fingers have been injured and look black, with pains
running in streaks up the arm. E. E. Case has reported a cure with
Bufo cinereus of "epistaxis daily for several weeks with flushed face,
heat and pain in forehead > by the bleeding; there was also easy
perspiration in general, apt to be offensive, especially on the feet."
According to Lippe Bufo is especially indicated in epilepsy when the
attacks occur during sleep at night. The patient may or may not be
awakened by the attack; if not, when he does awaken he will have
violent headache. Epileptic symptoms are < in warm room; but there
is also great sensitiveness to cold air and wind. Marked periodicity:
quartan fevers. Hæmorrhages.
starting in solar plexus, Artem., Calc., Nux, Sil.; aura starting in arm,
Lach., Sul.; in chorea, patient cannot walk, must run or jump, Kali
bro., Nat. m.; as if heart in water, Bovist.; in masturbation,
impotence, &c., Hyo., Merc., Sul.; in malignant pustule, Anthrax.,
Ant. c., Lach. in bullæ, panaritium, &c., Hep., Lach., Ph. ac., Sil.,
Diosc. Head drawn to either side, Camph.
20. Neck and Back.─Attacks ushered in by a jerk in nape of
neck.─Swelling of bone size of fist (caries of dorsal vertebræ).
Acts on circular muscular fibers, hence constrictions. It is the heart
and arteries especially that at once respond to the influence of
Cactus, producing very characteristic constrictions as of an iron
band. This sensation is found in various places, œsophagus, bladder,
etc. The mental symptoms produced correspond to those found when
there are heart affections, sadness, and melancholy. Hæmorrhage,
constrictions, periodicity, and spasmodic pains. Whole body feels as
if caged, each wire being twisted tighter. Atheromatous arteries and
weak heart. Congestions; irregular distribution of blood. Favors
formation of clots speedily. Great periodicity. Toxic goitre with
cardiac symptoms. Cactus is pulseless, panting and prostrated.
Chest.--Oppressed breathing as from a weight on chest. Constriction
in chest, as if bound, hindering respiration. Inflammation of
diaphragm. Heart-constriction, as from an iron band. Angina
pectoris. Palpitation; pain shooting down left arm. Hæmoptysis, with
convulsive, spasmodic cough. Diaphragmitis, with great difficulty of
Clinical.─Aneurism. Angina pectoris. Apoplexy. Arteries, atheroma
of. Asthma. Bladder, paralysis of. Brain, congestion of. Bronchitis.
Diaphragm, rheumatism of. Dropsies. Ear, inflammation of. Fistula.
Goître, exophthalmic. Hæmaturia. Hæmorrhages. Headache. Heart,
affections of; hypertrophy of. Indigestion. Intermittent fevers. Lungs,
hæmorrhage from. Melancholy. Menstruation, painful. Miliaria.
Neuralgia. Otitis. Ovaritis. Pneumonia. Prostate, affections of.
Rheumatism. Sun, effects of. Sunstroke. Traumatic fever.
Cactus are: "Heavy pain in vertex, like a weight." "Periodical attacks
of suffocation, with fainting, cold sweat on face, and loss of pulse."
"Fluttering and palpitation of heart, < when walking or lying on left
side." "Heart disease with swelling of left hand only." "Numbness of
left arm." "Rheumatism of all joints, beginning in upper extremities."
The pains are very sharp, causing the patient to cry out. Many
symptoms are < at night ("Night-blooming Cereus"). Menses cease at
night. Many symptoms < lying down, or come on when lying down.
Periodicity is well marked (quotidian fever, 11 a.m.). Chill at same
hour every day, 11 a.m. or 11 p.m. Choudhury has reported a case
cured, the characteristics being: "Chill severe, 11 a.m., thirsty,
headache, body hot; no separate heat." When there is heat there is
thirst and short breath. At times there is entire absence of sweat.
There is < after eating (weight at stomach); and also < from missing
a meal or fasting (prosopalgia and other neuralgias); < from lying on
left side; from noise and light from heat; from sun's rays; from
exertion; from damp.
12. Abdomen.─Pulsation in the cœliac artery (after dinner), burning
extends down from it in flashes.─Sharp pains shooting through
diaphragm and up into chest.─Colic with loose stool.─Insupportable
heat in abdomen.─Pain and bearing-down in lower abdomen.
palpitation; constriction as from a tight cord around false
ribs.─Sensation of a great constriction in middle of sternum, as if the
parts were compressed by iron pincers, with oppression of breathing;
worse on motion.
25. Skin.─Dry, scaly herpes on the outside of the elbow, and on the
r. internal malleolus.
Epilepsy with rush of blood to the head before attack; aura felt in
region of heart; flying sensation. Complaints in fat women around
climacteric. Chronic malaria. Infantile enlarged liver and spleen.
Nephritis, with great sensitiveness in kidney region. Complaints of
drunkards after abstaining (Carbon sulph). Fleshy women at
climacteric, slightest emotion causing palpitation. Dyspnœa, with
feeble heart. Chilliness. Albuminuria. Dropsy. Affections of spleen
and mesenteric glands. Hemoglobin and red corpuscles are low.
Head.--Violent rush of blood to head with vertigo. Pain in head
better by lying on painful side. Weekly headache. Benumbling
headache mostly around ears.
Dose.--Third trituration.
It has many head symptoms: Vertigo when moving the head. Flying
or swimming sensation as if feet did not touch the ground
indescribably well; most wonderful visions pass before the eyes,
manifold but lasting only a second; passing like lightning, but is
infinitely much." Rush of blood to head before an epileptic attack.
Epilepsy with heart disease. Weight an vertex, later on occiput. The
headaches go from before backward; < mornings going out of doors;
< on aspect opposite to the one lain on, whether front or back, or
either side. > By mental exertion but < after. < After slightest error in
diet. Headache and palpitation are < and > together. Violent pains
over right eye; stitches in right forehead, recurring weekly. Head is
hot. Delirium in the dark. Blue rings under eyes. Swelling of inguinal
glands, with tearing pains in legs. General dropsical swelling,
temples, face, backs of hands, with albuminuria. Drawing as with a
thread from larynx backwards. Burning and heat in chest; feeling as
if he would suffocate with palpitation; pains in heart region followed
by shooting in back extending to feet and arms. Every fourth beat of
pulse omits with great regularity. The fever symptoms are well
marked─intermittent, remittent, hectic, and masked malarious.
Chilliness is marked, originates inwardly, with a sensation as if skin
and adjoining parts were hot. Chilly cramps over back towards arms
and chest. Night sweat after 3 a.m. Liver and spleen somewhat
enlarged. It is the most efficient remedy, according to P. C.
Majumdar, in the infantile enlarged liver and spleen of India. In
albuminuria cases there is great sensitiveness of the kidney region.
Cholera with impeded respiration from heart embolism. Suited to
lymphatic, scrofulous, and tuberculous persons; fat women,
approaching the climaxis; fat persons; complaints of drunkards after
leaving off alcohol. It is a chilly medicine, the symptoms being < in
cold weather; when out of doors.
2. Head.─Vertigo on moving the head.─Rush of blood to head
before an epileptic attack.─Digging, pressive beating through l. half
of head, from before backwards.─Headache over r. eye.─Weekly
22. Upper Limbs.─Lame pain as if beaten in l. shoulder and arm.
Pain better while thinking of it (Hell. - worse, Cal. p., Helon., Ox.
ac.). Persons physically and mentally weak and irritable.
Exceedingly sensitive to cold air (Hep., Kali m., Psor.). Bad effects
of shock from injury; surface of body cold, face pale, blue lips livid;
profound prostration. Surface cold to the touch yet cannot bear to be
covered; throws off all coverings (Med., Sec.). Entire body painfully
sensitive to slightest touch. Tongue cold, flabby, trembling. Sudden
attacks of vomiting and diarrhoea; nose cold and pointed; anxious
and restless; skin and breath cold (Ver., Jatr.). In first stages of
cholera morbus and Asiatic cholera; severe, long- lasting chill (Ver.).
Great coldness of the surface with sudden and complete prostration
of the vital force; often a remedy in congestive chill; pernicious
intermittent (Ver.); pulse weak, externally small, scarcely
perceptible. Measles and scarlatina when eruption does not appear;
with pale or cold blue, hippocratic face; child will not be covered
(Sec.). All sequelae of measles.
Nose.--Stopped; sneezing. Fluent coryza on sudden change of
weather. Cold and pinched. Persistent epistaxis, especially with
goose-flesh state of skin.
Complementary: Canth.
or diarrhœa. (The collapse of Carbo v. is rather the result of alvine
discharges.) The tongue is cold. If he can speak, the voice is either
high pitched or husky. The cramps of Camph. are less pronounced
than in Cupr.; but cramps with icy coldness of limbs is characteristic
of Camph. The coldness of Camph. resembles that of Verat., but
with the latter the discharges are copious, and Camph. has marked
nausea, and the expression of nausea, upper lip drawn up. In some
epidemics, Camph. given early has alone cured a large majority of
the cases treated, and that whether given in drop doses of the tincture
or in the 30th. Salzer (On Cholera, p. 68) says the cases calling for it
are those in which "arterial spasm," with difficult breathing (spasm
of pulmonary arteries), coldness and lividity are the leading features.
In its actions on the genito-urinary sphere Camph. approaches Canth.
in intensity, and is one of the antidotes to the latter. Strangury and
priapism are among its effects. Camph. is indicated in many
conditions of sudden collapse from overpowering influences acting
on the nervous centres. For example, sunstroke: vitality ebbing away;
fainting spells growing worse; body icy cold and bathed in cold
sweat. Some characteristics are: Most pains are felt during a half-
conscious condition, and disappear when thinking of them. Afraid of
his own thoughts; wants to be diverted from thoughts of himself.
Fears to be left alone. Memory lost. Great sensitiveness to cold and
cold air; which < pains takes cold easily. Surface cold to touch, yet
throws off all covering. Extremities cold, with cramps.
Awkwardness. Spasmodic movement of head; head drawn to r. side;
rest of body relaxed; unconscious. Spasmodic drawing of head
laterally or backwards with deathly coldness. Erysipelas spreading to
central membranes. Repercussed eruptions. Soft parts drawn in. Skin
painfully sensitive. In the form of the ordinary Camphor pilules, I
have found it an excellent remedy for simple sleeplessness. In this, as
in its effect on colds, it resembles Acon. Irritable, weakly blondes
most affected. Scrofulous children most sensitive to Camph.
desire to uncover); Lyc. (head drawn to one side-Lyc. to left, Plumb.
and Stram. to right, Bufo to either); Op. (narcotism, heart affections);
Pho. (anguish and burning in cholera). Sp. dul. nit., Squil., Verat.
Teste puts Camph. in his Belladonna group, with Agar., Lach., Cedr.,
Stram., Tabac., and others. He notes that it acts much more
powerfully on carnivorous animals than on herbivora.
5. Nose.─Dry coryza.─Coryza fluent or dry.─Sneezing, beginning of
coryza.─Catarrhal affections with headache, from sudden change of
weather.─Nose-bleed.─Nose cold and pointed.─Violent stitching or
crawling, from root of nose almost to tip.
rectum feels narrow and swollen; is painful during the emission of
flatulence.─Asiatic cholera, with cramps in calves, coldness in body,
anguish, burning in œsophagus and stomach.─Diarrhœa: with
colicky pain, esp. when caused by cold; attack very sudden; sudden
and great sinking of strength.─Involuntary diarrhœa.─Blackish
20. Neck and Back.─Tension and stiffness of the neck on moving
it.─Heat with an inward vibration spreads from neck and from
between shoulders into limbs.─Drawing stitches through and
between shoulder-blades, extending into chest when moving
arms.─Pressure in small of back with leaden-like heaviness of lower
limbs.─Coldness in small of back and loins; inner coldness < by
walking a few steps.─Sensation as if cool air was blowing on back.
and tossing during sleep.─During sleep, the inspirations arc shorter
than the expirations.─Dreams: anxious; fearful; visions of spirits;
about what Is intended or what has happened in morning
hours.─Extreme restlessness with anxiety.
Very forgetful: forgets his last words and ideas; begins a sentence,
forgets what he intends to speak; inability to recall any thought or
event on account of other thoughts crowding the brain (Anac., Lac.
c.). Constantly theorizing. Laughs immoderately at every trifling
word spoken to him. Full of fun and mischief, then perhaps moaning
and crying. Great apprehension of approaching death. Delirium
tremens; excessive loquacity; exaggeration of time and distance.
Time seems too long (Arg. n.); a few seconds seem ages. Distance
seems immense; a few rods seems miles. Sensation as it the
cavarium was opening and shutting (Act.). Sensation of swelling in
the perineum or near the anus, as if sitting on a ball (with great
quantities of ropy mucus in urine, Cinch.).
The experimenter feels ever and anon that he is distinct from the
subject of the hashish dream and can think rationally.
laughter. Delirium tremens. Clairvoyance. Emotional excitement;
rapid change of mood. Cannot realize her identity, chronic vertigo as
of floating off.
Entire paralysis of the lower extremities. Pain in soles and calves;
sharp pains in knees and ankles; very exhausted after a short walk.
by this symptom, I removed with this remedy a "noise like a crash or
explosion during sleep." Sensation as of brain boiling over and
lifting cranial arch like a lid; opening and shutting sensation. Weight
at occiput, from which pains start up sides of head to temples and
vertex. Headache with flatulence; lasts till flatus can be passed up or
down; throbbing of occiput. Scalp sore feeling; crawling on vertex;
sensation as though skin tightly stretched over bones of face.
Clairvoyance and clairaudience; extreme sensitiveness to noise.
Grinds teeth whilst asleep. Stammering and stuttering. There is a
sensation in anus as if sitting on a ball; as if anus and part of urethra
were filled by a hard, round body. The urinary and generative organs
are very strongly affected. There is constant dull pain in region of
right kidney. Pains in kidneys when laughing. Urine loaded with
slimy mucus after exposure to damp and cold. Frequent micturition
with burning pain, in evening. Dribbling. Urging and straining, but
cannot pass a drop. Burning, scalding, or stinging in urethra before,
during, and after urination. Increased sexual desire, satyriasis,
priapism. Erections: while riding, walking, or sitting still, not caused
by amorous thoughts; violent; painful. Gonorrhœa; without pain;
with light-headedness; very profuse yellowish-white discharge.
Feeling as if discharge in urethra. Chordee. Very profuse, painful,
dark menstruation, but without clots. Palpitation, awakens from
sleep. Stitches in heart, with oppression, > deep breathing. Warmth
of spine extending to head. Backache < during catamenia, which
occur every two weeks and are scanty. Paralysis of lower limbs and
right arm. Nash relates the case of a lady suffering from cardiac
dropsy, who, when relieved of the latter, suddenly lost the power of
speech. In answer to a question she could begin a sentence, but could
not finish it, as she could not remember what she wished to say. She
was very impatient about it; would cry, but could not finish the
sentence, though she could signify assent if any one did finish it for
her. Can. ind. cured rapidly. [In one case of over-dose the observer
experienced a modification of this: Absolute forgetfulness of the
thought, speech, or acts of the previous moment; startled by hearing
the echo of the last words of a sentence he has just spoken. Having
suggested a walk to a companion and meeting him at the street door,
wondered why they were there. Afterwards he could remember
everything. < Lying down quietly: then thought succeeded thought
only to be immediately blotted out: no inclination to sleep. >
Walking about out of doors.] Can. i., like Bell., has: Wants to sleep
but cannot. Very sleepy. During sleep: starting; talking; grinding
teeth; nightmare. In paralysis there is tingling of the affected parts.
The sensitiveness to noise is extreme; can hear a whisper in
adjoining room and is irritated thereby. In some subjects a perfect
condition of catalepsy is produced.
head.─Head feels heavy, loses consciousness and falls.─Dull, heavy,
throbbing pain, with sensation as from a blow, on back of head and
neck.─Heavy weight at back of head, pains shoot up to temples and
vertex; pain at midday forces her to cry.─Headache accompanied by
flatulence, continuing until he can pass flatulence up or down;
throbbing of occiput.─Migraine.
urinate, but cannot pass a drop.─Profuse, colourless urine.─Has to
wait some time before the urine flows.─Has to force out the last few
drops with the hand.─The urine dribbles out after the stream ceases.
20. Neck and Back.─Pain across the shoulders and spine; must
stoop, cannot walk erect.─Chin suddenly drawn down to sternum,
lasting three days.─Warmth in spine extending to head.─Backache,
< during menses, which occur every two weeks and are scanty.
penetrated the soles, and ran upward through the limbs to the hips;
worse in r. limb, and accompanied by drawing pains in both
calves.─Shooting pains in the joints of the toes of l. foot; worse in
great toe; aching and stitching pain in ball of l. great toe.
things go down the wrong way. Stuttering. Confusion of thought and
speech. Wavering speech. Wavering speech, hasty, incoherent.
1. Mind.─Sadness and indifference.─The slightest contradiction
gives offence.─Disposition to be easily frightened.─Mania,
sometimes gay, sometimes serious or furious.─Irresolution and
uncertainty, in consequence of too fickle an imagination.─As if in a
dream.─Voices, including her own, seem to come from a distance;
her own voice seems strange, as if it were somebody else
speaking.─Lectophobia.─In writing, many errors are
made.─Vanishing of thoughts.─Want of words.─Ideas seem to stand
still; he stares in front of him; is absorbed in higher thoughts, but is
unconscious of them.
fails.─The speech stops with extraordinary anxiety and agony on
account of pain in the back.
walking; walks with legs apart.─Aching in the testes, and tension in
the spermatic cord, when standing upright.─Swelling of the prostate
gland.─Erections, with tensive pains.─Repugnance to coition, or
strong excitement of sexual desire.
20. Neck and Back.─Pains in the back, which impede speech and
suspend respiration.─Shooting pain between the shoulder-
blades.─Pressure towards the outside in the sacral region and
23. Lower Limbs.─Cramps in the thighs, the calves of the legs, and
the hams.─Weakness, staggering, and pains of the
knees.─Displacement of the patella on going upstairs.─Pulsation and
stretching pain in the feet, and in the joints of the foot, as after a long
walk.─Spasmodic contraction of the the tendo Achillis, with violent
Persons with light hair, blue eyes, nervous but stout and plethoric
habit. Phlegmatic diathesis; lack of reactive force, especially with fat
people, easily exhausted; indolent, dreads any kind of exercise;
persons inclined to be jovial, yet angry at trifles. Children; dread
open air; always chilly; refractory, clumsy, fat, dirty, and disinclined
to work or think. Desires to be let alone; wants to lie down and sleep;
Homesickness (of indolent, melancholic), with red cheeks and
sleeplessness. Constriction: in fauces; throat; nares; chest; bladder;
urethra; rectum. Burning and smarting sensation, as from cayenne
pepper, in throat and other parts, not > heat. Tonsillitis: with burning,
smarting pain; intense soreness; constriction of throat with burning;
inflamed, dark red, swollen. The burning spasmodic constriction and
other pains, worse between acts of deglutition (Ign.). Painful
swelling behind ear (mastoid), extremely sore and sensitive to touch.
Every stool is followed by thirst and every drink by shuddering. As
the coldness of the body increases, so also does the ill-humor.
Nervous, spasmodic cough; in sudden paroxysms; as if head would
fly to pieces. With every explosive cough (and at no other time) there
escapes a volume of pungent, fetid air. Pain in distant parts on
coughing (bladder, knees, legs, ears).
Stomach.--Burning in tip of tongue. Atonic dyspepsia. Much
flatulence, especially in debilitated subjects. Intense craving for
stimulants. Vomiting, sinking at pit of stomach. Much thirst; but
drinking causes shuddering.
Dose.--Third to sixth attenuation. In delirium tremens, dram doses of
tincture in milk or tincture or orange peel.
taste. Cough causing splitting pain in head. Chill at 10.30 a.m.,
beginning between shoulders and running down back. A case of
poisoning in a worker in a capsicum-plaister factory brought out:
severe chill with shaking; and it ended in an intense coryza. Caps. 30
brought speedy relief in a case of tympanites following laparotomy,
the concomitant symptoms being: cold nose and extremities, and
cyanosis. Caps. is a notable fever remedy. The patient is thirsty─but
drinking causes shuddering. Absence of thirst during heat. Burning,
pungent pains, < by application of cold water, are very marked.
Burning, pungent sensation in face < by slightest draught of cold air;
burning in throat; burning blisters in roof of mouth (diphtheria or
gangrene); constriction of throat, spasmodic closure, pain when not
swallowing; burning in rectum, tenesmus, hæmorrhage; burning on
urination; burning in bladder. Caps. is among the remedies of the
front rank in stomatitis in inflammation of the middle ear, with
involvement of mastoid cells in the sore throat of smokers and
drinkers, with inflammation, burning, relaxed uvula, sometimes dry,
sometimes with tough mucus difficult to dislodge. Local burning and
general chilliness distinguish Caps. in a vast number of cases. Caps.
is indicated where there is lack of reaction in persons of lax fibre.
The mental state shows home-sickness. "Home-sickness, with red
cheeks and sleeplessness; with hot feeling in fauces." (With a few
doses of Caps. I cured completely an Australian girl, of florid
complexion, who had come to London to study, and who was quite
incapacitated by home-sickness.) There is awkwardness, fearfulness,
obstinacy. Alternating states; laughs and weeps by turns; is now
jocose and sings, but becomes angry from slightest cause. Delirium:
it has been given with great success in delirium tremens, mostly in
drachm doses of the tincture, given in milk. > From heat is the most
important modality. Patients who cannot get to sleep without a hot
bottle at their back. Rest < some forms of headache and > others.
Motion = headache as if skull would split; as if bruised; asthma;
chilliness; stiff joints to crack. Ascending = asthma. < By touch.
Shuns open air; dreads uncovering; dreads air, especially a draught.
Spirits become lower as body becomes cooler. Sensation as if
cayenne pepper were sprinkled on parts. Violent pains in various
places; now here now there. Sensation as if parts would go to sleep. I
had one patient on whom Caps. acted well in summer, but not in
winter. Equal parts of tincture of Caps. and glycerine make an
excellent liniment for external use in many cases of chronic
rheumatism and neuralgia.
Relations.─Antidoted by: Calad., Camph., Cina, Chi., Sul. ac., or
vapour of burning sulphur. It antidotes: Effects of Alcohol, Coffee,
Opium, Quinine. Compatible: Bell., Lyc., Puls., Sil. Compare: Arn.,
Bell. (headache, &c.); Bry. (headache from cough); Canth. (burning
pains, throat symptoms, dysentery, urinary symptoms); Pso. (lack of
reaction; despair of recovery; Caps. in persons of lax fibre); Lach.
(thirst before chill; continues into chill; drinking <; also Elaps); Nat.
m., Carb. v. and Menyanth. (intermittents; Nat. m. is the "chronic" of
Caps.); Carb. an. and Nit. ac. (inflammation behind ears, Aur. and
Nit. ac. preferable in abscess; Sil. in chronic suppuration); Phos. ac.
(home-sickness; Caps. has red face); Ars., Alum., Carb. v., Lyc. have
burning pains > by heat. Merc., Nit. ac., Sul. have passage of blood
from bowels. Crot. t. (after drinking urging to stool); Helleb. (colic
with spasm of bladder); Plat. (burning, pungent pain in face, <
slightest draught of air, warm or cold). Compare also Solanaceæ.
1. Mind.─Tendency to take
alarm.─Discontent.─Opinionativeness.─Strong disposition to take
everything in bad part, to fly into a rage, even on account of harmless
jests, and to utter reproaches.─Capricious and exceedingly
changeable humour.─Dulness of all the senses.─Want of reflection
and awkwardness.─Nostalgia, with redness of the cheeks and
sleeplessness.─Disposition to jest, and to utter witticisms, but gets
angry at least trifle.
4. Ears.─Acute drawing pains in the ears.─Itching and pressure in
the bottom of the auditory tube.─Painful swelling on the bone behind
the ear; < by touch.─Tearing behind l. ear.─Diminution of hearing
after previous burning and stinging in the ear.
and movements in the abdomen.─Strong pulsations in the
abdomen.─Flatulent colic.─Protrusion, flatulent hernia in the
inguinal ring.
21. Limbs.─Rheumatic pain in limbs.─Tension in the knees and
stiffness in the calves of the legs on walking.─Stiffness of the arms
and legs, with tingling as when they are asleep.─Shooting-tearing
from hip to knee and foot, esp. when coughing.─Caries of r. hip; l.
leg atrophied, violent pains in atrophied leg.─Cold sweat on upper
part of legs.
pains lancinating, cutting, burning (Con; Merc iod flav). Burning,
rawness and fissures; moisture. Bubo.
Lumbago. Nose, affections of. Otorrhœa. Pancreas, indurated.
Perspiration, altered. Pleurisy. Polypus. Scrofula. Strabismus.
Syphilis. Tongue, affections of. Trachea, affections of. Ulceration.
Uterus, cancer of. Vision, disorders of.
dark; home-sick; wants to be alone. Fear of the dark and < on closing
eyes is very marked. Hearing is confused; cannot tell the direction
from which sounds come. There is an ichorous otorrhœa; and
swelling of the periosteum over the mastoid bone is very
characteristic. Tip of nose red; or blue. Disagreeable smoothness of
the teeth. There is a hoarse, suffocating cough producing a shaking
of the brain as if it were loose. Green, purulent, horribly offensive
expectoration. Axillary glands inflamed buboes in groins. Pressure
with hand > coldness of stomach. Symptoms are < in cold air; > in
warm room. < From sprains from touch. < After shaving. Rest <
head symptoms. < Lying on r. side (cough). After menses, throbbing
headache, < in open air. Weakness < during menses.
2. Head.─Vertigo, esp. in the evening or in the morning, and
sometimes with nausea in the act of rising, after remaining long in a
recumbent posture, or with obscuration of the eyes, on moving the
head.─Headache in the morning, as after a debauch.─Headache at
vertex as if skull torn open.─Headache in the open air, and
aggravated by damp weather.─Heaviness, esp. in the occiput, with
bewilderment.─Pressive headache, even after a meal, forces the
closing of the eyelids.─Congestion and internal heat of the
head.─Sensation of wavering of the brain, at every
movement.─Sensation of torpor in the head.─Acute, drawing pains
in the teguments of the right side of the head.─Tension of the skin of
the forehead, and of the crown of the head.─Sensibility of the scalp
to the pressure of the hat.─Scabs and eruption on the head.
8. Mouth.─Fetid smell from the mouth.─Burning vesicles in the
mouth and on the tongue.─Dryness of the tongue and of the palate.
15. Male Sexual Organs.─Absence of sexual desire.─Frequent
pollutions, followed by weakness and anxious inquietude.
pressed.─Burning in the coccyx, when it is touched.─Burning pain
in the back.
23. Lower Limbs.─Shooting pain in the (l.) hip when seated (the
pain causes limping).─Tension and contraction in the groins, which
do not permit the legs to be extended.─Tension in the hams and the
instep, with contraction of the parts.─Drawing and sensation of
contraction under the knee.─Pain as from excoriation in the
knees.─Cramps in the calves of the legs the legs and the
toes.─Pullings and shootings in the legs.─Loss of strength in the
joints of the feet, which give way readily when walking.─Pain as of
dislocation when walking or moving the limbs.─Coldness of the
feet.─Inflammatory swelling of the feet and of the toes, as if they
had been frozen with heat and burning.─Burning pain in the toes.
25. Skin.─Itching over the skin of the whole body, esp. in the
evening in bed.─Erysipelatous inflammations.─Chilblains.─Hard
and painful swelling of the glands.─Swelling of the external parts,
with burning pain.
27. Fever.─Pulse accelerated, esp. in the evening.─Chill, esp. in the
afternoon, in the evening, and after eating.─Shiverings, esp. in the
evening, in bed, with perspiration during sleep.─Excessive cold in
the feet and in the hands in the evening.─Nocturnal heat.─Easily
produced perspiration during the day, esp. at a meal, or when
walking.─Debilitating, and fetid sweat, esp. at night and in the
morning, principally on the thighs.─Sweat, which stains the linen a
yellow colour.
Like the other snake poisons, it affects the system profoundly. Like
arsenic, it has dyspnœa, mental and physical restlessness, thirst for
small quantities of water, necessity for having clothing loose, like
Laches. Marked alternation of moods; vivid dreams. Is a wonderful
restorative and deep acting remedy. Increased sexual desire in both
sexes. Ineffectual attempts to recline. Right ovarian region painful.
Dose.--Sixth potency.
thinks her husband is going to put her in an insane asylum; every
day, 3 to 8 p.m., for ten days, yet she knew it was a delusion.
Sulph. Ars., Lyc., Sulph. follow well, and will often be required to
complete the cure.
Constriction across, as by a string. Liver enlarged. Gallstones
Back.--Pain in nape. Stiff neck, head drawn to left. Fixed pain under
inner and lower angle of right scapula. Pain at lower angle of left
Painful hepatic diseases. Disturbed liver following malaria). Elemuy
Gauteria--(Stones in kidneys and bladder; grain doses of powdered
bark in water or 5 drops of tincture. Pellagra).
Antidote: Chamom.
"keynote" for its employment is a continued, bruised, aching pain at
the inferior angle of the right scapula: Chel. acts on spleen and
kidneys as well as liver. It is also a venous medicine. Paralytic
symptoms are prominent. There is great debility and drowsiness after
eating and on waking. Prefers hot things. Desire to lie down after a
meal. Aversion to move, feels tired on least exertion. There is the
Opium sleepiness and yawning. Yellowness of the skin; ulceration.
Chel. is a predominantly right-side medicine (like Sang. and Lyc.),
and besides the right infra-scapular pain and the action on the liver it
has neuralgia over the right eye and in right malar bone, and also an
action on the cæcum and right ovary; and on the base of the right
lung. In pneumonia with bilious symptoms it is one of the chief
remedies. Chel., like Lyc., has fan-like movement of alæ nasi in chest
affections. There may be either constipation (clay-coloured stools),
or diarrhœa with bright yellow stools. There is nausea (of pregnancy)
with desire for food > by drinking milk. Desire for hot drinks, only
water almost boiling will stay on stomach. Chills or creeps
accompany the headache or the jaundice. The dirty yellow
complexion produced by Chel., with other signs of cachexia,
strongly suggest cancer, and the action of Sang., its relative, in
cancer of the breast is well known. Also Opium, in addition to its
narcotic influence, is believed by Snow to have a retarding effect on
cancerous growth. A somewhat typical Chel. case, simulating cancer,
is recorded by C. M. Foss. A man, 45, had catarrh of the nose, and, at
the same time, of the stomach: had been told he had cancer of the
stomach. Tenderness over stomach with sinking, gone feeling, at
times reaching a state of painful anguish; sickness at stomach, all
symptoms > by eating. Chel. 6x cured at once. "Aversion to cheese"
is an indication for Chel. in many gastric conditions. Teste, who
proved Chel., places it at the head of a group which includes Caps.
and Viola. od. He mentions the analogy between the juice of Chel.
and the juice of Garcinia morella, Gamboge. Both are bright yellow
and pass to orange and brown on drying. Some old-school authorities
have recommended the juice of Chel. as a substitute for gamboge as
a hydragogue cathartic. Among its ancient external uses was, as an
application in eye affections, to chronic ulcers, and to warts. In
Teste's proving he emphasised the following symptoms: "1.30 p.m.:
dull and heavy, deep-seated pain in whole right side of chest and
right shoulder, without cough, but with embarrassed respirations.
This pain, which is at times accompanied by dull beatings in the
chest, does not allow him to draw a long breath; it is not perceptibly
aggravated by the motions of the arm. The pain is particularly felt in
the axilla and under the shoulder-blade; a sort of numbness of the
muscles in the region of the liver, and in the whole right side of the
neck, face, and head; apprehension of threatening pneumonia; great
anxiety; constant desire to stir and change one's position (lasts an
hour and decreases gradually)."-"Extremely profuse emission of a
whitish and foaming urine."-"2 p.m.: drowsiness which is so marked,
even in the open air, that she is near falling asleep while walking;
lasts half an hour." According to Rademacher Chel. acts on the
centre of the liver. Chel. has a strong action on the respiratory
sphere. A characteristic cough is caused by a sensation of "dust" in
the air passages. St. Clair Smith relates a case. A young lady had had
for several weeks a dry, racking, fatiguing cough night and day, <
night, no expectoration and no pain. She looked completely worn
out. The cough was excited by a sensation as if throat and larynx
were full of dust. Chel. 3, a powder every two hours, was given. She
only took three when the "dust" left the throat and with it the cough,
and never returned. Carleton Smith cured this: "Dry cough through
day with pain and stitches right side; severe hoarseness 5 p.m., voice
scarcely audible." In rheumatic affections Chel. has a large field.
Œdema, heat, tenderness and stiffness are the leading indications.
Here is a case: A baby girl had had rheumatism of both ankles for a
week, when it settled in the right one, which became greatly swollen,
very tender, painful and hot. Constipated for two months previous,
whitish stools. Chel. improved in twelve hours, and entirely cured in
a week. In another case of acute rheumatism of feet and ankles,
supervening on a slow, remittent fever, Chel. cured after the failure
of Rhus and Bry. The patient was a girl of six. Both ankles were
affected, feet much swollen and extended. The slightest movement or
touch extorted screams. The only relief was constant bathing with
hot water. W. A. Burr cured a case of right sciatic rheumatism, of ten
years' history, in a very corpulent woman, æt. 55. In her case there
were aggravations coming on in the afternoon and evening of each
day, and lasting into the middle of the night. During the paroxysms
the outer ankle and lower leg became cyanotic, swelling around
ankle, constriction above, great sensitiveness to touch and motion.
Very nervous during the spells. Great external sensitiveness;
aversion to touch, and < from it. Pressure > some symptoms and <
others. Eating > stomach symptoms: all complaints lessen after
dinner. Change of weather <; warmth <; cold water >. Open air <
headache; pain in right eye; and causes chill; and drowsiness. Motion
< most symptoms. Coughing and blowing nose > headache. Rest >.
Lying on face > pain in kidneys and bladder. Lying on left side >
pain in stomach. Many symptoms are < 4 a.m.; also 4 p.m. and
Relations.─Antidoted by: Acon.; acids; wine and coffee; Camph.
(Teste). It is antidote to: Bry. Compatible: Ars., Bry., Coral. r.
(whooping-cough); Led., Sul. (hepatised lung); Ipec. (spasm of
glottis). Compare: In pain below angle of scapula, Juglans cin.,
Chenop. (lower than angle and nearer spine), Ran. b. (edge of left;
through to chest), Lob. cerul. (inside edge right scapula), Angust.
(cutting from just beneath right scapula to breast, near nipple), Bry.;
Bry. is a close analogue in many symptoms─yellow tongue, swelling
of liver; Lyc. is complemented by Chel. (some differences are: Lyc.
has sour taste, Chel. bitter, Lyc. has rumbling in left hypochondrium,
and fulness after a small quantity of food. Lyc. and Bell. have
symptoms beginning and ending suddenly; Chel. has headache
ceasing suddenly). Merc. (bilious pneumonia. Sharp pains through
right lung to back; Merc. has slimy stool and great uneasiness before
and after, the stool of Chel. being free); Kali c. (pneumonia in later
stages, copious exudation into lungs, rattling with cough, < 2-3
a.m.); Colch. (nausea with desire for food); Carb. an. (leucorrhœa
staining yellow); Act. r. (waving sensation in brain); Aco., Ars.,
Bell., Bry., Calc., Caps., Chi., Gamb., Graph., Ign., Nit. ac., Nux,
Pho., Pod., Puls., Rhus, Sep., Spi., Sul., Viol. o.
eyes.─Tearing in forehead above eyes, extending into the (l.) eye,
into the lids, and root of nose.─Pressive pain in r. temple, r. parietal
bone, and at last over r. eye.─Beating in temples synchronous with
pulse on lying down in bed at night.─Stitches in vertex, esp. when
walking fast.─Occiput heavy as if it could not be raised from pillow
at night; with drawings in neck from above downward.─Sensation of
coldness in occiput ascending from nape; < moving; > at
rest.─Soreness; sensitiveness; itching; tingling; crawling on
scalp.─Hair falls out, esp. on occiput.─Scald-head.
bitter; oozing of blood.─Bad odour.─Mucus flies from mouth when
17. Respiratory Organs.─Hoarseness.─Spasm of glottis.─While
coughing pain in larynx and sacrum.─Pricking; sticking; tickling;
constriction in larynx.─Pressure as if air could not pass through; as if
swollen (r.).─Pressure, heat or irritation in trachea.─Short breath and
tight chest.─Nightly attacks of asthma with sense of constriction in
region of diaphragm.─Cough in paroxysms; throws up lumps of
mucus.─Cough after waking and on rising, with sensation of dust
under sternum.─Paroxysms of cough with copious expectoration;
with pain behind sternum, esp. at night.─Paroxysms of dry cough 4
miliary eruption on neck, chest, and arms.─Eczema.─Old, putrid,
spreading ulcers.
Aggravation. - From tabacco smoke (Ign.); touch.
Face.--Pustules which run together forming thick, yellow scabs on
face and head, corners of mouth and chin, with burning pain. Red
face. Trismus; disposition to grind teeth.
repercussion of skin eruptions occur, are chiefly felt in the brain.
Bovista and Æthusa are like Cic. v. in this. Teste mentions the case
of a lady of fifty-eight who ceased to menstruate at thirty in
consequence of a fright, and who was "of robust constitution,
irritable, nervous, and excessively fanciful and odd." She had a
chronic swelling of the left ovary. Cic. v. had a remarkably quieting
effect for several weeks, and during that time the swelling
diminished considerably. The patient had to leave Paris, so the
treatment could not be followed up. The two following cases
illustrate the action of Cicuta in a striking way. The first, a case of
acute meningitis, is quoted from N. A. J. H. by Amer. Hom. of
January 1, 1898: Dr. H. von Musits treated J. N. R., æt. 43; male;
married; a user of alcohol and tobacco; bookkeeper. After the intense
summer heat, these symptoms developed: Convulsion; distortion of
limbs; head turned backward. Trismus. Froth from mouth. Biting of
the tongue. Oppression of breathing. Entire loss of consciousness
and of power of swallowing. Convulsions, followed by complete
exhaustion. Stupor. Swelling of face. Inability to move the tongue.
The whole body seems to be of enormous size. The patient had three
attacks of convulsions during twenty-four hours, followed by the
swelling of the tongue and body. Extreme trembling of the hands.
Articulation difficult. Next day profuse watery diarrhœa stools < by
any noise, sudden entrance of any person into the room or loud
talking. > By rest and in a dark room. Several times previously he
had had symptoms of nervous exhaustion. His brother, a physician,
died the previous spring from paresis in consequence of excessive
use of alcohol and drugging. After two doses of Cicuta vir. 200 there
were no more convulsions and the patient was perfectly cured in two
weeks. There was no relapse. The next case, one of cholera, is
quoted from the Indian Hom. Rev. by Amer. Hom., December 15,
1896. Banerjee records the case: "A lad, aged five years, had an
attack of cholera three days before my visit. Had been treated by a
homœopath from beginning of attack. The patient was suffering from
convulsions, when I first saw him on the fourth day. The convulsive
fits were very severe since the third day of the attack of cholera. The
symptoms were: eyes half turned, head drawn toward the left side,
and the hands and feet of the same side were contracted. He was
given Bell., Hyos., Cina, and Bryonia without effect. Cicuta virosa
was then given. The first dose mitigated the severity of the fits, the
second dose put the child to sleep, and thus he was saved from
imminent death." The chief Conditions are: < From concussions,
especially of brain and spine; from turning the head; from slightest
touch (renews the spasms); from cold. > From warmth. Immediately
after eating: bellyache and sleepiness. Immediately after
commencing to eat: feels satisfied. Soon after a meal-great hunger.
3. Eyes.─Burning pain in the eyes.─Pupils either much contracted or
dilated.─Suspension of the sight, with vertigo, on walking.─Look
fixed, sometimes from a sort of absence of mind.─Wavering of all
objects before the sight.─Iris-like circles round candle.─Mobility of
the characters on reading; the letters turn, and are surrounded with a
coloured areola, the same as round the light.─Diplopia, or
obscuration of the eyes, sometimes alternately with hardness of
hearing.─The objects appear double and black.─Luminous and
coloured circle around all objects.─Photophobia.─Nocturnal
agglutination of the eyelids.─Twitching of the orbicularis muscle.
swallow.─Constriction after being hurt by swallowing a splinter of
17. Respiratory Organs.─Hoarseness.─Difficult respiration, and
want of breath.─Cough with copious expectoration.
the fit, the body remains insensible, and, as it were, dead.─State of
insensibility and immobility, with loss of consciousness and of
strength.─Attacks of catalepsy, with relaxation of all the muscles,
and absence of respiration.─Tetanus.─Drawing pains in the
limbs.─Affections of the r. side of the back.─Spasms during
parturition; children have convulsions from worms.─Strictures after
inflammation, sometimes after gonorrhœa.
Relations. - Compare: Ant. c., Ant. t., Bry., Cham., Kreos., Sil.,
Staph., in irritability of children. In pertusis, after Drosera has
relieved the severe symptoms. Has cured aphonia from exposure
when Acon., Phos. and Spong. had failed. Is frequently to be thought
of, in children, as an epidemic remedy, when adults require other
drugs. Santonie sometimes cures in worm affections when Cina
seems indicated, but fails (Mar. v., Spig.).
Nose.--Itching of nose all the time. Wants to rub it and pick at it.
Bores at nose till it bleeds.
Vomiting with a clean tongue. Desires many and different things.
Craving for sweets.
Spasms and twitchings, chronic gastric and intestinal troubles
sometimes removed by a single dose (physiological) of Santonin.
Dahlke). Helmintochortos-Worm-moss (acts very powerfully on
intestinal worms, especially the lumbricoid). Teucrium; Ignat;
Cham; Spig.
touch induces or aggravates spasms. Child cannot bear to have head
combed or brushed. Aversion to light. Strabismus; with sickly look
and dark circles round eyes; yellow vision. Asthenopia, defective
accommodation; yellow vision. Ravenous hunger; sinking
immediately after a meal. Difficult swallowing of liquids; clucking
noise from throat to stomach. Nocturnal enuresis; urine white, turbid,
at times fetid. Larynx extremely sensitive, touching it causes
suffocative spasm. Cough excited by sensation of feather down in
throat. Reflex cough; caused by writing or reading (to oneself). In
fever there is thirst with chill; face pale and cold; hands warm;
nausea or vomiting of bile or ingesta. Charles Mohr (H. M., January,
1898) commends it for: anæmic persons suffering from indigestion
and non-assimilation of food; or after acute illness when they have
headache, vertigo, and neuralgia. In the cachectic who have pains in
the belly and deranged abdominal functions, and suffer nervously.
For asthenopia from onanism, when reading by artificial light is next
to impossible; eyes feel veiled, need constant wiping. Spasmodic
strabismus from abdominal irritation. Spasmodic asthma after food
that disagrees, "sensation as if sternum lies too close to back,
embarrasses breathing and causes anxiety and sweat." Prosopalgia of
supra- and infra-orbital region and zygoma chiefly, pains pressing,
screwing, with hyperæsthesia. Gastralgia, enteralgia, and fevers
when the leading symptoms are present. Nash (Leaders in Typhoid
Fever) mentions two cases of typhoid in which Cina proved curative,
the indications being "Intense circumscribed redness of the cheeks,
and frequent and violent rubbing of the nose." S. C. Ghose has
recorded (H. W., September, 1899) a striking cure by Cina 6 and 200
of a case of infantile remittent fever, in which the classical symptoms
of the drug were present; the fever came on very irregularly. The
symptoms of Cina are < night; before midnight child wakes up
frightened. < From open air; cold air; cold water. < Yawning. Child
lies on belly, or on hands and knees, during sleep. Guernsey says
Cina is suited to complaints which are concomitant to yawning,
which come on whenever one yawns.
and defective accommodation, Artem. v. (but Art. v. has dizziness
from coloured light; and Cina has > from rubbing). Teste places Cina
in the Arsen. group from its analogy in the digestive sphere. Cham.
has many points of contact with Cina and some opposite conditions.
Causation.─Worms. Yawning.
nostrils.─Stoppage of the nose, in the evening.─Fluent coryza at
noon.─The nose burns.
anus.─Diarrhœa of bile, and of stercoraceous matter.─Loose,
involuntary, whitish evacuations.
hands.─Contraction and starting of the hand and of the
fingers.─Sprained feeling in the wrist-joint.─Weakness of the hand,
which suffers everything to escape from it.
Throat.--Spongy feeling; very dry and cold air passing over parts
causes pain. Breath, tongue, and throat feel cold. Uvula and tonsils
swollen. A small, dry spot in throat; must sip water frequently.
Hawking of mucus. Swelling and suppuration of glands of throat.
Head drawn to one side by swellings in neck. Sore throat from
inhaling the least cold air. Heat and itching in throat.
Clinical.─Bone affections. Cancer. Diarrhœa. Erysipelas. Follicular
pharyngitis. Glandular swellings. Hip-joint disease. Hospital
gangrene. Lupus. Panaritium. Parotitis. Scorbutus. Scrofula. Sore-
throat. Ulcers. Zona.
forehead, in a very warm room.─Pressive pain at root of nose with
headache.─Head drawn to one side by swellings in neck.
11. Stomach.─Desire for acid food and fruits, but pain and diarrhœa
follow eating them.─Desire for cheese.─Eating and drinking > dry
throat and pain in sinciput.─After eating: pain in stomach; cold
feeling in stomach.─After drinking coffee, diarrhœa.─Empty and
cool eructations.─Frequent nausea; with diarrhœa.
26. Sleep.─Very restless at night.─Sleepless from dryness of
throat.─Night sweats.
sensitiveness to cold. Flickering before eyes. Pustular conjunctivitis,
with tinea capitis; eyes inflamed and protruding.
Teeth.--Ache; worse, at night and from tobacco. Teeth feel too long.
on neck and occiput); Sars. (syphilitic ulcers). In "aversion to be
washed," compare Ant. c., Hep., Pho., Sep., Spi., Sul. In bending
head back, Cinnabar. Cobalt. has < bending head forward.
6. Face.─Face pale and sickly.─Sensation of burning in the skin of
the cheeks (momentary flushes).─Incisive burning pains in the lower
lip.─Cancer of the lips.─Phlyctenoid eruptions on the lip.─White
vesicles on the nose and on the face, as from a sunburn.─Moist
eruption on the face, preceded by stinging pain.─Purulent pimples on
the chin.─Swelling of the submaxillary glands, with nodosities, hard,
tensive, pulsative, and painful on being touched.
13. Stool and Anus.─Frequent, liquid, or loose evacuations, without
colic.─Loose stools, with burning at the anus.─Burning heat, and
itching at the anus (in the evening); better after an
evacuation.─Hæmorrhoids, itching, discharging some mucus.─Hard
stool, difficult to discharge (in the evening).
hands.─Gnawing blisters on the hands and fingers, with swelling;
cold water aggravates the sufferings.─The hands feel as if they were
too large; they are dry and hot.─Arthritic nodosities in the joints of
the fingers.
For women and children with light hair and eyes, who suffer
severely during menstruation and pregnancy; unmarried and
childless women. Adapted to book-worms; sensitive, romantic girls
with irregular menstruation; rakes, onanists and persons debilitated
by sexual excesses. Nausea or vomiting from riding in carriage,
boat or railroad car (Arn., Nux m.), or even looking at at a boat in
motion; sea- sickness; car-sickness. Headache: in nape and occiput;
extending to the spine; as if tightly bound by a cord; with nausea, as
if at sea; at each menstrual period; < lying on back of head. Sick-
headache from carriage, boat or train riding. Diseases peculiar to
drunkards. Loss of appetite, with metallic taste (Mer.). Time passes
too quickly (too slowly, Arg. n., Can. I.). Great lassitude of the whole
body; it requires exertion to stand firmly; feels too weak to talk
loudly. Bad effects: from loss of sleep, mental excitement and nigh
watching; feel weak if they lose but one hour's sleep; convulsions
after loss of sleep; of anger and grief. Trembling of arms and legs;
from excitement, exertion or pain. Vertigo, as if intoxicated upon
rising in bed; or by motion of the carriage (Bry.). Sensation: in
abdomen of cutting and rubbing on every movement, as of sharp
stones; of hollowness in head and other parts (Ign.). During the effort
to menstruate she is so weak she is scarcely able to stand from
weakness of lower limbs (Alum., Carbo an.); after each period
haemorrhoids. Leucorrhoea in place of menses, or between periods
(Iod., Xan.); like the washings of meat; like serum, ichorous, bloody;
during pregnancy. Cannot bear contradiction; easily offended; every
trifle makes him angry; speaks hastily (Anac.). When fever assumes
a slow, "sneaking," nervous form, with vertigo; with disposition to
Face.--Paralysis of facial nerve. Cramp-like pain in masseter muscle;
worse, opening mouth. Prosopalgia in afternoon, with wide
radiations of pain.
Fever.--Chill, with flatulent colic, nausea, vertigo, coldness of lower
extremities, and heat of head. Sweat general. Nervous form of low
fever. Chilliness, with perspiration, and heat of skin.
intoxicating properties. A very characteristic symptom is a sensation
of hollowness or emptiness in the head or other parts. Allied to this is
a sense of lightness of body. Another characteristic is an opening and
shutting sensation, especially in the occiput. Along with the vertigo
is nausea and vomiting which bring it into close relation with sea-
sickness and carriage-sickness. Coccul. corresponds perfectly to the
sensitive condition caused by loss of sleep and night-watching, and
is the first remedy to think of for removing this. "Irritable weakness"
is a leading note in the Cocculus effects. The Cocculus patient is
very sensitive to fear, anger, grief, and all mental disturbances; also
to noise and touch. Enlargement of liver after anger. Easily startled.
Fear of ghosts and spectres. Stinging pains, stitches, constriction; in
the hands a pithy feeling. Many symptoms are < at menstrual period;
piles during menses. Cocculus has cured a case of delirium at onset
of menses during first and second days; the patient said, "I always
see something alive, on wall, floor, chairs, or anywhere, always
rolling, and will roll on me." Cocculus is suited to persons of mild
and sluggish temperament; light-haired persons; hypochondriacal,
timid, fearful, and nervous persons. Other prominent features of
Coccul. are: Paralytic pains, or pains as of dislocation. Paralytic
weakness; lax-muscles. "Weakness of neck muscles with heaviness
of head." Sensation as if single parts had gone to sleep. Immovability
of parts affected. Of localities, the right hypochondrium (especially
liver), inner hypogastrium, inner forehead, back, upper arm, and
bones of arm are chiefly affected. This has been verified:
"Spasmodic, flatulent colic, about midnight, flatus passed without
relief," recurring several nights; promptly cured by Coccul. 3x. Lippe
cured a case of enlargement of the liver after parturition, the
indication being "the liver was more painful after anger." The
sensitiveness to touch is very great and serves to indicate Cocculus in
preference to other remedies in many affections where this is
pronounced, in articular rheumatism, in ulcers, in neuralgic
affections of bones. The least jar is unbearable (travelling by land or
sea). < By touch, pressure, or jar. < From motion generally; moving
body; rising from bed; bending over or stooping. < Kneeling;
walking; swallowing saliva. Sitting > some symptoms. Many
symptoms are < evening and night, especially about midnight and 1
a.m. Sensitive to air either hot or cold. Longs for cold drinks, but
eating or drinking anything cold = tearing in limbs. < Open air. <
From sun. < By warmth of bed. > In a room. A decoction of
Cocculus is a domestic remedy used locally for destroying head- or
Relations.─Antidoted by: Camph., Cham., Cupr., Ign., Nux v.,
Staph. It antidotes: Alcohol, Tobacco, Cham., Cup., Ign., Nux v.,
and the fever of Thuj. Incompatible with: Caust., Coffee.
Compatible: Follows well Aco. (endocarditis with fearfulness);
Cham., Nux, Ign. Compare: Aco., Act. r.; Ant. c. (gastralgia), Agar.
(somnolency), Ant. t., Ars., Bell., Calc., Carb. v. (parotitis), Cham.,
Coff., Cupr., Ign. (headache), Ip., Iod., Lach., Merc., Mosch., Nitr.,
Nux mos. (somnolency), Oleand., Petr., Puls. (headache), Rhus,
Sabi., Sassafras, Scutel., Silic., Stram., Tab., Val., Ver. In effects
from noise, Nux, Nit. ac. Sense of lightness, Asar., Can. ind., Calc.,
Gels., Sticta, Sil., Thuj.; menstrual sick headache, Lac. def.; fear of
ghosts, Aco., Ars., Bro., Carb. v., Lyc., Pho., Pul., Sul., Zn.
Umbilical hernia, Nux (without urging, Bry., Nat. mur., Ver.); <
from kneeling, Mag. c., Sep.; nausea constant, Ip., Kali c., Sul., Ign.,
Acet. ac.; uterine spasm, dysmenia, dark flow, Ign. (Coccul. is
distinguished by having weak, lame feeling in small of back; as if
about to be paralysed; trembles on beginning to walk); weak from
talking, Ver., Sul., Calc.; functional paralysis from fatigue or mental
emotions, Ign., Pho., Nat. m., Collins.; in occipital headache, Gels.,
jug. c. Weakness of neck muscles, Ant. t.; > putting head back,
Seneg. (<, Clem., Cinnab.). Compare also: Picrotoxin and Picric
acid in paralytic sensations and effects of fatigue. Teste places
Coccul. in his Causticum group.
consciousness.─Headache, with inclination to vomit or vomiting,
and pain as from a bruise in the intestines.─The headache is
aggravated after sleeping, eating, or drinking (coffee), in the open
air, while riding in a carriage; and is relieved in a warm room, or
when becoming warm in bed.─Violent aching pains, esp. in the
forehead.─Stupid feeling in the head (cold perspiration on forehead
and hands).─During motion, headache, as if the eyes were being torn
from the sockets, with vertigo.─Pain in the head, which seems, as it
were, empty and hollow, or sensation of constriction in the
brain.─Pulsative pains, sometimes in the crown of the head,
sometimes in the temples.─Convulsive trembling of the head, caused
by weakness of the muscles of the neck; worse after sleeping and in
the open air, from coffee and tobacco; better in the warm room.
9. Throat.─Difficulty of speech, as from paralysis of the
tongue.─Dryness of the throat.─Excessive sensitiveness of the
palate; the food seems to be too strong, or too salt.─Constriction in
the gullet, which seems to be paralysed.─Burning pain in the
œsophagus, and in the throat, with sulphurous taste in the mouth.
stool.─Loose evacuation of a putrid smell.─Fæces soft and yellow,
which cause burning in the anus.
20. Neck and Back.─Cracking of the vertebræ of the neck, during
movement.─Weakness of the muscles of the neck, which are
inadequate to the support of the head.─Red spots on the
neck.─Paralytic tearings (in the back and) in the loins.─Pullings and
tearings in the back, esp. when speaking, walking, and
stooping.─Tremor in the back.─Shootings between the shoulder-
blades, and in the loins.
of the parts affected.─Attacks of gout, with swelling of the affected
parts.─Shooting pains in lymphatic swelling.─Engorgement and
induration of the glands.─Hæmorrhage.─Cramps and convulsions of
the limbs, and of the whole body, sometimes induced by ulcers, or
by wounds, painfully sensitive to the touch, or on using the parts
affected.─Convulsive movements of the limbs and of the muscles, as
in St. Vitus' dance.─During the convulsive fits, face red, puffed, and
hot.─Trembling of the limbs.─Attacks of epilepsy.─Paralysis,
chiefly semi-lateral, with insensibility of the parts
affected.─Aggravation of the sufferings by sleep, speech, drinking,
and eating, but esp. on taking coffee or smoking tobacco, as well as
by cold air.─Hysterical spasms, with anguish.─Weakness and loss of
strength, after the least bodily fatigue, movement, or the interruption
of sleep.─Want of vital energy.─Fainting fits.─Numbness,
sometimes of the hands, sometimes of the feet, in transient fits.─The
open air is insupportable, whether it be warm or cold.─Emaciation.
redness of the cheeks, often with cold in the feet.─Fever with cramp-
like pains in the stomach, and paralytic weakness in the loins.─Easy
perspiration during movement, with great fatigue.─Sweats night and
morning.─Pulse full, hard, and frequent.─Pulse small and
spasmodic; sometimes it cannot be felt.
Respiratory.--Constant hawking from enlarged uvula; coryza, with
inflamed fauces; accumulation of thick viscid mucus, which is
expectorated with great difficulty. Tickling in larynx. Sensation of a
crumb behind larynx, must swallow continually; brushing teeth
causes cough. Fauces very sensitive. Suffocative cough; worse, first
waking, with tough, white mucus, which strangles. Spasmodic
morning cough. Whooping cough attacks end with vomiting of this
tough mucus. Chronic bronchitis complicated with gravel; large
quantities of albuminous, tenacious mucus, are expectorated.
Walking against wind takes breath away.
Female.--Menses too early, profuse, black and thick; dark clots, with
dysuria. Intermittent menstruation; flow only in evening and at night.
Large clots escape when passing water. Labia inflamed.
Dose.--Lower triturations.
heart and in causing lancinating, stitching, and pricking sensations.
Itching, sticking and biting in various parts of the skin; red spots and
itching pimples. Sensations of irritation predominate, especially in
throat and respiratory organs, eyes and urino-genital organs. In the
throat there is a sensation as if a hair or crumb were lodged behind
larynx, and as if a thread were hanging down the back of the throat
causing a cough. Hæmorrhages are apt to be in large black clots,
especially hæmorrhages from kidneys and uterus. Lancinating pains
and itching of glans penis, symptoms of the passage of small calculi.
The cough exactly corresponds to the whooping-cough type, there is
no remedy which has a wider range in this affection. "Cough < in
morning; the child awakens and is immediately seized with a
paroxysm of coughing ending in vomiting clear, ropy mucus hanging
in long strings from the mouth," Hoarseness. Fatigue of vocal
organs. Violent tickling in larynx. Stitching and ulcerating pains
below clavicles, especially left. Peculiar sensations are: As if a ball
or stone lying in stomach; raging pain as though a fluid were injected
into a small blood-vessel; as if something ascending towards
stomach; as of mucus ascending and descending trachea; as of a plug
of mucus moving in chest; as if head would split. Kunkel records the
case of a man, 75, an who had suffered from nocturnal enuresis up to
the age of seven. When almost 20 he frequently passed large
quantities of uric acid, and at the same time he began to have
symptoms of chronic catarrh of the colon, frequent scanty stools,
much mucus, cross humour, itching anus, threatening of piles but no
bleeding. Insomnia soon followed. Coc. c. 2 and 3 was given without
benefit. Aqua calcis did some good but not much. In three successive
years he was sent to Carlsbad with good result to the intestinal
catarrh, but the sleeplessness was untouched. Gradually all kinds of
arthritic symptoms developed, especially in knees. There was
occasionally considerable flow of urine, and the more copious it was
the better the patient slept, and the less pain in the joints. The same
relief followed an attack of diarrhœa. Four weeks at Assmanhausen
caused the excretion of large quantities of uric acid one year, but had
no effect the next, and the knee got worse. Wiesbaden did good one
year and none the next. Half a tumbler of Kronenquelle water drunk
every morning did good to the knee and enabled him to walk better
than he had done for a long time. In three or four years the excretions
of uric acid had ceased and the patient's state grew worse: insomnia
recurred, diarrhœa became much more frequent. A fortnight previous
to such attack, patient noticed he had great aversion to butcher's
meat. Coc. c. 30 gtt. i. morning and evening was given. Gradually
sleep returned. There was almost daily excretion of uric acid,
sometimes in the form of large shot; the diarrhœa ceased and the
patient went about his work with pleasure. Berridge cured with Coc.
c. a case of gonorrhœa, guided by the symptom: "Excruciating pain
in left iliac region extending to groin and halfway down thigh, as if a
fluid were forcing its way there."
4. Ears.─Sudden violent stitch in l. internal ear, extending into l.
side of neck and into sternum.─Intolerable itching in l. ear.─Tickling
and itching in ears.─Cracking in ears on swallowing.─Great roaring
in ears as from a storm.
pains.─Stitches in the pit of the stomach when inhaling.─Epigastric
region sensitive to touch.
respiration somewhat laborious.─Scraping sensation in the
throat.─Hawking and coughing, with increased thirst.─The bronchial
tubes are loaded with mucus.─Rawness in air-passages, causing
cough.─Sensation of a crumb the size of a walnut sticking behind the
larynx, obliging him to swallow constantly.─Whooping-cough;
nightly, periodical attacks of cough from tickling in the larynx,
ending with expectoration of a large quantity of viscid, stringy
mucus.─Morning cough (6 am.); first barking, dry cough, followed
by expectoration of viscid mucus; the difficult expectoration causes
retching and vomiting.─Cough with expectoration of viscid, stringy,
yellow, sour-tasting or reddish mucus.─Cough, in a warm room; > in
a cold room.─Short paroxysms of cough, followed by easy
expectoration of globules of mucus.
27. Fever.─Chilliness all day; cold feet in the morning, with
perspiration of the whole body.─Chilliness all over the body, esp. in
the afternoon and evening.─Increased warmth of body.─Greatly
overpowered by moderate heat.─Chilliness in the evening, with heat
in the head, followed by general heat, and then perspiration all night,
which relieves.─Perspiration when walking; on the lower
extremities; in the morning.
Sleepless, on account mental activity; flow of ideas, with nervous
excitability. Disturbed by itching of anus.
Dose.--Third to two hundredth potency.
means confined to Coffea; dynamisations of many other drugs being
antidotal to secondary effects of the crude substances. Hahnemann
describes the migraine of coffee-drinkers thus: "It comes in the
morning after waking, increasing little by little. The pain becomes
intolerable, and sometimes burning, integument of head very
sensitive and painful on slightest touch. Body and mind excessively
sensitive. Patients look exhausted, retire to dark places, close their
eyes to avoid light of day; remain seated in an armchair or stretched
on a bed. The least noise or motion excites the pain. They avoid
talking, being talked to, or hearing others talk. The body is colder
than usual though no chills are experienced; the hands and feet are
especially cold. They loathe everything, especially food and drink,
on account of a continual sickness at the stomach. If the attack is
very violent a vomiting of mucus takes place, which, however, does
not relieve the headache. There are no alvine discharges. This kind of
megrim scarcely ever leaves before evening. If the paroxysm is less
violent, a little strong coffee which was the first cause of such a
headache will produce a temporary palliation of the pain, but the
disposition to relapse becomes so much greater. The attacks come
irregularly, every fortnight, or every few weeks, without any
apparent cause, and quite suddenly, so much so that the patient often
does not feel a single unpleasant symptom the evening preceding the
attack. Such a headache has never been seen by me except in real
coffee-drinkers." It is well to inquire carefully into the dietary of
patients who come complaining of headaches of this kind. More
recently Dr. Gilles de la Tourette (Lancet, July 20, 1895) has
described the effects of coffee. In his opinion they are very
frequently mistaken for the effects of alcohol: "morning vomiting of
glairy mucus, pain in the pit of the stomach, thickly-coated tongue,
loss of appetite. The disgust excited by even the idea of solid food is
such that these patients eat nothing else but bread soaked in their
poison-coffee. There supervene then nausea, vomiting, and painful
acid eructations." The pulse is slowed. Insomnia is common, and if
there is sleep it is disturbed by dreams of a terrifying nature, like
those met with in alcoholism. The effects of coffee are less deep than
those of alcohol, and quickly disappear when the habit is
discontinued. Peculiar symptoms are: as if head too small; as if
something hard pressing on surface of brain; as if head would burst
and fly to pieces if she moved; as if intestines were being cut; as if
body would burst; "tight" pain; sensation of warmth. Coffea is suited
to tall, lean, stooping persons, with dark complexions. Sanguine
choleric temperament, complaints during infancy and dentition.
Diarrhœa in housewives who have much care and trouble in
managing their households. The symptoms are > by warmth, and <
in open air (though in toothache warm drinks <, cold drinks >).
Touch <; would like to rub the part but it is too sensitive. Slight
passive movements are perceived as enormous; children at times
cannot bear to be carried about. Most symptoms are < at night, sleeps
till 3 a.m., after which he only dozes.
3. Eyes.─Eyes lively and red, with unusually clear sight; can read
small writing more distinctly.
6. Face.─Heat of the face, with redness of the cheeks.
19. Heart.─Palpitation of heart; violent, irregular, with trembling of
limbs.─Nervous palpitation.─Palpitation after excessive joy,
Aggravation. - Mental emotion or exhaustion; effects of hard study;
odor of cooking food. Motion: if the patient lies perfectly still, the
disposition to vomit is less urgent. Every motion renew it (Bry.).
in stomach and abdomen. Thirst for effervescent, alcoholic
beverages. Pain in transverse colon.
Compare: Colchicine (intestinal catarrh with shreddy membranes;
convulsive jerkings of right hand; rheumatic fever, gout, endo and
pericarditis, pleurisy, arthritis, deformans in early stages; intense
pain of rheumatism 3x trit). Also, Carbo; Arnica; Lilium; Arsen;
records a striking cure by Colch. 200, to which he was led by this
symptom. The patient was an old lady who was vomiting blood, and
passing as many as sixteen bloody stools in the day. The doors of the
room had to be most carefully kept closed to prevent any smell of
cooking reaching her as that immediately provoked nausea.)
Sensation of icy coldness in stomach; or burning. Coldness is a
common symptom: abdomen; stomach; extremities. Profuse cold
sweat; marked chills with or without periodicity. Burning also is not
uncommon: in cavities, especially abdomen. The characteristic stool
of Colchicum is jelly-like mucus; membranous shreds being also
marked; violent tenesmus accompanies. Protrusion of rectum. "After
evacuation, as in dysentery, there is generally relief (but in typhus
fever, e.g., sometimes a terrific spasmodic pain of the sphincter ani
comes on after stool. This may occur in common diarrhœa)"
(Guernsey). The rice-water stool, hippocratic face, coldness, cramps,
prostration, led Salzer to find in it the specific for certain epidemics
of Asiatic cholera. All functions, mental and bodily, are slow;
nutrition and digestion are at a stand, and yet the patient does not
emaciate rapidly. There is great prostration; debility from loss of
sleep; the prostration of typhoid fever and typhoid states. On the
other hand there are convulsions, cramps, and sometimes
restlessness. The pains of Colchicum are very acute and unendurable.
The Colch. dysentery and rheumatism are exceedingly painful. Very
sensitive and irritable. Cannot endure strong smells. Gouty diabetes,
the uric acid reappearing as the sugar disappears. The heart is
affected as other muscles. Oppression and anxiety > by walking.
Heart-beating. Stitches about heart and loss of consciousness. Heart
affected (pericarditis) on disappearance of symptoms from
extremities; rheumatism appears on disappearance of uric acid from
urine. Colch. will reverse this. J. R. Simson, of Tonawanda, N. Y.,
cured a very bad rase of typhoid presenting among other symptoms,
this: "his left pupil was contracted so as to be almost imperceptible,
while the right was dilated to the full extent." This is peculiar to
Colch., and no remedy relieved the patient till he received this. B.
Simmons calls attention (H. P., August, 1889) to the powerlessness
of the affected parts which accompanies many Colchicum affections,
especially when occurring in leuco-phlegmatic subjects and when
there is œdematous swelling of the parts. He cured a woman, 36,
mother of two children, of leuco-phlegmatic temperament, who
complained of rheumatism of the hands, which were swollen; joints
stiff and powerless, pain as if bruised; the arms being affected but in
less degree. "She was unable to brush her own hair, not so much
from the pain as from the extreme weakness and powerlessness of
the parts affected." T. F. Allen gives "Tingling in finger-nails" as
characteristic of Colch.; no other remedy has it. As usual with
allopathic specifics, Colchicum has been terribly abused. Here is an
instance. I was called suddenly to see an old gentleman of 72, whom
I found in a state of collapse, pallid, surface was cold and clammy,
almost pulseless. He had been taken suddenly ill when in the water-
closet, vomiting "black bile," and had fallen on the floor when trying
to walk along the passage. The history of the attack was this: He had
formerly been "a martyr to gout." Four years previously he began to
take, on lay recommendation, a powder which analysis showed to be
composed of equal parts of Colchicum and Jesuit's bark. He kept this
up for six months and had no more gout. But at the end of the six
months he had the first attack of this kind. It came quite suddenly
and was, as far as I could learn, identical with the one in which I saw
him. In addition to the symptoms named there was looseness of the
bowels, the stool being black like the vomit. He was compelled to lie
absolutely still, the least attempt to raise the head exciting nausea.
Recovery took place in a few days. This is not exactly a case of what
our friends would call "médecine substitutive," but I am inclined to
name it "maladie substitutive," the substituted malady, Colchicism,
being considerably worse than the gout it replaced. These attacks had
recurred every few months, although the powders were discontinued.
The < from motion is as marked as that of Bry. The patient must rest
and lie down. Cannot lie on left side. < From any exertion mental or
bodily. Bending forward > oppression and colic. Symptoms are <
night and evening. Warmth > generally; but warm food < toothache;
and damp, warm weather = profuse watery stools; warm stove or
warm room = chilliness. Symptoms generally are < from cold or
damp; from getting wet; from bathing, living in damp dwellings;
change to damp weather; from change of weather; also complaints
from getting overheated. Pains in gout go from left to right;
headaches right to left. Complaints of old people; asthmatic people.
Ver. (cholera, cold sweat on forehead); Bar. c. (paralysis of tongue;
cold, loss of sensibility); Nux (debility from loss of sleep; irritability,
all external impressions annoy; the debility of Colch. is more
profound and there is dislike of all food, and nausea from smells).
Colch. is botanically allied to the Veratrums, the Alliums, and Iris.
Teste includes it in his Zincum group. It antidotes: Thuja.
6. Face.─Features disfigured.─Aspect sickly, sad, suffering.─Face
spotted with yellow.─Very great paleness of the face.─Cheeks red
and hot (afternoon).─Œdematous swelling of the face.─Sensation of
separation in the bones of the face.─Sensation in the masseters, as if
they were distended, with difficulty in opening the
mouth.─Drawings and successive pullings in the muscles and bones
of the face.─Semi-lateral tearing in the face, extending to the ear and
the head.─Tingling in the skin of the face, as if it had been
frozen.─Lips cracked.─Tearing in the lower lip.─Cramp-like pain in
the maxillary joint.
12. Abdomen.─Inflation and fulness of the abdomen.─Pressure
towards the outside in the upper part of the abdomen.─Colic, with
tearing pains.─Pain, as of excoriation, in l. side of abdomen, on its
being touched.─Dropsical swelling of the abdomen, with a fold over
the pubic region.─Pain, as of burning and pressure in the abdomen,
in the region of the bladder, and in the internal genital
parts.─Pulsation in the abdomen.
19. Heart.─Violent palpitation of the heart.─Pressure and
oppression in the region of the heart, as if an attack of apoplexy
threatened; > by walking.─Hydrothorax.
26. Sleep.─Drowsiness in the day, with unfitness for
exertion.─Irresistible sleepiness, drowsiness.─Sleeplessness from
nervous excitability.─Sleeplessness, without entire
unconsciousness.─Sleeplessness, because he cannot lie on the l. side,
on which he is accustomed to sleep.─Frequent waking with
fright.─Nocturnal heat, with violent thirst.
Carbo veg.); in children who develop too rapidly (Cal., Phos.).
Dysmenorrhoea: flow black; stringy, clotted (Ust.). Sensation as if
something alive were moving in the stomach, abdomen, uterus, arms
or other parts of the body (Sab., Thuja, Sulph.); with nausea and
faintness. Chorea and hysteria with great hilarity, singing and
dancing (Tar.); alternating with melancholy and rage. Spasmodic
contractions and twitchings of single sets of muscles (Agar., Ign.,
Abdomen.--Obstinate constipation due to portal stagnation.
Constipation in infants. Crawling and stitches in anus. Sensation of
something alive in abdomen, stomach, etc., especially on left side
(Calend). Abdomen swollen, feeling of something heavy.
"jumping" sensation. Crocus 30 was given, and very soon she was
able to lie down flat (after having been propped up for weeks), and
from that time she made a rapid recovery. Another Crocus symptom
is: Sensitive to music, involuntarily joins in on hearing any one sing.
Stitches, shocks, throbbings, broad thrusts, cuttings and jerkings are
among the commoner sensations. Twitchings of single sets of
muscles (chorea). A warm sensation ascending to the heart, impeding
breathing and > by yawning is a peculiar symptom. Tingling,
crawling, pricking and itching are met with in the skin. Scarlet
redness of the whole body, or scarlet spots on skin. (It is a domestic
remedy for "bringing out" the eruption of measles.) Painful
suppuration of bruised parts; old cicatrised wounds re-open and
suppurate. Lipoma and encephaloma of scalp. Tumours with
ulceration and characteristic bleeding. The reputation of Crocus in
the cure of tumours is also an old one. It was used externally "to
scatter indolent tumours and ecchymoses." Cooper has given it new
confirmation. He has given it in single doses of the Ø tincture in a
case of malignant disease of the side following extirpation of
cancerous kidney, with the result of arrest of progress after an initial
aggravation, and complete relief of pain. The patient was a woman,
who had formerly had hæmorrhage with dark clots at the periods and
feeling of weight towards womb. She had had also the sensation of
something moving in the abdomen. Cooper agrees with Culpepper in
thinking Croc. very similar to Calend. in its action. It is a vulnerary
and corresponds to the effects of blows (deafness; tumours, &c.).
Crocus is especially suited to women and hysterical men. The
symptoms are < fasting; evening and night; during new and full
moon; looking fixedly at an object; during pregnancy; in a hot room;
in hot weather. > By yawning (desire to take a long breath, > by
yawning); in open air (for which there is craving); after breakfast.
Great thirst for cold drinks.
miscarriage at third month, Sabi., Kreas. In violent movements of
fœtus, Op., Sil., Thu., Sul.; in heat in heart, Rhod., Lachn., Op.
paper seems of a pale rose colour.─Sparkling before the
eyes.─Sudden flashes like electric sparks (during the day).
abdomen, stomach, pit of the stomach, arms, and other parts of the
body, as of something alive hopping about.─Shocks above l.
hypochondrium.─Sensation of heaviness in the inguinal
region.─Sensation of heaviness in the abdomen, with pressing
towards the uterus.
extending to stomach.─Stitches beneath heart, < on
inspiration.─Frequent palpitation.─Anxiety at heart, with sense of
weakness extending thence through abdomen to soles of feet.
25. Skin.─Pricking, crawling, burning, and tingling in skin.─Red
(scarlet) colour of the body.─Chilblains.─Suppuration, painful, of
old wounds (old cicatrised wounds open again and suppurate).
offensive; profound anaemia. Malignant diseases of uterus, great
tendency to haemorrhage, blood dark, fluid, offensive.
Nose.--Epistaxis, blood black and stringy, ozæna, after exanthemata
or syphilis.
Mouth.--Tongue red and small, but feels swollen. Tongue fiery red,
dry in center, smooth and polished. Moldy smell of breath. Fills up
with saliva. Tongue when protruding, goes to right. Spasmodic
grinding of teeth at night. Cancer of tongue with hæmorrhage.
Respiratory.--Cough, with bloody expectoration. Tickling from a
dry spot in larynx.
sleep. Grinds teeth. "Crotal. is preferable in fluid hæmorrhages,
yellow skin (hence in yellow fever with black vomit), epistaxis of
diphtheria. Naja has more nervous phenomena. Lach. has skin cold-
clammy rather than cold and dry; hæmorrhage, with charred-straw
sediment; and more markedly ailments of the left side. Elaps. is
preferable in otorrhœa and in affections of the right lung. The cobra
poison (Naja) coagulates blood into long strings. Crotalus poison is
acid; the Viper neutral. The Rotton-snake ["Birri"] causes more
sloughing than any other" (Hering). But Hayward observed that
sloughing is a strong indication for Crotal., and the cure by this
remedy of his own daughter of scarlatina maligna, with gangrenous-
looking sore-throat, was a dramatic outcome of his researches. A
case of rattle-snake bite and its isopathic cure, related by Dr. J. S. M.
Chaffee, in Hom. News, Sept., 1892, gives a good general idea of the
action of the venom: "I was called to see James Wright, aged 54
years, who, while binding wheat, was bitten on third finger of right
hand by a rattlesnake. I found him bleeding from the bitten finger,
and from eyes, nose, ears, mouth, rectum and urethra; pulse 110,
small, wiry; respiration 40; temperature 105; haggard expression;
whole body bathed in hot perspiration; delirium. This patient had had
the regular routine treatment of whisky, quinine and carbonate
ammonia for ninety-six hours, when the attendants withdrew and
pronounced the case beyond the reach of medical aid. A marked
characteristic symptom was a mouldy smell of breath, with scarlet
red tongue, and difficult swallowing. Great sensitiveness of skin of
right half of body, so much so that the slightest touch would produce
twitching of muscles of that side. I prescribed Crotalus hor. 30th
trituration, 30 gr. in four ounces of water, a teaspoonful every hour,
until my return visit, twenty-four hours later, when I found marked
improvement. Temperature normal; pulse full, soft and regular;
delirium gone; saliva and urine slightly tinged with blood; appetite
returning, he having asked for food for the first time since the
accident." The medicine was continued for two more days, when
recovery was practically complete. The action on the right side is
noteworthy, as Crotal. is predominantly a right-side medicine (Lach.
is more left); it acts strongly on the liver and corresponds to jaundice
and yellow fever. Crotalus has been used with great success in the
treatment of yellow fever, and also as a prophylactic against it. For
this, inoculation with diluted virus has been practised. The pains of
Crotalus alternate rapidly with each other, and frequently recur; also
(except headache) appear and disappear suddenly after lasting some
time. Swelling of whole body. Fetor of evacuations and discharges.
Hæmorrhages from all the orifices and even pores of the skin.
Peculiar sensations are: as from a blow on occiput; as if tongue and
all round throat were tied up; as of a plug in throat to be swallowed;
of choking; as if the heart turned over like a tumbler pigeon.
Periodicity marks many of the symptoms. Metastasis of erysipelas to
brain. Many symptoms are < in morning on waking; or wake the
patient up in the night. Orbital pains < in evening. Rest >, and
motion and exertion <. Open air > head and stomach symptoms.
Cold air < throat and respiratory symptoms. Dry air < cough.
neck at intervals.─While sitting in chair, heaviness of head came on
so much that head felt as if it would tumble about, as if muscles of
neck were too weak to support it, and needed the help of the
hands.─Dull, heavy throbbing occipital headache, faint spells; pain
as from a blow in occiput.─Violent itching of scalp; eruptions,
pustules; falling off of hair.
stimulants.─Agonising pain, restlessness, coldness, weak
pulse.─Cannot bear clothes round stomach or
hypochondria.─Hæmatemesis, blood does not coagulate.
up l. side of trunk to l. side of face and temple as a sharp, cutting,
intermittent, neuralgic pain; and across middle of forehead there was
a heavy, dull, continuous pain; the sharp pain in temple lasted an
hour; the dull pain only ceased on going to sleep.─Flushing and
sinking of menopause.─Puerperal fever, or convulsions, with
albuminous and septic conditions.─Offensive lochia.─Inflamed
breasts.─Phlegmasia alba dolens, < from slightest touch.
20. Neck and Back.─Tearing pains from (r.) shoulder to neck, < on
moving arm.─Pain on top of shoulder and in ascending
aorta.─Aching in r. kidney and in stomach.
eruption about wrists.─Trembling of hands.─Hands (esp. l.) go dead
on least exertion.─Violent spasmodic pains in l. palm as from bee-
sting.─Itching and heat of palms.─Oozing of blood from under nails.
Relations. - Complementary: Calcarea. Compare: Ars. and Ver. in
cholera and cholera morbus; Ipecac, the vegetable analogue. Ver.
follows well in whooping cough and cholera. Apis and Zinc. in
convulsions from suppressed exanthems.
Face.--Distorted, pale bluish, with blue lips. Contraction of jaws,
with foam at mouth.
Sleep.--Profound, with shocks in body. During sleep constant
rumbling in abdomen.
Complementary: Calc.
the failure of eruptions or discharges to appear. It is this power to
relieve internal spasm which renders it appropriate to the collapse
stage of cholera, of which it is also, like Sulphur, a prophylactic
either when worn next the skin, or when taken internally. Cuprum
produces many skin eruptions, and also foot-sweat, and it
corresponds to these, and also to the effects of suppression of
eruptions, exanthems, and foot-sweat; whether these effects be
internal pains or spasms or oppression of the brain and mental
disturbance. Mackechnie made a brilliant cure of psoriasis in a young
girl with Cuprum. The leading features of its symptomatology are:
Cramps, convulsions, spasms of the most violent form, coming on
from disappearance of pains, discharges, eruptions, mental
derangement. With suppression of menses, patient screams. Tonic
spasms of thumbs. Eyeballs turn up. Opisthotonos. Tonic and clonic
spasms. "Convulsions during pregnancy and puerperal convulsions
which begin in the fingers or toes, and spread all over the body; or
where there is great restlessness between the attacks, either filling up
the entire interval, or only a part of the time." Thus Guernsey. He
also says that "a slimy metallic taste in the mouth" is one of the
strongest indications for Cupr. Rhus is the only other remedy which
has this symptom so marked. "Cramps or spasms beginning in hands
and feet, extending to belly," is confirmed by J. C. McLaren. Mossa
regards Cupr. as one of the remedies for the effects of fright, and
relates the case of a girl who, after a fright, was affected by
involuntary motions of left arm and leg developing into pronounced
general chorea. Cupr. brought about slow but decided recovery.
Another girl, 12, who had recovered from whooping-cough got a
kind of chorea from repeated frights on seeing an epileptic. To the
muscular movements was added silly behaviour: tongue heavy,
speech slow, gait unwieldy. Frightened at night. Greediness in eating
and drinking. Ign., Stram., Sul., did little good. She became ill-
natured. Cupr. every four days cured completely in three months.
Mackechnie reports the case of a boy who became epileptic after
being locked up in school. Very great improvement followed the
administration of Cupr. Schwencke cured a case of epilepsy of forty
years' standing with Cupr. 6 after Bell. and Hyo. had done some little
good. The patient was a man aged 45. The fits began suddenly
towards morning with chewing motion of lower jaw; gnashing of
teeth; becomes upright and rigid in bed; shrieks; limbs convulsed.
After giving way to violent anger, attacks become more severe; arms
and legs were thrown outwards and trunk arched upwards. Cupr. was
now given. For a time the attacks continued severe, but gradually
improvement set in, and in less than three months they ceased
altogether. The "anger" in this case and the "ill-humour" in Mossa's
are noteworthy. Maliciousness is an indication for Cupr. In a second
case cured by Schwencke, that of a man, 38, epileptic seven years, a
pressive headache preceded the attacks, ascending from nape to
forehead; then there was profuse salivation, head turned to left, eyes
closed, tongue in active motion in open mouth, trunk arched upward,
slight spasms of right arm outward. After attack, dulness of head,
and feeling in body as if beaten. Cupr. first removed the fits and then
the dulness of the head. Cupr. has pains like knife-thrusts, < on least
motion; take away the breath, thinks he must die if they last. Speaks
in a whisper. The thrusts go through to back from ensiform cartilage,
from umbilicus. Restless tossing all night. Perfect stupor, with
jerking of muscles. Paralysis of isolated muscles. Many unusual
symptoms are produced, including maliciousness and desire to
injure. Screaming, with cerebral or mental symptoms. Loquacious.
Violent head pains < over left eye. Brain seems paralysed. Chlorosis
from abuse of iron. Vomiting, hiccoughs, and spasms > by drink of
cold water. Over-sensitiveness of skin, especially in region of
stomach and fourth and fifth dorsal vertebræ. Touch and pressure <.
< Before menses; from vomiting. Symptoms are < evening and
night. Cold air and cold wind <; cold drinks > (colic, cough &c.).
Wrapping head > headache. < At new moon. Periodicity every 15,
30, or 60 minutes; every fortnight. Getting wet = epileptic attacks. >
From being mesmerised; during perspiration. Suited to fair-haired
people; and the carbo-nitrogenoid constitution. Women who have
borne many children (after-pains).
Causation.─Suppressions. Fright.
1. Mind.─Melancholy, with attacks of extreme anguish, like fear of
death; restlessness, groaning, and desire to escape.─Want of moral
courage.─Anxiety and tears, alternating with
buffoonery.─Convulsive laughter.─Incoherent, delirious
talk.─Mildness, alternating with obstinacy.─Unfitness for exertion,
with fear to be idle.─Fits of abstraction, with fixed ideas of
imaginary occupations at which the patient labours, or with lively
songs; or else with malice and moroseness (with proud bearing, and
at times interrupted by clonic spasms; craziness), and often with
quick pulse, red and inflamed eyes, wandering looks, followed by
sweat.─Attacks of rage (wants to bite the
bystanders).─Furor.─Dementia.─Loss of sense and
5. Nose.─Strong congestion in the nose.─Stoppage of the
nose.─Violent fluent coryza.
12. Abdomen.─Pain, as from a bruise, in the hypochondria, on the
part being touched.─Drawing pains from l. hypochondrium to the
hip.─Violent pains in the abdomen, with great anxiety.─Abdomen
hard, with violent pains on its being touched.─Pressure in the
abdomen, as from a hard body, aggravated by the touch.─Retraction
of the abdomen.─Spasmodic colic, with convulsions and shrill
cries.─Tearing and gnawing (corroding, stinging ulcers) in the
throwing back the body, &c., as well as in the night.─Asthma when
ascending or walking quickly, with necessity to breathe
deeply.─Spasmodic asthma.─Fits of suffocation.─Pressure on the
chest.─Painful contraction of the chest, esp. after drinking.─Cramps
in the chest, which cut short the respiration and the voice (after fright
and anger).
23. Lower Limbs.─Pains in the legs, esp. in the calves of the legs
during repose.─Tensive pain and cramps in the calves of the
legs.─In the knee-joint weakness, pain as if broken.─Twitching of
the muscles of the lower extremities.─Pressive and drawing pains in
the metatarsus.─Burning sensation in the soles of the feet.─Sweat in
the feet.─Suppression of sweat in the feet.─Painful weariness and
stiffness in the limbs.─Convulsions in the toes.
salivation, and frequent emission of urine.─Convulsions, with
piercing cries.─Epileptic convulsions.─Epileptic attacks (at night),
followed by headache.─Involuntary movements of the limbs, as in
St. Vitus' dance, with redness of the face, distortion of the eyes, of
the face, and of the body, tears and anxiety, buffoonery and desire to
hide oneself.─The convulsions begin mostly in the fingers and in the
toes.─Spasmodic laughter.─Convulsive startings, at night, when
sleeping.─Violent convulsions, with great display of
strength.─Paralytic affections.─Symptoms which appear
periodically, and in groups.─Great lassitude, and sinking of the
whole body.─Obstinate weakness.─Consumption.─Excessive
sensibility of all the organs.─Fainting fits.─Outward appearance of
the face bluish; bluish-red.─Affections of the soles of the feet;
attacks of sick feeling; blackness of outer parts; cyanosis or morbus
cæruleus; bloated skin.
Aggravation. - Open air; cold water; cold bathing; menses < sitting
and lying at night.
Amelioration. - In a warm room; in-doors; menses > waling
(leucorrhoea, < sitting, > walking, Cac., Coc.).
Extremities.--Pains in parts where bones lie near surface. Burning,
sore pain in heels. Cramp-like contraction of right thumb and index
finger. Pains in periosteum. Chilblains.
Dose.--Third attenuation.
disturbances; saliva has a salty taste, which is communicated to all
food eaten. After eating but little, satiety, aversion to food, with
nausea in palate and thirst. Desire for lemonade. Aversion to bread,
butter, meat, fat, beer, and ordinary food; craving for inedible things;
for sardines. Frequent vomiting in morning. Hiccough is very
marked. Hiccough during pregnancy. Prostatic troubles, with stitches
and pressure, urging to stool and micturition. Menstruation too early,
with some relief of melancholy mood and heaviness of feet. Scanty
or suppressed menstruation, with headache and vertigo. During
pregnancy: hiccough; loathing and nausea in mouth and throat;
complaints after weaning. Pressing, drawing, or tearing pains at parts
where bones lie near surface. Chilliness. Itching leaving a numb
sensation. Chilblains; itching and pricking, < at night in bed. Eidherr,
of Vienna, has given the best account of this remedy (Allg. Hom.
Zeit., liv. 7, translated H. R., viii. 558). Hahnemann proved it on
males only, eliciting as leading symptoms: "Stupor, sluggish
memory, vertigo, dull, pressing headache, obscured sight, dilated
pupils, drawing pains in neck and teeth; nausea, eructation, disgust
for food, hiccough following soon after dinner; stitching, pinching
pains in abdomen; flatulence and pressure to urinate. Oppression of
chest, pressing pain in chest, drawing and stitching pain in back.
Sawing pressure, drawing and stitching in extremities; prostration
and itching. Moroseness, sleepiness, lassitude, troubled, heavy
dreams; chilliness of whole body alternating with heat, thirstlessness,
disinclination for work or conversation, great dejection and
melancholy; at times joyous sensations with lively phantasies." The
Vienna provings corroborated these, but, including both sexes, also
elicited symptoms in the female sexual sphere: Menstruation more
copious; more frequent; too early, with severe abdominal pains.
Accompanied with labour-like pains; flow excessive, black and
lumpy. Recommencement of menses after protracted cessation
(clinical). Eidherr's clinical experience illustrates in a remarkable
way Cyclamen's sphere of action. His cases include: 4 of chlorosis; 9
of retarded and scanty menstruation; 18 of complications with
vertigo and headache accompanying scanty menses; 2 of diplopia; 1
of strabismus. In numbers of cases Cycl. developed ocular symptoms
in the patients, in 15x and 3x. In one instance a higher potency of the
same remedy antidoted this effect. He found the remedy especially
suited to blonde leuco-phlegmatic subjects. (But one of the cured
was a Jewess and was presumably not a blonde.) It will be noticed
that the "sleepiness, moroseness, and lassitude," and also the vertigo
noted by Hahnemann, are prominent in many of Eidherr's cases.
Josepha K., 24, blonde, pale delicate skin, pale lips and gums, had
menstruated normally till 22, when she got wet at a picnic just as
menstruation was starting. It stopped at once and did not reappear till
ten months later, after vigorous use of all kinds of domestic
remedies. Now the periods were accompanied by terrible abdominal,
labour-like pains, lasting eleven hours. Menses recurred every two or
four months, always with the pains, starting from sacrum, extending
along both sides of abdomen to pelvis. They were periodical, every
one, two, or five minutes, during which time there was no flow; the
blood appearing after these attacks was somewhat watery. Other
symptoms were: Eyelids slightly œdematous; pressing pain in
forehead; vertigo frequently changing into syncope; chilliness of
whole body; disturbed, unrefreshing sleep interspersed with terrible
dreams; continued loathing for meat; longing for salt fish; frequent
vomiting in morning. After partial relief from Puls., Cyclamen made
a complete cure. The ocular symptoms which developed were
remarkable. The vertigo and headache were untouched by Puls., but
quickly subsided under Cycl. 15x. On their disappearance she saw
fiery flames dancing before her eyes on awakening at night, and in
the morning she saw everything double. And she had the
hallucination as if two persons lay in her bed, and that the body of
the other overlapped hers by half. Cycl. was discontinued and in two
days her sight was normal. Anna F., 20, blonde, menstruated since
her tenth year. In seventeenth year suffered from chlorosis; ever
since, menstruation regular, but lasting only one-two days in a
moderate degree. Is troubled also at other times by vertigo and
pressing pain in forehead and temples, which attacks are ameliorated
by footbaths with ashes. Appetite poor; little thirst; stool regular;
sleeps too long; always sleepy; is of dejected mood, morose; all
movements, as well as speech, languid; palpitation. Puls. made no
change. Cycl. 3x quickly improved headache, vertigo, and spirits.
After three days sight became obscured, and there was glimmering
before eyes. A vivacious Jewess, 16, menstruated twice regularly
after the first commencement in June, then went six weeks, and by
the end of December the recurrence entirely ceased. She lost spirits,
sought seclusion, was offended by very trifles; her usual work was
distasteful to her, and she could not be prevailed upon to leave the
house for a walk. She would sleep unusually long in the morning.
The hitherto blooming girl had become pale, anæmic, with swollen
eyelids; lips and gums pale; heart turbulent. She complained chiefly
of great lassitude compelling her to rest frequently on going up
stairs; palpitation without cause; she was apprehensive, had a feeling
as if all the rooms were too small, and yet would not leave the house.
All pastimes rejected; was only content when she could seclude
herself and sit down and weep. During the forenoon often had
pressing pains in forehead with vertigo; appetite poor; stool sluggish.
March 14th Cycl. 15x was prescribed. After several weeks the
headache and vertigo had become less severe and the attacks less
frequent. April 19th the period set in, and with its flow headache and
vertigo left her completely. May 15th, menstruation recurred rather
copiously, and the patient was well. Two cases of pulmonary catarrh
were cured, both had pressing headache and vertigo and one scanty
menses as well. The following case of hemicrania was cured:
Theresa F., 37, had menstruated sparingly and irregularly (often at
two or three months' intervals). For four years suffered from violent
headache affecting right side of head and face; coming every 8-14
days, spells lasting 12-36 hours. During menstruation the attacks
were extra severe. Patient was emaciated; skin, gums, and lips pale.
Right eye closed owing to cramps in eyelids; when forcibly opened a
stream of hot tears gushed out; otherwise the eye was normal. Under
Cycl. 3 the symptoms diminished, but there appeared "glittering
sparks before the eyes" and these remained after all symptoms of
headache had gone. Cycl. was given persistently, the periods became
regular and rather copious and the headaches entirely ceased.
Another case (in a wet-nurse who had just weaned her baby)
presented unceasing, violent, stitching pain in temporal region
extending to vertex. Throbbing temporal arteries. Bell. diminished
the pain, but vertigo came on. Under Cycl. 3x headache and vertigo
disappeared altogether, but the patient complained of her sight
having 3 become so weak that she did not dare to walk alone. This
passed off when the medicine was discontinued and her headache did
not recur. Cycl. 15x cured a boy of violent squinting. Six months
before, he had a fall from a table; convulsions followed, and after the
second attack the squinting came on. Arnica was given and the
convulsions did not recur, but the squinting remained. Cycl. 15x was
given, and after a few weeks the squint entirely disappeared.
(Wurmb cured a case of squint in a coachman with Cycl.) Acute
rheumatism with retrocession of menses was also cured by Eidherr.
His last case was remarkable and important. Theresa P., 30, of short,
robust stature, had never been ill till ten years previously. At that
time, without apparent infection, an eruption appeared over her
whole body with terrible itching. It was declared to be itch and was
driven away with Sulphur ointment. With the receding of the
eruption her eyesight waned so that she was soon unable to walk
without a guide. She sees large objects only in outline and only then
if in a strong light; in closed rooms she cannot discern anything. The
pupils are dilated, but there are no other objective symptoms. She
had never menstruated. She complains of congestions of the blood
about every three or four weeks, accompanied by headache, a
pressing vertigo, heaviness and frequent trembling of the lower
extremities and of a pressure towards the parts. For several months
she experienced an itching of the skin over the whole body, which
becomes intolerable, especially during the time she should have her
period. There is nothing to be seen, however, on the skin. In
September Sul. 15x was given and quickly relieved the skin
symptoms; but later (in the beginning of December) she sought relief
for a violent headache and vertigo. Cycl. 3x lessened these by the
fourth day. A week later she reported both symptoms gone; but now
"fiery balls danced continually before her eyes." Cycl. 15x three
times a day. Shortly after (December 27th) the fiery balls ceased to
trouble her. Early in January the menses reappeared, with
considerable abdominal pains, and the headache and vertigo had
disappeared altogether. Thereafter menses appeared regularly and
copiously. From Dr. Eidherr's account no improvement appears to
have been effected in the power of vision. Dr. George Royal (of Des
Moines, Iowa) records another use of this drug. A medical man had
suffered from soreness of the heel for over three months. The
soreness seemed to be in the bone, and was < sitting or standing. Not
so much noticed on walking. Rhus, Kali bi., and Phos. ac. had done
no good. Cycl. 30 cured in a week. It also cured, in three days, a case
almost identically similar. The only < here was on standing, Cycl.
has cured migraine with scintillations after the failure of Iris v. In the
case recorded the headache increased as the vision returned, the head
seemed about to burst (Kali bi.) Itching, pricking < at night in bed.
Many symptoms are < by rest, > on walking about. Sitting <
menstrual flow. Drawing shoulders forward <, drawing them
backward > twinges in back. Many symptoms are < at night. Open
air <, cold water > headache. > From moistening diseased parts and
from bathing. < From eating at night.
standing. Desire for lemonade, Bell., Sabi. Antidoted by: Camph.,
Coff., Puls. (The modalities of Cycl. are in general opposite to those
of Puls.; the menstrual flow of Cycl. is more profuse while at rest;
with Puls. the opposite is the case).
8. Mouth.─Tongue loaded with a white coating.─Constant sensation
of roughness and of mucus in the mouth.─Sensation of torpor in the
upper lip, as if it were hardened.─Dryness of, the lips, without
thirst.─Mouth and throat redder than usual.─Fine stitches on the
surface of the tongue.─Burning on the tip of the tongue
(evening).─In the evening, great dryness in the palate, with hunger
and thirst.─The tonsils and palate are shrivelled and white.
14. Urinary Organs.─Frequent want to make water, with abundant
emission of whitish urine.─Shootings in the urethra, when making
water, followed by a sudden discharge of a dark red urine.
15. Male Sexual Organs.─The prepuce and corona glandis feel sore
from slight rubbing.
23. Lower Limbs.─Cramp-like pains in the thighs.─Red spots in the
thigh, as from a burn.─Frequent and violent itching in the calves of
the legs, in the ankle-bones and in the toes.─Pain of dislocation in
the joints of the foot.─Sensation as if sprained in the l.
foot.─Soreness of the heels when walking.─Pains of excoriation in
the toes, when walking.─Deadness of the toes after walking.─Fetid
sweat between the toes.
Comes into play in all diseases where the heart is primarily involved,
where the pulse is weak, irregular, intermittent, abnormally slow,
and dropsy of external and internal parts. Weakness and dilatation of
the myocardium. Its greatest indication is in failure of compensation
and especially when auricular fibrillation has set in. Slow pulse in
recumbent posture, but irregular and dicrotic on sitting up. Auricular
flutter and fibrillation especially when subsequent to rheumatic
fever. Heart block, very slow pulse. Other symptoms of organic heart
disease, such as great weakness and sinking of strength, faintness,
coldness of skin, and irregular respiration; cardiac irritability and
ocular troubles after tobacco; jaundice from induration and
hypertrophy of the liver, frequently call for Digitalis. Jaundice with
heart disease. Faint, as if dying. Bluish appearance of face. Cardiac
muscular failure when asystole is present. Stimulates the heart's
muscles, increases force of systole, increases length. Prostration from
slight exertion. Collapse.
sharp pain in forehead, extending to nose. Faintness and vomiting
from motion. Discomfort, even after a small quantity of food, or
from mere sight or smell. Tenderness of epigastrium. Copious
salivation. Neuralgic pain in stomach, unconnected with taking food.
Extremities.--Swelling of the feet. Fingers go to sleep easily.
Coldness of hands and feet. Rheumatic pain in joints. Shining, white
swelling of joints. Muscular debility. Nocturnal swelling of fingers.
Sensation in legs as if a red hot wire suddenly darted through them
when the cardiac stimulation is desired, or the infusion of 1 1/2 per
cent. Dose, one-half to one ounce if the diuretic action is wanted.
The tincture may be given on sugar or bread, and nothing liquid be
taken for twenty minutes before or after its administration. Of the
powdered leaves, 1/2 to 2 grains in capsules. Digitoxin 1-250 grain.
No matter what form of digitalis is given the dose should be reduced
as soon as the pulse rate has been lowered to 80 beats a minute and
the normal rhythm has been partially or completely restored. Under
such conditions a good rule is to cut the dose in half and still more if
there be a sudden falling off of the urinary output.
living. In old men there are: enlarged prostate; impotence; lascivious
thoughts. Malcolm Macfarlan (H. P., xiii. 490) reports Digit. having
produced severe urethritis, phimosis, and strangury. He has cured
with it many cases of gonorrhœa. Ballard cured a man of headache
and dizziness originating probably in gonorrhœa suppressed several
years before. He complained of feeling bad about the head after
drinking, and this keynote symptom was elicited: "after drinking cold
water the pain would seat itself in the forehead and extend down the
nose." Delirium tremens in high livers, stomach and liver diseases
with the mental state of the drug. Nausea < from smell of food; not >
by vomiting. The food eaten comes up by mouthfuls, cannot
expectorate without vomiting. Every shock, like bad news strikes her
in the epigastrium. Deathly sinking in the epigastrium. The use of
Digitalis as a remedy for pneumonia in the old school is well known.
It has proved a very dangerous remedy, but it has been used by
homœopaths with very good effect in senile pneumonia (E. V. Ross.,
H. P., xvii. 177). Ross regards the indications as being: "Dry cough
with mucous râles and no expectoration or only 'prune-juice'
expectoration; cyanosis, cold extremities; feeble, intermittent pulse
deathly nausea or gone sensation at epigastrium." Restlessness with
great nervous weakness. Lassitude, mental and bodily. Faintness.
Convulsions, with retraction of head, syncope, and collapse. Among
the peculiar sensations of Digit. are: Sensation as if the heart would
stand still if he moved, must hold the breath and keep still (Gels. has
"must keep moving or the heart would stop.") As if the brain were
loose; as if something fell forward in the head on stooping; as if the
brain were made of fine glass and shattered at a blow; as if
something were running out of urethra; as of a weight attached to
stomach; as if the internal parts were grown together. As if the lungs
were constricted and tied up in bundles. As if heart stood still; as if
heart had torn itself loose and were swaying to and fro by a thin
thread; as if the stomach would sink into abdomen. Terrible pain at
root of nose after vomiting.
pressure. Great sensitiveness to cold air; cold weather; changes of
weather; cold food; cold drinks; all of which <. Getting heated <
cough. In a room, lachrymation is <. With fear of suffocation there is
desire for open air, and the symptoms of catarrh are > in open air. <
From music; sadness from music.
head.─(Hydrocephalus; sensation as if waves or water were beating
on the skull; < while standing, talking, shaking the head and bending
the head backward, > when lying down or bending the head
forward.).─Swelling of the head.─The head is constantly inclined
backwards.─Sudden cracking in the head (during a siesta) with
starting, as in a fright.
tongue.─Tongue loaded with white mucus (morning).─Stinging in
throat between acts of swallowing.─Peculiar sensation in fauces as if
walls of pharynx swollen, or as if they were constricted by swelling
of tonsils.─Spasmodic constriction of throat.─Sore pain on
shiverings and cutting pains.─Dysenteric evacuations.─Involuntary
stools.─Retention of stool; prolonged constipation.─Watery
diarrhœa; with much thirst.
walking, or seated.─In the morning, suffocating constriction of the
chest, forcing the patient to rise up in the bed.─Asthmatic sufferings
as from hydrothorax.─Pressure on the chest from keeping the body
bent.─Tension in the chest, with necessity to breathe
deeply.─Contractive pain in the chest, when sitting with the body
bent.─Smarting in the chest.─Sensation of weakness in the chest,
proceeding from the stomach.─Congestion in the chest.─Shuddering
at the mammæ.
the loins, as after a chill.─Bruise-like pains in the loins on blowing
the nose.
27. Fever.─Chilliness with heat and redness of face.─Coldness of
the body, often with cold sweat, esp. on the forehead or one side of
the body only.─Coldness in the hands and in the feet (with cold
perspiration).─Heat of one hand and coldness of the other.─Frequent
and sudden flushes of heat, followed by weakness.─Copious
nocturnal perspiration, preceded sometimes by shivering and
shuddering, with internal heat (beginning with coldness of the
extremities, from them extending over the whole body), during the
day.─Perspiration generally at night; cold and clammy.─Perspiration
after the chill, no heat intervening.─Pulse small, weak, and
excessively slow (esp. when at rest, every other beat intermits), but
accelerated by the slightest movement.─Pulse irregular; intermitting.
place surely between seven and eight days. Never give a second dose
immediately after the first; it would not only prevent the good effect
of the former, but would be injurious."
Fever.--Internal chilliness; shivering, with hot face, cold hands, no
thirst. Is always too cold, even in bed.
Relationship.--Antidote: Camph.
premonitory stage are: pallor, weakness, loss of appetite, dry cough,
emaciation. Three laryngoscopic indications are: (1) Anæmia and
pallor of larynx; (2) vocal cords not sufficiently approximated from
functional impairment of crico-arytenoid muscles; (3) redness and
swelling of mucous membrane covering and between the arytenoid
cartilages. Dr. Serrand commends Dros. in cases of declared phthisis
as well. He gives it in the low attenuations. Buchmann of
Alvensleben agrees with Hahnemann that Dros. in high attenuation
should not be repeated. He cured himself of a bronchial catarrh
which used to attack him every spring and fall, characterised by a
violent tickling cough, which almost drove him to distraction at
night, with Dros. 1x. and Ø. A single dose as soon as the tickling in
the larynx commenced sufficed to allay it at once and allowed him to
rest, and it was only repeated when the tickling returned. Among the
characteristics of Drosera are: Spasmodic and constricting pains in
abdomen; larynx; throat; chest; hypochondria. Crawling in larynx;
feeling as if a soft substance were lodged in larynx, as a feather.
Difficult swallowing of solids. Voice fails. Stitching pains in chest
and all parts; lancinations in brain. Stitches from left loin into penis;
itching stitches in glans. Hæmorrhages of bright red blood, from
nose; mouth (bloody saliva); with vomit; with stool; expectoration.
Gnawing stinging pains in joints and long bones. Dros. has many
pains about the hip-joints and has cured sciatica with the following
characters: "Pressing pains, < from pressure, from stooping, from
lying on painful part, > after rising from bed." Eruption like measles;
prickling burning itching; < undressing; > by scratching; bleeding,
burning ulcers, cutting pains. Epileptic attacks: with rigidity; with
twitching of limbs; after attack, hæmoptysis and sleep. Symptoms
are < towards evening and after midnight. < By warmth; by warm
drinks; > in open air. Many symptoms are < at rest and when lying in
bed. Supporting the part > pains in head and chest. Stooping <;
walking >; singing and talking <. Motion of eye < head pains.
Motion > stitching in chest and joints, and shivering. < From acids.
1. Mind.─Mental dejection, caused by ideas of imaginary
enmity.─Anxiety, esp. (in the evening) in solitude, with fear of
ghosts.─Great mistrust.─Restlessness, which does not allow
prolonged attention to the same object.─Inquietude respecting the
future.─Discouragement.─Inclination to drown oneself.─Pertinacity
in executing resolutions.─The least thing puts the sufferer beside
expectoration, hoarse deep voice, oppression in chest as if breath
could not be expelled when coughing or talking.─Shootings in the
throat, after eating anything salt.─Stinging in the throat during
deglutition.─Difficulty in swallowing solid food, as from contraction
of the throat.─Sensation of dryness in the throat.─Sensation in the
throat, as if crumbs of bread had been stopped in it.─Hawking of
yellowish or greenish mucus.
10. Appetite.─Thirst, esp. in the morning (during the hot stage of the
fever and not during the cold stage).─Insipidity of food.─Aversion
to pork.─Bitter taste of food and esp. of bread.
larynx extending down to r. side of œsophagus.─Cough without
much sound.─Cough as soon as the head touches the
pillow.─Accumulation of slimy matter, alternately hard and soft,
yellowish, greyish or greenish.─Cough and hoarseness.─Cough,
proceeding from the depth of the chest, with pains in the
hypochondria and in the chest, mitigated by pressing the hand upon
them.─Cough at night, and in the evening, immediately after lying
down.─Dry, spasmodic cough, with retching.─Fatiguing cough like
whooping-cough (attacks, every one to three hours, with barking or
dull-sounding coughs, choking the breathing, caused by tickling or
dryness of the throat; yellow and bitter expectoration; has to swallow
this mucus down) with bluish face, wheezing respiration, attacks of
suffocation, bleeding from the nose and mouth, and anxiety.─The
cough is excited by laughter, weeping and mental emotions; after
having had the measles; aggravation after lying down, and still more
increased after midnight; when at rest; when lying in bed; from heat;
from drinking; from singing.─Vomiting of food during the cough,
and afterwards.─Cough, with fetid breath.─Singing, tobacco-smoke,
and drinking, excites the cough.─Cough, with expectoration of a
bright red blood, or of blackish clots.─Cough, in the morning, with
bitter and nauseous expectoration.─Cough, with expectoration of
purulent matter, and shootings in the lower part of the
chest.─Greenish expectoration.─Laryngeal and tracheal phthisis.
20. Neck and Back.─Stiffness at the nape of the neck, with pains
during movement.─Bruise-like pains in the back, particularly early
in the morning.
23. Lower Limbs.─Paralytic pains in the coxo-femoral joint, and in
the thighs, on walking, which occasion limping.─Incisive shootings
in the legs.─Violent stitch in the os ischium, on rising from a
seat.─Tearings in the joints of the foot, as if they were dislocated,
only when walking.─Stiffness in the joints of the feet.─Cold sweat
in the feet, which are constantly cold.
27. Fever.─Shuddering over the whole body, with heat of the face,
icy coldness of the hands and absence of thirst, or shiverings with
coldness and paleness of the hands, the feet, and the face.─In the
morning hours, coldness of one side (l.) of the face, while the other
side (r.) is hot.─Chilliness and chill while at rest, finds it everywhere
too cold, even in bed.─Chilliness during the day, heat during the
night.─Heat almost exclusively in the face and on the head.─Warm
perspiration at night, esp. after midnight and during the morning
hours, mostly in the face.─Heat, with headache and convulsive
cough.─(Intermittent) fever, with nausea, and inclination to vomit,
and other gastric sufferings, or with sore throat.
Relationship.--Compare: Bry; Croton; Gambogia.
Extremities.--Aching pain in back. Aching in bones of extremities
with soreness of flesh. Aching in arms and wrists. Swelling of left
great toe. Gouty soreness and inflamed nodosities of joints,
associated with headache. Dropsical swelling.
Clinical.─Anus, herpes of. Back, pain in. Bilious fever. Bones, pains
in. Cough. Dengue. Diarrhœa. Fractures. Gout. Hiccough.
Hoarseness. Indigestion. Influenza. Intermittent fever. Jaundice.
Liver, soreness of. Measles. Mouth, cracks of. Ophthalmia.
Relapsing fever. Remittent fever. Rheumatism. Ringworm. Spotted
fever. Syphilitic pains. Thirst. Wounds.
begin in the small of the back, with aching in the limbs as though
every bone in the body were being broken; high fever with increased
aching, followed by sweat scanty or profuse; sweat > all pains except
headache, which is <. Periodicity is marked. There may be a double
periodicity: Chill morning one day, evening the next. The liver is
strongly affected by Eup. perfol.; bilious vomiting and diarrhœa;
bilious sick-headaches; cough arising from irritation of liver.
Catarrhal symptoms are prominent. Nocturnal loose cough.
Hoarseness with aching soreness of trachea. Hoarse, rough cough
with scraping in bronchia. Cough with soreness, compelling the
patient to hold his chest with his hands. Stiffness and general
soreness. Cannot twist body either while standing, sitting, or lying.
Cannot lie in bed on account of a feeling as if every bone was
bruised, causing despair, moaning, and crying out. Bone-pains of all
descriptions appear under Eupat. perf. Sleepiness and yawning.
Sensation as if falling to left. Pain and extreme tenderness of left
glutei muscles. Hale describes the fever of E. perfol. as follows: "The
chill is nearly always in the morning, and is preceded for several
hours by thirst, soreness and aching of the bones. The thirst
continues during the chill and heat. The chill is attended by nausea,
vomiting of bile, intense aching and soreness in the flesh of the
extremities, and often all over the body. These symptoms continue
during the heat, especially the vomiting, which is often painful and
incessant. The heat is apt to be prolonged until evening or into the
night, and may be followed or not by sweat (with chilliness). If no
sweating occurs the apyrexia is short and attended by chilliness,
nausea, thirst, and debility, showing that the febrile action never
altogether subsides, giving a true type of Remittent fever─a fever in
which Boneset is often our best remedy, especially if occurring in
summer and autumn, and is attended by very severe bilious
symptoms." Lying on back < cough. Kneeling with face towards
pillow > cough. Rising up > headache. Eating = violent distressing
pains which are only relieved by vomiting. There is intense thirst, but
drinking cold water = shuddering and vomiting of bile. Chilliness
predominates, wants to be covered; > in house, < in open air; < after
being in ice-house. I have found Eup. perf. most useful in influenza.
14. Urinary Organs.─Dark-coloured, clear urine.─Dark-brown,
scanty urine, depositing a whitish, clay-like sediment.─Itching of the
mons veneris.
20. Neck and Back.─Beating pain in nape and occiput; better after
rising.─Aching pain in the back, as from a bruise.─Weakness in
small of back.─Trembling in back during fever.
25. Skin.─Jaundice.
water.─Distressing pain in the scrobiculus cordis, throughout the
chill and heat.─Aching pains, with moaning during the cold
stage.─Coldness during nocturnal perspiration.─Chilliness
throughout the night and morning; trembling and nausea from least
motion; intense aching and soreness in back and limbs; more
shivering than the degree of coldness warrants.─The intermittent
fever paroxysm generally commences in the morning.─Fever
commences in morning; attended with painfulness, trembling,
weakness, and soreness; but little or no perspiration.─Great
weakness and prostration during the fever.─Headache and trembling
during the heat.─Vomiting of bile at the close of the hot
stage.─Vomiting of bile after the chill.─The fever goes off by
perspiration and sleep. During the apyrexia, loose cough.─When
there is perspiration it relieves all the symptoms except the headache.
Face.--Erysipelas; yellow blisters. Burning in cheek; worse, left.
Eyes inflamed and agglutinated in morning; Red swelling of cheeks.
Nasal pruritus with mucous secretions from naso-pharynx.
Compare, also: Psoralea-A Columbian plant--(Pain of cancer, ulcers.
Leucorrhœa fetid. Pruritus. Uterine tumors). Croton; Jatropha;
cough. They occurred as soon as she touched the bed in lying down,
and continued as long as she remained in it. Accompanying
symptoms were: Pain in right temple, cold feet, and pain in heel.
After failure of many remedies Euphorb. off. Ø, one drop in a glass
of water, to be sipped occasionally, gave instant relief; but she had to
continue the remedy or the cough returned.) Sudden starting up in
bed as from an electric shock. As if a thin cord lay under the skin.
Prostration is present as with the other Euphorbias; but Euphorbium
has, in addition, periodic cramp, writer's cramp, and convulsions
with loss of consciousness. Most symptoms are < at night and in the
morning. Rest <, motion >. Paralytic weakness in joints < on
beginning to move. Painfulness of coccyx, < on rising from sitting.
Heat <; cool applications >. Touch <.
6. Face.─Erysipelatous swelling of the cheek, with eruption of
yellowish vesicles (full of yellowish humour), and piercing and
digging pain.─Red, inflamed, painful swelling of the face, with
yellowish blisters secreting a thick yellow fluid.─Pale (white
œdema-like) swelling of the cheek.─Burning pain in the face.
9. Throat.─Burning pain from the throat (as from a hot coal) to the
stomach, accompanied by heat (as if a flame were rushing out),
anxiety, trembling, and water-brash.
15. Male Sexual Organs.─Tearing lancinations in the glans
penis.─Voluptuous itching in the prepuce.─Tearing in the
testes.─Burning pain in the scrotum.─Constant erections, without
sexual desire.─Discharge of prostatic fluid from a relaxed penis.
repose, by a sitting posture, and by the touch.─Burning in the
Face.--Flushed; cheeks sore and hot. Florid complexion. Facial
neuralgia; worse, shaking head and stooping.
Relationship.--Compare: (Oxygenoid Constitution. Acon; China;
Arsenic; Graphit; Petrol). Ferrum pyrophosph (congestion of brain
and headache following great loss of blood; tarsal cysts); Acon;
Gelsem; China.
exemplified in diurnal enuresis. It also retains the leading features of
the other Iron preparations: anæmia, hæmorrhages, and disorders of
the veins. Inflammation, induration and enlargement of blood-
vessels; great physical and mental lassitude; indisposed to physical
exertion; nervousness, prostration, rheumatic paralysis. Acute
inflammatory rheumatisms. The right shoulder is affected as in Fer.
mur. The right-sideness of Fe. p. is as marked as that of the other
Ferrum preparations. Nimier and Parenteau have cured several cases
of right-supraorbital neuralgia with morning aggravation with Fe. p.
6x. The morning aggravation appears to be the distinctive indication.
Nash says the hæmorrhages are bright red, but occur, not in the
plethoric subjects of Acon., but rather in pale, anæmic subjects liable
to sudden local congestions. Cooper cured with Fe. p. a case of
phthisis in a patient "of the transparent-skin type, the hæmoglobin
shining through." Schüssler's own account of Fer. phos., taken from
the final edition of his work, translated by L. H. Tafel, is as follows:
"Iron and its salts possess the property of attracting Oxygen. The iron
contained in the blood corpuscles takes up the inhaled oxygen,
thereby supplying with it all the tissues of the organism. The sulphur
contained in the blood corpuscles and in other cells, in the form of
sulphate of potassa, assists in transferring oxygen to all the cells
containing iron and the sulphate of potassa. [1] When the molecules
of iron contained in the muscle-cells have suffered a disturbance in
their motion through some foreign irritation, then the cells affected
grow flaccid. If this affection takes place in the annular fibres of the
blood-vessels, these are dilated; and as a consequence the blood
contained in them is augmented. Such a state is called hyperæmia
from irritation; such a hyperæmia forms the first stage of
inflammation. But when the cells affected have been brought back to
the normal state by the therapeutic effect of iron (Phosphate of Iron)
then the cells are enabled to cast off the causative agents of this
hyperæmia, which are then received by the lymphatics in order that
they may be eliminated from the organism. [2] When the muscular
cells of the intestinal villi have lost molecules of iron, then these villi
become unable to perform their functions: diarrhœa ensues. [3]
When the muscular cells of the intestinal walls have lost molecules
of iron, then the peristaltic motion of the intestinal canal is retarded,
resulting in an inertia with respect to the evacuation of the fæces."
From the above Schüssler deduces the following indications for Iron:
"When the muscular cells which have grown flaccid through loss of
iron receive a compensation for their loss, the normal tensional
relation is restored; the annular fibres of the blood-vessels are
shortened to their proper measure, the capacity of these vessels again
becomes normal, and the hyperæmia disappears, and in consequence
the inflammatory fever ceases. Iron will cure:
1. Mind.─Very talkative and hilarious; unnatural
excitement.─Delirium tremens.─Physical and mental
depression.─Unable to concentrate thoughts.─Memory impaired: for
names, facts, &c.; irritated at his own mental
sluggishness.─Drowsiness; with rush of thoughts, suddenly changing
from pleasant to unpleasant.─(Sows eat up their young; a transient
mania depending on hyperæmia of the brain.)
9. Throat.─On waking, throat feels swollen and stiff, swelling
painful, < empty swallowing.─Feeling of lump (r.) on
swallowing.─Inflammation of palate, tonsils, and pharynx, with
dryness, redness, and pain.─Membrane on r. tonsil, spreading to l.
pressure in abdomen and small of back.─During profuse menses,
pain on top of head.─During pregnancy: cough with ejection of
urine; headache during third month.
25. Skin.─Capillary congestion, with burning of skin, < from severe
exercise or in a warm room.─Measles.─Erysipelas.─Acne.
varicose veins, and ulcers. Patient is compelled to move about
energetically. Complaints of old age, or the prematurely aged, with
weak, distended blood vessels. Hob-nailed liver of alcoholics. Goitre
(Dr. Woakes) (Kali fluoride produced bronchocele in dogs). Early
decay of teeth. Old cases of nightly fevers, coming on periodically.
Extremities.--Inflammation of joints of fingers. Feeling as of a
splinter under nail. Nails crumble. Caries and necrosis, especially of
long bones. Coccygodynia. Ulcer over tibia.
Complementary: Silica.
the abuse of Silica. The modalities of the two are different; Fluor. ac.
having > from cold applications. It acts on the bones, especially the
long bones, causing caries and necrosis, and favours the expulsion of
the necrosed part. Fistulæ, rectal, dental, and lachrymal come within
its sphere. Old cicatrices become redder and itch. Small red spots
here and there, < by warmth, > in cool place. Red blotches on body
which tend to desquamate. Nails grow rapidly. Teeth are deficient in
enamel; black, rough, unsightly-looking. Increased sensitiveness of
vision and hearing. According to Guernsey Fluor. ac. affects the
right ear; left teeth; left hypochondrium; left side of abdomen; right
side and nape of neck; right side of back. T. F. Allen has recorded an
experience (N. A. J. H., 1886, p. 288) showing the applicability of Fl.
ac. in whitlow. A lady spilled some of the acid on her hand and
though treated at once with turpentine a few spots escaped on one
hand, and these soon gave her great pain, intensely pulsating. The
pulsations involved the tip of the thumb especially, though this had
not been touched by the acid. It was not red like the spots touched by
the acid but was sore to touch, and when pressed there was a
sensation as of a splinter under the nail and in the cellular tissue.
This lasted some days. The whole hand was swollen and hot, > in
cool, open air. In a workman whose hand was exposed to the fumes
of the acid there was intense throbbing pains especially in the thumb;
suppuration occurred later and was very slow to heal. According to
McLachlan, the left hand is affected rather than the right and the pus
tends to point on the dorsum of the finger. > From cold washing
distinguishes it from Silic. Fl. ac. is also distinguished from Sil. by
the general > from walking in the open air. "A constant, irresistible
desire to walk in the open air; it does not fatigue," is characteristics
of Fl. ac. Hunger predominates. There is < from wine like Zinc.; but
also < from red wine, which is peculiar to Fluor. ac. Abdominal
symptoms > by tightening clothes (Nat. mur.─opp. Lach., Hep.).
Peculiar symptoms are: Increased ability to exercise his muscles
without fatigue. Is less affected by excessive heat in summer or cold
in winter. Sensation as of a cold wind blowing under lids, even in
warm room; as of air passing down from shoulder-joint to fingers.
Numbness of limbs even when not lain on. Motion <. Bending
backward, and bending head back >. Cold drinks < toothache;
washing with cold water >. Warm drink < diarrhœa. Symptoms seem
to go from below upward. Suited to complaints of old age, and
premature old age; weakly constitutions, sallow skin, emaciation.
Compare: Coca (fatigue); Coffea (toothache); Citr. ac. and Sep.
(aversion to one's family); Oxal. ac. (diarrhœa < from coffee); Rhus
t. and Ruta (coccygodynia); Silic. (fistula, onychia, bone diseases,
coccygodynia); Brom., Iod., Spongia and Kali c. (goître); Staph.
(teeth). Followed well by: Sulph., Nit. ac.
from cold drink; or > until water becomes warm in mouth.─Rapid
caries of teeth.─Acrid, foul taste from the roots of the
teeth.─Increased flow of saliva.─Increased flow of saliva (with
sneezing; with pricking of the tongue.).─In the morning the mouth
and teeth are full of mucus.─The posterior nares feel expanded
during a walk.─Tongue deeply and widely fissured in all directions,
with a large, deep phagedenic-looking ulcer in the centre.
13. Stool and Anus.─Soft small stools in the morning after drinking
coffee, and again in the evening, with protrusion of the
hæmorrhoids.─Watery stools in the morning after rising.─Frequent
passages of flatus and eructations (with constriction of the
anus).─Stool pappy, yellowish-brown, fetid, with tenesmus and
prolapsus ani.─Protrusion of the anus during an
evacuation.─Constipation; stools infrequent and hard.─Itching
within and around the anus, in the perineum (evening).
15. Male Sexual Organs.─Increased sexual desire (in old men) with
violent erections all night.─Sensation of fulness in both spermatic
cords.─Highly excessive enjoyment and pleasure during
coition.─Seminal discharge tardy but free, and without bad after-
asleep.─Burning stitches under the soles of the feet (in the
morning).─Feet hot and burn.─Soreness between the toes.─Soreness
of all his corns.
Mouth.--Pulsating toothache.
Face.--Flushed, hot, livid, pale; sweaty; pains in root of nose;
faceache. Dusky face.
Relationship.--Antidote: Acon.
Guernsey, with his usual graphic terseness, says that Glon. is suited
to "Troubles of the head in type-setters, and in men who work under
a gas-light steadily, so that the heat falls on the head; bad results
from sunstroke; can't bear any heat about the head; can't walk in the
sun, must walk in the shade or carry an umbrella; can't bear heat
from a stove; great vertigo on assuming an upright posture, from
rising up in bed, rising from a seat, &c. Heat in the head; throbbing
headache." The great sensitiveness to the least jar, which is a very
marked feature of the Glon. headache, causes the patient to carry his
head very carefully in order to avoid the chance of it. The headache
is in the whole head and every part─forehead, vertex, occiput. Many
pains appear in occiput and base of brain; gnawing in occiput; sore
pain; pressure; severe pain in occiput, extending to eyes and temples;
sensation as if something were moving in nerves from back of neck
upward to head. The eyes may be fixed or protrude; aversion to
bright light; black spots before sight. Face flushed or pale.
Climacteric disturbances.
has > bending head back, and > covering head; Glon. > uncovered);
Apis, Hyo. (fears being poisoned); Gels. (inclination to jump out of
window); Stram. Sang. (headache with the sun; ear sensitive to jar);
Nit. ac. and Bell. (sensitiveness to jar); Melilot. (headache with
crimson face) Lyc. and Phos. (burning between shoulders); Dig. and
Diosc. (headache extending into nose); Sec. (fingers spread apart).
occiput, extending to the eyes and temples.─Shaking < the headache,
as well as stooping motion, ascending steps; external pressure >;
walking in the open air, uncovering the head >.─Cracking sensation
in the brain.─Skull seems too small, and as if the brain were
attempting to burst the skull; violent action of the heart, and a
distinct pulsation over the whole body.─Shocks in the brain
synchronous with the pulse.─Undulating or wave-like motion in the
brain.─Hemicrania; sees half light, half dark.─Gnawing in occiput.
feels swelled and raw with spasmodic twitchings.─Tongue: milk-
white without coating; coated heavily at back.─Difficulty in
conversing from diminished power of tongue and confusion of
ideas.─Tongue swollen with pricking in it, the tongue
smarts.─Sensation of soreness and swelling on the roof of the mouth
with pulsation.
blood to head and chest; headache; fainting.─At climaxis, flushes of
heat, pressure in head, nausea, loss of senses, vertigo, swelling of
feet.─During pregnancy headache, congestions of blood to the head
and chest.─Eclampsia; unconscious; face bright-red; puffed; pulse
full, hard; urine copious and albuminous.
24. Generalities.─Fainting; with consciousness.─Great weakness
and prostration.─Unconscious falling down.─Painless throbbing in
the whole body.─Pulsations, tingling, thrills, and a peculiar sensation
of warmth through the body, extending from above
downward.─Convulsions (from congestions to the head); the fingers
are spread apart and stretched out.─Seeming plethora, rapid
deviations in distributions of blood.
Respiratory.--Feels suffocated. Dry, tight cough. Fetid breath after
coughing. Pleuritic stitches. Chest pains in articulations of ribs, with
shortness of breathing till expectoration sets in.
Back.--Pain from head to neck. Aching in nape. Stiff neck and sore
shoulders. Stitches between scapulæ to occiput. Contractive pain
between scapulæ.
Brinton in the Lancet in 1857 for quinsy; was given in full doses and
produced a crisis of sweat and profuse urination. Ozanam gave it in
the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd centesimal dilutions and found that he got the
curative effects without crisis, which was an unnecessary effect of
the drug. Guaic., says Ozanam, seems to combine the properties of
Bell., Apis, and Bar. c. It has the erythematous or inflammatory
angina with bright redness of Bell.; the œdema of Apis; and the
phlegmon with tendency to suppuration of tonsils of Bar. c. and Apis
(H. R., ii. 217). Proell records the cure of a case of secondary
syphilis in a gentleman who had inflammation of the palate
supervening on hard chancre. The isolated, sore, red spots threatened
to extend deeper and perforate. Merc. cor. 3x, Nit. ac. 3, Aur. mur. 3,
and Mez. 3 were given in succession, each for one or two weeks,
without avail. The syphilitic inflammation continued to spread, the
brain became affected as shown in confusion of thought, remarkable
depression of spirits and weakness of memory. Guaiac. 3x was now
given, and even on the next day improvement was noticable. In
fourteen days the whole trouble had vanished, the mind was clear,
cheerfulness and memory returned and remained (H. R., i. 109). The
growing pains of children are relieved by it. The secretions of
Guaiac. are very offensive. Burning sensations in mouth, throat, and
stomach, stitches in chest going from front to back, or from below
upward; in region of apex; < from motion and from deep inspiration:
Sharp pain about mid-day under right breast to shoulder" was
removed in a case of mine by Guaiac.
There is morning diarrhœa with skin dry and chilliness. In cholera
infantum the face is like that of an old person. In constipation the
stool is hard, dry, crumbling, and very offensive. Some marked
symptoms appear in the urinary organs: Continuous urging even after
urination, with profuse fetid urine. Stitches in neck of bladder after
ineffectual pressure to urinate. Cutting while urinating. Chilly crawls
over mammæ. There are many marked symptoms in the respiratory
sphere. Violent, spasmodic, inflammatory affections of windpipe and
larynx, with palpitation preventing motion, or calling for help, feels
suffocating. Cough dry or with copious bloody or purulent
expectoration of very offensive odour. Contractive pain between
scapulæ. Chilliness in back. Yawning and stretching > general ill-
feeling. The least motion <. After a cold, has violent pains in limbs.
Clothes feel damp. On walking in open air has perspiration on head.
Cannot bear heat with pains in limbs. Periodicity is marked. Stomach
affection returns every summer.
removed for a short time by external pressure and by walking, < by
sitting and standing.─Lacerating in whole l. side of head.─Neuralgia
l. side of head and face extending to neck.─Sweat chiefly on head
and forehead (when walking in open air).─Tearing pains in skull.
13. Stool.─Diarrhœa commencing in morning, skin dry;
chilly.─Thin mucous stool.─Soft stool in pieces. Cholera infantum,
emaciation; old-looking face.─Constipation.─Fæces hard,
crumbling, and very offensive.
19. Heart.─Palpitation.
thighs, on walking.─Weakness in the thighs.─Pricking in the nates,
as if sitting on needles.─Tearing, drawing lancinations in the leg,
from r. tarsus to the knee.─Tension in thighs, esp. r., as if the
muscles were too short, with languor when walking; < by contact, >
when sitting.
brain, chest, abdomen; after scarlatina, intermittents; with fever,
debility, suppressed urine; from suppressed exanthemata (Apis,
though unconscious. Child nurses greedily, with disgust for food.
Ptyalism, with sore corners of mouth.
child's sickness to a fear she had had towards the end of her
pregnancy. This may have been the case, but the lady had lost a boy
in convulsions, precisely similar, the previous year. The little girl had
every day five or six paroxysms, each lasting from one to three
minutes, and almost always followed by sleep. There was sudden
inability of the body, without any marked stiffness; head slightly
thrown back; repeated oscillations of tongue from right to left, the
tongue being slightly protruded from the mouth. Staring look,
convulsive rolling upward of eyes when the paroxysms were very
violent; a few acute cries followed by drowsiness, when the spasm
was near its end. During the paroxysm the child remained so
perfectly sensible that a slight shock, as the shutting of a door,
arrested the paroxysms at once, and then shortened them a good deal.
Hell. n. cured in two or three days. From a purely nervous
derangement of this kind, the action of Hell. n. goes on to actual
inflammatory states of the brain and its meninges. The drowsiness so
prominent in Teste's case is a leading note of the conditions of
meningitis and fever to which the drug is homeopathic. Such a
condition is found when effusion has taken place from the inflamed
membranes, and here the ancient reputation of Hell. n. in dropsical
conditions is confirmed. The forehead is wrinkled; there are
automatic movements of one arm and leg, whilst the other is
paralysed; the head rolls from side to side with screams; greedy
drinking of water; chewing motion of jaws; urine scanty or entirely
suppressed, sometimes with sediment like coffee grounds. This
condition of urine is an indication for Hell. n. in many states, and a
sign of the favourable action of the remedy is, as Nash points out, an
increase in the amount of flow. In post-scarlatinal dropsy with these
indications it is of great service. It has cured concussion of the brain
resulting from a blow on the head after Arn. had failed. In this case
one pupil was larger than the other; the patient was drowsy,
answered questions slowly; one leg dragged on walking. In fever
there is sooty appearance of nostrils; dry, yellow tongue with red
edges; breath horribly offensive; drinks roll audibly into stomach;
fever < 4 to 8 p.m.; face pale, almost cold; pulse faint, imperceptible;
picks clothes and lips. Guernsey sums up the remedy thus: "In
dropsical affections; dropsy of outer parts and of inner parts; parts
which are usually white turn red; absence of thirst in all complaints;
chilliness, heat, perspiration without thirst. Discharge of urine too
scanty; urine with dark sediment like coffee grounds─top part is
clear, but leaving this sediment. Nausea at the stomach; rumbling
and rolling in the bowels; darting in the joints, also in the bones; heat
with shuddering." In addition to the "absence of thirst" there is
"drinks with avidity, bites spoon, but remains unconscious," and
"Thirst with disgust for drink," as there is also "Hunger: child nurses
greedily with disgust for food." Hunger, yet food is repulsive though
it tastes natural. The hungry, nauseated, uneasy sensation at the
epigastrium showing its profound action on the solar ganglion.
Cooper, who has studied the Hellebores very closely, says that they
produce the "sinking sensation" more intensely than any other drugs.
The Winter Aconite (Eranthis hyemalis), a close ally of Hell. n.,
"acts on the solar plexus and works upwards, causing dyspnœa." He
quotes (H. W., xxx. 210) from Flora Historica an interesting account
of how French prisoners of war at Norman-cross were suffering from
an epidemic of night-blindness (nyctalopia), when for lack of snuff
they took to using powdered Black Hellebore, with the result that
they were cured of their blindness in a few days. Among the dropsies
cured may be mentioned hydrocele from suppressed eruptions. The
old use of Helleb. as an application to ulcers seems to have depended
on its property of draining the tissues. In the pathogenesis of Hell.
fœt. is a symptom bearing on this profuse discharge from ulcerated
surface." Cooper has cured ulcers with dropsical conditions with
Hell. n. and Hell. v. given internally. The headaches of Hell. n. are
stupefying; sensation as though contents of head were bulging at
forehead and eyes; shocks pass through the brain like electricity;
boring and shaking in forehead and occiput; bruised pain; heat in
brain. Pains in occiput and nape of neck I have frequently cured with
Hell. n.; also headache which the patient can only describe as a
"stupid headache." There is vomiting and purging as with the other
Hellebores, the vomit is apt to be green and the stools jelly-like. The
pulse is slow and feeble, the respiration is slow and the temperature
low. Torpidity and apathy run through the remedy. In this it
approaches Opium. Apoplexy followed by idiocy. The symptoms are
< 4 to 8 p.m., and in the evening and night (sees spirits; rolls head;
dry cough; night-blindness); < in cool air; from uncovering; > in
warm air; by wrapping up. < From exertion from motion; from
stooping; breathing easier when lying down lying perfectly quiet >
pains in head. Touch <. < When thinking of ailment; > when mind is
Tereb. (breathes better lying down); Phos. ac. (sensorial depression,
drowsiness, apathy; but Phos. ac. can be roused easily; muscles not
completely relaxed, has not the dirty nostrils of Hell. n.). Opium (but
the stupor of Op. is more profound; face dark, breathing stertorous);
Zinc. (checked exanthemata; hydrocephalus; Zinc. has fidgety
motion of feet); Lach. (coffee-ground sediment in urine; muscular
weakness; jelly-like mucous diarrhœa accompanying dropsy); Pip.
meth., Ox. ac. (> when mind diverted); Nat. m. (< from consolation).
toward nape of neck.─Headache extending from nape to
vertex.─Jerking in the integuments of the head, during movement,
when stooping, and when going up stairs.─Disposition to bury the
head in the pillow, when sleeping.─Small swellings in the skin of the
forehead, with bruise-like pain.─Moist scabs on the scalp.─Falling
off of the hair (an the head and on the whole body), with pricking
pain on the scalp, esp. on the occiput, with pale dropsical swelling of
the face and body.
frequent empty eructations.─Dislike to food, esp. meat, green
vegetables, and saurkraut.─Green, blackish vomiting, with pains in
the abdomen.─Heaviness, fulness, and inflation of the
stomach.─Inflation of the epigastrium, with pain of ulceration, and
impeded respiration.─Sensation of excessive uneasiness of the
epigastrium.─Painful pressure on the epigastrium at every
step.─Sensation of retraction in the pit of the stomach.─Painfulness
of the stomach when coughing and walking.─Burning pain in the
stomach.─Burning and scraping in the stomach.
16. Female Sexual Organs.─Pain under l. nipple, pains all over her,
forced her menses on; had to get up at night to pass
water.─Suppression of menses.─Amenorrhœa: from disappointed
love; from damp feet, and getting wet through.
17. Respiratory Organs.─Sighing respiration.─Breathes easier
lying down.─Breathing difficult with anxiety, < every evening, must
sit up.─Cough: dry, backing, < at night, with gagging; comes
suddenly while smoking.─Suffocating constriction in the throat and
nose.─Short, dry cough, with painful tension in the l.
hypochondrium.─Difficult respiration, as from
hydrothorax.─Accelerated, or deep and slow respiration.
22. Upper Limbs.─Tearing in the bones of the arms and joints, and
in the upper part of the fingers.─Jerking in the muscles of the
arms.─Piercing and shooting in the hands and joints of the
fingers.─Want of strength in the hands.─Spasmodic stiffness of the
fingers.─Humid, painless vesicles between the fingers.─Ulceration
around the nails.
25. Skin.─Paleness of the skin.─Miliary
eruptions.─Leucophlegmatic swelling of the skin of the whole body;
anasarca.─General desquamation of the skin.─The hair and nails fall
Relations. - Compare: Aletris, Fer., Lil., Phos. ac. Similar: to, Alet.,
in debility from prolapsus, protracted illness, defective nutrition.
Back.--Pain and weight in back; tired and weak. Aching and burning
across the lumbar region; can trace outlines of kidneys by constant
burning. Boring pain in lumbar region, extending down legs. Great
languor, better exercising.
Extremities.--Sensation as if a cool wind streamed up calves of legs.
Feet feel numb when sitting.
two children, both living. Has prolapse of uterus, ulceration of
cervix, dark, offensive leucorrhœa. Her system is worn out and her
expression one of great distress. Is irritable, finds fault with every
one, and cannot bear contradiction. Restless, wants to move around,
as she feels better when mind and body are employed." There was
severe backache and a sore and heavy feeling in the womb; in fact,
as she said, she was always "conscious of her womb." Helon. 30
every three hours for two days, and then every night, was prescribed,
with a warm water injection night and morning. At the end of three
weeks the leucorrhœa had almost ceased, the womb was in the first
position, and she "forgets that she has such an organ." The mental
symptoms of Helon. are very marked, and the extreme depression,
gloom, and irritability of this case are characteristic of the remedy.
One of the provers had a preliminary feeling of wellness before being
plunged into a mental hell. It is specially suited to nervously run-
down females, easily fatigued by any work, who complain of a tired
backache, a tired feeling extending into the limbs. Some of this
passes off after commencing to work. This looks rather like the
Rhus: "< on commencing to work, > after working a little;" but it is
not the same, for in the case of Rhus the relief comes from a
limbering up of stiff joints. The backache is in the lumbar region, just
over the kidneys, or else in the sacrum. The kidneys themselves,
especially the right, are the seat of pain, and then the urine is
generally scanty. S. A. Jones found Helonin turned an alkaline urine
acid; increased the amount of urea; increased the amount of urine
secreted. He considers this to be the result of a condition of debility,
venous paresis, the result of previous arterial tonic contraction.
Helon. produces irritation in mucous membranes; sore mouth;
irritable stomach; burning and scalding when urinating; but the most
intense effect is produced in the vaginal mucous membrane. L. L.
Danforth treated Mrs. W., who had intense pruritus, vulvar and
vaginal, for several weeks: "She could tear the flesh out" it was so
intense. There was vulvo-vaginitis, the labia and adjoining skin being
red and swollen, and covered with thin, white, curdy deposits.
Further examination showed, pouring from a congested cervix, a thin
albuminous leucorrhœa, evidently the cause of the pruritus. It
coagulated on the vagina, forming small curds covering the mucous
membrane of vagina and vulva. Helon. Ø on tablets speedily
relieved. The relation of the remedy to the climacteric period is
indicated in the provings by alternate sensations of heat and cold. "A
sensation as if a cool wind streamed up the back of the legs along the
gastrocnemii muscles to the popliteal space" was noticed by one
prover who had before had a burning, or warm numbness, in the legs,
most marked in the knees, "seeming to begin at the tendo Achillis of
each leg, and very marked over the region of each gastrocnemius."
"Every movement of the arms occasioned a chill, which seemed to
radiate from the solar plexus all over the body." Burning sensations
are common. A patient to whom I gave it in the 6th had "burning-
sinking at the epigastrium" half an hour after each dose. Motion <
almost all symptoms, but > numbness of the feet, and the profound
debility. > By mental diversion. The chest is sensitive to the air;
toothache is < in a warm room; and warm, moist air < toothache.
Touch <: cannot bear the least pressure of the dress (on breasts,
nipples, kidneys, &c.)
10. Appetite.─Loss of appetite, eructations, fulness, cramp, and
painful congestion of the stomach.─Appetite poor, food tasteless
bilious sleepy during the day.
from or accompanied by disordered digestive apparatus and
anæmia.─Leucorrhæa, with atony and anæmia.─Threatened abortion
from atonic conditions.─Women with prolapsus from atony,
enervated by indolence and luxury; feel better when the attention is
engaged, hence when doctor comes; worn out with hard work, do not
care for sleep; so tired, and the strained muscles burn and ache
so.─Scanty menstrual flow with heaviness, languor, drowsiness, and
albuminous urine.─Profuse flooding, with serous leucorrhœa, much
uterine and ovarian pain; climaxis.─Labia and pudendum hot, red,
swollen, burning and itching terribly; epidermis every morning falls
off in thin, transparent exfoliations.─Mucous surface of labia red,
swollen, covered with a curdy deposit, like aphthæ.─Threatened
abortion; esp. in habitual abortion.─Albuminuria during pregnancy;
great weakness, drowsiness.─Nipples sensitive, painful, breasts
swollen; nipples tender, will not bear the pressure of ordinary dress.
19. Heart.─Palpitation.
27. Fever.─Chill, seemingly radiating from solar plexus all over
body, caused by motion of arms.─Flushes of heat pass over him with
every movement while in a room.
Ears.--Roaring. Muco-purulent discharge. Deafness. Estachian
catarrh, with high-pitched voice.
yellow, tenacious expectoration. Frequent fainty spells, with cold
sweat all over. Feels suffocating when lying on left side. Pain from
chest to left shoulder.
Relationship.--Antidote: Sulph.
catarrh. Rectum, affections of. Sciatica. Seborrhœa. Stomach,
affections of. Syphilis. Taste, disordered. Throat, deafness. Throat,
sore. Tongue, affections of. Typhus. Ulcers. Uterus, affections of.
the tincture and lower attenuations answer best; in catarrh of nose
and fauces the higher were better. Catarrh of almost all mucous
surfaces is caused by Hydrastis─nasal catarrh, pharyngeal,
bronchial, gastric, duodenal, intestinal, urethral (gonorrhœa, gleet),
vaginal. The characteristic catarrh is yellow (the leading colour of
the drug) or white; tough and stringy. The action on the skin is no
less marked. Garth Wilkinson found it externally and internally an
excellent remedy in small-pox. Eczema impetiginoides, drying into
crusts and burning like fire, has been cured with an application of
one part Hydras. Ø to nine of glycerine. The burning was removed at
once. (I once saw a woman, 60, who had been given Hydrast. Ø gtt.
v. in water three times a day, after a week come out in a scarlet rash,
raised and nodular, exceedingly irritable, especially at night. It was
on every part of the body except the face, and was worst on buttocks
and elbows. It remained out a week. The patient at the same time
became very ill with sickness and general digestive disorder.) The
skin may be jaundiced. There is excessive sweat, especially of
armpits or genitals; offensive ulcers; chancroids; fissures. The female
genital organs are very much affected: Metrorrhagia, leucorrhœa,
pruritus vulvæ, scirrhus of uterus; of breasts; sore mouth of nursing-
women; sore nipples. Weiss gave a woman, 31, who had had
adherent placenta in several confinements in succession, Hydrast. 3x
three drops daily from the fourth month during her last three
pregnancies, and each terminated without adherent placenta. Four
other cases of habitual adherent placenta were successfully treated in
the same way. There is much backache of severe character in
connection with many of the Hydrast. conditions. Sometimes it
awakens patients in the night. Like many other "yellow" medicines,
it has a marked action on the liver, causing jaundice and liver
enlargement. Cases of cancer of the liver have been reported cured
by it. Fulness, goneness, and constipation are the leading indications.
The constipation of Hydrast. is a leading feature of the pathogenesis.
There is torpor of the bowels; stools lumpy, covered with yellowish
tough mucus; with the constipation continual pain in head, bad taste
in mouth. Hydrast. has been a good deal used in bronchial catarrhs
with the characteristic tenacious secretion. In one case an over-dose
brought on a characteristic attack of asthma (H. W., xxxiv. 293). The
dose was gtt xx of the liquid extract, and Miodowski, who reported
the case, thought there was pulmonary œdema secondary to cardiac
weakness induced by the drug. It is worthy of note that most
remedies which powerfully act on the skin will also cause an
asthmatic state. The symptoms generally are < at night. Skin
symptoms are < from warmth; from washing, &c. The catarrhal
symptoms are < from harsh, dry winds; out of doors. Rest >; motion
<. There is < by touch; clothing feels uncomfortable about groins.
Pressure > many symptoms.
shoulder.─Otorrhœa, thick mucous discharge (fetid).─Partial
stoppage of Eustachian tube.─Throat deafness.
12. Abdomen.─Torpor of the liver, with pale, scanty stools.─Liver
atrophied.─) Jaundice, with catarrh of stomach and
duodenum.─Burning in region of navel, with "goneness," faintness
in epigastrium.─Loud rumbling, with dull aching in hypogastrium
and small of back; < moving.─Cutting, colicky pains, with heat and
faintness; constipation; > after passing flatus.─Cutting in
hypogastrium, extending to testicles, faintness after stool.─Sharp
pain in the cæcal region.─Sharp pain in region of spleen, with dull
pain and burning in stomach and bowels.─Dull dragging in groins,
cutting pain extending into testicles.─Pains in the groins as if he had
strained himself; clothing uncomfortable.─Griping pains with the
stools.─Intestinal catarrh, followed by ulceration.
retracted, glands in axilla enlarged and painful, cachectic
appearance.─Sore-mouth of nursing women.─Abraided, cracked and
sore nipples of nursing women.
25. Skin.─Jaundice, dark greenish-yellow colour.─Skin dark
purplish hue, with heat and tingling, < from motion.─Hot, dry skin,
with fever.─Burning heat and itching in skin.─Hyperidrosis:
excessive sweat of axillæ and genitals; offensive.─Erysipelatoid rash
on face, neck, palms, joints of fingers and wrist, with maddening
burning heat, later skin exfoliates; pains < at night.─Nettlerash
("hives"), < from scratching, < at night.─Scarlet raised nodular
eruption, excessively irritable, < at night, over whole body except
face, most on backs of elbows and on buttocks, preceded by feeling
of illness, vomiting and general digestive disorder; lasted a
week.─Fissures round mucous outlets.─Infantile intertrigo.─Variola;
all stages; itching tingling of the eruption; face swollen; throat raw;
pustules dark; faintness and great prostration.
Heart.--Violent palpitation. Pulse, weak irregular. Cold extremities.
Torturing pain in chest. Angina pectoris (Spigel; Oxal ac).
the morning on awaking, patient cried out, then convulsions
occurred; body and limbs convulsed, eyelids twitched but remained
open, eyeballs turned up and to right. Seemed quite unconscious.
Hcn. 2x, one drop three times a day, increased afterwards to two
drops and continued for a fortnight. No more convulsions, but three
months later a rash developed all over him.─The characteristic blue
tint of Hcn. is apparent after death in some poisoning cases: livid
spots on limbs; nails violet. In one case there was a brilliant violent
hue all over. The tetanic spasm of Hcn. is persistent and tonic, and
has none of the reflex excitability of the Nux state. Hcn. acts most
powerfully on the muscles of face, jaws, and back; the risus
sardonicus is pronounced; lividity; frothing. It acts on the medulla
and through the vagus nerve on heart and respiration. The breathing
is irregular and gasping. The heart is greatly disturbed; blueness and
coldness of surface; pulse feeble, imperceptible. The patient clutches
at the heart as if in distress. The prostration of Hcn. is profound:
drinks roll audibly into the stomach. It cured a boy of four of fever
who had this symptom: "when swallowing a teaspoonful of liquid it
sounds like water rolling into an empty barrel." Paralysis attacks first
the lower, then the upper limbs. A dry tearing cough < at night is
among the symptoms of Hcn.; and it relieves a similar cough often
met with in consumptives. For it must not be imagined that the
remedy is only of use in desperate cases of acute illness; it answers
to its minute individual symptoms just as truly as does Camph., but it
is only those who know the drug in the higher as well as the lower
attenuations who will be able to profit by a knowledge of these.
"Feels as if a cloud were going over his brain," is a symptom Cash
removed with Hcn. in a case of sunstroke. There is much disturbance
of the digestion, which is < after eating. The headache is < at night
and the vertigo < in the open air. Coldness is a great feature with the
remedy, marble coldness within and without. Blue tinge of the skin
is also characteristic.
1. Mind.─Depression; discouragement.─Anguish and oppression;
anguish in the pit of the stomach; fear of imaginary ills.─Very great
irritability; sadness; peevish temper: incapacity for labour.─Inability
to think; memory enfeebled; aversion to all mental fatigue.─Could
not remain in middle of road when a vehicle approached even at a
considerable distance; was forced, as it were, against his will, to
stand aside without waiting for it to come nearer (after recovery from
8. Mouth.─Dryness of mouth.─Augmented secretion of
saliva.─Tongue coated, sometimes white, afterwards dark and dingy;
contraction at the root; sensation of coldness on the tongue; burning
at the tip of the tongue paralysis and stiffness of the tongue, which
often protrudes from the mouth loss of speech.─Pains in the palate;
inflammation of the palate.
of respiration by reason of the lancinations in the larynx.─Want to
breathe deeply.─Respiration profound, frequent, and
stertorous.─Anxious respiration.─Paralysis of the lungs.
27. Fever.─Chilliness; frequent shudderings, esp. after midnight or
in the morning; shivering, with yawning or with thirst.─Coldness of
the limbs; sensation of cold internally and externally.─Coldness
within and without.─Fever, shivering, afterwards burning heat; heat
in the head, with coldness of the extremities, heat and sweat over the
whole body, in the afternoon; general febrile agitation, with intense
excitement; heat, at intervals, and irregular motion of the
heart.─During the shivering, giddiness and vertigo; during the
shudderings, mist before the sight.
Respiratory.--Asthma worse foggy weather and relieved by profuse
word Hypericum means "sub-heather" (ύπό and έρείκη), indicating
its manifest relation to the heaths, which at once leads us to think of
Ledum. The proving of Hyp. by Müller and others is very complete
and brings out the relation of the drug to wounds and their
consequences and also its applicability in maladies of other kinds.
Crawling sensations in hands and feet; they felt fuzzy; sticking in
them as from needles. Tearing, rheumatic, shaking pains; paralytic
weakness. One of the provers had on waking at 4 a.m. a feeling as
though she were suspended and not lying in bed, at another time as
though she were lying very heavy in bed. The former condition has
led to cures in effects of accidents attended with the sensation "as if
being lifted high into the air; and great anxiety lest she should fall
from this height." The particular kinds of wounds for which Hyp. has
been found of signal service are wounds of parts rich in nerves,
brain, spine (spinal irritation from falls), coccyx, finger-ends;
wounds from stepping on nails, or any punctured wounds. The
characteristic of the Hyp. wounds is that they are very sensitive to
touch (Led. punctures are not particularly sensitive). W. J. Guernsey
(H. R., x. 475) relates the following case: A boy, nine, was bitten by
a pet rat on the first finger of left hand. Nothing particular was
observed at the time, but some time after, he became ill, and when
Dr. Guernsey was called his state was alarming. The boy could talk
with great difficulty; teeth firmly locked; conscious; neck so stiff the
head could scarcely be moved. There was more tenderness about the
wound than the appearance would indicate. Hence Hyp. was
preferred to Led. It was given (8 p.m.) in the 500th, dissolved in
water, at first every fifteen minutes; later every two hours. At 3 a.m.
there was improvement, he fell asleep, and the next morning was
practically convalescent. Hyp. is called for in nervous depression
following wounds; effects of shock, fright and mesmerism.
Ulceration and sloughing of wounds. Hard, dry, yellow crusts form
on healing wound. Bunions and corns when the pain is excruciating.
Not only is the pain sense exalted, there is exaltation of the senses of
hearing and smell. Violent labour-pains and after-pains. Tympanitic
distension of abdomen, cutting pains. Gilchrist says Hyp. 3x, given at
intervals of twenty minutes for twelve hours or longer, seems to
control perfectly the pain following laparotomy. But it must not be
thought that Hyp. has no sphere outside wounds and their effects.
Like Arnica it has many uses in the respiratory sphere. It has cured
asthma < in foggy weather; the attacks were > by copious
expectoration. Whooping-cough < 6 to 10 p.m. Tightness of chest;
stinging < on moving. Summer diarrhœa with eruption. Palpitation
and local congestions, with or without hæmorrhage and nervous
depression, following wounds. Roehrig (H. R., xii. 40) considers
Hyperic. externally and internally the nearest thing to a specific in
bleeding piles. He gives it to pneumonia patients who have piles; it
cures the pneumonia and prevents the arrest of the flux, always a
dangerous symptom in these cases. Ussher (H. W., xxvii. 500)
confirms this; "pain, bleeding and tenderness" are his indications. "It
seems to suit the plethoric, with great soreness." He uses the 1x.
Toothache > lying on affected side and keeping quiet. Hyp. is
sensitive to cold: < in cold air; in damp; in fog. The hacking cough is
< from heat as well as by cold air. All symptoms < by least exposure.
< From touch.
5. Nose.─Pain in bridge of nose on rising.─Sore within nose;
itching; continually picking it.─Dryness of nose; with sneezing; of l.
nostril with crusts in it.─Smell very acute.
in foggy weather.─Frequent dry hacking cough; short, barking
cough.─Whooping-cough, < 6 to 10 p.m.
slightest motion of arms or neck extorts cries.─Flesh sore, feels
bruised all over.─Injuries to parts rich in sentient nerves, esp.
fingers, toes, and matrices of nails.─Mechanical injuries, wounds by
nails or splinters in the feet, needles under the nails, squeezing,
hammering; of the toes and fingers, esp. the tips of the fingers; when
the nerves have been lacerated, wounded, torn, with excruciating
pains.─Lacerations, when intolerable, excruciating pain shows
nerves are severely involved.─Next to the nervous tissues, the joints
are affected.─Sensation as of being lifted up high into air.
The Kali ars patient tends towards malignancy, and inveterate skin
diseases. He is restless, nervous and anæmic.
Ars. was reproduced in the right-sided herpes, repeatedly noticed by
Hutchinson, but there was a left-sided headache. A case of deafness
of years' standing was cured with Fowler's Solution (gr. 1/60 of the
salt), the accompaniment being constant sickness; nothing could be
kept down.
9. Throat.─Sensation in throat and larynx as if forced
asunder.─Throat dry and sore.─Throat constricted with copious flow
of saliva.
23. Lower Limbs.─Knees bent up so he could not move his
feet.─Varicose veins of legs.─Crampy feeling of lower extremities,
with partial loss of motion and sensation, livid in places, tending to
palms and soles became spreckled over with corns, finally epithelial
cancer of scrotum appeared (Hutchinson).─Dry chronic eczema; skin
of arms thicker and rougher than natural, covered with flimsy
exfoliations of epidermis; very irritable, itching and tingling when
she gets warm; intensely fissured about bends of elbows and wrists;
occasional exacerbation, with eruption of distinct vesicles; languor
and lassitude; pale, sallow complexion; catamenia irregular.─Patches
of psoriasis on back, arms, and spreading from elbows, and
anteriorly on legs, size of a crown piece, and indolent.─Psoriasis:
scaly itchings, causing him to scratch till an ichorous fluid
discharges, forming a hard cake.─Discolouration of skin after
psoriasis and lepra.─Psoriasis in numerous patches, with great
itching; the patches becoming more active, scale off, and are
replaced by smaller they leave behind them a red skin.─Jaundice.
Like all Potash Salts, this weakens the heart and lowers temperature.
Brominism is caused by it. General failure of mental power, loss of
memory, melancholia, anæsthesia of the mucous membranes,
especially of eyes, throat, and skin; acne; loss of sexual desire,
paralysis. Leading remedy in psoriasis. Nodular form of chronic
gout. Symptoms of apoplectic attacks, uræmic or otherwise;
somnolence and stertor, convulsions, aphasia, albuminuria. Epilepsy
(with salt-free diet).
Male.--Debility and impotence. Effects of sexual excesses,
especially loss of memory, impaired co-ordination, numbness and
tingling in limbs. Sexual excitement during partial slumber.
Characteristics.─Kali bro. has been proved, but the greater part of
the pathogenesis is made up of symptoms observed in allopathic
overdosings, to which are added symptoms cured in the practice of
homœopaths. In old-school practice K. bro. has been given in
epileptic and other convulsive affections rather with the idea of
overwhelming disease than of curing it. The effect has been in
numberless cases to reduce or prevent the recurrence of tits at the
expense of keeping the patient constantly under the influence of the
drug and producing a state of mental hebetude or actual imbecility,
"decreasing the excitability and power of the motor cells of the
brain" (Alberton). Along with this it has produced a great variety of
skin eruptions. At the same time, K. bro. has a decidedly specific
relation to epilepsy and the epileptic state, and in its own cases will
cure in the attenuations. K. bro. has a very profound action on the
generative organs and the mental side of the generative sphere:
sensual, lascivious fancies; satyriasis and nymphomania and finally
impotence and wasting of the sexual organs. The cases of epilepsy in
which it is curative are chiefly those associated with sexual excess or
abuse in men; and those in which the fits occur during or near the
menstrual period in women. The power of K. bro. over the sexual
sphere is very great. In my allopathic days I have often known a few
grains of the salt given at bedtime permanently relieve youths who
were troubled with erections and sexual excitement on going to bed.
It might have acted as well in the attenuations, but it could not have
done better. It is indicated also in cases of epilepsy occurring at the
new moon; and when headache follows the fit. In spasms from fright,
anger, or emotional disturbances in nervous, plethoric persons;
during parturition, dentition, whooping-cough, in Bright's disease.
One of the most troublesome "accidents" of the allopathic use of K.
bro. is the production of eruptions of many kinds, but most notably
acne. Acne has a very definite relation to the sexual organs, being
especially noticeable at puberty and, in women at the menstrual
period. I know of no remedy of such universal usefulness in cases of
simple acne as K. bro. 30. It has produced moist eruptions and
pityriasis of the scalp. The sebaceous follicles are particularly
affected, which should give it a place in seborrhœa. Erythema
nodosum was observed in some patients under its influence. The
moral and intellectual faculties are greatly disordered. The memory
is lost: forgets how to talk; aphasic, has to be told the word before he
can speak it. Depressed, melancholic; uncontrollable weeping. "Feel
as if they would lose their minds." Restlessness and sleeplessness
from worry. Staggering gait; ataxia; numbness and tingling in legs
and spine, with increase in sexual appetite. "Fidgety hands"; fingers
must be playing with something; twitching of fingers; cannot sit still.
Night terrors in children from over excitability of brain; from worry;
during dentition. Cholera infantum with hydrocephalic symptoms.
Drowsiness is one of the notes of the drug: "Drops asleep in his
chair, and if aroused falls asleep again immediately." The deep sleep
may be broken by a start, though waking is very difficult. Confused
dreams. Benumbed sensation of brain. Reflexes are diminished, and
there is general loss of general sensibility, and also of certain parts,
particularly fauces, larynx, and urethra. This depressed state has
another side to it in the curious restlessness and fidgetiness. In the
lungs pulmonary œdema or suffocative bronchitis may develop; the
patient may become cachectic and the condition resemble typhoid
fever (Amory Hare). Wenzel Heyberger has recorded (H. R., ii. 215)
a case of diabetes in a lady, 68, cured with K. bro. The patient had
been ill five months and was reduced to a skeleton. She first noticed
a remarkably good appetite but after meals had heartburn and
eructations. Then there was polyuria and frequent disturbances at
night to pass water. Weak in the head, confused, memory impaired.
Vision almost gone. Rushing and roaring in ears. Tormenting thirst.
Stools difficult and delayed. Powders medicated with K. bro. 2 were
given, one every six hours. The first night the patient slept without
disturbance and the quantity of urine and proportion of sugar
diminished. After about six-weeks the improvement seemed to stop
and K. bro. was given in allopathic doses, but this aggravated the
condition. K. bro. 2 was resumed, and the case went on to a cure.
Hale cured with K. bro. many cases of cholera infantum, and one
case of "violent periodic umbilical colic, leaving tenderness on
pressure." The characteristic hour of recurrence is 5 p.m. Another
feature of the K. bro. action is in relation to new growths. A number
of cases of ovarian cyst have disappeared under its action, also
fibroids and fatty tumours. The acne-producing property of the drug
shows its relation to sebaceous secretions, and it has removed
sebaceous cysts and wens. In connection with ovarian tumours or
other affections, or independently, there may be uterine
hæmorrhage─metrorrhagia or menorrhagia. It may arise from
reflected irritation and may be accompanied with sexual excitement.
But that is not necessarily the case. "Flooding, especially in young
women," is Hering's indication. Burford has used it extensively in
such cases and generally in attenuations approaching the crude. K.
bro. is more particularly adapted to persons inclined to obesity; to
children; to nervous women. More symptoms have been noted on the
right side than on the left. Among the remarkable sensations are:
"Parts feel as if growing large." "Paroxysms of numbness; feels as if
needles were pricking him." Trembling sensation. A marked
periodicity appears in the symptoms (which itself relates the drug to
epilepsy); symptoms recur paroxysmally. Every 2, 3, or 24 hours.
Twice a week; fortnightly; at new moon. Urticaria in winter. Most
symptoms are < at night. < 2 a.m. regularly. There is chilliness in a
hot room; and itching during high temperature. < In hot weather; < in
summer. Skin > in cold weather. Vertigo is < by stooping. Cough <
lying down. The old-school contra-indications for the Bromides are:
General asthenia and feebleness of the nervous system; post-
typhoidal and post-puerperal insanity; senile softening of the brain;
and when the gastro-intestinal mucous membrane is irritated (Hare).
These are keynotes for K. bro. in high attenuations.
at night (in pregnant women during later months), they are under
impression that they have committed, or are about to commit, some
great crime and cruelty, such as murdering their children or
husbands.─Hallucinations of sight and sound, with or without mania,
precede brain and paralytic symptoms.─Delirium, with delusions;
thinks he is pursued; will be poisoned; is selected for Divine
vengeance; that her child is dead, &c.─Delirium tremens, in first or
irritative stage; face flushed; eyes red; delirium active; horrid
illusions; hard, quick pulse.─Puerperal mania, with fulness of blood-
vessels of brain.─Hands constantly busy; all sorts of fearful
delusions; walks the room groaning, bemoaning his fate; full of fear;
unsteady.─Fits of uncontrollable weeping and profound melancholic
delusions.─Feeling of lightness and exhilaration in place of
heaviness and depression.─Depressed; low-spirited; has nervous
anxiety.─Profound melancholic depression, with religious delusions
and feeling of moral deficiency; frequent shedding of tears, low-
spirited and childish, giving way to her feelings; profound
indifference and almost disgust for life (melancholia).─Profound
melancholy from anæmia.─Night terrors of children (not from
indigestion), with screaming in sleep, trembling, unconsciousness of
what is around them; cannot recognise, nor be comforted by, their
friends; sometimes followed by squinting.
erect.─Scalp feels tight, brain numb,
ease, yet choke every time they try to drink).─Troublesome pressure
at stomach after dinner; lassitude.
14. Urinary Organs.─Pain in region of kidneys extending in
direction of ascending colon; afterwards copious urine.─Neuralgia of
neck of bladder.─Diminution of sensibility of urethra.─Urine:
profuse with thirst; with abundance of phosphates; copious, pale;
scanty, even suppressed in collapse; scanty, dribbling a few drops at
beginning of every stool.─Incontinence of urine.─Thin, yellowish
urine.─Nocturnal involuntary emissions of urine.─Emaciation;
paleness; skin cold and dry pulse rapid and feeble; tongue red and
tender; gums spongy and bleeding thirst excessive; appetite
voracious; bowels constipated; urine pale, frequent, large quantity, of
high density, and loaded with sugar; liver tumid and tender (diabetes
use.─Menorrhagia from ovarian irritation caused by strong sexual
desire.─Flooding, esp. in young women.─Erotomania, a few days
after menses.─Before menses: headache.─During menses: epileptic
spasms, nymphomania, itching, burning, and excitement in vulva,
pudenda, and clitoris.─After menses: headache, insomnia, and heat
in genitals.─Epileptic attacks at or near menstrual periods.─Scanty
menstruation in fleshy women.─Change of life: restless, must be on
the move; sleepless; trembling; flushings of face and much
congestion of blood to head; palpitation of heart;
menorrhagia.─Vaginismus.─Pruritus of external genitals; arising
from irritation of uterus, or ovaries, or any hyperæsthesia of veins of
that location; sexual excitement intense, often actual
nymphomania.─Nymphomania during puerperal state.─Frightful
imaginings at night, that she has committed some great crime as the
murder of her children or husband (during pregnancy).─Morning
sickness and vomiting during pregnancy.─Nervous cough during
pregnancy, threatening abortion; the cough dry, hard, and almost
incessant.─Convulsions during labour.─Enlarged uterus.
fluttering.─Pulse, accelerated, later becomes slower.─(Cardiac
neuroses from spinal or uterine irritation.)
excitement.─Deep, profound, and quiet slumber.─Profound and yet
disturbed sleep, always awakens with a mental struggle, not knowing
at first where he was or what had become of him.─Night terrors of
children; grinding teeth in sleep, moans, cries; horrible
dreams.─Somnambulism in children.─Waking with severe headache
in a child.
The profuse, watery, acrid coryza that the drug produces serves as a
sure guiding symptom, especially when associated with pain in
frontal sinus. It acts prominently on fibrous and connective tissues,
producing infiltration, œdema, etc. Glandular swellings. Purpura and
hæmorrhagic diathesis. Syphilis may be indicated in all stages: 1. In
acute form with evening remitting fever, going off in nightly
perspiration. 2. Second stage, mucous membranes and skin
ulcerations. 3. Tertiary symptoms; nodes. Give material doses.
Diffused sensitiveness --(glands, scalp, etc). Rheumatism in neck,
back, feet, especially heels and soles; worse, cold and wet. Iodide of
Potass in material doses acts in the different forms of Fungoid
disease (thrush, ringworm, etc), offer simulating syphilis and
bacterial diseases like tuberculosis. Symptoms like loss of weight,
spitting of blood, etc. Tea-taster's cough due to inhaling the fungus; a
also brings about often favorable reaction in many chronic ailments
even when not clearly symptomatically indicated.
Extremities.--Severe bone-pains. Periosteum thickened, especially
tibia; sensitive to touch (Kali b; Asaf). Rheumatism; pains at night
and in damp weather. Contraction of joints. Rheumatism of knees
with effusion. Pain in small of back and coccyx. Pain in hip, forcing
limping. Sciatica; cannot stay in bed; worse at night and lying on
affected side. Formication of lower extremities when sitting, better
lying down.
Relationship.--Antidote: Hepar.
knowing why. He lost over a stone in weight. He could eat very
little, and everything Caused distress and a full sensation. Palpitation
came on at all times, and kept him awake at night. The pulse was a
mere flicker in the attacks, and was irregular, intermittent, or very
frequent in the intervals between. It was in this state that he came to
me, but the powers of reaction were destroyed, and nothing that I
gave made any impression. He left London, and died very shortly
afterwards. Here is another case of K. iod. poisoning, when
unbalanced by antidotal drugs or disease. It is related by Jonathan
Hutchinson. The patient, a man of 26, had been treated with 5-grain
doses of K. iod. at a hospital for a swelling in the groin which was
diagnosed as syphilis. There was no skin eruption at that time, but
shortly one did appear, and was thought to confirm the diagnosis.
The dose was increased to 10 grains at the end of the week, ten days
later to 15 grains, and still later to 20 grains. This was kept up from
July 23rd to October 9th. Mercury was then substituted, but this
made no change, and the patient, who was getting worse the whole
time, died of exhaustion in a fortnight. The last part of the time he
was in the London Hospital, to which he had been removed, and it
was there found, on careful inquiry, that no evidence of syphilis
existed. This was his condition when he arrived in the London
Hospital a few days before his death: There was a generalised skin
eruption, consisting of swellings varying in size from small papules
to enormous tuberous masses, some of the latter being ulcerated. The
swellings attained the greatest size on face, legs, and upper chest. A
coloured plate illustrating the case was published, showing the
tumours to be dark purplish red in colour. The antidotal action of
syphilis to K. iod. is further borne out by the observation of Fournier
(Allen's Encyclop., Appendix), who noted the occurrence of purpura
in patients under its influence. But it only occurred in an intense
form in persons who had no signs of syphilis, and to whom it was
given "only as a preventive." But the anti-syphilitic relation of K.
iod. only takes in a small part of its power as it is known to
homœopaths. Though it has not been extensively proved, the
recorded and attested effects of over-dosing are numerous enough. P.
Jousset (L'Art Médical, October, 1899, 241) has referred to Rilliet's
experiments with the drug on the healthy. He experimented on
twenty-eight persons, mixing their table-salt with one ten-thousandth
part of K. iod., so that in two years each would have taken 40
centigrammes. Here is one of the cases: A man, 45, of very strong
constitution, never had any illness. At the end of seven months he
began to waste; had palpitation; became sad and melancholy; had
fixed ideas, weakness, indefinable malaise in the lower abdomen
with constipation. The iodised salt was accidentally suspended
during January and February, and he completely recovered.
Returning home in the month of August, he commenced the salt
again, and the same symptoms returned with much more intensity
than before: notable and progressive wasting with voracious appetite;
trembling; palpitations; fixed look; yellow complexion; above all the
moral disturbances were very pronounced agitated even to tears;
irritability; disgust and discouragement agitated sleep. It took two
months for him to recover this time. The record says that the man's
health was again "completely restored"; but this is not quite correct.
After the first poisoning, although complete health was apparently
regained, there was left an extreme susceptibility to the drug's action,
so that a much shorter period of poisoning was required to reproduce
the symptoms in a greatly aggravated degree. And two years after
this, although health was apparently perfectly restored, a visit of
twenty-one days to the seaside nearly cost the man his life. The same
symptoms reappeared. He was reduced to a skeleton, the appetite
being all the time exaggerated. In walking he was almost bent
double, trembling and out of breath at the slightest movement. Pulse
weak and very frequent. Finally he was compelled to keep his bed,
and had great difficulty in reaching his home in Geneva. There he
promptly got better. But in spite of the apparent recovery a very
profound change in the organism had occurred; and from this
experience "< at the seaside" must be numbered among the
conditions of K. iod. Two others, both women of sixty, had the same
symptoms as this man, one at the end of two months, the other at the
end of four. On the rest of the twenty-eight experimented upon no
symptoms were observed. Joussett quotes from the same authority
experiences with the same salt in the treatment of goître. A man of
fifty had a round, indolent, non-fluctuating goître on the right side of
the neck, the size of an orange, of very slow growth. He took every
morning, fasting, a spoonful of water containing one gramme (15 1/2
grains) of K. iod. From the first day of the treatment he felt an
indefinable anguish. The sixteenth day there was increased malaise
and considerable wasting, and the patient threw his potion into the
lake. Two days later his doctor found all the grave symptoms of the
poisoning; but the goître was three parts gone. The patient was sent
to the country and was ill all the summer, but completely recovered
in the winter, the goître having returned to its original size. This
experience was repeated on three other patients; but a goîtrous dog
was more fortunate. Two centigrammes (gr. 1/6) was sufficient to
produce all the symptoms in him, and his goître disappeared and did
not return when he recovered from the poisoning. In this connection
may be mentioned the power of the salt over tumours of other kinds.
Enlarged lymphatic glands, syphilitic nodes, condylomata, and
tumours of the breast and uterus have been removed by it. This has
occurred under the action of the crude salt for the most part; and the
general explanation is that the solvent action of the drug is most
powerfully excited on the more lowly organised new tissues. But this
would not apply to all cases. We have seen in Hutchinson's case that
K. iod. can produce tumours as well as remove them; but Jules
Gaudy has put on record another experience (Journ. Belge
d'Homœop., vi. 57). Several cases of abdominal tumour were
successfully treated by him with K. iod. in 3x, 10 and 15 centesimal
triturations. Two of these had been unsuccessfully treated with the
crude salt before coming under his care. This they could not tolerate
on account of loss of appetite and irritation of the mucous membrane
of mouth and throat. One of these patients had a large tumour on the
level of the great curvature of the stomach extending on both sides,
plunging into the abdominal cavity and extending into the pelvis; it
was adherent and difficult to define. She had a jaundiced, dirty-
looking skin, and loss of appetite, and mostly vomited her food. A
suspicion of latent syphilis led Gaudy to the remedy, which was
perfectly tolerated in attenuation, though not in the crude. Health
rapidly improved, and in three months there was hardly any tumour
to be discovered. The remains of it evidently depended from the
epiploon. The second case was very similar in nature to this. Cooper
reports this case: "Womb packed with fibroids, pain in right inguinal
region on exertion, spirits depressed, tinnitus like buzzing of flies,
constant tired, sleepy feeling down the limbs, hot burning feet,
though sometimes intense shivering all over, pains in the breasts,
which are tender, unable to go long without food, constant distension
as from flatus, sinking at scrobiculus cordis at 11 a.m., sleep dreamy;
all these symptoms moved away under K. iod. 30, leaving the patient
in absolute comfort." Cooper adds this note: "There is much
resemblance between the actions of K. iod. and of Sul. in their 30th
dilutions. After bronchitis, pneumonia, erysipelas, and other
inflammatory affections, K. iod., in 30th and also in cruder forms,
acts like magic, apparently from the removal of the effete products
left in the tissues.".─K. iod. has also been proved in the regular way,
but not so extensively as some other Kali salts. It acts on the tissues
much in the same way as syphilis does─dissolving them─glands
atrophy, tissues, especially connective tissues and ligaments, inflame
and ulcerate. The periosteum and bones are attacked and nodes
appear. But K. iod. is perhaps more anti-scrofulous than anti-
syphilitic. It acts best in scrofulous patients, especially if syphilis or
mercurialisation or both are superadded. It also causes infiltration,
œdema and dropsy of various kinds. The blood is acted upon,
hæmorrhage occurs, and purpura hæmorrhagica. A grand indication
for K. iod., as pointed out by Cooper, is a "diffused sensitiveness"
over parts affected. This appears in the provings: "The scalp is
painful on scratching, as if ulcerated (after eleven days)." This is
from Hartlaub and Trinks. "Swelling of the whole thyroid gland,
increasing very rapidly, with some sensitiveness to touch and
pressure." It has removed sensitive syphilitic nodes. I have often
verified this indication. In all neuralgic or inflammatory conditions
where there is heightened and diffused sensitiveness of the affected
part, K. iod. must be considered. I cured with K. iod. 30, in a middle-
aged man, neuralgia occurring daily over the left eye; in addition to
this he complained that his head was very sore. He had also Sore
gums and a cough, and was > lying down. There was no syphilis in
this case. Farrington mentions "Headache of the external head, hard
lumps like nodes on the scalp which pain excessively." This may be
either syphilitic, mercurial, or rheumatic. Cooper cured with K. iod.
30 a case of rheumatic gout in a lady; every joint affected; unable to
sleep for weeks on account of the pain. The keynote indication was:
"After fatigue, hepatic region becomes tender." He commends it in
affections of the spleen with diffused sensitiveness of spleen region
and dropsy. K. iod. also corresponds to serous effusion on the brain
secondary to hepatisation of the lungs. The action of K. iod. in the
respiratory sphere is very important. The coryza of K. iod. is well
known, and constitutes for the old school the only generally
recognised indication of "Iodism," as it is called, with supreme
disregard of the Kali element. The discharge is acrid, watery; the
eyes smart and are puffed, there is lachrymation. (This action on the
eyes may develop into iritis, keratitis, and chemosis.) The coryza
recurs repeatedly from every little cold, and makes the nose red and
swollen. The discharge may become thick, green, offensive; ozæna
and perforation of the bones may occur. The voice becomes nasal,
hoarse, or is lost. "Awakened especially 5 a.m., with dry throat,
oppression, loss of voice, glands swollen," as in croup and œdema
glottidis. K. iod. corresponds to many cases of phthisis, laryngeal and
pulmonary. A characteristic is: Stitches through the lungs; in middle
of sternum; through sternum to back or deep in chest while walking.
"Deep, hollow, hoarse cough with pain through breast." The
characteristic expectoration is greenish, copious, and looks like
soapsuds. Hering speaks of K. iod. as having been curative in
pneumonia and Bright's disease. Lutz (quoted H. W., xxviii. 175)
remarks on the frequency (from atmospheric causes) of bronchial
asthma among both whites and natives in the Sandwich Islands, the
symptoms being those of a suffocating capillary bronchitis with
defective expiration, K. iod. (crude) giving speedy relief. "The initial,
pronounced, and unmistakable symptoms of K. iod. are: coryza,
sneezing and bronchitis; and from these spread out an expanse of
symptoms such as might be expected from so usual a starting-point
of disease" (Cooper). K. iod. has been commended as a protective
against foot-and-mouth disease in cattle (B. M. J., June 26, 1895).
The heart is profoundly affected, as we have seen above. "Fluttering
on awaking; must get up, fearing otherwise he will smother." It is a
favourite remedy for aneurism among old-school practitioners, but
there is no need to imitate their massive doses; its action is evidently
specific. Walking greatly < all heart symptoms. It is suited to many
cases of rheumatic heart, as well as other rheumatic conditions. The
digestive tract is no less disordered than other mucous membranes.
There is a terrible pain at the root of the tongue which is
characteristic. There is loss of appetite and indigestion with
flatulence and bloating almost as intense as that in Lycopod. Cold
much < all these symptoms. The rectum and genito-urinary tract
have many symptoms. I cured with it a case of spasm of the rectum
with a little pain in the urethra coming on after coitus. Psorinum and
Sulphur had given partial relief before. This < after coitus relates K.
iod. to the other Kalis─Caust., K. bich., and K. carb. Eruptions of
many kinds appear, scrofulous and syphilitic in appearance. There is
a papular and pustular eruption, especially on scalp and down back,
the pustules leaving scars when they heal. Among the peculiar
sensations of K. iod. are: As though head was enlarged; as if it were
screwed in; as if a large quantity of water were forced into brain; as
if it would be forced asunder; as if a leaflet were at root of nose. As
if a worm was crawling at root of nose. Back as if in a vice. As of a
tumour in ovaries. In chest as if cut to pieces. In coccyx as if bruised.
Cooper has cured with it many cases of noises in the ears, giving a
single dose of 30 or higher and allowing it to work. The chief time
Condition of K. iod. is in the main the same as those of the other
great anti-syphilitics─Syph., Aur., Merc., and of the disease itself, <
at night, from sunset to sunrise. This applies to its rheumatic and
other affections. The sciatica of K. iod. is < at night, < lying on
painful side, > in open air. The chest symptoms, like those of K. ca.,
may be < in early morning 2 to 5 a.m. Headache < 5 a.m. (also
headache < after a night's rest). Loose stools also occur at that time
(K. bi.). Like Merc., K. iod. has great sensitiveness to atmospheric
changes: Every little exposure every damp day will set up the
symptoms. At the same time there is the > in open air of Iod., &c.:
"Irresistible desire for the open air; walking in open air does not
fatigue." The chill of intermittent fever is not > by warmth; but
warmth > many symptoms of teeth and scalp. In general, however,
there is aversion to heat. Heat < headache. Motion <, especially
walking; after the first movement, in the lower limbs it is more
bearable. Sitting hurts, and flexing limbs > some of the pains. <
From touch is a very marked feature of K. iod.; this is part of the
"diffused sensitiveness" noted by Cooper. All symptoms < by
drinking cold milk. "K. iod. is a remedy that has a great number of
keynotes. It seems to meet all temperaments, and while suitable for
pale, delicate subjects, is also required for those who flush easily and
are manifestly plethoric. A diffused arterial vasculosis is met by it,
but it is also called for in venous states. Its characteristic tinnitus
aurium is certainly the sharp, shrill, hissing and piercing noises, but
it also relieves the throbbing, pulsative noises, especially when the
heart is hypertrophied and inclined to fatty degeneration. Diversity of
lesion, diversity of aggravation, and prolixity of symptoms without
any one feature being in prominence, calls for it: a moderate amount
of catarrh of one or more of the orifices of the body, with tendency to
flatulent distensions, depression, used up feelings, inability to think,
are characteristic. But perhaps the most satisfactory action of K. iod.,
in the 30th, is in rickets (and rickety conditions) along with its many
attendant symptoms. When children cannot bear to be touched,
cannot ride in jolting conveyances, have big heads and emaciated
limbs, big teeth and small jaws, and when they incline to frequency
of urination and of defæcation, K. iod. 30 will work wonders. In
child-life K. iod. acts at once if indicated and completely clears away
the symptoms: in adult-life it may often have to be reverted to during
the treatment of very obstinate forms of disease. While this is true in
a broad sense, it is also true that there is no known prescription that
gives a better chance of removal of that very obstinate symptom
tinnitus aurium than a single dose of K. iod. 30 allowed to act. This
must not be taken as justification for careless selection of the remedy
in cases marked by contra-indicating features" (Cooper).
dose" caused by K. iod. in a patient to whom I had given it. Antidote
to: Merc., Lead-poisoning. Follows well: Merc. Followed well by:
Nit. ac. Compare: Iod. (goître; heart affections; < from warmth;
phthisis); Caust. (< by touch; syphilis); K. carb. (< from coitus; < 2-4
a.m.; extreme sensitiveness); Lach. (smothering sensation on
waking; extreme sensitiveness;─the K. iod. headache is much more
violent than that of Lach. and has hard lumps on scalp; K. iod. =
Infiltration of bones as well as soft tissues, Lach. only of the latter);
Merc. (syphilis, catarrh, sensitiveness to weather; stitching pains
through lungs─Merc. in different directions; K. iod. through sternum
to back); Pso. and Gels. (hay fever; Gels. has more sneezing);
Eriodict.─"Yerba Santa "-(catarrhal phthisis) Ant. t. (threatened
paralysis of lungs); Arsen. (catarrhal symptoms wasting;
restlessness); Bell. (brain congestion); Apis (dropsy; < by heat); Lyc.
(flatulent distension); Mez., Pul., Sil., Sul.; Act. r., Chi., Nat. sul.,
and Carb. sul. (noises in the ears).
aching in sinuses and r. ethmoid cells.─Digging or throbbing in one
side of forehead only.─Heaviness in sinciput and vertex, evening and
night, with sensitiveness to touch.─Temples: sticking in l. at 6 p.m.,
with tearing; heaviness in r.; painful throbbing in l. in
evening.─Vertex: stitches in front of in evening; pinching here and
there; pain as if it would be forced asunder, > external warmth but
often returning, with external heat in vertex, but general chilliness;
tension, with sticking in it and with tearing in l. temple extending
into nape.─Screwing together from both sides in morning, > open
air.─Occiput: pain, heaviness towards evening; tension in bones,
with stitches.─Pain in scalp on scratching, as if ulcerated.─Hard
lumps on skull with headache.─Hair changes colour and falls out.
if something had fallen in front of ears; with tearing.─Itching in l.
ear.─Cracking in r. on attempting to swallow.─Ringing; and
buzzing.─Sounds as of a river sweeping by; as of rain on roof; like
cutting stones; grating, cracking noise, membrane
sensitive.─Hearing almost gone.
in l. upper teeth.─Tearing in r. upper molars and in margin of r.
orbit.─Tearing in lower teeth in evening and feeling as if a weight
hung from lower jaw.─Throbbing in a hollow tooth when walking in
open air.─Grumbling in a hollow l. lower molar.─Teeth feel too long
in evening and are painful.─Gum swollen and painful.─Swelling
about a hollow tooth.─Ulcerative (shooting) pain in r. lower
gums.─Pain as from ulceration in teeth at night.
11. Stomach.─Eructations: of air in quantities; empty, hiccough-
like.─Hiccough in evening.─Nausea: with pressure in stomach; with
emptiness, not > eating.─Vomiting; and purging at same
time.─Violent vomiting with salivation.─Pain in stomach;
intermittent; like an emptiness and coldness in evening, not > by
soup.─Painful beating in l. side of epigastric region in
evening.─Burning pressure in stomach, which is not > by
risings.─Burning in epigastrium; during digestion; > eructation, but
immediately returning, with pressure; with acute pain.─Constant
inclination to water-brash without its really occurring.─Heaviness;
discomfort; faintness; indigestion.─Clucking, a kind of crying, and
borborygmi in stomach.─Rumbling and shrill noises in
stomach.─Inflammation of stomach and intestinal canal.
14. Urinary Organs.─Bladder irritable.─Painful urging.─Urgent
want to make water, with copious emission day and night.─Frequent
micturition of copious urine as clear as water; < night.─Nocturnal
and diurnal enuresis of childhood.─Uric acid sediments disappeared
gradually; while those of ammonio-phosphate of magnesia
increased.─Urea decreased.
with loss of voice.─Dyspnœa on ascending stairs, with pain in region
of heart.─Hoarseness with pain in chest, cough, oppression of
breathing, and pain in both eyes.─Dry, hacking cough, afterwards
copious, greenish expectoration.
hand above little finger.─Tearing: in index from base to tip; on inner
margin of r. thumb; on l. middle and ring-fingers in evening: in inner
surface of r. ring-finger, which is thereby flexed and cannot be
extended; in r. thumb as if it would be torn out; jerking tearing in a
line on outer side of bone of l. thumb, with sticking.─Pinching on
metacarpal joint of l. thumb.─Contraction of fingers.
turning around.─Malaise.─Irresistible desire to go into the open
air.─Vague indescribable feelings in head, back, and
limbs.─Restlessness.─Weakness.─Affects fibrous structures, as
periosteum and capsular ligaments of joints.─Most symptoms arise
during rest, and are > motion.─Consequences of rheumatic fever.
whole body in morning, except head, which felt hot.─Shivering-
creeping during menses, with coldness of hands and pressure and
griping in hypogastrium.─Creeping in back in evening, then
coldness of whole body; chilliness from 6 to 8 p.m., creeping up
back and extending over whole body, with sleepiness.─At times
chilly with dry skin, at other times with profuse
perspiration.─Chilliness not easily removed by external
warmth.─Heat in afternoon.─Heat (flushes of), with dulness of head
and discomfort of body; then sweat, from 1 to 3 p.m.─Hot
skin.─Heat of head; with burning and redness of face; in forehead,
eyes, nose and mouth, with anxious burning in throat extending
behind sternum to ensiform cartilage; in feet.─Sweat.
excitement, overwork and worry. Besides, it corresponds to states of
adynamia and decay, gangrenous conditions. In these two directions
it has won many clinical laurels. Remember it in the treatment of
suspected malignant tumors. After removal of cancer when in
healing process skin is drawn tight over the wound. Delayed labor.
Female.--Menstruation too late or too scanty in pale, irritable,
sensitive, lachrymose females. Too profuse discharge, deep-red or
blackish-red, thin and not coagulating; sometimes with offensive
odor. Feeble and ineffectual labor pains.
Fever.--Subnormal temperature.
to 12x. No doubt that is wise when prescribing on the general
indications he gives; but those who prescribe on the fine indications
need not limit themselves to these. H. C. Allen's symptoms will be
found in the subjoined Schema. As Allen points out, a vein of Kali
symptoms runs through the proving, e.g., early morning waking, the
peculiar mouth, and the severe action on the skin. (I may add to these
"< after coitus," and "sensitiveness to touch.") In menstrual
headaches it is indicated, and in neurasthenia, and Allen has
developed clinically the characteristic colour of the
excretions─golden or orange-yellow. The urine is very yellow. He
cured with K. ph. an old pelvic abscess, with orange-coloured
discharge, having given the remedy for sleeplessness. The provers
experienced great lassitude; they lost much flesh. Nervous, hot,
restless, easily startled. Trembling of hands from nervousness.
Sensations: as if tongue would cleave to roof of mouth; as if a ball
were rising in throat; as if a rocket had passed through head.
Stitching pains. Numb finger-tips. The least touch causes starting.
There is a toothache alternating with headache. K. ph. corresponds to
those numerous cases in which there is increased sensitiveness to all
impressions, from a weakness of the vital organismic resistance or
control. In weakened states from shock, mental or physical, from
over-strain or over-drain of the system. Nervous, restless; fidgety
feeling in feet; trembling sensation in muscles of legs, especially of
gastrocnemii. Numb sensations. W. T. Laird (H. R., xiv. 461) points
out that K. ph. cures a nervous dyspepsia almost identical with that
of Anac. The K. ph. patient is more decidedly neurasthenic than the
other; and the relapses, which are frequent in both, are mostly due to
dietetic errors in Anac. cases, and to excitement or worry in the K.
ph. cases. H. M. Rean (Hom. News, xxviii. 82) reports three cases of
amenorrhœa cured: Miss B., 19, very nervous, pale blonde, skin
rather waxy, cross and snappish, cries easily, constant dull headache,
yet very drowsy all day.─At times so fidgety could not control
herself, and called her mother to hold her hands. Menses did not
appear till eighteen, and were scanty then and since. K. ph. 3x four
times daily caused great improvement at next menstrual period. In
three months menses were regular and normal, and in five months
the patient was perfectly well. H. T. Dodge gives these indications:
Worn-out nursing mothers, tired to distraction by nervous babies.
Worn-out business and professional men. Special indications being:
Foul breath with low nervous condition; tongue with brownish
mustard-like coat; dull heavy ache between shoulders; restlessness.
He commends the higher attenuations where indications are close
(Hom. News, xxix. 10, quoting Critique).─J. C. Nottingham (H. R.,
vii. 229) considers a leading indication of K. ph. "nervousness
arising from excessive sexual excitement, whether indulged or
suppressed. He as cured impotence and seminal losses on these
indications. Accompanying symptoms are: Aching in sacrum,
sleeplessness, pain in back of neck and head, general irritability,
great despondency, frequent micturition, large quantities being
passed night and day and containing phosphates.─H. C. Allen
reports a case of subacute laryngitis in a woman six weeks after
confinement, occurring concurrently with suppressed lochia and
piles and non-appearing leucorrhœa, to which she had been subject.
She was almost in articulo mortis when, on these indications─"In
cases coming late under treatment, with great weakness, pale bluish
face, &c." (Raue) "Speech slow, becoming inarticulate, creeping
paralysis" (Hering) and "The oxydation processes, the change of
gases on respiration and other chemical transformations in the blood
is brought about by the presence of K. ph." (Grauvogl).─K. ph. 30
was given and rapidly rescued the patient from the dangerous
condition, though other remedies were required to complete the cure,
in the course of which the piles and discharges came back.─K. ph.
craves ice-cold water, vinegar, and sweets. The conditions are: <
After eating (stomach and bowels and maxillæ─diarrhœa while
eating); after rising in morning on falling asleep; by lying on painful
part by sitting and walking at 3 to 5 a.m.; in early morning
(diarrhœa) from exposure to cold (neuralgic pains); from coitus;
from continued motion; from sneezing (side pains); from facing the
sun (eye pain); after drinking water (bearing-down pains); by lying
down (ears); by lying on back (lumbar pains). > When menses come
on (< before); after lying down; leaning against something; sitting
up; bending double (colic in hypogastrium); from belching gas; from
warmth; from motion if slight and of short continuance; from eating
(occipital headache); by daylight (nervousness); out of doors (dull
headache). It is suited to pale, sensitive, irritable persons.
excitement); Ars., Carb. v., Chi., Kre., Phyt., Puls. Compare also
Agaricus. Hering says mushrooms contain K. Ph., and hence are
useful after weakening illness to restore muscle and nerve.
3. Eyes.─Conjunctivæ inflamed.─Watery secretion from
eyes.─Sensation: of sticks in eyes; of sand; dryness; burning;
pricking and smarting.─Eves full of mucus; < evening.─Balls (l.)
ache and are sore, tender to touch and pressure.─Lids: swollen;
agglutinated in morning; stye on l. lower; l. lid droops, almost
closed.─Sharp pain from eyes (r.) to temples in morning; > pressing
on temples.─Eyes feel sore round edge of lids, and burn as though
they had been full of smoke.─Eyes sore as after crying hard; awoke
with severe pain through l. eye; throbbed and was < in
sunlight.─Eyes twitch.─Eyes blurred.─Intolerance of light with
headache.─Eyes tire with reading.─Black spots moving before eyes.
bleed easily.─Dull frontal headache and nausea with dizziness,
alternating with toothache.
imperative; offensive, undigested, dark; < after breakfast and supper;
< after dinner, < after breakfast and dinner.─Diarrhœa while
eating.─Constipation; stools dark brown, streaked with yellowish
green mucus.─Aching in shoulders and arms, > by motion,
evening.─Burning in forehead with stool; afterwards slight chill
from behind up back.─Hæmorrhoids protruding, with swelling and
burning pains.─(Paretic condition of rectum and colon following
removal of hæmorrhoids).
18. Chest.─Intensely sharp, cutting pains (transitory) under (r.)
breast and near waist, catching breath.─Chest: painful; stinging in
chest and sides; sore to touch; aching, l., through to scapulæ.
23. Lower Limbs.─Weak, tired, with pains in legs and back, > by
gentle motion.─Pain in l. groin; throbbing pain in r.─Thighs
lame.─Legs swollen, numb.─Pain in r. great toe and across instep,
not > taking off shoe.─Feet: cold, perspiring; swelling of, cracking
of heels; burning of toes and soles; stinging of soles.─Fidgety feet.
frequently change location and keep him awake; from 2 or 3 to 4
a.m.─Dreamed he was only partially clothed in a public
place.─Tendency to sleep on back developed (which was very
uncomfortable before the proving).─Lascivious dreams, with
emission, wakes angry and cross.─Sleeplessness during latter part of
night (cured during the proving).─(The instant she fell into a doze
was aroused by violent spasms in l. ovary.).─Night-terrors of
children; awoke from sound sleep screaming with fright;
somnambulism.─Sleeplessness: from excessive mental exertion;
after worry over business troubles; from nervous exhaustion; simple
painless wakefulness.
Respiratory.--Coarse rales. Rattling of mucus in chest (Tart em).
Post-grippal cough, especially in children. Bronchial asthma, with
yellow expectoration. Cough; worse in evening and in hot
atmosphere. Croupy hoarseness (Hep; Spong).
sadness, toothache, headache, and pain in the limbs." These are < in
a room; in warmth; towards evening; > in open, cool air. "There
ensues a desquamation of cells of the epidermis and epithelium,
which have been loosened from their connection because they were
not sufficiently provided with oxygen. The scaling off of these
epithelial cells is followed by catarrhs with a secretion of yellow
mucus. Therapeutically K. s. answers to the process of desquamation
which takes place after scarlatina, measles, erysipelas of the face,
&c."; to catarrh of larynx, bronchi, nostrils, &c., where the secretion
has the above-named characteristics; to catarrh of stomach, where
the tongue has a yellowish mucous coating; to catarrh of middle ear,
and of the kidneys. K. s. effects the access of oxygen, and so
facilitates the formation of new epithelium. Schüssler points out that
K. s. and iron carry on the same transference of oxygen in the
organic world. When a sulphate and any oxide of iron comes into
contact with decomposing organic substances they surrender their
oxygen and form sulphurate of iron. By more oxygen this may be
further decomposed into sulphuric acid and an oxide of iron. K. s. is
Schüssler's Pulsatilla. It has had no proper proving, and the fine
indications are not so clear as they might be. The leading indications
are those given by Schüssler─the Yellow colour of the discharges;
the skin and mucous membrane appearances, and the < by warmth
and > in open air. M. E. Douglass (H. R., x. 279) reports a case of
asthma with thick yellow expectoration, much rattling in chest,
laboured breathing, talking almost impossible, cured with K. sul. 3x,
five grains every hour in the attack. Hansen cured with K. sul. 3x a
case of psoriasis beginning on right leg, later attacking left leg and
left elbow. Eruption, papular, oval and annular with paler centres,
covered with whitish scales, skin beneath red and smooth. The
guiding symptom was "great desquamation of the epidermis." All
symptoms are < in evening (Puls. < in twilight). "Its sphere of action
is in lymphatic vessels: when there is lack of this substance, a yellow
mucous catarrh arises, or a yellow sticky discharge from isolated
places on membranes." The pains are wandering: wandering
rheumatism (Puls., K. bi.). Gonorrhœa and ophthalmia neonatorum
16. Female Sexual Organs.─Menses: too late and scanty, weight
and fulness in abdomen; every three weeks (ozæna); headache
during.─Metrorrhagia.─Leucorrhœa yellowish or watery, mattery.
Relations. - Kreosote is followed well by Ars., Phos., Sulph., in
cancer and disease of a malignant tendency. Carbo veg. and Kreosote
are inimical.
Pulsations all over the body, and profuse bleeding from small
wounds. Very severe, old neuralgic affections; pains rather
aggravated by rest. Excoriating, burning, and offensive discharges.
Hæmorrhages, ulcerations, cancerous affections. Rapid
decomposition of fluids and secretions, and burning pains.
Overgrown, poorly developed children. Post-climacteric diseases.
Tumefaction, puffiness, gangrene. Ailings of teething children.
Nose.--Offensive smell and discharge. Chronic catarrh of old people.
Acrid rawness. Lupus (Ars).
Skin.--Itching, worse towards evening. Burning in soles. Senile
gangrene. Small wounds bleed freely (Crot; Lach; Phos). Pustules
and herpes. Ecchymosis; dorsal surface of fingers and hands
Teeth, caries of. Toothache. Ulcers. Urine, incontinence of. Uterus,
affections of. Vomiting. Whooping-cough. Yawning.
urinary features are: (1) Copious pale urine. (2) Sudden; great
urging; the patient cannot go quick enough. (3) The child wets the
bed during the first sleep which is very profound. J. Meredith
("Agricola") proved on himself (H. W., xxviii. 84) "the first heavy
distillate from hard green wood," obtained at charcoal works, in the
4x attenuation. The symptoms observed were so like those of pure
Kre. that I do not think they need be separated. Among them were:
Great thirst in evening. Enormous appetite. Stabbings here and there.
Eyes feel as if in a woody smoke. Sneezing. Spleen pain. Nasal pus.
[Teste emphasises a discharge "of fetid pus from nostrils."] At 7 a.m.
sitting up in bed, pain and stiffness across hips and sacrum, which
continued during the day. Prostate and bladder irritation, during
night frequently rises to pass a very little urine, coming away like
spray. It cured at the same time constipation of ten to twelve days'
duration. Meredith cured with it a girl, æt. 17, of intense urethral
scalding after urination (H. W., xxx. 83). Kre. is no less suited to
women than it is to children; and especially to the leucophlegmatic
temperament. Grauvogl cured with Kre. 3x a girl of 20 of
suppression of menses, with a concomitant state of imbecility. (In
another woman who had suppressed menses with tertian intermittent
fever, the intermittent was cured with Chi. sul., one grain four times
a day, and then Grauvogl, hearing for the first time of the
suppression of the menses, gave Kre. 3x, with the result that the
fever returned in full force. Quinine was again given, and the fever
again disappeared. Before the next period, as the patient was of the
Nux type, that remedy was given and the period was re-established.
According to Grauvogl Kre. has a short period of action, one or two
days, Chi. sul. having two or three weeks; and he quotes the case to
illustrate the law of incompatibility; in intermittents Chi. may be
given after Kre., but not Kre. after Chi.) Guernsey summarises the
action of Kre. on women thus: "Lencorrhœa putrid, with
accompanying complaints., leucorrhœa in general, especially if very
fetid and exhausting. Female genitals in general. Complaints after
menstruation; of females at change of life." According to the same
authority Kre. affects especially the inner temples, external ears and
lobe of the ear. It is suited to very severe old neuralgias with tearing
pains sensations affecting upper jaw; upper teeth; inner navel region
shoulder-blades. Dry-peeling lips are a characteristic: and Kre. has
cured a tumour of lower lip, supposed to be epithelioma, with dry,
cracked skin. In my own experience Kre. (3 and 30) meets a very
large proportion of toothache cases where the teeth are decayed,
especially if the gums are scorbutic. Its nearest rivals are
Staphisagria with blackened teeth, and Mercurius with suppurating
gumboil. The scapular pain is illustrated by a case of Lutze's. A lady
had a pain under left scapula, < by motion, excruciatingly < by riding
in a carriage; > by pressure, by lying with that shoulder on
something hard, and by warmth. A long succession of homœopathic
remedies was given in vain. Then the old school had a trial with
Antipyrine and Morphia, with no better success. Long after, Lutze
met the patient casually, and she mentioned that she had pains in the
left thumb. This led him to Kre., under which he found the other
symptoms of the case. He asked the patient to let him give her one
other dose. She consented. Kre. 200 was given and completely cured
the patient, who had become nervous and worn out by the suffering
she had endured (J. of Homœopathics, May, 1890). In the same
number of the same journal a case is recorded by Jean. I. Mackay in
which Kre. 45m., twice repeated at long intervals, wrought a cure:
Mrs. L., 28, fair, nervous. Has one child, æt. 9. Six years before
Mackay saw her had an abortion and since then health had been
failing. Her chief complaint was of hæmorrhage from the uterus,
brought on by lifting, over-exertion, and always followed coitus. No
pain during coitus. Menses regular but profuse and clotted. Constant
dull aching pain in back. The day after the flow has a terrible left-
sided headache > by hot water applied to head. Annoying itching in
genitals at times. Os eroded, speculum soon filling with clotted
blood. "Coitus followed by flow of blood the next day" is a keynote
for Kre. W. P. Wesselhœft (Hahn. Ad., xxxviii. 23) confirms these
symptoms: Coarse, red elevated acne pimples, especially in blonde
women. Nocturnal enuresis from too profound sleep; child cannot be
awakened when taken up. Giving out of knee-joint with annoying
cracking (in a large, fat blonde woman). Large purulent blisters on
concha of both ears, with a red base, like small-pox pustules.
Chronic headache accompanied with great drowsiness, during which
the patient would sleep most of the time, and groan in his sleep.
Relief was followed by the appearance of a great number of small
warts on scalp. [Hering mentions these constitutions as suited to Kre:
Dark complexion, slight, lean. Complexion livid, disposition sad,
irritable. Old women. Torpid, leuco-phlegmatic temperament. Old-
looking children, hard to awaken. Blondes.] The following case of
coccygodynia was reported in Amer. Hom. Miss A. complains of
unbearable burning pains in sacrum extending down to coccyx, with
feeling there when sitting as if an electric battery were attached with
needles which were pricking through the skin. > Rising from seat.
Attended with milky leucorrhœa. Kre. cured in three days. James H.
Freer (N. A. J. H., xliv. 489) cured a lady over 80 who suffered from
incontinence of urine on the occurrence of a bronchial attack which
compelled her to keep her bed. Villers has reported a case of
incontinence < when lying down cured by Kre., and this led Freer to
the remedy, which rapidly cleared up the case, bronchitis and all. (In
Villers' case Kre. 30 was given for "incontinence of urine when lying
down" because he had cured with it many cases of uterine
hæmorrhage occurring only in, or < by, the horizontal position.─H.
R., x. 24.) Freer also cured incontinence in a case of locomotor ataxy
(man, 74) with Kre. 6. An allopathic authority, Vladimir de Holstein,
of Paris (Amer. Hom., xxiv. 93), accidentally cured with 6-drop
doses of Kre., given in beer or milk, aggravated constipation in a
chlorotic girl. He gave it with the sole idea of "disinfecting" the
intestines. The vomiting of Kre. is noteworthy. The most
characteristic form is that due to weakness of stomach, which cannot
digest, and which rejects a meal undigested some hours after it was
eaten. Vomiting of pregnancy, sweetish water with ptyalism; of
cholera infantum; incessant vomiting with cadaverous stools; in
malignant disease of stomach. Gentry has recorded the following:
Lady, 45, on visiting a friend ill with dysentery, was struck with the
odour, went home, commenced to vomit, and vomited all food or
drink and continued, without ceasing, vomiting or retching for three
weeks, being fed by the rectum all the time. She had to be held up by
the nurse. She was greatly emaciated. Kre. 200, one dose given. In
twenty minutes the retching ceased. The patient fell asleep, had no
more vomiting, and rapidly recovered. Up to this time she had been
under allopaths, who advised that homœopathy should be tried, as
they could do no more. Harmar Smith (H. W., xxiii. 496) cured a girl
of 10 of very frequent and violent eructation; she was apparently
healthy in other respects. Bell. and Puls. did no good. Arg. n.
aggravated. Kre. 2x at once did good and cured in a few days. A fatal
case of poisoning with eighteen drops of Kre. has been recorded (H.
W., xxix. 344) and brings out many of the symptoms in the cases
above quoted. A woman, 52, was given for a pulmonary affection
Kre. six drops in milk three times a day. After the third day she had:
Dysphagia, gastric pain, vomiting, diarrhœa, and a distressing
tendency to cough. On admission to hospital twenty-four hours later
the breath smelt of Kre. Skin and mucous membranes pale; lips blue;
dysphagia marked. Mucous membrane of mouth of a dull white
colour in parts. Paralysis and anæsthesia of palate, paralysis of
larynx, analgesia of left arm and part of left leg. Later, albumen and
casts in urine. After four days, some stupor, and weakness more
marked. Next day collapse and death. After death two large erosions
were found on upper part of œsophagus and others about pylorus.
Stomach red and congested. Kidneys acutely inflamed. Cloudy
swelling of liver.─Burning pains are a marked feature of Kre. (lupus
of nose with burning pains. Chronic pneumonia with pain like red-
hot coals in chest); and stitches are even more characteristic. Itching
is intense. Among the peculiar sensations are: As if a board was
across forehead. As if brain would force through forehead. As if
something floating before eyes. As if a hard twisted ball was lying in
umbilical region. During defecation children struggle and scream and
seem as if they would go into fits. Burning as of hot coals deep in
pelvis. As if something coming out of vagina. As if a load was
resting on pelvis. As if sternum being crushed in. As of a heavy
burden on crest of ilium. As if small of back would break. As if
scapulæ and other parts bruised. As if tendon of elbow-joint too
short. As if small of back would break. As if hip dislocated. As if leg
too long when standing. There is general sensitiveness to touch and
contact. Marked periodicity is apparent. Intermittent fevers.
Prostration and restlessness. Fretful, irritable, apprehensive. Music
makes him weep. Weak-minded with suppressed menses. Sufferings
from the non-appearance of menses─hence at change of life. The
symptoms are < after menstruation; during leucorrhœa; when
yawning. < In open air; cold weather; when growing cold; from cold
washing or bathing. < At rest and especially when lying. Leucorrhœa
is > sitting, < standing and walking. Cough compels sitting up all
night. Touch <. Pressure >. General > from warmth. < By coitus and
after coitus. Hoarseness is > by sneezing. Coughing = involuntary
micturition. Drawing in limbs alternates with sufferings in the eyes.
at night; wakes with a start and violent desire; Kre. cannot get out of
bed quickly enough, urine offensive); Lil. t. (bearing down); Bell.
(enuresis, dentition, child worries all night, must be petted and tossed
about, teeth decay rapidly; bearing down < lying, > standing─Kre. <
rest, > motion); Calc. (cholera infantum); Nux (irritable weakness of
stomach, food cannot be digested: but Kre. retains food several hours
and vomits it undigested); Pho. (vomiting; but Pho. vomits food or
drink as soon as it becomes warm in stomach): Plat. (vaginismus; but
Kre. has flow of blood after coitus); Arg. n. (inflammation of eyelids
in children or adults; but Kre. has discharge of scalding tears early in
morning); Ars. (neuralgia with burning pains); Staph. (teeth; < after
coitus); Bry. (neuralgia of sound teeth, severe pains < by motion, >
by pressing head hard on pillow, and by cold applications: Kre.,
neuralgia of face, burning pains, in nervous, irritable people, < by
motion and talking, teeth decay rapidly); Cham., Carb. v., Bell. and
Ars. (menses offensive). Agn. c., Carb. a., Chel., Nit. ac., Nux, Pru.
sp., Sep., and Thuj. (leucorrhœa staining yellow). Lach. (change of
life); Phos. (hæmorrhagic diathesis; dark, slight, lean, ill-developed,
ill-nourished, overgrown patients); Abrot. (children old-looking,
wrinkled); Iod. (scrofulous, psoric affections; rapid emaciation;
inordinate appetite; wasting of mammæ); Ham. (dark, oozing
hæmorrhage); Ol. anim. (stitches in breasts: Ol. an., "shooting out of
nipple"); Bapt. (effects of bad smells).
sometimes as if everything were going to protrude through forehead,
< on stooping.─Sensation of a weight in occiput, as if the head were
going to fall backwards.─Painful pressure and compression, esp. in
the vertex, temples, and forehead (when awaking in morning), with
heat in face.─Pulsative pain and throbbing in the head, esp. the
forehead.─Drawing pains, acute pullings and shootings in the head,
sometimes extending to the jaws and teeth.─The headaches
sometimes commence on waking in morning.─Shootings in side of
head, with loss of ideas.─Buzzing in head.─Soreness of scalp on
being touched.─Falling off of hair.─Miliary pimples on
forehead.─Pimples on forehead, like those seen in drunkards.
red and thin, or thick and black.─Frequent sneezing, esp. in the
morning.─Fluent coryza, with painful sensibility of the nasal fossæ,
on breathing the air.─Coryza, with sensation of erosion under
sternum.─Dry coryza, with frequent sneezing.─Chronic catarrh with
old people.
swallowed tastes bitter.─Sickly taste in mouth.─Entire loss of
appetite, sometimes with pale and flaccid tongue, accumulation of
saliva in mouth, and burning thirst.
evacuations daily.─Pulling, acute drawing pains, and cramp-like
pains in rectum (towards the l. groin).
life.─Cramp-like pains in external genitals.─Excoriation, with
smarting pains between genitals and thighs.─Shootings in vagina, as
if produced by electricity.─Voluptuous itching in vagina.─Itching in
vagina, inducing rubbing in evening, succeeded by smarting,
swelling, heat, and induration of external parts, with soreness in
vagina when urinating.─Desire for coition, in females, esp. in
morning.─After coition, pain, as of excoriation, and hard knottiness
in neck of uterus, or swelling of the genital parts (both male and
female) with burning pains (worse in morning than in
evening).─After coition discharge of dark blood the next
day.─Prolapsus vaginæ.─Prolapsus uteri.─Pulling, stitches, and
shootings in the mammary glands.
20. Neck and Back.─Glands of neck swollen.─Pain in back; great
sleepiness and profound sleep.─Pain as if small of back would break;
< at rest; > from motion.─Pain in back at night; < when
lying.─Scapulæ feel as if bruised.─Pain under (l.) shoulder-blade; >
hard pressure and by warmth; < riding in carriage and by any
motion.─Pains in small of back, like spasmodic pains of labour, with
urgent want to make water, and to evacuate, or with
leucorrhœa.─Pains, as of ulceration, in the lumbar
vertebræ.─Nocturnal pains in back, more violent during
repose.─Continuous burning in small of back.─Drawing pain along
coccyx to rectum and vagina, where a spasmodic, contractive pain is
in general; complaints accompanying yawning.─Pulse changed in
general.─Pinching pains, and shootings, esp. in joints.─Lassitude,
heaviness, and painful weariness in all limbs, esp. in legs.─Shocks in
limbs, esp. when asleep at night.─Nocturnal pains.─Fainting fits on
waking in morning.─Fainting (in morning, when rising too
early).─Disposition to faint in a warm room, with heat of face and
shortness of breath.─Numbness; loss of sensation.─Rapid
emaciation.─Attacks of stupor, with paleness and coldness of several
parts, which seem then as if dead.─Pains, as from a bruise or
contusion.─Excessive excitement of whole body.─Restlessness in
whole-body, < during repose.─Pains < during repose.
restlessness.─Flushes of heat, with circumscribed redness of the
cheeks.─Perspiration only during morning, with heat and redness of
cheeks.─Thirst after the shiverings.─Feverish heat, with red cheeks;
then sweat, followed by sacral pains.─Throbbing all over body <
when at rest.─Pulse small and suppressed.
flow in gushes bright red, viscid and stringy (dark, black, stringy,
Croc.); breasts swollen, painful, sensitive before and during (Con.).
Discharge of flatus from vagina (Brom., Lyc., Nux m., Sang.).
Breasts: inflamed, painful; < by least jar and towards evening; must
hold them firmly when going up or down stairs (Bry.). Serviceable in
almost all cases when it is required to dry up milk (Asaf.- to bring
back or increase it, Lac d.). Sensation as if breath would leave her
when lying down; must get up and walk (Am. c., Grind., Lach.).
Loss of milk while nursing, without any known cause (Asaf.).
Palpitation violent when lying on left side > turning on right (Tab.).
Sexual organs easily excited, from touch, pressure on sitting, or
friction by walking (Cinn., Coff., Mur., Plat.). When walking, seems
to be walking on air; when lying, does not seem to touch the bed
(Asar.). Backache: intense, unbearable, cross super-sacral region,
extending to right natis and right sciatic nerve; < by rest and on first
moving (Rhus); spine aches from base of brain to coccyx, very
sensitive to touch or pressure (Chin. s., Phos., Zinc.).
Relations. - Similar: to, Apis, Con., Murex, Lach., Kali bi., Puls.,
Sep., Sulph. It generally acts best in single dose. Probably no remedy
in the Materia Medica presents a more valuable pathogenesis in
symptoms of the throat, or one that will better repay a careful study.
Like Lachesis, this remedy has met with the most violent opposition
from prejudice and ignorance, which its wonderful theraputic powers
have slowly, yet surely overcome. It was successfully used by
Dioscorides, Pliny, and Sextus in ancient times, and revived in New
York by Reisig, Bayard and Swan in the treatment of diphtheria.
Reised was the first to potentize it.
Mind.--Very forgetful; in writing, makes mistakes. Despondent;
thinks her disease incurable. Attacks of rage. Visions of snakes.
Thinks himself of little consequence.
Nose.--Coryza; one nostril stuffed up, the other free; alternate. Alæ
nasi and corners of mouth cracked. Bones of nose sore to pressure.
Bloody pus discharged.
Sleep.--Dreams of snakes.
pains, constipation); Lac vaccinum coagulatum-Curds--(nausea of
pregnancy); Lactis vaccini floc--Cream--(diphtheria, leucorrhœa,
menorrhagia, dysphagia); Lactic ac.
Lac Caninum.
Bitch's Milk.
brought her to me, casually remarked that it often left one side
entirely and went to the other and then back again. Lac can. cleared
it up in a very short time. Rheumatic and other affections having this
peculiarity of changing from side to side are very likely to be
benefited by Lac can. From diphtheria, with its fetid discharges, it is
not a far step to ozæna, and Lac can. has proved itself curative in a
number of cases. Corners of mouth and alæ nasi cracked. It has cured
a case presenting the following characters: Crusts under which grey
matter forms. Throat bad, swallowing difficult; mucous follicles
swollen, covered with cream-coloured mucus. Nose bad; feared
destruction of bones. Bloody pus discharges several times a day.
Bones of nose sore to pressure. In addition to the changing sides
characteristics Lac can. has: "Inflamed surfaces (of throat)
glistening." The same appearance when found on ulcerated surfaces
in the skin is a leading indication for Lac can. The mental symptoms
are remarkable. One prover had delusions about snakes; imagined
she was surrounded by them; was afraid to close her eyes at night for
fear of being bitten by a large snake which she imagined was beside
the bed. Awoke in the night with a sensation that she was lying on a
large snake. After menses, imagined all sorts of things about snakes.
These snake-symptoms led to a cure. E. T. Balch (H. P., x. 286)
asked for advice in this case: "Maud R., 10, demi-brunette, of
healthy parents, one and a half years before fell forward and hurt her
chest whilst playing. Nothing was thought of it at the time, but when
brought to Dr. Balch she was pale, emaciated, capricious, no desire
for play. Sleep disturbed by frightful dreams, during the day
piteously begs her mother to take her, she is so afraid. She feels as
though snakes were on her back. In response to advice tendered one
dose of Lac. can. 50m. was given, dry, and in twenty-four hours the
child became more lively and cheerful and very soon all abnormal
sensations disappeared. Another mental curiosity which has proved a
useful pointer is this: "Imagines he wears some one else's nose."
Restlessness, nervousness, and prostration appear in the provings and
show the relation of the remedy to diphtheritic paralysis as well as to
diphtheria itself. In one prover the symptoms occurred periodically:
< in morning of one day and < in afternoon of next. Wandering
rheumatic pains. The sensation of lightness or levitation was
noticed─seemed to walk on air; not to touch the bed when lying.
Cannot bear one part of her body to touch another; must even keep
her fingers apart. The symptoms in general were < at night. Cold
winds and cold, sharp air <. Cold washing = pain in herpetic
eruption. Cold application > pain in upper jaw and teeth; and cold
water gave momentary > to sore throat. Pains in ankles, forehead,
and upper jaw were > by warmth. Rest and lying down > most
symptoms; motion <. Flexion >, extension <. Going up and down
stairs = pain in heart. Walking = leucorrhœa, < sores between labia
and thighs. Touch < (external throat; breasts, causing sexual
excitement). < After sleep. The Schema comprises both caused and
cured symptoms; the latter are bracketed or have the name of the
disease in which they occurred appended in brackets.
Merc. cy., Gels.). [Hydrophobinum is a dog-engendered nosode and
must be compared with Lac. can; Lach. is one of its antidotes.]
Cannot bear one finger to touch the other (Lac. f. cannot bear one
foot to touch the other).
Causation.─Result of fall.
gradually in r. or l. forehead.).─Pain in l. occipital region running up
when moving head.─(Headache over eyes, < when sewing; frontal
and occipital, < turning eyes up.).─Sharp lancinating pain, in a
zigzag line from r. side of forehead to an indefinite point in occiput;
instantaneous, and sometimes repeated; as soon as it is felt, she lays
aside whatever she is doing and lies down, from an indefinite dread
that it will return; if at night, she goes to bed at once; has great dread
of the pain, though not very severe; recurred for several
days.─Sharp, throbbing pain in r. side of forehead; then in l. side of
forehead slightly.─Sharp pain like a stab in r. temple, at 7
p.m.─Throbbing pain just over r. temple, then sharp pain in socket of
r. eye and in r. temple, disappearing quickly.─Pain in forehead,
afternoon, first on l. side, then on r., over l. eye
principally.─Headache over l. eye on first waking, and great pain in
pelvis, most marked at r. ovary.─Neuralgic pain in l. side of head,
followed by a film over l. eye, wants to rub it off; not > by
rubbing.─Headache first on one side of forehead, then on the
other.─On going into the cold wind, felt a terrible pain in forehead as
if it would split open, > on going into warm room.─Headache in
upper part of forehead, with sensation of a broad band pressed firmly
across forehead from one temple to the other.─Darting pain across
forehead and over eyes.─Headache over both eyes, extending back
over l. ear.─Slight pressure on vertex and over eyes, the day before
menses ceased.─Dull pain in r. temple and r. eye, with pressure on
vertex during menses.─Stiffness in occiput on turning head, with
soreness on pressure.─(Occipital headache, with shooting pains
extending to forehead.).─Headache < by noise or talking, > by
keeping quiet; confused feeling in head.─Intense headache, entirely
> by cold-water application, but soon returned, not, however, as
severe.─Pains in head during day, first on one side then on the other;
it seems perfectly unbearable; > on first going into the air, but soon
grows <.─Sensation as if brain were alternately contracted and
relaxed, several times rapidly; generally only when lying down; at
various times all through proving.─Excessive dandriff on head for
past week.─Sore pimples on scalp, which discharge and form a scab;
extremely painful when touched, or on combing hair.─Head very
sore, and itches almost all the time, < at night.─Slight roughness of
skin of forehead, as of numerous pimples.
profuse lachrymation; with catarrh.─Looking at different objects
causes eyes to ache.─Pricking sensation in eyeballs; eyes sensitive to
cold air.─Upper eyelids very heavy, can scarcely keep eyes open;
very sleepy.─Pain in eyes when reading; followed by a film over
them, apparently requiring to be wiped off before she can
see.─Tendency in retina to retain the impression of objects, esp. of
colours; or somewhat of the object last looked at is projected into the
next.─(Sees faces before her eyes, < in the dark; the face that haunts
her most is one that she has really seen.).─Small floating discs
before eyes occasionally, and showing primary colours at edge of
discs.─When reading the page does not look clear, but seems
covered with various pale spots of red, yellow, green, and other
colours.─Occasionally when looking at an object sees red spots on
it.─While looking at an object appears to see just beyond or out of
the axis of vision, an object passing across the field of sight; but on
adjusting the eye to see it, it is gone; it always appears as a small
object, like a rat or bird, sometimes on the floor, at others in the air.
(diphtheria).─Bad smell in nose.─Cannot bear smell of flowers; they
seem to send a chill over her.─All drinks return by the nose, nothing
being swallowed (diphtheria).
6. Face.─R. cheek burns like fire, and is red after coming in from the
cold.─Pain as from a knife-thrust from under l. zygoma up to
vertex.─Burning, flushing of face.─Marked pallor of face.─Lips dry
and peeling off.─Jaw cracks while eating (dyspepsia).
throat opposite tonsils; on l. side; painful to external pressure on both
sides.─Throat feels stiff (diphtheria).─Sore throat, alternating sides,
beginning and ending with menses.─Feeling of a lump in throat,
which goes down when swallowing, but returns; throat < r. side; <
on swallowing saliva; afterwards, throat which had been getting well,
suddenly one evening grew rapidly <, but this time on l.
side.─Constant inclination to swallow, which causes pain extending
to r. ear.─Tickling and sense of constriction in upper part of throat,
causing constant dry, backing cough.
13. Stool and Rectum.─Frequent desire for stool all through
provings.─When having a soft passage great tenesmus; rectum does
not act as if it had lost power, but as if it could not expel fæces
because they are soft, and adhere to the parts like
clay.─Constipation; occasionally natural passages; urgent desire for
stool, but passes nothing but wind, or possibly one or two small
pieces like sheep-dung; considerable wind in abdomen, with
rumbling, but never any pain.─Profuse diarrhœa, with colic pain;
diarrhœa watery, profuse, coming out with great force.─Great
constipation before and after menses; bowels very loose (not
diarrhœa) during menses.
bearing down and nervousness.─Leucorrhœa all day, but none at
night, even after taking a long walk.─Slight leucorrhœa during the
day, < when standing or walking.─Severe pain in r. ovarian region,
completely > by a flow of bright-red blood, which lasted an hour,
and did not return.─In afternoon, intermittent, sharp pains in r.
ovarian region.─Constant pain in r. ovary.─Pain in l. ovarian region,
and all across lower part of abdomen.─Sharp pains beginning in l.
ovary, and darting like lightning either towards r. ovarian region, or
else up l. side and down arm, or sometimes down both thighs; but
generally down l. leg to foot, which is numb, pains like labour-pains;
accompanied by great restlessness of legs and arms, and great aching
in lumbar region; (5th d. after premature labour).─Sharp, lancinating
pains like knives cutting upward from os uteri, and as these were
being relieved, sensation as of needles darting upwards in
uterus.─Escape of flatus from vagina.─Pressure on anterior part of
vulva, entire > by sitting; sensation as if everything were coming out
at vulva; with frequent desire to urinate and smarting in
urethra.─Itching in l. side of labia, with rough eruptive condition on
l. side of vagina, with acrid leucorrhœa; excoriating severely.─Great
swelling of l. labia, and terrible, pain while urinating; (from
gonorrhœa).─Itching of vulva.─Intense painful soreness of vulva,
extending to anus, coming on very suddenly about noon, and lasting
for about two hours; came on again during evening; could not walk,
stand, or sit; > by lying on., back and separating the knees as far as
possible.─Raw and bad-smelling sores between labia and thighs, in
folds of skin; < when walking, would rather keep still all the time;
these sores are covered with a disgusting white exudation.─Sexual
organs extremely excited; very much < from the slightest touch, as
putting the hand on the breast, or from the pressure on vulva when
sitting, or the slight friction caused by walking.─(After-pains very
distressing, extending to thighs, rather < on r. side.).─Menses very
stringy and sticky, cannot get rid of them.─Urination caused intense
pain in vulva, when even the least drop of urine came in contact with
it.─Breasts very sore and sensitive to pressure for a day or two
during menses.─Breasts very sore and painful, with sharp, darting
pain in r. ovarian region extending to knee, very painful and must
keep leg flexed (1st d. after miscarriage at 6th month).─Constant
pain in breasts, they feel very sore when going up or down
stairs.─Breasts seem very full.─Constant pain in nipples.─Breasts
sensitive to deep pressure.─Breasts painful; feel as if full of very
hard lumps, < going up or down stairs.─Loss of milk while nursing,
without known cause.─Galactorrhœa (many cases).─Dries up the
milk when nursing.─Given for an ulcerated throat to a nursing
woman, it cured the throat and nearly dried up the milk.─After two
doses of c.m. rapid decrease in size of breasts and quantity of milk in
a lady who wanted to wean her child.
evening and by movement and touch; numb pains in ankle.─Burning
of hands and feet at night (ovaralgia.)
23. Lower Limbs.─A few days before menses, inside of both thighs
became raw and painful when walking, they then broke out with
large, flat, red pimples; the soreness soon left; but the pimples
remained.─Varicose veins on outer r. thigh, from hip to
knee.─Sensation of numbness in l. leg with great heat as if burning,
but cool to touch; brought on by pressure.─Stiffness through thighs,
< on attempting to move after sitting.─Veins of feet and ankles very
much swollen.─Feet swollen and very sore, causing considerable
pain while walking.─Cramps in feet.─Numbness and paralytic
feeling in inner side of both knees, extending to both big toes.─Pain
in r. hip and leg while walking, with a trembling of leg, and slight
feeling of uncertainty, esp. on going down stairs
(metritis).─(Articular rheumatism in r. hip and knee-joints, esp.
former; she was seated in an armchair, unable to move, complaining
of bruised, smarting, lancinating pains in both joints and in lumbar
region with swelling of affected joints; pains < by slightest motion at
night; by touch and by pressure of bed clothes; next day pains and
swelling had gone to l. hip and knee joints, leaving r. almost free; the
ensuing day they had almost entirely disappeared from l. hip and
knee-joints and had again attacked r. hip and knee; complaining,
moaning, and sighing on account of her sufferings and probable
termination of her illness).─Rheumatic pains in l. hip and along
sciatic nerve; wandering pains in nape of neck, with stiffness; pains
in one or other shoulder; pain above l. eye and heaviness of eyelid;
burning in eye, agglutination of eyelids; sensitiveness to light
(sciatica and rheumatism).─Intense, unbearable pain across
supersacral region, extending to r. natis and down r. sciatic nerve;
pain so severe as to prevent sleep or rest (sciatica).─(Partial paralysis
of r. leg from miscarriage; leg numb and stiff, but cannot keep it still;
feels > flexing it on abdomen.).─Numb pains chiefly in ankles, <
while quiet, with swelling; veins of ankles distended; > while
extreme heat is applied (rheumatism).─Ecthyma: on r. leg.
considerably through night, sweat having a rank smell (acute
Heart.--Mitral regurgitation. Clutching at heart and palpitation.
Cyanosis neonatorum.
expectoration dotted with bloody points. Lauro. has cyanosis both of
the new-born infant and of heart disease. A peculiar "gasping" is
indicative here─gasping without really breathing. In addition to the
blueness there is twitching of the muscles of the face (which is also
an indication for Lauro. in chorea). Clubbing of fingers, which is a
common feature in cyanosis and phthisis, is a characteristic of Lauro.
"Lack of reactive power," low vitality, is another keynote of Lauro.
This is particularly so when occurring in chest affections. Long-
lasting faints (Camph. has sudden fainting); seems to have no
reactive power; face pale, blue; surface cold. Prostrate before getting
up in morning and difficulty in opening eyes; attacks of indigestion
and pains across lower abdomen, which come suddenly in the
morning and generally disappear on getting up. Gnawing pain in
lower abdomen going on for years in old men with occasional
looseness of stool. If fluids are forced down the throat they roll
audibly into stomach. When indicated in eruptive fevers the eruption
is livid, after pressure with the finger the skin is long in regaining its
colour. There are suffocative spells about the heart < by sitting up;
the patient is compelled to lie down (as with Psor.); though some
heart symptoms have the opposite condition and compel the patient
to sit up. Guernsey gives these leading symptoms: "Gasping for
breath; the patient puts his hand to the heart as if there was some
trouble there; this may result from running a short distance, which
puts him completely out of breath; going upstairs, walking, or any
exercise may bring the gasping on." Coldness is a common
sensation, internal coldness and external heat. Cold tongue. Heat of
single parts. Warmth on centre of forehead, then a coldness as from a
draught of air lasting a long time. The left chest is most affected.
There is < before eating. Constricted sensations─in gullet; in rectum.
There are some very noteworthy uterine symptoms, of menorrhagia
and dysmenorrhœa, in the provings, and the value of them has been
emphasised by cases related by Cooper in his work on Cancer and
Cancer Symptoms (2nd ed., p. 60). The leading indications according
to Cooper are: "A sense of fatigue pervades the whole system, with a
very painful condition of the hard and indurated tissue of the parts
affected; pain much > by sleep; tendency to oozing of blood, which
is generally bright and mixed with gelatinous clots. This applies to
chest as well as to uterine and rectal symptoms; only, the blood
comes painlessly into the mouth, but with great pain Per vaginam. In
most cases it will be found that the pains it relieves are such as start
from the lower part of the spine and extend either round the pelvis or
up to the head, and are accompanied with a sense of suffocation and
a sick feeling, with drowsiness and a great desire to sleep that
generally brings relief. In cases that are sleepless the desire for sleep
is very great. Digestion is weak; bowels confined patient, low-
spirited with flatulence and burning in chest after food constant tired,
sick feeling; entire frame enfeebled; inclined to loss of flesh and
hæmorrhages that are small in quantity and bright in colour. The
flatus is audible and gurgling and rolls about the upper abdomen (p.
64)." In nervous affections "constant jerks; cannot keep still" and the
characteristic "gasping" are leading indications. Peculiar sensations
are: Coolness of forehead as from draught of air. Weight on top of
head. As if brain loose and falling into forehead when stooping. As if
a heavy lump falling from abdomen to small of back, as if a veil
before eyes. As if nose stopped. As if flies and spiders crawling over
skin. As if tongue, mouth, and throat were burnt. As if abscess in
region of liver would burst. As if lungs could not be sufficiently
expanded. As if lungs pressed against spine. As if mucous
membranes were dry. Stitches are very prominent; also stiffness and
pressure, especially pressure outward. Allen's indications are: An
extremely nervous, excitable condition accompanying ailments.
Diarrhœa as of green mucus, with suffocative spells about heart. Dry,
harassing cough of phthisis. Spasmodic cough of later stages of
whooping-cough when patient is much prostrated and has nervous
spasmodic symptoms. Cough with valvular heart disease; cough
incessant, especially on lying down; fluttering in heart and gasping,
with cough. Alternation of chill, fever, and sweat in phthisis. E.
Wigg (H. P., xii. 30) relates the case of May S., 7, who had been
troubled some time with an almost incessant cough, for which many
remedies were given without benefit. At last Wigg came to the
conclusion that Lauro. was the remedy, and put ten drops of the
200th into five tablespoonfuls of water, ordering a teaspoonful of this
to be taken every two hours when the child was awake. This was at 4
p.m. After the third dose she fell asleep. At 3 a.m. she awoke in a
very excited condition. Her mother asked her if she had not been
dreaming, but her tongue was so stiff she could not answer.
Suddenly she began to tremble all over as if in a chill. After ten
minutes she began to twitch and jerk. Wigg was sent for and found
her in this convulsed state. She could not articulate for the thickness
and heaviness of the tongue. The mind was clear. Recognising the
action of Lauro. Wigg antidoted it with Camphor and later a cup of
coffee, and she came all right in a few hours. She had no more of the
cough. Many symptoms are > sitting up. Coughs continuously when
lying down. Bending head forward > pressure in nape. Compelled to
bend forward by contractive pain in groins. On the other hand
suffocating spells about heart compel him to lie down. When she
attempts to rise from recumbent posture, sensation of heavy lump
falling from pit of stomach to back. Stooping <. Sitting < gasping; =
feet to go to sleep. Crossing legs = feet to go to sleep. Motion <
cough; = gasping. After dinner: Hunger; irresistible drowsiness. <
Evening and night. Coldness in forehead and vertex is > in open air;
vertigo, and pressure in nape are <. External warmth does not >
coldness. Approaching stove = nausea; cold. Being touched by water
= burning between fingers.
2. Head.─Stupefaction, with falling down, and loss of
consciousness.─Feeling of intoxication and vertigo, with
drowsiness.─Vertigo, on rising from a stooping posture, or on
getting up from a seat, with what appears to be a veil before the
sight, or with a sensation as if all objects were turning
round.─Vertigo < in the open air.─Stupefying pain in the whole
head.─Stupefying headache, with a feeling of weight, and sensation,
on stooping, as if the brain fell forwards and struck against the
cranium.─Brain feels contracted and painful.─Stitches in
head.─Itching of hairy scalp.─Very violent pressive headache in a
room.─Constant feeling of coldness in head.─Sensation of coldness
in forehead and vertex, as if a cold wind were blowing on it,
descending through neck to back; < in room, > in open air.─Feeling
as if ice lay on vertex.─Congestion in the head, with heat and
throbbing.─Pulsation in head, with heat or with coldness.─The
headache disappears, with a sensation of coldness in vertex,
forehead, in nape of neck, extending to loins.─Headache in r. temple.
œsophagus when drinking.─The drink he takes rolls audibly through
œsophagus and intestines.─Dull sticking pain as from a lump in
throat, which extends to l. side of back.─Sensation of swelling in
pharynx.─Sensation of coldness, or heat and burning pain in throat,
and in bottom of palate.
during stool, which shoots from above downwards, and is followed
by discharge of some pasty fæces.─Three tearings in succession in
rectum.─Constriction of the rectum.─Itching or crawling in rectum
as from worms.─No stool or urine is discharged.
considerably scattered (frequently seen following typhoid
pneumonia).─Affections of l. chest.─(The breast-scirrhus swells up
suddenly, looks dark and angry, with shooting pains.─R. T. C.)
heat of single part; internal chilliness and external heat.─Want of
vital energy, and of reaction.─Sense of fatigue in whole
body.─Epileptic convulsions, with foaming at mouth, which is
tightly closed.─Tetanus.─Painlessness of the ailments.─Pulse
small.─Skin turns blue; toe- and finger-nails become
knobby.─Symptoms < in evening; > at night, and in open air.─In
general > from sleep.
extravasation of blood; ecchymosis of lids and conjunctiva.
Rheumatism or gout; begins in lower limbs and ascends (descends,
Kal.); especially if brought to a low asthenic condition by abuse of
Colchicum; joints become the seat of nodosities and "gout stones."
which are painful; acute and chronic arthiritis. Affects left shoulder
and right hip-joint (Agar., Ant. t., Stram.). Emaciation of affected
parts (Graph.). Pains are sticking, tearing, throbbing; rheumatic pains
are < by motion; < at night, by warmth of bed and bed-covering
(Mer.); > only when holding feet in ice-water (Sec.). Complaints of
people who are cold all the time; always feel cold and chilly; lack of
animal or vital heat (Sep., Sil.); the wounded parts especially are
cold to touch. Parts cold to touch, but not cold subjectively to
patient. In some affections, warmth of bed intolerable on account of
heat and burning of limbs. Swelling: of feet, up to knees; of ankle
with unbearable pain when walking, as from a sprain or false step;
ball of great toe swollen, painful; in heels as if bruised. Intense
itching of feet and ankles; < from scratching and warmth of bed
(Puls., Rhus). Easy spraining of ankles and feet (Carbo an.).
Punctured wounds by sharp pointed instruments, as awls, nails
(Hyper.); rat bites, stings of insects, especially mosquitoes. Red
pimples or tubercules on forehead and cheeks, as in brandy drinkers,
stinging when touched. Long-remaining discoloration after injuries:
"black and blue" places become green.
instruments or bites particularly if the wounded parts are cold, this is
the remedy. Tetanus with twitching of muscles near wound.
Extremities.--Gouty pains shoot all through the foot and limb, and
in joints, but especially small joints. Swollen, hot, pale. Throbbing in
right shoulder. Pressure in shoulder, worse motion. Cracking in
joints; worse, warmth of bed. Gouty nodosities. Ball of great to
swollen (Bothrops). Rheumatism begins in lower limbs and ascends
(Kalmia opposite). Ankles swollen. Soles painful, can hardly step on
them (Ant c; Lyc). Easy spraining of ankle.
Relationship.--Compare: Ledum antidotes spider poisons. Ruta;
Ham; Bellis; Arnica.
(W. P. Wesselhœft). Teste relates a case of punctured wound: A
young lady fell with an embroidery needle in her hand, and the hand
was pierced through and through. The wound was serious. There was
no hæmorrhage, but Teste noticed the intense cold which
accompanies and characterises Ledum fever. Within a week Led.
cured the patient. Yingling records (H. P., x. 400) a parallel case: A.
J. M., 38, drove a rusty spike through his left foot near the arch of the
instep, glancing to the inside of the foot without passing through the
bone. This was at 5 p.m. At 8 p.m. this report was brought to
Yingling: A few moments after accident the patient felt stiffening
pains in the foot, running up the leg, and rapidly increasing in
severity. Great chilliness with chattering of teeth followed. Lower
jaw became somewhat stiff; general shivering; neck felt stiff; "can't
endure it much longer." Led. 3x was sent, and rapid improvement
took place from the first dose. A compress of Calend. 3x was also
applied, an attack of tetanus being evidently aborted. Led. occupies
the second place in Teste's Arn. group, in which are also Crot. t.,
Fer. magn., Rhus, Spig. The sphere of Led. is frequently identical
with that of Arn., according to Teste; but Led. has a special action on
the capillary system in parts where cellular tissue is wanting, and
where a dry, resisting texture is present, as in the fingers and toes. "It
is, perhaps for this reason that it acts better on the small than on the
large joints;" hence its appropriateness in gout. The characteristic
skin affection of Led. is thus described by Teste: Not so much a boil,
as with Arn., as a sort of bluish or violet-coloured tuberosities,
especially on the forehead, and an eczematous eruption, with a
tingling itching, that spreads over the whole body, penetrating into
the mouth, probably also into the air-passages, and occasions a
spasmodic cough, which is sometimes very violent and might be
mistaken for whooping-cough. The same phenomenon takes place
with Rhus and Croton. "In a gouty subject I have seen cough precede
by two days the breaking out of vesicles on the skin, which could not
fail to suggest the use of Ledum. These vesicles, which had probably
existed on the bronchial membrane, before showing themselves in
the face, on the shoulders, &c., became quite apparent on the tongue,
where they might be traced to its root." The Led. eczema is
frequently concentrated on one leg, less frequently on both at once.
[Ingalls (Amer. Hom., xxv. 210) commends a light paste of Ledum
(equal parts of Led Ø., alcohol, and water) as an application for
carbuncles, giving Led. 1x internally at the same time.] Dr. R.
Hilbert, a German physician, has obtained very satisfactory results
from the use of an infusion of the leaves of Ledum palustre as an
expectorant in bronchitis. He states that the feeling of pain along the
trachea, which is characteristic of the early stages of acute bronchitis,
disappears after a few doses of the remedy. The fever rapidly
subsides, especially in the case of children. In chronic bronchitis the
infusion facilitates expectoration and lessens cough. It is particularly
useful in bronchitis with emphysema of the aged, because of its
action in rendering the bronchial secretion less viscid; in these cases,
moreover, it lessens dyspnœa, stimulates the circulation, and lessens
cyanosis (Cooper). Guernsey points out that Led. is appropriate to
the remote no less than the immediate effects of punctured wounds:
e.g., as when a patient says: "Ten years ago I stepped on a nail, and
ever since then have had a pain running up to the thigh." The pains
of Led. shoot upward (of Kalm. downward). A, very notable
condition of Led. is < from warmth. This is at times so great that the
patient can only get relief to his rheumatism by sitting with his feet
and legs in cold water. Warmth of the bed is intolerable; he must get
up and walk about. An octogenarian had rheumatism of left arm,
chiefly elbow and wrist, coming on in the night or early morning.
There was no more sleep for him unless he rose and took a cold bath,
after which he could sleep. I cured him with Led. 30. As with Merc.
the symptoms are < at night; but with Merc. there is "sweat without
>," and the characteristic tongue and offensive mouth. The eye-
symptoms of Led. are marked, and Nash says Led. 200 is unequalled
as a remedy for "black-eye" from a blow; if there is pain in the
eyeball itself Symphyt. will be necessary. Ecchymoses of
conjunctiva. Slight injuries cause ecchymoses. Inflammation of ear,
with deafness from getting cold (as having hair cut). The
hæmorrhages of Led. are bright red and gushing; uterine; respiratory.
Hæmoptysis alternating with attacks of rheumatism. (Raue puts it
"coxalgia alternating with hæmoptysis." Stens cured a young man
who had violent stitch pain in right hip, followed by hæmoptysis,
this in turn followed by rheumatism of hands, with Led. 200 when
the case was apparently on the point of sinking into rapid phthisis.)
Suffering parts waste. Discolouration remains long in contused parts.
Many cases of whooping-cough have been cured with Led. Lembke
(quoted by Hoyne, H. W., xiv. 66) gives these indications: Before the
paroxysms: Arrest of breathing. During: Epistaxis, shattered feeling
in head and chest, rapid respiration. After: Staggering; spasmodic
contraction of diaphragm; sobbing respiration. < Evening. The pains
are sticking, tearing, throbbing. Pricking, biting sensations. Sensation
of torpor of integuments, especially after suppressed discharge from
ears, eyes, and nose. Sensation as if something was gnawing in
temples, occiput, and ears. As if eyeball would be forced out. As if
sand in eyes. Noises in ear as from ringing of bell, or from a wind-
storm; as if ear was obstructed by cotton. Itching as from lice on
chest; as of lump in throat. As of boiling in hip-joint. As if muscles
of thigh in wrong position. As if knee beaten. Pain in ankle as from
sprain; limbs as if beaten and bruised. Hot, tense, hard swellings.
"Ledum has often been given to horses when they go lame and draw
up their legs. The pains move upward" (Hering). E. Carleton (Med.
Adv., xxv. 293) completed the cure of a case of primary syphilis, in
which Aur. had done good, where these symptoms appeared: Feet
held to the earth as by a magnet when attempting to move; when
moving felt as if pricked with needles, the pain rising gradually from
feet to head; every joint and muscle of body and limbs stiff and sore;
sour night-sweats; great emaciation with loss of appetite. Led. 200, in
water, cured completely and speedily. Suited to: Pale delicate
persons. Complaints of persons who always feel cold and chilly.
Rheumatic, gouty diathesis; constitutions abused by alcohol.
Sanguine temperament (Teste). There is < from moving, especially
moving joints; while walking; when stepping, > from rest.
Symptoms are < evening and night, and before midnight. < From
taking wine. < By covering; > by application of ice-water. < By
warmth; ("the limb is cold, can't get warm; and gets < when it does
become warm in bed").
Causation.─Alcohol, abuse of. Hair-cutting. Suppressed discharges.
Wounds: Bruises; Bites; Punctured wounds; Stings.
shuddering, followed by deep sleep.─Engorgement of the gland
below the chin.
irritation in chest, and palpitation of heart.─Cough, with purulent
expectoration, esp. in morning or at night.─Greenish expectoration
of a fetid smell, during fit of coughing.─Hollow shaking cough, with
expectoration of bright red blood.─Hæmoptysis, bright
blood.─Phthisis, preceded by history of neuralgia and rheumatism in
head and limbs, with inflammatory tendency (Van den
Berghe).─Tingling of trachea (bronchitis).
motion.─Rheumatic pains in hip, knee, and foot-joints.─Contusive
pain, and pain as from excoriation in periosteum of femur, and in
knees.─Pressure on l. thigh, posteriorly; as if the muscles were not in
their right places, like pains of dislocation, in every position, but esp.
violent when walking or when touched.─Tensive stiffness of the
knee, which cracks and yields in walking.─Cramp-like tension in the
knees, calves, and heels.─Weakness and trembling of knees (and
hands) when seated or walking.─Hard and tight swelling of knee,
with shootings and nocturnal aching and tearing pains, and hardness
of whole leg.─Swelling of leg, above and below knee, with heat and
drawing shooting pain.─Legs red and swollen with shooting pains in
instep and ankles, and prickly pains up leg.─Pressure above l. inner
ankle, < by movement.─Very severe gnawing itching on dorsum of
both feet; always < after scratching; only allayed after he had
scratched the feet quite raw; much < by heat of bed.─Obstinate
swelling of feet; with intolerable pain in ankle-joint on
treading.─Pressure on inner border of l. foot.─Stiffness of feet.─Pain
in soles, when walking, as if they were galled; as if filled with
blood.─Inflammatory or else œdematous swelling of legs and
feet.─Incisive pains in toes, while asleep at night.─Swelling of
fleshy part of great toe, with pain when treading with it.─Fine
tearing in (l.) toes; podagra.
exanthema.─Whitlows or felons on fingers of a seamstress are often
caused by needle pricks.─Itching < by scratching.─Itching and
gnawing in skin, with burning after having scratched.─Gnawing
itching, as if caused by lice.─Miliary eruptions.─Eruption, like rot in
sheep, with desquamation.─Bluish spots over body, like
petechiæ.─Ecchymosis remaining a long time in bruised parts after
pain and inflammation subside.─Dry, furfuraceous tetters, itching
excessively (burning in open air).─Furunculi.
Palpitation, fluttering; faint, hurried, anxious sensation about apex;
sharp pain in left chest awakens at night; irregular pulse; extremities
cold and covered with cold sweat; < after eating, lying on either side
(on left side, Lach.). Rapid heart-beat, 150 to 170 per minute.
Constant desire to defecate and urinate (with prolapsus), from
pressure in rectum. Weak and atonic condition of ovaries, uterus and
pelvic tissues, resulting in anteversion, retroversion, sub-involution
(Helon., Sep.); slow recovery after labor; nearly always with
constipation, from inactivity.
anus; worse, standing; better, walking in open air. Bearing down in
lower part of abdomen.
Antidote: Helon.
Dose.--The middle and higher potencies seem to have done best. Its
curative action sometimes is slow in developing itself.
Lilium Tigrinum.
epigastrium down to pelvis, and out at the vagina as if everything
would be forced through. (In some other provers who were examined
actual displacement was found, especially anteversion.) Late in the
proving a thin brown leucorrhœa appeared, leaving a brown stain.
This was intermittent. The downward pressure involved the rectum
and bladder, and loins. There was consciousness of the ovaries as
distinct painful and burning spots with pains radiating from them
down the thighs. Menses came at regular times but flowed only as
long as she kept moving. Much hurried and driven, she knows not
why. Heart symptoms came on at this time, about a month after
commencing the proving: Sudden fluttering sensation, less felt if she
can busy herself very much. Faintness accompanied the fluttering, as
though she could make no exertion but must sit still. Sharp pain in
apex of heart. After a cessation of symptoms for about a week there
was a recurrence of the same, including leucorrhœa, burning pain
from groin to groin, with new mental symptoms, including obscene
thoughts and disposition to strike and swear. Menses recurred after
only two weeks' interval, leucorrhœa having ceased two days before.
After another brief interval the second recurrence occurred, which
was put an end to by Platinum. In male provers there was a good
deal of pelvic distress, affecting bladder, rectum, and back, and a
very decided increase in sexual instinct, but nothing approaching the
intensity of the action on the female organs. The heart, in the males,
appears to have borne the chief impact of the drug's action. The
outward forcing in which the down-dragging symptoms of the
female provers culminated was manifested in other symptoms. One
man had this: The heart's action was intermittent, every intermission
followed by a violent throb, causing an involuntary catching of the
breath; at the same time the blood rushed up through the carotids to
the head, producing great heat and a crowded feeling of head and
face. Another prover, woman, 53, who had ceased to menstruate,
took a drop of 30th. She had: A feeling of exhaustion as if the blood
were pushed outward; and later a blinding headache "as if all the
blood were pressing outward through every aperture." S Lilienthal
had among his symptoms: "A sensation as if a rubber band were
stretched tightly from temple to temple"; "as if a skullcap were
crushing the head"; "as if the brain was being pushed through eyes
and ears." "Outward forcing" is plainly a keynote of this remedy; and
the contractive pains at the heart as if grasped with a hand are all of a
piece with this. The characteristic feature in the heart-grip is an
intermittent pressure─there is alternate spasm and relaxation as if a
hand squeezed the heart and then let go and squeezed again. Another
leading indication is when there is pain and numbness in the right
arm along with the heart pain; and again when there is alternation
between heart pains and uterine or ovarian pains. The pains of Lil.
tig. are wandering, flying, shooting, squeezing and relaxing, opening
and shutting, burning and radiating. They radiate from ovary to heart
to left breast, down legs (especially left), across to opposite ovary;
through left breast to back; from ilium to ilium; across sacrum. In
contradistinction to the down-dragging is a "pulling-up" sensation
from the tip of the coccyx. A patient to whom I gave Lil. tig. 30 said
it caused a sensation in the abdomen as if the contents were "tied up
in knots." C. Sigmund Rage has observed (H. R., xi. 482) excellent
results from Lil. t. 3x and 30 in cases of uterine fibroid presenting the
characteristic symptoms of the remedy. The 2x and 3x caused severe
aggravations─backache; fever and sweat during the night; fear of
dying. Among other peculiar sensations are: With nausea, a lump in
centre of chest which could be moved down by empty swallowing.
As if an electric current in fingers and hands. As if cool wind
blowing on lower extremities. The eyes were the seat of many
marked symptoms, and one prover who was astigmatic, after much
suffering in the eyes during the proving, found her astigmatism gone
when the proving was over.─The left side was most markedly
affected. Intense restlessness, nervous system irritable, weak,
trembling; aimless hurry; walks to and fro. Convulsive contractions
of almost all muscles of body, and feeling as if she would be crazy if
she did not hold tightly upon herself. Feeling as if she must scream.
"Cannot walk on uneven ground" (H. C. Allen). Burning palms and
soles accompany other complaints. The symptoms are > lying on left
side, when lying down at all is tolerated. Rest in general <. (Berridge
cured a lady, 50, of heart pain, as if grasped with hand, with cold
feeling from apex of heart to under left scapula; excited by worry; <
lying on right side; > lying on left side and when busy at work.)
Hasty, busy movement >. Pressure and support >: Must cross legs to
relieve bearing down; must put hands to vulva to prevent contents
escaping. Movement < uterine symptoms: unable to move for fear
her womb would drop from her. Stooping < heart pain. Standing <
downward dragging. < Afternoon and night from 5 p.m. to 8 a.m.
Diarrhœa < early morning. > In open air. < In warm room; is faint.
Touch < (on epigastrium = desire to vomit); < hæmorrhoids.
Pressure of bedclothes is intolerable on abdomen and uterine region.
Rubbing and pressure > heart spasm. Jarring <.─I never obtained
good results from Lil. tig. until I gave it in the 30th attenuation. I
have tried higher, but the aggravations from these were so severe that
I have kept to the 30th.
Relations.─Antidoted by: Platina; Helon. (anteversion); Nux (colic);
Puls. Compare: Sep. (very like in most respects, but Lil. > by
diverting mind and busying about; Sep. > by violent exertion;
leucorrhœa of Lil. is more excoriating); Lil. < afternoon; Sep. >
afternoon; Lil. pressure in anus, Sep. weight like a heavy ball); Puls.
(< in warm room; venous stasis with taste of blood in mouth─also
Ham.; weeping mood─Puls. quiet weeping, Lil. spasmodic, flashing;
Puls. has not the tendency to prolapse; is not > by support); Nat. m.
(heart; uterus; coldness about heart); Helon. (profound melancholy
with consciousness of womb; Lil. hurry with incapacity and distress
based on apprehension of serious malady); Alo. (fulness in rectum;
like a plug wedged between pubes and coccyx); Cact. (heart
constricted by iron band; constriction continuous, Lil. intermittent;
uterine and ovarian pains); Anac. and Ver. (profanity); Bell. (< by
jar; bearing down; Bell. < by motion, Lil. >); Sul. (early morning
diarrhœa, burning palms and soles); Zinc. (heart symptoms > by
lying on left side;─Pho., Pul., Arn. < lying on left side); Murex, Vib.
tin., Vib. o., Nux m., Gossyp. (bearing-down pains); Lach., Sul., Act.
r. and Ustil. (left ovary and left inframammary pain); Calc. (ovarian
pain extending down thigh; Calc., right; Lil., left; Pallad. and Plat.
(irritability, "things don't go right"; Pall. over-sensitive, Plat.,
hauteur); Aur. (prolapse; Aur. from weight of organ, Lil. from
relaxation of ligaments); Latr. mact. and Spig. (heart), Act. r. (heart
and uterus); Pod. (early morning diarrhœa); Cact., Nat. ph., Tarent.,
Rhus (pain and numbness of left arm with heart disease; Lil. more
characteristic, right); K. bi. (radiating pains; alternating conditions).
pain, in forehead and temples.─Pressure outward.─Headache: on
waking; < in open air, > at sunset, with heaviness as if too full of
blood, blowing blood from nose, desire to support head with
hands.─Neuralgia over l. eye to vertex.─Neuralgia in temples,
alternately l. and r.─Pressure and crazy feeling in vertex.─Pain in
occiput and over eyes.
12. Abdomen.─Distension of abdomen.─Rumbling; emission of
flatus.─Dragging down of whole abdominal contents, extending
even to organs of chest; must support the abdomen.─Bubbling in r.
hypochondrium.─Lancinations from l. hypochondrium to crest of
ilium.─Dragging downward and backward.─Sensation as if diarrhœa
would come on; also passing off by urinating.─Trembling sensation
in pelvis, extending down thighs.─Feeling as if menses coming
on.─Grasping pains across hypogastrium > gentle rubbing with
warm hand.
bladder, the os pressing upon rectum.─Bearing down in uterus, with
pains in l. ovary and mamma.─Voluptuous itching in vagina, with
feeling of fulness of parts; stinging in l. ovarian region.─Sexual
desire increased; ending in orgasm; with hurried feeling; > during
physical effort; disposition to use obscene language.─Leucorrhœa;
bright yellow, acrid, excoriating; leaving a brown stain; after
menses.─Menses continue only when moving about, and cease when
sitting or lying down.─Amenorrhœa: accompanied with cardiac
distress, or with ovarian pains of a burning or stinging character; if
complicated with prolapsed or anteverted uterus; partial, the menses
returning occasionally, or again remain absent for some
time.─Menses freer than usual, relieving headache.─Sensation of
dragging down from the shoulders and chest, feeling as if she wants
to be held up; abdomen feels as if it must be supported; as if it must
be held up with both hands.
heart > by rest.─Pulse: rapid; small and weak; irregular, < by slight
motion; compressible.
25. Skin.─Irritation of upper chest and arms and a fine rash about
forehead and around borders of the hair, with much itching.─Skin of
abdomen feels stiff and stretched.─Tingling, formication, burning
itching of various parts.
becoming mad. Bluish discoloration of wounds (Lach.). Complaints
resulting from abnormal sexual desire (from abstinence, Con.).
Mental emotion or mortifying news always makes him worse.
Cannot bear heat of sun (Gels., Glon., Lach., Nat.). Convulsions:
from dazzling or reflected light from water or mirror (Stram.); from
even thinking of fluids of any kind; from slightest touch or current of
air. Headache: from bites of dogs, whether rabid or not; chronic,
from mental emotion or exertion; < by noise of running water or
bright light. Salive; tough, ropy, viscid, frothy in mouth and throat,
with constant spitting (Hydr.). Sore throat, constant desire to
swallow (Lac. c., Mer.). Difficulty in swallowing, even spasm of
oesophagus from swallowing liquids; gagging when swallowing
water. Constant desire to urinate on seeing running water (Canth.,
Sulph.); urine scanty, cloudy, contains sugar. Prolapsus uteri; many
cases of years' standing cured. Sensitiveness of vagina, rendering
coition painful.
Male.--Lascivious; priapism, with frequent emissions. No emission
during coition. Atrophy of testicles. Complaints from abnormal
sexual desire.
Dose.--Thirtieth potency.
method of administration is very different from that employed by
homœopaths, but he is working on homœopathic lines in seeking to
neutralise a virus in the system by introducing a modification of the
same virus. His experiments led him to produce the rabic poison in a
highly intensified form in the spinal cords of rabbits. He then
modified its intensity in different degrees by exposure to air for a
longer or shorter period. Patients who come to the Institute are
inoculated first with the least potent, and later with the most potent
"vaccin," after which they are pronounced "cured." The "cure" is,
however, extremely uncertain, as the degree of susceptibility to the
poison is unknown in any case, and many hundreds of the patients
subjected to the inoculations have died of the disease. Pasteur's first
method was admitted to be too strong, and was soon modified; a
number of patients having died from the inoculations. One of these
cases I investigated, and the symptoms were sufficiently striking to
deserve recording. The patient was Arthur Wilde, of Rotherham,
aged 29, and I received the account from his mother, who nursed him
through his illness. He had been bitten severely by a man suffering
from hydrophobia, and was persuaded, much against his wish, to go
to Pasteur. This he did a few days after the bite, returning on October
19, 1886, after undergoing the course. On Saturday, October 30, he
complained of a pricking sensation below the ribs in the right side, in
the part where the injections had been made. Pressure relieved the
pain somewhat. That evening he vomited, and the vomiting
continued, and he became very prostrate. On Monday the prostration
was intense, vomiting continued; restless; skin cool, perspiring; quite
conscious. The spots where the inoculations were made were dark
and livid. Twitching occurred every few hours, sometimes more
violently than others; most marked on the abdomen. From Monday
through Tuesday he was making a peculiar loud noise, something
like a waggoner driving horses, "bis" "whoo," though he had never
had to do with horses. He seemed completely helpless. On Tuesday
night vomiting ceased and he began to froth a great deal. Early on
Wednesday morning he began to talk thick. His breathing, which had
been peculiar all through─he would hold his breath for a long time
when making the noise and then breathe rapidly for a few
breaths─became very bad at 3 a.m. on Wednesday. He died shortly
after 12, having been apparently conscious to the end though unable
to speak for the last hour. The frothing had increased up to the time
of his death and he seemed to choke with it. This case was paralleled
by that of Goffi, an attendant at St. Thomas' Hospital, who was bitten
by a cat and sent to Pasteur. On his return he was taken ill, and his
case was at first diagnosed as Landry's paralysis, but finally proved
(by experiments made with his spinal cord) to be "paralytic rabies,"
the result of inoculation. It was after the occurrence of these and
similar "accidents" that the intensity of the "vaccins" was reduced. It
would be well to have as an alternative preparation, Hydrophobinum
Pasteurianum, obtained from Pasteur's vaccin, to meet conditions
similar to these. The pathogenesis of Hydrob. is made up partly of
symptoms observed in rabid animals and human patients, but chiefly
of symptoms developed in the provings. The remedy has been pretty
extensively used in practice, not only in cases of hydrophobia, but in
many disorders in which the keynote symptoms have been present.
These are: Exquisite sensitiveness to breath of air; to bright objects,
especially the surface of water; to sounds, and most of all to the
sound of running water. Even the thought of it is enough to bring on
an aggravation or a convulsion. Cases of dysentery with pain and
tenesmus on hearing water running from a tap have been cured with
Hydrob. Cannot bear heat of sun. Thirst, with inability to swallow.
Copious viscid saliva. A great variety of mental disturbances occur.
Rapid speech and impatience are very noticeable. The mental
irritability is as great as that of the senses and dangerously violent
temper is developed. The irritation is further shown in the sexual
organs. Suffocating feelings were experienced by several persons.
Sighing, and sighing respiration. The effects of bites of non-rabid
dogs have been removed by this nosode. Hydrob. is a close analogue
of many of the animal poisons, especially Laches., and I have no
doubt when clinically developed it will prove to be equally
important. Marked symptoms appear in every part of the body and
mind. Many symptoms are < by stooping; by motion generally.
Sensitive to any changed position. Bending head backward > pain in
neck. Throws head back when sneezing. Heat of sun <, it is
unbearable. Hot steam directed to bitten place > burning pain in it. >
Turkish bath. Damp warm air oppressed him. Sensitive to least
breath of air; air of agreeable temperature feels cold. Slightest
draught < Cold air > headache. < From slightest touch; from riding
in carriage. [In the Schema, the symptoms observed in cases of the
disease are marked (R), those observed in Pasteur cases (P), the rest
are the symptoms of the provings with some clinical additions.]
lightning-like rapidity of snake-venom effects). Compare also: in
ascending paralysis, Gels., Con.; in respiratory paralysis, Solania,
Bell., Dulc.; in sexual excitement, Canth., Pic. ac., Graph.; in
intolerance of sun, Gels., Glon., Nat., Lach., Apis; in effects of
carriage-riding, Coccul.; desire to urinate on seeing running water,
Canth., Sul.; convulsions from dazzling light, Stram.; consciousness
of womb, Helon.; viscid saliva, Epipheg., Hydras.; hurried speech,
Hyo.; in coldness, Helod. It follows well: Tabac. (headache); Arg. n.
(uterine disease); Stram. (neuralgia). Is followed well by: Nat. m.
moving object that came within reach; dog (R.).─Lament with great
anxiety their inability to relieve thirst which afflicts, and by various
contrivances endeavour eagerly to drink (R.).─Break out of their
stables furiously and run or jump over ditches and fences
(sheep).─Not afraid of dogs, but dislikes to see them because their
sight renews her fear (lyssophobia, after bite by non-rabid
dog).─Exhilarated, felt as if he had received joyful intelligence.─Ill-
humour.─Hypersensitiveness of all the senses.─On a watch held to
scrobiculum he sees the hour and minute hands (R.).─He says he can
see hands on dial plate of church clock (R.).─He could hear what
was spoken in next room, and counted coppers in a room below him
(R.).─Linen dipped in sugar water, put on pit of stomach, gives a
sweet taste in mouth (R.).─Copper, if in his room, makes him
restless and full of pains (R.).─Sometimes he would control
inclination to stool by a strong effort of will, but effort caused much
nervous irritation.─Attacks of nervous headache become awful and
insupportable if he hears water run out of a hydrant.─When he hears
water poured out, or if he hears it run, or if he sees it, he becomes
very irritable, nervous; it causes desire for stool and other
ailments.─The mere sight of a drinking vessel containing water is
intolerable; they turn away their faces, shriek out loud, beckon
anxiously with hands to have water removed, for voice and breath
fail (R.).─Thinking of fluids of any kind, even of blood, brings on
3. Eyes.─Sensitive to light.─Sight of water-agitation; renews idea of
pain; causes convulsions (pregnancy).─False vision, dulness of sight,
together with dilatation of pupils, sometimes actual
blindness.─Vision much impaired or absent; lasts twelve
hours.─Clairvoyance.─Pain in small spot over r. eyebrow, <
writing.─Eyes are wild, rolling, staring and livid (R.).─Swelling of
eyelids after bite of dogs (cured in sheep).─Extreme ulceration of
eye, lids closed and puffed up by pus (in sheep).
9. Throat.─Slight redness of palate and throat, with spasm of
œsophagus and difficult speech.─Sore throat, as after swallowing red
pepper.─Cooling sensation in œsophagus.─Sore throat, constant
desire to swallow; much saliva and feeling as if beaten.─Periodical
spasm of œsophagus, continual painful inclination to swallow
without being able to swallow anything; constriction is most severe
when taking water into mouth, if he tried to swallow it forcibly, he
had burning and stinging in the throat, cough and retching which
forced fluid from his mouth; difficult speech.
hours, with pain in lower part of bowels; < in morning; followed by
nausea as if she would have to vomit; attended with violent pains
early in morning; after stitches in side.─Stools of bloody
mucus.─Involuntary stools.
she can hardly get up; three mornings in succession; same swelling
of breasts at night when opening her dress.
too great an exertion, and he allows arm to drop.─Hand trembles so
much he can scarcely write.─Hands numb, with headache.
27. Fever.─Paroxysms of intense coldness with pain in
spine.─Chilly feeling, more down r. (bitten) arm.─Became cold in
bed at 3 a.m., although covered with four blankets; lasted about one
hour.─Chills intermixed and followed by heat and cold
sweat.─Cannot bear heat of sun.─Fever every evening, commencing
at dusk and lasting until bedtime (midnight).─He feels the pulse beat
through the body; from time to time there is a surging through throat
into head, like a slow wave.─Sensation of heat felt internally and
externally through entire body, no external warmth, it forces
perspiration out on face as from weakness, and is accompanied by
lassitude and aching in legs.─Restless, skin cool, perspiring, quite
conscious (P.).─At 9 p.m. a dripping warm perspiration from whole
r. hand, from wrist to nails; afterwards hands and fingers stiff, she
can hardly bend them (R.).─Skin covered with a clammy sweat (last
stage) (R.).─Skin moist, even covered with sweat; during spells,
limbs cold and livid.─Much better after perspiring.─(A number of
cures of hydrophobia have been reported from forced perspirations,
and e. p. from prolonged and repeated use of the Turkish bath. This
is known as the Buisson treatment, from Dr. Buisson who originated
it.).─Intermittent fever.
Relations. - Compare: Cham. in the diseases of children.
Female.--Menses black, clotted. Pain in back and thighs.
Metrorrhagia; worse at night. Great excitement at every period.
Leucorrhœa with every stool and after exercise. Tinea ciliaris,
eruptions in face and forehead worse before menses.
Home-sickness. Hysteria. Leucorrhœa. Liver, affections of.
Menstruation, painful. Nocturnal emissions. Ozæna. Palpitation.
Pregnancy, nausea of. Smell, disordered. Spleen, enlarged. Stomach,
disorders of. Taste, disordered. Tinea ciliaris. Urine, straining to
pass. Uterus, pain in; induration of. Waterbrash. Whooping-cough.
rickety, and have eruptions about the eyes. The constipation of Mag.
m. is very distinctive, and has led to the cure of many extremely
obstinate cases. The characteristic stool is knotty and conglomerate,
like sheep's. It may remain in this condition, or it may crumble at the
anus. Painful urging before stool; burning at anus after. As well as
intestinal atony, there is atony of bladder: urine can only be passed
by bearing down with abdominal muscles. The hysterical symptoms
are marked: spasms, fainting, globus. Bearing down in uterine
region; uterine spasms. Menses black or pitch-like, accompanied by
pains in back when walking, pains in thighs when sitting.
Leucorrhœa after every stool or following uterine spasms. Hysterical
headaches. Patient is anxious, restless, always < by mental exertion;
during or after dinner seized with nausea, eructations, trembling and
faint spells, > by eructations. Palpitation < when quiet, > moving
about. Perversions of taste and smell are marked in Mag. m., and I
have frequently restored with it loss of taste and smell after
influenza. Among the Sensations of Mag. m. are: As if some one was
reading after her. As if boiling water was on side of head. As if hair
pulled. As if tongue burnt; mouth scalded. Stools as if burnt. The
pains are mostly boring and spasmodic contractive pains; dragging
down. There is much burning and heat. R. M. Skinner reports (Med.
Adv., xxiv. 383) this case: A farmer had been treated allopathically
three months for chills, which were checked, but the man did not feel
well. Spleen very large, sensitive, felt heavy when he walked or rode.
Constipated, goes three or four days without a stool. It was for this
that he sought advice. Abdomen distended. hard, especially in ileo-
cæcal region. Cold on left side and a crawling feeling, like a cold
snake. Beating in umbilical region as if his heart beat there. Mag. m.
20 one dose on the tongue. At 8 p.m. the bowels began to act and
went on acting with the exception of one hour till 3 a.m. He
complained next morning that the medicine had "almost killed him,"
and he looked thin and tired. No further medicine was given, and in
ten days he had no complaint, and the spleen was normal in size and
without tenderness. In a large proportion of Mag. m. cases the
Conditions will give the leading indications. There is general
hyperæsthesia and < by touch or pressure; but the head pains are >
by hard pressure; eye pains > by pressure, and the menstrual pains >
by pressing on back. There is great sensitiveness to cold and
disposition to catch cold, > wrapping up head warmly; but the skin
eruptions on face, head, and eyes are < in warm room; cough < in
room. Most symptoms except headache are > in open air. Sea-
bathing = bloody expectoration; great weakness. Rest <; motion >
(this is especially marked and peculiar in reference to palpitation). <
Lying down. Palpitation is > lying on left side. Liver symptoms <
lying right side, < on side lain on. [Also lying on left side = sensation
of something (liver) dragging to that side.] Rumination < while
walking. < At meals (fainting). > By eructations (nausea and
trembling). < After coitus (pain in testes and cords). Mental exertion
necessity to press eyes together.─Griping and raging in both temples,
with a feeling as if he would become dizzy and lose consciousness;
disappearing on pressing the head with both hands, in evening after
lying down (5th day).─Tensive pressure in forehead and sinciput,
with confusion and cloudiness in head, principally on awaking and
when lying; > from exercise in open air and when wrapping head up
warm.─Squeezing, as from a claw, and noise in temples, in evening,
in bed, with sensation as if vertigo and loss of consciousness were
coming on.─Jerking, or shooting and pulsative tearings, in
head.─Congestion, with heat, painful humming, and ebullition in
head.─Painful undulation and whizzing as of boiling water on side
upon which one rests.─Quotidian headache.─Nervous pullings in
head and face, extending to teeth, with a sensation of confusion in
head.─Throbbing, jerking tearing in occiput.─Boils on head.─Great
sensitiveness of scalp.─Nodes on occiput, tearing, painful to
touch.─Tendency of head to sweat.
7. Teeth.─Toothache, aggravated to highest degree by contact of
food.─Sensation of elongation in upper incisors.─Painful swelling
and easy bleeding of gums.
distension of abdomen, with constipation.─Painful hardness of
abdomen, and esp. of r. side.─Cramp-like pains in abdomen, esp. in
evening, and sometimes followed by leucorrhœa.─Tearing in
abdomen.─Dragging down from region of r. ovary to
thigh.─Cuttings, pinchings, and acute drawing in
abdomen.─Stinging shootings in the muscles of the abdomen.─Colic
(in the evening) in hysteric persons, extending to thighs, followed by
fluor albus.
17. Respiratory Organs.─Hoarseness, with roughness and dryness
of throat.─Hoarseness in the morning after rising.─Tingling in
larynx.─Bloody expectoration brought on by sea-bathing.─Dry
cough, in evening, and at night, with burning pain and sensation of
excoriation in chest.─Cramp-like cough at night, with violent
tickling in throat.
sensibility to least noise.─General uneasiness in evening in bed, as
soon as she closes her eyes.─Sensation as of boiling water on side on
which one rests.─The majority of the symptoms present themselves
when the patient is seated, or at night, and are generally > by
movement.─Uneasiness in evening in bed on closing the eyes.
irritation; urine pale, copious; after catheterization. Cramps: of
extremities; during pregnancy; of writers, piano or violin players.
Relations. - Compare: Bell., Caul., Col., Lyc., Lac c., Puls.; Cham.
its vegetable analogue. Sometimes acts best when given in hot water.
Mind.--Laments all the time about the pain. Inability to think clearly.
Sleepless on account of indigestion.
Mouth.--Toothache; better by heat and hot liquids. Ulceration of
teeth, with swelling of glands of face, throat and neck and swelling
of tongue. Complaints of teething children. Spasms without febrile
Stomach.-- Hiccough, with retching day and night. Thirst for very
cold drinks.
Dose.--First to twelfth potency. Sometimes the highest potencies are
preferable. Acts especially well, given in hot water.
which shows that there are other means besides provings of finding
the keynote symptoms of remedies. Allen adds to the above that the
pains rapidly change place; that cramping is the most characteristic
type of the Mag. p. pains. Dread of cold air; of uncovering; of
touching the affected part; of moving; of cold washing. It is best
adapted to: thin, emaciated persons of a highly nervous organisation,
of dark complexion; to affections on the right side of the body; to
complaints from standing in cold water; complaints of dentition;
headaches of school children; professional neuroses (e.g., writer's
cramp); after-effect of catheterism. Nash says Mag. p. is in the first
rank as a pain remedy, and it has all kinds of pain (though cramping
pain is the most characteristic) except burning pain, and this
distinguishes it from Ars., since both have > from heat. Allen's
proving brought out canker sores in mouth, sore lips, and cracked
lips. A patient of mine who suffered intensely from cracks at the
corners of the lips found nothing relieve so well as Mag. p., and it
did it best in the ix strength. Higher were tried. Hering says it is
suited to: Young and very strong persons; teething children. Allen
says that though it is best adapted to emaciated persons, it acts
promptly in stout, fleshy persons when well indicated. The attacks
(of pain, &c.) are often attended with great prostration, and
sometimes with profuse sweat. "Languid, tired, exhausted; unable to
sit up." Mag. p. is more often called for in men than Mag. c., but the
indication, "worn-out women," answers for both. The affections of
Mag. p. are often periodic. I cured with Mag. p. 6x a very severe
attack of chorea in a girl of six. The spasms were general, but they
affected the speech to such an extent that she could not make herself
intelligible. Rappaz, of Montevideo (quoted H. M., xxix. 178) cured
with Mag. p. a young man of 17 of cerebral meningitis which began
with violent pain and inflammation in left eye, with terrific pains in
head and delirium and intense fever. He was at first treated
allopathically, without success. When Rappaz first saw him he was
hemiplegic, with frequent and alarming convulsions, crying out
violently, involuntary passage of fæces and urine; dilated pupils,
dropped jaw, escape of saliva, speech and comprehension difficult.
Under Mag. p. 6x in water general improvement set in. Later the 12x
was given, and in two months he was well. W. T. Ord cured Miss G.,
48, of pain in back extending down right sciatic nerve and up spine,
following influenza, with Mag. p. 3x, 5-gr. doses. The pains were
shifting, > by rest, < at night. The parts were tender to pressure and
numb. Pains sometimes tense in paroxysms, compelling her to cry
out. Anxiety; depressed vitality. Skinner has cured with Mag. p. a
case of prolapse of rectum with feeling as if rectum were torn, the
symptoms being > by heat. The symptoms are < by: Motion; cold
air; draught of air; cold wind; COLD WASHING; TOUCH; lying
on the back stretched out; when eating. > By: HEAT; WARMTH;
PRESSURE; BENDING DOUBLE (the italics and capitals are H. C.
Allen's). < Walking; especially in open air; abdominal pain compels
walking about, which >.
lying down.─Sensation of a strong shock of electricity beginning in
head and extending to all parts of body.─Severe headache began in
occiput on waking, extending over head, located over both eyes, with
severe nausea, and terminated 5 p.m. in a pronounced chill.─Severe
pricking over head and forehead, as if rubbed with a fine brush (after
becoming warm from eating).─Pustules or large pimples (like blood-
boils), with redness and rawness, appeared on r. side of scalp, but did
not suppurate.─Large, white, shining scales can be combed out in
handfuls twenty times a day.─Scalp feels rough like a grater, and the
fine particles combed out feel like sand.
7. Teeth.─Toothache; < after going to bed; changes place rapidly; <
eating or drinking, esp. cold things, > by heat; teeth sensitive to
touch or cold air.─Severe pinching, stabbing, neuralgic pain over
root of r. bicuspid; can be covered with point of finger; < by cold, >
by heat; could not brush teeth with cold water for
months.─Neuralgic pain in a filled tooth which had never ached
before.─Complaints of teething children; spasms during dentition,
without febrile symptoms.─Ulceration of teeth, with swelling of
glands of face, throat, and neck, and swelling of tongue.─Severe
pain in decayed or filled teeth (in seven persons; three of them had to
discontinue the proving and be treated by a dentist).
11. Stomach.─Spasmodic sobbing (like a hiccough) for three days,
ceasing with the second dose in water.─Hiccough thirty times a
minute; for sixty days life in danger (Mag. p. soon restored
health).─Hiccough with retching day and night for three days;
ejected matter was coagulated milk, bile and mucus, with great pain
causing lamentations.─Burning, tasteless eructations come on about
three hours after eating in the evening; < by physical exertion, > by
drinking hot water; heartburn.─Eructation of food tasting of
injesta.─Constant nausea.─Bilious vomiting, at times streaked with
blood.─Nausea and vomiting attend headache and flatulent
colic.─Gastralgia: soreness and extreme sensitiveness of epigastrium
to touch; some eructation and sour vomiting; at 12 every day; > by
eating.─(Cancer of stomach; intolerable burning pain; vomiting;
hiccough;─after Ars. failed, Mag. p. made the patient comfortable
for six months.).─Distension of stomach; very restless.─Fulness
after eating.─Spasmodic pains in stomach, with clean
tongue.─Intense cutting, shooting, cramping pains in region of
stomach and epigastrium, extending sometimes towards back and
abdomen.─Flatulent distension of stomach, with constrictive pain, >
by warmth and bending double.─A drink of cold water starts a
colicky pain in stomach, which radiates to bowels, very severe, > by
doubling up; by walking about; by rest; by belching.
abdomen, must loosen clothing, < sitting, > walking about.─Much
flatus in bowels, passing off freely on walking; < after evening
meal.─(Cramps and wind-colic in horses; wind-colic of cattle,
meteorism of cows).
17. Respiratory Organs.─Cough: dry, spasmodic, violent; constant,
can't speak for cough; face crimson from violence of cough;
uncontrollable, seemed she would choke; retching choking with
cough < warm room, > open air.─A violent dry cough came on after
the headache left; not excited by anything in particular.─(Spasmodic,
convulsive sobbing.)
18. Chest.─Darting pains in chest, < r. side; which radiate from pain
in bowels.─Oppression: desire to take deep breath; < on first
entering warm room, > after being in it a short time; < walking.
20. Neck and Back.─Sore pain in head, back of neck, and lower part
of back.─Aching in small of back; sensation as if a section of
vertebra was missing.─Dorsal spine, for about six inches, very
painful and sensitive to touch for weeks.
twenty-three days, spasms.─Tires easily.─Shooting, tingling, electric
pains all over body.
Head.--Vertigo; head feels lights, empty. Scalp itches. Hair falls out
after acute sickness.
Dose.--Sixth to thirtieth potency.
something hard. As if something alive in stomach. Med. Cent. (ii.
112) quotes from Revist. Omeop. the case of a lady who for several
years was possessed with the fixed idea that she would become
insane. She had become a wife and mother, but still the idea
possessed her. Happening to see in Puhlmann's Therapeutics that
Manc. has "fear of getting crazy," she took Manc. 12 and was
permanently cured.
yellow fluid; next day, desquamation.─Lips pale; pricking
pains.─Lower lip hangs down.─Numerous small vesicles on chin
which desquamate.
fainting, constipation alternating with diarrhœa.─Abdomen:
distended; sore as if bruised; rash on.
22. Upper Limbs.─Trembling and heaviness of arms; of
hands.─Hands numb on waking.─Painful stiffness of finger-
joints.─Hands as if too thick; asleep; heavy and clumsy.─Blue
fissured pads. Ars. iod. did nothing for these, but Ars. 30 cured.
Peculiar sensations are: As if he had forgotten something. As if all
blood ascended to head. Right side of head as if screwed together. As
if too much blood in eyes. As if cold air passing out of ear. As of a
liquid moving from stomach to intestines. Pain as from a blow or
sprain in right tendo Achillis. Mill. is suited to all wounds which
bleed profusely, sprains, and overlifting. The symptoms are < by
stooping; < doubling the body (burning in stomach); < much
exertion; < by lifting. Lying down > nausea; < hæmoptysis. Violent
exercise > vertigo. Symptoms < by coffee, > by wine. Mill. is suited
to the aged; atonic; women and children.
3. Eyes.─Glistening, brilliant eyes.─Agglutination of eyes in
morning.─Lachrymation and discharges from eyes (fistula
lachrymalis).─Sensation of too much blood in eyes.─Inward
piercing pressing in eyes, to root of nose and sides of
forehead.─Clear, bright vision.─Fog, not near eyes, but at a distance.
14. Urinary Organs.─Hæmaturia.─Involuntary micturition; of
children.─Bloody urine.─Catarrh of bladder from atony.─Stone in
bladder, with retention of urine.
25. Skin.─Suppressed itch, and from it fever.─Painless varices of
pregnant women.─Fistulous ulcers.─Ulceration of internal
organs.─Cancerous ulcers.─Wounds; after operation for stone in the
bladder.─Bruises, bleeding from wounds.─Bad effects from a fall
(from a height) and sprains.
A remedy for hysteria and nervous paroxysms, fainting fits and
convulsions, catalepsy, etc. The characteristic condition being aggravation
by cold; there is great sensitiveness to air. Much nervous trembling and
frequent fainting. Great flatulence. Diseases do not follow a normal course.
Coldness. Tension in muscles, skin and mind.
Compatible: Ambra.
Dose.--First to third potency.
drawn and tightened so as to cut head in two. As if a nail pressed on
occiput, the point piercing the brain. Rushing in ears as from strong
wind or from the wing of a bird. As if facial muscles too short.
Movement of lower jaw as if chewing. As if everything in abdomen
constricted. Part lain on feels dislocated or sprained. As if larynx
closed on breath. As if cold air blowing on him. There is < from
pressure. Motion <; must lie down, and lie still. Vertigo < stooping;
> on rising. Burning heat in bed. Getting warm > tension in head.
Sitting in a room < tension in head; = headache and nausea; = pain in
occiput. > In open air. Becoming cold < tension in back of head; =
cramps; cramp-like and suffocating constriction of chest. Wants to
uncover. < After coitus (vomiting). < After a meal; during a meal. <
On side lain on.
saying where he suffers.─Apprehension of death, and excessive
timidity about dying.─Hypochondriacal anxiety, sometimes with
palpitation of heart.─Exceedingly quarrelsome humour and great
irascibility, with passion, proceeding even to fury.─Very violent
anger, raves and scolds till mouth dry, lips blue, eyes staring, face
deathly pale, and she falls unconscious.─Loss of memory.
jaw, as if he were chewing.─Earthy pale complexion.─Tension in
muscles of face, as if they were too short.
in genitals; great disposition to faint.─Desire greatly excited (in an
old woman).─Drawing, and sensation of bearing down towards
hypogastrium and the genital organs during menses.─Dysmenorrhœa
with fainting.─Bearing down as if menses would appear.─During
pregnancy she complains much, but of nothing in particular.
22. Upper Limbs.─Drawing pains along the entire extent of the arm,
and esp. in wrists, as from cramp.─Burning, with sensation of
coldness, in last joints of fingers.─Swelling of hands, with shooting
pains.─Convulsive movements of hands and fingers.
23. Lower Limbs.─Restlessness in legs, with paralytic weakness,
which compels constant movement.─Trembling in legs, as after
great fatigue, when seated.─Compressive pain in hollows of knees as
though tendons too short.─Paralytic weakness in legs, on sitting
down, after walking.─Sensation of coldness on tibia.─Burning
pressure on tips of r. toes.─Jerking pains in nails of two first toes as
if they would suppurate, could not bear anything to touch them,
could only walk barefooted upon the heel.
are uncovered.─External coldness with internal heat.─One cheek is
pale and hot, the other is red and cold.─The one hand is burning hot
and pale, the other is cold and red.─Sensation of coldness, mostly in
spine, with drawing pains.─The air seems cold; patient seeks
fireside.─Frequent slight shuddering, commencing at head and
spreading over whole body.─Attacks of burning heat in evening; in
bed frequently only on r. side, with restlessness and inclination to
uncover.─Sweat every morning.─Clammy perspiration in morning,
smelling of musk.
anus be very sensitive either with or without haemorrhoids; anus sore
during menses. Haemorrhoids: swollen, blue, sensitive and painful
to touch; appear suddenly in children; too sore to bear least touch,
even the sheet is uncomfortable. Prolapse while urinating.
Diarrhoea: stool involuntary while urinating; on passing wind
(Aloe); cannot urinate without having the bowels move at the same
time. Urine passes slowly; bladder weak, must wait a long time; has
to press so that the anus protrudes. Cannot bear least touch, not even
of sheet on genitals (Murex). Typhoid or typhus; deep stupid sleep;
unconscious while awake; loud moaning or muttering; tongue coated
at edges, shrunken, dry, leather- like, paralyzed; involuntary fetid
stools while passing urine; sliding down in bed; pulse intermits every
third beat. Palpitation of heart is felt in the face. Freckles; eczema
This acid has an elective affinity for the blood, producing a septic
condition similar to that found in low fevers with high temperature
and great prostration. Patient becomes so weak she slides down the
bed. Decomposition of fluids. Involuntary stools while passing urine.
Hæmorrhages. Mouth and anus chiefly effected.
Mouth.--Tongue, pale, swollen, dry, leathery, paralyzed. Deep
ulcers on tongue. Hard lumps in tongue. Epithelioma; edges bluish-
red (Carbol ac). Aphthous mouth. Gums and glands swollen. Fetid
Breath. Sordes on teeth.
Antidote; Bryonia.
fevers of all kinds, exanthematous, typhoid, puerperal as well as
diphtheria, when these symptoms with the mental and paretic state
are present. The mucous membranes are dry, bleeding, cracked, and
ulcerated. Sordes on teeth. Burning, and burning eruptions on lips.
Piles like a bunch of grapes which look purple and burn when
touched. Prolapse of rectum, whilst straining to pass water. Urination
involuntary or difficult; there is straining and dribbling, and the
straining causes the rectum to prolapse; it may also cause involuntary
stool. This may be due to local conditions, or it may be a
consequence of a low state of health. Mur. ac. not only corresponds
to low febrile states it also meets many of their sequelæ. Deafness,
otitis, and glandular swellings about the ears often require Mur. ac.
Among the peculiar sensations of the remedy are: Hair, as if drawn
upwards; as if standing on end. Brain: as if loose; beaten or tom to
pieces; brain clasped by a hand, and bruised and tom. Occiput as if
filled with lead. Mouth as if glued up with insipid mucus. As if some
obstruction must be pulled out of throat. Burning as if under skin of
coccyx. As if place was jammed in in tendo-Achillis. Deadness and
numbness in forehead, in fingers. The tongue is shrunken; and
paralysed. The parched, shrunken tongue is an indication in typhoid
or other fevers. [Mur. ac. has a marked action on the tongue. Cooper
cured with it these cases: (1) Man, 52, whose sister had died of
cancer, had a hard, deep, warty ulcer, size of a small bean on under
surface of tongue, l. side, with much surrounding hardness and little
discharge. (2) Tongue swollen, makes him talk thick, much
ulcerated, especially r. side, is hard, with swelling followed by
lupoid ulcer, on corresponding side of nose; had been going on ten
months.] Tendency "to slide down to the foot of the bed" was noted
by Hahnemann and has been amply confirmed. It indicates an
extremely low vital condition. Mur. ac. is suited to persons of black
hair and dark eyes. The skin is much affected, and is sensitive to the
sun's rays─eczema solare and freckles. Black pocks. Blind boils
frothy when touched. The symptoms are: < By touch. The itching of
anus and scrotum is not > by scratching. Warmth >; cold washing,
cold drinks <. Cold wind and open air > headache. > Uncovering
(during fever). < Evening and night. Rest < most symptoms. Lying
on r. side < vertigo. Motion < vertigo; > tearing pains. < After sleep.
< After eating (diarrhœa). > After drinking.
It follows well: Bry., Merc., Rhus. Compare: In typhoid states, Bry.
(Bry. has < motion), Rhus (restlessness, > by motion; Rhus has less
debility), Phos. ac. (Phos. ac. has less prostration, is apathetic,
indifferent, Mur. ac. taciturn), Apis (Apis has blisters on tongue, and
it catches teeth when attempt is made to protrude it), Ars. (Ars. has
scanty evacuations), Bapt. (Bapt., has besotted look, tongue red on
edges), Bell. (Bell. more active, hyperæmia), K. permang. (throat
symptoms, œdematous uvula), Sul. ac. (Sul. ac. has not >
uncovering), Gels. (with Gels. the muscular prostration is expressed,
with Mur. ac. it is unconscious), Nit. ac. (thin, excoriating discharge
from nose, intermittent pulse and loss of appetite), Arum tri. Piles
during menses, Amm. c., Collins., Graph., Pho., Pul., Sul. Piles
sensitive, Bell., Caust. Early morning hunger, Ant. c., Calc., Saba.,
Lyc. Cannot bear the thought or sight of meat, Nit. ac. Irritable,
disposed to anger and chagrin, Nux. Cracked lips; sore mouth; <
after sleep, Nat. m.; coryza, Chlorum. Tendo-Achillis, affection of,
Val. Mur. ac. is a constituent of the gastric juice, and must therefore
be considered as allied to the Sarcodes and proximate principle of the
tissues, e.g., Cholesterin.
shocks.─Feeling of failing asleep and deadness.─Tearing in r.
parietal bone.─Shocks, tearings, or shootings in head.
chest.─Mucous lining of throat and fauces deep dark red, swollen
and burning; covered with greyish-white diphtheritic-like
deposits.─Swelling of uvula; of tonsils.─Much saliva that must be
swallowed.─Attempting to swallow produces violent spasms and
scratching.─Suppression of sexual desire.─Feeling of weakness in
genital organs, penis relaxed.─Impotence.
20. Back.─Aching pain in back, as from having been bent double for
a long time, or from a strain.─Shootings in shoulder-
blades.─Furunculi in back.
painful ulcers in legs, with burning in their circumference.─Coldness
of feet.─Swelling and redness of extremity of toes, with burning.
cheeks and cold hands.─Burning heat, esp. in palms and
soles.─Night and morning sweat.─In evening, the perspiration is
first cold on the feet.─Typhus fever, lower jaw hangs down, atrophy
of tongue, involuntary watery stools when passing urine, great
debility, with sliding down in bed, loud moaning.─Heat without
thirst, with agitation, and desire to throw off clothes at night.─Pulse
weak and slow.─Intermittent pulse, every third beat.─Nocturnal
sweat, on going to sleep in evening, or before midnight, esp. on head
and back.
and a large quantity of viscid blood-like fluid collects in the vicinity
of the wound. An intense burning pain at the spot bitten is the first
symptom. In man there follows an interval before fresh symptoms
occur. The average is about an hour. Once developed, the symptoms
follow a rapid course. A feeling of intoxication is produced, followed
by a loss of power over the limbs. The patient is bereft of speech,
swallowing, and the control over the movement of the lips. The
saliva is ejected in large quantities, the respiration gradually becomes
slower and slower, and at length ceases. Conscious all time. Is not a
hæmorrhagic or septic, medicine like Lachesis and Crotalus. Its
action settles around the heart; valvular troubles. Marked surging of
blood upwards, marked dyspnœa, inability to lie on left side.
Hypertrophy, and valvular lesions. Organs seem to be drawn
together. Very susceptible to cold. With heart symptoms, pain in
forehead and temples. Diseases, primarily depending upon
degeneration of motor cells. Control of sphincters lost.
Female.--Neuralgia of left ovary; often serviceable in obscure pain
in left groin, especially in post-operative cases; seems to be drawn to
made attenuations of that. Previously the Naja used by Indian
homœopaths had been re-imported into India from England in the
form of attenuations. Deane in his experience in the plague epidemic
of 1899-1900 found Naja prepared from the fresh virus more
efficacious than Lachesis, and he found its action more prompt if
injected under the skin than if given by the mouth. The affinity of
Naja for the medulla oblongata and cerebellum is well shown in an
experience of Frank Buckland (Curiosities of Natural History, 2nd
edition, 225, quoted C. D. P.) after skinning a rat killed by a cobra
bite: "I had not walked a hundred yards before all of a sudden I felt
just as if somebody had come behind me and struck me a severe
blow on the head and neck, and at the same time I experienced a
most acute pain and sense of oppression at the chest, as though a hot
iron had been run in and a hundredweight put on the top of it." His
face turned green. He staggered into a chemist's shop and managed
to get some ammonia, and was then able to walk to a friend's house,
where he drank four large wineglasses of brandy without feeling
tipsy. He was then able to start for his own house, and for the first
time felt a most acute pain under the nail of left thumb, the pain
running up the arm. About an hour before he examined the rat he had
cleaned his nail with a penknife, and had slightly separated the skin,
and that was how the virus entered. These symptoms of Buckland's
are highly characteristic and valuable. The "hot-iron" symptom and
weight on the chest should be especially noted. Majumdar (Ind. H.
R., vi. 8) relates this case: A young woman suffering from a heart
affection had oppression of chest amounting almost to suffocation
feeble, irregular, almost imperceptible pulse; anæmic appearance
inability to speak. One dose of Naja was given, followed in four
hours by a second. These sufficed for the cure. The next day, when
the doctor called, his patient addressed him in a loud voice: "Doctor,
you gave me a poison last night." When asked to explain, she said
that after the first dose she "felt awful heat in her system." This must
be put beside Buckland's hot iron as a Naja indication. Majumdar
has saved a number of apparently hopeless cases of cholera with
Naja, in the collapse stage, with pulselessness and difficulty of
breathing. In addition to the above symptoms of heart failure and
distress the following will be found to be leading symptoms in heart
cases: "Depression and lowness about the heart." "Inability to speak,
with choking, nervous, chronic palpitation." "Severe pains in left
temple, cardiac and ovarian regions." "Sensation as if heart and
ovary were drawn together." "Pains about heart extending to nape of
neck, left shoulder and arm, with anxiety and fear of death." Pulse
slow, irregular. Symptoms < at night; on walking; by lying on left
side. Ina case cured by Russell there was "dragging and anxiety in
the præcordia occurring in great grief." According to Hering,
nervous phenomena predominate in Naja over other serpent poisons.
It "acts primarily upon nervous system, especially on respiratory
nerves, pneumo-gastric, and glosso-pharyngeal." The last gives the
characteristic "choking" of Naja and other serpents. Andrew M.
Neatby (M. H. R., December, 1899) relates a cure with Naja 6 which
had nervous palpitations and faintness; frequent sensation of
swelling or "choking" in the throat, with dyspnœa, and occasionally
of anæsthesia down right side. Another characteristic is "grasping at
throat" with the choking sensations. Œsophagismus. Diphtheria with
impending paralysis of heart indicates Naja, but the characteristic
left to right direction of Lach. does not appear in the Naja provings.
Naja has, however, < at night; patient awakens gasping; surface blue.
Naja has somewhat marked neuralgias and headaches: Neuralgic
pain in head, preceded or followed by nausea or vomiting, severe,
throbbing in left orbital region drawing from thence back to occiput;
from over-eating; from mental or physical exertion. Headache after
cessation of catamenia. Dull, heavy constriction in forehead on
waking. Dull shoots up occiput. Among the Sensations of Naja are
"screwing-up" sensations and crampy pains: as if head screwed
together; as if heart and ovary were drawn up together; crampy pains
in left ovary; pains in temple and ovarian regions. Pain from heart to
scapula. Sensation as of a hair in larynx; pain as from needles in
tonsil. The left side is predominantly affected. Mahlon Preston (Med.
Adv., xviii. 532) cured himself with Naja 30 of asthma with difficult
breathing, < lying down, > sitting up. He cured many cases of hay-
fever and autumnal catarrh, the symptoms being─(1) Flow of water
from nose for a few minutes; then (2) intense sneezing, which > the
breathing. After recurring for a few days there is dryness in the lungs
with great difficulty of breathing, < on lying down, Kent cured with
Naja 45m a case having these symptoms: "Almost constant heat of
head and face. Pulse slow, sometimes as slow as 45. Cannot endure
any mental exertion. Sweating of palms. Appetite voracious.
Stitching pains in heart" (Med. Adv., xxii. 164). "Sweating palms"
was a symptom which had been present from childhood and was
cured with the others. Flora A. Waddell (H. R., viii. 445) relates a
case in which heart pains were concomitant with left ovarian
affection. The pains came on a week before menses, increased till the
flow appeared, and then disappeared till next month. Naja entirely
relieved. The following case was cured by Bunn (H. W., xxxi. 501):
Miss S., 22, dysmenia since the function was established. Dilatation,
galvanism, &c., had been tried in vain. She had shooting frontal
headache, pains in eyeballs necessitating rubbing. Cramp pain in
region of left. ovary. Faintness. Hypogastrium extremely sensitive to
touch at time of menses. Examination revealed nothing abnormal
except sensitiveness of ovarian region. Extreme restlessness with the
pain. During the menses the pains suddenly became very severe. The
flow stopped when the pain was at its worst, and returned next day
with relief from pain. Naja 30 was given, and the next period passed
absolutely free from discomfort. The symptoms are: < By touch;
riding in carriage; at 3 p.m. (headache); at night; after sleep; by
eating by alcohol; by exertion; by motion; by walking; lying on side
on left side. Great > of pain and breathing by lying on right side.
Very sensitive to cold. > By walking in open air; by smoking.
forehead was loose.─Severe throbbing and aching in temples.─Heat
and congestion in head.─Headache supervening on cessation of
menses.─Headache: all day; in morning on waking; in
evening.─Very bad headache and stomach-ache at 9 p.m., caused by
eating a pear.─Headache at night, slept much but conscious of
headache in sleep.─Headache with intense depression, pain usually
began in temples, < r., deep-seated, involving eyes, occasionally
shooting, extending as a dull aching over forehead and vertex, <
motion, slightly > open air, > smoking and alcoholic
liquors.─Throbbing aching at 3 p.m.─Bad headache, just like a
scald, < over l. eye, after breakfast; oppressive, at 8.30
a.m.─Neuralgic headache extending backwards from orbital
region.─Heaviness.─Aching in temples; in morning on waking, with
heaviness in eyes; about noon over r. temple and gradually extending
to forehead, > afternoon; in evening.─Aching in vertex; with cold
feet.─Shooting up occiput.─Feeling as of a blow from behind on
head and nape.─Scurf on scalp.─Sensitiveness of scalp.─Hair falls
off; esp. crown.
cheek-bones, patchy.─Gnawing in l. upper jaw, soon after midnight,
sometimes shooting to eye and temple.─Bruised pain in l. condyle of
jaw, < moving it.─Drawing pain in r. jaw.─Sore on under lip
opposite canine tooth, and gum swollen and inflamed.─Pimple on
upper lip.─Purple sordes on lips, gum, and tongue.─Lips dry, black
pores and cracks; dry, painful, excoriated.
and often when sitting still a heavy pulsation appeared almost to lift
up the bowels; rumbling after dinner with aching.─Flatulence;
during day; at night, with pain.─Intermittent sticking backward in
hypochondria during the day.─Anguish in l. hypochondrium and l.
loin after dinner with flatulence.─Frequent griping in umbilical
region.─Frequent cutting in umbilical region and small of back in
afternoon, then profuse and sudden leucorrhœa.
18. Chest.─Uneasiness and dull, heavy pain in chest.─Lancinating
pains, < on deep inspiration.─Asthmatic constriction of chest; cannot
expand lungs; followed by mucous expectoration.─Pain in l. pectoral
muscles in forenoon.─Occasional pain top of both mammæ.─Most
acute pain and oppression in chest as if a hot iron had been run in
and a hundredweight put on top of it, instantly > by hartshorn and
water.─Heavy pain over lower half of r. chest, with stabbing on deep
inspiration; cannot cough for the stabbing; < lying l. side, > lying on
affected side.─Dull pain to r. of sternum.─Tenderness over sternum
and in throat.
shoulder-joints, and numbness of hands as if asleep.─Numb pain and
feeling as if ether had been allowed to evaporate.─Aching in r.
fourth and little fingers, then sensation of digging in middle of l.
triceps, acute pain under l. thumb-nail (where virus had entered)
running up arm.─(Sweating palms.)
recalled, with additions, and new plans for the morrow.─Dreams of
murders, suicides, fires, &c.
A remedy for nasal catarrh, with headache, pain at root of nose, dry
and painful eyes. Psoriasis (Ars; Chrysoph ac; Thyroid). Bronchitis
of children over seven years. Facilitates the termination of the cold
and conserves strength and appetite (Cartier).
Head.--Floating sensation on turning head quickly; aching in frontal
region and root of nose, over orbits. Headache; worse pressure and
tobacco smoke.
much pain) and in affections of the eyes and nose, and root of nose.
Some of the Peculiar Symptoms are: Wavering, floating sensation on
turning head. Eyeballs feel stiff feel too large for lids to close over.
Scratching beneath lids on rolling eyeballs. Pain at root of nose.
Feeling as if thyroid body were compressed by thumb and finger.
Feeling of lump in throat; of blow on testicle; as if smoke inhaled
into lungs. Emaciation. Œdema. Pain between scapulæ > bending
forward. There is the restlessness of Arsen.; and the thirst, and also
the chilliness, with the hot head and headache < by heat. The
symptoms are < on pressure. < By motion; jarring; least exertion.
Interscapular pain > bending forward. < On moving is very
prominent throughout the proving; also < during the day. Nasal,
obstruction and chilliness < at night. There is the Arsen. chilliness
and sensitiveness to cold air; but itching is < when heated by
exercise; warm things = burning in stomach; and cold drinks <
nausea. Wind = conjunctivitis. Right side of head; left testicle; and
left leg most affected.
lids over them.─Blood-vessels of balls and lids much congested,
whole orbital region swollen; œdema of orbital region.─Congestion
of conjunctiva from least exposure to cold or wind; conjunctiva dry
and painful.─Eyes smart as from wood smoke; smarting and
lachrymation on going into open air.─Inner surface of lower lids
granulated.─Edges chronically inflamed; morning
agglutination.─Aching through and over brows and orbits, and in
temples on awaking.─Eye symptoms < in morning, > towards
cold water.─Vomits large quantities of sour water, < after
eating.─Stomach feels sore; warm things cause a sensation of
burning, and can be felt entering stomach.─Moderate dinner lies
heavy; feeling of fulness.─Epigastrium tender.─Sinking sensation;
with dull feeling over eyes.─Hæmatemesis.
21. Limbs.─Neuralgic pains occur frequently.─Joints feel stiff;
pains erratic, < in joints and on l. side.─Lower limbs feel heavy;
weary, bruised feelings.─Aching anteriorly down legs, until restless,
uneasy feeling is produced.─Knee-joints crack.─Shaking in tibia
when walking.─Corns appear on bottom of each little toe.
vomiting; during pregnancy; from wearing pessaries. Sudden
hoarseness, < from walking against the wind (Euph., Hep.). Cough
caused by: getting warm in bed; being overheated; during pregnancy
(Con.); bathing, standing in water; living in cold, damp places (Nat.
s.); loose after eating, dry after drinking. Sleep: irresistibly drowsy;
sleepy, muddled, as if intoxicated; coma, lies silent, immovable; eyes
constantly closed (with stetorous breathing, Op.). Rheumatic
affections; from getting feet wet; from exposure to drafts to air while
heated (Acon., Bry.); < in cold, wet weather, or cold wet clothes
(Rhus); of left shoulder (Fer.). Backache, while riding in a carriage.
Fatigue, must lie down after least exertion.
Cracking sensation in head. Sensitive to slightest touch in a draught
of air. Bursting headache; better hard pressure.
Relationship.--Oleum myristicae-Oil of Nutmeg--(as a remedy for
boils, felons, poisonous ulcers, it has been used in the 2x potency);
Ornithogalum (flatulence, swollen feeling across lower chest;
whenever she turns in bed, feels as if a bag of water turned also;
gastric ulcer and cancer). Myristica Sebifera (phlegmonous
inflammations, hastens suppuration; powerful antiseptic. Ulcerative
tendency in all tissues. Said to act more powerfully than Hepar and
number of the symptoms of the Schema. Nux m. is one of the most
profoundly active of psychical remedies in the Materia Medica,
producing states of exaltation resembling hysteria, and the mesmeric
state with exalted senses and consciousness of double personality. A
case reported by Stonham (M. H. R., xl. 494) brings this out. A dark-
haired young man ate two nutmegs one morning. In afternoon was
exhilarated, able to do more than usual, to argue on any subject. At
dinner mouth dry, great thirst, felt he could not drink enough to
quench it. After dinner, head felt strange as if in a dream; but he
joined a small musical party, as he had intended. He seemed to be
two persons, and his real, conscious self seemed to be watching his
other self playing. He could not play well; and had to desist. He
seemed lost, and when spoken to would come to himself with a start.
Hearing for distant sounds much more acute than usual. A woman
who ate several nutmegs with the idea of bringing on abortion had
the hallucination that she had two heads. A. P. Williamson records
(N. Y. Med. Times, October, 1882) one case of a woman who took
grated nutmeg for diarrhœa. After second dose of half nutmeg head
felt queer and dizzy, then head felt large, could not reply to
questions, though eyes were open and seemed to understand. Pupils
dilated, eyes staring, face pale, respiration laboured. Semi-conscious
and had to be shouted at, but relapsed into semi-consciousness. Pulse
at first small or rapid, but during unconscious period, irregular,
fuller, and weak. When consciousness first returned kept hands to
her head "to prevent it falling off"; was obliged to move her head
with her hands, "it being too large and heavy for her body." Her
chest felt as if in a vice. For some days was unable to use words
properly, frequently obliged to stop in middle of a sentence and
change it entirely from not being able to use appropriate words.
Exaltation of the senses and sensibilities runs through the remedy.
One hypersensitive patient to whom I gave a single dose of Nux m.
30, said it seemed to put a coat of cotton wool over her. The senses
of sight and touch are exalted in the same way as hearing. The
mental disturbance may take all the protean forms of hysteria and
even mania. Vanishing of thought. One man had complete loss of
memory of his past life, and did not recover it for a week. The
sensorium is disturbed as much as the mind, and a state of
staggering, helpless drunkenness is induced. Connected with this are
the sleep symptoms of Nux m., which give the leading keynote of the
remedy─Drowsiness. Nux m. is needed for drowsiness more
frequently than Opium itself. When any complaint causes drowsiness
or is accompanied by drowsiness, Nux m. must be considered; and if
in addition there is chilliness and thirstlessness, Nux m. must be
given. For Nux m. is a chilly medicine, < by cold and damp, > by
warmth (with one or two exceptions). Chilliness may be considered
the second keynote. But quite as important is the third─Dryness. The
dryness may be only sensation, or it may be actual as well. Dryness
of the mouth and tongue (usually, but not always, without thirst);
tongue so dry it adheres to the roof of the mouth. Neurotic patients
who always awaken with a very dry mouth and tongue. "The saliva
seems thick, like cotton." (I cured with Nux m. 30 a very bad case of
indigestion with acne in a youth who had this symptom). Eyes dry;
too dry to close the lids. The skin is dry; and Nux m. is suited to
people who readily perspire. Another keynote is tendency to fainting.
This is allied to the drowsiness, sudden loss of memory, and
vanishing of ideas. Persons who easily faint away from sight of
blood; from standing (as to have a dress tried on) and those who have
faintness or fainting during or associated with evacuations; these are
likely to want Nux m. One or more of the above conditions will be
present in the majority of cases needing Nux m.; but there are few
remedies which have more of the striking and peculiar symptoms,
the value of which Hahnemann was the first to perceive, than this
remedy, and when these are present (or the well-marked conditions
of < and >) they will be sufficient indication independently of those
mentioned. Here are some Sensations: As if drunk. Limbs as if
floating in the air. Forehead as if as large again. Forehead as if
pushed out. As if brain struck against side of head. Brain as if loose.
Objects appear much too large. Pain as of a rough body in
Eustachian tube. Pricking as of electric sparks on cheek. As if wind
incarcerated in stomach. As if a piece of bacon were in throat. As if
food had formed itself into lumps in stomach. As if a piece of wood
stretched across small of back were pressing from within out. As if
heart would be squeezed off. As if something grasped heart. As if
heart were beating in a vacuum. As if it were difficult to move
tongue. As if blood were rushing to heart, and then all over body As
if left shoulder contained lead. As if a string were tied round arms.
As of a grasping hand in upper arm. Pains as if bruised, sprained,
wrenched; as if bones smashed. As if electrified. Pressure, throbbing,
drawing, burning, are all common sensations. The sensitiveness of
Nux m. comes out in the soreness of parts lain on. The use of Nutmeg
as a condiment has doubtless its origin in the fact that Nux m. is
specifically related to weak digestion. It is indicated in conditions of
excessive flatulence, and when the smallest excess in eating or
drinking sets up indigestion. The domestic use in menstrual
irregularities has also a specific foundation. "Irregularity" is the chief
note of the remedy here. Much bearing-down pain; blood dark.
Uterine prolapse and displacements have been remedied by it, and
threatened abortion warded off. In pregnancy, labour, the puerperal
state (convulsions, head jerked forward), it has a large sphere. There
is a cough occurring only when warm in bed, or < then. In
constipation with drowsiness, Nux m. is as often indicated as Opium.
Faintness during or after stool is a great indication. Nux m. is also
hæmorrhoidal and hæmorrhagic. Protruding piles. Hæmorrhage of
typhus; fetid flatus. Incontinence of urine. The hæmorrhages of Nux
m. are dark. All kinds of spasms and convulsions are developed in
the provings. Catalepsy. Clairvoyant state: answers questions
accurately quite out of her sphere, and on returning to consciousness
knows nothing about it. Jactitation of muscles, chorea, jerks in inner
parts in muscles; recovers with a start. Paralysis; with spasms and
trembling; of tongue; eyelids; œsophagus. Locomotor ataxy excited
by cold and wet. Puffiness, swellings, dropsy of outer parts. Buzzing
sensation with numbness of hands and feet. The symptoms are < by
touch. Pressure > some symptoms and < others. Lying on parts =
soreness. Riding in carriage = headache; water-brash; backache. Rest
> headache; < bellyache; backache; rheumatism. Raising head from
pillow = deathly sickness. Lying down < head. < On side lain on.
Stitches in spleen = bending double. Motion <. Shaking head <.
Walking <; (> palpitation). Many symptoms appear in the morning.
Drowsy by day. Dry mouth < evening and night. Diarrhœa < night.
Heat >; hot summer < (summer complaint of children); hot weather
= loose feeling in brain. Heat of bed < or = cough. Warmth of room
= hands to feel as if frozen. Warmth > other symptoms. Open air <.
Walking against wind = hoarseness. < Damp, wet weather; cold
weather; getting wet; before a shower; washing. A bath = check of
menstrual flow. < After eating and drinking; after cold drink.
Drinking = dry cough; colic. Drinking beer = strangury. Brandy =
electrifying effect. Milk = diarrhœa. Alcohol <. Eating a little too
much = headache. Nux m. is suited to: Children. Women. Pregnant
women. Persons with cool, dry skin, who do no t easily perspire.
Weakness of old age. Dyspepsia of old people. Constitutions with
stiff, straight hair rather than crisp and curly. Delicate constitutions.
Hydrogenoid constitution. P. P. Wells (Med. Adv., xxi. 84) says that
"in brain affections of infantile life─in the stupor, insensibility, and
unconquerable desire to sleep─whether in idiopathic affections of
the brain or in those occuring during cholera infantum─Nux m. is
one of the most precious remedies in the materia medica." J. C.
White (H. P., xvii. 326) gives a striking instance of Nux m. headache
> by hard pressure in a man convalescing from a severe gunshot-
wound of the head. He wanted the nurse to "bear her whole weight
on it." With the headache was rapid, anxious breathing, as if he could
not get air enough and the "wind would be shut off." Nux m. always
relieved it. The 3x was first given, then a higher potency.
1. Mind.─Weeping mood with burning in eyes and
lachrymation.─Fickleness, with desire sometimes for one thing, at
others for something else.─Great inclination to laugh, to make a jest
of everything, esp. when in open air, sometimes with a stupid look,
as if imbecile.─Incessant flow of facetious ideas.─Everything about
him seemed ludicrous.─Humour grave and gay
alternately.─Mentally excited and exhilarated.─Facility of
arguing.─After dining, head felt strange as if in a dream.─Seemed to
be two persons, his real conscious self seemed to be watching his
other self playing (piano).─Could not play well, struck false notes,
and was obliged to give it up.─Seemed lost when spoken to, and
would come to himself with a start.─Transient loss of memory, but a
perfect consciousness of all that I said or did.─Surroundings seem
changed; fanciful, dreamy images; does not recognise well-known
streets.─Weakness of memory; loss of memory.─Entirely lost
memory of his past life.─Hallucination that she has two
heads.─Sense of impending dissolution; besought me piteously not
to let her die.─Slowness of apprehension, dizziness, difficult
conception.─Want of ideas, as from absence of mind; vanishing of
thoughts in reading, disposition to go to sleep.─Dulness of senses,
thoughtlessness, with slowly returning consciousness.─Dementia
and mental alienation (idiocy).─Mania, with odd speeches and
ridiculous gestures.─Delirium with violent vertigo, improper talk,
loud tone and voice and total sleeplessness.─The least exertion or
mental excitement = somnolence.─Unable to use words properly;
frequently obliged to stop in middle of a sentence and change it
entirely from not being able to use appropriate words.
skull, with sleepiness after a meal; < from cold, > from warmth and
heat.─Sensitiveness of head as from soreness, esp. sensitive to
slightest touch in a draught of air (wind); < in cold and from lying
down, > from hard pressure and from external heat.─Violent,
constricting, burning, stinging pains over r. eye, with red face,
compression of lips and jaws; when attacks are most intense,
unconsciousness, immobility of l. leg; face swelled; speech lost;
continually moving his hand to painful place; head convulsively
drawn from one side to the other, distorts his face.─Headache and
drowsiness with great debility and pain in pericardium; salt taste and
indigestion (A. E. Small).─Head feels full, expanded; as if it would
burst.─Headache from inward heat, with burning.─Head seemed
bulky and rolled around uncontrollably had to support (or move) it
with both hands.─Head tends to fall to l. moves convulsively from
side to side; from before backward.─Complaints < by shaking head;
by raising head from pillow.─Painful sensitiveness of temple to
touch.─Pressive and pulsative headache, esp. above l. eye.─Painless
pulsation in head with fear to go to sleep.─Sensation as if all vessels
pulsating, esp. on head, a throbbing, pressing pain confined to small
spots, chiefly to l. supraorbital ridge.─Severe tearing in (l.) occiput
towards nape of neck.─The headache is generally felt after a meal,
and more particularly after breakfast or after overloading the
stomach (in the slightest degree).
5. Nose.─Sneezing; early in morning.─Over-sensitiveness to smell;
loss of smell.─Catarrh < in cold, damp weather.─Nose-bleed, blood
usually dark, black.─Obstruction of nose, sometimes semi-lateral
(esp. l.).
10. Appetite.─Taste in mouth, as after eating much salt.─Clammy
(pappy) taste, or taste of chalk in mouth.─Hunger and immoderate
appetite (thirst diminished), esp. towards noon.─Thirst, excessive,
cannot drink enough.─Diminution of appetite and prompt
satiety.─Absence of thirst.─Dejection and uneasiness after a
meal.─Weak digestion and stomach (esp. in the aged).─< After
eating and drinking.
faintness (agg., R. T. C.).─Summer complaint─summer
diarrhœa.─Diarrhœa, with want of appetite and drowsiness (in
summer) in children.─Mucous diarrhœa, as from worms.
19. Heart and Pulse.─Palpitation of heart, sometimes with attacks
of fainting (followed by sleep).─Quivering of heart.─Trembling,
fluttering of heart, as from fright, fear, or sadness.─Paroxysms of
palpitation after midnight as if heart were stopping and then beating
violently, with loud belching, > drinking hot water and keeping
warm; must walk about.─Oppression of heart extends to
throat.─Feeling of rush of blood to heart, and thence to head and all
over body.─Hysteria cordis.─Heart felt as if beating in a
vacuum.─Feels as if her head would burst and her heart would be
squeezed off.─Sensation as if something grasped heart.─Pulse small,
slow, and weak.─Pulse accelerated.
(obs., R. T. C.).─Loss of sensation in different parts.─Apprehensive
of paralysis (cured).─Creeping sensations down the limbs.─Fainting
fits.─Hysterical paroxysms.─Convulsions (of
children).─Convulsions: epileptic, with consciousness; children,
with diarrhœa; catalepsy.─Anæmia.─Marasmus of
children.─Sensation of dryness in inner parts; buzzing, humming, or
"funny feeling" in body; dryness of skin.─< In the open air; in cold
air, in cold and wet weather; when the weather changes, whether
from dry and pleasant to wet, or vice versâ, until it becomes settled;
in wet weather; in windy weather; lying on painful side.─> In the
room; air being warm; in dry weather.─Coldness and fainting with
pains; esp. headache.─Faints easily, from sight of blood, from
standing (trying on dress).─Excessively painful sensitiveness of
whole body; even on lying on a soft couch, every part which is
undermost soon becomes painful.─Great agitation of muscular
system.─Lassitude and necessity to lie down after the slightest
fatigue.─Apoplexy.─Great lassitude, esp. in loins and knees, as after
a long journey, with inclination to sleep.
fever with sleepiness and dryness of mouth and throat with
thirstlessness.─Double tertian fever, with inclination to sleep, tongue
white, rattling in throat, sanguineous expectoration, and moderate
thirst, during heat.─Malignant fever, with putrid or colliquative
diarrhœa.─Perspiration scanty, but at times red like blood.─Bloody
sweat; hysterical.
Chest.--Oppression as from a weight; asthmatic when lying down.
Palpitation, with weakness and empty feeling in chest. Dyspnœa.
Obtuse stitches in chest.
antiquity. In the Cape de Verde Islands the petals of Olean. blossoms
are used with dried orange-peel in all kinds of fevers to promote
perspiration and drive out the rash. In animals poisoned by it, the
heart becomes paralysed, first the auricles, then the entire heart.
Goullon (H. R., xii. 402) refers to poisoning cases in which "anguish,
inflammation of the stomach, diarrhœa, swoons," and even death had
occurred. "Palpitation of the heart, anxiety, insomnia, and
unconsciousness," were observed by Petrus de Alvano, and
Morgagni noted "vomiting, thirst, slumbering, speechlessness, and
death." Goullon also quotes instances of suffering from exhalations
of the flowers, and even from the plants when not in flower. A young
man, 18, fell sick, had attacks of vertigo, suffered from great
weakness of the muscles, headache > in evening, < every morning
after waking, which was a difficult process. In addition: pale face;
white-coated tongue; slow pulse. On leaving for change of air he
soon got quite well; but ill again as soon as he returned. Some
oleanders in his bedroom were then suspected by his doctor, and on
their removal all the trouble vanished. The doctor then recalled that
when a student he had some oleanders before his windows, and in
autumn, when the nights were cold, be took them into his bedroom,
with this result: On waking in the morning heavy head and sensation
of weariness, could only leave his bed by great exertion. As soon as
he put his foot to the ground was seized with vertigo and reeled.
Having traced this to the oleanders, he purposely repeated the
experiment, and always with the same result. Hahnemann says of
Olean.: "It will be found to be, if not a complete remedy, yet an
indispensable intermediate remedy in some kinds of mental
derangements, e.g., absence of mind, and in certain kinds of painless
paralysis, in eruptions on the head, and in some external head
affections." Experience has confirmed the truth of these remarks, and
more especially of the latter part of them. Olean. is in the front rank
of remedies affecting the scalp, more particularly the back part of the
scalp or commencing there. "Desquamation of the epidermis of the
scalp;" "violent gnawing itching on the scalp, as from lice; after
scratching, a smarting as if scratched raw" are symptoms which have
been repeatedly verified by cures, and I have confirmed Cooper's
experience in one very bad case, in a schoolboy, that a single dose of
the Ø may give the best possible result in such cases. The condition
was: Head very sore and irritable; covered with crusts; sore to touch.
Glands in neck swollen and sore to touch. Olean. Ø two drops in a
powder at bedtime on November 14th. On November 27th an
aggravation was reported, and the eruption had spread from the head
to the back. From this time rapid improvement set in.─The skin
generally of Olean. is very sensitive and easily chafed and chapped,
and this occurring concomitantly with other Olean. conditions (for
example, gastro-enteritis), forms a strong indication. The paralytic
symptoms of Olean. are in constant evidence. Involuntary evacuation
of fæces and urine. The digestion is paralysed, and the food passes
completely undigested. Infants soil their diapers every time they pass
flatus. Momentary loss of sight. Peculiar sensations, suggestive of
paralysis, are: Buzzing and humming sensations in the body. Numb
or painless paralysed feeling as if inner parts were distended.
Pulsations in outer parts. Gnawing itching; biting or pungent pain
after scratching. Numbness of skin, or itching numbness. Olean.
corresponds to "trembling after nursing" in nursing women; to weak
memory and slow perception; to functional paralysis. The headaches
are mostly pressive and stupefying. Pressure as if a hundredweight
were pressing brain forward, and as if everything would come out at
forehead. A curious feature in connection with some of the
headaches is that they are > by looking cross-eyed; or by looking
sideways. This is a clinical observation well verified. There is also
cloudiness of vision, < by looking sideways. Eyes distorted. Olean.
should cure some cases of strabismus. The left side is most affected;
violent contraction of muscles, < left side. Numbness of upper and
lower extremities has been frequently confirmed. A case of
poisoning is recorded (H. W., xxxiii. 9, from Amer. Hom.) in which a
boy of four put a broken Oleander leaf into his mouth, but quickly
spat it out. In a few minutes the tongue became red and raw where
the leaf had touched it. The patch, one inch by one half inch,
involving the side and part of dorsum of tongue, appeared denuded,
and this appearance remained a year later. Ten months after the
occurrence, general roughness of the skin had developed, with a
papulo-pustular eruption on ankles and calves. The symptoms are <
(after first >) by scratching; by rubbing. < In open air; by draught of
air. Getting out of bed > toothache. There is thirst for cold water.
Motion > stiffness of thighs. Mastication < toothache and headache.
Looking down < (vertigo, &c.). Looking sideways < dim vision; >
headache. Squinting > headache. Rising up < headache; vertigo.
Stooping pain over heart.
of cold things; stool yellow, with stool great pain, burning, < after
midnight, great thirst), Arg. n. (bowels act as soon as patient drinks),
Chi. (watery stool containing undigested food; very debilitating;
stools may escape involuntarily after a meal; caused or < by eating
fruits), Apis, Pho., and Pho. ac. (wide-open anus). In crusta lactea,
Mez., Sul., Viol. t., Vinca min., Melitag. Gone feeling, Sep. (Olean.
has with it sense of distension in abdomen, chest feels empty and
scabs on head (< on back of head), with itching, esp. at night, and
burning after scratching.─Desquamation of scalp.
pressing on œsophagus (r. side); cervical muscles also painful to
external pressure.
10. Appetite.─All food has a mawkish (flat) and insipid taste (in
evening).─Clammy taste in mouth.─Bulimy, with tremor of hands,
from eager craving for food, often with absence of appetite.─Violent
empty eructations, while eating.─Thirst, esp. for cold
water.─Dizziness while eating greedily at noon.─Empty goneness
after eating, > by brandy.
17. Respiratory Organs.─Short, shaking cough, provoked by a
tickling in pharynx.─Violent shaking cough from tickling in
larynx.─Accumulation of viscid mucus in trachea.
which scarcely permits walking.─Sensation as if inner parts were
distended; pulsations in outer parts.─Fainting as from weakness, >
by perspiration.─Buzzing or humming in body.─Sensation of
vibration and resonance in whole body.─Tension in whole
body.─Paralytic rigidity of limbs and painless paralysis.─(One of the
best remedies for paralysis.─H. N. G.).─Want of animal heat in
limbs.─Syncope, as from weakness, sometimes with loss of
consciousness, which disappears after perspiring.─Weakness and
general lassitude, with trembling of knees when lying down, and of
hands when writing.─Languor, as if life were about to
terminate.─Inclination to stretch the limbs.─Torpor and insensibility
of whole body.─Symptoms generally on l. side; l. ear; affections of
Dose.--Third potency
himself and two young women; and the symptoms of the proving
showed a distinct relation to the sexual organs, which clinical
experience has verified and expanded. All kinds of sexual
excitement, in females especially, have been remedied by Orig. The
sexual symptoms were developed chiefly in the female provers, and
were these: Sadness followed by joyfulness and thoughts of
marriage. Lascivious dreams. Increased desire for coitus. Swelling
and itching of nipples and pains in breasts. The additional symptoms
in the Schema are cured symptoms collected by Hering. I have
frequently verified the power of Orig. in morbid sexual excitement in
both sexes. Other curious symptoms were: "Impulse to run." "Heat of
head; as the heat increased the head was involuntarily turned from
side to side." Symptoms were < evening on lying down (vertigo);
and < at night (excessive thirst).
14. Urinary Organs.─Frequent desire to micturate, waking him
from sleep as many as four times in one night.
right ovary, the uterine prolapse and retroversion, the subacute pelvic
peritonitis and concomitant symptoms being secondary (F. Aguilar,
M. D).
Relationship.--Complementary; Plat.
get was by inducing her sister to sit on that region. This > by
pressure distinguishes the pain of Pallad. from the similar ovarian
pain of Plat. Lippe was the first to turn the provings to account, and
the mental symptoms provided his best guides. The chief
characteristic of Pallad. in the mental sphere is "Love of
approbation," which lays its victim an easy prey to slights real or
imaginary, and easily gives place to a state of "wounded pride and
fancied neglect"; irritability which often finds vent in violent
expressions. Such a patient is > in society, and < after the party or
entertainment. This state of mind (which differs from the hauteur of
Plat.), when found associated with uterine and ovarian disorders,
will surely indicate Pallad. There is much uterine bearing down, and
even prolapse. Many head symptoms were noted, and this has been
confirmed: "Headache across top of head from one ear to the other."
According to Hering the pains of Pallad. are fleeting and transient
and hard to describe. Peculiar symptoms are: As if he had grown
taller. As if something horrible would happen. As if she were going
crazy. As if she could not touch anything. As if head were swung
from behind forward. As if brain were being shaken. As if a weight
were lying on brain, and were pushed from occiput to forehead.
Pressure on head as from finger-tips. As if something hanging in
throat near hyoid bone, or a crumb had lodged there. Crawling in
abdomen. As if intestines strangulated. As if air-bubbles pressed
forcibly through intestines and passed upward. As if an animal were
snapping and biting off small portions inside abdomen. As if testicles
were bruised. As if parts of groins would tear. As if viscera had gone
from flanks. As if bladder was filled. As if uterus would prolapse. As
if neck becoming stiff. As if hand shattered. As if heads of femurs
were forced out of their sockets and expanded. The symptoms are: >
By touch (headache). > By pressure (pains in kidney and ovary). >
By rubbing (pain in ovary; burning spot on right cheek bone).
Warmth > sciatica; colic (hot cloths). Undressing = itching all over
body. Cold < sciatica. Open air > stitches in chest; lameness in arm.
Rest >. Motion <. Lying on left side > abdominal symptoms.
Walking > stitches in chest. Every step = pain in groin. Keeping
thigh flexed > pain in groin. < After exertion. < After social
excitement, concerts, &c. > After sleep. Expiration = pushing
forward of weight in head. Cutting pains in uterus are > after stool.
Coughing and sneezing < pain in abdomen. Menses come on at full
moon (two weeks late, being due at new moon).
(natural allies). Right ovary, Ap., Graph., Pod., Plat. Left ovary, Arg.
met. (feeling as if left ovary growing enormously large), Lach.
(Lach. < pressure), Lil. t., Act. r., Sul. Tired backache, Helon.
Hysteria, introverted state of mind, Tarent. Crumb in throat, Hep.
Pain in spleen, Cean. (Pallad. at menses).
6. Face.─Itching pimples in the face, on the nose, behind the ears;
back of r. and l. zygoma; in whiskers.─Growth of whiskers more
slow.─Soreness and painfulness of the r. corner of mouth.─Pain in r.
and l. lower jaw.
13. Stool and Anus.─Frequent soft stool.─Diarrhœa with very little
pain, night and day; cured by Chi.─Stool in afternoon or evening
instead of morning.─Dull stitches felt at approach of a stool; dull
aching twitches l. side of rectum; morning.─Dull pains in rectum, as
from too long retained stool, but without urging, at noon.─Knife-like
pains in uterus are > after stool.─Constipation; stools hard,
frequently whitish (like chalk).
18. Chest.─Stitches in r. side of chest, through to the back; < from
taking a long breath, > when walking in the open air.─Stitches in r.
breast near nipple, running in deep; < deep inspiration.
Respiratory.--Stuffed condition and fullness at root of nose.
Periodical, painless hoarseness. Cough as from vapor of sulphur in
trachea. Constant hawking, on account of viscid, green mucus in
larynx and trachea.
Antidote: Coff.
Dose.--Third potency.
made by Hahnemann, Stapf, and others, bring out a very marked and
characteristic action on the eyes, and develop some of the keynote
symptoms of the drug. One of these is a sensation of expansion and
consequent tension. The head feels as if distended and the scalp too
tight. The eyes feel as if much too large for their sockets; as if they
were projecting and were being drawn tightly backward by a string
to the middle of the brain. Paris is one of the drugs which are
credited with producing garrulity, vivacity with love of prattling, like
tea. A case of loquacious insanity cured with Paris 3 was recorded
by B. Nath Banerjee (Calc. J. of Med., xii. 60). It brings out many of
the leading symptoms of Paris, which I have put in italics. Mrs. B.,
45, suddenly became loquacious and insane. After a month of
Kavirajee treatment without benefit she came under Banerjee's care,
October 3, 1893. A year before, the last of her five children, a
grownup son, died, and she could not be consoled, and gradually
became morose and dull. She ceased to menstruate in February,
1893, but had no uterine troubles or any other illness previous to the
present. The symptoms were: Loquacity, but not continuous. Every
three or four days, if interfered with, maniacal attacks lasting about
half an hour. At times foolish behaviour. With difficulty Banerjee
obtained the following symptoms from the patient: Vertigo, and
whenever she thinks of her lost son, severe headache, the vertex
being sensitive to touch. When telling these symptoms, suddenly her
looks became wandering, and her eyes appeared as if protruding
from their sockets. She could not relish her food because everything,
especially fish, smell putrid. Whole body painful, especially when
touched. She complained of a ball lodging in the throat and giving
her trouble, with burning. Acidity and badly smelling diarrhœa. A
peculiar feeling of coldness of right side of the body while the left
side was hot. All symptoms < in evening and on motion. Ign. 30, and
later 200, was given without any effect. Paris acted promptly, and on
the third day the patient assured the doctor that she was quite well.
The remedy was not repeated and the cure held good. Paris is in
general a left-side remedy, but it has coldness of the right side, whilst
the left side is natural or hot. I cured with Paris "numb feeling of left
side of head." Numbness affects the upper limbs. The left arm is
paralysed, feels stiff, and fingers contracted. "Numbness and
prickling in left hand" was removed in a case of spinal affection.
"Fingers often feel as if asleep; objects seem rough to touch." This
disorder of the sense of touch is a marked symptom. And at the same
time there is great sensitiveness of the surface. The characteristic
mucous secretions are green and tenacious. The diarrhœic stools
smell like putrid meat. There is great sensitiveness to offensive
odours; also imaginary bad smells: milk and bread smell like putrid
meat. The eyes give out a fetid, ulcer-like smell. Paris has "hunger
soon after a meal," which is the same thing as the "sinking of the
antipsorics, and of the Hellebores, Veratrums, &c. Peculiar
sensations are: As if scalp were contracted and bones scraped sore.
As if a thread were drawn tightly through eye to middle of head. As
if head were puffed up, and temples and eyes were pressed out; as if
distended the size of a bucket and the walls were too thin. Eyes as if
too large; projecting; as if pulled into head by a thread drawn
through eyeball; as if he could not open eyes. Ear as if forced apart
by a wedge; as if pressed out or torn out; as if a burning heat was
rushing out of ears. As though face were drawn to root of nose then
back towards occiput as if by a string. Tongue feels too large. Ball in
throat. Throat constricted. Stone in stomach. As if internal parts
contracted. Heavy load on nape. Fingers as if asleep; dead. All joints
as if broken, swelled or dislocated at every motion. Hot stitches in
left malar bones. Acidity, sour saliva. The symptoms are < by touch.
The scalp is very sensitive to touch. Pressure on a sore spot on head
= cries. Pressure with the hand > pressive pain in head. Motion < rest
>. Sitting = stitches in coccyx; burning in orifice of urethra vertigo. <
From mental exertion; thinking. All symptoms < evening. Tenacious
expectoration < morning. Dull pain in neck > in open air. Smoking
tobacco = headache. < After eating (hiccough). > By eructations.
Causation.─Injury. Suppressions.
2. Head.─Bewildered, confused head.─Vertigo on reading aloud,
with difficulty of speech and sight.─Sensitiveness of vertex to
contact.─Pains in head are < by meditation.─Pressive pain in the
head, which disappears when the hand is pressed upon it.─Sensation
of swelling in head, with pressure, as if contents of cranium were
forcing themselves through temples and eyes.─Head feels like a
bushel, and walls too thin.─Sticking pain in middle of head and in
temples; afterwards heavy pressure on forehead, esp. on
stooping.─Benumbing stitches in l. side of forehead.─(Numb feeling
l. side of head.).─A very sore, painful spot, only when touched, in l.
parietal bone.─Tension in brain and integuments of
forehead.─Shootings and lancinations in head.─Pulsative, bubbling
headache on waking at night, with great agitation.─Pulsative
headache, with a wavering sensation on going up stairs.─Headache
after having smoked.─Pain as of excoriation on the exterior of vertex
when touched.─Painful sensitiveness and falling off of hair.─Severe
pains in occiput, from mental exertion, after a blow.─Headache of
Spinal origin rising from nape and producing a feeling as if head
unusually large.─(Acute congestion to brain.).─Tension of scalp on
forehead and occiput.─Brain, eyes, and skin feel tense, and the bones
scraped sore; < from motion, excitement, or using eyes; < in
evening.─Scalp sensitive to touch; sore pain in small spots on
forehead.─Pain in scalp when touched as if the hair were
painful.─Scabs on the head.
5. Nose.─A sensation of obstruction in upper part of nose, with a
discharge of blood when it is blown.─Bread and milk have a putrid
smell.─Great sensitiveness to offensive odours; imaginary foul
smells.─Obstruction of the nose in the morning, with discharge of
thick and sanguineous mucus when it is blown.─Dry alternately with
fluent coryza.─Discharge of liquid mucus from nose and eyes, which
excites a panting respiration.─Red or greenish mucus blown from
abdomen.─Incisive drawing and boring in one side of abdomen, at
night, while lying upon it.
shoulders, paralysing arm and depriving of power of mental or
bodily exertion.─Pains in the back and nape of the neck on stooping,
as if a load were pressing upon them.─Shootings and lancinations in
back, also in and between the shoulder-blades, and pulsating stitch in
the os coccygis when sitting.
part of body.─Itching sweat in the morning, which compels
scratching.─Coldness on one side of the body only (r.), with heat on
the other side of the body (l.).
burning, as from a coal of fire or a red-hot iron: dryness; difficult to
swallow with trembling of the hands; sensation of a lump in the
throat with continuous desire to swallow; tonsils, uvula and back part
of throat covered with ash-colored membrane; cannot drink hot
fluids (Lach.). Carotid and submaxillary glands indurated after
diphtheria, scarlet fever. Mammae full of hard, painful nodosities.
Breast; shows an early tendency to cake; is full, stony, hard and
painful, especially when suppuration is inevitable; when child
nurses pain goes from nipple to all over body (goes to back, Crot. t.;
to uterus, Puls., Sil.). Mammary abscess; fistulae, gaping, angry
ulcers; pus sanious, ichorous, fetid; unhealthy. Tumefied breast
neither heals nor suppurates, is of a purple hue and "hard as old
cheese" (Bry., Lac c., Phel.). Nipples, sensitive, sore, fissured
(Graph.); < intensely by nursing, pain radiates over whole body.
Hastens suppuration (Hep., Lach., Mer., Sil.).
Eyes.--Smarting. Feeling of sand under lids. Tarsal edges feel hot.
Fistula lachrymalis (Fluor ac). Abundant lachrymation, hot.
Heart.--Feeling as if heart leaped into throat (Pod). Shock of pain in
cardiac region alternating with pain in right arm.
Inimical: Mercur.
been reported. Vomiting, diarrhœa, frontal headache, sore throat, are
the most common symptoms observed. One boy who drank two or
three drachms of a tincture of the root had none of these symptoms,
but developed complete tetanus: Extremities stiff; hands firmly shut;
feet extended; toes flexed; lower lids drawn down; teeth clenched;
lips everted and firm, general opisthotonos. Respiration difficult,
râles heard all over the room. For an hour muscular rigidity increased
generally, with convulsive action of muscles of face and neck; chin
drawn close on sternum. This condition would last five or ten
minutes, to be succeeded by perfect relaxation, and return in twenty
minutes more with the same violence. After cold-water affusion,
cupping, and sinapisms, the boy slept about twenty-five minutes. On
awaking some twitchings, especially of lower limbs; pain in back of
head and stomach. Next day he was quite recovered. A boy, 8, who
ate a quantity of berries, was found in great agony, complaining that
his stomach was "pinched together." He had nausea, violent
vomiting; throat sore and dry; fauces dark red, tonsils swollen. After
vomiting ceased, purging set in; stools dark brown and thin; severe
pain in stomach on pressure, extorting cries. Later he had burning
griping in umbilical region; dim vision; tongue coated white;
spasmodic jerkings in arms and legs. In a woman, 45, who took Phyt.
as a "blood purifier," a general rash, in appearance not unlike the
rash of secondary syphilis, was set up. In a family of four poisoned
by eating the root in mistake with their food, these symptoms were
observed: Dread of movement; seems stupid; falls asleep after a
paroxysm of cramping pain has ceased; pain in forehead < after
eating; vomiting of clotted blood and slime; copious discharge of
blood and mucus which looked like scrapings of intestines;
involuntary stools from straining, which occurred even in sleep. In
the mother of the family, seven months pregnant, it very nearly
produced miscarriage; the uterus could be felt contracting under the
hand; involuntary straining and hæmorrhage from the vagina; intense
griping pain in small of back and cramps in legs coming and going
suddenly, coldness and withered appearance of extremities, whole
body cold. In all the above cases the spasmodic action of the drug is
evident in some form. From inhaling the dust of the powdered dried
root, or the odour given off on slicing the fresh root, intense irritation
of eyes, nose, and throat, and severe headache and diarrhœa have
occurred. Given to animals, Phyt. has caused convulsive symptoms,
vomiting, and vomiting of worms. Wild pigeons and other birds
which eat the berries acquire a highly red colour and lose their fat.
This last observation has led to the use of a tincture of Phyt. berries
as an anti-fat, and many successful results have been reported. This
observation may be taken as the key to one of the great spheres of
the action of this remedy─the absorption of tissues, especially new
growths. There are few remedies which have a wider range in the
cure of tumours and indurations, particularly of the female breast.
Hale tells us that among dairymen in America the root is used to
regulate any abnormality in the milk of cows─scanty; thick; watery;
curdy; containing blood or pus. But its chief repute is in caked
udders. In breast induration and abscesses of nursing women, and
even in cancers (internally and sometimes externally as well), its
action has been well confirmed. But it must not be supposed that this
action is purely physiological, as is the absorption of fat in birds. A
patient of mine, about forty-five, took Phyt. 30 for sore throat. After
a few-doses she was compelled to desist because of its effects on her
breasts; both became full and uncomfortable, and in the left one
appeared a large lump in its upper segment, which lasted five days,
and was only got rid of by dint of vigorous rubbing with
camphorated oil. A case of cancer of the rectum has been cured with
Phytolaccin 3x. In the uterus and the prostate gland (the male uterus)
specific symptoms were evoked in the poisonings and provings.
Muscles, joints, bones, brain, and spinal cord, as well as the special
senses, were all more or less disordered. The intense action of the
drug on the throat has led to its being used as a routine remedy in
diphtheria. It is not a specific; but it has some very characteristic
symptoms which will indicate it when present. Among these are:
Great pain at root of tongue when swallowing; pains shooting from
throat into ears on swallowing; hot feeling as if a red-hot ball in
throat; burning < by hot drinks; dark redness of fauces. Eclectics (H.
R., xi. 429) give the expressed juice of the berries in "spasmodic or
membranous croup, or diphtheria." There is one form of sore throat
in which I have found it of the greatest service-the so-called
"diphtheritic sore throat." Dark red, swollen mucous membrane and
tonsils, pain on swallowing, eruption of herpetic, whitish, or grey
spots on fauces, swelling and tenderness of the glands externally at
the angle of the jaw. With these symptoms there are generally
headache, backache, wandering rheumatic pains and fever. I have
cleared up numberless cases of this kind with Phyt. 30. Not
infrequently epidemic influenza has taken this form, and then Phyt.
has been my most successful remedy. (Nash has relieved chronic
follicular pharyngitis in public speakers when there has been much
burning, as if a hot substance in throat.) One of the provers had
"swollen and tender gland right side of neck"; and swollen and
tender glands in many other localities have been remedied with Phyt.
The headaches of Phyt. are chiefly frontal, pressive, involving eyes,
< right side. One headache is peculiar, being associated with
increased sense of hearing. The irritation of the mucous membrane
of the throat extends to nose, ears, and eyes, producing characteristic
symptoms in each. The discharges are tough, stringy, difficult to
detach, and may take the form of clinkers. Offensiveness and acridity
are also common features. The nervous irritability of Phyt. has led to
its successful use in disorders of dentition, a keynote symptom
being: Irresistible inclination to bite the teeth or gums together. The
pains of Phyt. come and go suddenly; move about, radiate from a
centre, or change place. Pain in sore nipples of nursing women
radiate all over the body when the child is put to the breast. When
pain in intestines disappears pain in extremities comes on. Pain
leaves heart and appears in right arm (this association is unusual, and
therefore important). Pains in head and chest go from before
backward. Pains run down spine from nape; from sacrum down outer
aspect of thighs to toes. The outer aspects of the limbs are chiefly
affected. The shreddy discharge of Phyt. mark it as a remedy in
certain forms of intestinal catarrh and dysmenorrhœa. It is
hæmorrhagic and hæmorrhoidal, acting strongly on rectum and anus,
curing tenesmus, bloody discharges and heat. One characteristic pain
(noted in a case of constipation) is: Shooting pain from anus to lower
part of rectum, along perinæum to middle of penis. "Gurgling in the
prostate gland, repeatedly in the afternoon," was noted by one
prover, and pains in spermatic cords. Entire suspension of sexual
appetite with relaxation of the genitals was caused. Stiffness is a
characteristic effect of Phyt., noted in the tetanus case, and in others
in less degree. Stiff neck, especially right side. The prostration is so
rapid and profound that it has led to the successful use of Phyt. in
diphtheritic paralysis. Faint and dizzy when standing. Soreness of all
the muscles. Restlessness, but he fears to move because motion < the
pains. The rheumatic swellings are hard, tender, and intensely hot.
Phyt. is suited to rheumatic or syphilitic subjects who are sensitive to
damp weather. Peculiar sensations are: Brain as if bruised. Right
side of head as if pressed firmly. As if sand in eyes. As if eyes too
large. As if lids granulated. As if tarsal edges raw. As if lids on fire.
Nostril as if tickled with a stiff feather. Nose and eyes as if a cold
would come on. Tongue as if scalded. As if a ball of red-hot iron in
throat. As if lump in throat. As if apple core in throat. Throat so full
it felt choked. Pharynx feels like a cavern; chest as if it were a big
empty cask. Body as if bruised; pounded all over. As if joint were
being chopped with an axe. The right side is most affected, and many
symptoms were experienced in the liver; there were also some severe
ones in the spleen. The liver-pains were < lying on right (painful)
side. The spleen pain was > lying on left (painful) side. Nash has
removed many breast tumours by giving a single dose of Phyt. cm
during the wane of the moon. The symptoms are < by touch (liver,
&c). There is great general sensitiveness. Pressure < pain in joints
and ulcers. Pressure with hand > pain in breasts. Pressure on trachea
facilitates expectoration. Rubbing > pain in hip. Riding < nose and
breathing. < Stepping down high step. Rising from bed = faint
feeling. Sitting up = sick and giddy. Standing = faint and dizzy.
Gaslight < eyes. Swallowing <. After breakfast head and throat >,
gastric symptoms <. Vomiting < headache, > nausea. Hunger soon
after eating. (This is like the deadly sinking so often met with in the
cancerous diathesis.) < At menstrual periods. Must lie down. < Lying
right side. > Lying left side. > Lying on stomach. < Standing and <
motion. < Walking. < Raising arm. < Night. < Morning; 3, 4, or 5
a.m.; on waking. < Damp weather; washing; hot drinks. < Exposure
to air; open air (but it > eyes). The external use of Phyt. has been
attended with good results in cases of ulceration, and I have found a
gargle of a few drops of the Ø to a tumbler of water useful in many
throat cases. A preparation of the leaves has been used successfully
by Hurndall (H. W., xxxi. 217) as an external application for
carcinomatous growths in dogs; and an ointment prepared with a
strong tincture of the leaves as well as the juice of the leaves have
been used for malignant ulcers in human beings.
of delicacy, Hyo. Bruised, sore feeling, Arn. Hale says K. iod. is the
nearest analogue (rheumatism, syphilis, wasting); Merc. and its
antidotes are also closely related.
large.─Circum-orbital pains in syphilitic
ophthalmia.─Panophthalmitis.─Aching along lower half r.
orbit.─Orbital cellulitis.─Lids feel granulated; tarsal edges feel
scalded, hot, raw.─Burning and smarting sensation (feeling of sand)
in eyes and lids, with profuse lachrymation and coryza, which is > in
the open air.─Smarting in inner canthi (< l.), < by gaslight in
evening.─Lids agglutinated and swollen, as if poisoned.─Reddish-
blue swelling of lids (< l.), < morning; cannot close eyes without
pain all forenoon, > afternoon.─Fistula lachrymalis.─Lids feel on
fire.─Lupus, epithelioma, &c., of lids.─Pupils: contracted (tetanus);
much dilated.─Photophobia.─Motion of one eye independent of that
of the other.─Double vision; with giddiness and headache.─Objects
convulsive action of muscles of face and neck; lips everted and firm
(tetanus).─Eruption on upper lip.─Ulcers (cancerous) on lips.
ingesta, worms; of clotted blood and slime, with retching, intense
pain, and desire for death to relieve.─Vomits undigested
food.─Frequent vomiting; prostration, fainting, even convulsions,
followed by gripes, cramps, vomiting of dark bilious substance.─In
great agony; said his stomach was pinched together.─Bruised and
sore feeling at pit of stomach.─Heat in stomach.─Cutting in pit of
stomach, tender to touch.─Pains in cardiac portion of stomach, < full
respiration and by walking.─Pain in region of pylorus.
14. Urinary Organs.─Weakness, dull pain, and soreness in region
of kidneys, < r., connected with heat; uneasiness down ureters;
chalk-like sediment in urine.─Albuminuria; after scarlatina or
diphtheria; chills at night without special fever, accompanied by a
form of insanity.─Pain in bladder before and during
urination.─Slight suppression of urine, with pains in loins.─Violent,
painful urging to pass urine.─Copious nocturnal urination.─Thick,
chalk-like sediment.─The dark-red urine leaves a mahogany stain in
the chamber.─Urine: acid and albuminous; excessive or scanty;
stains clothes yellow.
down to knees and ankles, then up to sacrum, jerks here and there,
after confinement.
19. Heart.─In night awoke with lameness near cardiac region, with
much nervous restlessness, < motion, esp. < expiration; kept him
awake long time.─Constrictive feeling in præcordia with pressure in
temples.─Great pain in præcordia, much < walking.─Occasional
shocks of pain in heart region, as soon as this ceases similar pain
appears in r. arm.─Heart-beats distinctly felt.─Fatty degeneration;
lassitude and indisposition to move.─Pulse: small, irregular, with
great excitement in chest, esp. in cardiac region; full but soft;
intermittent; weak.
reached spine and was a pricking stitching.─Severe pain behind
scapulæ when walking.─Intense griping in small of back.─Pain
running down spine from nape.─Pain in loins with suppression of
urine.─Constant, dull, heavy pain in lumbar and sacral
regions.─Pains shooting from sacrum down both hips to feet.
muscles.─Pains and numbness followed by itching and
burning.─Pains came suddenly in full force and so continued till they
ceased; followed by drowsiness, stupor, or sleep.─Bones and glands
inflamed and swollen.
Relations. - Compare: Arg. n., Gels., Kali p., Phos ac., Phos., Petr.,
Modalities.--Worse, least exertion, especially mental, after sleep,
wet weather. A summer or hot weather remedy; patient is worse
then. Better, from cold air, cold water, tight pressure.
Dose.--Sixth potency.
themselves; no anxiety, profound calm. Vivid colouration of
sclerotics and integuments; urine coloured blood-red. These were
effects of 0.5 grm. doses. Slow poisoning set up an intermittent fever
of quotidian type, and "anorexia, thirst, often sweat, cancerous tint
about skin, tendency to cachexia." These observations give the chief
features of the drug's action: Fatigue, mental and bodily; symptoms <
by least exertion fatigue going into actual paralysis; brain fatigue,
nerve fatigue at the same time absence of anxiety─indifference. Like
so many other yellow substances, Pic. ac. acts powerfully on the
liver, and produces jaundice, cachexia, and cancerous tints. "Tired-
out, washed-out feeling─must give in," is the chief keynote of Pic.
ac. and its salts. Nash cured promptly with Pic. ac. 6 trit. an old man
who had been failing for a year, and complained of heaviness in the
occiput, inability to exert the mind, talk, or think, and general
"played-out" feeling. Nash had feared brain softening. Halbert
(Clinique, September, 1898) reports a case illustrating the power of
Pic. ac. over the effects of fatigue in professional neuroses. A
stenographer and typewriter after using her right index finger
continuously for six years, noticed weakness of her thumb and index,
and inability to hold pen or pencil. Next there was difficulty in
striking correctly the keys of the typewriter and some wrist-drop.
The finger when Halbert first saw her was quite rigid and straight,
showing extreme spasticity. Massage, electricity, &c., had failed to
give any relief. Pic. ac. 3x six times daily cured the case and made
great improvement in the patient's general health. Evans has found it
Curative in girls and young women who, under the strain of many
studies, show signs of breaking down─lose appetite─sleep lightly
and lie awake (Pic. ac. 30 caused a patient of mine, previously a
good sleeper, to lie awake a long time at nights.─J. H. C.),
exhaustion after the day's studies, fatigue even from a short walk,
twitchings of muscles when asleep or awake; hysterical state, loss of
will power; constant headache, irregular menses. Such patients are
usually given iron, which does little or no good. Pic. ac. and its
compounds are among the most powerful explosives known, lyddite
being an example. Pic. ac., like Glon., has occipital headaches and
bursting headaches. The headache, frontal or occipital, is < on any
attempt to use the mind, and it may extend down the spine. There is
also a headache extending from the top of the spine up over the head
to the eyes. In a case of spinal irritation I relieved with Pic. ac. 30 a
pain which shot up from the spine into the head. The pains referable
to the spinal cord are strongly marked. Any attempt to study =
burning along spine; with great weakness of back and legs; soreness
of muscles and joints. To the spinal congestion must be attributed the
remarkable disturbance in the sexual sphere: Priapism; penis
distended almost to bursting. Terrible erections, disturbing sleep.
When over-excitement of sexual system is associated with spinal or
cerebellar affections in either sex. Great sexual desire with
emissions. Amorous fancies. On the skin Pic. ac. produces jaundice
with itching; small painful furuncles, particularly in the auditory
meatus; and erythema and pruritus of abdomen and feet. Théry of
Paris accidentally discovered in Pic. ac. solution a remedy for burns.
He twice dropped burning matter on his hands whilst working with a
Pic. ac. disinfectant, and was astonished at the absence of pain or
injury. From that date Pic. ac. became his principal remedy for
burns, and though others have complained that it caused violent
pains, Théry has only once in some thousands of cases had to
abandon its use on that account. A. C. Blackwood (Clinique,
October, 1898, H. W., xxxiv. 133) gives the details of its use. Burns
of the first and second degree only are suitable. A saturated solution
(Pic. ac. gr. xc to alcohol three ounces) diluted with one quart of
water is used. The clothing is removed and the burnt surface
cleansed with the solution and absorbent cotton. Blisters are opened
but the epithelial covering is carefully preserved. If extensive, the
whole surface may be bathed with the solution, and strips of
sterilised gauze soaked and applied to entirely cover it, a layer of
absorbent cotton held with a light bandage over all. After three or
four days the dressing is removed carefully after thorough
moistening, as it adheres closely. The second dressing is applied as at
first, and allowed to remain a week. Blackwood finds it painless,
anodyne, antiseptic, preventing inflammation and suppuration and
septic poisoning. It coagulates the albuminous exudation, and
healing takes place under the coagulum. The staining of the hands
and linen caused by the dressing can be removed by Boracic acid.
Gaucher (Sem. Méd., May 26, 1897) has removed acute vesicular
eczema by the same treatment. The skin and kidneys are intimately
related, and Pic. ac. has a powerful action on the latter. Among other
affections it has cured diabetes. Halbert (Clinique, quoted H. W.,
xxxiv. 542) reports this case-Mrs, C., 49, had "nervous prostration"
since the shock of the loss of a child three years before. Wasting with
great appetite. Intense thirst and copious urination, especially at
night. Great perspiration and some jaundice. Heart flabby, mitral
bruit, dyspnœa; emaciation, anæmia, exhaustion. Urine 1040, 7 1/2
per cent. of sugar and some albumen. Pic. ac. 6x six times daily.
Rapid and continuous improvement followed. Kent (H. P., viii. 168)
says Pic. ac. cures fig-warts and gonorrhœa; he was led to infer its
relation thereto by its power over pernicious anæmia, which he has
often traced to a gonorrhœal base. Pic. ac. is suited to dark
complexioned persons, with dirty appearance about knuckles (from
bile pigments); anæmic and cachectic persons; worn-out persons,
overtaxed mentally and bodily. Peculiar sensations are: As if sand,
or sticks, in eyes. As if throat would split. As if legs enclosed in
elastic stockings; as if chest encircled in a tight band. Pricking as
from needles in legs. As of a lump back of thyroid cartilage. As if
stairs or ground coming up to meet him. As of ants crawling over
surface. Nose-bleed accompanies heat and congestion of head.
Heaviness of head alternates with emptiness. The right upper part of
the body is more affected than the left, the left leg more than the
right. Touch < pimples. The headache is > by binding head tightly; >
by rest; lying down. < By motion; walking; raising head; sitting up;
stooping; ascending stairs. < By study or slightest mental exertion.
The throat is > by eating; < empty swallowing. Turning over, and
turning the head < headache. < Morning; 5 a.m. nausea. Open air and
cold room > headache. Work in open air = prostration. Wet weather
< pains. > From cold air and water. Chilliness predominates.
Lamplight, strong light, moving eye < pain in eyes. During and after
micturition, burning.
Relations.─Compare: Am. pic., Calc. pic., Fer. pic., Zn. pic. Spinal
exhaustion, Ox. ac. (Ox. ac. more numbness, blueness, pains in small
spots; symptoms < thinking of them. Pic. ac. more heaviness;
extreme spinal softening). Tired feeling, exhaustion from sexual
excess, Phos. ac. Fatty degeneration, sexual excess and priapism,
brain-fag, congestive vertigo, burning in spine, Phos. (Phos. has
more irritability and excessive sensitiveness, sexual excitement very
strong; Pic. ac. has more intense erections but less marked
lasciviousness). Brain-fag, inability to study, gastric symptoms, sour
eructations, < morning, Nux. Brain-fag, occipital headache, sexual
neurasthenia, Gels. Lascivious thoughts in presence of women, Con.
Headache and backache, Arg. n. Spinal pains, Alm. (Alm. pain as if
hot iron had been thrust into the part). Nervous exhaustion, sensitive
spine, Sil. (Pic. ac. washed out, must give in; Sil. won't give in).
Nervous exhaustion, Zn. Violent erections, Canth., Graph., Hyo.,
Phos., Myg., Sil. Acne, K. bro., Bels., Arct. l. Hands sweat, Sil.
Burning in back, Lyc., Phos. Writer's cramp, Gels., Plat.
1. Mind.─Nervous feeling, which I never have except when fever is
leaving me, feeling as if about to be crushed by the bed-clothes,
arms, face, tongue, and forepart of brain seemed to reach the clouds
when I was going to sleep.─Although enjoying the society of men,
idea of marriage unendurable.─Desire to be alone.─Irritable.─Low
spirits.─Indifference, lack of will power to undertake
anything.─Disinclination for mental or physical work, aversion to
talking or movement, with headache.─Mental prostration after
reading a little; after writing a little.─The least study = burning along
spine and other symptoms.
photophobia.─Sensation of sand in eyes, with smarting pain and
acrid tears.─Feeling as if sticks were in eyes on waking, with
inflammation, afterwards feeling as if sticks were in them in
evening.─Styes; with sore feeling.─Eyes < on moving
them.─Lachrymation.─Pupils dilated.─Conjunctivitis; < r. eye, >
washing with cold water and by cold air, < warm room, with
difficulty in keeping eyes open, and sticky feeling on
reading.─Shooting from r. eyeball to l. side of occiput; pain <
moving eyes, > closing them and quiet, with soreness; heavy,
smarting, and burning pains, > pressure; sore pains, < strong light
and by turning eyes.─Throbbing pain in l. eyeball much < going
upstairs.─Inability to keep eyes open when studying.─Air looks
smoky.─Vision: dim and confused; dim, can read clearly at only one
point, about five inches from eyes; blurred; whirling of
objects.─Vision of sparks.
plug on swallowing saliva and afterwards.─Sensation of something
in lower part of œsophagus.
13. Stool and Anus.─Stinging in anus during and after stool, with
itching.─Shooting around anus at 9 p.m.─Stool like gruel, yellow or
yellowish-grey, twice before 9 a.m.─Diarrhœa: with burnings and
smarting at anus; frequent with prostration, light-coloured, with
cutting and smarting at anus during and after stool.─Stool: soft;
light-coloured, with tenesmus, then drawing up of anus; scanty, with
burning and smarting at anus; in plugs, easy, shooting away, then
much flatus; yellowish, copious, oily, frequent.─Stool quick, as if
greased, of sweetish smell, as of boiling sap, at night and morning,
then with much wind.─Difficult stool, next day ineffectual desire for
14. Urinary Organs.─Sharp pain in region of bladder; in evening <
r. side.─Frequent micturition in morning.─Dribbling
micturition.─Urethra: jerking drawing in; pain in after micturition
burning pain during micturition.─Urine: yellow; of a milky, olive
hue dark; indications of sugar; dark yellow, with strong odour; dark
yellow, scanty, afterwards profuse and yellow; red; dark, in
evening.─Urine copious and pale; and light coloured, sp. gr.
increased; and hot when passed, with burning pain in urethra;
afterwards scanty.─Urates abundant.─Urine contained much indican,
numerous granular cylinders and fatty degenerated epithelium.
move.─Palpitation.─Pulse: frequent; slow, feeble, afterwards rapid;
slow, small, and feeble; irregular.
anterior muscles.─Crawling pain in l. sole and under patella.─Feet
feel as if frostbitten.─Numbness of l. foot.─Soreness in ball of l. big
toe in afternoon and evening, > continued walking.
liver with his hand. Fever paroxysm at 7 a. m. with great loquacity
during chill and heat; sleep during perspiration. Affects right throat,
right ovary, right hypochondrium (Lyc.). Pain and numbness in right
ovary, running down thigh of that side (Lil.). Suppressed menses in
young girls (Puls., Tub.).
Stomach.--Hot, sour belching; nausea and vomiting. Thirst for large
quantities of cold water (Bry). Vomiting of hot, frothy mucus.
Heartburn; gagging or empty retching. Vomiting of milk.
and tossed about, bed felt too hard; and a feeling as though head and
shoulders were lying too low. At 3 a.m. call to stool, which was
profuse, watery, dark green. Calls frequent. Before stool: peculiar
weak, dull, griping pain below umbilicus; fulness in rectum. During
stool: weak feeling in stomach. After stool: tenesmus and faint
feeling. These symptoms passed off in two or three days, the
diarrhœa being followed by constipation, which was quickly
removed by Nux. These symptoms are nearly all proved
characteristics of Pod.: The early morning <; the profuse stools,
faint, gone sensation; fulness and tenesmus in rectum. Pod. is an
irritant wherever applied. Externally on the skin it produces a
rawness like intertrigo. The dust of the powdered root getting into
the eyes sets up intense inflammation, ulceration, and leucoma.
These effects have proved leading indications for its internal use in
eye affections. The fulness and tenderness of the rectum noted in
Ross's case went on to actual prolapse in the provings. I have many
times cured with Pod. 6 prolapsus ani in children. With Pod. 1x Mr.
Knox Shaw relieved "continual urging and straining" in a case of
rectal cancer too far gone for operation. The genital organs were
involved with the rectum in the tendency to prolapse. "Symptoms of
prolapsus uteri with pain in sacrum; with muco-gelatinous stools";
"sensation at stool as if the genital organs would fall out" are
keynotes of the provings which have led to many cures. Pains in the
ovaries, especially the right, extending down the anterior and inner
side of thighs. In the pregnant and puerperal state Pod. is frequently
indicated: in the vomiting of pregnancy; swelling of labia; severe
after-pains with strong bearing-down sensation; hæmorrhoids and
prolapsus recti after confinement. A peculiar symptom of pregnancy
indicating Pod. is: "Can lie comfortably only on stomach (early
months)." The irritation of Pod. is shown in the brain, but it is then
generally reflected even from the abdominal viscera (cholera
infantum) or the teeth (dentition). There is moaning and whining
during sleep; the head is thrown back and rolls from side to side; the
child grates its teeth. "Great desire to press gums or teeth together" is
a keynote. The salivation, foul breath, and moist, tooth-indented
tongue of Merc. are reproduced in the Pod. provings, and so also is
the congested, sensitive liver, with excess or absence of bile. These,
combined with the feverishness and proneness to sweat, make Pod.
one of the important antidotes to Merc. Fevers of many kinds are met
by Pod.─remittent, chiefly bilious remittent, intermittent. Delirium is
not rare, and is apt to be loquacious. Moaning and whining during
sleep. Much drowsiness and desire to stretch. Alternating conditions
are noted: Diarrhœa alternating with constipation; headache
alternating with diarrhœa; headache in winter, diarrhœa in summer;
inflammation of scrotum or of the eyes; not of both. Some
Concomitants are important: Pains in sacrum, in lumbar region with
rectal and uterine symptoms; cramps in calves with stools. The stools
may be painless, or may be preceded, accompanied, and followed by
colic, tenesmus and other symptoms. The concomitance of diarrhœa
with other affections points to Pod. Loquacity during chill and heat
is a keynote in fevers. Nash cured an obstinate case of intermittent
through this symptom: Chills violent, followed by intense fever with
great loquacity; when the fever was past patient fell asleep, and on
waking remembered nothing of his loquacious delirium. "Burning
tongue" is another leading symptom. A case is related by W. A. Burr
(Critique, quoted Hom. News, xxviii. 87) of a young man who had
for some weeks a burning sensation along left edge of tongue,
occasionally shooting to tip, or through to opposite edge. He had
been in poor health, "bilious," for years. With catarrh of stomach,
duodenum, and bile ducts extreme discomfort followed even the
blandest foods. Pod. 3x improved in two days, and the tongue was
well in a week. L. M. Barnes (Hom. News, xxix. 45) reports these
cases: (1) A lady for four months after miscarriage had much ovarian
pain, < at night. She was sleepless, nervous, restless. Much bearing
down in abdomen and back. She was a large, stout woman, with a
pendulous abdomen. Pod. cured after Puls. and Act. r. had only
partially relieved. (2) A stout woman, 60, complained of burning,
aching, cutting pain in rectum. Was obliged to be on her feet all day.
Nervous, cross, irritable. Pod. cured. Pod. is suited to bilious
temperaments, especially after mercurialisation. Peculiar sensations
are: As if strabismus would occur. Pain in head as from ice on
occipital protuberance. As if tongue, throat, and palate had been
burned. As if a thousand live things moving about in abdomen, or of
fish turning over. As if everything would drop through pelvis. As if
heart ascending to throat. Ball in upper œsophagus. Notable
symptoms are: Thirst for large quantities of cold water. Intense desire
to press the gums together. Viscid mucus in mouth, coating teeth.
Diarrhœa whilst being bathed or washed; of dirty water soaking
through napkin; with gagging. Patient is constantly shaking and
rubbing region of liver with his hands. Great loquacity during chill
and heat. Pod. is predominantly right sided─right throat;
hypochondrium; ovary. Guernsey mentions that it is often called for
in complaints of pregnant and parturient women, with sensation as if
intestines were falling down. He mentions also "whooping-cough
with costiveness and loss of appetite." The symptoms are < by touch
(spot on right hypochondrium); > by pressure. > Rubbing
(inclination to rub liver region with hand). > Lying down; lying on
abdomen; stretching in bed. Pain in left leg < by straightening out the
limb. < Motion; walking; ascending stairs; exertion. < Morning,
especially early morning, 2 to 4 a.m. Some symptoms < night. <
Open air; while washing. External heat > pain in bowels. Heat of
stove does not > chilliness, but wrapping warmly in bed does >. Hot
weather, summer, < diarrhœa. < After eating and drinking; after acid
fruit and milk. < By swallowing. < Before, during, and after stool.
2. Head.─Vertigo: while standing; in open air; with tendency to fall
forward; with sensation of fulness over eyes; from gastric or bilious
disorders.─Momentary darts of pain in forehead, obliging one to shut
eyes.─Stunning headache through temples, > by pressure.─Sudden
pain in forehead, with soreness of throat, evening.─Pressing in
temples, forenoon, with drawing in eyes as if strabismus would
follow.─Throbbing in temples, aching eyes, hot tears, in
morning.─After stool, 10 a.m.: Frontal headache with feverishness;
sensation of great dryness in forehead and eyes, > for short time by
bathing with cold water.─Sick headache accompanied by
constipation.─Headache alternating with diarrhœa.─Bilious
headache, burning at vertex and over forehead, pain lasts twenty-four
hours, ends in vomiting; pale urine during attack; passes much bile
next day; < from over-excitement or walking.─Morning headache
with flushed face and heat in vertex.─Dull headache with pain
behind eyes; liver, torpid.─Pain in vertex on rising in morning.─Sick
headache most in occiput, preceded by blur before vision, coming
suddenly.─Head hot, rolling head from side to side;
dentition.─Reflex irritation of brain from disorders of bowels;
grinding teeth at night; morning in sleep; eyes half-closed; head
7. Teeth.─Great desire to press gums together; jaws clenched; grinds
teeth at night; difficult dentition.─During dentition; catarrhal cough;
catarrh of chest; cholera infantum; hydrocephaloid.─Teeth covered
with dried mucus in morning.
viscera during pregnancy.─Acidity in afternoon with unpleasant,
sickly sensation in stomach.─Tender over stomach and bowels, <
least touch or motion.─Hollow, empty, weak, sinking feeling at
epigastrium; without hunger.─Stitches in epigastrium from
coughing.─Dyspepsia from calomel, aching behind eyes, clayey
stools.─Gastric catarrh.─Awakened by violent pains in stomach and
bowels.─After breakfast and dinner burning in stomach as if caused
by hot steam.─Heat in stomach.─Cold water <; it = oppression and
uneasiness; small quantities of it were ejected, tasting bitter and
causing much burning in œsophagus.
yellow stools, one every hour for five hours.─Stools of pure blood
(produced.─R. T. C.).─Infantile dysentery (cured.─R. T.
C.).─Dysenteric diarrhœa.─Stools: thin, watery, green; green; muco-
gelatinous with pain in sacrum; 4 a.m., yellow, undigested fæces,
mixed with mucus, offensive; with violent tenesmus; burning, acrid,
causing much bearing down during and after stool; with gagging and
excessive thirst in children; gushing, watery, profuse, green, with
sudden urging, often painless; offensive, < in hot weather; pasty;
yellow, watery, with meal-like sediment; smelling like carrion;
mucous and blood-streaked; black, only in morning; tar-like;
changing colour.─Stool with much pain and deadly
nausea.─Diarrhœa and constipation alternating every day or two, for
several days after the most prominent symptoms had
disappeared.─Diarrhœa with great sinking at epigastrium, sensation
as if everything would drop through pelvis, prolapsus ani.─Small
stools, yellow, watery, coming after meals with sick feeling, in
pregnancy.─Diarrhœa from indigestion after eating canned
fruit.─Before stool: intense nausea; sudden urging; loud gurgling as
of water; rumbling in l. side; violent colic or absence of pain;
prolapsus ani.─During stool: urging in bowels; heat and pain in
anus; sensation as if genital organs would fall out; in women bearing
down as from inactivity of rectum; nausea; gagging, tormina, and
pain in lumbar region; colic or absence of pain; prolapsus ani; pains
in sacrum; tenesmus.─After stool: extreme weakness and cutting
pain in intestines; exhaustion, even after natural stool; flashes of heat
running up back, cutting in bowels, severe and painful tenesmus;
colic continues; faintness and pain in lumbar region; prolapsus ani;
sore anus; sensation of emptiness in abdomen and
rectum.─Aggravation of internal piles; rectum protrudes more than
an inch after every stool, or sudden motion as sneezing, even during
mental excitement; prolapse sometimes persists for days from
swelling and congestion.─Prolapsus ani: in infants, stool bloody, or
too large; with uterine displacement.─Secretion of mucus from
anus.─External piles, bleeding or not.─(Cancer of rectum.)
troubles.─Inflammation either of scrotum or of eyes; seldom of
both.─Inflammation of scrotum is attended with a pustular eruption
which suppurates freely.
20. Neck and Back.─Nape of neck stiff, muscles sore.─Pain under
r. scapula.─Pain between shoulders, morning: with soreness, < night
and morning, < by motion.─Pain in small of back, when walking or
standing, with sensation of back bending inward.─Pain in lumbar
region with sensation of coldness, < at night and from motion.─Pain
in lumbar and sacral regions < during stool, and still < after.─Pain in
loins < walking on uneven ground or from mis-step.─Sacral pain.
tossed about, bed felt too hard; feeling as though head and shoulders
lying too low.
Respiratory.--Wheezing when walking. Oppression of chest;
anxious, short respiration. Angina pectoris. Furious beating of heart;
worse, slightest motion.
stomach." This symptom, with "pain as if sprained in left ankle," led
Lippe to make a remarkable cure in this case: A young lady, 16,
jumped from a carriage whilst the horse was running away and
sprained her ankle. Left ankle and foot much swollen. As swelling
abated, breathing became rapid; great oppression with constantly
recurring desire to take a long breath; felt as if air inhaled did not
reach pit of stomach, and till she could force air so far down had to
yawn and try to take a deep inspiration.─The tightness, stitches, and
sticking pains in chest have marked Prun. spi. as a remedy in many
cases of neuralgic pains with or following herpes zoster. The urinary
symptoms are perhaps the most peculiar of all. Pressure of
abdominal flatulence on the bladder is not an uncommon symptom,
and is met by Prun. spi.: "Flatulence presses on bladder and =
cramps in bladder so that he is obliged to double up." Strangury of
the most painful description was produced, and this symptom, which
is quite characteristic: Hurriedly impelled to pass urine, which,
however, seems to pass forward into glans penis and then return and
cause most violent pain in urethra. Menses are too early; too profuse;
last too long, and are thin and watery. There is leucorrhœa, which
weakens and stains yellow. The right side is much more affected
than the left. Peculiar sensations are: As if a sharp corner pressing
against top of head. Headache as if from sun. As if skull would be
pressed outward by a sharp plug. As if inner portion of eye would be
torn out. Eyeball as if crushed, or pressed asunder. As if tooth would
be torn out. As if tongue had been burned. As if hernia would
protrude. Burning as from a wound in rectum; as from salt in a
wound in anus. Sighing as if climbing a steep mountain. As. if small
of back had been injured. As if right thumb sprained; as if left ankle
sprained; as if first joint of big toe pulled out. C. M. Boger gives this
confirmation of Prun. spi. (Med. Couns., xvi. 264): Man, 60, with
enlarged prostate, had frequent urging to urinate, day and night.
Shooting pains in neck of bladder unless desire to urinate is at once
gratified. Urination delayed if any great amount has accumulated.
Spasmodic tenesmus of bladder and rectum at close of urination,
with pains in glans. Pulsation in glans from jar of walking. Prun. spi.
1m. (Fincke) removed the symptoms. The symptoms are: < By touch
and pressure. Biting teeth together > toothache. > From rest; from
doubling up. < Motion; from jarring; must walk carefully < Night. <
From warm food (toothache).
staining yellow, Agn. c., Carb. a., Chel., Kre., Nux, Sep., Thu., Nit.
6. Face.─Itching sticking in upper part of malar bone.
r. side of rectum an inch above anus.─Cramp-like pains in
rectum.─Discharge of blood from anus after evacuation.
inspiration, extends to every side and even above l. shoulder; while
walking and sitting.
27. Fever.─Shivering, esp. in evening.─Dry heat over the whole
body, esp. in genital organs.─Sweat on face only, during sleep.
(Aloe, Olean.). Constipation: with complete inertia (Op., Sanic.);
obstinate from impaction, in fevers; stool, large, black, carrion-
like; small black balls, like olives (Op., Plb.).[sheep dung?] Foetus:
or secundines retained, decomposed; dead for days, black; horribly
offensive discharge: "never well since" septic fever, following
abortion or confinement. To arouse vital activity of uterus. Lochia:
thin, acrid, brown, very fetid (Nit. ac.); suppressed, followed by
chills, fever and profuse fetid perspiration. Distinct consciousness of
a heart: it feels tired; as if enlarged; purring, throbbing, pulsating,
constant in ears, preventing sleep; cardiac asthenia from septic
conditions. Pulse abnormally rapid, out of all proportion to
temperature (Lil.). Skin; pale, cold, of an ashy hue (Sec.); obstinate,
varicose, offensive ulcers of old persons (Psor.). Chill: begins in the
back, between scapulae; severe, general, of bones and extremities;
marking onset of septic fever; temperature 103 to 106; head sudden,
skin dry and burning; pulse rapid, small, wiry, 140 to 170; cold
clammy sweat follows. In septic fevers, especially puerperal,
Pyrogen has demonstrated its great value as a homeopathic dynamic
Relations. - Compare: Ars., Carbo v., Carb. ac., Op., Psor., Rhus,
Sec., Ver. Latent pyogenic process, patient continually relapsing
after apparent simillimum.
Pyrogen is the great remedy for septic states, with intense
restlessness. "In septic fevers, especially puerperal, Pyrogen has
demonstrated its great value as a homeopathic dynamic antiseptic. "
(H. C. Allen). Hectic, typhoid, typhus, ptomaine poisoning,
diphtheria, dissecting wounds, sewer-gas poisoning, chronic malaria,
after-effects of miscarriage, all these conditions at times may present
symptoms calling for this unique medicine. All discharges are
horribly offensive-menstrual, lochial, diarrhœa, vomit, sweat, breath,
etc. Great pain and violent burning in abscesses. Chronic complaints
that date back to septic conditions. Threatening heart failure in
zymotic and septic fevers. Influenza, typhoid symptoms.
calculitis. Inflammatory exudate. Post-operative cases, with
overwhelming sepsis.
Complementary: Bryon.
Headache. Heart, rapid action of; consciousness of; failure of. Hectic
fever. Indian continued fevers. Influenza.─Intestines, ulceration of;
obstruction of. Labour: puerperal fever. Ovary, abscess of.
Peritonitis. Phthisis pulmonalis. Ptomaine poisoning. Puerperal
fever. Pyæmia. Sepsis. Spine, Pott's curvature of. Tabes mesenterica.
Tuberculosis. Typhilitis. Ulcers, varicose; obstinate. Varicosis.
was very encouraging, but as he continued to use the Ø tincture and
lowest attenuations the difficulty of keeping the preparation was not
small; and the remedy did not come into extensive use till Burnett
published his pamphlet on Pyrogenium in Fevers and Blood-
poisoning in 1888. Burnett used chiefly the 6th centesimal dilution,
which is perfectly harmless, and which will keep indefinitely. Heath,
who made one of the preparations used by Burnett, gave some of it
to Swan, of New York, who ran it up into the high infinitesimals.
Much of the American experience is with Swan's attenuations,
including a proving by Sherbino (Med. Adv., xxv. 369), whose
symptoms I have marked (S) in the Schema. The remainder of the
symptoms of the Schema are for the most part clinical. Yingling (H.
P., xiii. 402) collected symptoms from many reported cases, and
arranged them with the symptoms of the proving. (Yingling
erroneously describes Pyro. as prepared from "pus from septic
abscess." This is Septicæmin. He refers, however, to Burnett's
pamphlet and to cases cured with Pyro., leaving the actual substance
referred to not in doubt. H. C. Allen, who published the proving and
most of the cases in Med. Adv., rightly describes Pyro. as a "Product
of Sepsis"). Drysdale's original cases include a number in which
threatened typhoid was averted, a case of tabes mesenterica cured,
and one of ulceration of the colon greatly benefited. Burnett's were
cases of fully developed typhoid all cut short at the height by Pyro. 6
given every two hours. In his pamphlet is included a successful
experience of Dr. Shouldham's with Pyro. 6 in two cases of
diphtheritic sore threat. I have had ample opportunity of observing
the power of Pyro. over typhoid fever, and typhoid and hectic states,
including one of discharging abscess connected with Pott's disease of
the spine. T. M. Dillingham reports (Med. Adv., xxvii. 367) the case
of a young German Jewess who had been under treatment at various
hospitals for Bright's disease, and at the Hahnemann Hospital of
New York among Others. To this she was readmitted on March 14,
1890, when she first came under Dr. Dillingham's care. The urine
showed an enormous amount of albumen and a variety of casts. Feet
and legs greatly swollen, face puffy. Throbbing headache, often
accompanied by profuse nose-bleed, nausea, and vomiting; < motion
and light; abnormally bright eyes, widely dilated pupils. Bell. gave
temporary relief; but on May 31st the condition was desperate.
Dillingham then learned that the trouble dated from a large abscess
resulting from a lanced, badly cared-for felon of the left thumb. She
was ill six weeks with this abscess, having, as her doctors said,
"blood poisoning." Soon after this her face and feet began to swell.
On May 31st the condition was this: Feet, legs, and genitals greatly
swollen. Frightful throbbing headache, > by tight band constantly
worn. > By heat; very fond of the hot bath. Headaches had terrible
aggravations lasting two to four days, during which time she could
neither lie in bed nor sit up, but was in constant motion, groaning
and crying piteously for help. Pyro. cmm, Swan, one dose was given,
and no other medicine, although the patient on one occasion begged
for something to stop the pain. In the course of June she began to
mend, and on October 20th was discharged cured. In Sherbino's
proving he was cured incidentally of a consciousness of the heart and
its working, and palpitation from least excitement or anxiety, <
beginning to move; congestion to head as if apoplexy would ensue.
Cactus had done no good. Sherbino cured: (1) a case of puerperal
fever with Pyro., being led to its selection by the very high pulse
rate. (2) Relapse of typhoid, pulse 140, temperature 102° F.; both
were normal in twenty-four hours. (3) Young lady, 17, fever, aching
bones, bed felt very hard. Numb, paralytic feeling. As the fever left
the pulse kept mounting up. Pyro. cmm, Swan, repeated as often as
effect ceased, cured.─Pyro. is one of the germinal remedies of the
materia medica. When once the idea of its essential action is grasped
an infinity of applications become apparent. As Drysdale put it, "The
most summary indication for Pyro. would be to term it the Aconite of
the typhous or typhoid quality of pyrexia," and wherever poisoning
by bacterial products (e.g., in the hectic of phthisis) is going on Pyro.
will be likely to do good. Sepsis is the essence of the action of Pyro.
H. C. Allen gives this indication for its use in septic states: "When
the best selected remedies fail to relieve or permanently improve
"─analogous to the action of Pso. and Sul. in other conditions. Also:
"Latent pyogenic process, patient continually relapsing after apparent
simillimum." As Pyro. is a product of carrion, the carrion-like odour
of bodily emaciations, secretions, and excretions is a keynote for its
use. Other leading indications are: Restlessness; must move
constantly to > the soreness of parts. "Constipation, from impactum
of fæces in fevers; stool large, black, carrion-like." "Chill begins in
back, between scapulæ." "Severe general chill of bones and
extremities." In all cases of fever commencing with pains in the
limbs," Swan. Pulse abnormally rapid, out of all proportion to
temperature." Pyro. 5, five drops in water night and morning,
assisted in the cure of a case of anal fistula in a case of Burnett's (On
Fistula, p. 66). Under its action a sweating at the seat which the man
had had for many years disappeared; and the skin of his hands, which
were subject to dry eczema, assumed a much cleaner aspect. J. S.
Hunt (H. W., xxxi. 54) reports five cases of varicose ulcers, all of
which healed quickly under Pyro. Bellairs (H. W., xxxiv. 298) gave
Pyro. 200 to an elderly woman who suffered for years with an
ulcerated leg, which was riddled with deep, burrowing wounds,
extremely painful and discharging freely. Hep., Sil., Ars., Ham., did
no good. Under Pyro. once or twice a day "a large boil" formed on
the calf of the leg and discharged its contents, after which the various
ulcers healed up directly. The symptoms are > by heat (drinking hot
water; hot bath). > Tightly binding head. > Stretching out limbs;
walking about; turning over or changing position. Heart's action and
cough < by motion. Eyeball < moving eye. Cough < motion and in a
warm room. < Sitting up in bed; rising. (Cough > sitting up; < lying
1. Mind.─Loquacious; can think and talk faster than ever before (S).
Irritable (S).─Delirious on closing eyes; sees a man at foot of
bed.─Whispers; in sleep.─Sensation as if she covered the whole bed;
knew her head was on pillow, but did not know where the rest of her
body was.─Feels when lying on one side that she is one person, and
another person when turning on the other side.─Sensation as though
crowded with arms and legs.─Hallucination that he is very wealthy;
remaining after the fever.
band.─Excruciating, bursting, throbbing headache with intense
restlessness (often accompanied with profuse nosebleed, nausea, and
vomiting).─Sensation as if a cap were on.─Rolling of head from side
to side.─Forehead bathed in cold sweat.
extending back to l. of spine (S).─Pain in umbilical region with
passage of sticky, yellow stool.─While riding in a buggy aching in l.
of umbilicus; < drinking water; > passing flatus down
ward.─Soreness of abdomen so severe she can hardly breathe, or
bear any pressure over r. side.─Very severe cutting pains r. side
going through back, < by every motion, talking, coughing, breathing
deep; > lying on r. (affected) side; groaning with every breath.
13. Stool and Anus.─Feculent and thin mucous, and finally bloody
diarrhœa and tenesmus (dog).─Two soft, sticky stools, 8 to 9
a.m.─Involuntary escape of stool when passing flatus (S).─Profuse
watery, painless stools, with vomiting.─Stool horribly offensive,
carrion-like.─Stool very much constipated, large, difficult, requires
much effort; first part balls, last part natural, with streaks of blood;
anus sore after (S).─Constipation: hard, dry accumulated fæces;
stool large, black, carrion-like; small black balls like
olives.─Congestion and capillary stasis of gastro-intestinal mucous
membrane, shedding of epithelium, bloody fluid distending
intestines (dog).─(Sweat about anus removed; fistula relieved.)
enormous flow of white creamy pus with general >).─Lochia: thin,
acrid, brown, or fœtid; suppressed, followed by chills, fever, and
profuse fetid perspiration.
22. Upper Limbs.─Pain in shoulder-joint; in front, passing three
inches down arm (S).─Hands and arms numb.─Hands cold and
clammy.─Dry eczema of hands.
087 – RHEUM
brings out the distinctive characters of the medicine. The grand
keynote of Rhe. is sourness: The stools are sour; the taste is sour; the
whole body has a sour smell.─No amount of washing will wash the
sourness out of a characteristic Rheum baby. Such a condition may
occur in sucklings, or at the period of dentition; and it may be
associated with another characteristic Rhe. symptom, night-
screaming; and yet another sopping-wet hair. The Rhe. child is as
acid in temper as he is in body: peevish, impatient; screams for
things; dislikes even his favourite playthings. "Screaming of children
with urging and sour stools" is characteristic. With a few drops of
Rhe. Ø I have relieved severe constipation in an acid child who was
intolerant of almost all remedies in the attenuations. But Rhe. is by
no means exclusively a children's remedy. Its symptoms are good for
any period of life. The stomach disorders calling for Rhe. are
characterised by: Sour, flat, slimy taste; or insipid or nauseous. Food
tastes bitter, even sweet things (there is no bitter taste independently
of food). The mouth is covered with offensive mucus after sleeping;
and after sleeping there is bad taste and offensive breath. There is
hunger for various kinds of food and the first few mouthfuls
nauseate. The effects of eating plums or unripe fruit. There is nausea
in abdomen. Colic is severe, compelling one to bend double, <
standing; < just before stool; not > after; < at once by uncovering an
arm or leg. The evacuations are accompanied by shivering and
followed by renewed urging. "Shivering with stool" should draw
attention to Rhe.─That there is much yet to be learned of the action
of Rhe. is evident from the following: (1) Two cases (in men) of
severe skin eruptions are quoted, H. W., xxvii. 17, from the effects of
Rhubarb root taken for constipation. The first symptoms in one case
were rigors and pains in the legs. Soon lips, face, and tongue began
to swell and became livid. A rash developed involving lips, beard,
eyelids, and scalp, scabs mixed with abundant bloody pustular
exudations. Hæmorrhages and pustular eruptions then appeared all
over the body; blebs with clear fluid on backs of hands. Lymphatic
glands swollen and painful. Removal of scabs left shallow dirty
ulcers. Blood passed freely from urethra, but sometimes the urine
was wholly free from it. Urine brownish yellow; free from albumen
or sugar. Temperature 103.3° F. The second case was similar to the
above. The patient had taken the powdered root. He woke one
morning with burning sensation in face and found it covered with
blisters and pustules. These were brownish red, irregular, size of pea
or bean, deeply infiltrated at bases. Both surfaces of hands were also
affected. The eruption, which closely resembled pemphigus,
disappeared in a few weeks without treatment, leaving bluish
pigmentation, but no cicatrices. There was no fever in this case. (2)
From these cases given me by Cooper: (a) A lady suffering from
characteristic symptoms of Ménière's disease, feeling of things
spinning round with extreme giddiness and noises in the head, was
cured by a chemist giving her 10 grains of powdered rhubarb, on the
idea it was due to the liver. Before this great suffering had been
endured without any relief. (b) In vertiginous symptoms due to brain
exhaustion with flushings followed by perspiration and awful
muffled and discordant tinnitus, great relief followed the sniffing of
3x trit. of Rheum Palmatum. Among the Peculiar Sensations and
Symptoms of Rhe. are: Tendency to frown. Sensation as if brain
moved when standing. Dull stupefying headache with bloated eyes.
Sweat on hairy scalp, constant and very profuse; whether asleep or
awake; in motion or quiet, hair always sopping wet; may or may not
be sour. Stupefying drawing in root of nose extending to tip, where it
tingles. Bladder weak, must press hard to urinate. Sensations: as if in
a dream. As of a lump around navel. As of a load on upper part of
chest. Cutting as if in lumbar vertebræ. Heaviness as on waking from
a heavy sleep. Coldness in teeth. Blunt feeling in teeth. Constriction
of stomach; of gullet. Crackling, crepitation, or bubbling in muscles
and any part of body. Tongue numb, numbness of part of limb lain
on. Symptoms are mostly left-sided or go from above down or from
right to left. Localities are: Left loin; brain; upper part of body
(sweat). "Rhe. has the property of setting up pains in old disease
depôts, in the seat of old cellulitis and old psoriasis patches,
producing hot burning pains therein as well as in the unaffected veins
of the thighs and other parts. Its good effect in old middle and
internal ear thickenings seems due to the creation of tissue-activity in
dormant structures" (R. T. C.). Forcing pains are felt in dartrous
patches. The symptoms are: < Night; and morning after sleep. <
Uncovering; from cold. Uncovering arm or leg < colic. > Wrapping
up; from warmth. In open air: eyes full of water. Hot weather < colic.
> Lying doubled up; takes the queerest positions in order to rest
awhile. Lying on limbs = them to go to sleep. Motion <. Walking <.
[On the indication "Diarrhœa only during active exercise," Hurndall
(H. W. xxxvi., 28) cured a horse of a diarrhœa which only came on
when he was at work.] Standing < (vertigo as if brain moved; colic;
uterine bearing down). < After eating; after eating plums. < Before,
during, and after stool (colic > or not > after stool).
Complementary: After Mg. c. when milk disagrees and child has
sour odour. Compatible: Ipec. Followed well by: Bell., Puls., Rhus,
Sul. Compare: Botan., Polyg. h., Rumex., Lapath. Constituents:
Chrys. ac., Calc. ox., Silic. Foul breath, Querc., Arn. < After sleep,
Lach., Nat. m., Sul. Sour stools, Hep., Mg. c., Calc. (Rhe. has
twitching of muscles of face and fingers during sleep; also puts arms
over head). Queer positions, Plb. Head sweat, Calc., Sil., Sanic. <
Uncovering, Rx. c. (Rhe., colic; Rx. c., cough). Screaming children
with diarrhœa, Jalap. Bubbling sensation, Berb. Difficult dentition,
Kre., Cham. Sour body smell, Hep., Mg. c. (Mg. c. is deeper acting
than Rhe.). Impatience, Cin., Stp. Children. cry and toss all night,
Pso. As if in a dream, Ambr., Anac., Calc., Can. i., Con., Cup., Med.,
Strm., Val., Ver., Ziz.
4. Ears.─Otalgia with itching in ear.─Pressure (at meatus as from a
finger) and throbbing in ears.─Dulness of hearing, as from relaxation
of tympanum, with rumbling in ears, > by violent swallowing but
only for a moment.─Crackling and bubbling in ear and in muscles on
side of neck.─(Ménière's disease).─(Old-standing and frequently
recurring deafness with cicatricial membrana tympani gets well after
single dose of Rhe. Ø.─R. T. C.)
9. Throat.─Contraction of gullet.
from eating.─Colic: < at once by uncovering an arm or leg; not > by
stool; before and during stool, > after; with very sour stools in acid
children.─Incarceration of flatus, with aching and tension in
chest.─Palpitation and jerking (swelling-bubbling sensation which
seemed as if it could be heard) in abdominal muscles.─Itching
stitches in inguinal gland.
breasts.─Milk of nursing women bitter and yellow; the infant refuses
the breast.
26. Sleep.─Sleep and yawnings.─Disturbed sleep at night, with
tossing, cries, moaning and snoring, or with convulsive quivering of
eyelids, muscles of face, and of fingers, esp. in children.─The hands
are passed over the head when going to sleep, and during
sleep.─Nocturnal raving and moving about in bed, although eyes are
closed.─After sleep, headache and dizziness; or fetid mucus, of a
putrid smell and taste, in mouth.─Anxious, sad, vivid dreams.
gonorrhoea or rheumatic exposure (Clem.); orchitis, sensation in
gland as if it were being crushed (Aur., Cham.).
Amelioration. - Better from wrapping the head warmly; dry heat and
Chest.--Violent pleuritic pains running downward in left anterior
chest. Breathless and speechless from violent pleuritic pains running
down the anterior chest. Stitches in spleen from fast walking.
Crampy pain under short ribs.
"it is narcotic in its properties and is used medicinally." Growing
among the fogs and storms of the Siberian mountains; its provings
(by Seidel, Wahle, Herzog, Helbig, and others) show that it produces
sensitiveness to storms and weather changes; and this gives the grand
keynote of its use in medicine. Rhod. disturbs all parts of the
economy, producing delirium, fever, headache, neuralgias (earache,
toothache), rheumatism, and inflammations, but the chief
determining characteristic is that the symptoms come on or are < on
the approach of a storm; during a storm; or in wet weather.
Sensitiveness to electric changes. It is suited to nervous persons who
dread a storm, and are particularly afraid of thunder; < before the
storm; affections which come on in the spring and autumn, the
seasons of change. This is the chief modality, and will be found in
some degree present in a large number of cases requiring Rhod. But
Rhod. has other characteristics. Among these is loss of memory:
Words are omitted while writing; sudden disappearance of thought;
forgets what he is talking about, has to think awhile before he can
recall it. Vertigo and confusion, "brain feels as if surrounded by fog."
The narcotic reputation of Rhod. is borne out in the provings, for it
produced actual intoxication, and also made the provers
extraordinarily sensitive to the action of wine. Vertigo occurs whilst
lying in bed, and is > by moving about. An intense degree of tinnitus
aurium was caused by it, and this, associated with the vertigo, gives
Rhod. a place in Ménière's disease. A Peculiar Symptom is: "Loud
sounds re-echo long in ears." Like the other Ericaceæ, Rhod. has a
strong effect on the kidneys, producing increased urine, with
offensive smell, clear, brown red, or of greenish tinge, and, whatever
colour it may be, of offensive smell. This offensive smell reappears
in the axillary sweat. But the general sweat may be aromatic in odour
and not unpleasant. "Formication with sweat" is characteristic. Rhod.
sets up diarrhœa; and also a paralytic condition of the rectum, so that
an effort is required to expel a soft stool. Pains in rectum extend to
genitals; and the male generative organs experience the most intense
action of the drug. The scrotum shrinks; testes are retracted; or else
they swell (especially at night), and are the seat of a bruised pain, as
if they had been crushed violently. These pains are < by touch; <
sitting; > moving about. They may be so violent as to arrest
breathing. The menses are too early and too profuse; the menses are
always accompanied by fever and headache. Menses reappear soon
after they have ceased. In one prover Rhod. restored the menses after
six months' absence. It has cured cysts in the vagina, and has caused
the rupture of an ovarian cyst. Chorea of left leg, arm, and face, < on
approach of a storm, has been cured by it. The paralysing effect of
Rhod. was exemplified by the poisoning of a flock of sheep from
eating the leaves. A number of them died immediately after the
administration of stimulants, and the autopsy showed that cause of
death was paralysis of the swallowing muscles (T. C. Collings,
quoted H. W., xxix. 158). Cooper cites a parallel case of death from
post-diphtheritic paralysis affecting the throat muscles, occurring a
few minutes after drinking tea. In both instances the fluid entered the
trachea instead of the gullet and caused suffocation. Both sides are
affected by Rhod. Symptoms frequently alternate: left and right
nostril; burning in uterus and pains in limbs; chilliness and heat.
Pains go from within outward. H. S. Budd (H. R., xv. 300) relates the
case of Mrs. X., 44, married ten years, three children. Neuralgia for
three years. Attacks occur usually on Friday or Saturday and last till
Monday or Tuesday, but are induced any time by high winds, damp
weather, or an approaching storm. Ammonol, Phenacetin,
Antikamnia, had all failed, and Passif. only partly relieved,
sometimes enabling patient to get sleep. The pain was < after hard
work; during any movement; in very cold weather; from hot
applications. Intense soreness all over right half of head. Cannot rest
on pillow or endure even lightest hairpins when pain is worst. < At
night. Intensely nervous and hysterical at being touched, even by
accident. During pain increased activity of kidneys, ceasing when
pain ceases. Pain greatest in right lower jaw. Sometimes > for an
hour by chewing gum or eating. Afraid of thunder. Omits words
when writing. Rhod. 16x every hour was given on May 12th. Each
dose caused immediate <. Next morning pains stopped suddenly and
did not return. On June 7th there was a premonitory twinge, and A
powder of Rhod. 1m was given, after which there was complete
immunity. E. V. Moffat (quoted Am. H., xxiii. 268) treated a girl, 10,
for neuralgia, which had existed for several years. The patient was of
marked gouty heredity, and had been treated by leading old-school
doctors in New York. She was well during the summer, but suffered
intensely during winter. Pains general and shifting, sometimes
intercostal, sometimes sciatic; in bad weather never absent. The last
form was prostrating headache, incapacitating her for school work.
The eyes were normal. While the sun shone she was comfortable. If
it stormed or threatened she was miserable. If she had a headache on
a stormy day and the sun came out, in ten minutes she was relieved,
and it returned at once if snow or rain came on. A cold day,
especially if damp, was almost as bad as a storm. Rhod. Ø, in
repeated and increasing doses, cured in three weeks. Colour, spirits,
strength returned, and she no longer minded the weather or missed
her school. Peculiar Sensations are: Brain as if in a fog. Scalp as if
bruised. As if a worm in ear. As if water rushing into ear. As if throat
lined with mucus. As from tension under short ribs. Testicle as if
violently contused or crushed. As if a fist pressed forcibly against
stomach. As if blood ceased to circulate in arms. As if arms asleep.
As if feet and legs asleep. As if heavy weights hanging to feet. As of
subcutaneous ulceration. Undulating sensation arising from
abdomen. Warm undulations in heart. Bruised pains. Pains flying
about. Crawling sensations. A Peculiar Symptom in the eyes is: One
pupil dilated, the other contracted. There is a splenic stitch on
walking fast. The incarcerated flatus is felt in the hypochondria and
small of the back. It is not at all unusual to meet this symptom,
"Flatus felt in the back," in cases of flatulent indigestion. "Increased
warmth of hands even in cold weather" is another peculiar symptom.
The symptoms are < by touch (toothache, testicles, chest─this
sensitiveness is general). Rest <; motion (especially commencing
motion) >. (Walking = stitches in spleen; motion < pain in ears; and
prosopalgia). Rheumatic pain in shoulder on which he rests; goes off
on turning. < Sitting. > Rising. < Standing. < When writing. < Wind;
east wind; rough weather; wet, cold weather; getting wet. < Before a
storm (ciliary neuralgia; pains through eye from head; toothache;
diarrhœa; dysentery; pain in deltoids; paroxysmal chorea). >
Warmth. > Wrapping up. (But heat in bed < formication of anus; and
toothache.) Dry heat >. < Change. < Thunder. Toothache > whilst
and after eating and from warmth. Pain in left side > by eating.
Drinking cold water = pressure at stomach. < Drinking wine; easily
intoxicated. Belching >. General sweat >. < Night; morning in bed
and on rising.
Hydrocele, Bry. Intoxication, Querc. Sounds re-echo, Caust., Pho.,
Ph. ac., Sars.
red.─Agglutination of lids.─Quivering jerks in lids.─Contraction of
one pupil while the other is dilated.─Clouded sight when reading and
writing.─Eyes tire easily (agg. and cure.─R. T. C.).
substances.─Vomiting after anything fluid, esp. cold water.─Aching
(and heaviness) in stomach at night, or after drinking cold
water.─Contractive pressure in scrobiculus with obstructed
respiration.─Pressive shootings in pit of stomach and hypochondria.
16. Female Sexual Organs.─Suppressed catamenia.─Premature and
too profuse catamenia.─Fever with headache at each menstrual
period.─Pain in ovaries; < in change of weather.─Caused rupture of
cyst in r. ovary.─Serous cysts in vagina.─After parturition, burning
in uterus alternately with pains in limbs, fingers flexed.
sensation as if an exostosis would form.─Increased heat in hands,
even in cold weather.─Itching of r. middle and ring fingers with
erysipelatous redness.
27. Fever.─Pulse slow and weak.─Chilliness in morning in bed and
during day if cold air blows on him.─Shivering alternately with
heat.─Augmented heat, esp. in hands.─Fever in evening with heat in
head, coldness of the feet (after lying down, continuing long),
burning sensation in eyes and nose, painful weariness and adipsia,
followed by nocturnal heat and sleeplessness.─Sensation of heat,
esp. in hands, although they feel cold to the touch.─Profuse
debilitating perspiration, esp. when exercising in the open
air.─Offensive-smelling perspiration in the axilla.─While perspiring
the skin itches and tingles, like formication.─Perspiration with
tingling and itching in skin.─Perspiration of an aromatic smell.
The remedy for hperchlorhydria. In cases where albuminoid digestion is
too rapid and starch digestion is perverted. The gastric symptoms with the
most pronounced acidity are well authenticated, and are the guiding
symptoms. The acidity of Robinia is accompanied by frontal headache.
Intensely acrid eructations. Acrid and greenish vomiting, colic and
flatulence, nightly burning pains in stomach and constipation with urgent
desire.--Acidity of children. Stools and perspiration sour. Incarcerated
Head.--Dull, throbbing, frontal pain; worse, motion and reading.
Gastric headache with acid vomiting.
night. Cooper has observed improvement which was going on under
Rob. cease at night-time. Sour stomach; vomiting of intensely sour
fluid which set the teeth on edge. Eructations of a very sour fluid.
Clinical experience has added to these: Sour stools of infants, with
sour smell of body and vomiting of sour milk. Heartburn and acidity
coming on when lying down at night and preventing sleep. Halbert
(Clinique, March, 1899, H. W., xxxiv. 373) relates a case of
hyperchlorydria treated with Rob.: Mrs. S., 40, had had stomach
troubles many years, for which she had had bitter tonics, stomach
douchings, electric massage. She had acid eructations and vomitings
of intensely sour food; extreme appetite, but gastric pains an hour or
two after meals; stomach and bowels distended with gas almost
constantly, and flatulence was extremely irritating. Craved meats, but
could not tolerate vegetables; craved solid food, but did not dare take
it. Emaciated and cachectic. Meat, eggs, and milk was the diet
prescribed. Lavage was performed every alternate day, and after it
the patient was directed to eat a full meal; Rob. 3x was given every
two hours, and steady improvement occurred in all particulars, till
health was practically restored. Burt had a severe neuralgia in left
temple, preventing sleep from midnight to daylight. He had also a
"dull, heavy aching in stomach," and a "constant dull, heavy frontal
headache, much < by motion and reading. The combination of
gastric and head symptoms has placed Rob. among the chief
remedies in migraine and sick headaches. Among Houatt's symptoms
was a facial neuralgia spreading to eyes, forehead, with contraction
of the jaw and features; and also a sensation as if the jaws would be
dislocated or fractured. Hering gives this case of neuralgia as having
been cured with Rob.: "jawbone feels as if disarticulated; intensely
sour taste and vomiting." The paralytic symptoms were very marked
in one of the poisoning cases. Flatulence and diarrhœa were
produced, and also constipation, with constant ineffectual urging.
Among the Peculiar Sensations are: As if brain revolved. As if head
were full of boiling water. As if brain struck against skull. Jawbone
as if disarticulated. Stomach as if scalded. As if whole body would
pass away with stool. The left side was most affected. A sleepy, dull
feeling in head and limbs changed from right to left. A. L. Fisher
(quoted H. R., iv. 27) has relieved with Rob., when everything else
failed, the intensely acid vomiting in four cases of gastric cancer.
Millspaugh points out that Trifol. prat., which is a domestic remedy
for cancer, is a near botanical ally of Rob. The symptoms are < by
touch (neuralgia from contact of food), < by motion. < By reading
(headache), < Lying down (heartburn and acidity). < Being raised
from the horizontal (nausea and vomiting). < Night. < From fat,
gravies, flatulent food, cabbages, turnips, new bread, ice-cream, raw
fruit, &c.; they = gastric headache.
and easily bleeding gums.─White coating on tongue, with red
tip.─Tongue covered with whitish-brown fur, smooth and
slimy.─Mucous membrane of mouth pale.
13. Stool and Anus.─Desire for stool, but only flatus passes; finally
constipated stool.─Sour stools of infants, with sour smell from body
and vomiting of sour milk.─Diarrhœic stools, yellow, green,
burning, with nervous agitation, weakness, cold sweat,
dyspnœa.─Stools: loose, black, fetid, with great tenesmus; watery,
whitish, excessively frequent and generally involuntary, with
sensation as if whole body would pass away with stool; heat, and
pressure in epigastrium; cramps.─Sudden attacks of purging and
vomiting.─The daily motion has a slimy look and bilious
tinge.─Bowels costive, with frequent ineffectual desire for stool.
fetid smell.─Hard swelling of womb.─Cramps in womb.─Menses
too late, black.─Hæmorrhage between the periods, accompanied by
purulent leucorrhœa.─Eruptions and ulcers like herpes on vagina and
Relations. - Compare: Arn., Arg. n., Con., Euphr., Phyt., Rhus,
Symph. After Arnica, it hastens the curative process in the joints;
after Symphytum, in injuries to bones.
Acts upon the periosteum and cartilages, eyes and uterus. Complaints
from straining flexor tendons especially. Tendency to the formation
of deposits in the periosteum, tendons, and about joints, especially
wrist. Overstrain of ocular muscles. All parts of the body are painful,
as if bruised. Sprains (after Arnica). Lameness after sprains.
Jaundice. Feeling of intense lassitude, weakness and despair. Injured
"bruised" bones.
Respiratory.--Cough with copious, thick, yellow expectoration;
chest feels weak. Painful spot on sternum; short breath with
tightness of chest.
Antidote: Camph.
Fevers. Fractures. Ganglion. Hæmorrhages. Hands, pains in.
Paralysis. Perichondritis. Periostitis. Rectum, affections of; prolapse
of. Restlessness. Rheumatism Sciatica. Spleen, affections of. Sprain.
Stammering. Tongue, cramp in; swelling of. Urination, difficulty of.
Varicocele. Veins, swollen; varicose. Warts.
remedy; and here are symptoms from the provings His eyes feel as if
he had strained the sight too much by reading; Weak, pressive-like
pain in right eye, with dimness of surrounding objects, as if from
having looked too long at an object that was fatiguing to the eyes;"
"A feeling of heat and burning in the eyes, and pain in them when he
reads (in the evening and by candle-light)." Each of these symptoms
was experienced by a separate prover. Another effect of bruising is
seen in prolapse of the rectum after confinement. But Ruta has,
independently of this, a powerful action on the rectum, and caused
prolapse in the provers and many severe symptoms. Tearing stitches
in rectum when sitting. The prolapse is < by stooping, and especially
by crouching together; it comes on immediately on attempting a
passage. Rushmore (H. P., x. 516) cured with one dose of Ruta 900
(Fincke) a case of prolapse preceding a very difficult stool.─Tearing
in rectum and urethra while urinating. Constipation; from inactivity
of rectum or impaction of fæces following mechanical injuries. A
curious clinical symptom is a sensation of nausea located in the
rectum. Among the general symptoms are: Great weakness after a
short walk; limbs feel bruised; small of back and loins painful.
Tottering as if thighs were weak; limbs pain when walking. Does not
know where to lay his legs on account of uneasiness and heaviness;
lies now in one place, now in another, and turns from side to side.
All parts of the body on which he lies, even in bed, are painful as if
bruised. Facial paralysis from catching cold, in robust, sanguine
persons. Rheumatic paralysis of wrists and ankles. Ruta is specially
suited to robust, sanguineous persons; and corresponds to
hæmorrhages from nose (with pressure at root), gums, rectum.
Peculiar Sensations are: Pain as if from a fall in periosteum. As if a
nail were driven into head. Head as if bruised or beaten. Eyes, as if
strained; as if a shadow flitting before them; as after looking too long
and intently at an object; as if eyes were balls of fire. As if one were
digging about in the ear with a blunt piece of wood. As of a lump in
throat. Bladder as if constantly full. Spine as if beaten and lame.
Wrists as if sprained. As if pain were in marrow of bone, or as if
bone were broken. Thighs as if beaten; as if weak. As if there were
an ulcer on ankle. All parts of body bruised at night, feeling as if it
were time to rise. Restlessness is a very frequent Concomitant of
Ruta conditions. A peculiar symptom is cramp in the tongue with
embarrassed speech. A prolonged use of Ruta 3x has cured ganglion
in front of left wrist (Oran W. Smith, H. P., ix. 308). Slow pulse,
contracted pupil, salivation and swollen tongue are features of its
action. The symptoms are: < By touch. Pressure < sore spot on
sternum; > pain below r. scapula, and stitches in small of back.
Backache > lying on back. [This is characteristic, and has led to
many cures; and the relief of a case of malignant disease of kidneys
and bladder (Rushmore, H. P., x. 516). This is important in
connection with a use Cooper has made of Ruta ointment, prepared
by extracting the plant in warm vaseline as an application in broken
cancer of the breast.] Walking or riding = chafing. Dyspepsia from
straining stomach by carrying heavy weights. Scratching >. Rubbing
>. Rest <. Motion >. Lying down = parts lain on to be sore; > pain
below right scapula; > stitches in small of back. Sitting <. Stooping
<. Bending over = fæces to escape. Exertion <. Ascending <. Going
up and down stairs = hamstrings to feel shortened and weak. < At
night. < Morning. (Vertigo on rising. Rheumatic pain in back <
before rising. Sweat in bed.) Warm stove = chilliness. Indoors =
yawning and stretching. Open air = vertigo. Cold applications <.
Cold wet weather <. < Reading and straining eyes. < During menses.
cheeks.─Headache as from stunning pressure on whole brain, with
great inquietude.─Headache as if a nail were driven into
head.─Headache after excessive use of intoxicating
drinks.─Throbbing or tearing pain in forehead, with confusion in
head, in evening before lying down, and in morning on
waking.─Heat in head (with much restlessness).─Intermittent boring
stitches in r. side of forehead.─Shooting, drawing pain from frontal
to temporal bone:─From temporal bones to occiput, in the
periosteum, pain as from a fall.─(Occipital headache < during
menses, with pains in backs of eyes (< in l. eyeball), with dyspepsia;
cannot bear a bright light, eyes tire, ache and prick and turn
bloodshot when she uses glasses─R. T. C.).─Tensive drawing or
lancinating pains in exterior of head, as from a blow or contusion,
esp. in periosteum.─Gnawing itching in scalp.─Nodes and abscesses
on scalp, with pain as from excoriation when touched, formed after a
tearing pain had been felt in the part which they occupy.─Biting
itching (ulcers) on scalp.─Small ulcers and running sores on scalp.
6. Face.─Pains in face, in periosteum, as if caused by contusion or
blows.─Spasmodic tearing in cheek-bone.─Itching and gnawing at
face and on cheeks.─Erysipelas in forehead with swelling.─Eruption
of pimples on lips.─Lips dry and sticky.─Acne.
straining.─Constipation alternating with mucous, frothy
stools.─Fæces scanty, hard, knotty, like sheep-dung.─Slimy
diarrhœa alternately with constipation.─(Chronic and obstructed
diarrhœa.─R. T. C.).─Frequent want to evacuate, with scanty but
soft evacuations.─Ineffectual want to evacuate, with prolapsus
recti.─Prolapse of rectum immediately on attempting a passage;
from slightest stooping; after confinement; frequent unsuccessful
urging.─Prolapsus recti at every evacuation (whether hard or soft
stool).─Discharge of blood with stool.─When sitting, tearing stitches
in rectum.─Pruritus ani with smooth appearance of skin round
anus.─R. T. C.).─Tearing in rectum and urethra when not
urinating.─Nausea felt in rectum.
18. Chest.─Breath very short, with dyspnœa.─Aching at chest with
sensation of fulness.─Nocturnal compression in lower part of
chest.─Lancinations in chest, often with suspended respiration,
principally when going up stairs.─Sensation of coldness or of heat in
chest.─Gnawing in r. chest with corrosive burning.─Gnawing
sensation in (l.) chest.─Phthisis after mechanical injuries of
chest.─A place in region of sternum is painful when touched.
23. Lower Limbs.─Falling from side to side when walking, legs will
not support him, no power or steadiness in thighs.─Legs give out on
ascending or descending stairs.─Sciatica; < by cold applications, and
in cold, wet weather.─Spasmodic drawing in thighs, extending into
the hip-joint and sacrum.─Contusive pain in hip-joint and bones of
the legs, esp. on touching and stretching them.─Weakness in thigh-
bones on rising from a seat, as if they had been broken.─Weakness,
trembling, and paralytic heaviness of knees and legs, which prevent
standing firmly, fatigue and heaviness of legs after
walking.─Sensation of contraction in tendons of knee (as if they
were shortened, and weakness in them, esp. on descending).─"Rue
pounded with honey and salt helps swelling of
knee."─Culpepper).─Fistulous ulcers in legs.─Flexion of knees, esp.
when going down stairs.─Lameness and pain in the ankles after a
sprain or dislocation; as if ulcerated.─(Pain and tenderness in soles,
aching in ankles and very acute shooting in back of l. heel,
sometimes of r. with pinkish discoloration of it; and shootings up
through limb settling in one spot (sacro-sciatic foramen), with aching
and heavy drawing across back of neck as if being dragged down;
patellæ stiff and snap on bending knees.─R. T. C.).─Burning,
gnawing pain in bones of the feet, which does not permit standing or
walking.─Paralytic stiffness of instep.─Small epithelial swellings on
joints of toes.
24. Generalities.─[We are led to the use of this remedy for injuries
of the periosteum (as when a fall or an accident injures the
periosteum), making it very sore and causing a bruised sensation;
when the rectum protrudes from the anus after confinement;
prolapsus ani, which may come down every time the bowels are
moved; pain as if bruised in the outer parts and in the bones; wounds
where the bones are injured; gnawing in the inner parts; affections in
general of l. side of head; of the bladder; wrist-joints; lumbar region;
bones of the lower extremity; < from lying on painful side; looking
fixedly at an object, as in cases of those who have looked closely at
watch-making, fine sewing, &c.; from taking uncooked food─H. N.
G.].─Contusive pains in limbs, joints, and bones, esp. when
touched.─Burning or gnawing pains in periosteum of
limbs.─Sensation of soreness of the parts on which one lies.─Pain in
long bones as if broken.─Pressive, spasmodic tearings, and drawings
in the limbs.─Sensation of fulness in whole body, with obstructed
respiration.─Lassitude, weakness, and heaviness in all limbs, esp.
when seated, with great restlessness in legs.─Lameness after sprains,
esp. the wrists and ankles.─Tottering, unsteady gait, from weakness
of thighs.─Sensation in all limbs as if severely beaten, with painful
sensibility of sacrum and loins when sitting down after a short
walk.─Sensation in head and body as if he had not slept
enough.─Knows not where to put his legs on account of restlessness
and heaviness, puts them first in one place, then in another, and turns
his body from side to side.─Whole body feels as if stuffed full,
whereby breathing is impeded.─Cannot bend his body, all joints and
hip-bones painful as if bruised.─On touching the painful parts, and
esp. hips and thigh-bones, they are painful as if bruised.─Acts
specially on yellow elastic tissue (R. T. C.).
Extremities.--Cracking of skin under and beneath toe; inflammation
under toe-nails.
also worms in putrid ulcers and in the intestines. Stapf points out that
the provings reveal remarkable febrile symptoms. Saba., he says, is
"not only specific to a certain kind of very bad angina, and to a rare
kind of pleurisy where no inflammatory fever nor thirst is present,
where the patient complains of coldness mingled with isolated
flushes of heat; but also to some forms of fever and ague, where the
chilliness sets in with nausea and inclination to vomit, recurs
frequently, and sometimes alternates with flushes of heat; where the
heat is more perceptible in the face and on the hands than on the rest
of the body, with absence of thirst both in the chilly and hot stage."
The same authority says that Saba. has a long period of action; the
primary symptoms develop in the first five days, then recur after the
lapse of some time. Symptoms are periodical and paroxysmal. The
periodicity of Saba. may be as clock-like as that of Cedr., and
renders it a leading remedy in intermittent fevers and neuralgias.
Saba. is a chilly remedy, the symptoms, especially the coryza, being
generally < in the open air. The catarrhal symptoms are very severe,
and correspond to many cases of bay asthma. I have often relieved
cases with Saba., though it does not cure the diathesis. Sore throats
characterised by a sensation of a lump or foreign body in the throat,
and a constant necessity to swallow, I have frequently cured with
Saba. Kent (Med. Adv., August, 1894) says it is suited to "old,
chronic sore throats that are < from cold air. The patient is sensitive
to cold air. Every time he takes cold it settles in his nose and throat.
Tonsillitis going from left to right." The desire for hot drink
distinguishes Saba. from Lach. The traditional use of Saba. as a
destroyer of parasites is depicted in the provings: "Violent itching of
hairy scalp, compelling her to scratch till blood comes." "Itching of
the vertex as if a quantity of vermin had collected there, obliging him
to scratch incessantly." "Itching of anus and rectum as from
ascarides." "Itching of anus alternating with itching of alæ nasi and
meatus auditorius." Kent gave Saba. to a pet dog which had great
irritation of anus, and soon afterwards he passed a very large number
of worms. Saba. has an extreme amount of giddiness in its
pathogenesis; it may cause staggering and even fainting. Objects
seem to whirl round, or to whirl round each other. Stapf had "Vertigo
early in the morning after rising." After a dose of Saba. in high
potency I astonished myself by falling back on the bed with
giddiness on rising the following morning. Among the characteristic
mental symptoms are: Tendency to be startled. Erroneous
impressions as to the state of his body. Imaginary diseases: imagines
parts shrunken, &c.; if there is distension from flatus imagines she is
pregnant, &c. Saba. is intolerant of mental exertion; thinking =
headache. Digestion is disordered and the tongue loaded, sinking at
stomach and gnawing hunger. Saba. corresponds to many forms of
indigestion, including that incident to pregnancy. Peculiar
Sensations are: As if things were turning around each other. As if she
would fall if she did not hold on to something. As if eyes went round
with the whirling sensation. Lips as if scalded. Tongue as if full of
blisters. As if uvula were down. As if œsophagus would be closed.
As of a body in throat which he must swallow down. As of a lump in
throat. As if a morsel of food had lodged in throat. As of a worm in
œsophagus. As if a sore spot was pressed upon. As of a lump in
abdomen. As if a ball of thread were moving and turning rapidly
through abdomen. As if knives were cutting abdomen. As if
abdomen were shrunken; were empty. Croaking as of frogs in
abdomen. As of something alive in abdomen. As if stomach were
gnawed. As of a thread or string in throat. As if throat were tied with
a string. As if articulation were suspended. As if tape prevented
circulation in chest. As if interior of bones were scraped out with a
sharp knife. As if hot breath came out of his mouth and nose. As if
everything were in motion. As if the air itself were in tremulous
motion. As if he had taken wine. Shaking as if in a severe chill. As if
something sharp in throat. As if a soft body in throat must be
constantly swallowed. Pressure on larynx = throat sore. Scratching >
itching of scalp; = burning of anus. Lying perfectly still > vertigo.
Lying down = cough immediately, < expectoration. Sitting < vertigo.
Rising from seat vertigo. Opening mouth wide = cracking of jaw-
joint. Walking vertigo and afterwards headache; pain in stomach.
Getting into sweat when walking < itching of scalp. > Afternoon.
Chill 3 p.m. < Morning; and evening. Gastric symptoms < morning.
< At new or full moon; at regular periods. Alternating: canine
appetite and disgust for meat and sour things; thirstlessness and
bulimia with aversion to food. Hot drinks: < toothache; mouth
intolerant of; craved in sore throat, more easily swallowed. Cold <
all symptoms; < cough. Cold drinks < toothache. Walking in cold air
< toothache. Open air: > vertigo; feels > in; = lachrymation and
spasmodic sneezing. Warm stove > chilliness. When over-heated
itching of scalp <. Mental exertion <. Fright = hysterical paroxysms.
< From wine. Saba. is suited to: Persons of light hair, fair
complexion, with a weakened, relaxed muscular system. Children.
Old people.
open air, Puls. Ovaritis, Coloc. Chill in afternoon, Lyc. < From 4 to 8
p.m., Lyc. Imaginary diseases, Thuj. Sensation of something alive in
abdomen, Croc., Thuj.; of machinery, Nit. ac. Effect of mental
exertion, Nux, Pic. ac. Fever without thirst, Puls. (with unquenchable
thirst, Nat. m.). Attacks at same time every day, Ars., Ced. Hunger in
early morning, Aga., Ant. c., Asar., Calc., Carb. a., Chi., Lyc., Mur.
ac., Ran. b., Rhus, Zn. Nausea at sight of food, Colch., Lyc. String
sensations; coryza, Cep. (Cep. coryza > out of doors; Saba. <). Easily
startled by noises, Borax. < From wine, Zn. Nervous diseases from
worms, Cin., Pso. Worm affections of children, Con., Sil., Spi.
Delirium during intermittents. Complaints go left to right, Lach., Lac
c. Illusions about his body, Bap. Alcaloid, Veratrin.
crawling itching on hairy scalp and forehead, > from scratching, <
from getting into a sweat when walking.─Forehead covered with
cold sweat.
9. Throat.─Pain in the throat as if caused by a plug or an internal
swelling during deglutition and at other times.─Constantly obliged to
swallow, with pain in mouth and behind larynx as if something
lodged there, with scratching roughness; hawks constantly, <
morning and during and after eating.─Sensation of a skin hanging
loosely in throat, must swallow over it; as if uvula were
down.─Much tough phlegm in throat, must hawk.─Feeling of
constriction in the throat (in fauces as from an astringent
drink).─Can swallow warm food more easily, in sore
throat.─Pressure and burning sensation in throat during deglutition
and at other times.─Dryness in throat.─Roughness and scraping in
throat, with continued want to swallow or to hawk.─Inflammation of
the patient to bend double.─Boring, digging, and rolling in
abdomen.─Rumbling in abdomen, as if empty.─Croaking as of frogs
in abdomen.─Sensation of coldness or burning in
abdomen.─Spasmodic contraction of muscles of abdomen; of l. side,
with burning pain; he bent double on l. side.─Red spots and specks
on abdomen.
air.─Shootings in sides of chest, esp. when drawing breath and
coughing, which disturbs the sleep at night and does not permit lying
on the side.─(Inflammation of pleura.).─Red spots and points on
evening, or towards noon, at which times the pains in the limbs are
also <.─In general, < at same hour every day.─Pains in the bones, as
if caused by some one cutting and scraping inside with a knife, esp.
in the joint; < by touch, > by a quick movement of the part
affected.─The patient feels better when lying down than when
walking or standing; in the open air.─Several symptoms appear first
on the r. and then on the l. side.─Great sensibility to cold air, which
< the uneasiness and pains.
092 – SABINA
Aggravation. - From least motion (Sec.); warm air or room (Apis,
Has a special action on the uterus; also upon serous and fibrous
membranes; hence its use in gout. Pain from sacrum to the pubis.
Hæmorrhages, where blood is fluid and clots together. Tendency to
miscarriage, especially at third month. Violent pulsations; wants
windows open.
menses, corrosive, offensive. Discharge of blood between periods,
with sexual excitement (Ambr). Retained placenta; intense after-
pains. Menorrhagia in women who aborted readily. Inflammation of
ovaries and uterus after abortion. Promotes expulsion of moles from
uterus (Canth). Pain from sacrum to pubis, and from below upwards
shooting up the vagina. Hæmorrhage; partly clotted; worse from
least motion. Atony of uterus.
Relationship.--Complementary: Thuja.
Antidote: Puls.
warts with much itching and exuberant granulations are
characteristic. Like Thuja, it removes wart-like growths from the
muco-cutaneous surfaces. It is suited to: chronic ailments of women;
arthritic pains; tendency to miscarriage; to the gouty diathesis.
Peculiar Sensations are: As if she would fall. As if parts of temporal
eminence were pressed asunder. As if skin had grown fast in
forehead. As if eyes would be pressed out. As if tooth would burst.
As if he had to swallow over a foreign body. As of a lump in throat.
As if vomiting would come on. As if something alive in abdomen.
Right shoulder-joint as if sprained. Sbi. is one of the remedies which
affect the heels. Farrington says it is suited to "plethoric women who
suffer from what they call rheumatic inflammation" of the heels.
There is an "intermittent aching" in the solar part of the heels.
Intermittence and a paroxysmal character are a leading feature with
Sbi. Pains are paroxysmal and labour-like Hæmorrhage comes in
gushes. Suddenly increasing and slowly disappearing pain. The
symptoms are < by touch, though pressure >. The dysmenorrhœa
pains were > lying on flat of back with limbs extended. < Stooping;
sitting bent; letting limbs hang down; motion. Walking >
metrorrhagia. Lies on left side during sleep. < Evening, night, and
morning. Sleepless and restless after midnight. < In warm air or
room. < Warm in bed. > In open air. (Warmth > pain of
dysmenorrhœa). Cold applications > wandering pains in joints. < By
music. < Taking a deep breath; > exhaling.
1. Mind.─Dejection, discouragement, and
sadness.─Hypochondriacal mood.─Great anxiety and
apprehension.─Irritable nerves; music intolerable.─Moroseness with
dislike to conversation, esp. when exercising in open
air.─Irascibility, with tears and sobs.─Listlessness.─Weakness of
5. Nose.─Dry coryza.
8. Mouth.─Dryness in mouth.─Putrid exhalation from
mouth.─Reddish or white saliva, which becomes frothy when
speaking.─Tongue loaded with a white or brownish coating.
15. Male Sexual Organs.─Inflammatory gonorrhœa, with discharge
of pus.─Sycotic excrescences with burning soreness.─Burning sore
pain in glans.─Hard (cartilaginous) swelling on dorsum of
penis.─Shootings in glans.─Deep redness of glans.─Painful
sensibility of prepuce, with difficulty in retracting it.─Frænum
swollen and tight.─Pain in condyloma as from
excoriation.─Increased sexual desire, with violent and prolonged
19. Heart.─Augmented and extended beating of the
heart.─Throbbing in all the blood-vessels.─Pulse unequal; generally
quick, strong, and hard.
pains, occurring in dysmenorrhœa, &c.; in hæmorrhage (particularly
uterine) where the blood is in fluid and clots together─as, the liquid
blood would flow, then will come a clot, and the blood may be
flowing rapidly.─Bleeding from the nose, blood being
pale.─Bleeding from inner parts in general.─Menstruation too early;
too profuse; blood of light colour; bright-red colour; discharge of
blood before the proper period.─Affects particularly the uterus;
lower part of chest; wrist; heel; toes; arthritic pain in joints.─Cough
with expectoration of pale blood.─In threatened abortion.─< On
inspiration; taking a deep breath; affections in general during
pregnancy; in a room; in a warm room; on getting warm in bed;
women in childbed; after parturition.─> In open air; while breathing
out, exhaling.─H. N. G.].─Chronic ailments of women.─Twitching
pulsation in the blood-vessels.─Shooting and tearing, arthritic pains,
esp. in joints, and sometimes with red and shining swelling of the
parts affected.─Gouty nodosities.─Lancinating drawing in hollow
bones.─Burning, pressive sensation in periosteum, which is
swollen.─Hæmorrhage.─Jerking throbbing in all the arteries.─Great
weakness and weariness in all limbs, with despondency.─General
uneasiness, as from long watching.─Heaviness and indolence of
body, obliging him to lie down.
down; desire to support parts by placing hand against uvula (Lil.,
Mur.); soreness of uterus. Foot sweat: between the toes, making them
sore; offensive (Graph., Psor., Sil.); on soles as if he had stepped in
cold water. Burning of soles of feet; must uncover or put them in a
cool place (Lach., Med., Sang., Sulph.). Child kicks off clothing
even in coldest weather (Hep., Sulph.). Emaciation, progressive;
child looks old, dirty, greasy and brownish; skin about neck
wrinkled, hangs in folds (Abrot., Iod., Nat. m., Sars.).
Relations. - Related to: Abrot., Alum., Bor., Cal., Graph., Nat. m.,
Sil., and others of our great antipsorics.
Very offensive odor. Excoriation of skin about anus, perineum, and
genitals. Diarrhœa; changeable in character and color; after eating.
Dose.--Thirtieth potency.
Indigestion. Influenza. Intermittents. (Intestinal sand.) Itch;
suppressed. Itching. Leucorrhœa. Liver, soreness of. Lumbago.
Melancholy. Milk, thin. Mouth, sore. Neuralgia. Neurasthenia. Night
terrors. Nose, crusts in. Ophthalmia; tarsi. Os uteri, dilated.
Ossification, too early. Ozæna. Perspiration, excessive. Pot-bellied
children. Pregnancy, sickness of; dropsy of. Rectum, cramp in.
Rheumatism. Rickets. Scurvy. Sea-sickness. Shoulders, rheumatism
of. Throat, sore. Tongue, ringworm of; burning. Toothache. Uterus,
prolapse of; soreness of; (tumour of). Vomiting, of milk; of water.
Wrist, boils on.
hands and feet. Sherbino [J. of Hcs. (Hitchcock's), ii. 147] relates this
case: Mr. F. had neuralgia of coccyx, sacrum, and lumbar region, <
by any movement, turning in bed, rising from chair, stooping; >
keeping still. Parts sore to touch. Cold sensation in lumbar and
sacral regions as if there were a cold cloth there. Feet cold and
clammy. Sanic. 10m cured after other remedies failed. The foot-
sweat occurs between the toes, making them sore, as well as on the
soles, which are as if one had stepped in cold water On the other
hand, there may be "burning of the soles, must uncover or put them
in a cool place," and "child kicks off clothing even in coldest
weather." The odours of Sanic. are characteristic. The stool has an
odour of rotten cheese, and no amount of washing will get rid of it.
The flatus has the same odour. Vaginal discharges and condylomata
of penis have an odour of fish brine. This has led to a number of
cures. The digestive tract is greatly disordered by Sanic. Food has a
long after-taste; turns sour. Children vomit milk looking like
"Schmierkäse." Appetite is increased─hungry before meals─or
disordered. Craves salt; craves fat bacon, which <. Eating = desire
for stool; must leave the table. Great thirst; drinks little and often;
vomits as soon as it reaches the stomach. Incontinence of urine and
fæces. Urging from flatus, must cross legs to prevent fæces escaping.
Sanic. is as great a remedy in constipation as in diarrhœa. There is no
desire for stool till a long accumulation has occurred. After great
straining stool partially expelled recedes. Large evacuation of small,
dry, grey balls, which have to be removed mechanically. Stool
square, as if carved with a knife. The diarrhœa is changeable in
character and colour: Like scrambled eggs; frothy, grass-green; turns
green on standing; like scum of frog-pond. There is excoriation of
skin about anus, perinæum, and genitals. As well as weakness of
rectum and bladder, there is uterine weakness and bearing down as if
contents of pelvis would escape; must place hand to vulva to prevent
it. Walking, misstep, or jar < this, and also soreness of the uterus.
Sherbino (M. A., xxvi. 133) relates the case of Mrs. X., who had been
in poor health a number of years. Tall, anæmic. Has to urinate too
often and too profusely, rises several times in night. Urine clear,
pale. Has leucorrhœa, profuse, changeable in colour, at times milky,
then yellow, < during stool. Weak and prostrated, rumbling in
bowels before meals, > after eating and when stomach is full. Hands
cold, clammy; also feet, < in cold weather; stockings always damp.
Two doses of Sanic., 10m and then 50m, cured all the trouble. H. C.
Morrow regards Sanic. as the chronic of Cham. (H. R., ix. 253). He
records the case of a baby who had been ill through a summer with
diarrhœa. Morrow cured it with Sanic. 50m (F.), a peculiar symptom
in the case being that the boy wanted to lie on something hard, thin
as he was. Morrow had himself suffered since a boy from effects of
suppressed itch. Among his symptoms were─"felt as if he had on
cold, damp stockings," and "sweat about the head and neck when
asleep, wetting the pillow far around." Calc. gave no relief. Sherbino
advised Sanic., and after taking it Morrow was in better health than
he had been for twenty years. Morrow also relates these cases (M. A.,
xxiv. 47): (1) A lady was constipated a year. Had to strain very hard
to expel the stool; at times fæces so large, hard, and dry, she was
compelled to pick it out with the fingers. Sanic. relieved. (2) A fig-
wart on glans penis, with a discharge from its surface which smelled
like fish brine. Sanic. cured. Gundlach relates (M. A., xxvi. 97) these
cases: (1) Mrs. K. felt an attack of fever impending. Sad and
despondent. Had fever the previous night with headache, but no
thirst. Mouth dry, tongue coated, bad breath inside lips and cheeks
many little aphthous ulcers; no appetite bowels constipated; tired,
numb, lame feeling in all limbs; chilly, craves warmth, yet head feels
better in open air. Sanic. 10m, every three hours, cured. (2) Mr. C.
complained that the roof of his mouth felt scalded, < taking anything
warm in mouth, especially hot drink. Smokers have this kind of sore
mouth, but patient was not a smoker. Gundlach remembered his own
similar symptoms of the proving, and gave Sanic. 10m, which
promptly removed the condition. (Sanic. causes a burning of the
tongue so intense that it must be put out to cool: here again is the "<
by warmth" of the mouth). (3) Gundlach's horse was out of health,
would not eat, bowels constipated, stools dark and scant. Tired,
rubbed his tail at every opportunity till nearly all the hair was rubbed
off. A veterinarian diagnosed "lampers," and said the gums would be
found swollen and sore, and would need scarifying. The gums were
found sore and swollen, mouth slimy, tongue coated. Sanic. 10m was
given thrice daily, and no scarifying was needed. He was well in a
few days. Sherbino (M.. A., xxvi. 135) removed with Sanic. 10m and
50m these symptoms in a man suffering from the after-effects of
influenza and much drugging: Soreness through stomach and liver
region. Liver enlarged, great tenderness to pressure or jar. Could not
laugh without supporting stomach and bowels. > When stomach full,
< when it was empty. G. M. Chase (M. A., xxiv. 336) relates a case
of acute gastric catarrh. Patient had had repeated attacks lasting three
to seven days. Two doses of Sanic. cured. The mental symptoms
were the chief guides: Irritable, least word or action would "upset"
her. Misconstrues everything. Melancholy, sad, depressed, no
energy. Fever but no thirst. Headache, cannot bear light or noise.
Offensive breath, but not from teeth. Rheumatic pains in shoulders,
< left, extending to chest. Only > from heat; patient sat with back to
the fire. Gundlach (M. A., xxiii. 381) relates this similar case: Mrs.
W., 55, after a violent cold two days before, had great pain in
muscles of neck, shoulders, and upper back, pain constant, but made
sharp by attempts to put her hands to her head or behind her. Could
not look round without turning whole body. < From cold or motion;
> from warmth and rest until she gets tired of holding head and body
in one position, when she would have to move it. Sanic. 30 made a
rapid cure. C. M. Boger (M. Couns., xvi. 265) relates the case of a
light-haired carpenter, 35, who had hacking cough from trachea after
rising in morning, also in evening. Sneezing occasionally during day.
Crusty sores in right nostril. Dull pain in frontal sinuses, < stooping.
Aching in muscles of whole back, stitches upward, < from motion.
Foot-sweat, making feet sore, stiffens stockings, destroys shoes.
Itching eruption over sternum. Itching pimples on coccyx. Sanic.
10m (F. C.) cured. Gundlach (M. A., xxiii. 382) relates these two
cases of constipation. (1) Mr. A., always accustomed to take pills.
No stool, nor desire, for five days. Dull frontal headache with
vertigo; stooping or getting up suddenly = vertigo. When walking
gets blind and dizzy, has to stand still till it passes off. Poor appetite;
tongue large and flabby, coated yellowish. Bad taste in morning; at
times stomach full and oppressed after eating; accumulation of gas.
Stool scanty and requires great effort to expel. "Not done" sensation
after stool. Sanic. 10m cured promptly and completely. (2) Miss R.,
20, constipated all her life. Goes a week without desire. Great effort
required to expel stool, which would at times slip back. Sanic. 30
helped at once. W. J. Guernsey (M. A., xxiii. 382) relates several
cases of bowel disorder in children. (1) R., aged one month, has sore
mouth. Jumps on waking from sleep. Stool difficult with straining.
Sanic. 10m cured in a few days. Three months later same child had
swelling about eyes. Discharge of water from nose. Rubs nose
constantly, looking frightened. Sanic. 10m cured in five doses. (2)
B., four months, stools loose, green. Restless at night. Losing flesh.
Eyes look very heavy. Has had sore mouth removed by the mother
with Borax wash, Sanic. 10m, 50m, and cm, gradually cured. (3) S.,
aged seven months, stool loose and copious. Stool becomes pale on
standing. Urinates much. Vomits large chunks of milk. Wakens
screaming in fright. Sanic. 10m. All symptoms disappeared, but a
large carbuncle appeared on right buttock, which, however, was less
painful than its size would indicate, opened in five openings and
discharged within a week, rapid recovery following. Guernsey chose
Sanic. on the italicised symptom, being the direct opposite of the
special Sanic. condition, and as it is noted under no other remedy.
Opposites as well as similars may serve as indications. Gundlach (H.
P., xiii. 158) reports these cases: (1) Printer, 40, suffering for some
weeks from results of overwork. Dull pain in forehead over eyes
feels as if eyes being driven back into head; < in warm, close room
by application of mind; > in open air. Mind wanders when trying to
apply it. Cannot keep at any one thing. No appetite. Bad taste, tongue
coated white, < morning. Dry mouth, no thirst. Fears he will lose his
reason. Sanic. 10m cured. (2) Mrs. H., 45, constantly chilly mingled
with flushes of heat. Chills < moving, even turning in bed; > by
external warmth. Chills at irregular times; spread from below up.
During chill wants to be covered; during heat wants covers off. Pains
and aching in limbs, feels sore and bruised, both flesh and bones;
can't put hands to head or behind for pain in shoulders. Head dull,
heavy. Warmth > pains, but < head. Bad taste; wants sour things;
some thirst with fever; urine dark, scanty. Sanic. 10m cured. J. V.
Allen (H. P., ix. 380) observed that in the eye cases of Sanic. there is
marked photophobia without much inflammation. The cases he cured
had these symptoms: Must close eyes continually; with this an awful
discharge of thick, yellowish, greenish matter, excoriating any part it
touches. In one child there was as well greenish nasal discharge,
excoriating nostrils and lips. Peculiar Sensations are: Head as if open
and wind went through it. Of cold cloth round brain. Of scalp all
drawn up to vertex. Coldness in throat. Throat as if too large. Back
as if in two pieces. Lumbar vertebræ as if gliding past each other,
especially when rocking in a chair. Feeling of distraction. There is
great fear of the dark; constant desire to look behind her. Dreams of
robbers. "Stool full of jagged particles" suggests the condition
known as "intestinal sand." Square stool is also peculiar. The
symptoms are < by touch. Child cannot bear to be approached. In
bed one cannot bear to lie near or touch another. Cannot bear to have
one part touch another; sweat where parts (as crossed thighs) touch.
Part lain on sweats. Must loosen clothing. Slight pressure < more
than hard. < From strain; from riding in cars. < Descending. <
Motion; raising arms; putting arms behind back; working. < Misstep,
walking, jar. Cough = bursting in vertex. > Rest. < Leaning head
forward; > leaning it back. Awakes at night with arms under head.
On waking child rubs eyes and nose with fist. Light and noise <.
Eating <; urging to stool whilst eating. Also < before eating
(hunger); and > after breakfast; and when stomach full. Swallowing
<. > Vomiting. < At noon. > In open air. < Warm room (head and
skin symptoms chiefly). > Warmth; wraps up head in cold weather. <
Becoming cool after running (pain in jaw). < From draught of air,
especially cold air. Cannot bear cold wind on back of head or neck. <
Change, especially to damp weather, Periodicity, chills every other
day. Symptoms of the proving recurred repeatedly during five years.
Smoking < eructations, > nausea. Pains go right to left; front to back;
and back to front; shift much.
Causation.─Strains. Jarring.
most trifling cares unbearable.─Fear of impending
misfortune.─Restless desire to go from place to place; great aversion
to darkness.─Constant irresistible desire to look behind her.─Feels
like cursing (intermittent fever).─(Child wants to be in constant
motion night and day.).─Averse to be touched.─Restless; no > from
moving.─Easily upset by slight word or act.─Forgets common
details of recent occupation.─Dreads work on account of weakness
and exhaustion.)
accumulation of dandriff on top of head, with itching on getting head
warm; cannot endure cold wind about back of head or neck.─Child
sweats profusely about back of head and neck during sleep, wetting
pillow all around.─Hair thin, scanty, dry, lustreless.─Hair electric,
crackling when combed.─(Falling out of hair.─Small boils on head
that do not mature.)
on upper lip, constantly picking them till they bleed.).─Itching
eruptions in beard, esp. under chin; < when warm.─Vesicular
eruption on lips and chin.
sleeping in a draught.─Constant desire to moisten the parts, but
cannot.─Can swallow solid better than fluid.─(Sensation in pharynx
and uvula as though he had inhaled peppermint.─Choking sensation
in throat as from a breadcrumb.)
sensitive to pressure and jar.─Rumbling in l. side of abdomen at 9
p.m.─Gurgling like distant thunder along course of large
intestine.─Bowels bloated as if they would burst.─Sore pains in
groins beneath Poupart's ligaments, after walking.─(Rumbling in
bowels before meals; > after eating.─Pot-bellied children, abdomen
is the largest part of them.)
13. Stool and Anus.─No desire for stool for three or four
days.─After intense straining the stool, which was nearly evacuated,
recedes.─Even soft stool requires great effort to expel.─Large
evacuation of small, dry, grey balls; must be removed by fingers lest
it rupture the sphincter.─Great pain in perinæum while at stool as
though it would burst; whole perinæum sore and burning for some
hours after stool.─Slim, yellow stool at least ten inches long, not
requiring much effort.─Stool feels full of jagged particles, very
painful, lacerating anus and causing soreness and bleeding.─Stools
small and infrequent, first part hard and dry, latter part
soft.─Constipation with ineffectual urging.─Impossible to evacuate
the stool, which is of greyish-white balls, like burnt lime, hard and
crumbling, with odour of rotten cheese; it must be removed
mechanically.─Yellow, soft, wedge-shaped stool, like an almond
nut, without power to expel.─Stool of large lumps of undigestible
caseine, ragged or shaggy, smelling like rotten or limburger
cheese.─Stool resembling scrambled eggs.─Thin portion of stool
frothy and of a grass-green colour; whole mass turns green after
standing.─Stools green, frothy, watery, like the scum of a frog
pond.─(Child's stools changeable; watery, yellow, green.).─At 9.30
p.m. copious diarrhœa with urging and haste; stool yellow and fetid
as after eating onions.─Soft, sticky, mushy stool twice each
day.─Stools as often as food is taken, must hurry from table after
each meal.─Cramping pain in colon and rectum.─Urging from
flatus, must cross legs to prevent stool from escaping.─(Persistent
odour somewhat resembling that of decaying cheese about the child,
not removed by bathing; diarrhœa.─Pain before stool, some > after
it.─Pain during stool.─"Not done" sensation after stools.─Stool
becomes pale on standing.).─Stool square, as if carved with a
knife.─(Excoriation of skin about anus, extending out on each side
of nates, genital organs, and groins; skin very raw, like beef, with
watery discharge.─No control over sphincter, often soils himself
while standing, running, at play, or even at night.─Stool escapes
when passing flatus.)
14. Urinary Organs.─Frequent desire for urination with profuse
discharge, comes suddenly with sensation that urine was at
meatus.─Great effort necessary to retain urine, at times impossible,
yet if the desire is resisted the urging ceases.─Cramp-like pain along
course of l. ureter, when trying to retain urine, compelling him to
stand, although he cannot stand erect on account of the
pains.─Sensation that a hard body like a lead pencil were being
forced upward and backward from bladder to kidney; it gradually
passes away some fifteen minutes after urination.─Voids large
quantities of pale urine of low specific gravity.─Urgent calls to
urinate as if bladder would burst.─Child strains to urinate while at
stool.─Urine of child scanty, voided at long intervals.─Child cries
before urinating.─Urine stains diaper red.
feet, particularly of l. side during pregnancy; feet pit on pressure;
sad, tearful disposition; after standing, sensation that the os uteri is
opening or dilating, with drawing at inside of thighs.─Os uteri
dilated to size of half dollar three weeks before labour.─Child's head
hard and compact when born, with no sign of suture or posterior
fontanelle.─Milk thin, watery, acid reaction.
behind body.─Sharp pain from least turning; must hold himself stiff
and turn whole body in order to look around.─Inclines head forward
to case pain in muscles at back of neck.─Sharp pain at inner angle of
l. scapula on putting head back.─L. scapular region very
sore.─Weak, tired, broken sensation in lumbar region, coming on
just after rising in morning, and gradually increasing till noon, then
decreasing till its disappearance, about 6 or 7 p.m.─Sensation in
lower lumbar region that the vertebræ were gliding past each other,
felt esp. when rocking in a chair.─A dislocated sensation in last
lumbar vertebra.─Backache, with burning sensation across lumbar
and sacral regions; > from gentle exercise or lying flat on back; <
when sitting.─Region of coccyx sore, as if excoriated.─Coldness
along spine; < on going into cool air or when sitting still; > from
external warmth and motion.─Back very painful at noon.─Sensation
that the back is in two pieces.─Back becomes tired and weak from
walking over snow.─After a strain, lameness and stiffness of back in
morning; > after moving about.─Catch in back on reaching or
straining.─Gooseflesh on back.─Small boils on back that do not
palms.─On putting hands together they sweat until it drops from
them.─Knuckles of fingers crack and leak.─(Hang-nails.)
crying.─She awakens her companion to search for a tramp in her
room, gets up and looks under the bed for him.─On waking child
rubs eyes and nose with its fist.─Cannot bear any one to lie close to
or touch him.─Lascivious dreams.─Dreams of robbers and cannot
sleep till the whole house is searched.─Dreams of murder and
27. Fever.─Chilliness all day; < in warm room.─The cold air chills
him.─Sensation that chills are coming on.─Chill every day at same
time.─Chill begins in lower extremities.─Chill every night lasting an
hour, beginning between shoulders, thence extending to arms,
fingers, and whole body; (intermittent, three weeks after
labour.).─Thirst during chill, none during heat or sweat.─(Chill at
8.30 a.m.─Chill at 5 p.m.─Chill postponing two hours.─Chill every
other day; fever lasting all night.─Drinks before chill.).─Whole body
feels too hot at night.─Sweat most where limbs cross each other or
touch the bed.─Begins to sweat as soon as covered.─Sweats on first
falling asleep, mostly about neck, wetting clothing through.─Cold,
clammy sweat on occiput and neck, those parts feel like a wet
stone.─Sweat from above downward over whole body.─High fever
every night with sleeplessness.─Whole body feels too hot at
night.─(Wants to move to a cool part of bed.).─Sweats on side lain
on.─Hungry during sweat; water tastes bitter.
itching; comes on in spring; becomes crusty. Rhagades; skin cracked
on hands and feet. Skin hard, indurated. Summer cutaneous
Antidote: Bell.
Spermatic cords, swelling of. Spermatorrhœa. Strangury. Syphilis.
Ulcers. Warts.
people and enlarged abdomens; to dark-haired persons of lithic or
sycotic diathesis. Farrington gives these indications: (1) Sycotic
eruption, little spots scarcely raised above the skin, often scaling a
little, but looking like the roseola of syphilis and itching intolerably,
< in spring. (2) Moist eruption on scalp, the pus from which causes
inflammation of any part it touches. (3) Sycotic headache, beginning
at back of head, coming forward and settling at root of nose, with
swelling of nose. (4) Moist eruption about genitals or between
scrotum and thighs.─Sars. has many symptoms relative to the female
breast, and scirrhus of the breast has been cured with it. The nipples
are soft, unexcitable; they are retracted and cannot be made to come
out. Retraction of the nipples is a suspicious sign even when there is
no appearance of tumour; and Sars. should be helpful in patients of
cancerous history when this condition is present. This shrivelling of
the nipples is part of the shrivelling, withering, wrinkling, and
hanging in folds which characterises the skin generally. Burnett (H.
W., xv. 62) records the case of Miss X., 32, whom he found ill in bed
and in great pain. There was vomiting of bitter matter, diarrhœa, and
fainting, the initial stage of a painful period. Conjunctivæ yellow,
and apparently a sharp upset of the liver. Card. m. Ø removed the
pains and vomiting; Chel. 1 relieved tenderness of the liver which
remained. The patient had had painful menses for twenty years, that
is, continuously from the commencement, except one year when at
school at Tunbridge Wells. She used to begin, generally early in the
morning, with bitter vomiting; diarrhœa and fainting fits, with
exceedingly cold perspiration; the pain in back, thighs, and
hypogastrium she described as dreadful. She had to lie down the first
day, the second day the pain continued still very bad, and went off on
the third. The left nipple was considerably retracted, arising from a
fall when patient was a little child, and in addition to the above-
named symptoms she had severe pain in left breast extending down
left arm, and the breast was so tender that she would often hold her
hand in front of it to ward off any contact. Twenty-four powders,
each containing Sars 30 gtt. i., were ordered, one at bedtime. The
next flow was painless; but the breast was as painful as ever. Twelve
doses of Sul. 30 were given in as many days, and then Sars. 30 again.
The painful menstruation remained cured, but the breast was
unchanged. Twenty-four powders were now ordered, the first,
twelfth, and eighteenth containing each ten globules of Sars. 100, the
rest unmedicated. Patient reported: The first two or three weeks she
thought she had taken a severe cold, as she had such a peculiar pain
between the shoulders as if the flesh were taken hold of and twisted
round. After a few days it got better, and "there has been scarcely
any pain in the part since." The retraction of the nipple seemed to
Burnett a little less. With the same remedy Skinner (ibid.) cured
many cases of retraction or flattening of the nipple in nursing
women. On two occasions with high potencies of Sars. he enabled a
lady to nurse her child when it was utterly hopeless without the
simillimum. Peculiar Sensations are: As if in a dream. As of a great
weight in head. Buzzing as if a large bell had been struck in head. As
if he had been hit with a hammer on top of head. As if something
pressing on head. As if gauze spread over left eye. As if a grain of
sand in eye. As of a needle pricking point of nose. Face as if bruised.
Jaw as if being broken. As if he had eaten nothing. [Sars. has the
"sinking" sensation of the great antipsorics.] As if diarrhœa would
come on. As if bowels were pressed out. As if bound down to bed by
a sort of suction. As if breath were stopped by a spasm. Breast-bone
as if bruised. As if chest were too short. As if tips of fingers
ulcerated, or as if salt were put on a wound. Limbs as if paralysed.
There is general sensitiveness. Pains shoot in different directions.
Anxiety accompanies the pains of Sars.; and the pains = depression.
The symptoms are < by touch, pressure, tight clothes, scratching.
Scratching = itching to begin in another place = eruption on forehead
to become humid. Rest >, motion <. Lying down < asthmatic
breathing. Sitting <. Standing > (difficult micturition). Stooping =
pains from occiput to forehead. Walking <. < Going up (or down)
stairs. Many symptoms are < on moving. < In spring. Warmth >.
Warm diet <. Cold diet >. Warm room < vertigo. Entering cold air
from warm room = rash. Cold air > pain in molars. Cold, wet
weather <. Washing <. Chilliness <. Seminal emission < dim sight.
Bread <. Yawning <.
Mag. mur. Antidotes to Merc., Bell., Camph., Carb. v., Chi., Dulc.,
Electric., Hep., Hyo. (loss of voice), Lach., Lyc., Op., Mez., Nit. ac.,
Sep., Sil., Sul. Stench on genitals, Merc., Sanic. (Sanic. of fish
brine), Plica polonica; right side; distension after eating a little, Lyc.
> Cold diet, Pho. > Loosening cravat, Lach. Flickering before eyes
with headache, Ir. v., K. bi.
morning.─Red stripe from cornea to outer canthus.─Internal canthi
blue and swollen.─Cloudiness before eyes, like a fog; < after
emissions.─A red colour is reflected from white paper in
evening.─Flickering before eyes with headache.─Halo round candle.
11. Stomach.─Risings and regurgitations, esp. during and after a
meal, generally bitter or sour.─Belching; with diarrhœa.─Hiccough
6 p.m.─Frequent or continued nausea, with fruitless inclination to
vomit.─Sour vomitings.─Constrictive pains in stomach.─Aching at
pit of stomach.─Heat and burning sensation in stomach, esp. after
eating bread.
13. Stool and Anus.─Hard, retarded, and scanty fæces, often with
urgent want to evacuate.─Painful, difficult evacuations, with
contractive pains in the abdomen and violent downward
pressure.─Obstinate constipation, with frequent want to
urinate.─Pitchy, sticky, adhesive stools.─Blood with Stool.─Loose,
acrid, corrosive evacuations, with pains in abdomen.─Fainting
during an evacuation.─Pain as from excoriation, and burning itching
in anus.─Wakened in night with sore pain in anus, which changes
into a (burning) itching which lasts all day.
passes large quantities of sand.─Can pass urine only when standing;
when he sits it dribbles.─Burning sensation in urethra during every
urination.─(Burning in urethra with incontinence of urine, < in
daytime, < when urine is high-coloured, and < after drinking
beer.─Much scalding up urethra while urinating, urine high-coloured
with lithates, enuresis day and night.─R. T. C.).─Cramps in bladder,
with contractive pain.─Stones in the bladder.─Discharge of pus from
the urethra, as in gonorrhœa.─Jerking sensation along male
urethra.─Pain at meatus urinarius with women.
double.─Tensive pain in exterior of chest, as from contraction, on
rising up.
20. Neck and Back.─Painful pressure and tension in back and nape
of neck, with lancinations on least movement of trunk or
head.─Lancinations between shoulder-blades and in muscles of
neck.─Stitches in back through into chest on least motion.─Swelling
on one side of neck, painful to touch.─Contusive pain in loins, esp.
while stooping, and afterwards.─Pains from small of back down
spermatic cords; < at night and from motion; after
emissions.─Tingling in loins.─Tensive pain from loins to hips on
least movement.
swellings.─Great lassitude, esp. in lower limbs.─Lassitude in the
hands and feet.─Emaciation.─The pains cause depression of spirits.
nervous and vital powers after long sickness, over-exercise, over-
study, long-continued and exhausting labours. It controls nervous
agitation (King). [It was Burnett's chief remedy in the nervous
debility after influenza.] (2) Scudder mentions chorea; delirium
tremens; and hydrophobia (as its popular name suggests). Rafinesque
cites cases of prevention of hydrophobia; and Hale observed it
produce in a patient taking 1x, after each dose─"Spasmodic or
constrictive closing of jaws, and a tightness of the muscles of the
face." [A writer, quoted N. Y. Med. Times, xxiv. 318, says Scut. in
delirium tremens has the remarkable effect of calming fear.] (3)
Paine adds these indications: Subsultus tendinum following fevers,
in delirium tremens, epilepsy, catalepsy, hysteria. (4) Coe (who uses
Scutellarin, the concentrated preparation) mentions sunstroke;
tenesmus; tetanus; cramps. Hale has used it with success in
sleeplessness, night-terrors, hysteria, nervous agitation from pain or
exciting emotions, cerebral irritation of children from dentition or
intestinal irritation. Like its relation, Lycopus., it caused weak and
irregular action of the heart and protrusion of the eyes. It has been
found useful in weak heart resulting from cigarette smoking (M.
Cent., iii. 463). Churton (B. M. J., quoted H. R., i. 78) gave 60 drops
of the tincture every two hours in a case of "severe and rapid
hiccough" which Chloroform, Morphia, and Pilocarpine had failed
to relieve permanently. After the eighth dose the patient slept, and
the spasms gradually diminished, and stopped for good by the fourth
day. The hemicrania is > moving about in open air. (But there is also
headache < from motion.) All symptoms are > by sleep. < By
overwork or over-exertion.
too small a space.─Before rising, hemicrania, most severe over r.
eye; > moving about in open air.─Pain in occiput.─Headache < by
eating; > by motion.
26. Sleep.─Frightful dreams.─Sudden wakefulness.─Sleeps late in
morning and wakes with severe headache.─Frequent sudden starting
from sleep.
watery, putrid, brown; discharged with great force (Gamb., Crot.);
very exhausting; painless, involuntary; anus wide open (Apis, Phos.).
Enuresis: of old people; urine pale, watery, or bloody; urine
suppressed. Burning; in all parts of the body, as if sparks of fire were
falling on the patient (Ars.). Gangrene; dry, senile, < from external
heat. Large ecchymosis; blood blisters; often commencement of
gangrene. Collapse in cholera diseases; skin cold, yet cannot bear to
be covered (Camph.). The skin feels cold to the touch, yet the
patient cannot tolerate covering; icy coldness of extremeties.
Menses: irregular; copious, dark, fluid; with pressing, labor-like
pains in abdomen; continuous discharge of watery blood until next
period. Threatened abortion especially at third month (Sab.);
prolonged, bearing down, forcing pains. During labor: pains
irregular; too weak; feeble or ceasing; everything seems loose and
open but no expulsive action; fainting. After pains: too long; too
painful; hour-glass contraction. Suppression of milk; in thin,
scrawny, exhausted women; the breasts do not properly fill. Pulse
small, rapid, contracted and often intermittent.
scrawny old women. All the Secale conditions are better from cold;
the whole body is pervaded by a sense of great heat. Hæmorrhages;
continued oozing; thin, fetid, watery black blood. Debility, anxiety,
emaciation, though appetite and thirst may be excessive. Facial and
abdominal muscles twitch. Secale decreases the flow of pancreatic
juice by raising the blood pressure (Hinsdale).
Chest.--Angina pectoris. Dyspnœa and oppression, with cramp in
diaphragm. Boring pain in chest. Præcordial tenderness. Palpitation,
with contracted and intermittent pulse.
os, little pain, no progress. Dose, 1/2 c, repeat in half hour, if
necessary. Hypodermically contra-indicated in first stage of labor,
valvular lesions or deformed pelvis).
Characteristics.─Rye and grasses are apt to be affected with the
Ergot disease in damp seasons, and when grown on damp, ill-drained
lands. If breeding cows are turned on pastures where infected grasses
grow they are very liable to drop their calves. Ergot has been known
as a hastener of parturition from remote times. Its other actions have
been for the most part learned from the terrible epidemics of
"Ergotism" which have occasionally devastated districts in which
Rye infected with Ergot has been ground into flour and eaten by the
population. Death takes place in convulsions; or else from gangrene
and consequent exhaustion; or from exhausting hæmorrhages or
discharges, as diarrhœa. Many who escape immediate death are
reduced to a cachectic state, from which they never recover; are
paralysed, have limbs distorted and senses impaired. In general the
sufferer retains a clear intellect and a good, even abnormally good,
appetite to the last. The nervous symptoms of Sec. are convulsive.
The body is at times rigid; at times rigidity alternates with relaxation.
This is especially seen in the hands, which are either clenched or
have the fingers spread widely apart (a keynote symptom). The
muscles of the face and abdomen twitch. There is incontinence or
retention of urine. Spasmodic retching, the stomach is violently
contracted. Through the like action on the vaso-motor nerves there is
first contraction and then dilatation of blood-vessels; the fingers turn
bluish black. This stagnation leads to dry gangrene of the parts. Sec.
shrivels up the skin, makes it dry and harsh; sallow complexion. It is
therefore suited to─thin, scrawny women, feeble and of cachectic
appearance; women of irritable, nervous temperament; of pale,
sunken countenance. To very old, decrepit persons. On the other
hand, it is also suited to: Irritable, plethoric subjects. Women of very
lax muscular fibre; everything seems loose and open; no action,
vessels flabby: passive hæmorrhages, copious flow of thin, black,
watery blood. For Sec. lessens the coagulating power of the blood.
and produces a hæmorrhagic diathesis; persistent, offensive bleeding.
Small wounds bleed persistently. Purpura comes within this
category. One grand characteristic of Sec., which will determine its
selection in many cases, is: "< By external heat." This applies to
cholera, purpura, gangrene, and any condition which may present
symptoms of Sec. In cholera cases calling for Sec. the patient is cold,
almost pulseless; there are spasmodic twitchings of muscles in
various parts (especially spreading of fingers), eyes sunk, features
pinched; surface harsh, shrivelled, dry, as though no moisture were
left in the body. Though cold to the touch, cannot bear to be covered.
In spite of this coldness, Sec. has burning among its characteristic
sensations: burning in all parts of the body as if sparks were falling
on the patient. Another characteristic sensation is numbness; tingling
as if ants crawling all over, > from rubbing. This may accompany
hæmorrhages, loss of other fluids, debility, or skin affections. In the
later stages of ergotism there is anæsthesia. The discharges are
exhausting and offensive. Diarrhœa is peculiar, involuntary; with
wide-open anus. The boils in which Sec. is indicated are small and
painful, with green contents, mature very slowly, heal slowly, and
are very weakening. The eyes are affected in various ways: Pustulous
conjunctivitis; suppuration of cornea; dilated pupils, distortion, and
strabismus; ptosis; suppressed tears. Catarrh has been caused in
many instances. "< From warmth" will be the leading indication in
many eye cases requiring Sec. Exophthalmic goître has been cured
with it; the heart being acted on by Sec. as other hollow viscera, and
violent palpitation induced. Sec. has a great affinity for the uterus,
whether gravid or not. Though its use in ordinary doses in obstetric
practice is attended with danger, it may be used on its homœopathic
indications with perfect safety. It is indicated: (1) In threatened
abortion, especially at the third month; prolonged, bearing-down,
forcing pains. (2) During labour when the pains are irregular, too
weak, feeble, or ceasing; everything seems loose and open, but there
is no expulsive action; fainting. (3) For after-pains when too long,
too excessive; or when there is hour-glass contraction of the uterus.
(4) For suppression or non-appearance of the milk. The menses of
Sec. are irregular; copious, dark, fluid; accompanied by labour-like
pains in abdomen; there maybe a continuous watery discharge of
blood during the whole time between the periods. Teste records this
case: A lady, 50, fat, very soft flesh, had flooding which nothing
could stop. After several useless attempts, Teste gave large doses of
Sec. with scarcely any effect. The patient asked for infinitesimal
doses. At that time Teste had no faith at all in infinitesimals, but he
yielded to the patient's request, and gave one drop of the 6th. The
flooding ceased immediately and permanently. Peculiar Sensations
of Sec. are: As if intoxicated while undressing. As if eyes were
spasmodically rotated. As of a solid plug in nose. As if tongue
paralysed. As if there were some resistance to be overcome in
speech. As of a heavy weight in stomach. Region of stomach as if
contracted. Anus as if locked up. As if testes being drawn up to
inguinal ring. Uterus as if burnt. As if contents of uterus would fall
forward. As if soft air were creeping through back. As if sacrum
would be forced out. As if something alive creeping under skin. As if
fingers asleep. As if limbs had been a long time in hot water. As if
sparks of fire falling on different parts. As if mice creeping under
skin. Fuzzy feeling in limbs. Sec. is indicated in Suppressions: tears;
lochia; milk; sweat. Thirst with dry mouth or burning. Desires
lemonade and sour things. Averse to fat and meat. The symptoms
are: < By touch. > Lying doubled up in bed. Motion and any exertion
<. Walking = giddiness. Many symptoms (cramps, twitchings) <
night. Sinking spells 3 a.m. Open air >. Wants to be fanned. Warm
applications <. Warm drink <. Wet bandages > labour pains. Cold
applications >. < After eating. All symptoms < just before menses.
The right side is predominantly affected.
water.─Madness and inclination to bite.─Fear of
death.─Mania.─Weakness of the intellectual faculties (stupid, half-
sleepy condition; moaning).─Mental alienation.─Delirium.─Loss of
consciousness.─Consciousness seems to continue to the last breath;
and just before death it seems as though the patient would improve.
7. Teeth.─Lockjaw.─Grinding of teeth.─Loosening and falling out
of teeth.─Bleeding from gums.─Difficult dentition.
13. Stool and Anus.─Constipation, with continued and ineffectual
want to evacuate.─Loose, frequent evacuations, with serous, slimy,
or else discoloured or brownish fæces.─Diarrhœa of a putrid
smell.─Diarrhœa, with sudden prostration of strength.─Involuntary
(very watery) evacuations.─Offensive, watery diarrhœa (in child-
bed).─Cholera; diarrhœa after the cholera.─Diarrhœa: frequent
brown discharges, dark-coloured; very offensive; thin, olive green;
very exhausting; pernicious.─Hæmorrhage from the
bowels.─Expulsion of worms.─Paralysis of rectum and anus.─Anus
wide open.
17. Respiratory Organs.─Heavy, anxious breathing, with
moaning.─Spitting of blood, with or without cough.─Feeble voice,
inaudible, stammering.─Expectoration of blood during violent
efforts to breathe.─Voice hoarse and hollow.─Painless aphonia in
morning, as the day goes on he gets hoarse (produced.─R. T.
C.).─Anxious and obstructed respiration, with sighs and sobs.
one after another, leaving an unhealthy granulating
surface.─Degeneration of pulp of nails, the nails are raised.
26. Sleep.─Strong inclination to sleep and coma.─Deep, lethargic
sleep.─Sleeplessness, with agitation and dry heat.─Coma with
delirium, starts, and fright.
especially enteric fevers. Urine: red, dark, scanty; coarse, red, sandy,
sediment; involuntary dribbling while walking. Impotence, with
desire; lewd thoughts, but physically impotent (sudden impotence,
Chlor.). Erections slow, insufficient, too rapid emission with long-
continued threill; weak, ill-humored after coitus, often involuntary
dribbling of semen and prostatic fluid which oozes while sitting, at
stool, during sleep; gleet (Calad.). Priapism, glans drawn up (Berb., -
drawn down, Canth.). Aphonia: after long use of voice; husky when
beginning to sing; obliged to clear the throat frequently of a
transparent starchy mucus (Arg. m., Stan.); tubercular laryngitis.
Weak, easily exhausted; from either mental or physical labor; after
typhoid, typhus, debauchery. Irresistible desire to lie down and sleep;
strength suddenly leaves him; especially in hot weather. Very great
aversion to a draft of air either warm, cold or damp. After typhoid,
great weakness of spine, fears paralysis. Emaciation of affected
Mind.--Lascivious thoughts, with impotency. Mental labor fatigues.
Extreme sadness. Abject despair, uncompromising melancholy.
Head.--Hair falls out. Pain over left eye; worse walking in sun,
strong odors and tea. Scalp feels tense. Headache from tea drinking.
Compare: Agnus; Calad; Sulphur; Tellur; Phosph acid.
Cannot bear any nervous drain, hence < after coitus or seminal
emissions. Impotence. Debility after fevers. When the patient begins
to walk after typhoid and feels great weakness in the spine and fears
paralysis Sel. is indicated. Irritability, headaches, and other troubles
following or < by seminal emissions. The headaches are
accompanied by profound melancholy, and may be caused by
indulgence in alcoholics or in tea, by hot weather, by over-study, and
they are < by strong odours, as of musk, roses, &c. The headaches
may be periodical, and are frequently located above the left eye.
Many chronic liver affections are met with Sel., the guiding
symptoms in such cases being: Enlargement of liver with loss of
appetite in the morning; sharp stitching pain < on any movement or
pressure, sensitiveness of liver; and, especially, "fine rash over liver
region." There is constipation from atony, with impacted fæces: and
dribbling of semen after stool, and also after micturition. Sufferings
after seminal emissions─mental confusion, headache, almost
paralytic weakness of spine, involuntary escape of prostatic fluid. I
have cured with Sel. many cases of hoarseness, the special
indications being─hoarseness of singers, appearing as soon as they
begin to sing; or after long use of the voice; with frequent necessity
to clear the throat from accumulation of clear, starchy mucus.
Scrofulous and incipient tubercular laryngitis have been cured with
Sel. The parallelism with Sulph. is seen all through the pathogenesis
of Sel., and perhaps more especially in the skin. Sel. causes itching in
folds of skin, as between fingers and about joints, especially the
ankle-joint. The itching may occur in small spots, and be
accompanied by tingling (showing involvement of the nervous
system). The scalp is affected with an eczematous eruption which
oozes thin fluid after scratching. Hair falls off scalp and all parts of
body. I have frequently relieved "psoriasis palmaris" with Sel., which
shows that it has a relation to syphilis. Among the Peculiar
Symptoms of Sel. are: Very forgetful in business, but during sleep
dreams of what he had forgotten. Coryza ending in diarrhœa. Hungry
at night; longing for spirituous liquors, an almost irresistible
maniacal desire. Sensation as if a biting drop were forcing its way
out of the urethra. Irresistible desire to lie down and sleep; strength
leaves him suddenly, especially in hot weather. Very great aversion
to a draught of air, either warm, cold, or damp. Aversion to salted
food. Pulsation in whole body, especially in abdomen after eating
[which I have verified]. Great emaciation of face, hands, legs, feet,
affected parts, and single parts. Sel. is Suited to blondes and persons
of light complexion. The symptoms are < by touch and pressure. <
By motion. > By rest. < After sleep. < By mental exertion. < After
seminal losses. < From draught of air, even if warm. < In open air. <
From tea; sugar; salt; lemonade; wine. < In hot weather. < By sun,
and with the sun's increase (< towards noon, > as sun declines). >
Taking cold air or cold water into mouth. < Every afternoon
stammering; he uses syllables of words in wrong connections,
therefore pronounces some words incorrectly.─Difficult
comprehension.─Absolute incapacity to execute any business
whatever.─Mental labour fatigues him.─Dread of society.
9. Throat.─Dryness in throat.─Hawking of lumps of transparent
mucus every morning.
16. Female Sexual Organs.─Menses copious and dark.─Menses
delayed about eight days.
(thighs).─Cinchona produces extraordinary sufferings, and < those
which are already in existence to an insupportable
degree.─Throbbing in vessels of whole body, esp. felt in
abdomen.─Strong inclination to lie down and to sleep, esp. during
heat of day.─Symptoms < after sleep.─Inability to bear a draught of
air.─Every draught of air, even warm, = pain in limbs, head, &c.
098 – SENEGA
Respiratory.--Hoarseness. Hurts to talk. Bursting pain in back on
coughing. Catarrh of larynx. Loss of voice. Hacking cough. Thorax
feels too narrow. Cough often ends in a sneeze. Rattling in chest
(Tart emet). Chest oppressed on ascending. Bronchial catarrh, with
sore chest walls; much mucus; sensation of oppression and weight of
chest. Difficult raising of tough, profuse mucus, in the aged. Asthenic
bronchitis of old people with chronic interstitial nephritis or chronic
emphysema. Old asthmatics with congestive attacks. Exudations in
Pleura. Hydrothorax (Merc sulph). Pressure on chest as though lungs
were forced back to spine. Voice unsteady, vocal cords partially
relieved the symptoms of snake venom, Tennant concluded that it
might also relieve dyspnœa, cough, and hæmoptysis arising from
other causes, and gave it with success in cases of pneumonia,
pleurisy, and hydro-thorax (Teste). Other old-school practitioners
used it as an expectorant in chronic respiratory catarrh, acute
phthisis, rheumatic fever, dropsies, incipient cataract, croup. It is at
present regarded as "a stimulant, diaphoretic, and expectorant,
especially in chronic bronchitis." It is in affections of the chest, eyes,
and bladder that homœopaths have found it of most service, and the
extensive provings have supplied excellent data for prescribing.
Teste (who includes Seneg. with Phos. ac., Cham. and Canth. in his
Conium group) considers it specially suited to "females of slender
and tall make, thin, but having retained a good deal of sprightliness
and moral power." He cites this case in which it gave great relief:
Lady, 45, had contusion, pressive, sometimes cramping, very old
pains in chest, anterior wall of which was sensitive to contact (on
both sides); pains at times <, at times > in open air; respiratory
mucus at apices feeble, without rhoncus; dyspnœa when walking,
and especially when going up stairs; paroxysms of vesicular agitation
in chest as if she would faint; catarrhal cough, not very frequent,
with ropy, not very profuse expectoration; spitting of red blood now
and then; paroxysms of palpitations, during which the rhythm of the
heart changed to an almost imperceptible tremor, and which, in some
instances, lasted all night, and even longer; menses regular; the
palpitation generally took place after the period or in consequence of
some moral emotion. This patient was apparently of the type Teste
mentions, and the case shows that the correspondence of type must
not be too closely considered, for other observers, including myself,
have found Seneg. more suited to plethoric, phlegmatic persons;
persons tending to obesity; fat persons of lax fibre; fat, chubby
children; and old persons. Senega is one of the sources of Saponin. It
has a nauseous taste, and leaves a scraping sensation in the throat.
Guernsey outlines its action thus: "Where there is a great burning in
the chest, either before or after coughing; profuse secretion of
mucus. Dryness of inner parts which are usually moist; dry skin.
General affections of the windpipe; left side of chest particularly;
right eye; lower eyelids." Nash (who has only obtained success with
low attenuations of Seneg.) has cured many cases of "cough with
great accumulation of mucus which seems to fill the chest, with
much rattling, wheezing, and difficult breathing." It is especially
valuable, he says, with old people, but works well with others. I have
used Seneg. only in the 30th, and have found it answer to its
indications exceedingly well. In the case of a very stout elderly lady,
of phthisical family history, who had pneumonia of both bases,
especially right, very violent paroxysmal cough, with ropy, difficult
expectoration tinged with blood, Seneg. 30 quickly relieved a very
dangerous condition when other remedies had failed. Leading
indications for Seneg. in chest cases are: (1) Great accumulation of
clear albuminous mucus, which is difficult to expel. (2) Great
soreness of walls of chest. (3) Pressure on chest as though lungs were
forced back to spine. Whooping-cough in fat, chubby children, clear
mucus like white of egg, difficult to raise, cough < towards evening.
The soreness of the chest walls makes Seneg. appropriate to cases of
pleurodynia. There is hoarseness, and the throat is so dry and
sensitive it hurts the patient to talk. Cough often ends in sneezing.
Clinton Enos (quoted A. H., xxiv. 253) relates this case: A very fat
girl, æt. 10, with cold, damp feet and hands and sweating about the
head, had spells of sneezing for two years, ever since whooping-
cough. Several spells a day lasting about half an hour. Sharp pains in
chest and temples during the attacks. In nose a large quantity of
mucus with stuffed-up feeling. One dose of Seneg. 200 removed the
whole trouble in a week. A. R. Macmichæl (N. A. J. H., xl. 824)
cured Mrs. B., 40, of acute Catarrhal laryngitis which had lasted ten
days with Seneg. 1. There was hoarseness; hawking of thick,
tenacious mucus (profuse, a quart in twenty-four hours) from larynx,
especially in morning, with burning sensation. Relief set in within
three hours from first dose. Seneg. acts on the eyes even more
powerfully than on the nose, producing pains, inflammation both of
the exterior and interior of the eye and lids, and much disorder of
vision. The eye troubles are < when looking intently at an object; and
another modality brought out in the proving has taken the rank of a
keynote: > Bending head backwards. The symptom in which it was
first noticed was this: "When walking towards the setting sun he
seemed to see another smaller sun hover below the other, assuming a
somewhat oval shape when looking down, disappearing on bending
the head backwards, and on closing the eyes." The prover took from
40 to 60 drops of the tincture. "< Bending head forward" and "<
stooping" are scarcely less characteristic. Eye symptoms as an
accompaniment of head symptoms indicate Seneg.: "Violent rush of
blood to head when stooping, especially to eyeballs, where a painful
pressure is experienced." Extreme tenderness is another note of
Seneg.: "A sort of aching pain in head, in sinciput, and occiput, not <
by pressure; < sitting in warm room; accompanied with pressure in
eyes, which did not bear touch." Pressure; dulness; heaviness are the
leading head sensations. There is painful sensitiveness of hearing.
The digestive organs are disordered. Seneg. has been used as an
emetic. The urinary organs are very prominently affected, irritability
and catarrh being the leading effects. There is frequent urging,
scalding in urethra before or after micturition, and the urine is loaded
with mucous threads. Peculiar Sensations of Seneg. are: Eyes, as if
they were pressed out; as if eyeballs were being expanded; as if soap
in eyes. As if red pepper throughout nostrils and air passages. As if
chest too narrow. Dyspnœa as from stagnation in lungs. As if lungs
pushed back to spine. As if chest would burst. Wrist as if sprained.
Joints as if lame. Seneg. has the gnawing hunger and empty feeling
well marked. It is predominantly left-sided in its action. The
symptoms are < by touch and pressure (but pressure on left side >). <
Rubbing. Most symptoms < rest; > walking in open air. Rest > dry
cough. Lying down = tickling in larynx; fear of suffocation. Lying
on right side = pain in chest. Motion = pain under sternum. Motion
of arms = soreness of walls of chest. < Going up stairs. Stepping
hard, walking fast, or running = pain through mediastinum; piercing
pain between scapulæ. > Bending head back. < Stooping; bending
forward. < Morning; and night. Whooping cough < towards evening.
< In warm air; in warm room. Lachrymation, sore chest. Cough and
chilliness < in open or cold air. Sweat >. < Looking intently at an
ears.─Headache which also affects the eyes, is < by heat of a room,
and > in open air, or in a cold temperature.─Pressive pain in
forehead and orbits after dinner, esp. l. side of head, > in open
air.─Drawing in sinciput and temples, extending to
face.─Sanguineous congestion in head and eyes when
stooping.─Pulsative cephalalgia, with aching of the
eyes.─Shuddering and itching in scalp.─Eruption on head.
8. Mouth.─Dryness of the mouth, esp. in the morning.─Copious
secretion of saliva.─Putrid breath.─Tongue: yellowish white or
slimy in morning, with slimy, unpleasant taste; loaded with a white
coating.─Burning sensation in throat, mouth, tongue and palate.
13. Stool and Anus.─Slow, hard, and scanty evacuation, with effort,
and followed by pressure in anus and rectum.─Frequent, loose
evacuations of consistence of pap.─Diarrhœa, with vomiting and
great anxiety.─Watery stools spirting from anus.
yellow and flocculent).─Reddish sediment, with flakes of mucus in
urine.─Sensation of an obstruction in urethra when
urinating.─Shootings and burning sensation in urethra after and
during the emission of urine.─Urging and scalding before and after
micturition.─Irritability of bladder; subacute and chronic catarrh.
pressure, movement, coughing, and sneezing.─Soreness of walls of
chest on moving arms, esp. l.─Great soreness in walls of chest and
great accumulation of clear albuminous mucus which is difficult to
expectorate; pressure on chest as if lungs were pushed back to
spine.─Accumulation of mucus in chest, larynx, and
trachea.─Phthisis mucosa; hydrothorax.─Profuse secretion of mucus
in lungs of old people.─Drawing and burning sensation in the
chest.─Tingling in the chest.─Violent congestion of blood in chest,
with pulsation and ebullition, leading even to syncope.─The majority
of symptoms are most violent during repose, but do not obstruct
25. Skin.─Bites of poisonous animals or animals when in a state of
yellow, earthy skin. Body painfully sensitive to touch; part touched
feels chilly; touch sends shudder through the whole frame (Kali c.).
Afraid of sharp, pointed things, pins, needles, etc. Rheumatic
affections of heart (Kali, Led., Naja); systolic blowing at apex.
Aneurism. Nervous headache; periodical, beginning in morning at
base of brain, spreading over the head and locating in eye, orbit and
temple of left side (right side, Sang., Sil.); pain, pulsating, violent,
throbbing. Headache; at sunrise, at its height at noon, declines till
sunset. (Nat. m., Tab.). Intolerable, pressive pain in eyeballs; could
not turn the eyes without turning the whole body; worse, especially
on making a false step. Sensation: as if eyes were too large for the
orbits (Act., Com.); sensitve to touch; as if a band around head (Cac.,
Carb. ac., Sulph.). Copious offensive mucus from posterior nares,
drops into throat, causing choking at night (Hydr.). Sharp, stabbing,
sticking pains through eyeballs back into the head; from cold, damp,
rainy weather. Prosopalgia: periodical, left-sided, orbit, eyes, malar
bone, teeth; from morning until sunset; pain tearing, burning, cheek
dark red; during cold, rainy weather; from tea. Toothache from
tobacco smoking; > only on lying down and while eating (Plan.);
worse from cold air and water; returns from thinking about it.
Scirrhus of sigmoid or rectum, atrocious unbearable pain (Alumen).
Dyspnoea: must lie on right side ro with head high (Cac., Spong.);
pains in chest are stitching, needle-like. Chest affections with
stitching pains synchronous with pulse, < from motion, < cold, wet
weather. Palpitation: violent, visible and audible; from least motion;
when bending forward; systolic blowing at apex. Stammering,
repeats first syllable three or four times; with abdominal ailments;
with helminthiasis.
Relations. - Compare: Acon., Ars., Cact., Dig. Kali c., Naja, Kal.,
Spong. in heart affections.
Amelioration. - Lying on right side with the head high (Ars., Cac.,
Has marked elective affinity for the eye, heart, and nervous system.
Neuralgia of the fifth nerve is very prominent in its effects. Is
especially adapted to anæmic, debilitated, rheumatic, and scrofulous
subjects. Stabbing pains. Heart affections and neuralgia. Very
sensitive to touch. Parts feel chilly; send shudder through frame. A
remedy for symptoms due to the presence of worms. Child refers to
the navel as the most painful part (Granat; Nux mosch).
sticking pains, palpitation, dyspnœa. Neuralgia extending to arm or
both arms. Angina pectoris. Craving for hot water which relieves.
Rheumatic carditis, trembling pulse; whole left side sore. Dyspnœa;
must lie on right side with head high.
Antidote: Pulsat.
Characteristics.─Spigelia anthelmia is a common weed in South
America.: S. Marylandica, "Pink-root" or "Worm-grass," is a native
of the Southern States of North America. Spigel. anth. is an acro-
narcotic. It was known in Europe in Hahnemann's time as an
anthelmintic, this property of the drug having been learned from the
negroes of the Antilles. Hahnemann's proving (M. M. P.) revealed
many other virtues. He says of the plant that it has this peculiarity:
the primary action of a single unrepeated dose usually increases
somewhat daily during the first seven to ten days, so that pure
experiments with it should be conducted with caution seeing that 60,
80, to 100 drops of the tincture produce violent effects even in robust
persons. Violence is a note of the Spigelia action. The pains are
intense, and it produces pains in all parts. It is a neuralgia remedy
par excellence. I was once written to by a patient in the country, and
the only definite points that I could make out of the case were that
there was neuralgia and that it affected the left side. I ordered Spi.,
and it speedily cured. Spi. is more left-sided than right, but by no
means exclusively left, sided. The pains are burning, jerking, tearing,
pressing and stitching; they radiate and extend to other parts; are <
by noise, jar, movement; change of weather─especially stormy
weather. Head, eyes, face, teeth, and heart are the principal seats of
Spi. action. Hochecker (H. R., x. 147) relates the case of Miss O., 27,
blonde, tall, robust, who had neuralgia for several weeks, without
traceable cause. Pains came suddenly, twitching and tearing of left
side of face, now in ear, then in lower jaw, and were particularly <
by mastication. A peculiarity was that whenever the pains were about
to commence a diarrhœa set in. A single powder of Spi. 6 cured.
Hochecker also cured with Spi. 3, 6, 10, and 20 a case of tic-
douloureux of right side of fifteen months' duration. In this case each
lower attenuation after first relieving caused an aggravation. That
was why the attenuations were successively raised. Spi. 20
completed the cure. This patient had dark hair and dark complexion.
She attributed her trouble to taking cold in a draught when heated by
dancing. Sensitiveness to cold, to wet and stormy weather, is one of
the notes of Spi. The left-sidedness of Spi. is shown in its affinity for
the heart. Sometimes the heart, eyes, and head are affected together.
A case is quoted in A. H. (xxii. 417) in which there were darting and
aching pains in head, nose, and eyes, and similar pains about the
heart with slow, irregular action, but no murmur. Vertigo on
stooping and heat of head. Sudden pains at bottom of back. The
pains were < night and morning and in damp weather. In one prover
the accustomed evening smoke caused violent toothache. I cured
with Spi. a case of cardiac neuralgia caused by tobacco. I have
frequently seen cardiac murmurs appearing in acute rheumatism
disappear under Spi. In the eye, neuralgias, inflammation, amaurotic
conditions, glaucoma presenting the symptoms of Spi. have been
cured with it. The pains of Spi. are largely out-pressing, and proceed
from within outward and below upward. A migraine comes from
occiput and settles in or over left eye. In the eyes themselves there
are intolerable pressive pains < on motion; but there are also
stabbing pains through eye backwards into brain. The combination
of heart and eye symptoms marks Spi. as the remedy in many cases
of exophthalmic goître. The anthelmintic properties of Spi. must not
be lost sight of by homeopaths. It has the cardiac symptoms of
helminthiasis: itching of anus and nose, colic, and borborygmus.
Hering gives this case: "Helminthiasis: dilated pupils; strabismus;
putrid smell from mouth, itching of nose, griping pain in belly; throat
inflamed, swallows often, pale redness in throat and swelling of
mucous membrane; palpitation." Masses of lumbrici have been
expelled and also threadworms. Fetid breath and fetid flatus are
marked features of Spi. There is both constipation and diarrhœa. I
have found it especially useful in heart cases where constipation has
been a troublesome complication. The bodily sensitiveness of Spi. is
paralleled by the mental irritability. But the most peculiar mental
symptom is "fear of pointed things as pins, &c." Meninger (A. H.,
xx. 282) had a severe case of nausea of pregnancy which he cured
with Spi. The only leading symptom in the case was this: She was
afraid of pointed things and asked her husband to take away a fork,
crochet-needle, &c. (Sil. has a somewhat similar symptom, but the
Sil. patient hunts for pins although afraid of them.) Spi. corresponds
to rheumatism as well as to heart affections the consequence of
rheumatism. A patient whom I successfully treated for a serious heart
affection with Spi. 3 told me that under the treatment he had lost a
pain in the right knee which he had had for eighteen months, and
which he had not mentioned to me at first. The pain was as if
dislocated; unable to rise from kneeling; cannot find an easy
position, often for hours at night. Peculiar Sensations of Spi. are: As
if he would fall. As if intoxicated. As if head would burst. As of a
band around head. As if head tightly bound. As if electric sparks in
temples. Brain as if loose. As if nerves being cut with a fine
instrument in forehead and temple. As if eye would be pushed out of
head. As if hairs or feathers on lashes. Upper lids as if paralysed.
Eyeballs as if too large. As if sand in eyes. As if needles thrust into
eyeball. As if eye would be pressed out of socket. As if eye would
fly into pieces. As if eye were being pulled forward and backward.
Pain in eye as if it would drive him crazy. As if ear loosely stopped
or a thick mist before it. As if back of nose were lightly touched by
hair, or as if a gentle wind were blowing across it. Face feels as if it
had been scorched. As if all muscles of left side of face from head to
neck and left axilla were pierced with red-hot needles. Teeth as if too
long. As if left side of lower jaw would be torn out of its joint.
Sensation resembling purring of cat. As of a worm rising in throat.
As of a half fluid body ascending in throat. As of a hard lump in
throat. As if abdomen would burst. As if all intestines would be
constricted. Suffocating as if from a quantity of water poured into
windpipe. Pulse as if a thread pulled through arteries. As if heart
compressed or squeezed with a hand. As if heart being crushed. As if
everything in chest were too short, loose, and wabbling about. As if
something tearing in chest. In left scapula sensation as though blood
dripping through a valve. Spi. is Suited to: Anæmic, debilitated
subjects, of rheumatic diathesis; to scrofulous children afflicted with
ascarides and lumbrici; to persons with light hair; pale, thin, bloated,
weak; with wrinkled, yellow, earthy skin. The body is painfully
sensitive to touch, the part touched feels chilly; touch sends a
shudder through the whole frame. Spi. is a sun remedy: headache
beginning at sunrise, at its height at noon, declining to sunset. In
chest affections there are stitching pains synchronous with the pulse.
Stammering: repeats first syllable three or four times; with
abdominal ailments; with helminthiasis. The symptoms are < by
touch. Contact and pressure of clothes is unbearable. (Pressure >
neuralgia.) < jarring; hard step. Rest >. Motion <. Moving, shaking
head <. Moving eyes <. Moves very carefully. Lying with head high;
or on right side >. < Rising; stooping; bending forward. > Whilst
eating, < immediately after. Warmth >; (< headache). Open air =
pain in eyes; > headache. < Slightest draught; cold, damp, rainy,
stormy weather; cold air; cold washing; (cold application > neuralgia
temporarily). < Morning on waking. Pain increases and declines with
sun. < (Also sometimes >) from tobacco. Opening mouth <
K. ca., Ars., Caust. Headache begins occiput and goes to left eye
(Sang. to right; Sil. to both). Tic-douloureux, Thu., Coccin. Aversion
to be washed, Ant. c., Clem., Hep., Rhus, Sep., Sul. Faintness
connected with stool, Ap., Nux m., Pul., Ver. (with scanty stool,
Crot. t., Dulc., Ox. ac., Pet., Sars., Sul.). Neuralgia with pallor (with
redness, Bell.). Nausea at sight of food, Colch., Lyc., Mosch., Ph.
ac., Saba. Worms, Saba., Cin., Teuc., Scirrh., Stn. < Moving head,
Sol. n. Coughing, loud speech = head pains, Bry., Caps., Nat. m.,
Sul. Illusions of vision, Cycl. (Cycl. when with any trouble,
headache, sick stomach, &c., one always sees countless stars), <
Tight clothing, Lach. Contraction of fingers, Gels., Guaiac.
Sensitiveness to touch, K. ca. As if eyes too large, Act. r., Comoc.
Sensation of band round heart, Cact., Carbl. ac., Sul. Post-nasal
catarrh, offensive, causing choking at night, Hdrast. Scirrhus of
sigmoid flexure or rectum, atrocious, unbearable pain, Alumen.
Dyspnœa, must lie on right side with head high, Cact., Spo.
Toothache from tobacco, Plant. Teste puts Spi. in his Arn. group; he
considered it a "chronic" of Arn.
Causation.─Chill. Tobacco.
just behind and above r. frontal eminence.─Pressive pain in r. side of
head involving r. eye, morning in bed, < after rising; pain deeply
seated, unaffected by pressure, very acute on motion; on suddenly
turning head brain seemed loose; < every jar, step, even straining at
stool.─Stitches like electric sparks in head.─Pains in head < by
slightest movement, by least noise, and by opening
mouth.─Headaches are < from least noise; > when lying with head
high, and from washing head with cold water.─Painful tenderness of
the occiput, with sensation of numbness and stiffness in nape of
neck.─Periodical headaches.─Pressing asunder in head, esp. in r.
temple; < from motion and opening mouth; > while at rest.─Pressure
in head, compressive or expansive, < by stooping.─Sensation of a
tight band around head.─Pain, as if head about to burst, when
coughing and speaking loud.─Tearing, digging, or boring headache
from within to without, in forehead, vertex, or cerebellum, < during
movement.─Sensation of soreness in forehead and vertex.─Tearing
in forehead in paroxysms, with fixed eyes.─Pulsative lancinations in
forehead, with noise as of hammering before the ears.─Commotions
and blows in head, while walking in open air.─Shaking in brain at
every step, and at every movement of head.─Burning pain in exterior
of forehead and temples as far as eyes.─Tension in scalp.─Painful
tenderness of scalp when touched; < when moving the scalp.─Head
feels too large.
> by rubbing.─Violent burrowing stitch in middle of eye and in inner
canthus that does not prevent vision, but presses upper lid
down.─Upper lids feel hard and immovable.─Pain as if l. orbit were
pressed from above downward.─Tendency to wink.─Weakness of
eyes; in whatever direction they are turned they remain.─Difficulty
in raising the eyelids, with painful sensation of
stiffness.─Contraction and involuntary movement of eyes.─Squint;
convergent.─"A dose of Spigel. always produced squint in us when
children" (American lady's testimony.─R. T. C.).─Strabismus
whether from worms or not (Macfarlan).─Pupils dilated.─Loss
(momentary suspension) of sight.─Presbyopia.
affected.─Periodical neuralgia; from morning until sunset; < at noon;
< from motion or noise.─Semilateral pains in face, with præcordial
anxiety and great agitation.─Exostosis of the temporal part of the
orbit.─Lips tense and burning.─Small blackish pimples on upper
lip.─Pressive pain in angle of lower jaw, as if in the jaw or in the
teeth, proceeding from the ear.─Tearing in lower jaw, radiating to
ear and about it as far as nape; could not move head without
pain.─Pain as if r. side of lower jaw would be torn out of its joint,
only when chewing.
pit of stomach, < from inspiration, with oppression of the
chest.─Inability to bear tight clothing round scrobiculus; the least
contact causes anguish, with redness and heat of face, and sensation
as if something were torn away in chest.
down in trachea, with respiration obstructed, even to
suffocation.─Short, dry cough causing soreness of chest.─Shortness
of breath, esp. when talking, with anxiety and redness of cheeks and
lips.─Dyspnœa when moving in bed; can only lie on r. side; or with
the head very high.─Danger of suffocation on least movement, and
esp. on raising arms.
glands of the neck.─Pains in nape, < when still, > by
motion.─Intermittent drawing in posterior cervical muscles and up to
occiput.─Sticking pain in r. side of neck; on swallowing, pain in
parotid gland.─Itching of anus and coccyx.─Pain in back as from a
fracture, also during movement.─Bruised feeling in spine, even
during rest.─Lancinations (stitches) in back, sometimes on drawing
sensation in limbs as if fractured.─Convulsions.─Lassitude, esp.
after slight exercise, and in open air.─Syncope, esp. when making an
effort to evacuate, or in a warm room.─Great sensitiveness to cold
air, with sufferings from walking in open air.─Great liability to
suffer from a chill.
Cough abates after eating or drinking, especially warm drinks. The
dry, chronic sympathetic cough or organic heart disease is relieved
by Spongia (Naja). Irrepressible cough from a spot deep in chest, as
if raw and sore. Chest weak; can scarcely talk. Laryngeal phthisis.
Goitre, with suffocative spells. Bronchial catarrh, with wheezing,
asthmatic cough, worse cold air, with profuse expectoration and
suffocation; worse, lying with head low and in hot room. Oppression
and heat of chest, with sudden weakness.
action of Spo. on the respiratory organs is closely connected with its
action on the glandular system, the lymphatics, the thyroid, and
testes are indurated. The blood, heart, and veins are also involved,
and with the protruding eyes a perfect picture of exophthalmic goître
is produced. Hypertrophy of the heart is frequently met by Spo., and
it is especially indicated when the right heart is affected and when
asthmatic symptoms are associated with it. Spo. meets some cases of
croupous deposit on the valves of the heart as it does croup of the
larynx. The Spo. patient in phthisical and other conditions is subject
to frequent flashes of heat. The chill commences usually across the
back. He shakes near a warm stove. The heat which follows extends
over the whole body except the thighs, which remain numb and
chilly. In the heart affections the patient is aroused from sleep as if
smothering; sits up in bed with an anxious look, flushed face, and
hard, rapid breathing. Kent (M. A., xxv. 17) gives this indication:
"Rheumatic fever after having been over-heated, with arising heart
complications." Nash gives this keynote of Spo. in valvular diseases:
"Awakes out of sleep from a sense of suffocation, with violent, loud
cough, great alarm, agitation, anxiety, and difficult respiration." He
says it is better than Lach. here; and relieves the "dry, chronic,
sympathetic cough of organic heart disease" more frequently and
more permanently than Naja. Spo meets also thickening of joints
after rheumatic fever. In orchitis, with heaviness and screw-like
squeezing pain in cord and testicle, Spo is the chief remedy, though
others are generally needed before that stage is reached. Timidity,
fear, and terror are leading mental symptoms. Any excitement and
thinking of symptoms <. Peculiar Sensations are: As if head would
fall to one side. As if tipsy. As if all her blood were mounting to
head. As if skull would burst. As if hair were standing on end. Eyes
as if twisted around. As if a battery of guns were discharged in ears.
Stitches as if passing through tympanum. Nodule in concha as if it
would gather and break. Jaw as if dislocated. As if eruption were to
appear near chin. Left side of chin as if ulcerated. As if something
had got jammed between teeth in chewing. As if gums and teeth
were swollen, the latter being lifted. Outside of throat as if something
were being pressed out. As of a plug in throat. As if he had drunk a
great deal of luke-warm water, relaxation of stomach, and
œsophagus. Pit of stomach as if growing together. Stomach as if
standing open. Of obstruction in abdomen (and in trachea). As if
something alive moving in abdomen. As if something alive beneath
skin of abdomen. As if diarrhœa would ensue. As of a plug in larynx.
As if a stopper or valve were in larynx. As of a nail pressing in
larynx. As if larynx and trachea were removed. As if she would
suffocate. As if child could not get breath. As if breathing through a
sponge. As if chest would burst. Chest as if sore and bloody. As of a
large accumulation and weight at chest. As if a broad body armed
with points were pressing upward. As if a weight were dragging
down on chest. As if she had something hot inside chest. As if blood
would burst out of chest. As if cervical glands were swelling. As if
skin of neck were compressed between fingers. As if air were
passing up and down thyroid and cervical glands. Thyroid gland as if
hardened. As if everything were shaking and moving about in goître.
As if goître were alive. As if a pointed instrument were thrust into
scapulæ. As if bones of forearm were being pressed together. As if
parts in and between wrists were weakened by decay. As if a muscle
were too short in upper end of thigh. As if knees would give way. As
if weight hanging on lower end of tibia As of pins in heels. As if she
were going to faint. As if everything were in flames. As if sweat
would break out. There is excitement of the nerves; tendency to start;
twitching of muscles, with fever. Stiff without ability to move.
"Conscious but unable to act on her limbs" (as in a cataleptic state).
Clumsiness of body. Faint when losing her breath. Feeling of
numbness of lower half of body. < When thinking of her symptoms.
Complaints extend downwards; from within out; from right to left.
There are cramp-like pains. Bitter taste in throat. Aversion to
tobacco. Desire for dainties (but sweets <). The symptoms are < by
touch and pressure. Scratching does not > biting itching. < Motion;
walking; stooping; rising; raising arms (becomes faint); talking;
singing. Bending forward > dyspnœa; < symptoms of circulation. >
Descending. > Resting in horizontal position. Lying with head low <.
Lying right side <. < At night. Before midnight: croup <; dry sound
of breathing and cough sleepless until midnight. After midnight:
wakes with palpitation with suffocation. < Warm room. > Warm
food or drink. Frosty weather > cough. Dry, cold weather >
headache. Cold weather = coryza. Cold air < cough. < Sudden
changes of atmosphere. < At full moon. < Periodically; every night.
Eating and drinking > cough; drinking = cough. < Sweets. < After
from hyperæsthesia; Spo. from inflammation of cartilages). Cough >
by eating, Anac. Dry tongue, Nux m. (with Spo. the dryness extends
downwards; not with Nux m.). > Warm drinks, Ars., Alm., Lyc.,
Nux, Rhus (> cold drinks, Ver.). Heart, Naj., Sep., Kalm., Abro.,
Lach. Orchitis, Gels., Pul., Ham. (intense soreness), Merc. (with a
little yellowish-green gonorrhœa).─Spo. comes after these when
there is induration. Bitter taste in throat (Ruta, nausea in throat). Jaw-
joint as if dislocated, Rhus. < Thinking of symptoms, Ox. ac., Pip. m.
Tubercular diathesis, Bac., Tub. Voice fails, Alm., Dro.
3. Eyes.─Eyes dull and clouded, with puffing in lids.─Eyes deeply
sunk; or protruding, staring.─Maculæ of cornea.─On looking
intensely at one spot lachrymation and headache.─Pressure and
shootings in eyes.─Eyes burning, red, and weeping.─Agglutination
of lids.─Eruption of yellow scabies in eyebrows (painful to touch on
l. eyebrow).─Pressive heaviness of lids.─Contraction of lids in
morning.─Myopia.─Sees visions on closing eyes.─Double vision >
lying down.
internally in throat, esp. after eating.─Thyroid gland swollen and
hard, with suffocative attacks at night; stitching pains and
pressure.─Bitter taste in throat.─In œsophagus: heat; relaxed
sensation.─Swelling in fauces projecting from r. to l.─Swallowing
difficult.─On swallowing: stitches in neck pass off; violent straining
pain; pain in goître; moving sensation in goître.─(Goître painful,
pain synchronous with cardiac pain.─R. T. C.)
smarting, and pain as from excoriation in anus.─Passage of ascarides
from rectum and tingling in rectum.─Diurnal diarrhœa with a large
number of ascarides, after which she always feels great relief.
cough, croupy-sounding, always goes away with a dose of Spo.
(woman, 65.─R. T. C.).─Cough, with expectoration of viscid
mucus.─Expectoration: scanty, of saltish mucus; tenacious, yellow,
indurated, sour; loosened mornings but must be swallowed again;
smelling like milk; of yellow mucus in little lumps; of cutaneous
masses.─Dry cough, excited by a burning tickling in the
larynx.─Slow and deep respiration, as from weakness.─Wheezing
respiration.─Wheezing, whistling, sawing, anxious breathing; <
during inspiration and when lying down (with violent labouring of
abdominal muscles).─Mucous râle in trachea by fits.
22. Upper Limbs.─Jerking of muscles about l. shoulder-
joint.─Heaviness and trembling of forearms and hands.─Drawings in
forearms and joints of hands.─Large blisters in the
forearm.─Swelling of hands, with stiffness of fingers.─Redness and
swelling in joints of fingers, with tension when they are
bent.─Numbness in points of fingers.─Cramp-like pain in ball of (r.)
thumb; on moving hand it extends to thumb.
from the larynx, as if she would suffocate, must sit up, and raises
sour, salty mucus.
coughing or expectorating mucus. Sweat: mouldy, musty odor; after
4 a. m. every morning; on neck and forehead; very debilitating.
Abdomen.--Cramp-like colic around navel, with a feeling of
emptiness. Colic relieved by hard pressure.
Sleep.--Sleeps with one leg drawn up, the other stretched out.
Relationship.--Complementary: Puls.
emphysema, with gastric catarrhal complications and thick, yellow
difficult sputum. Old persons with weakened power of
in conditions not due to helminthiasis, and Stan. will be the remedy.
Pains in the hypochondria, associated with the hypochondriac or
hysterical mental state. Diaphragmatic neuralgia. Colic > by hard
pressure, as by laying the child with its abdomen across the knee or
on the point of the shoulder. This is one of the keynotes of Stan.; but
the most important one is in the type of the Stan. pains: they begin
lightly, increase gradually to the highest point and then as gradually
decline. Other remedies have pains of this type but not to the same
characteristic degree. This feature applies to the headaches, facial
and dental neuralgias, abdominal and other pains. Another cardinal
feature of Stan. is weakness: exhaustion of mind and body. The chest
is so weak as to make talking impossible. The patient is so weak, she
drops into a chair instead of sitting down. While dressing in the
morning has to sit down several times to rest. There is weakness and
aching of the deltoid and arm, and this has the curious modality that
it is felt when singing or otherwise using the voice. Stan. is an
important remedy for singers and public speakers. The weakness of
Stan. makes it an appropriate remedy for many states of
neurasthenia, nervous exhaustion. A peculiarity of the weakness is
that it is felt much more on going down stairs than on going up. The
relaxation of tissue is probably responsible for the weak, empty,
sinking sensation felt at the epigastrium; and also for the uterine
prolapse. In the dyspepsias of Stan. there is nausea and vomiting
from the smell of cooking; and the gastralgia compels the patient to
walk about for relief, yet the weakness is so great that he is soon
compelled to rest. The weak, empty feeling in the chest is one of the
notes of Stan. in phthisical conditions, and the stitches are another;
hectic fever; deep, hollow, shattering cough; expectoration, profuse
like white of egg, sweetish, salty; sour, putrid, musty; yellow-green
pus; deep, husky, hollow voice, > for the time by hawking or
expectorating mucus make up the rest of the picture. Stan. is a low-
spirited remedy, and when phthisical patients are despondent and
without hope (they are usually the reverse) Stan. will most likely be
needed. (The yellowness of the Stan. secretions is worth noting: The
tongue is yellow; sputa and leucorrhœa are also yellow.) Palpitation
and anxiety occur from ever so slight exertion, as giving directions
about the household. Trembling of arms and legs; limbs as heavy as
lead. The pains of Stan. are frequently compressive and cramp-like;
and cramps and spasms are a marked feature of the Stan. effects. The
convulsions are opisthotonic; the thumbs are drawn in. They are such
as are met within teething children; or in children who masturbate; or
who have worms. A typical case of Stan. neuralgia is quoted in
Clinique (xxi. 62): Man, 30, suffered for eight years off and on, and
for some months continuously, with neuralgic headache. Pain centres
over one or other eye (usually right) and extends over whole or part
of head and is at times unbearable. It begins in early morning 4 to 5
a.m.), increases gradually to noon, when it gradually declines to
sunset, reappearing again the following morning. Two doses of Stan.
cured in a fortnight. There is sexual excitement in both sexes.
Emissions with excessive prostration. In the female the menses are
early and profuse. Orgasm is easily produced Scratching arm
produces an intolerable sensation of pleasure in genital organs which
extends to uterus and produces orgasm." The uterine and vaginal
prolapse of Stan. has this distinguishing feature: it is < during stool;
especially during pressure. Labour pains are spasmodic and put the
patient out of breath. The milk of nursing woman is changed, and the
child rejects it. Hering gives as cured by Stan. "Monday
constipation"─that is, constipation occurring on days following rest-
days. Stan. has marked periodicity. T. H. Urquhart (quoted H. R., iv.
147) cured in two months an affection of the nails characterised by
breaking and splitting, a sequel of scurvy, by applying to them
Stannum oleate on a narrow flannel bandage. Peculiar Sensations
are: As if all objects were too far off. As if forehead were shattered.
As if forehead would be pressed inward. Pain as if from an ulcer in
hypogastrium. As if there were a hole in his side. As if there were no
sensation in bladder. Chest, as if eviscerated; as if internally
constricted. Epigastric region as if beaten. Tickling as from soreness
in trachea. Inclination to hawk as if mucus were in chest. As if she
would faint. As if limbs beaten. As of a heavy load in affected arm
and side of chest. As if sweat would break out. The "girdle"
sensation of Stan. accompanies yawning. The secretions of Stan. are
bland. The symptoms are < by touch. > By pressure. > Lying across
something hard. < Rest. < Lying; (but must lie down from weakness
of chest). < Lying on r. side. Sitting bent over > (cough). Bending
double >. Walking > pains, but must soon rest. Motion > pains in
head, but < other symptoms. < Using voice (laughing, talking,
singing). < Going down stairs (faintness). Blowing nose = shrieking
noise in ear. Warm drink cough. Open air >; (< vertigo). < During
has headache increasing gradually and leaving off suddenly).
Weakness seems to proceed from chest; (from abdomen, pelvis,
Pho., Sep.). Nausea from smell of cooking food, Ars., Colch. <
Laughing, Arg. m. < Warm drinks; (< cold drinks, Spo.). Weak from
talking, Coccul., Ver., Sul., Calc. Prolapsus uteri < during stool, Pod.
(Pod. with diarrhœa, stool green and coming with a rush). Catarrhal
phthisis, Sil. (more induration; old people), Pho. (more blood in
sputa), Seneg. (lungs feel pushed back to spine; fat persons of lax
fibre), Colch., Bals. peruv., Eriodict., Teuc. scorod., Illic., Pix.,
Myos. Paralysis by emotions, Stph., Nat. m. > Hard pressure, Coloc.,
Pb. Pain like subcutaneous ulceration; bland discharges, Puls. Claw
sensation, Bell. Nausea in throat, Cycl., Ph. ac., Val.
lobe of brain, above orbit.─Pressive drawing and tearing in the
head.─Boring pains in head.─Throbbing pains in temples.─Painful
jerks through l. temple, forehead and cerebellum, < during rest, >
from motion.─Burning in forehead with nausea, > in open
air.─Painful shocks across head.─Pain as from suppuration in head
externally.─Burning tension on scalp just above r. forehead.
9. Throat.─Sore-throat, as from an internal swelling, with drawing
and tension.─Sensation in velum pendulum as if a foreign body were
there, or some mucus which could neither be hawked up nor
swallowed; same sensation in posterior nares.─Sensation of stinging
dryness in throat, with lancinations (< when swallowing).─Cutting in
pharynx and œsophagus on swallowing.─Ulcerated sensation in
r.─side of throat.─Roughness and scraping in throat, esp. in
evening.─Accumulation of thick, viscid, greyish, bloody mucus in
throat and mouth, with necessity to hawk, followed by a sensation of
excoriation (efforts to expel it excite vomiting).─After hawking
mucus the voice for singing is higher.─Tobacco has a sharp, dry
taste in the fauces.─Permanent rawness and dryness in throat: during
swallowing a painful feeling as of being denuded.─Rawness and
dryness in throat, without thirst.─Nausea in fauces and pharynx.
against it, as in this way > is afforded.─Griping as of something
being torn away.─Sensation as if stretched in (r.) abdominal
muscles.─Squeezing, as from a claw, in umbilical region, followed
by nausea.─Sensation of emptiness (hollowness) in abdomen; even
after eating.─Incarceration of flat us.─Stitches from both sides
through hips.
17. Respiratory Organs.─Hoarseness and roughness in larynx, with
tickling, which excites a cough.─Catarrh, with hoarse voice,
sensation of fatigue in chest, obstructed respiration, and cough with
expectoration.─Great accumulation of mucus in trachea, which is
easily detached.─The voice is louder in singing, after having hawked
up the mucus.─Cough excited by laughter, talking, and singing, or
by a tickling in chest; or by warm drinks.─In chest affections, when
talking, reading aloud, singing, &c.; they cause a very weak feeling
in throat and chest, an exhausted, "given-out" sensation, and produce
hoarseness; using the voice produces weakness in the arms between
the elbow and shoulder, then the weakness extends all over the body.
The above symptoms are very often found in operatic singers, actors,
auctioneers─all who use the voice a great deal.─Dry, violent,
shaking cough, in bed, in evening, until midnight, or more violent in
morning.─Shattering, deep cough.─Fatiguing, paroxysmal cough, so
that epigastric region was painful, as if beaten.─Short cough from
weakness of chest, having a hoarse, weak sound.─Cough concussive,
with paroxysms of these coughs.─Cough excited by lying on the r.
side.─Cough, with retching and vomiting of food.─Cough, with
frequent expectoration of mucus.─(Cough coming after whooping-
cough in girl, 9; very profuse, white, thick expectoration, hoarse,
tongue coated, sleepless, no appetite, rapid emaciation and debility,
with contracted chest and pleuritic adhesions.─R. T.
C.).─Expectoration when coughing (during the day, in morning
expectoration is most profuse and) is greenish, sweetish, or yellow;
saltish; or else viscid, and in lumps; or serous, and composed of
liquid mucus, or of a putrid smell (after coughing and expectorating
the patient feels hollow and empty).─During and after the cough,
pain as of excoriation, and shootings in the chest.─Phthisis pituitosa.
chest beneath axillæ, causing fright.─Pain, as from excoriation, in
chest.─Sensation of weakness in chest, as if it were empty, esp. after
speaking or expectorating.─Itching-tickling in chest.
dentition), with retraction of thumbs, and tossing about of body; or
else with throwing back of head, paleness of face, convulsive
movements of hands and eyes, and loss of consciousness; the attacks
come on sometimes in evening.─Excessive emaciation.─Pain as if
paralysed in extremities.─Paralysis (of arms and legs).─Great
heaviness and indolence.─Excessive dejection (weakness), and
physical and moral depression, with trembling, esp. during gentle
exercise (or when talking), and with disposition to perspire
easily.─Profuse debilitating sweat, night and morning; hot, even on
slight movement; with mouldy, putrid smell.─Nervous
excitement.─Hysterical spasms, with pain in abdomen and in
diaphragm.─Insupportable uneasiness in body.─Excessive fatigue
after conversation.─The sufferings seem to disappear during a walk,
with the exception of the depression, which is then excessive; they
reappear as soon as the patient is at rest.─Extreme prostration; must
sit or lie down continually.─Faintness in going down stairs; can go
up without difficulty.─Pains commence lightly, increase gradually to
a very high degree, and decrease again as slowly.
sight of bright light, of mirror or water (Bell., Lys.). Twitching of
single muscle or groups of muscles, especially upper part of body;
chorea. Hydrophobia: fear of water, with excessive aversion to
liquids (Bell., Lys.); spasmodic constriction of throat. No pain with
most complaints; painlessness is characteristic (Op.). Sleepy, but
cannot sleep (Bell., Cham., Op.).
Head.--Raises head frequently from the pillow. Pain in forehead and
over eyebrows, beginning at 9 am; worse until noon. Boring pain,
preceded by obscure vision. Rush of blood to head; staggers, with
tendency to fall forward and to the left. Auditory hallucinations.
Relationship.--Compare especially: Hyoscy and Bellad. It has less
fever than Bellad, but more than Hyos. It causes more functional
excitement of the brain, but never approaches the true inflammatory
condition of Bellad.
Fixed notion that some unpardonable sin has been committed (which
the patient is nevertheless unable to remember); that he is possessed
of the devil. Hallucinations. The delirium of Stram. is for the most
part terrifying. It corresponds exactly to many cases of delirium
tremens. Visions of animals enter largely into it. In a case of severe
pleuro-pneumonia of right side, supervening on scarlatina, the
patient, a young man, said he saw a large black dog about the room.
This led me to give Stram., which rapidly altered the whole case for
the better, including the pneumonia, and resolved a situation of no
little anxiety. Stram. is also called for in congestions without actual
inflammation, but with high mental exaltation and furious delirium
and little or no fever; without pain but with some coma. J. Emmons
Briggs (New Eng. M. Gaz., xxx. 151) relates this case of poisoning:
Briggs had an urgent call to see James M., 4, in "convulsions." He
found him lying on the bed in a state of wild delirium, requiring the
constant combined efforts of two people to keep him in bed. Face
exceedingly flushed; expression becoming in rapid alternation
pleasant and anxious. Pupils widely dilated; iris scarcely visible,
giving the eye a very brilliant appearance. Marked convergent
strabismus, skin hot and dry, resembling scarlatina eruption.
Abdomen tense. The most alarming symptom was rapidly recurring
convulsions with twitching of the arms and lower limbs. Thirty or
forty of these spasms occurred in rapid succession, followed by a
moment during which the countenance brightened and seemed at
rest, only to be followed in an instant by a series of clonic
contractions. Grasping at imaginary objects before the eyes, when
expression frequently became anxious, as if the patient was trying to
ward off imaginary foes. At times the mind was very active, and the
patient talked rapidly and incoherently. Between the spasms laughter
and crying frequently occurred. The boy, it transpired, had been
chewing a Thorn-apple. When he came home he seemed rather
dazed, and vomited. He then threw himself on the sofa and slept very
soundly till he awoke in the convulsions. The boy recovered under
Kali bro. in five-grain doses, though it was with great difficulty that
he was made to swallow. This difficulty of swallowing is a marked
feature of Stram., and with the intense thirst, delirium, and
hallucinations completes the picture of many cases of hydrophobia.
Another symptom indicating it here is "< by bright light, mirror or
surface of water." S. A. Jones (quoted A. H., xxii. 410) relates the
case of a little girl with brain symptoms for whom he had prescribed
a remedy. The report was brought late at night, that the patient was
much worse. "She vomits," said the father, "if she even raises her
head from the pillow." The vomit was green. Jones found this under
Stram. by aid of the Cypher Repertory. He gave Stram., and the next
morning the case was entirely changed for the better. Acting on this
analogue, Jones also cured a "vomiting of green stuff always induced
by bright light." On the other hand, the Stram. patient is dependent
on light and company; cannot walk in the dark (hence it is indicated
in locomotor ataxy); and going through railway tunnels without a
light in the carriage may cause fainting. Some of the head-
movements of Stram. are characteristic: Continually jerks head up
from pillow; head bent back; boring head into pillow. The twitchings
of single muscles and the squint mark Stram. as the remedy for many
cases of chorea. I find it correspond to about an equal proportion
with Agaricus; and when there is fright in the causation Stram. will
almost certainly avail. Stram. has a relation to the hip-joints, and
Stram. has cured both coxalgia and morbus coxæ (left). This is
accompanied by very severe pain, and is one exception to the
"painlessness" of Stram. affections. The effect of Stram. on the
secretions is to suppress them; and this makes Stram. an excellent
remedy in many cases of illness due to suppressed
secretions─menses, lochia, sweat, eruptions. Stram. causes high
fever with rashes, some scarlet, like scarlatina; petechiæ; spots on the
arms like flea-bites; vesications; and it corresponds also to burns and
scalds. Stram. 30 caused the face of a boy to whom I gave it to swell
and come out in blotches soon after commencing the remedy. (I have
seen Dulc. 30 produce furfuraceous rash on the face in the same
way.) In a case of mine Stram. relieved an extensive eczematous
eruption which came on after a fright. As a result of suppressions
convulsions occur. These may be general, or they may be partial or
choreic. The convulsant, spasmodic properties of Stram. are shown
in the respiratory sphere in constriction of the chest, asthmatic
symptoms, and cough of the whooping-cough type. The common
practice of smoking Stramonium leaves for asthma is roughly
homœopathic. Peculiar Sensations of Stram. are: As if spinning or
weaving. As if objects were smaller than they really are. As if dizzy.
As if he had no limbs. As if drunk. Head as if drawn backward.
Starts as if a shock of electricity had been passed through her body.
As if eyes were forced out. As of sparks of fire rushing from stomach
to eyes. Eyelids as if swollen, or as if oppressed with sleep; as of
wind rushing out of ears. As if sawing cheek-bone; as if a hole were
there and the brain were touched. As if nose were shifted. As if pins
and needles were in forehead. As if he was seeking something. As if
bones were sawed through. As if front teeth would fall out. Teeth as
if pressed together. Moving fingers as if searching for something.
Cries as if from sight of hideous objects. As if lips would grow
together. Inner mouth as if raw. Soft palate as if drawn down. As of
boiling water in throat. As if a ball were wedged in throat. As if
falling. As if he would vomit. As if navel were to be torn out.
Abdomen as if puffed up. As if abdomen were expanded to
extremest degree. As if urine could not be passed on account of
narrowness of urethra. As if a cylindrical body were being passed
through urethra. As if he had not power to close neck of bladder. As
if very tall. As if something turned round in chest. Limbs feel as if
gone to sleep. As if parts of limbs were completely separated from
body. Hands and feet as if loose in joints. As if cold water were
poured down back. Stram. is an ill-smelling plant, and the discharges
and secretions it causes are often foul and even cadaveric in odour.
Stram. is Suited to: Ailments of young, plethoric persons; especially
of children (chorea, mania, fever, delirium). The symptoms are: < By
touch; by pressure. Motion <; removing head from pillow = vomiting
of bile; walking = involuntary micturition; walking in dark = vertigo.
< After motion (vomiting of bile; palpitation; pain in back, shoulder,
and abdomen). Whilst sitting: involuntary micturition; cough = lower
limbs to be jerked up. Lying > pulsating heat of vertex; in evening
prosopalgia in l. cheek; = cutting pain in sternum. Lying on side <
vertigo. Warmth >. Wind <. Cold <. < Evening and night. < In dark.
> In light. > In company. < Looking at shining objects, water, &c. <
Sun. Great desire for acids; citric acid >.
Cham., Op. < After sleep, Apis, Lach., Op., Spo. Objects appear
small, Plat. Night-blindness, Bell., Nux.
and on an elevation.─Deliria, with strange ideas.─Mental alienation,
with praying and pious actions (prayers, hymns, devout aspect,
&c.).─Mania, generally with endless fictions of imagination,
lascivious talking, conversation with spectres, affectation of
importance, dancing, laughter, and blows, or ridiculous buffoonery,
in constant alternation with sad and serious
behaviour.─Hallucinations: a voice near r. mastoid process scolding
her; frightful, of rats, mice, cats, dogs, and animals
moving.─Hallucinations that = terror or rage.─Saw people coming
out of all corners.─Rush of blood to head with furious loquacious
delirium.─Fear: of losing his senses; that his lips will grow together;
that he will suffocate; of failing; of everything falling on her.─Boy
seemed to see black objects, spoke of black people, black clouds, and
grasped at air.─Awakens with a shrinking look as if afraid of first
thing she sees.─Dulness of senses before a rash.─Conversing in
different languages.─Talking in Jewish jargon.─Ecstatic.─Mania
from shock.─Nervousness and restlessness.
when lying down.─Bores head into pillow.─Bends head
backward.─L. side of head numb.─Head perspires more than usual.
temples.─Face deeply furrowed and wrinkled.─Face bloated, puffed
with blood, sometimes with an idiotic expression.─Circumscribed
redness of cheeks.─Hot cheeks.─Blood rushing to face.─Deep red,
or very pale colour of face.─Fainting with paleness of face, dryness
in throat, and subsequent red face.─Erysipelas on one side of face
and nose.─Boils come out on face while taking Stram. (R. T.
C.).─Lips dry and glued together.─A yellow streak in red part of
lips.─Quivering in lips.─Distortion of the mouth.─Crawling
sensation on chin.─Chewing motion with mouth.─Mouth
spasmodically closed.─Lock-jaw.
respiration.─(Inflammation of stomach.).─Diaphragmitis; delirium;
burning along diaphragm; short-breathed; spasms; struggles against
the water offered.
constriction of larynx and chest, without expectoration.─Voice loud
and bawling.─Want of breath.─Difficult (hurried or) sighing
respiration.─Suffocating obstruction of respiration.─Oppression
with desire for open air.─(Asthma continually recurring, with some
gouty tendency: attacks < at night.─R. T. C.).─Dyspnœa on waking
up every morning, cold winds catch her breath, "can cough at any
time" (much relief.─R. T. C.)
parts.─Complaints concomitant to morbid sleep.─< During
perspiration; after sleep, when first awakens from sleep will shrink
away as if in fear; in the dark; in solitude.─> In company.─The
Stram. patient longs for light; if lying down, longs to sit up, and
dislikes having head on pillow.─Spasmodic, drawing, paralytic pains
in muscles and joints of limbs.─Contractive cramp in
limbs.─Tingling in the limbs.─Sensation as if limbs were separated
from body.─Slow contraction and extension of limbs.─Attacks of
cramps of different kinds.─Tetanus.─Opisthotonos (the body is bent
backwards with distorted countenance).─Cramps, and other
hysterical sufferings.─Stiffness and contraction of several of the
limbs.─Attacks of cataleptic stiffness in body, with loss of
consciousness, preceded by headache with vertigo.─Easy movement,
or great heaviness, of limbs.─Involuntary motions;
hydrophobia.─Excessive aversion to liquids.─Convulsions, which
resemble St. Vitus' dance.─Convulsions (in children) with profuse
perspiration followed by sleep.─The movement of the muscles
subject to the will is easier and increased.─Convulsive jerking of
limbs, with weeping.─Convulsive movements and jerks, esp. on
touching, or fixing the eyes on brilliant objects (such as a candle, a
mirror, or water), or else appearing periodically.─Convulsions, as in
epilepsy, but without loss of consciousness.─Puerperal
convulsions.─Syncope, with stertorous breathing.─Unconscious
snoring; jaws hang down; hands and feet twitch; pupils
dilated.─Trembling of limbs (also in drunkards).─Tottering of limbs,
when walking, and when standing upright.─Paralysis, sometime,
after an attack of apoplexy.─(General paralysis of insane.─R. T.
C.).─Symptoms as from old age, sight becomes dim, has to use
glasses, mind gets weak, cannot complete sentences, avoids people
and suspects them; wakes with r. arm over his head and cannot get it
down again (produced.─R. M. Theobald.).─Weakness, with
necessity to lie down.─Suppression of all secretions and
excretions.─Painlessness with most all ailments.─Movements
hurried.─Restlessness and nervousness beyond description.─Whole
body sensitive to touch and every movement <.
about her.─R. T. C.).─Comatose somnolency, with a ridiculously
solemn expression of countenance on waking.─(Boy wakes in a
great fright from indefinable terrors; stammers and puffs on least
excitement.─R. T. C.).─Agitated sleep, with vivid
dreams.─Frightful visions during sleep.─Kneeling position in bed,
and starting at least touch, with shrieks and wild gestures.
bones. Cramps in calves and soles. Chronic spasms, particularly of
ankle-joint. Œdematous swelling. Icy-cold feet. Rheumatic pains,
especially in joints. Veins of hands engorged.
green. It was proved by Nenning, Schreter, Seidel, Trincks, and
Woost. Among the prominent symptoms were flushing in the face
and violent pulsation of the arteries; congestion to heart, lungs, and
head. The distinctive feature about these states with Stro. c. is that
they are > by warmth and wrapping up and < by cold. This also
distinguishes the headaches of Stro. c. The headaches are boring,
pressive, and tensive. There are various expressions of the congestive
state. One of the tensive pains is peculiar: "Tension from vertex to
upper jaw, as if head were expanded from within, and as if scalp
were too tight, < in evening when lying with head low, slowly
increasing and decreasing, > from heat, The pressure appears in the
stomach; it is > by eating; and < by walking. There is also pressure
after eating. There is both diarrhœa and constipation, the stools of
both are accompanied and followed by burning in the rectum. A. P.
Bowie (H. R., ii. 62) cured this case occurring after a tedious labour:
Stools large and hard, expelled with great effort, followed by great
pain in anus, burning, lasting a long time and compelling patient to
lie down. Anus violently contracted after stool. Complains of
coldness in spots on calves of legs. Stro. c. 6 entirely relieved. The
diarrhœa is < at night, and the stools are yellow. Walking < all
complaints: headache; leucorrhœa; dyspnœa; pressure in sternum.
The symptoms about the chest and sternum, with the < by walking,
suggest angina pectoris, and a similar but less serious state often met
with in gouty patients. The tension is manifested in the nape, as if the
tendons were drawn up; tensive drawing in dorsal and lumbar
muscles. In the arms there is venous tension: "the veins of the arms
and hands are injected and tense, with great prostration and ill-
humour"─suggesting phlebitis and varicosis. Stro. c. has a relation to
sprains and bone affections. The femur is especially affected by it. It
is particularly suited to bone affections of scrofulous children when
associated with diarrhœa. The diarrhœa of Stro. c. is < at night; is
very urgent; can scarcely leave the vessel before having to return; >
after 3 a.m. Stro. c. is indicated in chronic sprains of the ankle when
œdema exists. C. M. Boger (H. R., xv. 339) cured with Stro. c., after
other remedies had failed, a sciatica accompanied by œdema of left
ankle. Sensations of Stro. c. are: As if a load on chest. As if head
were expanded from within. As if scalp were too tight. As if tendons
of neck were drawn up. As if bruised in back and sacrum. As if all
power had left right arm. Gnawing as if in marrow of bones.
Symptoms as if in marrow of bones. Symptoms like phantoms
difficult to locate. External soreness is a note of Stro. c.; also
numbness. Emaciation has been caused by it. The symptoms are < by
touch; by rubbing; by scratching. Lying with head low < tension in
head. Motion <; walking especially <. Stooping <. Exertion <.
Motion > weakness of right arm. < Evening; night, and early
morning, 2 or 3 a.m. Warmth, covering >. Heat of sun > tension in
head. Least draught <. Pain and itching alternate. Right side most
affected. Pressure in stomach is > by eating; and < after a meal.
3. Eyes.─Burning in eyes.─Burning, drawing, and redness in
eyes.─Pressure on upper part of eyeball.─Violent jerking and
quivering of eyelids.─Red and blue circles before eyes, after rubbing
them, with pressure, as by sand.─Sparkling before eyes.─Luminous
vibrations before the eyes.─Photopsia, remaining after an operation,
esp. when objects appear covered with blood.─Green spots before
eyes in the dark.
abdomen, flatus with dull aching across waist and aching in l.
temple.─R. T. C.).─Pressure in stomach, > by eating; < on
walking.─Constriction in stomach with uprisings of clear
water.─Stitches in stomach now r. now l. side.─Pressure in stomach,
with sensation of fulness in abdomen, esp. after a meal.
upwards.─Pressure in sternum.─Pressive pain beneath sternum, at
night, disappeared in morning on rising.─Slight sticking in ensiform
cartilage on walking in open air.─Dull stitches deep internally
beneath ensiform cartilage, taking away the breath.─(Pain in l. breast
with oppression < after meals.─R. T. C.)
rubbing; in darkness.─> from light; from a very bright light; from
warmth in general; from wrapping up warmly.─> In open air, esp.
from heat of sun.─Great lassitude and depression, morning and
skin and profuse sweat; after, Led. in ecchymosis. Ailments from
brandy-drinking. Sulphuric acid, one part, with three parts of alcohol,
10 to 15 drops, three times daily for three or four weeks, has been
successfully used to subdue the craving for liquor - Hering.
Abdomen.--Weak feeling, with dragging into the hips and small of
back. Feeling as if hernia would protrude, especially left side.
Relationship.--Complementary: Puls.
experience of his own:" Two or three times I have used this drug
with success against round syphilitic spots, of a bright red colour, of
the size of a penny, rather itching, running into each other, secreting
a humour sometimes, and generally seated at the upper and inner
surface of the thighs, between the shoulders, on the face, and at the
posterior surface of the forearms and hands. The subjects on whom
this acid seemed to act best were lymphatic, ate a good deal, and
were disposed to a constant looseness of the bowels, so that their
evacuations were rarely in shape." Hahnemann's proving with
homeopathic experience has confirmed many of the old uses of Sul.
ac. and brought out characteristic indications. Weakness is a keynote
to Sul. ac. The patient is weak and exhausted. Sul. ac. is suited to
cases where the weakness is out of proportion to the disease.
Weakness which seems to come from deep-seated dyscrasia. There is
as well a sense of general internal trembling; as if trembling from
head to foot, but without visible trembling. It is useful for inebriates
who are "on their last legs," long after Nux had ceased to help.
Hering says the craving for liquor has been subdued by taking for
two or four weeks, thrice daily, ten to fifteen drops of a mixture of
one part of Sul. ac. with three parts of alcohol. The indications are:
"Vomiting in morning; acidity in stomach; burning in œsophagus
and stomach; sour, acrid, or foul eructations." Sul. ac. has this
characteristic: in spite of great thirst, water is not tolerated; unless
qualified with alcohol it chills the stomach. This is a common
symptom with hydrogenoid patients. Sul. ac. has a keynote symptom
in the mental sphere. Hurry─hasty, quick, sullen, impatient; angry
because things move so slowly. Like Sul., Sul. ac. is periodic and has
an important place in agues and periodic neuralgias. Cooper with
reason contends that many ague cases, supposed to have been cured
with Chi. sul. (Sulphate of Quinine), were really cured by the
Sulphuric acid used in dissolving it. "More-over," says Cooper, "in
all epidemic diseases─influenza, cholera, small-pox, &c.─Sul. ac. is
often called for by the concomitant symptoms. In the neuralgia of
influenza it has cured very severe pain over the whole left side of the
head, face, and neck, coming on from exposure to draught; in the
diarrhœas of cholera times it certainly arrests mischief; in the
diarrhœas of emaciated children it is often called for. A chemist in
Covent Garden used to use a lotion of Sulphuric acid, well diluted,
for all the cases of itch that came before him, and they were many."
There is a keynote of Sul. ac. in respect to neuralgias which is of
great service; the pains increase gradually and end abruptly; the most
characteristic kind of pain is dull pressure─as of a plug thrust in.
There is external soreness and sensitiveness. The piles of Sul. ac. are
external, sensitive to touch and accompanied by itching. Sul. ac. is a
great hæmorrhagic; there is bleeding from every orifice; bleeding
under skin (purpura); the menses are too early, too profuse, and
sterility may be a consequence of this; oozing of dark thin blood.
Many sufferings of Sul. ac. seem to arise from the generative organs,
especially of the female. With Sul. ac. 30, a dose every night, I gave
great help to a delicate woman who had nightmare, waking in a
fright, before each menstrual period. The local "weakness" of Sul.
ac. may amount to prolapse of vagina and uterus. Trauma is another
indication for Sul. ac.; it follows Arn. in bruises of soft parts, Con. in
bruises of glands, Ruta. in bruises of bones. It also removes long-
lasting black and blue spots with soreness and stiffness of the parts.
Flushing is another feature (as at climacteric), and with the flushing
there is sweating. Easy sweating is a note of Sul. ac., and the sweat
affects mostly the upper part of the body. The body odour of Sul. ac.
is sour and cannot be washed off. This is especially observed in
children. Heartburn with sour eructations that set the teeth on edge.
Sul. ac. is suited to: (1) Old people; especially women. (2) Light-
haired people. (3) Pains at climacteric. (4) When some deep-seated
dyscrasia prevails, the child is weak with no other symptoms. (5)
Sour babies. Sensations are: As if brain were loose and falling from
side to side. As if one side of head filled with smoke. As if a plug
were thrust quickly into head. As from subcutaneous ulceration in
scalp. As of a foreign body on right outer canthus. As of a leaf lying
before ears. As if white of egg had dried on face. As if skin of cheek
and chin were pinched. As of want of elasticity of vocal organs. As if
there were a lump in throat. As if menses would come on. As if
hernia would protrude. As if rectum were torn to pieces during stool.
Many symptoms appear on right side, but the left cheek and left
parotid are most affected. Pain travels from left to right round
hypochondria. Other Peculiar Symptoms are: Pains felt during sleep
and disappearing on waking. Jerkings on falling asleep. Seriousness
alternating with buffoonery. Pain in bladder unless call to pass water
is immediately attended to. The symptoms are: < By touch; pressure;
chafing; mechanical injuries. Open air <. Warmth >. Cold <. Rest >.
Lying on affected side > gnawing in face. Motion; lifting arms;
rising; walking; riding <. < Morning; (also evening and night). <
Drinking cold water. Wine <. Warm food = sweat. The cauterising
property of Sul. ac. is of the phagedenic order, which makes it
suitable to many gangrenous conditions.
Compare: Cough followed by belching wind from stomach, Ambr.,
Ver. Dyspepsia of drunkards, Carb. v. (Carb. v. is a putrid remedy;
Sul. ac. more sour). Acidity sets teeth on edge, Rob. Weakness and
giving way of ankles, Caust, Sul., Sil. Scarlatina, blue spots,
diphtheritic membrane, Mur. ac. (Mur. ac. has > uncovering).
Sprains, Am. c. (hot and painful). Falls easily, Nat. c., Caust., Sul.
Pains increase gradually, end suddenly (Bell., Lyc., pains begin and
end suddenly; Stn., pains begin and decline gradually; Col., begin
suddenly and end gradually). Aphthæ, Sul. ac., Borax, Nat. m., K.
chl. Piles, Nit. ac. Drinks chill the stomach, Elaps. Flushing at
menopause, Lach. (Sul. ac, with sweating). Throbbing headache at
menses, Lach. (Sul. ac, with sweating). Inguinal hernia, Lyc. (Lyc.
right, Sul. ac. left). Sour children, spite of washing, Hep., Mg. c.,
Rhe. Sensation of brain loose in forehead and falling from side to
side, Bell., Bry., Rhe., Spi. Prostration, Acet. ac. Hæmorrhages of
black blood from all outlets, Crotal., Mur. ac., Nit. ac., Tereb. Weak
and exhausted from deep-seated dyscrasia, no other symptoms, Pso.,
Sul. Weakness, Pic. ac. Sensation of white of egg on face, Alm.
Sensation of subcutaneous ulceration, Puls. Alcoholism, Querc.
Prolapse of vagina, Staph. Larynx sensitive, Lach. Warmth of
genitals (Sul. coldness).
menses, with sweating.─Pressive headache.─Sensation of heaviness
and fulness in brain, as if head would burst.─Sensation of
constriction in head.─Painful shocks in forehead and temples, < in
forenoon and evening.─Headache as if a plug was thrust quickly by
increasingly severe blows in head.─Shocks and blows in the
head.─Violent jerk beneath l. frontal eminence, suddenly
disappearing.─Headache, with dull lancinations, or drawings and
tearings.─Sensation of wavering of the brain.─Sensation in exterior
of head as if suppurating, or ulcerated, painful to touch.─Itching and
eruption in scalp.─Hair turns grey and falls off.─Pimples on
forehead and side of nose.
impossible; covered with wrinkled white skin; tip and edges red;
denuded at tip and intensely red.─Ulcers on inflamed
tongue.─Talking difficult as from want of elasticity in parts.─Breath
very offensive.─Profuse salivation.─Hæmorrhage from mouth.
in inguina.─Smarting in inguinal region.─Inguinal hernia, much
protruded.─Flatulent colic in the hypogastrium, with grumbling and
borborygmi, and sensation as if a hernia were about to
descend.─Weak feeling as if menses would appear.
tremor all over body, with great debility, and as if everything must
be done in a hurry; spitting of blood; constipation; symptoms are <
by smelling (not drinking) coffee.─Nausea and vomiting during
pregnancy; never vomited food, but could not eat because of
increased distress in stomach and vomiting of mucus.
21. Limbs.─Convulsive movements of arms and legs.─Pains in
joints felt during sleep, disappear on waking.─Tearing in all limbs
during menses, esp. in evening.─Inclination to cramp in hands and
feet.─Wrists and other large joints painful and swollen, but not
red.─Limbs livid.─Twitching of tendons.
pain in lower back, chiefly l. sided, with weakness in lower
abdomen, < at menses, furred tongue and constipation.
27. Fever.─Chilliness during the day, < in room, > when exercising
in open air.─Frequent chills running down body.─Heat in evening
and after lying down in bed.─In evening frequent flushes of heat,
esp. when exercising.─Flushes of heat with perspiration (in
climacteric years).─Heat predominates.─Small, feeble (accelerated)
pulse.─Perspiration on least movement (which continues for a long
time after sitting down).─Profuse perspiration in
morning.─Perspiration at night.─Cold perspiration as soon as one
eats warm food.
of anus. Diarrhoea: sudden, yellowish, greenish, slimy; urgent,
watery; with nausea, vomiting, prostration and cold sweat (Ver.);
with extreme faintness; from excessive smoking. enal colic: violent
spasmodic pains along ureter left side (Berb.); deathly nausea and
cold perspiration. Palpitation: violent when lying on left side; goes
off when turning to the right. Pulse: quick, full, large; small
intermittent, exceedingly slow; feeble, irregular, almost
imperceptible. Hands icy cold, body warm. Legs icy cold, from
knees down; trembling of limbs.
Mind.--Sensation of excessive wretchedness. Very despondent.
Forgetful. Discontented.
Extremities.--Legs and hands icy cold; limbs tremble. Paralysis
following apoplexy (Plumb). Gait shuffling, unsteady. Feebleness of
of. Masturbation, effects of. Ménière's disease. Œsophagus, stricture
of. Optic neuritis. Pregnancy, pruritus of; sickness of; toothache of.
Prostatorrhœa. Pruritus. Pyrosis. Rectum, paralysis of; stricture of.
Sea-sickness. Speech, embarrassed. Strabismus. Tetanus. Toothache.
but he finally tried, and was so much relieved that he ate it all. In half
an hour he was able to return to the class, but was so weak and
tremulous, he did not attempt to write. The nausea was the first
symptom to disappear, then the cold perspiration. The dizziness,
trembling, and excessive weakness did not entirely leave till next
day. Since then Douglass has used small doses of vinegar in acute
symptoms of nicotine poisoning, either chewing or smoking, with
excellent results. Nothing, he says, relieves the sensation of
constriction of the œsophagus (in his own case the symptom was a
very disagreeable one, "as of a hand clutching the throat") so quickly
as vinegar. One of Douglass's patients, a young man in good health,
who was very fond of cigars, was certain, if he smoked two in an
evening, to have an emission on the same night, sometimes with, but
oftener without, dreams. Next day he was prostrated,
hypochondriacal, tongue furred with a thick, fuzzy, yellow coat at
base; and dull, occipital headache. Prostatorrhœa and impotence are
also among the effects of Tab. The constrictive sensation is not
confined to the throat; it affects the rectum, bladder, and chest. There
is violent rectal tenesmus; and there is also paralysis and prolapsus
ani. The vesical sphincter is paralysed, there is debility of urine, and
enuresis. Two of Lembke's provers, students accustomed to smoke
and drink coffee and beer, had incontinence of urine; in one the
quantity of urine was not increased, but it was "passed more
frequently, and dribbled away involuntarily, with slight itching of
urethra in the case of the other the urine was increased, pale, and he
"had to pass it several times in the night, almost amounting to
incontinence." The power of Tab. to paralyse sphincters and also
morbid constrictions accounts for its traditional use in cases of
strangulated hernia and obstruction of the bowels, which has been
confirmed in homœopathic practice. Renal colic comes under the
same heading. The same pair of opposites─relaxation and
constriction─are seen in the weakness and paralysis on the one hand,
and the convulsions on the other. All shades of nervous tremors,
faintings, cramps, jerkings, and restlessness are noted, and it is by its
power of antidoting these conditions that Tab. holds its place in
society. "After an unusually vexatious day," says Douglass, "when I
am in that unpleasant condition of mind when it seems as though the
slightest word would cause an outburst of passion, nothing else does
me quite so much good as a smoke." This is a central nervous action,
and if too much indulged leads to degeneration of nerve tissue, as
seen in tobacco-blindness. Tab. also produces a condition like brain-
fag; inability to concentrate thoughts; this may even go on to a state
of idiocy. Silly talking in boys. A curious state was induced in Mr.
Harrison (C. D. P.), who slept in the cabin of a sloop, the cabin being
full of large packages of tobacco. His sleep was harassed by wild and
frightful dreams, and he suddenly awakened about midnight, bathed
in a cold dew, and totally unable to speak or move. He knew
perfectly where he was, and recollected what had occurred the day
before; but could not make any bodily effort whatever, and tried in
vain to get up or change his position. "Four bells" was struck on
deck, and he heard the sounds (though rather, it seemed, through
their vibrating in his body than by the ears); and he was conscious of
other things that occurred─so he was not dreaming. At length be
became totally insensible for a time, till a roll of the ship roused him,
and he awakened and got on deck. His memory was totally lost for a
quarter of an hour; he knew he was in a ship, but nothing more.
While in this state he saw a man drawing water, and asked him to
pour a bucket on his head. This was done, and all his faculties were
instantly restored; and he acquired a most vivid recollection of a vast
variety of ideas and events which seemed to have passed through his
mind, and that had occupied him during the time of his Supposed
insensibility.─The nutrition is profoundly influenced by Tab., and it
probably retards growth in children. It produces a deathly sinking
and craving at the stomach, and it is no doubt by virtue of this, acting
homœopathically, that Tab. enables persons who cannot have proper
meals to endure starvation better than they otherwise would.
Decaisne (C. D. P.) observed the effects of smoking on youths, aged
from 9 to 15. Among the effects were: Bruit in carotids and
diminution of red corpuscles of the blood. Palpitation. Deficient
digestive power. Sluggish intellect. Craving for alcoholic stimulants.
Epistaxis. Ulcerated mouth. "The younger the boy, the more marked
the symptoms; the better fed suffer least." "Rapid emaciation,
especially of back and cheeks" has been noted among the effects.
Tab. has a number of backaches, and some are peculiar. C. M. Boger
(Hahn. A., xxxviii, 41) cured this with Tab. cm: Backache persistent;
< lying down, > walking; history of anginoid attacks. in cases of
cholera, sea-sickness, sickness of pregnancy, renal colic, strangulated
hernia, &c., the keynote symptoms are: deathly nausea, pallor,
coldness; icy cold surface, covered with cold sweat; vomiting
violent, as soon as he began to move, > on deck and in fresh air.
Terrible faint, sinking feeling at pit of stomach. Terry cured a case of
sea-sickness with heat along spine from nape down; cold sweat; then
vomit. He also cured a case of Ménière's disease with a feeling as if
sea-sick. A keynote symptom of much importance in many
abdominal cases is: > by uncovering abdomen. Child wants abdomen
uncovered; it > nausea and vomiting. There may be coldness of the
abdomen at the same time. Tab. produces a number of skin
affections, notably pruritus. Teste cured with it several cases of
freckles; he repeated the remedy and gave it for weeks at a time: "A
country girl had her face and hands covered with freckles, two-thirds
of which disappeared completely [under Tab.] in summer, the season
in which they are most frequent and obstinate." Burnett told me that
an infusion of tobacco is a popular German remedy for scrofulous
glands. Cooper gives as in indication, "intermittent heart in old
people." E. T. Blake (H. R., ii. 68) records a case of rheumatism with
rigid joints and spinal insomnia in a lady, 40, who had been heavily
drugged with narcotics before he saw her. "Whenever she composed
herself for sleep, just as she was lapsing into unconsciousness, the
knees would attempt to fly up towards the chest with an abrupt jerk,
tearing painfully at the acetabular adhesions." Other symptoms were:
sweating, impaired memory, hypochondriasis, drumming in the ears,
facial as well as crural clonus, white tongue, epigastric sinking,
alternating with nausea and flatulence, heart action increased by day,
diminished down to severe fainting during the night. Tab. 12 gave
three hours' refreshing sleep the first night, more the second, and
after the third the leg-jerk departed for good. C. W. (H. W., xxvi.
207) was troubled with spasm of lower jaw, < out of doors. No
remedy did good till he remained one evening with two friends who
were smoking, and got himself well saturated with the smoke. That
cured him. Slight subsequent returns were always removed by Tab.
J. W. Scott (H. P., xvi. 420) observed a case of epileptiform
convulsions brought on by tobacco. For five months the patient had
two attacks weekly, and they grew worse in spite of treatment till the
tobacco was discontinued. Sensations are: Sensation of excessive
wretchedness. As if struck by a hammer on right side of head. As if a
band round head. As if brains were being bored out. As if black dots
filled visual field. As if ears were closed. As of a plug in œsophagus.
As if throat gripped by a hand. As if sea-sick. As if stomach were
relaxed. As if chest too tight. As if a crowbar were twisted round
heart. The symptoms are: > Uncovering abdomen. < By pressure. <
Motion of vessel. < Lying; > walking. Lying on left side =
palpitation. Motion (even least) <. Coughing = hiccough; stitches in
pit of stomach. Rising <. < Morning: vomiting; diarrhœa; sickness of
pregnancy; cramps in fingers. Thirst < night. Sight < evening. > In
open air; (ear symptoms <). > Cold affusion to head. < Indoors.
Symptoms come in paroxysms; are periodical. < By stimulants.
Weeping >. Vomiting >. Music pains in ears.
Relations.─Antidoted by: Vinegar, Sour Apples, Camph., Coff.;
Ipec. (primary effects: vomiting); Ars. (effects of chewing tobacco);
Nux (bad taste in mouth in morning, amblyopia); Phos. (palpitation,
tobacco heart, amblyopia, sexual weakness); Spig. (heart affections);
Ign., Puls. (hiccough); Clem. (toothache); Sep. (neuralgia in face and
dyspepsia, chronic nervousness); Lyc. (impotence); Wine (spasms,
cold sweat from excessive smoking). Plant. maj. has sometimes
caused aversion to tobacco. Gels. (occipital headache and vertigo);
Tab. 200, or 1,000 for the craving when discontinuing its use.
Antidote to: Cic., Stram. Compare: Nicotinum. Cold sweat, Ver.
(Ver. on forehead; Tab. all over). Coldness in abdomen, Colch.,
Elps., Lach. Spasmodic pains along l. ureter, Berb. Ménière's
disease, Salicin. Incarcerated hernia, Aco., Nux, Op., Sul. Chills or
creeps precede headache (Chel., accompany headache). Sinking
immediately after meals, Ars., Cin., Lyc., Sel., Stp., Ur. nit. Hair
sensation, K. bi., Sil. (Tab., in eye). Blindness, optic atrophy, Carb.
s., Benz. din., Filix. m. Emissions, heart, anæmia, Dig. Retracted
abdomen, Pb. Jerking of legs in bed, Meny. As if a hand clutching
throat (Bell., intestines).
2. Head.─Emptiness and confusion in the
head.─Dizziness.─Vertigo, which often produces loss of
consciousness, with nausea (< indoors; > in open air), and pains in
head and eyes.─Vertigo < on rising and looking up─brought on by
immoderate use of cigars.─Giddiness in occiput.─Headache, with
nausea and vertigo.─Excessive heaviness of head.─Pressive
headache, esp. above eyes, vertex, and temples.─Shootings in
head.─Headache from one temple to the other, involving orbits, or
with shooting in l. eye, > from cold.─While passing urine, suddenly
attacked with pains in head, so severe he screamed for assistance;
immediately followed by vomiting.─Congestion of blood in head,
with internal heat, and throbbing in temples.─Neuralgic headache,
sensation as of sudden blows struck by a hammer.─Periodical sick-
headache from fatigue or excitement.─Tightness in head as though a
band stretched round it, disturbance of vision, tinnitus, and
vertigo.─Headache > in the open air.─Burning and tingling
sensation in exterior of head.─Trembling of head.─Hair falls
out.─Formication above l. temple.
fumes all but intoxicate her.─Frequent sneezing.─Dryness and
obstruction of nose.
11. Stomach.─Frequent empty and noisy risings.─Sour, burning
risings.─Pyrosis.─Spasmodic hiccough.─Frequent nausea, esp.
during movement, often inducing syncope, with deadly paleness of
face, disappearing generally in open air.─Deathly nausea, with
vertigo, in paroxysms, body covered with cold sweat; sea-
sickness.─Nausea, with inclination to vomit, sensation of coldness in
stomach, or pinchings in abdomen.─Vomiting of water only, with
yellow and greenish reflection before eyes.─Vomiting of acid serum,
often mixed with mucus.─Violent vomiting; easy, of sour liquid;
watery, insipid, sometimes bitter in morning.─The vomiting is
renewed by the slightest movement.─Stomach-ache.─Squeezing,
contractive cramps in stomach, sometimes after a meal, often
accompanied by nausea, and an accumulation of saliva in
mouth.─Shootings in the scrobiculus, which pass through
back.─Relaxation, and sensation of coldness or burning in
stomach.─Sinking at the pit of stomach.─Dreadful faint feeling in
14. Urinary Organs.─Renal colic; violent pains along ureters; cold
sweat; deathly nausea.─Paralysis of sphincter, constant
dribbling.─Enuresis.─Urine yellowish-red, with increased
secretion.─Inflammation of the orifice of the urethra.
20. Neck and Back.─Stiffness of the neck.─Head drawn back in
convulsions.─Neuralgic pains in neck and between
shoulders.─Burning under scapula.─Neuralgia of back with tightness
of throat.─Contractive pains in the loins, esp. after a stool.─Violent
pain in small of back and loins (renal calculi).─Throbbing in sacral
region, evening.─Pain in small of back and loins, esp. after
sitting.─Intolerable pain in small of back much < while
sitting.─Pains in small of back, constriction; esp. after a
stool.─Pressive pain in lumbar region on rising from a seat and
beginning to walk, goes off on walking.─Emaciation of the
back.─Red, itching eruption on the back.
and esp. in stormy weather; from walking, riding in a carriage, and
jar of a railway train.─> In the open air; from vomiting.
Antidotes: Lach.
struck it vehemently with his feet. Two hours after the music began
the blackness of his face and hands went off, he sweated freely, and
regained perfect health. Every succeeding year at the same season
the pain and attending symptoms returned, but less violently; and
they could always be averted by music. But if the imminent
paroxysm was not averted in time, he was found by his friends struck
down as at first and was restored in the same way. These cases bring
out some of the cardinal features of Trn. (1) Dark red or purplish
coloration and swelling of skin and tissue. (2) Apparent imminent
choking. (3) Choreic movements; restlessness. (4) > By music:
music at first excites and subsequently relieves. (5) Periodicity; deep
action returning annually on the date of the bite. Trn. is a remedy of
synalgias and concomitants: Neuralgia of inferior maxillary nerve
accompanying pain with irritation in pit of stomach. Snapping and
pain in ear associated with hiccough. Throat and eye. Heat of face
with heat of palms. Faint feeling in stomach with frontal headache.
Many symptoms take their rise from the generative sphere, which is
profoundly affected. Desire is excited in both sexes to the point of
mania. Coitus only < the sufferings of both. In one male prover the
semen was bloody and caused a sensation of heat in its passage. The
sexual desire was so excited in one woman that when playing or
dancing with men she hugged them before everybody; and was angry
when reproved, but did it again. The periods were scanty and pale
with severe pains in teeth and buttocks; at times she had a desire to
take things which did not belong to her; the "Tarantella" played on
the violin produced no effect on her, but as soon as she took in her
arms a little girl, she began to cry until it was taken away. Cuttings
and contractions in uterus; shootings in vagina; swelling and
induration of uterus; expulsion of gas from uterus; pains in other
parts associated with uterine pains; restlessness, hysteria. The
restlessness is particularly noted in the lower extremities, with desire
to cry: must keep moving about though walking < all the symptoms.
Many of the mental symptoms, which almost exhaust the protean
range of hysteria, were in connection with sexual disorders; sighing,
yawning; laughing and crying; joking and profound melancholy. The
unceasing movements─twitching jerking, dancing─are the most
constant features. There is hysterical hyperæsthesia: the least
excitement irritates, followed by languid sadness; great excitability
of nerve endings; tips of fingers extremely sensitive; feels sore and
bruised all over, < moving about; spinal irritation, slightest touch
along spine = spasmodic pain in chest and heart regions. Farrington
gives among the mental symptoms: "When there are no observers
there is no hysteria; when attention is directed to her she begins to
twitch"; and "cunning attempts to feign paroxysms of wild dancing."
The chorea of Trn. is most marked on right side. The neuralgias of
Trn. may be anywhere; in the head they are of great intensity: "as if
thousands of needles were pricking to the brain. They are < by noise,
touch, strong light, > by rubbing head against pillow. ("> By
rubbing" is a keynote Condition of Trn." Termini of nerves become
so irritated that some kind of friction is necessary in order to obtain
relief.") Constrictive headache with pain in uterus. P. C. Majumdar
(Ind. H. R., v. 43) reports this case: Girl, 18, had oppression of chest,
suffocating sensation, continued jerking and movement of hands,
foam at mouth, complete insensibility, profuse and delaying menses;
very sleepy. Hystero-epilepsy was diagnosed. Ign. 30 did nothing.
Trn., high, brought her out of the fit and restored her completely in a
few minutes. But Trn. is not a hysteric remedy only. C. M. Boger
(Hahn. Ad., xxxviii. 40) cured a case of irritative cough with Trn. 30:
Mr. B., 41, sore all over, throat feels dry, cough lying down at night
and in morning after rising; dry with tearing pain in chest; excited by
pressure of phlegm in chest feels short of breath for at least an hour
after each coughing attack only > from smoking. Bad taste evening.
Three doses cured. Diphtheria; tonsillitis of an intensity to threaten
suffocation; cystitis; septic and intermittent fevers have been
successfully met in Trn. on its indications. In M. A., xvii. 568 a case
of hyperæsthesia of finger-tips is mentioned. The patient, a lady, 33,
could not dress herself without gloves. The irritation caused at once a
sensation in the teeth as if set on edge by a strong acid. The pain was
not in the fingers. Trn. gave relief after Asar., Gels., and Sul. ac. had
failed. Among peculiarities of Trn. are: Stools occur immediately the
head is washed. Wetting hands in cold water = symptoms. Snapping
and cracking in right ear with pain and hiccough. One pupil dilated,
the other contracted. Farrington relates a case of typhoid in a child
cured by Trn. The child rolled its head and bit its nightgown. Apis.
and Agn. improved. Trn. slightly aggravated at first, then rapidly
improved. Peculiar Sensations are: As if head were knocked, in
morning. As if thousands of needles were pricking into brain. As if
occiput were struck with a hammer (this sensation as if hammered
occurs in many parts and may be considered a general indication).
As of a hair in eye. Singing like a tea-kettle in left ear. As if lower
teeth were going to fall out. As if a living body in stomach rising to
throat. As if body were bruised. As if there were not sufficient space
in hypogastrium. Painful uneasiness in coccyx. Motion in uterus as
of a fœtus. As of something crawling up legs under skin from feet to
uterus. As if heart turned and twisted round. Heart as if squeezed and
compressed. As of needles sticking into muscle of neck when
touched. As of insects creeping and crawling. Tickling, burning,
scorching, and numbness are prominent sensations. Trn. is suited to
nervous, hysterical patients subject to choreic affections; to persons
of foxy, mischievous, and destructive tendency; to choreic affections
when whole body or right arm and left leg are involved. The
symptoms are: < By touch. Rubbing >. Pressure >. Music >; =
excitement. Rest <. Must walk about but walking < all symptoms.
Can run better than walk. Motion > headache, < uterine pains and
pains in coccyx. < At night. < Washing head. < Wetting hands in
cold water. Fresh air >. Warm water >. Coitus <. Light <; = to
scream. Cough = headache; involuntary urination. < After sleep. >
Riding in carriage (pain in spermatic cords). Epistaxis > throbbing in
carotids, &c.
and irritability; desire to strike himself and others.─Excessive gaiety,
laughs at slightest cause; maniacally happy mood.─Joy and strong
emotion with trembling when seeing beloved persons.─Sings until
hoarse and exhausted.─Fits of nervous laughing; followed by
screams.─Profound grief and anxiety.─Desire to take things which
do not belong to her.─Indifference, disgust, and sadness from
morning to 3 p.m. were marked, < after midday; from 3 p.m. to
evening the gay disposition returned.─Wants to be without any light
and without being spoken to.─Irritability, rage, fury.─Mischievous,
destructive.─Ennui.─Fear of impending calamity.─Little
intelligence and poor memory.
occiput: as if struck with a hammer; burning, scorching; with burning
thirst; as if a nail driven in; compression, extending towards neck.
when smoking.─Sensation when swallowing of constriction in
throat.─Throbbing sore throat.─Sensation as if cold water
continually dropping down throat.─R. tonsil: painfully swollen;
painful constriction, extending to ear, < by swallowing.─Fauces
inflamed purplish.─External swelling of neck so great as to cause
danger of choking.─Constant throbbing pain In cervical and
submaxillary glands, with occasional sharp stinging
pains.─Tonsillitis; high fever, delirium, red face, tonsils so swollen,
suffocation feared.─(Diphtheria with same symptoms.)
of sphincter, fæces appear natural but are passed as fast as
in uterus, like a fœtus.─Disorders of pregnancy.─Swelling of breasts
with itching of nipples.
legs extends to hands with desire of taking something and throwing
it away; to roll something between fingers; followed by general
fatigue.─Great pain in knuckles and toes, can scarcely bear the
weight of lightest linen.
of skin, which is scarlet.─Debilitating sweats.─Night-sweats.─Cold
The urine has the odor or violets. Tongue: smooth, glossy, red, as if
deprived of papillae, or as if glazed (Pyr.); elevated papillae; coating
peels off in patches leaving bright red spots, or entire coating cleans
off suddenly (in exanthemata); dry and red; burning in tip (compare,
Mur. ac.). Abdomen: extremely sensitive to touch; distention,
flatulence, excessive tympanitis; meteorism (Colch.). Diarrhoea:
stool, watery, greenish, mucous; frequent, profuse, fetid, bloody;
burning in anus and rectum, fainting and exhaustion, after (Ars.).
Worms: with foul breath, choking (Cina, Spig.); dry, hacking cough;
tickling at anus; ascarides, lumbrici, tapeworm segments passed.
Haematuria: blood thoroughly mixed with the urine; sediment, like
coffee-grounds; cloudy, smoky, albuminous; profuse, dark or black,
painless. Congestion and inflammation of viscera; kidneys, bladder,
lungs, intestines, uterus; with haemorrhage, and malignant tendency.
Purpurea haemorrhagica; fresh ecchymosis in great numbers from
day to day (Sulph. ac.). Ascites with anasarca, in organic lesions of
kidneys; dropsy after scarlatina (Apis, Hell., Lach.). Haemorrhages;
from bowels, with ulceration; passive, dark, with ulceration or
epithelial degeneration. Violent burning and drawing pains in
kidney, bladder and urethra (Berb., Can., Canth.). Violent burning
and cutting in bladder; tenesmus; sensitive hypogastrium; cystitis
and retention from atony of fundus. Albuminuria; acute, in early
stages, when blood and albumin abound more than casts and
epithelium; after diphtheria, scarlatina, typhoid. Urine rich in
albumin and blood, but few if any casts; < from living in damp
dwellings. Strangury; spasmodic retention of urine.
Head.--Dull pain like from a band around the head (Carb ac).
Vertigo, with vanishing of vision. Disturbed sense of equilibrium.
Tired and difficult concentration of thoughts. Cold in head with sore
nostrils with disposition to bleed.
Eyes.--Ciliary neuralgia over right eye. Intense pain in eye and side
of head. Amblyopia from alcohol.
Stomach.--Nausea and vomiting; heat in epigastric region.
Antidote: Phos.
Dose.--First to sixth potency.
quickened and spasmodic; the drug is partly excreted by the lungs
and acts on the mucous membrane, lessening its secretion. The
temperature sometimes rises, sometimes falls. Voluntary movement
is diminished; reflex action lowered; blood-pressure lowered, and
vessels dilated. Diminishes the quantity of urine; gives the urine an
odour of violets; causes lumbar pain, burning in urethra, painful
micturition, hæmaturia. Among the uses of Ter., Brunton mentions
the treatment of biliary colic. For this it is given in ether in the
proportion of one part of the Oil of Turpentine to three of Ether.
Homœopaths have confirmed the value of this. Throughout this list
of effects burning is a constant note, and gives the key to many cases
calling for Ter.─burning in gums, tongue, tip of tongue, mouth,
throat, stomach, rectum, and anus, kidneys, bladder, and urethra,
uterus, air passages, chest, and sternum. The last was particularly
noticed after warm drinks, the pain running along the sternum with
the drink and spreading in the chest. Burning extends from kidneys
along ureters. Ter. is an irritative, sensitive remedy. Cooper has
found it indicated in children (especially teething children) when
they fly into passions. There is irritation of the meninges and often
ascarides or other intestinal worms. In one case of maniacal fury in a
man it did good. This irritability manifests itself in some cases of
spasms and convulsions, and Lippe observed a case in point (H. P.,
x. 480). A woman had made her feet sore by walking, and applied
turpentine to them. This was followed by a state like hydrophobia;
she had spasms whenever she saw water or heard it poured, or saw a
bright object; and also whenever she attempted to urinate. Ter. is a
great hæmorrhagic and its hæmaturia is particularly characteristic:
Smoky, turbid urine depositing a sediment like coffee-grounds. Dull
pain, or burning pain in region of kidneys, burning during
micturition are leading indications. Ter. corresponds to many cases
of albuminuria and hæmaturia after scarlatina; and also to the
consequent dropsy. This last may indicate Ter. in many affections of
the genito-urinary sphere. "Burning in uterus" is very characteristic.
Peritonitis, metritis, metrorrhagia will probably need Ter. if the
burning is present. The hæmorrhages of Ter. are generally passive;
dark, and fetid. Purpura hæmorrhagica calls for it if there are fresh
ecchymoses in great numbers from day to day. The hæmorrhages
may occur from any orifice. Additional keynotes of Ter., which will
be decisive if combined with others, are: (1) Smooth, glossy, red
tongue, as if deprived of papillæ. (2) Excessive tympanites. (3)
Drowsiness. In capillary bronchitis, the child is drowsy. Stupor and
great weakness are found in many Ter. conditions, rendering it
appropriate in cases of typhus, typhoid, and uræmic poisoning.
"Drowsy with retention of urine." With the tympanites there is
generally extreme sensitiveness to touch. With cystitis and uro-
genital and rectal troubles there is sensitiveness of hypogastrium and
pains in symphysis pubis. Pains go from left to right across bowels
and then shoot upward. From being exposed to turpentine odour, a
lady, 35, got pain as from pinchings in the throat, with lifeless
feeling in the tongue and dryness of the mouth, followed by pains in
r. eyeball, which extended back to same side of occiput (Cooper). S.
H. Roberts (B. M. J., Dec. 25, 1875) maintains Ter. has a specific
effect in tonsillitis when applied externally. Marc Jousset gave Ter.
1x with marked benefit in two cases of bronchial asthma. He was led
to give it in the first case by coincident hæmaturia; but this was not
present in the second (L'Art Méd., April, 1901). A remedy may be
known by its antidotes and antidotal properties. Ter. antidotes and is
antidoted by Phos. A young man who was badly poisoned by a low
attenuation of Phos. got more relief from Ter. 3x than from any other
remedy. Brunton says it is only Ozonised Ter. that is effective here.
The preparation I used was the ordinary one. Hering says the
ozonised oil is recommended as a prophylactic in malarial and
African fevers, a few drops being given daily on a lump of sugar.
George Royal (Med. Cent., ix. 70) gives three cases illustrating the
action of Ter.: (1) Typhoid, third week, in man 24. Extreme
distension, rapid, small, compressible pulse, cold sweat in lower
limbs. Ter. 6x two drops in water every half-hour. Oil of Ter. was
applied locally to the abdomen mixed with lard, and later in the
evening, when there was already slight improvement, an injection
containing turpentine was administered. This relieved the patient of a
large quantity of flatus, and next morning he was on the high-road to
recovery. (2) Pyæmia after abortion at third month, brought on by
patient herself. Enormous distension; lower limbs covered with cold
sweat; lochia thin, scanty, offensive. Ter. given in another case
brought about slow improvement for three days, when Chi. 30 was
indicated and finished the cure. (3) Teamster, 36, had severe
nephritis after being out in cold rain. Constant desire to urinate,
severe pain in back, down ureter, to bladder; urine scanty, very high-
coloured. Temperature 102°. Pulse weak, 130. Ter. 6x every half-
hour; and hot fomentations on kidneys greatly relieved. After three
days he was able to leave his bed. Royal considers cold sweat of
lower limbs, and rapid pulse with the distension, as leading
indications. A keynote of Burnett's for Ter. is: "Pains in the bowels
which = frequent micturition." Peculiar Sensations are: As if he
would pitch forward on walking As of a band round head. As if sand
thrown violently in eye. As of a seashell sounding in l. ear. In ear as
of striking of a clock. As from hasty swallowing in epigastrium. As
if he had swallowed a bullet, which had lodged in pit of stomach.
Sense of anxiety and utter prostration about epigastrium. Umbilical
region as if covered with a round, cold plate. As if intestines were
being drawn towards spine. As if abdomen distended with flatus. As
if diarrhœa would set in. As if inguinal hernia would appear. As if
symphysis pubis were suddenly forced asunder. As if foreign body
had entered windpipe. As from electric shocks. Twitching of limbs.
Crawling tingling as if parts were asleep. As if hot water running
through a tube in nerve. Sprained pains, contusive pains, and
rheumatic pains appear in the pathogenesis, and notably pressure and
drawing pains. These show the suitability of Ter. to the effects of
injury and rheumatic conditions. It is on this property that certain
popular embrocations containing turpentine owe their reputation.
Ter. is specially Suited to: Children (dentition, nose-bleed, worms).
Bleeders. Nervous women (amenorrhœa; dysmenorrhœa; headache).
Complaints of old people; of people of sedentary habits. Chronic
rheumatism and gouty complaints. The symptoms are: < By touch. <
By pressure (in region of bladder it = convulsions). Effects of falls
and injuries. < Lying on left side, > turning to right. Sitting <.
Stooping >. Motion >. (Pain in crest of ilium < from motion and least
jar.) Walking in open air <. < Night; 1-3 a.m. Damp dwellings <.
Damp cellar = diarrhœa. Damp weather = neuralgia in legs. (Ter. is
hydrogenoid.) Cold water > burning in anus. > Belching and passing
flatus. Loose stool > nausea.
Pains = frequent micturition (Thuj., urging to urinate accompanies
the symptoms). Rheumatism, Sul. ter.
6. Face.─Pale, earthy colour of the face.─Herpes on lips.
sensitive to touch.─Heaviness, fulness, and pressure in
abdomen.─Slight pressing pain in small spot in epigastrium; >
stooping, lying down, or taking a deep breath.─Distended abdomen;
frequent colic.─Meteorism.─Cuttings in epigastrium and
hypogastrium, often extending into thighs.─Sensation of excessive
coldness in abdomen, esp. in exterior of umbilical region, which is
retracted.─Pains shooting across bowels from l. to r. and
upward.─Inflammation of intestines.─Noise, gurgling, and
borborygmi in abdomen.─Ulceration of bowels; peritonitis; with
tympanites.─Great but obscure pains in lower abdomen.─Sensation
of pressure outwards in inguina, as if caused by a hernia.─Painful
swelling of inguinal glands.
painful dysuria (produced in a child from poisoning.─R. T.
C.).─Burning sensation in urethra, felt also when
urinating.─Urethritis, with painful erections.─Stricture of urethra
(Burnett, after Rademacher).─Urine scanty and bloody.─Burning
sensation, incisive pains, and spasmodic tenesmus of bladder.
20. Neck and Back.─Drawing in nape, extending to
occiput.─Drawing pain in the back and loins, esp. in evening, when
seated.─Pain and increased warmth in lumbar region.─Backache and
soreness in kidney affections.─Pressive pain in back extended up
between shoulders and there became a throbbing.
bullosa.─Violently itching vesicles.─Chronic jaundice.─Excessive
itching, stinging burning of skin.─General increased sensibility.
Time passes too quickly (too slowly, Arg. n., Can. I., Nux m.).
Vertigo: on closing the eyes (Lach., Thuja - on opening them, Tab.;
on looking upward, Puls, Sil.); from any, even the least noise; aural
or labyrinthine (Meniere's disease). Nausea: from least motion, and
especially on closing the eyes; from fast riding in a carriage.
Headache: when beginning to move, as of a dull heavy pressure
begin the eyes; violent, deep, in the brain; < lying down (Lach.);
very much < from others walking on the floor, or from least motion
of head. Every sound seems to penetrate through the whole body,
causing nausea and vertigo. Chronic nasal catarrh; discharge thick,
yellow, greenish, offensive (Puls., Thuja). Toothache: every shrill
sound penetrates the teeth. Seasickness of nervous women; they
close their eyes to get rid of the motion of the vessel and grown
deathly sick. Violent stitches in upper left chest, below the scapula,
extending to neck (Anis., Myr., Pix, Sulph.). Pains in the bones all
over, as if broken. Great sensitiveness between vertebrae, sits
sideways in the chair to avoid pressure against spine (Chin. s.); < by
least nose and jar of foot on floor. For extreme nervous
sensitiveness; of puberty, during pregnancy and climacteric years.
"In rachitis, caries, necrosis, it apparently goes to the root of the evil
and destroys the cause." - Dr. Baruch. Phthisis florida, often affects a
cure if given in the early stages of disease. In scrofulosis where the
best chosen remedies fail to relieve.
Dose.--Thirtieth potency.
passes too slowly" is a well-marked symptom. Therid. has a peculiar
cough: frequent, convulsive, head spasmodically jerked forward,
knees jerked up to abdomen. Chackravanti (H. W., xxxvi. 345)
relates a case of headache cured with Therid.: Mr. B., 35, well built,
of bilious temperament, had for three months severe headache with
nausea and vomiting, like sea-sickness, and shaking chills. Dulness
and fulness in the head with throbbing beginning in occiput,
preceded by flickering before the eyes. Head feels large and heavy.
The pains begin in the morning, increase during the day, and last till
evening. Excessive irritation, with loss of sustaining power. < From
least overwork and motion; > by keeping quiet in horizontal position.
Constipation, stools hard, small, dry. Therid. 3x was given, one drop
in water twice daily. The pain was much better next day, and was
gone in less than a week. Baruch (H. P., viii. 331) says of Therid. "In
cases of scrofulosis, where the best chosen medicines do nothing, I
always interpolate a dose of Therid., which must act for eight days,
and I have seen the most surprising results from it, particularly in
caries and necrosis. For phthisis florida Therid. is indispensable, and
effects a certain cure if given in the beginning of the disease. In cases
of rachitis, caries, and necrosis I depend chiefly on Therid., which,
although it does not seem to affect the external scrofulous symptoms,
apparently goes to the root of the evil and effectually destroys the
cause of the disease." Peculiar Sensations are: As if her head was
another strange head. As if vertex did not belong to her. Like a
pressing pain in root of nose and about ears. As of a veil before eyes.
As if too much air passed into nose and mouth. Mouth as if furred,
benumbed. As if some one tapped her on groin when raising leg. As
if a lump were lying in perinæal region. Like labour pains in lower
abdomen. As if a child were bounding in body. As if something in
œsophagus were slipping towards epigastrium. As if bones were
broken and would fall asunder. As if dying. Burning pains and
itching are common; and a stitch high up in apex of left chest has
proved a guiding symptom for Therid. in the cure of cases of
phthisis. "Burning in liver region" has led to the cure of abscess and
even cancer of that organ. The symptoms are < by touch; pressure;
on ship-board; riding in carriage; closing eyes; jar; least noise. Lying
= pain deep in brain; > flickering before eyes. < Stooping; rising;
motion; exertion, going up or down stairs; walking. After washing
clothes, nausea and fainting. < Every night. Warm water > nausea
and retching. Warmth >. Cold <; cold water feels too cold. < By
coitus (groin pains). < After stool (headache). Left side most
Relations.─Antidoted by: Acon. (sensitiveness to noises); Mosch.
(nausea); Graph. (more chronic effects). Follows well: Sul., Calc.,
Lyc. (scrofula). Compare: Aran. d. and Spiders generally.
Hemicrania < closing eyes, < noise, Sep. (but Sep. < from noise is
less intense). Vertigo and faintness on closing eyes, Lach. Headache,
nervousness, hysteria, Trn. Stooping down, violent stitch high up in
l. chest, thence to back, Myrt. com. (through to l. scapula), Pix Ord.
costal cartilage where it joins the rib). Illic. Ord rib, generally r.
side). Time passes too quickly (too slowly Can. i., Arg. n., Nux m.).
Vertigo on closing eyes, Lach., Thuj. (on opening them, Tab.; on
looking up, Puls. Sil.). Headache < lying down, Lach. Nasal catarrh,
thick yellow greenish discharge, Puls., Thuj. Spinal irritation, Chi. s.
Bites tongue in sleep, Ph. ac. (Ph. ac. sides; Ther. tip). Effect of
washing clothes, Pho. Lump in perinæum, Arg. n. (Sep. in anus).
Scrofulosis; deep-in headache, Bac., Tub. As if a child bounding in
body, Croc., Thuj.
of eyes, < l.─Throbbing or pressive headache, sudden, over l.
eye.─Aching behind eyes.─Stinging in l. temple.─Pressing together
in temples.─Oppression behind ears, with fulness.─Itching on head
and nape in evening.─Violent headache, with nausea, cannot bear
the least noise; a feeling as if vertex were separated from rest of
head, or as if she would like to lift it off.─Effects of sunstroke, with
most intolerant headache, nausea and vomiting.─Itching on scalp; on
head and nape, evening.
9. Throat.─Sore throat; chilly; bones sore; difficult swallowing;
constipation; urine scanty and high-coloured.─Pressure in lower part
of œsophagus towards epigastrium, taking away the breath.
13. Stool and Anus.─Stool: papescent, scanty, urgent, next day thin
and scanty, omitted on third day.─Stool difficult towards the end,
though not hard.─Bowels open twice with colic and flatulency, after
which headache is <.─Anus protrudes and is painful, <
sitting.─Spasmodic contraction of rectum and anus.─Heaviness in
perinæal region, which he has had for a very long time, is now felt at
every step, with feeling of a lump there.
17. Respiratory Organs.─Cough at night.─Convulsive cough, with
the peculiar vertigo.─Violent cough, with spasmodic jerking of head
forward and knees upward.─Increased inclination to take a deep
respiration, to sigh.
day.─Sleep long and dreamful at midday, dreams of journeys in
distant regions and of riding on horses (in one who scarcely ever sat
upon a horse).─Dreams that he broke off a tooth.
Relations. - Compare: Asaf., Asar., Croc., Ign., Lac c., Spig., Sulph.
For the abuse of Chamomile tea. For pains in heels: Agar., Caust.,
Cyc., Led., Mang., Phyt.
Fever.--Long lasting heat, often with sweat on face. Heat
predominates. Sensation of icy coldness (Heloderma; Camp; Abies
and abdomen; the incurable cases of hysteria and hypochondriasis;
moral disturbances, passing from one extreme of emotion to another,
from the highest joy to the deepest grief, from leniency, kindness,
and mildness to grumbling impatience, obstinacy, and
quarrelsomeness; from a sinking of the vital forces accompanied by a
painful craving for stimulants, to the greatest liveliness and
extravagance, and vice versâ"; tedious convalescence after nervous
fevers; paralysis, and contractions of the limbs, &c.─these, in Franz's
opinion, were much less owing to the original intensity of the disease
than to the Val. with which the patients had been dosed; and they
were only saved from worse effects by the fact that Val. was so
frequently given in combination with one or more of its antidotes.
Some notes by Franz are important: (1) The first and most rapid
effect of Val., which precedes any after symptoms, is an acceleration
of the pulse and congestion of the head. (2) The symptoms of the
upper and lower limbs alternate frequently. (3) The principal times of
day when Val. produces its symptoms are noon and early afternoon
and the hours before midnight. The abdominal symptoms especially
are felt in the evening. (4) "Val. causes several kinds of darting,
tearing pains which come and go. Similar to these pains are those
which appear suddenly. If we compare with these two kinds of
pains─the jerking pains which are scarcely felt in any other than
muscular tissues and the cramping pains─we have a very easy and
natural indication of the grounds on which Tissot's recommendation
of Val. for epilepsy might be considered valid. The eye symptoms of
Franz were burning, smarting, and pressure in the margins of the
lids, which seemed sore and swollen. But in addition was this, which
shows the exalted state of sensorum Val. can produce: "Shine before
the eyes in the dark; the closed, dark room seemed to be filled with
the shine of twilight, so that he imagined he distinguished the objects
in the same; this was accompanied with a sensation as if he felt that
things were near him even when not looking at them; on looking he
perceived that the things were really there" (at 10 p.m., thirteen hours
after the dose). There were also hallucinations of hearing and of
sense. "Imagines she is some one else and moves to the edge of the
bed to make room" was removed in one case. "Anxious,
hypochondriac feeling, as if the objects around him had been taken
from him; the room appears to him desolate, he does not feel at home
in the room, he is compelled to leave it." "As if in a dream." The
restlessness of Val. is a, very prominent feature: Nervous irritation,
cannot keep still; tearings, cramps, > morning. Constant heat and
uneasiness. The digestion is disturbed. The taste caused by Val. is as
disgusting as its odour. Before dinner a taste of fetid tallow; early in
the morning on waking the taste is flat, slimy. Nausea begins in
umbilical region, rising into pharynx. In the preface to his Pocket
Book Bœnninghausen gives a case which brings out many of the Val.
characteristics: "E. N., 50, of blooming, almost florid complexion,
usually cheerful, but during his most violent paroxysms inclined to
outbreaks of anger with decided nervous excitement, had suffered for
four months with a peculiar violent kind of pain in the right leg after
the previous dispersion, allopathically, of a so-called rheumatic pain
in the right orbit by external remedies which could not be found out;
this last pain attacked the muscle of the posterior part of the leg,
especially from calf to heel, but did not involve the knee or ankle-
joint. The pain itself he described as extremely acute, cramping,
jerking, tearing, frequently interrupted by stitches extending from
within outward; but in the morning hours, when the pain was
generally more endurable, it was a dull, burrowing with a bruised
feeling. The pain became < towards evening and during rest,
especially after previous motion, while sitting and standing,
particularly if he did it during a walk in the open air. While walking
the pain often jumped from the right calf to the left upper arm if he
put his hand into his coat pocket or his breast and kept the arm quiet,
but it was > while using the arm, and then the pain suddenly jumped
back again into the right calf. The greatest relief was experienced
while walking up and down the room and rubbing the affected part.
The concomitant symptoms were sleeplessness before midnight,
frequently recurring attacks during the evening of sudden flushes of
heat with thirst, without previous chill, a disgusting, fatty taste in the
mouth with nausea in the throat, and an almost constant pressing
pain in the lower part of the chest and pit of the stomach as if
something were there forcing itself outward." Of course Val. was the
remedy. Val. has a strong affinity for the tendo Achillis, and I have
cured with it many cases of painful affection of this tendon and heel
when the Val. conditions were present. Nash cured with it a severe
case of sciatica in a pregnant woman on the symptom, "pain <
standing and letting the foot rest on the floor." She could stand with
the foot resting on a chair or lie down in comfort. Val. is a leading
member of the group of remedies which meet lack of reaction. It is
Suited to: (1) Hysterical women who have taken too much
chamomile tea. (2) Nervous, irritable, hysterical subjects in whom
the intellectual faculties predominate and who suffer from hysteria
and neuralgia. It meets "nervous affections occurring in excitable
temperaments; in hypochondriasis it calms the nervousness, abates
the excitement of the circulation, removes the wakefulness, promotes
sleep, and induces sensation of quietude and comfort; sadness is
removed; in globus, in all asthmatical and hysterical coughs, nervous
palpitation of the heart, profuse flow of limpid urine" (quoted by
Hering). "Red parts become white" is another indication of Hering's.
Among Sensations are: As if flying in air. As if eyes would be
pierced from within outward. As if smoke in eyes. As if a thread
were hanging down throat. As if something forcing a passage
through pit of stomach. As if something warm were rising from
stomach. As if something pressed out in lower chest. As from cold or
over-lifting, pain in loins. As if he had strained left lumbar region.
As if an electric shock through humerus. As if thigh would break. As
if strained in right ankle. As if bruised in outer malleolus of right
foot. Lightness in leg. Like lead in limbs. The symptoms are: < By
touch (blisters on cheek and lip). Rubbing > cramp in calf. Pressure
of hand or covering with hat = icy coldness on vertex. Early
decubitus in typhoid. Slight injury = spasms. Rest; sitting; standing
<. Motion >. Moving eyes < headache. Bending head back < pain in
occiput. Straightening out limb < sciatica. < Noon. < Before
midnight (cannot sleep before midnight). Profuse sweat at night. <
Open air; draught of air. > After sleep. < Fasting. > After a meal.
alternately.─Extreme instability of ideas.─General illusions and
errors of the mind.─Hallucinations: esp. at night; sees figures,
animals, men; thinks she is some one else, moves to edge of bed to
make room.─Great flow of ideas, chasing one another.─Felt like one
who is dreaming.─Hysteria, with nervous over-excitability of the
5. Nose.─Violent sneezing.
6. Face.─Pain in face, with spasmodic twitching and drawing in
zygomatic process.─Redness and heat of cheeks in open air; a
quarter of an hour later sweat breaks out over whole body, esp. in
face.─Twitching of muscles of face.─Darting like electricity in r.
ramus of lower jaw.
14. Urinary Organs.─Profuse and frequent emission of
urine.─Urine contains a white, red, or turbid sediment.─During
urination much straining and prolapsus recti.
hip.─Pain in hip and thigh intolerable when standing, as if thigh
would break.─Spasmodic drawing and jerking in thighs.─Great
heaviness and lassitude in legs, but esp. in calves.─Twinging pain in
outer side of calf when sitting.─Pulsative tearing in r. calf when
sitting in the afternoon.─Pain, as of a fracture, in the thighs and
tibia.─Paralytic pain in the knees towards the end of a walk.─Violent
stitch in knee.─Tensive pain in the calves of the legs, esp. when
crossing the legs.─Drawing and weak feeling along tendo Achillis,
toward heel, as if the part had lost all strength, when sitting;
disappearing when rising from a seat.─Constant pain in
heels.─When sitting heels, esp. r., painful.─Drawing in the joints of
the feet when sitting down.─Sudden pain, as if bruised, in outer
malleolus of r. foot, < when standing, > when walking.─Wrenching
pain in the joints of the foot and ankles.─Transient pain in r. ankle, <
while standing, but seems to disappear when walking.─Lower limbs
contracted.─Pains and shootings in heels, esp. when seated.─Tearing
pains in the soles of the feet and in the toes.
25. Skin.─Eruption of small nodosities, at first red and confluent, the
white and hard.─Painful eruptions.─Skin too dry and warm.
sever pains in joints and muscles (Bry., Salic. ac.); scanty, red urine.
Child trembles, jerks, threatened with convulsions; continual jerking
or nodding of the head. Nervous or sick headache; congestion from
suppressed menses; intense, almost apoplectic, with violent nausea
and vomiting. Congestive apoplexy, hot head, bloodshot eyes, thick
speech, slow full pulse, hard as iron. Convulsions: dim vision;
basilar meningitis; head retracted; child on verge of spasms.
Cerebro-spinal diseases; with spasms, dilated pupils, tetanic
convulsions, opisthotonos; cold clammy perspiration. Sunstroke,
head full, throbbing of arteries, sensitive to sound, double or partial
vision (Gels., Glon.). Tongue: white or yellow with red streak down
the middle; dry, moist, white or yellow coating, or no coating on
either side; feels scalded (Sang.). Pulse: suddenly increases and
gradually deceases below normal; slow, soft, weak; irregular,
intermittent (Dig., Tab.). Veratrum viride should not be given simply
to "bring down the pulse," or"control the heart's action," but like any
other remedy for the totalityof the symptoms.
Head.--Congestion intense, almost apoplectic. Hot head, bloodshot
eyes. Bloated, livid face. Hippocratic face. Head retracted, pupils
dilated, double vision. Meningitis. Pain from nape of neck; cannot
hold head up. Sunstroke; head full, throbbing arteries (Bell; Glon;
Usnea). Face flushed. Convulsive twitching of facial muscles
(Agaricus). Vertigo with nausea.
Relationship.--Compare: Gels; Bapt; Bell; Acon; Ferr phos.
Antidotes Strychnin-fluid extract, 20-40 drops.
made a heroic proving of the liquid extract; and his infant daughter
(twenty-one months) very nearly died from taking a few drops of the
tincture from a phial. In two minutes she began vomiting. Coffee and
Camphor were given as antidotes. In five minutes her jaws were
rigid; pupils widely dilated; face blue; hands and feet cold; no pulse
at wrist. Abdomen and back were rubbed with Camphor, when she
went into spasms with violent shrieks. These spasms were frequently
repeated, a hot bath being most effective in relaxing the muscles.
Vomiting ropy mucus kept up for three hours. Pulseless; hands and
feet shrivelled. After three and a half hours she slept quietly and
soundly and next morning was well but a little weak. Burt recalls his
own symptom, "constant aching pains in back of neck and
shoulders," and concludes that Ver. v. acts on the cervical portion of
the spinal cord and base of brain. He also regards it as acting on the
vagus, and paralysing the circulatory apparatus. The great keynote of
Ver. v. is congestion, and it is in resolving congestive states that its
chief successes have been scored. The correspondence is rough and
the lower potencies have been mostly used. D. McLellan told me of a
case of his. He was sent for in the middle of the night to see an old
lady whom he found sitting up in bed gasping for breath, and blue.
Rapid congestion of the lungs had occurred. The attack had come on
suddenly. Ver. v. quickly rescued the patient from a condition of
imminent peril. The concomitance of congestive symptoms, and also
of nausea and vomiting, form one of the leading indications of Ver.
v. in a great variety of cases. Sensations of fulness ("Head feels full
and heavy;" "rush of blood to the head;" "face flushed;" "buzzing in
the ears;" "chest constricted;" or "oppressed as from a heavy load;"
point to the congestive tendency. The localities most congested by
Ver. v. are: Base of brain; chest; spine; stomach. Slowing of the
heart's action is a leading effect of the provings (from its action on
the heart muscle and cardiac ganglia─Dig. on the pneumogastric);
and Ver. v. has been used to "knock down" fever in the same way as
Acon. Nash points out that there is some risk in this. When Ver. v.
was first introduced he used it largely and successfully in a number
of cases; but in one case which appeared to be going on favourably,
the patient died suddenly. This he attributes to the Ver. v. In chorea
Ver. v. has had many successes: "twitchings during sleep" was a
characteristic of some cases. "Constant jerking or nodding of the
head," "jerking and trembling, threatened with convulsions," are
other leading symptoms. In puerperal convulsions Ver. v. has only
succeeded when nauseating doses have been given. In muscular and
articular rheumatism it has been used locally as well as internally;
and in chorea an application to the spine of the tincture, diluted with
spirit, has proved a serviceable adjunct. Among other indications for
Ver. v. are: "Violent pains attending inflammation." "Head full,
throbbing of arteries, sensitive to sound double or partial vision."
Suddenness: Sudden fainting; prostration nausea. A keynote
symptom is: Red streak down the centre of the tongue. Ver. v. has a
pronounced action on the œsophagus; it causes a sort of ruminating
action or reversed peristalsis. Numbness is prominent among the
effects of Ver. v. With the 30th I cured a man, 56, of these
symptoms: Dim sight as if scales over it; numbness; pain in head as
if a tight band were round it; rush of blood to head; sleeplessness.
Peculiar Sensations are: Confused feeling in head as if head would
burst. As if boiling water poured over parts. Tongue as if scalded. As
if a ball rising into œsophagus. As if stomach tightly drawn against
spine. As of a load on chest. As if ankles distorted. As of galvanic
shocks in limbs. As if damp clothing on arms and legs. Ver. v. is
Suited to full-blooded, plethoric persons. Dreaming about water is a
characteristic which I have confirmed. The symptoms are: > By
rubbing. > By pressure (pain in head). Motion <. Sudden motion =
faintness and blindness. Rising <. Walking <; = blindness. Lying <
(headache, breathing, &c.); > faintness and blindness. Closing eyes
and resting head > vertigo. < Going from warm to cold. < After
exposure. The least food vomiting. < Morning on waking; also
to be involuntary); changed to a happy and comical delirious
state.─Depression and prostration.─Great fear of death.─When not
vomiting lay in a stupor.─Puerperal mania: silent, suspicious; fears
being poisoned.─Loquacity with exaltation of ideas.
p.m.─Photophobia and vertigo > closing eyes and resting head,
producing sensation as of a ball rising up to top of
sternum.─Retching with agonising pain.─The least quantity of food
= violent vomiting.─Vomiting: profuse, of thick, glairy mucus; of
food; of bile; with collapse and cold sweat.─Twisting-tearing pain in
stomach < by least motion.─As if waves rising from stomach to
chest, on waking.─Pains in stomach, sharp; flying.─Great irritability
of stomach.─(Choked spleen.─R. T. C.)
quick, weak, or hard, bounding pulse.─After abortion retained
placenta.─Mastitis with great arterial and nervous excitement.)
22. Upper Limbs.─Aching: top of l. shoulder above scapular ridge;
in arms and neck.─Shuddering in l. and r. shoulders in
succession.─Pain: in outer condyle of r. humerus; in r. elbow; in r.
and l. ulna; in fingers and thumb.
fever.).─(Typhoid fever, fourth week, beef-steak tongue; sickness,
unable to retain any food, great prostration and sinking at
epigastrium.─R. T. C.)