Livreto Tarot Anotacoes A4
Livreto Tarot Anotacoes A4
Livreto Tarot Anotacoes A4
sobre o
Tabela de interpretao
Arcanos maiores
Palavras-chave (Bunning)
0 - O louco
Comeo, espontaneidade, f, loucura aparente
I - O mago
Ao, ateno consciente, concentrao, poder
II - A sacerdotisa
No-ao, ateno inconsciente,potencial,
III - A imperatriz
Mothering, abundncia, sentidos, natureza
IV - O imperador
Fathering, estrutura, autoridade, regulao
V - O sacerdote
Educao, crenas, conformidade, ident. grupal
VI - O enamorado
VII - O carro
VIII - A fora
IX O eremita
X Roda da fortuna
XI Justia
XII O pendurado
XIII A morte
XIV Temperana
XV O diabo
XVI A torre
XVII A estrela
XIX O sol
XX O julgamento
XXI O mundo
Arcanos menores
new job or creative
new work options; plans
success or travel
nostalgia; romance
choices; daydreams
moving forward
thievery; dishonesty
feeling stuck
wish fulfillment
loss; an ending
a new financial
juggling resources;
financial decisions
recognition for talent;
financial stability;
financial loss;
abandonment; poverty
generosity; charity
hard work ahead; slow
rewarding work; getting
lost in a task
financial security;
financial success; family
a creative woman
a powerful man
a kind woman
a caring man
new love
Palavras-chave (Theresa)
A fresh start; the beginning of a journey
Developing skills and talent; manifesting
Intuition; trust your gut
romance; meeting
a new challenge or mental
indecision; contemplation
heartache; separation
Arcanos menores
Rev. (T.)
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Rev. (Th.)
XX O julgamento (Judgement)
Fazer um julgamento, sentir um renascimento, ouvir um chamado interior, encontrar absoluo
making a judgment: having a day of reckoning, separating the wheat from the chaff, making an honest appraisal, getting
off the fence, using critical faculties, taking a stand, making hard choices
feeling reborn: awakening to possibilities, transforming, enjoying renewed hope, making a fresh start, seeing everything in
a new light, discovering joy
hearing a call: recognizing your true vocation, feeling inner conviction, feeling an impulse to act, deciding to make a
difference, feeling drawn in a new direction, knowing what you must do, answering a need
finding absolution: feeling cleansed and refreshed, releasing guilts and sorrows, forgiving yourself and others, atoning for
past mistakes, unburdening yourself, feeling sins washed away
Um wake up call csmico, clareza, mudana de conscincia
The Judgement card is represented by the number 20 or 2, and it signifies a cooperation with the higher spiritual forces in
your life. With this card, you come into communion with your religious or spiritual ideas and practice them daily. You walk
your talk, so to speak! Apply all of what you have learned and then even more understanding comes of your own journey.
Upright: In its upright position, signals an awakening, a coming alive to a change of awareness. This card indicates selfactualization, a life well lived, and work well done. This card often comes up when youre trying to improve your health or
well-being. It indicates a desire for something higher or better than where you are now. Judgement represents that youll
understand something you hadnt or that youll suddenly realize something existed that youd never thought of before.
Libertao, julgamento, chamado interior, transformao. Dar conta de aes do passado; reavaliao e renovao; abrir
mo de velhos valores e abraar os novos; aceitar as coisas como so; no culpar a ningum, nem a si mesmo
Keywords: rebirth, ending, higher calling, announcement, judgment, transformation, reawakening, passage, renewal, shift,
oneness. General meaning: You are being called to something greater. Now is the time to let go of the old and rise up! A
major rebirth is possible. This is the end of an important chapter you are integrating the lessons from that time and
seeing the light. Listen to your conscience and do the right thing. Taking the high road. The cosmic wake up call. Tooting
your own horn.
Can indicate a fear of losing control or a fear that you wont find happiness. Sometimes it shows a lack of interest or
awareness in the spiritual side of life, or possible losses or delays in realizing a higher spiritual calling. This card cautions
you to take care not to be superstitious, but instead to believe that all conditions of life have a higher purpose.
A critical error in judgment. Your perspective is skewed. You may have lost the ability to be objective or to follow your inner
guidance and now you may suffer the consequences from that. Getting stuck in a rut. Refusal to hear the call. Religious
fanatics, false prophets and cults. You may be judged unfairly by some bigot. Ignore that negation, playa.
XXI O mundo (The world)
Integrar, realizao, envolver-se, sentir-se pleno
Integrating: experiencing wholeness, bringing parts together, achieving dynamic balance, combining, creating synthesis,
joining together, working in unison
Accomplishing: realizing your goals, prospering, achieving your heart's desire, seeing dreams come true, flourishing,
finding a beautiful solution
becoming involved: contributing, healing, rendering a service, using a gift or talent, sharing what you have, giving of
yourself, feeling engaged, being active
feeling fulfilled: savoring the present, taking pleasure in life, enjoying peace of mind, getting satisfaction, finding
contentment, counting your blessings
Triunfo em todas as reas, lies crmicas completas, liberao
The World card is represented by the number 21 or 3. It stands for the culmination of work well done, life well lived, and
the accomplishments you have worked toward, as well as blessings from above and from the people you have worked with.
Upright: In its upright position, the World promises the fulfillment of all desires and goals as well as an understanding of all
the lessons youve been through. You have the ability to make others happy and are aware of what their gifts are. A
change could be taking place for the better in your home or career, or you may be arriving at a cosmic state of
consciousness. The World upright indicates the freedom to come and go as you please. Youve earned the path of
liberation, your karmic reward.
Finalizao, satisfao, liberdade, amor csmico, liberdade do medo. Recompensa pelo trabalho e esforo rduo; tempo
para celebrar a si mesmo e aos outros; sentir que o mundo pertence a voc; viagem fsica ou mental; realizao do que
voc est tentando alcanar; descobrir uma soluo; sentir-se bem consigo mesmo e com o universo
Keywords: completion, ending, success, travel, closure, graduation, Universe, freedom, environment, rebirth. General
meaning: Congratulations you have successfully completed a major cycle/mission or lesson! Your journey is now coming
to a conclusion and youre getting ready for the next chapter. A feeling of elation and completion. Your karmic work is
done. Youve reached your goal and its all good, baby. If youve been struggling with an issue, closure is now at hand. A
good omen for long distance travel. Think globally, act locally.
Can indicate a lack of vision or a refusal to learn from your experiences. It could have been betterand still couldbut
more concentration is required and more work must be done first. This is not a negative card reversed, but it does indicate
that more must be done or more must be accomplished before you attain the upright position of security.
Limbo time. You may feel as if things are on hold. What lesson did you not learn? What things are unfinished? Loose ends
are dangling. Time to tie that shizz up so that you can move forward. If you dont have closure on an issue, you cant let
anything new enter your life. Unfinished business. Everything is up in the air. Travel problems.
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
s de paus
Usar a fora criativa, mostrar entusiasmo, ter confiana, ter coragem
using creative force: inventing a better way, expanding your potential, opening to greater possibilities, conceiving a dream,
expressing yourself, stimulating your imagination, allowing a talent to unfold, coming up with a solution
showing enthusiasm: feeling fired up and eager, creating an aura of excitement, being ready to tackle the world, inspiring
others, sustaining optimism, giving 110%
having confidence: believing in yourself, feeling assured of your abilities, being sure of success, having high self-esteem,
having faith in your path, knowing things will work out
proceeding with courage: tackling a challenging task, going beyond your limits, being true to your beliefs, daring to take a
stand, facing your fears, going for it
Comeo de nova energia, coragem, boa auto-estima. Desejo de iniciar em uma nova direo, energia para comear um
novo projeto. Muita ambio e motivao
Novos comeos, originalidade, viso criativa, recomeo, aventura. Confiar nas prprias capacidades; conhecer o caminho
certo frente; encarar os fatos; necessidade de se ter iniciativa sexual; colocar em prtica ideias inspiradoras; encontrar
uma soluo para um problema; sentimento de empolgao; ter paixo pela vida.
Keywords: beginning, start, creativity, idea, offering, birth, renewal. General meaning: This card is always an omen of good
things to come whether that be a new job, the birth of a child or a fantastic new idea, you can be sure that the Ace of
Wands is saying: hell yeah! Go for it, big time! A major offer or pportunity. The dream job. The proposal. Its all good, baby.
The green light youve been waiting for has arrived. Youve arrived debut your fine self and own that stage! This can also
indicate the beginning of a hot, sexy relationship. Ooh la la! Turning over a new leaf.
Comeos equivocados, baixa auto-estima. Voc precisa buscar o que est faltando, comear de novo
This is a hell no and indicates that things (or you) are not ready to manifest. Stuff is on hold and youre gonna need to
cool your jets, pal. Delays. Getting a rejection notice. Impotence issues (bummer!). Force and brutality. Hard labor.
2 de paus
Ter poder pessoal, ser corajoso, mostrar originalidade
having personal power: commanding attention and respect, directing those around you, holding the world in your hands,
wielding influence, calling the shots, having authority, swaying others to your position, being able to achieve your goals
being bold: daring to do what you want, taking a risk, gambling events will go your way, confronting the situation head-on,
taking the initiative, speaking your mind, facing fear directly, taking the bull by the horns, seizing the day
showing originality: doing what no one else has done, creating your own style, being a pioneer, taking a different
approach, inventing something new, diverging from the crowd, marching to a different drummer
Esperando por resultados. Indica pacincia e foco em suas intenes. Planejamento feito, agora dever se desenvolver.
Coisas comeam a se materializar
Conquista, coragem, desejos mundanos, poder pessoal. Sentir que tem o mundo nas mos; persuadir outros de seus
talentos; ter coragem para defender sua opinio; deixar sua marca no mundo; mostrar que est falando srio; ser
inventivo e diferente; aceitar bem novas ideias; ampliar suas perspectivas; sentir que voc onipotente
Keywords: success, plans, security, advantageous position, control, travel, vision General meaning: Youre in a great
position. Youve achieved an important goal and are now ready for the next step. You have mastered the situation. You
have more than one option available to you. So whats next? Start making plans and putting your road map together.
Planning your next trip. Dominion. Ruling the world like a boss! Going global.
Seu projeto sofrer atrasos e frustraes. Talvez seja bom mudar de plano ou recomecar
You have to go back and finish what youve started. An unexpected twist may have thrown you off course. Plans falling
apart. Time to regroup and go with a whole new strategy. Lack of vision, thinking small time. Being out of your comfort
zone. A delay in your trip. You may be staying home.
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (W.)
Rev. (Th.)
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
3 de paus
Explorar o desconhecido, ser visionrio, mostrar liderana
exploring the unknown: seeking out uncharted areas, going in quest of new adventure, expanding horizons, leaving the
secure behind, tackling something different
having foresight: being visionary, looking for greater possibilities, planning ahead, knowing what to expect, getting a
premonition, anticipating obstacles, taking the long view
demonstrating leadership: showing others the way, taking the main role, providing needed direction, rallying the group
behind you, assuming a responsible position, setting an example, serving as a representative
Parceria e cooperao. Negcios se desenvolvem bem. Se beneficiar de seus esforos. Orgulho das suas realizaes.
Sucesso vista.
Precauo, expanso, explorao, contemplao. Procurar novas aventuras; seguir novas pistas; ver a melhor maneira de
agir; saber o que vai acontecer em seguida; ter uma perspectiva aberta; comear uma nova jornada; conscincia de suas
intenes; conhecimento como poder; percepo da vocao
Keywords: expansion, success, support, vision, ship sailing in, opportunity coming, travel, advantageous position. General
meaning: You are now in the perfect position to begin planning your next move. The Three of Wands signals the possibility
for a major expansion. Whether this be taking your career in a new direction or taking over the world, you can begin
plotting your next move. Dont be thinking small this card encourages big, epic visions. The Three of Wands also can
suggest an opportunity on the horizon. That ship you were waiting on is in view. And if youre looking to go on some sort of
world tour, this card says your plans will work out brilliantly. Hit the road, Jack!
Retrocessos nos planejamentos. Seus talentos e habilidades precisam melhorar. Competio acirrada. Desperdcio de
energia. Excesso de orgulho ou confiana esto atrapalhando.
Atrasos, dificuldades em conseguir recursos ou cooperao de outros; sabotagem
Back to the drawing board. Those plans are not gelling. It may be that you lack the vision or the support to get things off
the ground. You need to build up more street cred before you take this thang forward. Delays and setbacks may plague a
perfectly good plan or trip. Seasickness. Thinking small time. Cant be a balla if you thinking like a chump.
4 de paus
Celebrar, buscar liberdade, sentir-se animado
Celebrating: rejoicing over a happy event, recognizing a success, observing an anniversary, milestone or special time,
congratulating on a job well-done, reflecting on accomplishments, enjoying some well-deserved rewards, taking part in a
ceremony or rite
seeking freedom: getting out of an oppressive situation, breaking free of bonds, cutting loose, opening to new possibilities,
escaping unhappy circumstances, claiming self-determination, letting go of limitations
feeling excited: bubbling over with delight, feeling thrilled, look forward expectantly, getting caught up in the moment,
feeling jubilant, relishing the moment, being surprised
Tempo de celebrar! Celebrao depois de trabalho pesado, reunio familiar e de amigos. Harmonia, paz e satisfao.
Casamento, graduao, reunio.
Celebrao, alegria, espontaneidade, liberdade. Exuberncia na vida e no amor; aproveitar um evento feliz; harmonia
domstica; celebrao mtua; orgulho das prprias conquistas; libertar-se das correntes da responsabilidade; sentir-se
mais livre que um pssaro; descartar bagagem emocional; libertar-se das expectativas alheias
Keywords: victory, harmony, happiness, celebration, homecoming, home, ceremony, party. General meaning: I always see
this card as a happy omen when it shows up. This is the victory dance at the end of the touchdown, the joy of returning
home for the holidays, the sign of a fruitful union, the celebration for a job well done. Harmony and happiness in all
endeavors. Life is sweet and there are more reasons to celebrate than commiserate. A triumphant return to the old hood. A
kickback with your closest peeps.
Carta boa tambm. Celebrao no to grande, mas merece felicitaes. Aprender a apreciar as coisas simples.
Still positive but it can indicate leaving home or moving out. This can also be the surprise party or an event that has a twist
to it. Again, still positive and a sign that stuff is moving ahead, even if a delay to the outcome. Keep on truckin and youll
be tossing some confetti and throwing back with your crew soon enough.
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
5 de paus
Desentender, enfrentar competio e contratempos
Disagreeing: feeling everyone is at cross-purposes, being torn by dissension, quarreling, arguing and bickering, becoming
embroiled in a debate, being at odds with others, quibbling over details
experiencing competition: feeling the thrill of the contest, going against an opponent, rising to the challenge, being
involved in a game or sport, trying to outdo yourself, going for the gold, looking for a fight, having a rival, being challenged
by an upstart
experiencing hassles: getting annoyed by demands, having minor setbacks, needing to take care of details, suffering from
irritations, being bothered by trivialities
Confuso e brigas. Oposio. Situao difcil e confusa necessrio mais clareza antes de tomar qualquer deciso. Algo
deu errado. Pode representar questes legais
Competio, rivalidade, dificuldades menores, discrdia. Briga por nada; sensao de no saber onde est; competir por
simples capricho; sentir-se desconfiado ou perseguido; tentar se defender sem conseguir; circunstncias frustrantes;
aborrecer-se com opinies dos outros; contratempos irritantes
Keywords: competition, fight, game, opposition, conflict, aggression, change, power struggle, rivalry, assertiveness, dog
eat dog, bullies. General meaning: Be aware of competition but dont be afraid of it. Power struggles may be brewing.
Opposition to ideals. A spirited debate or match is good for the soul and will prevent complacency. Jump into it and give it
your all. Real true playas welcome a good bout and never shy away from it. Get in the game and show them who da real
boss is. Kicking ass and taking names. Taking on a bunch of punk ass bullies.
Harmonia prevalecer novamente. Problemas sero discutidos e resolvidos. Dilogo. Negociao
The struggle comes to an end or someone gives up and walks away. Cowardice. Besting the competition. Grudge match.
Restarting an old conflict and for what? The spoils may not go to the victor but to the one who is wise enough to say
enough. Someone may be trying to jock your fresh brush your shoulders off and ignore that biter.
6 de paus
Triunfar, ser aclamado, sentir-se orgulhoso
Triumphing: having your day in the sun, being vindicated, walking away with the prize, prevailing against all comers,
coming out on top, achieving success
receiving acclaim: being acknowledged, getting a pat on the back, receiving an award or citation, getting praise or a
compliment, earning applause, achieving recognition
feeling pride: enjoying healthy self-esteem, strutting your stuff, holding your head up high, feeling worthy of notice, having
a high opinion of yourself, putting yourself above others, being arrogant, condescending, feeling self-important
Reconhecimento aps uma batalha difcil. Boas novas chegando, sucesso a caminho. Melhora nos relacinamentos. Todos
os problemas (pessoais e de trabalho) esto sendo resolvidos. Possibilidade de viagem para outra cidade, com bons
Orgulho, vitria, recompensa, conquista. Receber reconhecimento pelos seus atos; ser o centro das atenes; sentir-se
realizado; buscar o primeiro lugar; conseguir tudo sem dificuldade; ter uma atitude arrogante; orgulho demais para
admitir a verdade; sentir-se superior
Keywords: victory, triumph, leadership, win, advancement, achievement, support, finish line. General meaning: Victory is at
hand. Youre getting ready to step into the winners circle. Be sure to thank all the fine supporters who helped you to
achieve your goal. A good leader never forgets their hired guns. Getting back in the saddle again. Bossing up. Moving
forward. Leader of the pack. Big wins. Youre a champion, baby now act like one.
Atrasos. Oportunidades no disponveis. Est cansado e precisa descansar e relaxar. Frustraes e obstculos. Estresse e
tenso esto aumentando. melhor desenvolver pacincia at a tempestade passar
Everything moves in fits and starts. Spurting progress. A retreat from a battle. Epic fail. Your support turns around and
walks away. Betrayal from your closest allies. Plans go sideways. What seemed like an easy win turns out to be a hard
fought battle. Abandoning ship or a cause. Trojan horse. The fall from grace.
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
7 de paus
Ser agressivo/assertivo, ter resistncia/coragem, mostrar convico
being aggressive: going after what you want, asserting yourself, taking the offensive, firing the first shot, fighting, making
your point forcefully, seizing the advantage
being defiant: holding out against pressure, defending your position, opposing all challengers, combating criticism,
refusing to yield, saying "No!", resisting authority
showing conviction: being sure, having a fixed position, demonstrating strong character, standing up for what you believe,
knowing you are right, acting resolutely, being firm
Provocado pela competio. Voc tem fora e energia para se defender e guardar seu territrio. Sua coragem evidente e
voc pode lidar com adversidades e presses de todos os tipos. Muita competio. Proteger algo em que voc acredita
Desafio, propsito, obter vantagens. Recusar-se a ceder desde o princpio; defender suas convices; apostar tudo;
defender-se; confiana para dizer no; ser resoluto; fora contra os adversrios; travar uma batalha sem sentido;
interao agressiva; luta
Keywords: challenge, struggle, defense, battle, stand, overwhelm, assertive, boundaries, bullies, courage, resistance.
General meaning: Its time to take a stand. Gather your courage muscles and stand up for what you believe in. This is about
asserting yourself, no matter what the odds may be. Take a defensive posture. Push back. If you want to win the battle, you
must engage fully. Keeping the wolves at bay. Fighting the good fight. Resisting the powers that be. Rage against the
machine. Fight da man!
melhor do que na posio normal. As ameaas esto desaparecendo, o inimigo sumiu, o sentimento de insegurana e o
medo passaram. Sua posio foi mantida e voc est mais forte. Superao de fase difcil. Tempestade passou.
Wussing out. Giving in or giving up. Getting a beat down. Losing the will to fight on. Retreat. Being overcome by the
enemy. Strong bullies that arrive with reinforcement. Weak boundaries. Fitting in rather than standing out. Getting in over
your head. You let your enemies best your sorry ass. Win some, lose some. Better luck next time, pal.
8 de paus
Agir rapidamente, chegar a uma concluso, receber notcias
taking quick action: making your move, striking while the iron is hot, declaring yourself openly, putting plans into action,
rushing into a new area, moving into high gear, getting caught up in change
coming to a conclusion: culminating an effort, having all elements come together, closing out an activity, experiencing a
grand finale, finding a successful resolution, completing unfinished business
receiving news: getting an important message, obtaining a needed bit of information, finding the missing puzzle piece,
discovering the truth, having a meaningful conversation, learning more
Navegao tranquila. Sucesso em viagens, em seus interesses amorosos, em seus objetivos. Tudo acontecer e resultar
em felicidade e prazer. Movimento na direo certa, voc conseguir o que deseja. Progresso em direo ao objetivo.
Apressar-se, ao, novidades, opes. Estabelecer prioridades; deixar claras suas intenes; agir de maneira sutil e rpida;
receber uma mensagem importante; descobrir o elo que faltava; desenvolvimentos rpidos; reavaliar decises; tudo est
no ar; fazer um balano da situao
Keywords: movement, travel, news, speed, swiftness. General meaning: Things are moving at warp speed. If you have
experienced a lull, its now full on, baby. Quick movement. A whirlwind romance. Progress at last. A project is moving
forward towards completion. Important news arrives. One of the best cards for travel. If this shows up in your reading, get
ready to pack those bags.
Seu interesse amoroso est se esvaindo, viagem adiada, conflito e cimes. preciso controlar suas emoes
desgovernadas. Raiva pode surgir, ento no deixe seus sentimentos sarem de controle. No force uma situao!
Reorganize seus objetivos. D um passo atrs e observe o que est acontecendo, antes de agir.
And progress stalls. Things begin to move at a crawl. Traffic jams. Pulling back after some initial progress. Going on strike.
Filibuster. Backing out of a situation. Travel plans cancel.
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
9 de paus
Defender-se, perseverar, demonstrar energia
defending yourself: assuming ill will, expecting the worst, taking extra precautions, being paranoid, feeling wary and
guarded, protecting others, remembering past attacks
persevering: persisting despite all setbacks, refusing to take "no" for an answer, seeing something through to the end,
getting knocked down, then standing up, keeping your resolve, trying repeatedly
showing stamina: continuing despite fatigue, holding fast, drawing on hidden reserves, holding together through force of
will, demonstrating physical strength, keeping up the pace
Preparado para lidar com a adversidade e hostilidade. Voc protege tudo pelo que voc lutou. Tem fora e energia e
mantm controle sobre seus interesses. Posio merecida. Mantenha seus ideais e filosofia. Perseverana, fora de
carter e habilidade em defender-se.
Prontido, estar pronto, defesa, fora, ateno. Sentir-se vulnervel e cauteloso, defender-se por precauo; lembrar-se
de mgoas do passado; sentir-se preocupado com o futuro; desenvolver foras atravs da autoconscincia; estar
preparado para qualquer coisa; persistncia e perseverana; suspeitar dos outros
Keywords: defense, preparation, completion, paranoia, protection, boundaries, distrust. General meaning: You have
learned a big time lesson and although you are moving on, what is the takeaway from that experience? Have you done the
work to the wound or did you just slap a bandaid on it? Its time to move on and make a mental note: dont do that again.
Lessons learned. School of hard knocks. Trust issues. If you feel someone is trying to salt your game, dont ignore the vibe.
Watch your back.
Falta de fora e energia. Cansao fsico ou mental. Voc precisa descansar e se recuperar, ao invs de entrar em outra
batalha. Voc no est preparado e precisa verificar o cenrio antes de agir. Vulnerabilidade, fraqueza para lutar.
Drop your defenses and stop being a suspicious Aloyisus. If you keep acting like you dont trust the Universe, you cannot
expect results. Have faith. Let down your guard. Isolation ends. Reopening an old psychic wound. Dont be acting so sketch.
Mean muggin. Throwing shade. Shifty business.
10 de paus
Exagerar, sentir-se sobrecarregado, lutar
Overextending: trying to do too much, refusing to say "no", taking all the blame, assuming another's debt, doing the lion's
share, having to work overtime, shouldering all the work, being saddled with an extra load
feeling burdened: never having time to relax, feeling tied to a treadmill, being taxed to the limit, assuming responsibility,
being held accountable, carrying out an unpleasant duty, cleaning up a messy situation, being left holding the bag
struggling: fighting uphill, doing everything the hard way, experiencing resistance, pushing against the current, having to
work for every gain, finding that nothing comes easily, laboring
Carregar a carga. Fardo opressivo, seu e dos outros. Voc assumiu muitas responsabilidades. Voc quer ajudar os outros,
mas a que custo? Voc precisa ver que fardos so importantes para carregar e quais no so. Mantenha suas prioridades
em ordem. Estresse demasiado que poder afetar sua sade.
Fardo pesado, sobrecarregado, esforo para subir a montanha. Assumir responsabilidades demais; fazer tudo pra agradar;
exceder seus limites; s trabalho e nenhuma diverso; sentir-se culpado por tudo; acreditar que h sempre um preo a
pagar; resignar-se a ser um burro de carga; sentir-se responsabilizado; lutar contra sua carga de trabalho; bloqueio mental
Keywords: oppression, burden, heaviness, hard work, weight, responsibilities, duty. General meaning: This card is about
being weighed down with too many responsibilities, hard work or burdens. Whatever the case may be, your load is heavy
duty. Hard labor. There is an end in sight but it may be hard to see at this time. The Ten of Wands is also about oppression.
How are you being held down? How can you express yourself and stand up for your rights? Fight the power or be held
down by it. Trying to do it all.
Fardo se dissipa. Voc est se liberando da culpa e da presso. Pode indicar algum que sobrecarrega os outros
The big release. Finally saying no to just one more thing. Standing tall in the face of oppression or hate. Liberation from
the oppressor. Courage in the face of injustice. The goal is reached and you dont have to be hustling so hard. Taking a
break after a long, hard slog. Take this job and shove it.
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
Valete de paus
Seja criativo, seja entusiasmado, seja confiante, seja corajoso
Be Creative: take a novel approach, be original, invent, find a new area of self-expression, use your art, come up with a
solution, go in a new direction
Be Enthusiastic: jump in wholeheartedly, get excited, show optimism, be the first to volunteer, be passionate, get your
blood flowing
Be Confident: tackle a challenge, say "yes, I can", believe in yourself, stretch your envelope, move beyond doubts, focus on
success, know that where there's a will, there's a way
Be Courageous: take a risk, be daring, have an adventure, avoid the sure thing, take assertive action, be a leader,
overcome a fear
Traz boas notcias. Representa uma criana ou jovem adulto, novo beb na famlia. Entusiasmado e dinmico. Gosta de
Um mensageiro, nova revelao, novas ideias, confiana
Disposio para seguir novos rumos; mostrar que voc tem entusiasmo; ser criativo; um admirador charmoso; arriscar-se;
exuberncia juvenil; atitude otimista
Keywords: new creative energy, message, feisty youth, creative seed, new passion, education, student, exciting news,
rebellious, a spark. General meaning: A new creative beginning awaits. Youre planting a seed that my grow into
something amazing. Writing, art, music whatever the medium you choose, this is a good sign that your work will continue
to flourish. The Page of Wands can also represent a fiery and enthusiastic child who loves physical activity and being on the
go. A good student, they may also be a leader amongst their peers. They may also have a bit of a rebellious streak. This
card can also indicate good news on the way and is a particularly positive omen if you are waiting on a job offer. An
exciting new project, endeavor or passion. The spark of an idea or an attraction.
O mensageiro no consegue entregar a mensagem a tempo; atrasos ou notcias desapontadoras. Traz uma mensagem que
voc no quer ouvir. Pessoa teatral, superficial, vaidosa
Rebel without a cause. A young person heading down the wrong path. Slacker. Immaturity. Struggling at school. Gang
banger. Impulsive, rash communication. Hot head. Bad news. You may be hearing the very thing you didnt want to hear.
Dishonesty. Someone may be pulling your chain. Lackluster no spark.
Cavaleiro de paus
Charmoso/superficial, auto-confiante/metido, audacioso/imprudente, aventuroso/incansvel,
Charming....Superficial: is physically attractive...focuses on style and appearance, disarms opposition with a smile...can be
thoughtless and insensitive, is sexy and seductive...pursues sexual conquests, generates glamour and excitement...avoids
deep or serious matters, is honey-tongued...may say or do what's expedient
Self-confident.....Cocky: totally lacks self-doubt...overestimates abilities, has a can-do attitude...may boast and brag, is
convinced of his or her talent...exaggerates accomplishments, is self-assured at all brash and nervy, doesn't sweat
the small sometimes presumptuous
Daring..........Foolhardy: will risk anything without reckless and rash, will tackle what others avoid...will endanger
self and others, is the first to volunteer for danger...doesn't give danger due respect, loves being a impetuous,
boldly goes where no one has gone a daredevil
Adventurous..........Restless: loves travel and new never content to be still, seeks novelty and change...can't
set down roots or make ties, makes things happen...lacks inner peace and serenity, rises to every challenge...won't stop to
smell the roses, is footloose and fancy-free...must have constant stimulation
Passionate..........Hot-tempered: is easily roused to action...angers easily, feels strong too ready for a fight,
feels everything powerfully...lashes out when riled, takes a vocal stand...often acts without thinking, jumps in with both
feet...may have a chip on his or her shoulder
Impulsivo, impaciente; forte e entusiasmado; amigo/amante generoso; faz tudo em grande estilo
Impetuosidade, ousadia, impacincia, paixo. Dom da oratria, mas gosta de se gabar; seguro, mas presunoso;
encantador, mas insensvel; sedutor, mas lascivo; entusiasmado, mas faz promessas vazias; talentoso, mas exagera a
verdade; ama ser amado, mas odeia ser possudo; gosta de partir, mas no de chegar; aventureiro e ousado, mas
irrequieto e no confivel
Keywords: passion, motivation, mover + shaker, enthusiasm, fire, phallic energy, lust, action. General meaning: This fiery
fellow is bound to add some real heat and action when he shows up in a tarot reading. The Knight of Wands is all about
pursuing the dream with vigor and enthusiasm. Move forward with confidence towards your goals. This is the time for
focused and swift action. The energy is also sexy and very phallic a sign that your lust is about to get awakened in a big
way. Ready for some steamy nights? Its so on, shawty. Adventure time!
Indicam desvios, desorganizao, falta de controle, caos. Mente estreita, argumentativo, combativo
All heat but no real fire. Comes on strong but fades out fast. Erectile dysfunction. The passion becomes anger and impulse
instead. Unrestrained lust can be a cheater. Thinking with the other head. Hes not that into you. Rebelling for no damn
reason at all. Big talker with nothing to back it up. Lack of enthusiasm. Meh. The fast track to dullsville.
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
Rainha de paus
Atraente, entusiasmada e sincera, energtica, alegre, segura
Attractive: is appealing and popular, creates a powerful first impression, makes friends easily, has great sex appeal, is
warm and outgoing
Wholehearted: is loaded with enthusiasm, tackles a task with total dedication, gives the utmost in any situation, is open
and sincere, doesn't hold anything back
Energetic: leads a busy and active life, is vigorous and strong, radiates health and vitality, has an inner vibrancy, is a
natural athlete
Cheerful: is optimistic and upbeat, has an encouraging word for all, brightens whatever room he or she is in, has a warm
and sunny disposition, can shake off the blues easily
Self-Assured: quietly demonstrates self-confidence, handles any situation with aplomb, can't be easily rattled or provoked,
is spontaneous and gracious in defeat, has faith in his or her abilities
Auto-confiana e magnetismo pessoal. Ambio, crescimento e desenvolvimento. Dominante. Afvel, cordial,
entusiasmada e motivada. Liderana.
Magnetismo, poder de atrao, liderana feminina, fertilidade, otimismo, confiana em si mesmo e positivismo.
Dedicar-se a uma tarefa; amigvel e de fcil trato; envolver-se de corpo e alma; carisma e criatividade; mulher que sabe
onde quer chegar; sexualmente talentosa; sem medo de desafios; iluminar o ambiente; jamais se deixa incomodar
Keywords: creative, passion, power, courage, fire, feminine power. General meaning: The Queen of Wands is the keeper of
the flame. Shes confident, strong, courageous and intense. When this card shows up in a tarot reading, you may be called
to embody those qualities. Are you ready to nurture that creative fire that burns in your belly? Put your energy into
manifesting your dreams. You have the power to make big things happen, and all it takes is a commitment to your passion.
This card can also represent a feisty and hot woman whos about to add some heat to a situation.
Fora suas ideias, palavras e aes. Agressiva, temperamental, dominadora, mandona, arrogante
A passion that is waning or dying out. Lack of care or enthusiasm leads to a big fat nothing. The energy turns angry and
tempestuous. Or the opposite: no real fire. Coldness. A dud. A hard woman with a bitchy personality. The Devil wears
Prada. A cocktease.
Rei de paus
Criativo, inspirador, vigoroso, carismtico, corajoso
Creative: develops innovative projects and ideas, opens up new areas of experience, has natural artistic ability, uses selfexpression for useful purposes, masterminds new strategies, is original and inventive
Inspiring: communicates enthusiasm, creates an atmosphere of excitement, sets an example others want to follow, instills
confidence, is a powerful, natural leader
Forceful: seems to dominate the environment, has a commanding presence, is assertive when necessary, earns respect and
willing compliance, carries authority naturally
Charismatic: is often showy and theatrical, enjoys making the gesture with flair, naturally becomes the focus of attention,
magnetically attracts others, is watched, imitated and talked about
Bold: is intrepid, is willing to take chances when the stakes are high, confronts opposition directly, dares to stand and be
different, is unconcerned with what others think, has the courage of his or her convictions
Liderana e ambio; pessoa de autoridade e poder pessoal. Tem entusiasmo, orgulho, confiana. Encoraja o potencial dos
outros bom mentor.
Poder, ousadia, inspirao, vitalidade, dramaticidade. Dominar uma arte; dar o exemplo; um lder poderoso; figura de
autoridade inspiradora; teatral e carismtico; modelo de como agir; disposio para correr riscos com base na intuio;
gostar de ser o centro das atenes; nunca ser modesto ou tmido; confiana extrema
Keywords: mastery, passion, fiery, creativity, courage, power, bravado, leadership, heat. General meaning: The King of
Wands is the master of fire. This passionate chap is one brave, charismatic ball of hotness. Super yang. Macho to the core.
Cocksure. Hes got swagger and can lead like a real boss. Talks powerfully, carries a big stick. When this card makes an
appearance in your reading, it can indicate that you need to embody the vibration of strong, creative leadership (and a
little swerve to your step wont hurt either). This card can also indicate a major playa who has all the moves. If youre
looking to add a little flavor to your game, he may just be the mack daddy youve been waiting for. Hes going to bring big
time heat.
Tem o mesmo poder mas no o mesmo entusiasmo. Falta confiana, auto-estima e foco.
The fire is out. Leadership turns weak or becomes dictator-like. Bully. Lack of manliness. Erectile disfunction. Dude goes
from super hot to nothing more than a broke, big mouthed buster. Cannot hold up his end of the bargain. Irresponsibility.
All swag, nothing to back it up. Shady. Leading with his other head. Egomaniac. Sexist bastard. A cheater.
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
s de copas
Usar a fora emocional, desenvolver intuio, experimentar intimidade, agir com amor
using emotional force: getting in touch with your feelings, letting your heart lead the way, empathizing with others,
expressing deep feelings, responding viscerally
developing intuition: trusting your inner voice, responding to messages from within, experiencing direct knowing,
enhancing your psychic awareness, getting in tune with yourself, going with your gut reaction
experiencing intimacy: feeling an attraction grow, falling in love, establishing a bond with another, developing a
relationship, getting close to someone, going to a deeper level
proceeding with love: expressing affection, opening yourself to others, responding sympathetically, letting your love light
shine, giving to those in need, getting rid of negativity, forgiving and forgetting
Novo amor. Abrir o corao para novas emoes. Alegria, corao aberto, desejo de felicidade. Insight espiritual. Beno.
Fertilidade e concepo. Boa sade.
Amor, sentimento profundo, novo romance, intimidade. Comeo de um novo amor ou conscincia; expressar seus
sentimentos; estar em contato com suas emoes; fascinao por algum ou alguma coisa; criar novos elos; sentimentos
evoluindo; desejo de uma conexo mais profunda
Keywords: new love, new emotional beginning, proposal, marriage, new relationship, rekindling, offer, heart opening.
General meaning: The Ace of Cups indicates that a romantic offer awaits you. A new suitor or partnership. If you are
looking for love, its very likely that something positive is on the horizon. Emotionally, this is a time to open yourself up. Be
vulnerable and express the softer side of your self (you dont always have to be a straight up thug show that tender side!).
A great card for weddings, proposals, births or any sort of heart centered celebration.
Corao no aberto para o amor, insegurana sobe um novo relacionamento. Medo de comear de novo em um
relacionamento. Agir de modo egoista. Enjoado ou cansado das mesmas condies, desejo de algo novo. Atrasos e
An emotional disappointment. Perhaps the other person is not feeling the same as you. They may be unavailable
emotionally or have commitment issues. Being turned down. Feeling let down and depressed or blocked. If this card is
combined with the Devil, it can speak of serious addiction issues. Time to get some intervention in da house.
2 de copas
Fazer uma conexo, pedir trgua, reconhecer uma atrao
making a connection: joining with another, celebrating a marriage or union, cementing a friendship, establishing a
partnership, working together, sharing, helping and being helped, seeing commonalities
calling a truce: healing a severed relationship, bringing together opposites, letting bygones be bygones, coming to a
satisfactory agreement, declaring peace, forgiving and forgetting
acknowledging an attraction: recognizing a bond that is developing, accepting your preferences, letting yourself be drawn
in, moving toward, feeling a positive response
Parceria harmnica. Entendimento e amizade equilibrada. Cooperao. Gentileza. Carta, evento ou presente.
Relacionamento, conexo, parceria, atrao
Mover-se em direo ao outro; unio alqumica; atrao sexual; amor romntico; estabelecer uma ligao; compreenso
mtua; harmonia e cooperao; reconciliao e perdo
Keywords: relationship, love, romance, meeting, engagement, marriage, healing. General meaning: If you are in the
market for love, the Two of Cups indicates that you may be meeting someone soon. This card can also signify any sort of
positive partnership friendship or even work related. Its all about connecting and coming together to form a healthy and
lasting alliance. Sometimes this card can indicate a wedding or engagement. Sharing a common goal. Healing. Meeting
halfway. Compromise. Engagement. Romance. That loving feeling. Love at first sight.
Falta de equilbrio. Desentendimentos com um bom amigo ou com o parceiro. Problema pode ser resolvido, mas algum
tem de dar o 1 passo. Teimosia. Necessidade de comunicao. No seja possessivo ou ciumento.
You may be having a hard time seeing eye to eye. Relationships take a difficult turn. Communication breakdown. A
separation is possible. Perhaps you both want different things at this time? Something or someone may be coming
between you. Disputes and arguments. A missed romantic opportunity. Disinterest. Hes not that into you.
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
3 de copas
Sentir-se exuberante, curtir amizade, valorizar a comunidade
feeling exuberant: bursting with energy, being in the flow, celebrating, overflowing with high spirits, feeling on top of the
world, dancing and singing, putting yourself out there
enjoying friendship: getting together with people you like, experiencing camaraderie, extending/receiving hospitality,
sharing, finding companions, trusting others, relying on outside help
valuing community: taking part in a support group, developing a team spirit, working together, uniting with others,
forming a group bond, helping each other, discovering a common goal, being neighborly
Alegria. Feliz concluso de um empreendimento, sucesso e reconhecimento. Celebrao. Coisas boas a caminho.
Amizade, celebrao, esprito de equipe, exuberncia. Abundncia e cura; aproveitar sua rede social; fazer amigos; ser
parte de um grupo; compartilhar sentimentos felizes; esprito de comunidade; ter confiana nos outros; rituais de
Keywords: celebration, friendships, support, party, gathering, fun, joy, achievement, weddings, bridal or baby showers.
General meaning: Its time to celebrate! Whether you are attending a party or simply celebrating a victory, get the
champagne out and live large. This card can signify a formal celebration like a wedding or an informal girls night out. It
can also indicate a circle of support when you really need it. The Three of Cups is usually a welcome sight in any romantic
reading BUT it can also indicate a love triangle if other cards support it (ex: The Devil).
Excesso de indulgncia. Tristeza e dor, especialmente por conta de fofoca ou falar sem pensar. hora de retomar o
controle de si mesmo e fazer novos planos. Pode ser necessrio pedir desculpas, mas tudo pode ser resolvido. hora de
reconhecer seus excessos e control-los. importante comunicar seus sentimentos.
The party is over. Premature celebration. Getting all drunk n stupid. Youre going to regret that overindulgence in the
morning, pal. A lack of support at a time when you need it most. Friends let you down. Interference from an outside source.
Gossip and bickering. Someone is running their mouth about your business.
4 de copas
Ser ensimesmado, sentir-se aptico, ficar introspectivo
being self-absorbed: concentrating on your own feelings, wanting for yourself, being unaware of others, giving out little,
withholding affection, seeing only your point of view, ignoring gifts and blessings
feeling apathetic: passively accepting, losing interest, feeling disengaged, making little effort, finding life stale and flat,
lacking motivation, feeling little desire
going within: being introspective, meditating, dreaming, contemplating, pausing to reflect, getting lost in reverie,
withdrawing from involvement, losing outer awareness
Tdio e descontentamento. Falta de motivao. Sente que os outros no se importam. Voc est se sentindo introvertido
e procurando um nvel espiritual. Voc pode se sentir como se ningum te entendesse.
Dvida, hesitao, introspeco. Falta de relacionamento consigo mesmo; levar as coisas para o lado pessoal; retrair-se e
duvidar de si prprio; preocupar-se apenas consigo mesmo; contemplao com propsitos de cura; autoquestionamento;
dar pouco de si; no ver o que est sendo oferecido; sentir-se magoado ou na defensiva; falta de iniciativa; apatia e
Keywords: boredom, apathy, withdrawal, discontent, rejection, offering, meditation. General meaning: Youve pulled away
to regroup. Why? Because whats in front of you hasnt been satisfying. This is a period of contemplation and sorting out
the options. Everything seems stale and boring. Meh. Are you unable to see the cool stuff right in front of your face? Maybe
youre just a malcontent. Rejecting. Pushing away help. Either youre a bummer or getting all Zen n stuff.
Sair da contemplao e ir em uma nova direo. Voc est novamente motivado a fazer algo novo, incluindo novo amor.
A new outlook. That mental/emotional breakthrough that you needed is at hand. Viola no more complacency. Youre
getting a big ole sign from the Universe. Its like right there. Stop messing around and act on it. Getting back in the game
after some time away.
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
5 de copas
Sofrer uma perda, sentir-se vazio, sentir arrependimento
suffering a loss: letting go of a hope, giving up the win, experiencing a setback, being defeated, having a possession taken
away, saying good-bye
feeling bereft: breaking up a relationship, feeling deprived of love, longing to be reunited, grieving, feeling sorrow
feeling regret: being disappointed by events, crying over spilt milk, wanting to turn back the clock, wishing for what might
have been, believing you made the wrong choice, acknowledging mistakes
Perda emocional. Tristeza. Desiluso, arrependimento, sonhos partidos.
Perda, desapontamento, confuso emocional, remorso
Sentir-se privado de amor; ter algo tirado de voc; sentir-se triste e em sofrimento; remorso por oportunidades perdidas;
mudana de prioridades; aceitao; resistncia emocional mudana; desejo de poder mudar o passado; desequilbrio
Keywords: disappointment, loss, hurt, sorrow, grieving, regret, depression. General meaning: You have suffered a loss and
are now moving through the grieving process. The pain is real and you must move through it. This card is all about deep
loss and regret. The energy here can get stuck in wallow mode. Can you forgive and move on? There is something very
good on the horizon but if you only choose to look at what you have lost you will never be able to see what you can have.
Put the water under the bridge and start again.
Reverso dessa energia negativa. Perda substituda por melhorias. Esperana e felicidade retornam, energia aumenta.
Novos amigos ou velhos conhecidos aparecem. Mudana de planos dar certo.
A whole new emotional outlook is at hand. Its time to move on and let that old shizz go. Recovery time, baby. Youre ready
to get on with your life. Major healing ahead. Forgiveness work.
6 de copas
Experimentar boa vontade, aproveitar a inocncia, focar na infncia
experiencing good will: acting kindly or charitably, doing a good turn for another, sharing what you have, having a noble
impulse, receiving a gift, feeling blessed, being well-intentioned
enjoying innocence: feeling simple contentment, surrounding yourself with goodness, being blissfully unaware, having a
clear conscience, shunning corruption, being acquitted, appreciating simple joys
focusing on childhood: being with a child or young person, feeling carefree, being taken care of, feeling nostalgic, indulging
in play, enjoying youthful activities, having a baby
De volta ao passado. Encontrar algum de seu passado, reencontro com familiares. Voc pode encontrar felicidade nessas
memrias. Presente de algum amigo. Herana.
Inocncia, nostalgia, alegria, infncia
Conhecer sua criana interior; boa vontade com todos; nostalgia; lembranas sentimentais; relacionamento divertido;
ingenuidade e inocncia; compartilhar e reconciliar
Keywords: pleasure, nostalgia, friendship, meeting, gifts, security, romance, the past, reunion, childlike. General meaning:
If you are in the market for love, you may be meeting a romantic partner or being courted. This could be someone new but
more often, its a suggestion of a blast from the past or someone with whom you are already familiar. The energy here is
about returning to ones roots. Whether that be an old love, a former job or old memories, the past is calling. You may be
receiving a gift dont look that gift horse in the mouth. Say thank you.
Prmios atrasados, memrias infelizes do passado, notcias ruins do passado. Pode indicar desejo de volta ao passado.
Desapontamentos relacionado a famlia e suas expectativas. hora de deixar p/ trs ideias e condies antigas.
The energy moves from nostalgia to being hung up on the past. As in constantly bitching about the present and longing for
days gone by. Those good old days may not be as good as you remember. Its time to stop clinging to what was and
embrace what is. Any sort of emotional immaturity, yours or others, will hold you back now. Man up and stop that b.s..
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
7 de copas
Fantasiar, ter muitas opes, perder-se
indulging in wishful thinking: creating fantasies, dreaming, getting caught up in illusions, letting your imagination run wild,
kidding yourself about the facts, building castles in the air, waiting for your ship to come in, lacking focus and commitment,
avoiding putting ideas to the test
having many options: being offered many alternatives, facing an array of choices, believing in limitless possibilities, looking
at a wide open field, getting to pick and choose
falling into dissipation: overindulging, letting everything go, becoming disorganized, eating/drinking/partying to excess,
neglecting your health, entering into addictive patterns, being inclined toward indolence, being lazy, procrastinating
Escolhas emocionais. Dificuldade em tomar uma deciso. Confuso. Devaneio. Estar preso em uma situao devido a
sonhos irrealizveis. Escolher iluso realidade.
Falta de realismo, condescendncia consigo mesmo, escolhas demais
Sentir-se desorganizado; fantasiar sobre o que pode conquistar; altas expectativas; preguia diante da vida; adiar o
inevitvel; acreditar que voc pode se sair bem em qualquer coisa; fazer sua cama e deitar-se nela; iluses sobre o amor;
um leque de opes se abre pra voc
Keywords: daydream, illusion, choices, fantasy, visions, options, hesitation, temptation, bling. General meaning: You may
be dreaming and scheming. Your head is in the clouds. This is the card of daydreaming of what could be. Can you find a
way to bring those dreams down to earth and turn them into something tangible? The Seven of Cups can also indicate
having many choices before you like a kid in the candy store. It may be difficult to figure out which is the right one at this
time. Dont make a rash decision. In a romantic reading, this card can indicate commitment issues. I dont know what I
want. Too much bling.
Uma deciso ser feita, uma direo ser tomada e ser levada adiante at o fim. No desista de seus sonhos, pois seus
planos esto comeando a funcionar. A escolha que voc fez foi correta para voc. Persista nesse caminho.
Things are becoming clear at last. You now know what actions to take to move your dreams forward. A choice may be
made for you. On a negative note, this could also indicate the end of a dream; being brought back to cold, hard reality.
Confusion. An overactive imagination.
8 de copas
Buscar sentido profundo, seguir em frente, sentir-se esgotado
seeking deeper meaning: focusing on personal truth, leaving the rat race, looking for answers, concentrating on what is
important, starting on a journey of discovery, finding out the facts, devoting more time to the spiritual
moving on: realizing the current cycle is over, abandoning a hopeless situation, disentangling yourself, starting on a trip of
unknown length, letting go, finishing up and walking away
growing weary: feeling drained by demands, dragging through the day, feeling tired and listless, lacking energy, losing
hope, getting weighed down by worries, becoming burned out
Deixar um apego. Voc est insatisfeito com seu modo de vida e quer algo a mais. Deixou suas preocupaes antigas do
mundo material, saiu em busca de luz espiritual.
Mudar de direo, seguir em frente
Comprometer-se com novos valores; explorar um estilo de vida diferente; deixar pra trs uma situao difcil; deixar o
passado pra trs; uma jornada de auto-descoberta; procurar pela verdade espiritual ou emocional; perceber que tempo
de um novo comeo; avanar rumo a coisas melhores
Keywords: leaving, moving on, retreat, abandonment, travel, quest, solitary, journey; withdrawal. General meaning: It may
be time to move on. Youve outgrown the current situation. Sometimes a playa just needs a new perspective. Whats on the
other side of that mountain? You wont know by staying in your comfort zone. Move along, little dogie. You might be
surprised at what you find or learn about yourself. Going away. A great card for hitting the road or leaving for a retreat.
(In a negative spread, this can indicate going to prison.)
Volta ao mundo material e busca de prazer e sucesso de natureza material, com alegria e festa no horizonte. Interesse
renovado em pessoas e conexes ao plano terreno. Novo interesse amoroso (pessoa ou condio). Curtir a vida. Aventura.
Youre not ready to leave. You keep going back to the scene of the crime. What lesson are you clinging too? On the other
hand, perhaps it is not time to walk away just yet. Return to the situation until you fully understand it. Travel problems.
Having to turn around and go right back home. The prodigal son (or daughter or wayward lover) returns.
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
9 de copas
Ter seu desejo atendido, sentir-se satisfeito, experimentar prazer sensual
having your wish fulfilled: achieving what you desire, obtaining your goal, getting what you think you want, having your
dream come true
feeling satisfied: indulging in a little smugness, enjoying the situation just as it is, feeling pleased as punch, getting the
results you hoped for, feeling all's well with the world, being contented
enjoying sensual pleasure: experiencing luxury, savoring a delicious meal, appreciating the arts, making love, relaxing,
experiencing beauty, enjoying physical exertion
Desejo realizado. Seus sonhos se realizaro e seu futuro ser seguro. Felicidade em atingir seus desejos.
Desejo de plenitude, satisfao emocional, sensualidade, prazer
Desejos tornam-se realidade; satisfao sexual; aproveitar os prazeres simples da vida; satisfao com o que conquistou;
felicidade presunosa; estar saciado emocionalmente; indulgncia consigo mesmo; contar suas bnos
Keywords: wishes granted, indulgence, satisfaction, plenty, happiness, wealth, comfort, security. General meaning: The
Nine of Cups is traditionally known as the wish fulfillment card and a good omen that you are going to get exactly what
you want. Make a wish! Of course, ever the practical sage, I like to add: be specific and careful because the Universe is
listening. This card also speaks of feeling satisfied and comfortable. You got what you need around you and then some.
Be grateful because you are sitting oh-so-pretty at this moment.
Desejo no ser realizado como pedido ou neste momento. Falta de dinheiro ou recursos.
The energy goes from satisfaction to over indulgence. Suddenly, nothing is enough and youre going all Gordon Gecko
greedy. Smugness. Party animal. Overdoing things. Excess. Weight gain (consequences on all that extravagance). Wishes
unfulfilled. Or you got what you want and it turned out to be not so great. Buyers remorse (or wishers remorse!). Laziness.
10 de copas
Sentir alegria, ter paz/serenidade/harmonia, voltar-se famlia
feeling joy: embracing happiness, having a sense of well-bein, radiating love, delighting in good fortune, counting your
blessings, expressing delight
enjoying peace: experiencing serenity, doing away with hostilities, restoring harmony, reducing stress and tension, feeling
contented and at ease, calling a truce, relaxing
looking to the family: working for peace in the home, going on a family event, reaffirming a family commitment,
supporting a relative in need, bonding with family members, forgiving someone in the family
Felizes para sempre. Felicidade. Realizao de sonhos e desejos. Vida familiar feliz, amizades verdadeiras. Felicidade
duradoura. Casamento, comear uma famlia, reunio familiar, celebrao, aniversrio. Nova casa/beb/ciclo.
Felicidade familiar, alegria, paz, harmonia, promessa de alegrias futuras, abrigo seguro
Sentir-se em paz com o mundo; ver a luz; plenitude emocional; concluso de um ciclo; compromissos sexuais; ideais
amorosos possveis; restaurao do status quo
Keywords: happiness, the happy ending, completion, support, family, celebration, the good life, home, security, unity,
harmony. General meaning: Pleasure and happiness. This card indicates that life is looking good, particularly in domestic
and family matters. There are many reasons to celebrate now even if only the simple joy of being with your loved ones.
Support is present if you need it. Whether this is for your home or work, the energy is one big ole merry n harmonious
family. This card can also indicate a perfect wrap up to a situation. Parties, celebrations, family reunions. Break out the
bubbly and enjoy the upbeat vibe.
Desejo por felicidade familiar existe mas no chegou ainda. Atrasos e dificuldades. Pacincia necessria.
Desentendimento familiar. Perda de uma amizade. Perda de reputao, danos casa ou famlia.
Family troubles create a crack in the foundation. Squabbles and disagreements make for a hellish home environment. The
end of a good situation. Disintegration of support. One of those icky family gatherings with the people you want to see the
least. The empty nest. The family from hell. Putting the fun in dysfunction.
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
Valete de copas
Seja emotivo, seja intuitivo, tenha intimidade, seja amoroso
Be Emotional: be moved or touched, let your feelings show, respond to beauty, be sentimental or romantic, shed your
detachment, let your heart lead the way
Be Intuitive: receive guidance from within, act on a hunch, remember your dreams, have a psychic experience, experience
direct knowing, trust your gut reaction
Be Intimate: start or renew a love affair, meet someone you're attracted to, get closer to someone, go beyond formalities,
have a special moment of togetherness, solidify a friendship, share something personal
Be Loving: make a thoughtful gesture, express sympathy and understanding, forgive yourself, forgive someone who has
hurt you, apologize to someone you have hurt, reach out and touch someone, mend a broken relationship, brighten
someone's day, respond with caring rather than anger, refuse to judge or condemn
Mensageiro do amor. Chama a ateno para o amor e os sentimentos nas nossas vidas. Indica mensagem sobre romance,
ajuda de outros e de amigos. Quer ajudar e cooperar, tem uma natureza boa e gentil. Traz alegria, felicidade e bons
agouros. Oferece gentileza,doura,bondade e desejo de satisfaz-lo. Pode anunciar chegada de beb ou felicidade familiar
Sensibilidade, intimidade, sentimentos romnticos. Mostrar seus sentimentos; oferta de romance ou amor; confiar em sua
intuio; um amor mais jovem e criativo; ideias criativas; flerte de um admirador divertido; dias de sonho; comeo de um
caso de amor; procurar algo em seu corao para perdoar
Keywords: new love, love message, message from the heart or intuition, a well loved child, fresh emotional start,
infatuation. General meaning: The Page of Cups can indicate a love message or romantic proposal may be coming your
way. Someone is ready to express their feelings openly. Someone wants to be your boo. Reach out and touch someone.
New love. Whos crushing on you? A much wanted and very loved child may play an important role in the situation.
Mensagens se atrasam ou no chegam. Planos adiados. Pode ter mudanas de humor, tristeza ou disconexo. No h
muita ao ocorrendo. Prefere afastar-se das pessoas, no comunicar-se. Criana demasiadamente sensvel.
Romance without maturity. A flirtation that doesnt go far. Emotionally infantile or naive. Codependence. Getting a Dear
John letter. Rejection. Let that sucka go and move on. Experimenting with substances. A spoiled brat.
Cavaleiro de copas
Romntico/excessivamente emotivo, imaginativo/devaneio, sensitivo/temperamental, refinado/excessivamente refinado,
Romantic.....Overemotional: idealizes love...lacks self-restraint, emphasizes often jealous, concentrates on the
poetry of life...tends to be gushy and melodramatic, remembers special occasions...blows hot and cold in affections,
expresses sentiments beautifully...brings flowers, but forgets to put gas in the car
Imaginative..........Fanciful: can tap the fertile unconscious...indulges in idle daydreams, looks beyond the obvious...has big
ideas that come to nothing, never takes the mundane path...has an unrealistic approach, spins marvelous tales...has an
overactive imagination, is visionary...can shade the truth
Sensitive..........Temperamental: is aware of moods and prone to mood swings, helps others open up...can be
petulant and sulky, responds deeply to life...gels melancholy and depressed, understands the pains of others...broods
excessively, is tactful and diplomatic...takes offense easily
Refined..........Over-refined: appreciates beauty in all forms...leaves dirty work to others, seeks the finest...can't face
unpleasantness, creates a pleasing environment...lacks robust good health, understands subtlety...emphasizes style over
substance, is suave and gracious...gets overwhelmed by pressure
Introspective..........Introverted: values the inner life...focuses inward to excess, tries to understand why...avoids active
participation, questions driven to self-examination, seeks self-improvement...exaggerates personal failings,
sees below the surface...can't relax around others
Homem de carter que est oferecendo um convite ou proposta. Pode representar o comeo de um romance. Romntico.
Idealizao, sensibilidade emocional, apaixonado pelo amor, convite para o amor, onda de romantismo, temperamental
Cavaleiro da armadura brilhante; resgate emocional; partir s pressas para resgatar algum; sentimento exagerado;
melancolia seguida de estagnao; amor beleza e dio imperfeio; imaginativo, mas no realista; sentimentos
exasperados, intenes suspeitas
Keywords: romance, chivalry, Prince Charming, leading with heart, taking action on feelings, imagination. General
meaning: The Knight of Cups is the Prince Charming, the knight in shining armour that sweeps you off your feet in a
romantic gesture. Hes sensitive, empathic and perhaps a bit of a dreamer. A consummate gentleman, he is proof that
chivalry is not dead. This card can also be a reminder to let your heart lead your decisions. Follow your deepest dreams.
Atraso na proposta/oferta. No romance, tempos turbulentos e emoes que no esto sendo compartilhadas igualmente
entre duas pessoas. No se d bem com as pessoas ao redor. Medo de se envolver/comprometer. Hesita, no sincero.
Prince Charming turns out to be a cad. An irresponsible, immature or emotionally unavailable person. An inability to
connect with the feelings. Deception and manipulation. He appears seductive but on closer inspection, hes a buster.
Alcohol or drug abuse. Take a pass on this one unless you enjoy enabling n drama.
Rainha de copas
Amorosa, gentil, intuitiva, psquica, espiritualizada
Loving: turns away wrath with caring, is unconditionally accepting, is sensitive to the feelings of others, dispels anger and
hate, has infinite patience
Tenderhearted: is easily moved by another's pain, reacts with sensitivity and compassion, is kind and gentle with all
creatures, can never turn away someone in need, feels what others are feeling
Intuitive: is always tuned to emotional undercurrents, senses the climate of a situation, is guided by the heart, trusts an
inner sense of what is true, understands without having to ask
Psychic: is open to the unconscious, has a well-developed sixth sense, can have a telepathic bond with another, has a
finely-tuned sensibility, is a natural medium
Spiritual: feels oneness with God and the universe, has reverence for all life, finds joy in communion, appreciates deeper
meanings of life, sees the world as a holy place
Desenvolvendo intuio criativa. Sensvel, devota-se a assuntos do corao. Forte desejo de ajudar. Geralmente uma boa
me, esposa, e devotada a tudo com que se compromete. Grande imaginao. Confia mais na intuio que na razo. Tem
boa natureza e quer agradar.
Empatia, corao mole, conscincia emocional, compaixo
Amor incondicional; gentileza e compreenso; harmonia emocional; saber como sentir; conscincia de tendncias
emocionais; pacincia e calma; desejo de ajudar quem precisa
Keywords: sensitive, emotional, kind, intuitive, feminine, empathic, caring. General meaning: The Queen of Cups is the
feminine ideal soft and sensitive, she is deeply nurturing. She has a strong connection to her intuition and most of her
decisions are made from the heart. She can express her feelings easily both good and bad. A softie. This card can
represent a woman in your life with those qualities or it can indicate energies that you are bringing to a situation. Tune into
your feelings and let them guide you. Your boo.
Est constantemente preocupada com coisas sobre as quais no tem controle. Desequilbrio emocional. Tem boas
intenes e quer ajudar, mas est fora de equilbrio emocionalmente e no consegue ver claramente
A moody, whiny beyotch. Big time melodrama. A hot emotional mess. Clingy and yucky. Baby mama drama. Being
completely out of touch with your feelings or everyone elses. Hysteria. If you are looking for a delusional fatal attraction
type, you found er. Addiction issues or codependence.
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
Rei de copas
Sbio, calmo, diplomtico, cuidadoso, tolerante
Wise: gives good advice, has a deep grasp of human nature, teaches through loving attention, knows what others need for
growth, sees right to the heart of the matter, understands many levels of experience
Calm: maintains his or her composure, has a quieting influence on others, is emotionally stable and secure, keeps his or her
head in a crisis, never seems nervous or tense
Diplomatic: can balance the needs of many people, keeps everyone working together happily, can diffuse a tense situation,
achieves goals through subtle influence, says just the right word at the right time
Caring: responds to emotional needs, is a natural healer and therapist, takes action to help those in need, feels compassion
for the less fortunate, does volunteer and charity work
Tolerant: has open and broad-minded views, accepts the limitations of others, is comfortable with all types of people,
allows others their freedom, is patient in trying circumstances
Lder gentil e devotado. Introspectivo. Tem um poder silencioso. Pode ser um grande lder em casa, em uma religio,
como conselheiro. Gosta de trabalho humanitrio. Compaixo e sensibilidade. Calmo.
Estabilidade, sabedoria, diplomacia, generosidade, apoio. Segurana emocional; conscincia da natureza humana; uma
pessoa sbia; aceitar as limitaes de algum; manter a cabea numa crise; controlar emoes em vez de agir por instinto;
avaliar a situao; criar um ambiente equilibrado
Keywords: love, compassion, mastery of emotions, capacity for giving, generosity, creativity, paternal. General meaning: I
often refer to this card as the King of Love when he comes up in a reading. The King of Cups is the ultimate romantic ideal
caring, nurturing, patient and loving. Hes the type of guy who makes great husband and father material. You can also
bet that hell be giving you his whole heart, cause hes a lover, not a fighter. This guy is a real softie. This card can also
indicate that you adapt the qualities of this card: be sensitive, loving and nurturing. Like a love boss.
Confuso de sentimentos, turbulncia emocional, condies instveis. Falta de controle sobre o que est ocorrendo. Falta
de capacidade de encarar alguma questo emocional com sabedoria e maturidade. No consegue expressar suas emoes
Mr. Sulky is in da house. Love turns cold or whiny and your King of Love becomes a pouty, dishonest jerk. Big time drama,
amplified. Emotional vampire or emotionally unavailable. This can be a signal of addiction issues, especially when
combined with the Devil. Emotionally abusive. A wussy.
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
s de espadas
Usar a fora mental, ter fora, procurar a justia, proceder com verdade
using mental force: being objective, thinking your way through, finding out the facts, analyzing the situation, using your
intellect, applying logic and reason
having fortitude: overcoming adversity, facing problems, resolving a situation, finding the strength to overcome,
surmounting obstacles, being undaunted by setbacks
seeking justice: righting a wrong, championing a cause, doing what is right, establishing the truth, accepting responsibility,
wanting what is fair
proceeding with truth: dispelling doubts, cutting through confusion, seeing through illusions, having clear understanding,
being honest, finding out what is real
Novas ideias, nova direo. Empreitada que ser bem sucedida. Ao direcionada e pensamento afiado asseguram que
vitria est perto. Nascimento de beb. Voc se sente com poder e em controle. Foco e lgica do seu lado. Fora para
levar projeto adiante atravs de dificuldades.
Clareza, verdade, objetividade, honestidade, justia. Vencer a iluso; perceber o caminho frente; usar a lgica e encarar
os fatos; estabelecer o que certo e errado; encarar a realidade; analisar seus motivos; destreza mental
Keywords: new thoughts, mental breakthrough, a-ha moments, ideas, new mental stimulation, truth, willpower, beginning
of conflict, surgery General meaning: This is the big time mental breakthrough that youve been waiting for. The air clears
and you see the light at last. The aha moment. Fresh ideas and new ways of viewing things. If you find yourself in a
debate, you will be able to make your point. Mental sharpness and the ability to cut through the crap. Cutting the head off
the hydra. Truth will set you free. Surgery. A new job with more mental stimulation. This card can also indicate the
beginning of a conflict make sure you are armed well.
Foco negativo: causa dor e machuca. Cuidado em usar muita fora para atingir um fim. Faa seu trabalho gentilmente e
no insista. No pressione, que a situao piora. Voc pode atrair oposio, ento seja cauteloso e diplomtico. Tente
evitar discusses, usando bom senso e boa argumentao.
Power plays that turn ugly. Mental aggression, blockages or stress. Cant see clearly. Your vision is blocked. Mental chaos.
The inability to let go. Dishonesty; speaking with a forked tongue. Fighting unfairly. All promises, no follow through.
Wussing out. Loss of the battle (and your street cred). Stick a fork in it, youre done.
2 de espadas
Bloquear emoes, evitar a verdade, estar em um dilema
blocking emotions: denying true feelings, stifling a natural response, keeping another at arm's length, hiding distress,,
turning a deaf ear, being defensive, maintaining your cool
avoiding the truth: refusing to look at facts, pretending everything's fine, ignoring the warning signs, closing your eyes to
what's going on, avoiding an unpleasantness, choosing not to know
being at a stalemate: feeling afraid to act, reaching an impasse, staying stuck, refusing to decide, being unwilling to rock
the boat, staying on the fence
Impasse, indeciso. Mostra a necessidade de uma vida equilibrada. Dificuldade em tomar deciso e em agir sobre ela.
Trgua temporria, negociaes estancadas, informao inadequada. Voc se sente completamente em suspenso,
atrasado ou confuso sobre sua direo. Necessidade de guia. Talvez o melhor seja no agir.
Negao, sentimentos bloqueados, emoes represadas
Cego para a verdade; fingir uma coisa, sentir outra; ser frio e indisponvel; negar seus sentimentos; atitude defensiva;
ignorar a verdade; bloquear os outros; erguer barreiras; no conseguir fazer uma escolha
Keywords: decisions, waiting, solitude, blocked, balance, truce, contemplation. General meaning: The path ahead may not
be clear at this time. You need more time and space to weigh out your options. The answer you seek will come after more
reflection. This is not the time to take bold action instead, sit with your situation for a bit until you have a better sense of
what needs to be done. Time out. Emotional blockages. Vision problems. An inability to make a decision. The middle
ground. Keeping the peace. Trying to be all like Switzerland n stuff.
Uma deciso foi tomada. Voc agir e as coisas acontecero rapidamente. Voc est livre para decidir e sabe que ao
est ocorrendo. Liberao e progresso nos seus affairs. Cuidado em no compartilhar confidncias. Voc tem confiana
The wait is over and action resumes. You are able to see exactly what needs to be done. Absolute clarity. No second
guessing. Movement at last. Seeing the light. A decision may be made for you. Getting off your ass and making stuff
happen. A lighter load. Taking sides.
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
3 de espadas
Ter o corao partido, sentir-se s, sentir-se trado
feeling heartbreak: causing heartbreak, suffering emotional pain, hurting inside, being disappointed, getting some
unsettling news, having your feelings hurt, hurting someone's feelings, receiving little solace
feeling lonely: being separated, wandering far from home, being spurned or rejected, feeling isolated from those you love,
being deserted in time of need, feeling lost
experiencing betrayal: discovering a painful truth, finding your trust misplaced, being let down, letting someone down,
getting stabbed in the back, turning against someone, breaking your word, acting against
Corao partido e desapontamentos. Uma discusso pode levar a uma separao amorosa ou entre amigos. Dor e tristeza.
Desordem pode causar tenso. Voc precisa expressar a tristeza que est sentindo. Fim do impasse. A tenso de no
saber foi liberada.
Mgoa, descrena, rejeio. Chegar ao cerne da questo; triunfo da lgica sobre a emoo; separao de dois
enamorados; sentir-se magoado; descobrir uma verdade dolorosa; sentir-se abater; sentir que os outros esto prontos
para ferir voc; ser trado; medo de perder o parceiro; inveja;querer magoar algum
Keywords: sorrow, heartbreak, separation, loss, disappointment, ending, divorce, hurt, pain, heart trouble, depression.
General meaning: Sadness and heartbreak. The big time let down. Breaking up is hard to do. Tears will flow. Deep wound.
When this card shows up in a reading, its a sign that things may be turning sideways. Strong emotions, namely depression,
sorrow, or anger. This is one of the strongest indicators of divorce or a relationship ending. Getting dumped. Betrayal.
Surgery. Back stabbing, triflin behavior. Hurt feelings.
Sua intensidade foi diminuda; a situao no to severa quanto se estivesse de p. Voc pode estar insatisfeito e triste
com a situao atual, mas passageiro. Voc sair dessa mais rpido do que pensa. Uma desculpa pode estar a caminho.
Healing the hurt. Recovery. Letting go after a major disappointment or loss. The storm is parting and the silver lining
arrives. The dark cloud lifts. A new outlook. Attitude adjustment. The end of a hard, emotional period. Reconciliation.
Physical healing. Apologizing.
4 de espadas
Descansar, contemplar, preparar-se calmamente
Resting: taking a break, giving your body time to heal, avoiding overexertion, finding peace and quiet, relaxing body and
soul, taking life easy
Contemplating: gaining a better perspective, listening for your Inner Voice, taking time alone to think, standing back from
the situation, examining your motivations, reviewing where you are
quietly preparing: consolidating inner resources, making sure your base is secure, getting ready for the future, coming to
terms with what is, tieing up loose ends, stabilizing
Descanso e recuperao. Tempo de pensar no futuro. Intervalo na vida, descanso p/ contemplar e avaliar o que passou.
Pode representar frias/retiro, recuperao aps cirurgia. Tempo de renovar as energias, fsica e mental. Perodo de calma
Repouso, retiro temporrio, contemplao, trgua; medos, fantasmas emocionais do passado. Reservar um tempo para
voc ficar sozinho; encontrar seu espao; relaxar e ir com calma; dar um passo atrs e rever a situao; preparar-se para o
futuro; fazer um balano dos seus objetivos; diminuir o ritmo
Keywords: rest, recovery, meditation, planning, healing, solitude, retreat, contemplation. General meaning: Its time to
rest. Put all actions aside and chill out for a minute. A necessary time out. A period of quiet to rethink plans. Contemplation
and meditation bring clarity. Planning the next move carefully. Silent retreat. This card can indicate dealing with hospitals,
rehab, or other places of recovery. It can also indicate a funeral. A hideout.
Est pronto para voltar a agir. Focar nos planos futuros com energia renovada. Boas oportunidades frente, mas voc
deve ser cuidadoso em lidar com elas. Pode indicar levante poltico ou inquietao na fora de trabalho. Comoo
Back to work. Getting back in action or back in the game again. Moving forward with a plan. Back in the saddle again.
Restlessness. An inability to sit still. Anxiety. If other cards support it, it can be a forced exile. Being isolated involuntarily.
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
5 de espadas
Agir em interesse prprio, experimentar discrdia, presenciar desonra
acting in your own self-interest: setting aside the concerns of others, looking out for number one, thinking of your own
needs, knowing you must concentrate on yourself, encountering selfishness, indulging in power plays, gloating, going for
the win-lose result
experiencing discord: being in a hostile environment, feeling people are set against each other, choosing to battle, having
an "us-against-them" mentality, creating ill will, experiencing conflict
witnessing open dishonor: losing your moral compass, letting ends justify means, sacrificing integrity, losing sight of what
is right, achieving a dubious victory, knowing of criminal activity
Em busca de uma briga. Falta de sensibilidade ou preocupao pelos outros. Egosmo, rompimento de laos. Injusto uso
de poder, degradao ou desgraa. Complicaes legais. Pegar o que no seu, roubar energia ou poder de outros. Falso,
manipulador, enganoso. Ter m reputao, vitria anti-tica ou comportamento destrutivo.
Conquista, derrota, vitria superficial, aceitar limitaes, interesses em conflito Situao sem vencedores; pensar s em si
mesmo; vencer a batalha; sentir-se derrotado; comportamento desonroso; hostilidade
Keywords: war, hostility, dishonesty, severity, conquest, theft, victory, hurt. General meaning: Never a good card to see in a
reading because this is the victory through deceit. Shady actions lead to pain. Hostile takeover. Taking that which doesnt
belong to you. Sneaky, underhanded methods. Winning at all costs, with no regard for who gets hurt. Sore winners. Dirty
tricks. War or politics (including nasty office politics). Treacherous, triflin shit disturbers. Untrustworthy. Divide n conquer.
Violence. To the victors go the spoils. Rip off. Bullies.
No h engano. Pode indicar comportamento secreto ou desejo de criar conflito. Voc est ciente de processos legais que
podem te afetar ou de situao que pode causar problemas emocionais. Existe possibilidade de derrota, mas pequena. Ou
h vitria, mas no a que era esperada. Fofoca, que voc tenta esclarecer.
All lies come out in the open. Getting caught. The end of a conflict. Truce. Fronting out a faker. Evil plans thwarted. Helping
victims. Amnesty. Making shit right again. Being real. Storm clouds passing. The end to a war in sight. Staying on your side
of the fence. Staking out territory. Walking away from a no-win situation. Peace after a violent act.
6 de espadas
Sentir-se triste, recuperar-se, viajar
feeling the blues: experiencing a low-level sadness, just keeping your head above water, working to get through the day,
feeling somewhat depressed, avoiding the lows, but also the highs, feeling listless, functioning, but not much more
recovering: dealing with the effects of trauma, getting over a tough time, picking up the pieces, starting to cope, beginning
to get your health back, heading toward a more positive place, feeling hope again
traveling: changing location, moving from one place to another, taking a trip, experiencing a change of scene, being
uprooted, going on a journey, entering into a new frame of mind
Deixar tristezas para trs. Tempos difceis esto chegando ao fim. Voc pode mirar o futuro, que ser melhor que o
passado recente. Viagem sobre gua ou viagem para longe de uma situao ruim. Harmonia prevalecer. Recuperao de
problemas e perdas. Processo de cura j comeou. Uma situao ruim no trabalho ou em casa dar lugar paz. Viagem de
tranquilidade pode ser mental, para um novo nvel de conscincia.
Nova perspectiva, recuperao, viagem. Afastar-se dos problemas; superar dificuldades; avanar para tempos melhores;
ter que se mudar; jornada mental ou fsica; deixar o passado pra trs; comear a ser mais positivo sobre a vida
Keywords: transition, movement, change, journey, travel, passage, moving on. General meaning: You are in the middle of a
transition. A passage is ahead. Leaving behind a painful situation. Its time to move on. There is a safe harbor on the
horizon. Smooth sailing. Progress after a struggle. Youre in good hands trust that youll be well supported on your
journey. A good card for travel or any sort of movement. Sadness passing, healing ahead. Dont look back, dawg. Burn
A viagem para um lugar melhor foi adiada. Voc est preso em uma situao ruim, sem sada. Nada ser realizado agora,
voc ter de esperar por uma oportunidade melhor. Voc poder fazer uma busca interior para responder ou repensar
uma situao. Planos sero engavetados e recomendvel mudar para um novo quadro mental antes de continuar. A
liberdade de fazer o que voc quiser ter de ser adiada. Perda ou tristeza podem estar te prendendo. Atraso.
Getting stuck in the same old same old. Stagnancy. Going back to the scene of the crime. Fear of travel. You cannot see a
way out of the problems. Making the same mistake again. Lack of clarity. Moving or travel drama. Traffic jam. Coming
back. The not-so-triumphant return. Your support or lack thereof may be undermining your growth. Chuck those fools who
are holding you back.
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
7 de espadas
Fugir, ser solitrio, escolher desonra velada
running away: shirking responsibility, sneaking off, leaving, avoiding obligations, being afraid to face the music, taking the
easy way out, hiding from the truth, procrastinating
being a lone wolf: feeling you don't need anyone else, wanting independence, deciding not to help, keeping something to
yourself, preferring solitude, staying aloof, wanting to go it alone, holding people at arm's length
choosing hidden dishonor: deceiving or being deceived, covering your tracks, maneuvering behind the scenes, being twofaced, seeing others take the rap, controlling without appearing to, avoiding a shameful secret, lying or stealing
Comportamento furtivo e dissimulado. As coisas podem no ocorrer como planejado. Algum pode estar te enganando ou
roubando algo que importante para voc. No confivel. Algum no est te dizendo a verdade ou est escondendo algo
Desonestidade, subterfgio, discrio, iluso. Fugir da verdade; evitar responsabilidade; guardar um segredo; querer ser
um solitrio; no aceitar as consequncias de seus atos; comportamento manipulador; mentir ou trair; iludir a si mesmo
ou enganar os outros
Keywords: theft, stealth, cunning, rip off, sneak, dishonesty, half assed effort. General meaning: Taking shizz that dont
belong to you. This is the card of thieving, conniving, and sneaky actions. Copycats and biters. Bullshitters. Rip offs and con
games. Criminal activity. Are you trying to get away with something you know you shouldnt be doing? This card can also
indicate a need to fly under the radar a situation may be calling for stealth moves. It can also represent a half assed effort
due to cutting corners and haste.
Boa carta. A pessoa que est mantendo um segredo ir revelar o engano. Voc descobrir o que est ocorrendo. Pedido
de desculpas a caminho. Bom conselho, se estiver envolvido em problemas legais. O que foi perdido ser achado. A
verdade aparecer.
Getting caught in the act. Going back to the scene of the crime. Returning stolen goods. Fessing up. Coming clean. Not
getting away with the deed. Punishment. Revisiting a situation to make things right. Cleaning up. Doing time for your
crime. Do the right thing.
8 de espadas
Sentir-se restringido, sentir-se confuso, sentir-se impotente
feeling restricted: being fenced in by obstacles, staying in a limited situation, feeling trapped by circumstances,
experiencing few options, being blind to freedom, feeling persecuted
feeling confused: being unsure which way to turn, feeling at a loss, lacking direction, feeling overwhelmed, floundering
around, needing guidance and clarity, not understanding what is happening
feeling powerless: waiting for outside rescue, doubting anything you do will help, avoiding responsibility, looking for a
white knight, feeling victimized, accepting inaction
Medo, medo e medo. Nossos medos podem nos paralisar. Medo de sair de uma situao ou de deixar algo para trs
porque no sabemos o que vir substituir. Ao restringida por conta de indeciso e inabilidade de lidar com as mudanas.
Seus medos esto de impedindo de atingir seus objetivos. Representa culpa profunda, mesmo se infundada. Preocupao
Restrio, autossabotagem, isolamento, vulnerabilidade. Sentir-se cerceado; falta de liberdade de escolha; sentir-se preso
a uma situao; espera de ser resgatado; ideias esparsas e nenhuma direo; sentir-se imponente e vitimado; afogado
em um sentimento; preso nas prprias iluses
Keywords: restriction, limitation, stuck, bound, isolation. General meaning: An inability to move forward. Things have come
to a standstill. Self imposed prison. Being in a position where you are unable to do a thing. Stuck with your current
circumstances. Not in control. Getting caught in your shit. Feeling cut off from others. Unable to see the way out of a
predicament. What have you gotten yourself into? Answers lie within.
Liberao dos medos e das restries trazidas pelo medo. Voc pode ver atravs das dificuldades, pode tomar uma
deciso e estar em controle. Novos comeos so possveis. A presso que voc sentia est se dissipando.
Liberation at last! Release. Ties are cut. Rising above your limits. Seeing the way out. Mental breakthroughs. Getting
yourself out of a sticky situation. No restraint. Escape. Freedom to move about and do what you want.
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
9 de espadas
Preocupar-se, sentir-se culpado, sofrer angstia
Worrying: doubting all will go well, brooding, making yourself sick over your troubles, going over and over an issue, feeling
anxious and tense, getting worked up
feeling guilty: regretting some offense, refusing to forgive yourself, wanting to turn back the clock, focusing on your "sins",
being hard on yourself, denying that you did your best, getting overwhelmed by remorse
suffering anguish: despairing, feeling you've reached your limits, having sleepless nights, feeling depressed, going through
a dark night of the soul, forgetting joy, wanting to cry
Desespero e ansiedade, que esto causando tristeza, dor e estresse emocional. Perda de esperana, sonhos ruins,
depresso, pesadelos. Perda de algum querido. Preocupes.
Culpa, preocupao, sobrecarga de sentimentos . Oprimido por pensamentos; sentir que fez alguma coisa errada; desejo
de mudar o que aconteceu; arrependimento; noites insones; tristeza obsessiva; sentir-se vulnervel
Keywords: pain, worry, sleeplessness, stress, backstabbing, depression, illness. General meaning: When the Nine of Swords
appears in a reading, its a sign that life may be getting under your skin. Sleepless nights and depression may be affecting
your quality of life. Nightmares. What pain are you dealing with? Consumed by worry. Mental problems. Isolation. Difficult
endings. Getting knifed in the back. Feeling like the victim. Crying the blues. I have also seen this card indicate illness,
hospital stays or rehab if combined with The Devil. Mental suffering.
Voc est superando eventos ou condies traumticos. Tempo trar cura. Amanh um novo dia. Pacincia e orao
iro ajud-lo. Uma cirurgia ser bem-sucedida. Trauma ir passar e voc se tornar mais forte por conta disso.
An period of worry comes to an end. Stress relief at last. Finding your way through a difficult situation. Healing. Facing the
truth. Rest. Recovery from illness. The worst is over, dawg. Seeing the light or the way out. Even reversed, this card can still
indicate depression.
10 de espadas
Chegar ao fim do poo, sentir-se vtima, ser um mrtir
bottoming out: having nowhere to go but up, knowing it's darkest before the dawn, being at the lowest point, feeling
things can't get worse, preparing for an upturn, reaching the pits
feeling like a victim: bemoaning your fate, feeling powerless, seeing life as hostile, suffering from an attack, wondering
"Why me?", feeling self-pity, being on the receiving end
being a martyr: putting your own interests last, being self-deprecating, feeling like a doormat, taking a back seat, letting
others go first, sacrificing
O fim de um ciclo; liberao crmica. Pedir um divrcio ou largar um emprego; concluso prxima, pois no h vida na
situao. As condies esto obsoletas e podem levar a infortnio repentino se no atingem seu fim natural. Senso
profundo de perda (legal, de trabalho, social). Fim de um cilo crmico e de um estilo de vida. Obrigaes passadas esto
concludas, o antigo estilo de vida se encerra e a dvida crmica quitada.
Iluminao, ponto de virada, martrio. Autopiedade exagerada; sentir que a vida est contra voc; bancar a vtima; vencer
a iluso
Keywords: ending, treachery, pain, defeat, new horizons, failure, undoing, betrayal, ruin, finality. General meaning: Stick a
fork in it, its done. The complete and utter ending, with a side order of pain. Its all over now. Singing that swan song.
Accept that things are done and move on. Ruination at the hands of another. Failure. The expiration date arrives. Enemies.
Backstabbing, triflin haters. Hitting rock bottom. Misfortune. Relapse. Light at the end of a tunnel of hurt. Physically, this
card can indicate back surgery or back pain.
O ciclo de mudana terminou. possvel ver a luz no fim do tnel. Melhora na sade; perdas esto no passado. Se passou
por um divrcio, j pgina virada e voc est pronto para seguir adiante. Sentimentos sobre a perda no so mais to
profundos. O trauma est no passado. Sada de reabilitao. Novos horizontes e novo ciclo comear.
Healing of an old wound. Recuperation from surgery or illness. The fresh start after a period of pain. The promise of a new
day. Rebooting. Recovery. Forgiving a traitor. Being the bigger man. Turn the other cheek. Picking yourself up after an epic
failure and finding the courage to start over. Seeking redemption. It aint over til its over.
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
Valete de espadas
Usar a mente, ser honesto, ser justo, ter fora
Use Your Mind: analyze the problem, use logic and reason, reexamine beliefs, develop an idea or plan, study or research
the facts, learn or teach, think everything through
Be Truthful: act honestly, face the facts, stop deceiving, clear up any confusion, expose what is hidden, speak directly
Be Just: right a wrong, act ethically, treat others equally, champion a cause, try to be fair, do what you know is right,
accept responsibility, acknowledge the other point of view
Have Fortitude: face problems squarely, refuse to be discouraged, meet setbacks with renewed energy, keep a firm resolve,
move out of depression, keep your chin up and head high, keep trying
Mensageiro da vigilncia. Pessoa inteligente, que pensa rpido e capaz de lidar com qq emergncia. Mensageiro que nos
pede para olhar com cuidado o significado de uma situao. Graa, habilidade, inquisitivo. Tem desejo de comunicar e
ajudar outros dando informao. Pode ter atraso nos planos ou notcia ruim; preciso coragem p/ lidar. Espiar.
Vigilncia, pronto para a ao, lgica e razo, perspiccia
Sabedoria baseada na experincia; comunicar seus planos; buscar os fatos; ideias joviais; honestidade renovadora; uma
pessoa jovem de corao; parceiro amoroso desafiador
Keywords: defense, truth, legal, sharp thinking, spirited and willful child, new ideas. General meaning: Important news may
be coming your way. Prepare to hear the truth. If you are seeking the facts in any situation, stand strong and continue to
push forward. The truth is at hand. Situations may demand sharp, critical thinking. You may find yourself needing to defend
your thoughts or ideas. Mounting a legal defense. A need for an attorney to look things over. This card can indicate new
ideas or new ways of thinking. It can also represent a strong willed and spunky child who will keep you on your toes.
Making an oath. Truth seekers.
Tem muitas informaes que sero compartilhadas. Essa carta melhor revertida que de p. Mostra comportamento
imprevisvel ou repentino; mas mudanas sero boas.
A shaky defense or an overly defensive posture. Lack of logic. Viciousness and cruelty. Not facing the facts. A weak
argument. Legal or tax issues. Being unable or unwilling to speak the truth. Cowardly actions. Foggy thinking. Stealing
someone elses ideas. A bratty, rebellious child. Temper tantrums. Bad news. Breaking vows. Getting revenge.
Cavaleiro de espadas
Direto/grosseiro, autoritrio/dominador, incisivo/cortante, sbio/sabicho, lgico/insensvel
Direct..........Blunt: is frank and tactless and rude, gets straight to the point...may have a brusque manner,
does not mince words...does not spare the feelings of others, lets others know where they stand...can't hold his or her
tongue, gives an honest answer...shows little discretion
Authoritative..........Overbearing: speaks with assurance...tends to be domineering, commands attention...forces a
position on others, acts with total certainty...expects immediate compliance, gives orders naturally...does not welcome
dissent, has great influence...acts in a high-handed manner
Incisive..........Cutting: has a keen, forceful prone to biting sarcasm, penetrates to the core...lacks sensitivity,
expresses ideas succinctly...can be critical, is sharp and alert...has a barbed wit, debates and argues well...derides stupidity
Knowledgeable..........Opinionated: knows what he or she is talking about...believes he or she is always right, can expound
on any topic...lacks tolerance of other viewpoints, is sought as an expert...must have the last word, has well-reasoned arrogant, is highly intelligent...can be dogmatic and close-minded
Logical..........Unfeeling: reasons clearly...undervalues intuition, analyzes information well...treats people like numbers,
concentrates on what is correct...doesn't temper justice with mercy, can set aside emotional cut off from
emotions, makes sense out of cold and aloof
Preste ateno nos eventos! Pessoa ou evento chegando em sua vida. Vai direto ao assunto e diz a verdade. Tem
necessidade de informar sobre algo importante. Algum que faz e acontece. corts, generoso e tem boas intenes, e
tambm inteligente e afiado. As vezes insistente. No perde o foco. Corajoso e habilidoso. Bom conselheiro.
Autoconfiana, poder de deciso, franqueza, impetuosidade, conhecimento abundante, indiscrio e crtica, impacincia,
falta de tato e rispidez, intelecto poderoso . Analisar a situao; desconexo dos sentimentos
Keywords: mental aggression, bold communication, pushing forward, assertiveness, haste, truth teller, debate, mental
challenge. General meaning: When this card comes up, you can be sure that someone (even you) is working over time to
make sure they are heard. This is all about strong, bold communication. Its the card you want to see when you need an
aggressive attorney defending your case. The Knight of Swords always makes his point, even if he pisses people off along
the way. This card can also represent moving quickly towards the goal or vantage point. Strong, intense fighting and
aggressive strategies. Truth seeker. A crusader. In love, its a young man who enters the picture quickly, brings excitement
and stirs things up.
Atrasos, apreenses, conflitos ou batalhas a serem ganhas. Dificuldade em manter a energia, a fora ou a atitude mental.
No consegue lidar com as condies pois est mentalmente cansado. Argumentativo e causador de problemas, sempre
pronto p/ a briga. Algum oposto a seus pensamentos e aes. Falta de preocupao com os outros. Fique longe!
Desonestidade e decepo.
Mental aggression becomes cruelty. Words that wound. A deliberate attack. An act of vengeance. An out of control
situation or person. The sharpness turns dull. A dullard or blowhard. Intolerance. A person who may be trying to push their
truth or world view onto others. A total prick. This card can sometimes indicate a mentally and/or physically abusive
partner. Violence. Police brutality. Fighting unfairly. Passive aggressive. Ill conceived plans. Cowardice. Abuse of power.
Criminal behavior. Ruthlessness. A bitch move. Shifty behavior. Thug. Sucker punch.
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
Rainha de espadas
Honesta, astuta, direta, esperta, experiente
Honest: faces the truth, even if unpleasant, is up front with everyone, likes everything on the table, plays by the rules,
avoids lies and deception
Astute: sizes up a situation quickly, understands hidden motives and desires, is difficult to fool, trick or con, figures out the
unspoken rules and agendas, is quick on the uptake
Forthright: is direct and open in all dealings, gets to the heart of the matter, acts without pretense or guile, is
straightforward and no-nonsense, can be candid when necessary
Witty: has a delightful sense of humor, diffuses awkward situations with a funny remark, never takes anything too
seriously, laughs at everything, including him or herself
Experienced: has seen and done it all, has strength due to life's hard knocks, is free of self-righteous judgments, has
realistic expectations
Pensadora e conselheira analtica. Signo: aqurio. tima professora, advogada, psicloga. Mente afiada, boa observadora,
boa ouvinte que analisar todas as condies com lgica e equilbrio. Boa palestrante e organizadora. Liderana e
capacidade de controlar as emoes. Favorece a lgica e o bom-senso. Carter forte e sabe lidar com as adversidades.
Nada de bobagens, astcia, despretenso, ser direto, realista e incisivo. Ir direto ao ponto; encarar abertamente um fato;
honesto e astuto; intelecto vibrante; carter forte; emoes reprimidas; pessoa que faz julgamentos
Keywords: intelligence, logic, sharpness, thought leader, self-sufficient, air, clear sight. General meaning: The Queen of
Swords is the feminine thought leader. She is quick witted, intellectual, and clear sighted. She is ruled by logic, not her
heart. That does not mean that shes heartless, she simply wants to make sure that things make sense. A keen judge, she is
always about what is fair. When this card shows up in your reading, you may be called to embody those characteristics.
This can sometimes manifest as criticism and bluntness. Speaking the truth at all cost, unworried about who gets hurt.
Judge Judy.
Passou por alguma perda. Se irrita facilmente, incapaz de se disciplinar. No est aberta a escutar e vai dizer aos outros o
que fazer. Ser mal-compreendida, por isso ter dificuldades com os outros. Muito crtica e dogmtica. Forte e rgida.
Tendncia a fofocar e distorcer os fatos, para forar os outros a compartilharem seus pontos de vista.
The energy turns cold and ruthless. Frigid. Vindictive and catty. Shell cut a bitch! A bitter world view. Unable to see the
positive. This card can also indicate someone who speaks with a forked tongue. Backstabber. Dishonesty. Unable to control
anger. Lack of compassion. Unable to understand someone elses feelings. Triflin. A hater. Black widow.
Rei de espadas
Intelectual, analtico, articulado, justo, tico
Intellectual: is comfortable in the world of the mind, uses thought creatively, grasps information quickly and completely,
inspires and challenges through ideas, ably carries out research, is knowledgeable
Analytical: cuts through confusion and mental fog, applies reason and logic, is talented with games and other mental
challenges, easily breaks up complicated subjects, is adept at argument and debate, understands a problem quickly
Articulate: is adept at language and verbal skills, communicates ideas successfully, is a stimulating conversationalist, often
serves as a group spokesperson, is a lucid writer and speaker
Just: renders honest, insightful judgments, understands and honors all sides of an issue, is concerned about truth and
fairness, views situations with a dispassionate eye, is impartial and objective
Ethical: is a moral/ethical leader, encourages high standards, works against corruption and dishonesty, takes the high road
in all dealings, lives by his or her highest principles
Conselho lgico e equilibrado. Bem educado, d bons conselhos, toma decises justas e racionais. Justo e honrado. Direto
e flexvel. Intelectual.
Articulado, direto, justo, assertivo, analtico. Assumir as rdeas da situao; viso objetiva da vida; padres elevados;
julgamento justo; valores patriarcais; capacidade e prudncia; talentos intelectuais
Keywords: thought leader, logic, clear headed, intellectual, fairness, truth, mental sharpness. General meaning: The head
rules the heart when this card arrives in a reading. Emotions are out of the equation for the King of Swords. Its Mr. Spock
time. Thoughts are communicated masterfully and intelligently. After all, this is the thought leader. The master of clear
thinking. Mentally sharp and tough with an ability to cut to the quick. Witty but at times blunt. The truth seeker. If it
doesnt make sense, its a lie. This card can describe a powerful man, who works in a professional capacity (such as a
lawyer). He brings truth and fairness as well as an intellectual edge to every situation. This is the dude to have in your
corner when youre ready to stop fiddling around and get down to business.
Est mentalmente exausto, incapaz de lidar com o estresse da situao. Ms notcias chegaram e ele no est lidando bem
ou no consegue encontrar o equilbrio. crtico, frio, distante, obstinado e pode ser cruel, especialmente com palavras.
No sensvel s necessidades dos outros. Est preocupado com seus prprios pensamentos e ideias e pode ficar
obcecado com suas intenes e aes. Por no ver os 2 lados, pode ser severo ou injusto nos julgamentos.
The logic turns cruel and merciless. Cruelty, maliciousness, and merciless. A cold, calculating mind hell bent on getting what
they want no matter who seems to be standing in the way. A cynic. Con artist. White collar criminal. Someone who is
unable to have any empathy at all. Unrepentant. Deceptive legal maneuvers. Corrupt politicians. Bribery. Someone who
operates by a different code of ethics. Abuse of power. Physically and mentally abusive. This can also indicate that you
need to take a ruthless approach to a situation. Gettin all thuggish.
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
s de ouros
Usar fora material, prosperar, ser prtico, proceder com confiana
using material force: focusing on concrete results, having a real-world impact, working with the physical, achieving
tangible results, improving the body/health, becoming involved with nature
prospering: having the means to reach a goal, enjoying abundance, drawing to you what you need, flourishing, seeing
efforts rewarded, increasing assets, experiencing growth
being practical: using common sense, getting down-to-earth, taking advantage of what works, being realistic, grounding
yourself in the real world, accepting the tools at hand
proceeding with trust: believing in the good faith of others, feeling safe and protected, knowing you have total security,
operating from a known position, having a support system, knowing the situation is stable, consolidating a firm base
Recompensa financeira a caminho. Comeo de prosperidade, riqueza e novos negcios. Voc est buscando nova direo
em sua carreira; est curioso sobre assuntos financeiros. Presente em dinheiro ou em bens podem estar a caminho qd
essa carta aparece. Boa fundao est se desenvolvendo. Voc est fazendo progressos com suas finanas, e dinheiro
extra ou herana podem estar a caminho. Sinaliza prmios. Sinaliza presentes concedidos, no necessariamente material.
Recompensa por um esforo, prosperidade abundante, realismo
Realizao prtica; resultados tangveis; poder de conseguir o que precisa; confiar na situao; novo comeo; virar a
pgina; estar ancorado no mundo real
Keywords: new financial opportunity, raise, new job, windfall, wealth, new path. General meaning: The Ace of Pentacles
represents a new financial beginning. This could be a new job, promotion, windfall, or a new way of making money. Its a
sign that things are changing for the better, especially in regards to finances. Abundance and prosperity. Getting on the
right path. New sources of income. This can also indicate a major purchase or investment. Manifesting big goals. An
auspicious opportunity. Bling. Livin large.
Falta de prosperidade. Voc tomou a estrada errada no novo comeo, ou o comeo no ser prspero. Voc precisa olhar
o que est te fazendo falta antes de embarcar na empreitada. Voc est preparado? Voc pode ter um falso senso de
segurana e grandes planos podem no se materializar. Tome cuidado contra ganncia or com preocupar-se com dinheiro
a um alto custo emocional. Veja suas contas e verifique-se de que est tudo em ordem, antes de fazer novos gastos.
Feeling stressed out about money. Greed. Lack of generosity. An opportunity delayed or not as lucrative as originally
thought. Unexpected major expense. Too much focus on material things. Dubious ways of making a living. Laundering
money. Promissory note. Trying to collect from a broke ass. Taking what doesnt belong to you. Chump change. A hand out.
2 de ouros
Lidar, ser flexvel, divertir-se
Juggling: keeping everything in balance, coping with demands, getting people to work together, making sure all areas are
covered, having a lot of irons in the fire, moving forward smoothly, emphasizing all aspects equally
being flexible: adapting quickly, feeling free to try new approaches, going with the flow, refusing to let change throw you,
opening to developments, seeing the possibilities, handling challenges, changing directions easily
having fun: doing something you enjoy, getting a kick out of life, taking time to play, feeling in high spirits, whistling while
you work, seeing the humor in the situation, kicking back
Equilibrando recursos, em especial sobre temas financeiros. Habilidade de lidar com vrios projetos ao mesmo tempo.
Voc mantm o equilbrio em meio a mudanas e tomadas de decises. Novos projetos podem ter dificuldade em iniciar,
mas voc tem de manter a energia e fora para lev-los adiante. Harmonia deve ser mantida. No deixe notcias ruins te
atrasarem. Bom conselho a caminho.
Equilbrio, destreza, flexibilidade, malabarismo. Agilidade em lidar com coisas materiais; adaptar-se s necessidades do
relacionamento; fazer muitas coisas ao mesmo tempo; lidar com vrios problemas de uma vez; sentir-se confiante de suas
capacidades; divertir-se; levar em conta as opes; querer seguir o fluxo; compreender a mudana
Keywords: financial decisions, juggling, choice, options, balance. General meaning: You may find yourself juggling more
than one thing. Balance and agility. Being able to do more than one thing at the same time. Dexterity. Multi-tasking.
Staying grounded and flexible during a busy time. The 2 of Pentacles can also represent options and choices. More than
one option to choose from. Weigh the pros and cons carefully. The answer may lie in the middle. Travel. Money from two
sources. Working two jobs like a true hustla.
Voc no est conseguindo lidar com muitas coisas ao mesmo tempo. Desorganizao pode estar causando dificuldade, e
voc deve se planejar para evitar fracasso dos seus planos. Voc deve se desincumbir de alguma tarefa.
Imbalance. Trouble managing your resources, time, or responsibilities. Too many choices. Poor financial decisions. Having a
difficult time paying the bills. An inability to handle your day to day grind. Unsteadiness. Sitting on the fencepost and not
able to make a decision. An inability to commit. Irresponsibility.
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
3 de ouros
Trabalhar em equipe, planejar, ser competente
working as a team: coordinating with others, finding all the needed elements, functioning as a unit, getting the job done
together, contributing to the group, cooperating, combining efforts
planning: organizing resources, following a schedule, operating in the know, nailing down the details, being an ant, not a
grasshopper, reviewing beforehand, going over possible problems, being prepared
being competent: getting the job done, carrying out an assignment well, meeting your goals, proving your ability,
achieving more than what's expected, knowing what to do and how to do it, being up to the job
Recompensa por um trabalho bem feito. Ganhos materiais e sucesso, advindos de seu trabalho duro e esforo. Ser aceito
em algum grupo ou organizao.
Habilidade, cooperao, trabalho em equipe, planejamento. Crescimento profissional; ganho material; colocar-se prova;
uma estratgia competente; estar ciente de seu potencial; unir-se a outros; esprito de equipe; reconhecimento de uma
habilidade; obsesso pelos detalhes; dependncia excessiva das opinies alheias
Keywords: apprentice, collaboration, teamwork, skill, creating, building, plans. General meaning: The Three of Pentacles is
all about teamwork and collaboration. How well do you work or play with others? In order to get a project finished to
completion, you may need the help of your coworkers. Working together for a similar goal. This card is also about
apprenticeship and skill development. School. Learning a trade. Working with mentors to refine your talents. Its also about
building or renovation, especially if it shows up in a question asking about a house. This card can also indicate a ceremony
such as a wedding or baptism. Getting shizz done. Entourage.
Os reconhecimentos no vm e aprovao de seu trabalho e habilidade demora a chegar. No consegue fazer seu trabalho
como pretendia. Voc no consegue fazer um bom trabalho pois no tem os recursos. Desentendimentos contratuais
negociaes so possveis, mas podem no ter o resultado desejado. Trabalho medocre, condies de trabalho ruins.
Sloppy craftmanship. Lack of skill. An inability to work with the team. Lack of recognition for a job well done. Repairing.
Fixing someone elses poor work. Squabbling with coworkers. Office politics slow the job down. Lack of ommitment. A
project gets delayed again and again. Faulty plans. Changing up the game at the last minute. Dissing someone elses
efforts. Haters be hatin on your work.
4 de ouros
Querer acumular, manter controle, bloquear mudana
wanting to possess: keeping what you have, getting your share, acquiring material goods, hanging on to someone, being
greedy, penny-pinching, declaring ownership, saving
maintaining control: wanting to be in charge, denying weakness, directing, demanding compliance, insisting on your own
way, imposing structure, setting limits and rules, creating order
blocking change: maintaining the status quo, wanting everything to stay the same, refusing to look at new approaches,
stagnating, obstructing new developments, holding on to the present, resisting the flow
Indica bom julgamento em questes de negcios. Talento que traz prosperidade. Mostra amor por posses materiais. Voc
se sente confortvel quando tem todos os bens a sua volta. Tem firme comando de seu dinheiro e posses, e trabalhar
duro para conseguir ainda mais. Muito apego ao dinheiro e posses que j conseguiu. Pode aparecer quando voc segura
muito seu dinheiro ou no generoso como demorou p/ conseguir seu dinheiro, no o distribui toa. No gasta muito.
Maldoso, possessivo, mania de controlar, teimoso, estagnado. Recusar-se a ceder; acreditar que seu jeito o certo; limitar
seu ponto de vista; controlar os outros com materialismo; meu!; resistir s mudanas; avarento e mercenrio; mente
estreita, atitude mesquinha
Keywords: security, possessiveness, greed, stability, financial acumen, protection. General meaning: You have everything
you need to feel secure. Financial power. Material success. Money in the bank. Frugal habits. Acquisitiveness. Greed and a
miserliness. The ability to amass wealth. Livin large. Ballin. This card also is about holding patterns such as refusing to let
go of a situation. In relationships, the Four of Pentacles can indicate possessiveness or an inability to open up the heart
chakra. Shielding the heart. Hoarders. Protecting whats yours.
Pessoa se desprendendo de seu dinheiro ou tendo que gastar mais do que o previsto. Possibilidade de perder dinheiro ou
bens materiais. Dificuldade em manter segurana financeira. Atraso em pagamento ou no dinheiro extra que estava
esperando. Em questes de negcios, voc pode sofrer oposio ou um custo extra. Voc pode estar gastando demais e
precisa tomar cuidado.
Letting go. Release. Opening up. Getting vulnerable. Spending like a drunken sailor. Making it rain. Financial insecurity.
Poor money management skills. Sharing what you have. Giving it all away. Financial sacrifice. Bankruptcy. An inability to
get ahead financially. Being a broke ass. Taking what doesnt belong to you. Epic greed. Gordon Gekko. Poverty
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
5 de ouros
Experimentar momentos difceis, sofrer m sade, ser rejeitado
experiencing hard times: running into material troubles, losing a job or income, feeling insecure, going through a period of
hardship, lacking what you need, struggling to make ends meet
suffering ill health: feeling run down and tired, refusing to take care of yourself, neglecting your body and its needs, feeling
ragged around the edges, getting medical attention, abusing your body
being rejected: lacking support, having the door slammed in your face, taking an unpopular position, being ostracized,
feeling excluded, standing alone, receiving disapproval
Tempos difceis. Algum tipo de pobreza espiritual, financeira, falta de conexo com sua comunidade, sentimento de
perda e abandono. Voc negligenciou sua sade ou necessidades espirituais e no sabe como lidar com esses aspectos da
sua vida. Pode ser perda de emprego.
Falta, mentalidade, vitimista, dificuldade, rejeio
Separao espiritual; busca da alma; estar ferido emocionalmente; sentir-se sozinho ou excludo; negligenciar as prprias
necessidades; uma sensao de que algo est faltando na vida
Keywords: loss, financial anxiety, hard times, codependence, limping along, out in the cold, desperation, poverty
consciousness, homeless. General meaning: The Five of Pentacles signifies a difficult change in fortune. This is often an
indicator of loss such as a job loss or losing your home. Financial hardship creates worry and anxiety. Losing your way in
life. Living without the basic necessities. Being a broke ass. Bad decisions lead to financial strain or ruin. This card can also
indicate being out in the cold in a situation. Being left behind. Leaning on a partner during a hard period. Codependent
relationships. Help is there but you are unable to see it. The pity party. Poverty consciousness: the feeling that you will
never get ahead or that you dont deserve better. A vow of poverty. Knee problems.
melhor na posio revertida. Fim de perodo de m sorte. Voc pode encontrar um novo trabalho. Voc ganha coragem
e retoma sua vida em comunidade e em casa. Voc aceitou as condies da perda e atingiu um novo nvel de
entendimento. Voc desenvolveu compaixo e entendeu que a vida tem altos e baixos. Voc tem novo interesse em
temas espirituais e sente-se cheio de esperana.
Help arrives. Ready to accept the help being offered. Financial shift towards rebuilding. Coming out of a hard time and
starting again. Awareness of where you went wrong. A new job or home after a period of uncertainty. Going home after a
disaster (ex: returning home after a tornado). Shelter. Refugee. Welfare. A period of healing. Moving past worry towards a
hopeful new future. Leaving the mean streets.
6 de ouros
Ter/no ter recursos, ter/no ter conhecimento, ter/no ter poder
having/not having resources: giving/receiving, taking care of/being taken care of, sponsoring/being sponsored,
supporting/being supported, offering/receiving a gift or reward, acquiring/not acquiring what you need
having/not having knowledge: teaching/learning, imparting/receiving information, becoming/finding a mentor,
offering/taking advice, showing/being shown the ropes, knowing/not knowing a secret
having/not having power: leading/following, dominating/submitting, acting with authority/deference, asserting/denying
your wishes, coercing/being coerced, doing all the talking/listening
Compartilhar tanto dinheiro quanto bens. Caridade, filantropia, distribuio de riqueza. Boa carta. Indica relacionamento
feliz com colegas de trabalho, um aumento de salrio, promoo ou oportunidade de distribuir lucros. Voc receber o
que seu de direito. Herana a caminho.
Generosidade, boa vontade, presentes, considerao
Perdas e ganhos; dar e receber; alternar o poder; ter e no ter; dominao ou submisso?; buscar aprovao
Keywords: charity, sharing, giving, receiving, justice, begging. General meaning: The Six of Pentacles can be all about giving
or receiving. In terms of money, this could be sharing the wealth or being in a position where you have to ask for
assistance. Charitable organizations. Giving aid to those in need. Generosity. Being in a desperate financial situation and
finding relief. Welfare. Refugees. Amnesty. A gift. Financial reward. Making it rain. This card can also indicate justice being
doled out. In questions about relationships, this card indicates superiority/inferiority. Whos giving and whos taking?
Someone is in a more advantageous position. One gives more to the relationship than the other. Issues of give and take.
O presente pequeno, o bnus baixo. Presente com condies. Distribuio injusta de herana ou bnus. Prticas de
negcios injustas ou anti-ticas. Sua prosperidade est ameaada de algum modo. Voc pode no estar sendo
recompensado por todo seu esforo e trabalho. Seus investimentos perderam valor.
Stinginess. Holding back. Cutting people off from assistance. Hoarding wealth. This is the lack of charity, the fend for
yourself vibe. Ignoring those in need. Turning a blind eye to poverty. Ayn Rand. Being in a bad position and no way out.
Financial injustice. A failed case. Legal or financial shenanigans. The balance of power shifts and not in your favor. Not
being able to get your needs met. An inability to receive help. Lack of humility. Accepting crumbs.
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
7 de ouros
Acessar, colher uma recompensa, considerar uma mudana de direo
Assessing: evaluating the status, reflecting on progress to date, reviewing what's been done, pausing to check results,
making sure you're on course, finding out where you stand, taking stock
reaping a reward: finally seeing some results, enjoying the first fruits, getting returns on investments, receiving payoffs,
being able to let up a bit, reaching a milestone
considering a direction change: weighing a different approach, pondering alternatives, thinking about change, opening to
a new strategy, questioning your choices, standing at a crossroads
Colher o que voc plantou. Investimentos feitos traro bom retorno, jardim dar frutos. Seu trabalho duro e esforo sero
recompensados e voc ter lucro pelo seu tempo e trabalho. Essa carta no prediz riqueza, mas bons e slidos resultados
e recompensas em seus investimentos e no trabalho. Mais alguns passos so necessrios p/ finalizar o trabalho.
Avaliao, frutos do trabalho. Qual o prximo passo?; avaliar o progresso; avaliar onde voc est; saber para onde est
indo; estar preparado para uma nova estratgia; estar pronto para fazer seu prximo movimento; ver resultados do
esforo; fazer uma pausa no trabalho duro
Keywords: growth, waiting, effort, pause, discipline, harvest, hard labor. General meaning: The Seven of Pentacles is best
summed up by a watched pot never boils. This card is about the results after hard work. Stay focused on your grind, the
rewards will arrive in due time. Taking a break. Stopping for a minute to assess progress. Goals reached through
perseverance and exertion. Weeding out the garden. Putting your back into it.
Apesar de muito trabalho e esforo pouco ou nenhum lucro obtido. Colheitas magras devido, investimentos sem
retorno. Talvez voc no tenha ganhado um bnus devido a circunstncias fora de seu controle. M estimativa; carta
aparece quando algum se engana com o que pensam ser um negcio garantido. Tenha cuidado com seu dinheiro. Carta
pode ser aviso que seu investimento no trar o retorno desejado.
A half assed effort. Feeling lazy and unwilling to continue. Giving up too soon. Big effort, little results. Doing something for
nothing. Slave labor. Not able to see the potential. A crap investment. Know when to stop putting effort into a dud. Wasted
energy. Working your ass off but seeing jack shit for the trouble.
8 de ouros
Mostrar diligncia, aumentar o conhecimento, prestar ateno aos detalhes
showing diligence: making an effort, working hard, applying yourself totally, being absorbed in a project, dedicating
yourself to a task, plugging away, producing steady results
increasing knowledge: taking a course, learning a new craft or skill, receiving training, pursuing greater understanding,
researching, finding out the facts, increasing expertise
paying attention to detail: being painstaking, being extra careful, approaching a task methodically, getting down to the
nitty-gritty, handling all the loose ends, checking and rechecking, noticing the fine points
Voc tem habilidade para progredir rapidamente devido aos seus talentos e capacidade. Sua experincia culminou em
lucro e reconhecimento. Voc se sair bem no trabalho ou nos negcios, pois sabe da necessidade do aprimoramento
contnuo. Voc s melhora com a prtica.
Habilidade, diligncia, disciplina, conhecimento. Dedicao ao trabalho; produo paciente; perseverana recompensada;
ateno cuidadosa ao detalhe; situao repetitiva ou entediante; treinar para uma nova habilidade; ampliar seus
Keywords: apprentice, skill, hard work, productive, workaholic. General meaning: The Eight of Pentacles is all about
working hard and enjoying it. Its also the card of apprenticeship. When this card shows up in your reading, you may be
engaged in learning new skills or working your tail end off. Although this is all about hard work, there is satisfaction.
Prolific. Rewards for a job well done. Creating a major body of work. Happily employed. Continuous effort. Grindin.
Focused on the job at hand.
Demora na produo. Trabalho imperfeito ou local de trabalho medocre resultam em produo atrasada e dificuldade em
conseguir o resultado/lucro desejado. Condies de trabalho podem levar a processos judiciais; funcionrios no esto
satisfeitos. Investimentos daro pouco ou nenhum lucro. Voc deveria pensar em um novo trabalho/carreira. Voc tem
que pensar sobre como usa seu tempo e o que pode fazer para ser mais produtivo.
Slacking off. Taking the easy route. Sloppy workmanship. Learning issues. Little effort. A half assed effort at best. A lack of
ambition. Here, the energy becomes disinterested, frustrated, and lazy. Repair work. Fixing someone elses shoddy work.
Poor skills. Getting hung up on details and getting nothing accomplished.
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
9 de ouros
Ser disciplinado, confiar em si mesmo, buscar refinamento
being disciplined: exercising self-control, showing restraint, reining in impulses, sacrificing to reach a goal, sticking to a
program, taking a step-by-step approach
relying on yourself: handling the situation alone, acting on your own, falling back on your own resources, doing it all by
yourself, wanting to be alone, feeling sure your way is best
pursuing refinement: achieving a comfortable lifestyle, avoiding the coarse and unsavory, being tactful and diplomatic,
seeking high-minded activities, enjoying the finer things of life, remembering to be gracious, enjoying leisure
Os frutos do seu trabalho. Auto-suficincia, independncia, maestria de seu mundo financeiro/material. Assegura sucesso
na obteno de independncia financeira. Seus investimentos passados do frutos, voc dominou o caminho at a
prosperidade. Agora voc pode compartilhar o que tem com os outros e ainda assim ter o suficiente para voc. Conexo
forte com o ambiente. Amor vida selvagem e espaos abertos, algum que aprecia a natureza. Segurana pessoal.
Conquista, refinamento, independncia, confiana em si mesmo. Ter recursos; saber que est no controle da situao;
segurana material ou financeira; aproveitar os melhores prazeres da vida; sensao interior de segurana; agir por conta
prpria; autodisciplina
Keywords: security, gratitude, wealth, comfort, leisure. General meaning: The Nine of Pentacles is about the luxe life,
financial security, and creature comforts. Wealth and material comforts surround you. You have the ability now to collect
and enjoy the fruits of your labor. The big harvest. Enjoying lifes luxuries. Big ballin. Living large. Diva. Time off for leisure
and pleasure. You have everything you could need or want.
Voc no est seguro sobre sua situao financeira atual. Voc est descontente com seu ambiente domstico. Talvez
dinheiro no esteja disponvel para voc fazer o que quer, ou seu crescimento esteja restrito de alguma forma. Algum
investimento/transao est te causando ansiedade. Voc teme perder o que conquistou. Cuidado com apostas. No
deixe tirarem vantagem de voc.
The grass looks greener on the other side of the fence. You may not appreciate what you have. Envy. Coveting your
neighbors goods. Feeling bored and stuck. Wanting what you dont or cant have. Squandering wealth. Poor little rich girl.
Money grubbing. Conspicuous consumption. Materialism. Living beyond your means. Gold digger. Flossin.
10 de ouros
Gozar de afluncia, buscar permanncia, seguir convenes
enjoying affluence: having material abundance, being free from money problems, enjoying business success, feeling
financially secure, seeing your ventures flourish, having a run of good fortune
seeking permanence: looking for a solution that will last, creating a lasting foundation, feeling secure as things are, being
concerned with the long-term, having an orderly family life, moving beyond makeshift arrangements, nailing down the
following convention: staying within established guidelines, proceeding according to the rules, taking part in traditions,
becoming part of the Establishment, being conservative, trusting in the tried-and-true, continuing in known patterns
Sucesso ao longo da vida. Representa todas as condies maravilhosas e coisas materiais que conseguimos conquistar ao
longo da vida. Famlia estvel, com riqueza. Famlia que trabalhou duro para conseguir esse nvel de riqueza e segurana
financeira. Aparece quando compras grandes (casa, carro) esto a caminho. Voc tem dinheiro para conseguir realizar
seus sonhos. Se parece longe, sua famlia poder ajudar ou o banco conceder um emprstimo. Riqueza e segurana.
Vida boa, riqueza, conveno, segurana, valores tradicionais
Ater-se s regras; desejo de permanncia e continuidade; vida feliz em famlia; segurana material; buscar abundncia;
prosperidade espiritual ou emocional; sucesso material
Keywords: wealth, security, family, legacy, reunion. General meaning: The Ten of Pentacles is one of the most auspicious
money cards, usually signifying wealth. Its a sign of building lasting financial security. Financial jackpot. Inheritance. A
strong financial future. Security for the whole family. Coming home. Family reunion. Taking care of everyone. Sticking with
traditions. Livin large.
Famlia desarmoniosa. Brigas familiares por herana ou dinheiro em corporaes. A riqueza estabelecida est em cheque.
Investimentos em risco. Infortnio familiar, mau investimento, gastana. Corporaes tero dificuldade em se manter.
Algo que voc possui perdeu valor. Perdas financeiras devido macroeconomia ou m administrao
A blow to financial security. Do not borrow money to the relatives. Family problems. Neglecting the home or family. Fiscal
irresponsibility. Blowing through an inheritance. Being stuck taking care of everyone. Family feuds. Being written out of the
will. Losing investments. Foreclosure.
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
Rev. (T.)
Valete de ouros
Ter efeito, ser prtico, ser prspero, confiar e ser confivel
Have an Effect: make your plans real, mold the physical world, use your body, experience nature, achieve tangible results,
act on your dreams, get events in motion
Be Practical: take a realistic approach, apply the tools at hand, find a solution that works, use common sense, stop
daydreaming, work with what you have, concentrate on what's effective
Be Prosperous: draw to you what you need, increase your means, grow and expand, enrich yourself, go out to meet
success, seek abundance, become secure
Be Trusting/Trustworthy: accept that the solution is well in hand, have faith in others, accommodate uncertainty, accept
others at their word, keep your word, prove yourself dependable, stick by your commitments, establish credibility
Prtica e perseverana. Ama estudar e aprender coisas prticas, e diligente com sua vida. Traz esperana e promessa de
boa sorte no mundo material (emprego, aumento, bolsa). Pode ser um jovem e perseverante aluno, generoso e gentil com
todos que conhece. Tem entusiasmo com a educao e o progresso, e as recompensas materiais que vm com ambos.
Cuidadoso e cauteloso, estuda tudo antes de tomar uma deciso.
Abordagem prtica, objetivos realistas, esforo concentrado, foco e progresso, novos projetos. Colocar as rodas em
movimento; buscar oportunidade; conhecer suas limitaes; querer ser prspero; mensageiro financeiro; trab. dedicado
Keywords: financial opportunity, news about money, student, new financial seed, new venture. General meaning: The Page
of Pentacles is an indicator of new financial opportunities. This can be a raise, promotion, or new job. It can also indicate
the beginning of a new venture. A new way to make money or good news about your financial situation. Now is the time to
plant your seeds. If you are willing to invest time and energy, you can manifest your goals. Stay grounded and take a
practical approach. The Page of Pentacles can also represent a good student or an internship. This is a studious person who
takes great responsibility in learning their craft. Small time hustler.
Atrasos te impedem de receber noas notcias sobre finanas, oferta de empregos ou bolsas. Algum que no segue
direcionamentos.. Segue seu jovem grupo de amigos, recusando-se a ouvir bons conselhos de adultos. Rebeldia e
frustrao. quieto e temperamental, e pode retirar-se ou sabotar eventos. Ama luxo e bens materiais, mas no tem
muito desejo de trabalhar por eles. Preguioso devido a sua procrastinao e falta de motivao.
Goals that fall short. Blockages and frustrations around money. An investment that turns out to be a dud. Chump change.
An inability to get a venture off the ground. Bad financial news. A let down. A promising situation disappoints. Problems
with school. A slacker who does not live up to their potential. Lack of rewards. Broke ass and broke down. Petty behavior.
Cavaleiro de ouros
Firme/teimoso, cauteloso/medroso, detalhista/obcecado, realista/pessimista, trabalhador/workaholic
Unwavering...Stubborn: is dogged in pursuit of a hardheaded and obstinate, will not quit...digs into a position,
stands firm against opposition...must have his or her own way, stays fixed to a chosen course...refuses to listen to reason,
keeps true to personal convictions...resists compromise
Cautious..........Unadventurous: checks and too conservative, examines all angles beforehand...misses
chances by waiting, proceeds slowly and reluctant to try something new, prefers the safe, known path...settles
for safe, small gains, is prudent and afraid of risking
Thorough..........Obsessive: takes care of every detail...does not know when to quit, is too picky, wraps up all
loose ends...must have everything just so, never leaves a job half inflexible and compulsive, is painstaking...insists
on perfection, completes anything started...can't leave well enough alone
Realistic..........Pessimistic: is willing to look at the facts...concentrates on what's wrong, faces the truth...thinks others are
dreamers, is not lured by false hopes...sees a glass as half empty, not half full, assesses circumstances candidly...takes the
gloomy view, predicts problems in advance...dooms a project from the start
Hard-Working..........Grinding: becomes dedicated to a task...focuses too narrowly on work, is diligent and
industrious...can be humorless and grim, produces as much as two people...sees playtime as wasteful, tackles any chore
vigorously...drives everyone too hard, is tireless and unflagging...forgets life should be fun
cuidadoso e faz um bom trabalho. Confivel e honesto. Natureza fcil de lidar, tem compaixo, ama animais, gosta de
criana e dos presentes que pode oferecer aos outros. Seu foco ajudar os outros a avanarem. Pode representar um
evento como uma venda, um negcio ou um investimento em algo slido e estvel. Ele slido e estvel. Pode trazer
novidades em relao a um aumento, uma nova oferta de trabalho, um investimento que aumentar de valor ou um
emprstimo que ser concedido.
Trabalho manual, responsabilidade, persistncia, realismo. Algum tradicional; determinado ou dogmtico; realista ou
melanclico; dedicado ou inflexvel; cumpre tarefas; cautela ou medo de se arriscar; esforo sem entusiasmo; fidelidade;
algum que demora a se envolver no amor
Keywords: practical, methodical, stable, offering, respect, grounded effort, financial focus. General meaning: The Knight of
Pentacles is a sturdy, hard working fellow. The energy behind this card is practical, methodical, and focused on reaping a
reward for the effort. Of all the Knights, this is the only one that is standing still. He is grounded, rooted and respectful.
Committing to a goal. Working the land and preparing for a big harvest. Reliability and efficiency. People who handle
monetary affairs. Trustworthy. This card can also indicate taking responsibility for a project or situation. Remaining
committed to a cause. And up n coming shot caller. Boss in training. A job offer.
Pode ser irresponsvel, principalmente porque disperso e no consegue focar no trabalho/tarefa. No consegue
terminar as coisas e devagar em suas aes, que requerem muito esforo. Progresso interrompido. Quando aparece,
dinheiro, novo trabalho ou assuntos importantes na vida esto parados. Precisa de muito incentivo para atravessar esse
tempo difcil. Quer evitar confronto e temperamental e introspectivo. o solitrio e o insatisfeito do tar.
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
Rev. (T.)
Rev. (Th.)
Rainha de ouros
Cuidadora, corao grande, realista, cheia de recursos, confivel
Nurturing: gives love and support, creates a warm, secure environment, makes people feel better, responds to the natural
world, has a green thumb, has a way with children and animals
Bighearted: will do any service for others, is a soft touch, always has an open door and welcoming smile, gives freely and
abundantly, is warm, generous and unselfish
Down-to-Earth: handles problems matter-of-factly, allows others to be themselves, has no pretensions or affectations,
takes a simple, sensible approach, appreciates all the senses
Resourceful: finds a use for whatever's at hand, is handy and versatile, makes a little go a long way, gets around every
obstacle, comes up with what's needed
Trustworthy: keeps confidences and secrets, is loyal and steadfast, comes through in a pinch, keeps faith with others, is
true to his or her word
Fertilidade e abundncia. Criativa, sabe cuidar de sua famlia e das condies financeiras de sua vida. Boa em carreiras de
negcios e em cuidar de crianas e jardins. No tem medo de trabalho duro. produtiva e gosta de ver coisas ou pessoas
crescerem. caridosa e generosa com o que tem, e quer compartilhar com os outros. Tem personalidade quieta, atenta
aos outros, fcil de lidar. Sempre cumpre suas tarefas bem, pois responsvel.
Dependente, maternal, de bom corao, sensual, generosa, Me Terra. Viso realista da vida; ater-se aos fatos; confivel e
leal; sentir-se seguro e caseiro; desejo genuno de ajudar outra pessoa; amante de animais e crianas; criativa e cheia de
Keywords: earth mother, secure, dependable, practical, grounded, earthy. General meaning: The Queen of Pentacles is
warm and down to earth. Of all the Queens, she is also the most motherly of the lot. She enjoys tending to the hearth
and home. This is the one you can count on when the chips are down. Shes reliable and always ready to lend a hand to
anyone in need. Shes also business savvy and knows how to create a buck out of thin air - and conserve what she has.
When this card shows up in your reading, you may be called to channel that energy. Bringing home the bacon and frying it
up in a pan. Fertility. The true earth mother of the Queens. Self sufficiency. Nurturing security. Lovin that bling.
Tem insegurana sobre finanas e sua habilidade de pagar as contas. Temperamental ou melanclica, pois tem dificuldade
com o mundo material. Pode ser muito dependente dos outros p/ o seu bem-estar. Pode negligenciar suas tarefas e
responsabilidades por insegurana ou medo. Pode mostrar desconfiana de outros. Medo de falhar pode faz-la
vulnervel a temperamentos irregulares. Pode parecer necessitada e pode manipular fundos para adquirir coisas. J
passou por situao financeira difcil na vida e poder passar de novo.
The energy goes from caretaker to gold digger. Obsessed with the material side of life, this woman will scheme to get her
needs met. Taking him for everything he has. Too worried about keeping up with the Joneses. Greed. Financial dependence.
An inability to stand on ones own two feet financially - or an inability to provide for the family. A lack of homemaking
skills. Extremely self absorbed. The moody, stubborn bitch. Jealous hater. Broke ass.
Rei de ouros
Empreendedor, hbil, confivel, encorajador, firme
Enterprising: makes any venture successful, finds opportunity everywhere, attracts wealth, takes an idea and makes it
work, is a natural manager and businessperson, has the Midas touch
Adept: is informed about practical matters, has a wide range of natural abilities, has quick reflexes, is skillful with his or her
hands, handles any situation competently
Reliable: meets all commitments and promises, assumes responsibility, is dependable and unfailing, can be counted on in a
crisis, serves as rock for others to lean on
Supporting: encourages the accomplishments of others, readily jumps in to help, is a philantropist, gives generously of time
and attention, sponsors worthwhile projects
Steady: works toward goal with firm resolve, avoids mood and behavior swings, has regular habits and activities,
maintains a calm, even approach, is a stabilizing influence
Firme, prspero, benevolente. Amigvel, gentil, generoso, pensativo, trabalhador. Pai com disposio gentil, executivo
prspero, homem casado confivel com foco na segurana da famlia. Habilidade de tomar decises sobre questes
financeiras. Lgico, metdico e responsvel. Firme e estvel com todos. Acredita que todos podem ter segurana material.
Lida bem com investimentos, banco e imveis.
Confivel, sagaz, materialista, empreendedor, defensor. Personagem carismtico; lder de negcios; conselheiro
financeiro; prtico e estabilizado; resoluto e imbatvel; o Toque de Midas; competente, sensato; atitude responsvel
Keywords: boss, authority, father, practical, secure, King Midas. General meaning: The King of Pentacles is the master of
finances. This is the boss man, the Chief Financial Officer of any organization. Hes hard working, ambitious, practical, and
a good provider. Security is important to him. This King likes to take very good care of his family. He protects his assets and
is concerned with accumulating wealth. When this card shows up in your reading, you may need to embody his serious,
dependable energy. The King of Pentacles is a strong, traditional father figure and he brings a paternal vibe to all of his
dealings. He has the Midas touch and is able to turn everything he touches into gold. The king of bling. Livin extra large.
Big ballin.
Ainda quer segurana financeira, mas no quer trabalhar duro para isso. Quer as coisas boas da vida mas no quer ou
no consegue fazer o necessrio p/ obt-las. teimoso, materialista, devagar, no percebe seus hbitos de consumo,
toma decises erradas sobre sobre assuntos financeiros. Pode aparecer qd h engano em temas de dinheiro ou finanas
The energy turns stingy and miserly. Instead of being generous, he has strings attached to his money. More concerned with
himself instead of the good of all. Extreme greed and materialism. Willing to sell his soul for the almighty dollar. A
stubborn, difficult man. Headstrong to the point of obstinance. Control freak. Jealous and overbearing. The boss from hell.
Abuse of power. A deadbeat. Getting money the sleazy way. Financial mismanagement.
Mtodos de tiragens
Touchstone 1 carta
Selecionar 1 carta no incio do dia ou antes de um evento importante te dar um ponto de referncia.
Feche os olhos e respire profundamente seguidas vezes. Pea direcionamento para o dia. Misture as
cartas e tire uma.
Reflita sobre a carta no decorrer do dia.
Nesse modelo de leitura, retiramos trs lminas do mao e as colocamos em linha ou na forma de um tringulo
com o vrtice para cima, como est indicado no esquema.
Exemplos de variaes que podem ser experimentadas para cada posio:
o que o consulente poder esperar se: 1. for em frente, 2. recuar. A terceira carta poder indicar um
conselho ou um terceiro caminho.
Lembre-se que, do ponto de vista da tcnica, o mais importante para quem dirige a jogada definir ele prprio
qual ngulo, qual aspecto do assunto, que espera ser elucidado pela carta. Desse modo, com a questo mais
claramente definida, ficar muito mais compreensvel o recado de cada carta.
Na Tiragem em Cruz contamos com um maior nmero de ngulos para examinar uma questo. Retiramos do
mao cinco lminas, que so colocadas de face para baixo, na seqncia de posies indicadas no quadro ao
H tambm quem costuma, para conhecer a quinta carta, adicionar os nmeros das quatro j sorteadas. Neste
(a) se o resultado for menor que 22, tiramos do mao a lmina que tem esse nmero e a colocamos no centro da
(b) se o resultado for igual a 22, colocamos o Louco. (Ele, porm, quando se encontra entre as quatro primeiras
cartas j sorteadas, contado com valor zero na adio para se achar a quinta lmina; o "Arcano Sem
(c) se o resultado for maior que 22, somamos os dois algarismos e esse novo resultado, denominado reduo,
ser o nmero da quinta lmina (por exemplo, se o valor total das quatro cartas sorteadas for 37, somamos 3 + 7
= 10, isto , a quinta carta ser a Roda da Fortuna);
(d) se a quinta lmina j tiver sado na tiragem, imaginamos que ela se encontra duplicada no centro.
Variaes, entre muitas outras, que podemos atribuir para a funo de cada carta:
1. o fato, 2. o que ele causa, 3. onde e quando ocorre, 4. como ocorre, 5. porque ocorre;
um dos mtodos mais completos para anlise dos arcanos e no necessita de perguntas. D um panorama
geral da vida do consulente. As informaes se reportam a um perodo de 3 meses. Pode-se fazer com uma carta
por casa, ou um arcano maior + um arcano menor por casa.
Carta central: Sntese: o caminho do destino. Usar conceito geral do arcano.
Casa 1: Identidade. Voc! A personalidade, o temperamento; a aparncia e a vitalidade. Como est pensando?
Casa 2: Recursos. Suas finanas, seu dinheiro, suas posses. Como est a situao financeira? Os ganhos e perdas
Casa 3: Comunicao e conhecimento. O que voc sabe. Como est se expressando? A comunicao, escritos,
documentos, estudos, criao intelectual. Viagens curtas. Seu ambiente. Os vizinhos, os parentes.
Casa 4: Lar e famlia. Onde voc mora, seus apegos, suas razes, sua estrutura, sua histria, sua vida domstica, e
sua segurana emocional. Como est o lar? O passado, a infncia, o domiclio.
Casa 5: Criatividade e filhos. O que criamos e gerimos. Mostra as diverses, os amores, as criaes.
Casa 6: Trabalho e servio. Como est a profisso/trabalho? As responsabilidades, o servio dirio. Os colegas,
assistentes e subordinados. A sade, a higiene, a alimentao e as doenas agudas.
Casa 7: Relaes. Como est o parceiro em relao ao consulente? O casamento, as relaes ntimas, scios e
companheiros. Os conflitos, os concorrentes e os inimigos declarados.
Casa 8: Alma. Como est o interior do consulente, o lado oculto? Sexo, transmutao e morte; as heranas e
presentes; psiquismo.
Casa 9: Projetos. Quais os planos para o futuro? Expanso da mente, dos horizontes, dos conhecimentos e das
crenas. Os ideais, os estudos superiores, as grandes viagens. A religio, a lei e a filosofia. Expectativa para alm
dos 3 meses, longo prazo. Deve ser analisada em conjunto com a Casa 1.
Casa 10: Realizaes. Futuro prximo (3 meses ). Carreira, reputao, voc no mundo, suas responsabilidades
Casa 11: Social. Como esto os amigos? Indica o convvio social e as relaes com os amigos
Casa 12: Desafio. Qual o carma pessoal que o consulente deve resolver nos prximos 3 meses?
A Cruz Celta (ou Cruz Cltica) umas das tiragens mais populares. muito til quando se quer analisar uma
questo em profundidade, pois suas 10 cartas permitem examinar a situao sob diversos ngulos: a situao
presente, passada, futura, e suas razes; influncias internas e externas; conselho e desfecho final tudo tendo
como eixo central uma questo especfica e os obstculos e apoios que atravessam a questo. Com base na
leitura dessa tiragem, fica mais saber como lidar com determinada situao e os melhores conselhos e cursos de
ao em cada caso.
1 - Situao central. A questo essencial. O ponto focal. O fator principal. A atmosfera.
2 - Obstculos e apoios. As influncias imediatas. As dificuldades/facilidades da situao. Elementos
imprevisveis ou inesperados. Problema subordinado ou tangencial. Questo relacionada.
3 - Razes. As bases do passado distante. As causas remotas que determinaram a condio presente. Influncia
inconsciente. Motivaes no reconhecidas. Foras e fatores ocultos. Sentido profundo.
4 - Passado recente. Acontecimentos que acabaram de ocorrer ou esto ainda ocorrendo. Foco anterior, fator
resolvido, algo que no mais necessrio.
5 - Presente. As energias, as crenas, as percepes. Aspiraes, ideais, metas. Influncias conscientes.
Resultado potencial. Futuro que voc est projetando conscientemente.
6 - Futuro. As influncias que tendem a se manifestar no futuro imediato. Fator ainda no resolvido. Fator a ser
levado em considerao.
7 - Consulente. A condio, o retrato atual do consulente. Seu estilo, temperamento, disposio, viso. Talentos
8 - Ambiente. A atmosfera que ronda a questo. O contexto. influncias e expectativas dos outros sobre a
situao. A imagem que se est passando.
9 - Conselho. O melhor caminho a ser adotado. O que lhe corresponde realizar ou tentar. Lio a ser aprendida.
10 - Resultado final. A sntese. O desfecho mais provvel. Como a situao ser resolvida.