Soluções - Resistência Dos Materiais - Beer & Johnston - 3a Ed PDF
Soluções - Resistência Dos Materiais - Beer & Johnston - 3a Ed PDF
Soluções - Resistência Dos Materiais - Beer & Johnston - 3a Ed PDF
Gt 4d = O.l00 in, C,= 44, = 6.300 in
wi ge = 2.200 KI7Y. Soni = 0.00582
Tay 2 82s fo.too Verne. sets) = 0.00194
-x% = sie
let are zrErt
T=20 ¢ pit dp = ane? § Zedz = anest
where the integra? I is gives by I= Sh 2*7 dz
Evatucte I using a method of numenicad integnction. LP Simpson's
Robe is used, the integvation formuda, is
Is & Sw2re
Where w is a weighting Factor. Vsing Aza we get the valves
given in the table” befow.
Z| vt | aks] ate dst | we [227 bse
“ss 0.00 194 3.0 0.84
Wz | 0.00291 | foo 2s0
2/3 | 0.00383} Ws SM
Sé& | 0.00485} 13.0 | 9.03
1 0.00882 | I4.0 Mo
[— Lw2"e
Is (eu na2) = 3.96 ksi
T= ames T= 20(0.800)°(3.96) = 0,671 kip-in = 671 thin 2 5 Yo s0t
cL O.7aT
bet 2-E eg :
i i ee 3 2, a 3
orm omey | T ON ( tde = ane {2° da = are
where He integra? T is given by Ie(!2%tde
Evaloote I veing a method of numerical integration. IF Simpson's
vole is used, Fhe integration fovmufa is
r+ 4 Swete
where wis a weighting Pactun. Using Az = 0.25, we get the valves
5, ‘1 Seed:
given in the tabde boPow.
z|7r %, MPa zz, MPa. | w w2't, 4Pa|
o}|o ° }
0.45 |0.0001S| 30 1.875
as jo, | ss 13.75
0.75 |o,002%¢| 75 4204
1.0 }0,00301} 30 Bo.
- Fn ee
= “
T= O2SV283,7F 10%) 99 Ey jot = 283.7510" Pa
3 . Pa.
T=ame*T = an(o.oasV(aaesxtot) = 2.3Qx10 Nem
= 4.32 kNem -=3.111 A SO-mmdiameter cylinder is made of «brass for which the stesestran
Aingram is a sown, Koowing that the angle of twists 5° ina 725-mm length
‘eterine by approxinste meats the magnitude T ofthe torque applied to the shal
‘S112 Three points onthe nonlinear stress-strain diagram wsed in Prob 3.111 aze
(0.0, (0.0015,55M4Pa, and (0.003,80MPa. By Siting the polynomial #4 + By +
CY’ trough thse points the fellowing approximate relation hasbeen obtained.
22467 * 10 7-667 * 10" y
soLUTION Sone ro. 3.111 ng tation (02) £4, 0.26,
PROBLEM 3.112,
P= Sa 87. 26K mad | Catde 0.0m, L= 0.72 m
tag = EL, (0.025 Xe7, 2000)
eee 0.725
let 2=%o- €
= 3,009 «10°
T= an (ptedp = ane®
The gives stress strain conve is
eee BTEC = At Bez 4 Chez
i ane ( BOA + Baz 4 CRE 2*) oz
sare S _ dz + Bay 6 2d2+ Che g 2tdet
wane {As $BTe +$CTY
Deta: Azo, B=46.7x10" | C= 6.6710"
4Az0 , HBL = $ (46.7710 200m") = 35.1991
Bete 2 (6.67%107)(2.001016" J -12.08r10"
T= an(o.ces\§ 0 + 35a x10%- 12,0810") = 2.26 *10* Nem
= 226 KNPROBLEM 3.113
At pee
AY po Pr
At pec
At pt pr
3.113 The sold circular drill od AB is made of a steel which is assumed to be
lastoplastic with F;— 160 MPa and G=77 GPa. Knowing that atorque T= 5 kN-m.
is applied to the rod and then removed, determine the maximum residual shearing
‘stress in the rod,
C= 0.025 m
T= Feet = Elo.025)' = 613.54 x10" mn?
Ts SB. Fete, = F(o.032)'(160 wo!) = 8.927% 10% Nem
Loading : T= Sx10* Nem
T: $00-4&)
* 7
fee gE eg BW = 4 5009
& = o.scua Pr 2 OSC
: 0.014122 10"* mm
= 14.125 m0
te ye where T= Sx10" kNem
xf S228) 208,73 x10" Pa
fd [email protected] 13) © 11S.08 x10% Pa
Ces > Tra
Trg 2 IGO*LD* ~ 203.72%/0* = ~43.72¥10° Pa
5-487 MP
Trg > NOO210° = NIS.0B *1Oe = 44.92 x J0* Pa
= 4 MP -_(=
papaeei ail 3.114 ‘The soi cicular shat is made ofa steel which is assumed to be
‘lastoplastic with G= 11.2 » 10*psi andr, 21 Ksi. The torque Tis increased until
the radius of the elastic core is 0.25 in. Determine the maximum residual shearing
an, ‘stress in the shaf after the torque T has been removed.
a soLution
8 C50 in. Prt 0.2 in B= BRE =
bas 7 8
te T= Fes Fors © 0.49701 in"
« Jk, o.t97e Gn) = 1846 Kipein
At end of foading? T24%C- $B) = $03.20) 1-440"
= 18.383 kip ia.
The stresses are Tp = O of p=
Ors % = Br eas at p+ 0.25 in
D, te = 2) ksi ot pe OIF in,
Torque change during on foadina T= - 18.383 Kips in
Stress changes during unfoeding x= TP Cefstic)
Mt p=0 t's 0
At pr O.2Sin ¢ “13.388 ots) = 425 ksi
Ab p= 0.75 in = += Gesesr(o7) = 27.74 ksi
Residud stresses ave a by aeloling Lies Trot —
LA p 0 Te = 0
At P= O.25in Gey > B- DIS = WLS Ksv =
At pt0.1Sin Tey = 21 - 27.74 = ~ 6.74 esi
q MI
-6.74‘3.115 The hollow shaft AB is made ofa steel whichis assumed to be clastoplastic
with 5 = 145 MPa and G=77 GPa, The magnitude T of the torque is slowly
increased until the plastic zone first reaches the inner surfice; the torque is then
removed. Determine (a) the maximum residual shearing stress, (6) the permanent
angle of twist of the sha.
inner radion C= 2.01 » ovter radios C= 0.080 m
I= EG -6')= Flo.wse’- 0.018")
= cares vm
Loading? When py veaches inner surFace, then Z > Ty
& ee i
Tie an pwede = ant $I = Bala -c' )
= 3 (4s io )(0.030*~ 0.0127) = 6. 4285x/0% Nem
=& 222 2g it. Lh
ot pre, Also T2O2 2 = Peace
pee = 130.77 16 ped = 7.498%
Un Poadiin.
Ts G.4g85710% Mem Coteste) ae =P
a vy’ Gt2BS )(0.030) :
piece ie sy nope mjorermatt eeu miett ee
ls (S4285 100.018) “
Ape of cE oe 104.49 xlo° Pa
(ADL _ ¢ 6429s G. 2s) ee aaa .
lead dimeier cence) cate en
Residual: — Tu? Tent ~ @' Pent Pani
a) AY pq, tue 195 10% ~ 174.14 x10% = - 29.14 10° Pew
= = 27.1 MPa =
At p=c Bes = INEHO® = LORYAx108 = WO. S110" Pa,
= Ho.s MPa =
36.54 x10 rad
(le) Dyer ® 180-7710" ~ 94.23 1 oe. ipean ens 3.116 The solid shaft shown is made ofa stcel which is assumed to be elastopiastic
with 5)= 145 MPa and G=77 GPa, The torque T is increased in magnitude until the
a shaft has been twisted through 6° and then removed. Determine (a) the magnitude and
Bs > location ofthe maximum residual shearing stress, (b) the permanent angle of twist of
the shat
Ce O01 m Ds 6° = 1047210" vad
pyuce as : Leet Mooy TAn/ 2. 9.0027925
Nt & + PEAS = o.corsest
Pr Me. 0,00/8831 _
‘cE, 7 “Reoseee = 0.67488
T= Fet= Bootes poxgay ot mY
T= SEs Fey + Floor (isnot) = 932.98 Nem
At end of Soscling Taaa = $T(1- AF = $992.98 I~ 4.67089"]
= h148ss x foo Nem
Unkoading? ehstie Tis W148 SSx 103 Nem
ii 4 Te U1. 8sSxlo" (0.016 ) _ ‘
At prc v= - 102.4640" = 178.52 x]0° Pa
At ps pe t's ES fee (175. s2«10% (0.67933) = 120.3810" Pe,
gs Tk 4 1-19 855% 1o*)(0.6)
= 6. xlo* 7
GF Gro VCor wea = BS TH xIOT reel
Residual: Tig = Tr ~ 0" Pe = Ta — 9"
At p= Tey = IWSwlot~ 178.5axlo* = ~ 38.52x10° Pa
= -335 MPa -_
At p= Ts = WAS tO" - 120.3818 = 24.621 * 108 Pa
iG al = 24.e MPa =
Pym = 104-7210 86.94 “10% 217.98 tt wad = 1.019% ~<3.113. The solid circular drill rod AB is made of a steel which is assumed to be
PROBLEM 3.117 elasopastic wth ¢,~ 160 MPa and G=77 GPa. Knowing that w torque T= 5 EX
is applied to the rod and then remeved, determine the maximum residual shearing
stress inthe rod.
SOLUTION 4.117 InProb 3.113, determine the permanent angle of twist of he rod.
From the solvtion to PROBLEM 3.113
Croce , Ts 618.59 x10% ms, Bs o.scia , Pr =O-014123 m
. it : eee %
APter douding 7 GE» geht. Oh. Le
Pr” eee
Pras = ADEE OD = 1.4718 ned © BY.30°
Doing undoading e+ = (efastic) T+ Supa tem
H. ( S108 Ye)
= = 10888 md = 60.64?
P * amo Gis. saneF eee eee
Permaneat twist angte
Prom = Prat ~-P = 1NII3 ~10583 = 0.4180 red > 23.7° -_=
3.114 The solid circular shaft AB is made of a steel which is assumed to be
ae clastoplastic with G= 11.2 « 10°psi and 5,21 ksi. The torque T is increased uti
the radius ofthe elastic core is 0.25 in Determine the maximum residual shearing
stres inthe shaft after the torque T has boen removed.
eoLuTion ‘S118 In Prob 3.114, determine the permanent angle of twist ofthe shaft
From the solution ts PROBLEM 3.114, @ 20.9S in, T= 0.49701 in?
After Joong T= 18.383 kiprin, py 22S in
= x LY. LG
vhere L= 24in,
t\(A0) 3 °
Dat = Sa EN = 120-10 Imd = 10.31
My = Al ksi) .G =I, 2mlof pei > ML 210% psi
Unhonsting T= 18.383 Kip-in
+, wt
e* OF
Permanent angde Pvist — Poen® Phat — Q!
pers = 180 w10%~ 79.26 «10% = 100,74 x10? rad = 577° wt
= 7926 HW vad = 454°3.119 A torque T applic to a solid rod made ofan clastoplastic material is increased
PROBLEM 3.119 ‘unl the rod becomes fll plastic and then is removed. (a) Show thatthe distribution
‘of residual stresses is as represented in the figure. (6) Determine the magnitude ofthe
torque due the stresses acting on the portion ofthe rod located within acicle ofracius
: te %
Das it.
+ Cg =( act
ox Untouding \ as
After Loading ‘i muctn-tfen _
DnPoading t's TE » FE = 2. gy at pre
es 348
Residual Tra * %- $uk - 70-#)
Te fiad cc, Set To 7O aud pele
or 1- ge 2 ee He
anf ptdp = an (" pm (1- sh) 4p
any (ee) = anciet {sa@y-eHayt
ante fz #4 > ALEC = 0.2209 Gc" =3.116 The solid shaft show is made of a steel which is assumed to be elastoplastic
with 1,= 145 MPa and G=77 GPa. The torque T is increased in magnitude until the
shaft hasbeen twisted through 6* and then removed. Determine (a) the magnitude and
location of the maximum residual shearing stress, (6) the permanent angle of twist of
the shaft
3.120 After the solid shaft of Prob, 3.116 has been loaded and unloaded as described
inthat problem, a torque T, of sense opposite tothe original torque T is applied to
the shat. Assuming no change inthe value of , determine the angle of twist for
‘hich yield is initiated inthis second loading and compare it with the angle ¢ for
SOLUTION ‘hich the shat started to yield in the original loading
From the solution te PROBLEM 3.116 9 C= 0.016m, L=O.6m
T= NS wo Pa ST = 102.944 lo m*
The residue? stress at p=c is Tra = 33.5 MPa
For Doading in the opposite sense, He shange in stress to
produce reversed yielding is
Uo= Te - Ta t WS x10 = 33.5% 10% = 1 S10 Pa
+ ie TU, Grozny Ho NLS x108)
Cee ee eee 0. 086
= 717 Nin
Angle of tuist
TL (yz xo? )(o6) | -
G GI > Ginet Yio 107) Se
= Bue «=
oOae |
feea Et eee a feel eal
(ieee (eed
3.114 The sold circular sha AB is mde of a steel which is assumed to be
lastoplastic with G= 11.2 « 10°psi and += 21 ksi. The torque Tis increased until
the radius of the elastic core is 0.25 in, Determine the maximum residual shearing
stress inthe shaft after the torque T has been removed.
‘3,21. After the solid shaft of Prob. 3.114 has been loaded and unloaded as described
inthat problem, a torque T, of sense opposite to the original torque T is applied to the
sa. Assuming no change in the value of F;, determine tho magnitude T; of the
torque TY, required to initiate yield in this second loading and compare it with the
SOLUTION ‘magnitude 7; ofthe torque T which caused the shaft to yield in the original losing,
From the sofution to PROBLEM 3.4 9 c= O.7Sim, Le 24 in
Ds 2alksi, T= 0.49701 int
The residuad stress at p=c is Tas * 6.74 ksi
For Doading in the opposite sense, tle change in stress ts
proclvce veversed yiekding is
Ue Ty Tay RI 6.74 © 14.26 ksi
ye BS a Te TH, (oho OW26) ate
A = L& O.4F7ON(2N = pete
A Ts Tee foumrentany = 18,92 kip- in, ~£3.12 Knowing that the magnitude ofthe torque Tis 180 vin, determine for each
none ae of the aluminum bars shown the maximum shearing stress and the angle of twist at end
B. Use G=3.9 «10 psi
T= 1900 bein, L=36in
@) QrlBia, brO6in 221823
From Table 81 €,=0,267 , C,> 0.268
pee eeeele 1800
mee ® Tab ~ O27. 9NO6)*
= JO.4ox1O* psi = 10.40 Ksi <
Laie = 162.5¥/5% red 2 2.3/9 et
¢ aang? * ©ACSXI.B0.6 FCS. WIEN)
(by = 1.0 in; bz 10 in, Be 1.00 0.208 , Cy = 0.1406
Coie tinea 1800 a Bog = La os
Umer Gabe® @Revoer = 8-65 pH 8.65 kes
= ghbre +7 Hes = 118.210 ped = 6,77?
F Batre * TowoeKrorciorcaanee) (84%! oePROBLEM 3.123 3.123 Using %2 10 ksi, determine foreach ofthe aluminum bars shown the largest
toraye T which my be apie and the comesponing angle oft, Use = 39
x 10° psi
Von = 10 kei, G 28.4 0i0* psi = 3.910% ksi
(2) &= 1B in, br 0.6in, 4-28 28
From Table 81 C,5 0.267, €,7 0.263
BE a
Von = CG Te 6b Tuy,
T= (0.267\(1-8)(0.6) (10) = 1.730 kip-in
Th __ ._U.730 )(se) is “4
PARE * (ora. 8XocPOaniory = '96.2*10 red
= B.4a5° «
(oe) ein, behOin $F 1.00 ¢,= 0.208, C= 0.1406
T Cab ty = 0.208 )1-OM. oY (lo) = 2.08 kip-in =
Hae tee 2.08 (36) it 3
9 CORe* Time Wroynoplaawiaty = 196-6 10 vad
= 7.82° =‘3.124 Knowing that 7= 800 N-m, determine foreach ofthe cold-rolled yellow brass
PROBLEM 3.124 ‘bars shown the maximum shearing stress and the angle of twist at end B. Use G ~ 39
Come =
T = 800 N-m L= AdOmm = 0.400 m
G = 34xJ0" Pa
(a) at SOmm 2 0.050m, b SOmm = 0.080 m
= £=100
From Table 8.1, C, = 0.208, C,7 0.1406
TH. 800 He ioe
CHEE = Trem aseye ~ SOE HO Ra + Sok MPA
eres (B00Ko.400) s vot
Gar = Orwoe\oos\(oosPlsqna®) =~ 733710 ved
= 0.5357 =
) ar Fo mm 0.010m , br 85m = 008m, Seo
Cy 0.246, Cpe 0.224
ae HEHE Boo om < = 379M =
etic abril ome Nom Xoone oe eee tae
ogee (820) (0.400) . a
F * Zaks * ma ilocroroossiGamey © MO wed
= 0.684° =PROBLEM 3.125 3.125 Using 5, = 50 MPa, determine for each of the cold-rolled yellow brass bars
@) shown the largest torque T which mey be applied and the corresponding angle of twist.
Use G=39 GPa,
Tu > SOx10* Fa, L= YoOmm = 0.400 m
G > 89x10" Pa
@) asSOmm = C.ofom » be SOmm = 0.050 m|
$= 100
From Table 3.1 ¢,5 0.208 > C27 0.1406
| ae
ie Te Gab’. + (0.208% 0.080)(0,050) (Soxlo®) = 1300 N-m
= 1.800 KNem =e
Th: 300) (0.400) a
g Gab® & ~ Gite W(0.050)(0.056; (aso) = IS.17 «107° pad
= 0.869° =<
(bo) AF 70mm + O.07m, br BSmu20,08om, B= 72 = 20
n Fron Tabhe 8.1 c= 0.296, C2 0.229
T= C,aBZ., = (0.246 1(0.07%6 (0.085 )'(S0 vot) = 1055 Nem
= OSS kNewm ett
z eT, oss Yate) ig aya
0 P Gabe * Waayoow loos Gr xiory = [S IO™ vat
= 0.902% -
oa3.126 A2-Liptin. torque T is applied to each ofthe ste! bars shown. Knowing that
‘ig~ ksi, determine the required dimension b for each bar.
26, 2210, From Tble B) ¢,= 0.208
(b) square? a= 6,
oe eee eee eee
Tone SEE F ai s Baen opaye) 7 SOS in
be bi7oin =<
© rectangle: a=2b, B= 20, a= 0.246
2 3
BT F 0-68 in
26° AYO.2%6 NC}
0.378 in
3127 A300Nm torque Tfapplied io exchof the alum brs shown, Knowing
PROBLEM 3.127 that f,,= 60 MPa, determine the required dimension 6 for cach bar.
T= 300N-m The? COxI0* Pa,
(0) civ: c= db
te, at, WT
v Tbe
Uo RE Mela “assert
b= 29.4 15% m = 274 mm et
10. From Tabse 3.1 C= 0. 208
~ 300 a ~e os
EES tae eoriee = 24-04 uI0"* mo
be 28.9 x10 %m = 28.9 mm et
Pr20, = 0.286 :
Ir geo - 53
Began = woke (O-1e™tO
bb =2).7%107% m = 21-7 mn at
1eagntea si 3.128 The torque T causes. rotation of 2° at end B ofthe stainless steel bar shown,
Be z 2hs From Table 3.1 6,2 0.23) C20. 1958
Tana = QeNEEENO.O20V77 10° 34.907 v10" )
Knowing that @= 77 GPa, determine the maxiour shearing stress in the bat.
= 30 mm = 0.030 m | b = 20mm = 0. 020m
P= 2° = 34.907 10 pad
Te ak? ce
pe ate es
Te Gqabep _— _obGPl
Towa” BOE * Gabe =o
= 60, =
(0-281)(0.7S0) Cea donee
sq¥are section
ae = 60.3 MPa =<
3129 Two shifts re made of the same material. The cross section of sa Aisa
7 peerete saver of side band that of sia Bis acc of ameter, Knowing that the chats
| i are subjected tothe same torque, determine the rai of tc maximum shearing steses
| i = i occuring inthe shafts.
i C) A. square $=1, 620.208 (Table 8.1)
A 5 * oeoa bs
; : ogi lets
il a eat e=gb ei = Ts
‘ A !
\ Ratio 7 mee 130057 = 0.944 =
j 4.130 Determine the largest llownble square cross section ofa see sha of]
RORLEN.30 4iftemsiman ang ates tment 00 Ma whet sat Seed
A a through one complete evolution, Use G~77 GPa
” P = Rody L= 4m, tie? loo x08 Pa G77 *10" Te
GRE ie Shh
$ O, = O.20B and c,= 0.1406 fron Table 3!
o> the - Th
- GabeG ~ GbtG
(©.208)(J00 x10* (4.0)
08 O77 K1O* Cam)
= 12d m = LARS mm meShafts 4 and B sre made of the same material and have the same cross
PROBLEM 3.131 sectional area, but A has a circular cross section and B has a square cross section.
Determine the ratio ofthe maximum torques 7, and T, which may be safely
applied to A and B, respectively.
Let c= radius f cincular section A and b= side
oF square section B.
For equad areas WC™=
Cink: y+ Eee BE. T= Ft
Square: C,= 0,208 from Table 3.1
-. Th. Fer rs
Retior k= FOte 2 E-Rate! YG
Te tb? COs Fete te
Fon the same stresses Tae ¢
tama ee
3.132 Shafls 4 and B are made of the same material and have the same length and
«ross sectional area, but has a circular cross section and B has a square cross section.
Determine the ratio of the maximum values ifthe angles and q through which
shafts A and B, respectively, may be twisted.
Let c =nadius of errevlar section A and b= side
of spvare section B.
For equal aveas Tots bs » 2
i = tee = b%e
Cine? Yue Bes SM Qe bt
Sqvaret VabSe S31 €,= 0.208, C2 = 0,106
iP : 2
Te Gate "ares * TS ona
Tel. oacs Parl | a7 Lb
Ge? cave = amoene ~ be
bo & . LM be i bh Xs
Ret GEG TATTLE, = OS EE 210.626 TE 7
For equal stresses %= Ta fe. och 21193 =e
eae cto
333A 1.25-m-long steel angle has an L 127% 76x 6.4 eross seetion. From
Appendix C we find tha the thickness ofthe section is 6.4 mm and that its reais 1252
mm? Knowing that ry =60 MPa, G = 77 GPa, and ignoring the effect of stress
‘concentrations, determine (a) the largest torque T whic: may be applied, (6) the
corresponding angle of ts.
15 A = 1252 mm b= 6.4 mm = 0.0064 m
xX a= fe BR = 195.6 mm = 0.1956 m
a, MSE
Br Gr = 30.96
Q+c.2 4(1- 0.6808) = 0.3265
eeadneenaareedee 2
Tome ® EGE? * T = 6,0b* See
(@) T 20.3265 (0.1956 .0.0064)*(6oxio®) = 156.95 410° Nm
= 1S7.0 KNem =e
See Peete Ot bo emeet ttt Gy Come eet Eee
©) P* aaBe* talkG =“ Gbe ~ be
~ GowtotV.25) _ 3. a =
DG eI TOT) 7 SRITO eed = BTR
4.134 4.3000 Ibin. torque is applied to a 6--long steel angle witha L.4% 4 « }
PROBLEM 3.134 eee Pere '
cross section. From Appendix C we id thatthe thickness ofthe sections in, and
‘that its area is 2.86 in” . Knowing that G= 11.2 x 10* psi, determine (a) the maximum
waxand shearing sre along line a, (0) the angle of twist,
5 Ac 2steint, b= f= 05m, anh BE = 7.607 in
E> Bw = wo. c= C,24(/- 0.630 £) = 0.3230
eames 3000 : : :
©) Ga SADE = GiaoneiT oars y= 866 x0 psi > B66 ksi ae
= B.S KIO nad
= B51" =
6) P = Gase * (Osa Wr EINO.AEVUIAKIO™)
Note: L= GPR * 72 inPRoniesiae 3135 An 8-fctong steel member with a W 8 x 31 cross section is subjected 10 a 5
"epin torque. From AppenixC we find that the thickness of the sections 2 in, and
Wa x31 Flange? = 7.995 in,
(1- 0.6808)» 9.3218
T. = GobtS% 2 Kw SP yh
Kp = (0.8219)07.995o.4asy =
Web? a= Ro-@o¥ss) © 213 i
C= 0,2 $Ci-acsod)}> 0,92
that its area is 2.86 in?. Knowing that G = 11.2 « 10* psi, determine (a) the
‘maximum shearing stres along line d-a, (8) the maximaum shearing stress along line
4, (eth ange of twist. (Him: Consider the web an flanges separately and obtain
4 relation between the torques exerted on the web and a flange, respectively by
xprescing that the resuing anges of tit are equal)
beams, 2288 + v0
= ek
> Saws
ere Ke = Gab?
O.2188 in®
mw, b*0.285in, Ee Ae = asoz
49 Ou > athe,
To Gab SB = KEP hee = Gab
Ky = (0.3249)(7.13 (0.2858 =
For matehing twist anges
0.0563 in®
Pe = Pu = @
Tata? torque T# 2p + Ty & (Kes Ky
GQ. _T = Ket =e
tea Ry > Te Ret ku ? Tw 2k Ko
Ty MBBS 000) L370) Mains Ty = (0-256 SOOO) 567 Jin
“QYO.2138)+0.0563 *
Tei aa al - eH :
(2) ee cake = oamcrexotsye 7 ASP pT HST eo
ee i ass 7 = .
©) cats" wamyneyemen 7 Mor + eT ber oe
GOT gah hhee Le oh + 96:
© Taek ” Pear whe ie
@: (s0v0)( 967
(1.2 «108 V[@NO.2138 )+0.563}
5 88.6x10% md = $.08° =
a3.136 A 3-m-long steel member has an W 250 x SB cross section. Knowing that G
PROBLEM 3.136 = 77 GPa and thatthe allowable shearing stress is 35 MPa, determine (a) the largest
torque T which may be applied, (b) the corresponding angle of twist. Refer to
Appendix C for the dimensions ofthe eross section and neglect the effect of stress
‘concentrations. (See hint of Prob, 3.135,)
Flange? Q2 203 mm, br IB.Smm, B= 15.04%
Tiange Bf 2b
C= C2 = $(1-0.6308)- 0.3194
Sneed pee e 260 Ge
aft + Tes cabs k, &@
Kp 2 (0.3194X(0,208(0,0135)° = 159.53xi0"7 m*
Web: O = 262 -QWIS5)= 225 mm, bs B mm
D2 28.13, = cr =4$(1-0.082) = 0.259
smh. 7 3 GO. ge
Ou? aatsg 7 Tes abs SP = KS
Ky = (0.3254\(0.2251(0.008)*= 37.54 01077 m*
For matching twist angles Qr= Pu= QD
Total torque? T= 2Tp4+Tw = (2Kp ky) SE
ie iia Tea oN yey
G2 ae > Tr "hae 7 TOAST
Tw = Az Los Blesle Ty
Ablow che vibse for T based on aDbovabte vabse Fae Te
Te = cab'z’ = (0.3194 X0.2080(0.0185(asxiot) = 413.6 Nem
= (20(1S4.68) + (37.54) = i
T 1B SEN (413.6) = 924.5 Nem
Alfownble value For T base on aMowabte valve for Tw
Tw = cab’ = (0.3259)(0.225 )(0,008)'Casw/o") = 164.25 Nem
= (2059.53) + 37.54. Ee 7
T = Cr (164.25) = 1560 Nem
Choose smadten vafue T= 25 Nem =
seen ~ LRSM 3.00) Shad = 579°
DRAGS * Gse.cxie 760) a dauaacieel ee eiceala =PROBLEM 3.137
3.137 and 3.138 A 750-N'm torque Tis applied to a hollow shaft having the cross
section shown. Neglecting the effect of stress concentration, determine the shearing
stress at points a and b, Thick nes = G mane
\ Avea bounded by center dine
Q = 23043)" + (ONE) = 7381 mm
= 7381 xj0™* m*
L = 0,006 m at bath @ and b.
em 7x10" Pa = =
v FEQ * Byoooe Tene) 8.47 %10" Pa = 3.47 MPa
3437 and 3.138 A750-Nm torque Tis applied to hollow shaft having the eros:
PROBLEM 3.138 ‘section shown, effect of stress concentratior i
n, determine the shearing
ssress at points a and, Tihvcleness © 8 me.
=""—] souotios
i fe >| Detaid of commer
Fi Et = © tensor
F -_t
OF Tian Bo"
. r = ETETE 6B mn
He b= 90-26 = 76, /44 mm
- | Area bounded by center fine
QstbBb - Ber- Bere wey
= 2510.6 mm = 2510.6 x10* m™
L = 0.008 m
eee Peete 750 i ‘
US FEa * Wledoaygsoevey) + '867*IO" Pa
= 18.67 MPa =J 3
3.139 and 3.140 A S0-kipin, torque T is applied to.a hollow shaft having the eross
PROBLEM 3.139 section shown. Neglecting the effect of stress concentration, determine the shearing
eae stress at points @ and 5,
Aree byonded by ie
| = Zq.ay (eas (8) tO
ae > = 18.40 in® 7
L238 —l
At powt a 20.2 in
"sha ta : i «
“2EQ *@yoaniaoy oT Ks
i Ys ee SO se
M point b £ = 0.3 in, REG. Pose.) ~ * i
3.139 and 3.140 A S0-Kipin, torque T is applied toa hollow shaft having the cross
PROBLEM 3.140 section shown, Neglecting the effect of stress concentration, determine the shearing
streas at points a and
ay Area bounded by certer Dine 7
sin Ee Ou (XAG) = AR if
te ‘ 7
at eat
At pasta be fin» 0.85 in
Tv 0 Fe i‘
TEA oman ~ 786 ksi ie
At poist b b= Fin 7 0.895 in
aes R= sh si ad
BEA = (2KO.8S V2.4)_ 2B and 3.142 A hollow ember having th eros sestion shown i fomed fom
‘of 2-mm thickness. Knowing thatthe shearing stress must not exceed 3