water element

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This is a very simple way to make energy-filled, moon-charged water. You can use charged water for many things, such as cleaning your altar, altar tools, anointing, cleansing crystals, jewelry, and for filling an offering bowl with to set on your altar for water elemental representation.
Water can bring a feeling of tranquillity and harmony to your life in a variety of ways. Water, whether in the form of a warm shower or a view of the waves smashing onto the coast. Water can nourish your mind, body, and soul when you feel a connection with it💧 It will improve your daily spiritual practise once you understand the vibration of water💙 #HiAuraaPremiumWater #HiAuraa #VibrationalFrequency #PositiveVibes #Positivity #VibrationWater #WaterMusic #Waves #ShareGlassWater #DrinkRightWat
Hidden Messages in Water Explained
Dr. Masaru Emoto is a Japanese scientist who discovered that the molecular structure of water is affected by our thoughts, words, and feelings. Water is alive, we are alive. And we should be mindful of the intention we put out into the universe!
Tuesday HTN4U Affirmation on Hydration
Tuesday HTN4U Affirmation on Hydration HTN4U Affirmation ✍ by Bill Bowman ❤ - I'm acknowledging the benefits of drinking water. - I'm grateful to the clean water that gives vitality. - When I'm drinking water I'm feeling my vibrancy.