Reading Material Scary

The West Virginia Penitentiary In West Virginia Is So Scary You Have To Sign A Waiver To Enter
This haunted prison in West Virginia is so terrifying and potentially dangerous that visitors must sign a waiver to enter. Are you brave enough to take a chilling tour? | Best Haunted Places | Scariest Halloween Attractions | Paranormal | Ghosts | Penitentiary | Prison | Abandoned | Historic | Scary | Explore
The Clock Spider Urban Legend - Urban Legends - Cryptids Guide
The Clock Spider urban legend is quite well-known. Mostly because it's not really a legend as much as it is real. Someone actually saw this spider!
The Jinmenken is another Japanese cryptid, and, as with anything from Japan, it’s really weird. It is basically a talking dog with a human face.
Myrmidons, the Men of Myth - Deities - Greek Myths - Cryptids Guide
According to a Greek legend, the Myrmidons were a group of very fierce warriors. They fought under the leadership of Achilles in the Trojan War.
What is the Rokkon Shojo Meaning? - Word of the Day - Cryptids Guide
I’ve seen lots of people making inquiries about the rokkon shojo meaning and significance. Therefore, here I am, with this article on this subject.
NameBright - Domain Expired
Paranormal experiences are most often thought to happen indoors. But what can happen in the great outdoors? Here's 14 Creepy Encounters People Have Had Outside.
True Ghost Stories: True Ghost Stories Of Terrifying Pa…
50 Real Ghost Stories: Terrifying Real Life Encounters with Ghosts and Spirits