Up cycling denim

147 Pins
Everyday I seem to collect a load of "Bits & Bobs" lying around the house, never knowing where to put them. I decided what I needed was some lovely looking storage boxes for them. As I love to upcycle, I covered some cardboard storage boxes I'd picked up from Ikea with denim. I also stencilled the words "BITS & BOBS" on the side, for fun and to remind me what they are for. They will go with my very popular IKEA denim ottoman hack. As I said I used IKEA pingla boxes which come flat p…
Everyday I seem to collect a load of "Bits & Bobs" lying around the house, never knowing where to put them. I decided what I needed was some lovely looking storage boxes for them. As I love to upcycle, I covered some cardboard storage boxes I'd picked up from Ikea with denim. I also stencilled the words "BITS & BOBS" on the side, for fun and to remind me what they are for. They will go with my very popular IKEA denim ottoman hack. As I said I used IKEA pingla boxes which come flat p…