Ceramic boxes

61 Pins
Just wanted to share a few images of the steps used to create my slab box and some of my teapot forms. These will be going to the Orlando Museum of Art in conjunction with the Decorative Arts show. (click image to see next gallery pic)
Urn Series
Daniel Oliver Ceramics, Urn Series - "I hand build my work. It gives me freedom to create my pieces. I begin with a slab or extruded piece of clay, add textures on the surface then shape my forms until I am pleased with what I see. I mostly do Raku firing which gives my work an earthy look. I brush, stamp or trail glaze my designs. I started the urn series after a returning customer asked me to make him a box for his mother's ashes. The box had to be the size or holding capacity of a shoe box."
PGKING: Raih Tahta Gacor di Web Main Slot Raja PG Indonesia
McRaeArtStudios.com: Artist
Удивительная техника
Я очень люблю мир современной керамики! И, порой, оказывается, что, используя древние техники, можно создавать удивительно актуальные изделия. Раку - традиционная японская техника работы с керамикой, появившаяся в 16 веке, - интересна тем, что мастер никогда не знает, каков точно будет результат. Разогретые до 960 градусов изделия еще горячими вынимают из печи и помещают в песок или сено.
Vaughan Nelson (One Blue Marble) Ceramics Artist | Artful Home