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Asper Bamboo - Dendrocalamus asper **NON-INVASIVE, CLUMPING**
"Dendrocalamus asper Asper Bamboo LIVE, WELL-ROOTED PLANT An impressive timber bamboo that grows rapidly under favorable conditions. Shoots are large and of the highest quality for food. New shoots are a furry silver brown and velvet to the touch. This is the superior, Indonesian clone of a vigorous Dendrocalamus asper mother plant. Ours is not an unreliable seedling. It is important to consider this when choosing the young bamboo, you're planning to grow, especially if you're planning commercia
Dendrocalamus asper cv. 'Hitam'
Dendrocalamus asper cv. 'Hitam' (Black Asper or Betung Hitam) This black culmed giant produces great timber and boasts the fastest growth rate of all the big bamboos. It also produces beautiful sweet edible shoots. A must have if you've got the space. Soak the bamboo seeds for 24 hours in lukewarm water (approx. 30 C).Use Jiffy peat swell pots for sowing, let them swell in water and put them in a plastic pot.Spread some seeds on the peat well and cover thinly with the Jiffy substrate (about 2 mm
Dendrocalamus asper - Bambu Petung | Semi di bambù giganti - Dendrocalamus asper - Bambu Petung | Semi di bambù giganti
COME COLTIVARE DENDROCALAMUS ASPER DA SEMI Assicurati di immergere i semi di bambù in acqua tiepida per almeno un giorno prima di piantare. Si consiglia di utilizzare pellet di cocco imbevuti di acqua e posti in vasi di plastica per la semina. Coprire i semi con uno strato sottile di torba (circa 2 mm) e seminare i semi sui pellet di torba. Nella busta con chiusura lampo va versata quanta più acqua possibile del rubinetto, insieme a qualche goccia di fertilizzante universale, in modo che dopo ch
The Big Amazing Bamboo Tree in The World - Gaint Bamboo Tree in Thailand
Selective harvest, clump care, renewable resource, year in year out
Dendrocalamus latiflorus