Quotes for female entrepreneurs

This board is filled with our favorite motivational quotes. Feel free to share them with friends and family and come back often to see new quotes for motivation and great advice from d20theory.com
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Time for a bone health check! 🧞‍♀️ wishbone 🦴 backbone 🤣 funny bone If you have trouble assessing the health of your foundational bones, think of a recent situation that was difficult to overcome.
As a productivity + mindset coach, speaker, and workshop leader, I have confidence in my area of expertise. I have degrees, experience, and what I'm often told is a unique perspective on productivity. I also highly value the perspectives of others.
Enjoy the journey while you work toward that mountaintop view. And don't forget to pack your tools--productivity and mindset tools, that is! Find a photo or song that motivates you to keep climbing. It could be literal, like "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus or a photo of a mountain. Yours might be more symbolic, like a photo of a loved one or your "first dance" song from your wedding.
You want to take advantage of opportunities? They're waiting for you as soon as you start looking for them. You don't have to wear rose-colored glasses and ignore obstacles to start seeing opportunities. It's all about mindset. Be aware of the challenges you may face while looking for opportunities to overcome them.
This is perhaps the truest example of "mind over matter." Your perception of power in a challenging situation is often the best indicator of a favorable outcome.
You don't have to wear a crown to be confident and command respect. That comes with time and inner work.
Gratitude is a powerful practice. It can change your relationship with yourself, your environment, and others. Even in dark times (pandemic, social unrest, economic uncertainty), regularly and intentionally incorporating gratitude into your mindfulness practice can reveal the light in any situation.
Transformation rarely happens without discomfort. While nobody likes to feel uncomfortable, it sure is a powerful motivator. • From weight loss to breakups, some of the best results start with the feeling that something isn't quite as great as it could be. To use my favorite word... something is out of ALIGNMENT. 😉 • The remedy? Trust your gut, embrace the [temporary] feeling, and use it to fuel positive change.
Time is a funny thing. Sometimes it goes by quickly (weekends, vacations, good books...). Other times is goes by slowly (2020, we're looking at you). Goals are achieved by consistent and intentional actions over time. Be consistent and intentional, and you're destined for success.
Confession: I'm notorious for disrupting the scoring on personality and cognitive ability tests because of my identification as a multifaceted, multipassionate individual. I've scored exactly 50/50 on a right/left brain dominance test, whereas most people are clearly dominant in one domain. It's okay to not fit in the boxes that others define, but it's helpful to understand why they are helpful to some people—especially if you also identify as a multipassionate millennial woman.
Run your life like a business, and you'll always be the boss. Being a D20 Theory "boss babe" isn't literally about having a management role in your career. It is such a broader concept. 🧑🏽‍💼 You're in control in your life. You call the shots. 🎯 You have passions and goals. 🌻 You're invested in personal growth.
Whether you're inspired or terrified, a strong emotional response means you're invested in the outcome. Motivation is something you can't fake, so cheers to you for getting this far! Embracing an abundance mindset (a common theme in my coaching sessions) allows that energy to propel you forward rather than paralyze you.
It can be easy to forget that the boss babes you follow on IG didn't start out with a corner office, the flexible schedule you envy, and the tools and systems to achieve their goals. You are exactly where you're supposed to be when you're ready to start working toward your goals.
Be the author of your own story through your words and actions. Make your legacy so clear that anyone could write an accurate biography.
If I know anything about multipassionate millennials, it's that they are happiest when they learn to enjoy the journey while keeping an eye on the destination. Keep doing the things you know will make you happy in the future while holding space for the things that make you happy right now.