Creationis Biology - Volume III
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God exists, when I was fifteen I met him, that was in 1985, at the end of that year I was taken up to the heavens in a vigil on the tannery hill in São Vicente, in the Japui neighborhood, I spent about an hour and a half in the heavens before God. But this was my particular experience, we have the duty to believe in God not because we see him, but because we can see the signs he left us in nature, so that no one will be justified claiming that they had no way of knowing God. Nature reveals the existence of God and this book is another in my endless collection called: WONDERS OF GOD.
The Almighty left his signature throughout creation, in which we can recognize that the entire universe is the result of a single intelligence. It is necessary to interpret a painting, so that we can understand what the artist wanted to convey to us. When we see humans and compare them to other creatures, we can see that they are an outlier. This stark difference between men and other living beings is described in the Bible as a consequence of the divine purpose in making man more than a living being or an animal, no, no! God wanted to create a creature on Earth that was capable of copying the Creator, inventing things, tools, equipment, vehicles and that is why the Bible describes man as the image and likeness of God.
This book talks about the greatness and wonders of God revealed in each creature and in the background you will notice that I highlight man's inventive capacity to imitate and be similar to his Creator, because everything that man invents has already been patented by God. God is a person with unlimited power, without beginning and without end, being the only cause of the existence of the universe, he is the one who sustains everything by the strength of his power. To the Creator, who one day I saw sitting on a high and sublime throne, to the one who chose me to speak of his wonders, be the glory forever!
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Creationis Biology - Volume III - SCRIBE OF CHRIST
The author's literary materials are not for profit, nor do they generate any kind of income. Book costs are solely to cover production, shipping, tax and reseller expenses. His satisfaction consists in contributing to the good of education, a better quality of life for all men and living beings, and to glorify the one Almighty God.
AUTHOR: Scribe of Christ has a degree in Biological Sciences and History from the Metropolitan University of Santos; holds a degree in Business Management from UNIMONTE de Santos; he holds a Bachelor's degree in Theology from the Faculty of Assemblies of God in Santos; He has a technical training in Judicial Police from USP and two degrees from Harvard University in the USA on Pauline Epistles and Manuscripts from the Middle Ages. Professional broadcaster by Senac de Santos, recognized by the Ministry of Labor. Born in Itabaiana/SE, in 1969. In 1990 he founded the Universal Evangelism Center; today he dedicates himself to writing books and to the ministry of intercession. Having no interest in giving lectures or participating in events, avoiding social interaction.
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1 - Sweat, wonder of God
2 - Chickens, wonders of God.
3 - Natural laws, wonders of God.
4 - Wings of the Vulture, wonders of God.
5 - Mating, Wonder of God.
6 - Vegetables, wonders of God.
7 - Coconut, God's wonder.
8 - Embauva, wonder of God.
9 - Tilapia, God's wonder.
10 - Basalt, wonder of God.
11 - Beard, wonder of God.
12 - Pheromone, wonders of God.
13 - Position of the nose, a wonder of God.
14 - Teething, wonders of God.
15 - Competition, God's wonder.
16 - Peace in the valley, wonder of God.
17 - Elderly people, wonders of God.
18 - Sperm, wonder of God.
19 - Patience of crocodiles, wonders of God.
20 - Ambush of serpents, wonder of God.
21 - Metabolism, wonder of God.
22 - Cockroaches, wonders of God.
23 - Giant frog from Titicaca, wonder of God.
24 - The vulture's sense of smell, God's wonder.
25 - Bee air conditioners, wonders of God.
26 - Feathers of water birds, wonders of God.
27 - Pneumatic bones, wonders of God.
28 - Pollen, wonder of God.
29 - Pollination of flowers, wonders of God.
30 - Tarantula Toxins, wonders of God.
31 - Male spiders prefer virgin females, marvelous.
32 - Names of parrots, wonders of God.
33 - Conversation between parrots, wonders of God.
34 - Nerves, wonders of God.
35 - Enzymes, wonders of God.
36 - Time, wonder of God.
37 - Toucan's beak, God's wonder.
38 - White pelicans, God's wonder.
39 - Metabolism, wonder of God.
40 - Mitochondria, wonders of God.
41 - Ant pheromone, wonders of God.
42 - Regulation of the hive's temperature, wonder from God.
43 - Biosymbology of Colors, wonders of God.
44 - Biosymbology of Colors, wonders of God.
45 - Biosymbology of Colors, wonders of God.
46 - Sentinels of Jataí, wonders of God.
47 - Antennas of apis bees, wonders of God.
48 - Stick insect, wonder of God.
49 - Sweat glands, wonders of God.
50 - Wolf cubs, wonders of God.
51 - Wolves creating chaos, wonders of God.
52 - Wolf race, wonder of God.
53 - Alpha female wolf, wonder of God.
54 - Vision of wolves, wonders of God.
55 - Stingless bees, wonders of God.
56 - Bee resin, wonder of God.
57 - Honeycomb, wonder of God.
58 - Leadership, wonder of God.
59 - Unity of bees, wonder of God.
60 - Lemon bee, wonder of God.
61 - Wolf killing, wonder of God.
62 - Smell of wolves, wonder of God.
63 - The politics of wolves, a wonder of God.
64 - Opportunism of wolves, wonder of God.
65 - Hair of wolves, wonders of God.
66 - Intelligence of wolves, wonder of God.
67 - Taste of wolves, wonder of God.
68 - Union of wolves, wonder of God.
69 - Cougar, God's wonder.
70 - Ticks, wonders of God.
71 - Bacteria, wonders of God.
72 - Territories, wonders of God.
73 - Mating, wonder of God.
74 - Spring, God's wonder.
75 - Panther chameleon, wonder of God.
76 - Moorish carps and hippos, God's wonder.
77 - Staphylococcus aureus, wonders of God.
78 - Bacteria, wonders of God.
79 - Pangolin anteater, wonder of God.
80 - Spider's web, God's wonder.
81 - Melliferous vesicle, wonder of God.
82 - Size of the nostrils, God's wonder.
83 - Water, wonder of God.
84 - Union of buffaloes, wonders of God.
85 - Penal system, wonder of God.
86 - Lesson of mothers, wonders of God.
87 -