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The Magical Girl
The Magical Girl
The Magical Girl
E-book77 páginas11 minutos

The Magical Girl

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Sobre este e-book

Overflowing surprises, a rare drama, that envolves you. a book which you will know for the rest of your life. The Magical Girl is a heroine like never before - she´s able to confront the most powerful being in the forest for you and even the evil spread throughout the world. but this is only the berinning. Valéria´s adventures will introduce you in a wold inhabited by witches, fairies and extraordinary beings, full of excitement and suspense, appealing to all audiences. A magnetic drama, surprising, that makes the magical girl an intense and exciting book, whing will keep you attached to it until the end.
Data de lançamento13 de mai. de 2019
The Magical Girl

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    The Magical Girl - Etevaldo Souza

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