In 1923, Sanaaya returns to town after a month-long journey, eager to share extraordinary news with her beloved Karan. However, she finds him gone, and a letter he wrote reveals that he had been experiencing paranormal activities and warns...See moreIn 1923, Sanaaya returns to town after a month-long journey, eager to share extraordinary news with her beloved Karan. However, she finds him gone, and a letter he wrote reveals that he had been experiencing paranormal activities and warns her to fight against the evil spirit. As Sanaaya reads the letter, she becomes possessed by the same evil spirit, but she refuses to give in and fights back with the strength of the blessed Christian cross she brought back from a holy church. After defeating the evil spirit, Sanaaya faints and is comforted by Karan's aunt, who helps her find solace. Later, Sanaaya visits the church and sees Karan's soul, smiling at her in a white dress. Overjoyed, she cries out his name, and the scene fades to black. Genre: Supernatural/Romance/Horror/Mystery Themes: Love, Loss, Faith, Strength, Triumph over Evil Mood: Romance, Emotional, Heartbreaking, Triumphant Target Audience: Fans of supernatural romance and horror, particularly those who enjoy stories with strong female protagonists and a focus on faith and personal growth. Written by
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