Our Childhood Street" is a documentary that delves into the lives of young boys in Mjølnerparken, who are facing forced relocation due to the Danish government implementing ghetto legislation in 2018. Mjølnerparken, named after Thor's ...See moreOur Childhood Street" is a documentary that delves into the lives of young boys in Mjølnerparken, who are facing forced relocation due to the Danish government implementing ghetto legislation in 2018. Mjølnerparken, named after Thor's hammer, symbolizes the relentless force that always hits its mark and returns to the god's hand. In this documentary, it serves as a poignant symbol for the experiences of five young men who are forced out of their homes but deeply desire to return. The documentary explores their emotions and memories of home, as well as the profound sense of betrayal they feel when they are pushed out without being given a voice. Through their narratives and experiences, we gain insight into voices often left unheard. It is their story, told by themselves, offering a unique perspective on Mjølnerparken rarely seen through their own eyes. Written by
Arian Kashef
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