Based on the timeless Grimm's short story Little Red Riding Hood, comes our story about Paulette; a 20 year old psychiatric hospital fugitive who has long craved to experience the outdoors. The world, offers her nothing but dark encounters...See moreBased on the timeless Grimm's short story Little Red Riding Hood, comes our story about Paulette; a 20 year old psychiatric hospital fugitive who has long craved to experience the outdoors. The world, offers her nothing but dark encounters as she goes astray in the woodlands. Undernourished, she finds a warm but eerie isolated cabin that seems to house all of her needs. Inside, she finds Harry, an accepting mysterious man who offers her refuge. This haunting romantic thriller revolves on them being determined to destroy their dark past, no matter the cost. Written by
Diego Gilly & Javier de Quinto
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