Two young lovers, Dustin and Gwen, are an hour away from their nuptials. In an attempt to help rid Dustin of his cold feet, Blair, his trusty Groomswoman, suggests that Dustin roll his twenty-sided dice. Unbeknownst to him, Gwen is offered...See moreTwo young lovers, Dustin and Gwen, are an hour away from their nuptials. In an attempt to help rid Dustin of his cold feet, Blair, his trusty Groomswoman, suggests that Dustin roll his twenty-sided dice. Unbeknownst to him, Gwen is offered the same advice by her Man of Honor, Mel. They both roll ones, indicating critical failure and the subsequent cancellation of the wedding. Help comes in the form of a whimsical priest who uses his misguided nerd knowledge to change their minds and get the wedding back on track. The film is a fun, light-hearted look at millennial anxiety and the importance of nerd culture as a constant in an world full of question marks.
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