Set in 1948, the story revolves around a wealthy Brahmin, Durgeshwari, who is popularly known as Baisaab. As her husband leads a life of debauchery, she is entrusted by her father-in-law to run their zamindari business. The matriarch takes...See moreSet in 1948, the story revolves around a wealthy Brahmin, Durgeshwari, who is popularly known as Baisaab. As her husband leads a life of debauchery, she is entrusted by her father-in-law to run their zamindari business. The matriarch takes all decisions in the household, including the ones that involve property, finances and even the personal lives of her family members, with an iron fist.Due to Baisaab's disdain for the lower castes and need to preserve the stature of her family, she is unable to competently fulfill her responsibilities as a mother and wife. However, when Mahatma Gandhi is assassinated by Nathuram Godse, trouble begins to brew and she faces the possibility of giving up everything she has sacrificed her life for. Will Baisaab eventually hold on to her power? It's this question that forms the crux of the plot.
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