This film shows the folly of wrongdoing, and the tragic fate which befell a woman who violated conventionalities. Mrs. Lydia West, a beautiful young woman, is infatuated with a former sweetheart, who declines her attentions. With her pride...See moreThis film shows the folly of wrongdoing, and the tragic fate which befell a woman who violated conventionalities. Mrs. Lydia West, a beautiful young woman, is infatuated with a former sweetheart, who declines her attentions. With her pride mortally wounded she plans vengeance and writes an anonymous letter to her husband advising him that his wife would entertain her lover that evening, and also writes to the object of her affections pleading with him to call and say good-bye for the last time, as she has important matters to discuss with him. The man accordingly arrives at the house and is set upon by the husband and his friends. A duel results, and as the two men fire at each other the woman rushes between them and receives one of the pistol shots. Overcome with remorse at her own actions, she deliberately paid for the folly of her deeds with her life. Written by
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