Fascinated by the lurid description of a sensational novel, Jed Perkins, a country lad, gives up his country sweetheart, and decides to go to the city. He meets an adventuress, who forces Jed to join a gang of thieves and to lead a life of...See moreFascinated by the lurid description of a sensational novel, Jed Perkins, a country lad, gives up his country sweetheart, and decides to go to the city. He meets an adventuress, who forces Jed to join a gang of thieves and to lead a life of a nature so foreign to that formerly lived in Hickville and on the farm, that he longs to get away. After a time, sick of waiting for the return of her former love, Ruth, the country sweetheart, goes to the city with her big brother. The brother is overpowered and Ruth is taken prisoner by the very thieves with whom Jed has been living. Jed finally succeeds in rescuing his country sweetheart after a series of thrilling escapades. He awakes to find himself in the kitchen at home, and to realize that the cities' lights and temptations had appeared to him only in a dream. But the dream was sufficiently powerful to make him give up his city notions. Written by
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