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Canto tutorial

This site contains a step-by-step video and text guide for curating a paper using Canto. If you have received a link to curate a publication, follow the instructions below. If you want to curate a paper, but have not received a link, see this page.

Getting started

  • Click on the email you have received, this should open Canto in your browser.
  • Click on Start curating.
  • You will be required to log in. Enter your information and click Continue.
  • In the next page, you can add the list of genes that are mentioned in the paper and that you will be using for annotations later.
    • You can add multiple genes separated by any spacer (space, commas, line breaks).
    • You can refer to genes by their systematic id (SPAC3G9.12), primary name (peg1) or a synonym (cls1).
    • If a gene name is also the synonym of another gene (e.g. psu1), you will be asked to provide a primary name for that gene.
    • You can add genes later, so no need to include an exhaustive list at this point.
  • You will then be asked to double-check the list of genes, and then you can proceed to curating your paper.
  • The tutorials in this page use Canto advanced mode, it can be activated as shown below:

    activating advanced mode by clicking on the top right gear icon

Creating annotations

Depending on the publication, you may be able to add different types of annotations (we recommend this order). Follow the links below to see videos and text showing how to do it: