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3 answers

Are the US presidential electors the members of House of Representatives?

My question is about the US presidential election. I read that the Electoral College consists of 435 electors, 100 senators and 3 others. Are the 435 electors the members of the House of ...
Franc's user avatar
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Did House Democrats "win the Electoral College" in 2020?

House Democrats appear to have underperformed Biden again. This is the third time in a row that Democrats got a lower % of the two-party vote than their presidential candidate, though the difference ...
Number File's user avatar
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Can Trump use lawsuits to stop the electoral college from voting in order to use the House to install him as President?

Some news sources (like, in German only, sorry) report that Trump could use a large number of lawsuits to keep the Electoral College from voting on Dec 14th. As I understand it, all legal ...
8192K's user avatar
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What was the tipping point state in the 2018 House elections? [closed]

If there were a Presidential election in 2018, and everyone voted for the same party for the Presidency as they did for the House, what state would provide the 270th electoral vote for the winning ...
Michael Mormon's user avatar
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Was the Democratic vote less efficient in 2018 than in 2016?

In 2016, Donald Trump won the election despite losing the popular vote by about 3 million votes. This is because the Republican vote was distributed efficiently in the Electoral College. The map ...
Number File's user avatar
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