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Why won't the Chinese government increase salary in order to reduce political corruption?

It just got slightly less difficult to be a clean Chinese official. State media reported on Jan. 20 that Chinese civil servants had received their first pay raise in ten years, a move that includes a ...
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What makes politicians so wealthy during their tenure?

I find it curious that so many politicians leave office much more wealthy than they enter it. I read the question about why do politicians make so much money, but the answers focus on their salary of ...
K Hirsch's user avatar
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2 answers

Why do politicians make so much money?

Senators, ministers, presidents, .... all these people earn a lot of money, and not just during their work: when the president of the US leaves office, they will receive about $200,000 annually as a ...
Jadu's user avatar
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7 votes
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Why don't politicians decide to pass laws that make themselves really rich?

Why don't US politicians in the Senate, House of Representatives, and Supreme Court decide to give themselves, say, 100 million dollars each? I understand that the politicians doing so wouldn't get ...
Kelmikra's user avatar
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