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To what extent does a parliamentary system correlate with a decrease in corruption?

I have noticed that there seems to be a correlation between a country using parliamentary system and said country having a low level of corruption. Top 10 countries with lowest perceived corruption in ...
QuantumWalnut's user avatar
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What makes politicians so wealthy during their tenure?

I find it curious that so many politicians leave office much more wealthy than they enter it. I read the question about why do politicians make so much money, but the answers focus on their salary of ...
K Hirsch's user avatar
3 votes
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Why do politicians make so much money?

Senators, ministers, presidents, .... all these people earn a lot of money, and not just during their work: when the president of the US leaves office, they will receive about $200,000 annually as a ...
Jadu's user avatar
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What's my power to change government in a democratic society?

How can I, even in a small way, fight against politicians who vote for the growth of their own wage or their corruption? It seems we're in a well organized society and that everybody is being ...
Jp_'s user avatar
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How to rebuild a broken state?

Afghanistan (CPI index of 172/174) or Somalia (CPI Index of 174/174). These countries are the most corrupt countries in the world (according to the 2014 Corruption Perspectives Index). According to ...
nFu9DT's user avatar
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