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5 answers

Why is Trump's FEC filing case different from Hillary Clinton's?

As I understand it, the charges against Trump are brought by the State of New York regarding a falsification of filing records by a campaign which was determined to have been made to influence (...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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Can large loans be used by companies to circumvent political contribution laws in the United States? In this video, Poilievre describe that large loans are used for companies to give large donations to politicians, these large loans are never to be paid back and are ...
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Why are there no campaigning caps in US elections?

As far as I'm aware, America doesn't put a cap on how much money you can spend on campaigning. This is unlike countries such as Britain (where the cap is £30,000 per constituency). If the lack of a ...
yolo's user avatar
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Where are my small contributions in the FEC filings?

I know that I have made several small contributions over the last year, but only one of those contributions/transactions appears when I look at the FEC individual contributions dataset (found here) ...
Nevermore's user avatar
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If I were to lose an election for federal office, what can I do with my leftover campaign money?

Suppose I'm running for some federal-level position in the United States. Along the way, I'm raising campaign funding for all of the usual reasons. Then the election comes, but I lose. I still have ...
JesseTG's user avatar
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Can non-US citizens join super-PACs or pay for attack ads in the US?

Is there any law which prohibits foreigners (non-US citizens) from spending billions of dollars to sway U.S. elections by deliberately placing attack ads against certain political parties ? Can ...
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Are individuals allowed to make contributions that are contingent on specific actions? (US)

For instance, could a fund be created that would only be rewarded to a particular re-election campaign if the representative votes a particular way on a bill?
BadPirate's user avatar
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In which countries election spending or contributions are strictly regulated?

In some democracies, amount a party or candidate can spend towards election campaign is not regulated or poorly regulated. In which countries election spending or contributions are strictly regulated ...
akm's user avatar
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Anonymous donation regulations from the Federal Election Commission

I want to contribute to a federal candidate. I don't want to disclose any of my contact information to them in doing so. I've confirmed that my bank's electronic bill-pay sends a check with only my ...
novwhisky's user avatar
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Limit to utility of campaign funds

I'm looking for research on the utility of campaign money, specifically in USA elections. Is there a point at which more money doesn't significantly increase a candidates chance of winning? How would ...
user8531's user avatar
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Buckley v. Valeo / Citizens United

What is the difference in 1) background and 2) implications of the supreme Court cases Buckley v. Valeo and Citizens United v. FEC? The sources I've read make them sound pretty similar, but obviously ...
Yunfei Ma's user avatar
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Is there a way to make a small-dollar political donation in an american election without ending up on marketing lists?

It seems like making any kind of contribution to a political campaign in the US is begging to be deluged in political junk mail (both snail mail and email) for years to come, with your contact ...
ivanatpr's user avatar
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What are some of the strongest reasons for allowing private election campaign funding?

There seems to be a resounding consensus on the internet that private campaign funding is a bad idea because it usually leads to corruption and unfairness. Are there any good reasons to think ...
Michael Chav's user avatar
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What arguments can be given in favour of financial barriers for participation in elections or electoral debates?

From this comment comes the quote: on a practical level, if you suck as a politician THAT much that you can't raise a paltry $50k in a country with 300Mil population, you clearly don't have enough ...
gerrit's user avatar
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